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Can be defined as the process of determining from among the
applicants who can meet the job requirements and can be offered the

vacant position in the organization.

It is a systemic process of choosing the best fit employee amongst a
number of qualified candidates who seems to most successfully meet
job and organizational requirements.


Screening applications and resumes

Conducting test of the applicants
Performing reference checking background investigations
Deciding whether to hire or not


Gathering information regarding an applicants background and
Typical application materials
a. Traditional application forms
b. Resumes
c. Biodata


Tests are still the
commonly used instruments for
determining the qualifications and
talents of the applicant for a
particular job.
Tests can be classified
on the bases of personal
characteristics sought from the

Ability Tests These tests are assessment
instruments used to measure an individuals
ability, mental or physical skills level. They
measure a variety of areas ranging from
verbal reasoning, numerical ability, problemsolving, motor or spatial agility, mechanical
ability, or finger dexterity such as in typing,
or assembling.
Aptitude Tests It measures the persons
capacity to learn a given job, provided there
is adequate training.

Tests - This test
judges and
evaluates the
acquired knowledge
and experience of
the individual and
his speed and
accuracy in
performing a job. It
is used to test
performance of
typist, data entry

Personality Tests
In this test the
emotional ability or
the emotional
quotient is tested.
This test judges the
ability to work in a
group, inter
personal skills,
ability to
understand and
handle conflicts and
judge motivation
levels. This tests is
becoming very
popular now days.

Rorschach Tests
is a psychological
test in which subjects'
of inkblots are
recorded and then
using psychological int
complex algorithms or
both. Some
psychologists use this
test to examine a
person's personality
characteristics and
emotional functioning.

Test - is a
projective measure
intended to evaluate
a person's patterns
of thought,
capacity, and
emotional responses
to ambiguous test

Honesty or
Integrity Tests - is
a specific type of
personality test
designed to assess
an applicant's
tendency to be
honest, trustworthy,
and dependable. A
lack of integrity is
associated with such
behaviors as theft,
violence, sabotage,
problems, and


Interview - is a formal meeting in which one or more people

question consult or evaluate another person. It is also a
meeting or conversation in which a writer or reporter asks questions
of one or more persons from whom material is sought for a
newspaper story, television broadcast, etc.

There are several stages in a purposeful and results-oriented

Preparing for the interview
Making a friend
Eliciting information
Observation behavior
Concluding the interview
Evaluating results of the interview

Preparing for the Interview

Preparation is the key to successful interviews. The place must

be carefully selected to afford privacy and to avoid
The interviewer should go over the application letter and
resume and acquaint himself with the job description and
person specification

Making a Friend
Why make a friend?
The answer is simple; to make the
applicant open relax and
straightforward in revealing himself
to us If you would be unfriendly the
applicant would not be expansive in
his answers. He would not volunteer
information more than what is being

There are few practices that will

make your applicant comfortable.
Offer him a seat.
Offer some drink like water, coffee , or soda.
Start with a small talk like about the weather, traffic or something of
interest to him.
After a few minutes of relaxing talk, give him the parameters of the

Elicitation refers to procedures or techniques involving interacting with
and communicating with others, formally or informally, that
is designed to gather knowledge or inform. Eliciting information from
anyone who is uncooperative is a difficult task. Elicitation can occur in
many different contexts, including very imprompt, informal situations
such as everyday conversations and social interactions.

There are two skills that you want to find out in the interview:
Hard skills - Hard skills include the specific knowledge and
abilities required for success in a job. Examples of hard skills
include computer programming, web design, typing, nursing,
finance, electrical, accounting, finance, writing, mathematics,
legal and other quantifiable skills that are included in the
requirements for a job.
Soft skills - personal attributes that enable someone to
interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.
Examples of soft skills include leadership, empathy,
communication, and etiquette.

Concluding the Interview

Keep asking questions during the
interview. When you're satisfied with
the information you've collected, then
you know the interview is over. Give
the interviewee a chance to ask you
any questions you can answer. You
should also summarize the main results
of the interview. Make sure, if possible,
you have an opportunity to return if
you have more questions later. Thank
the interviewee for his or her time
before you end the interview.

Evaluating Results of
the Interview

Hiring an employee is a lot easier than firing an employee who turns out to
be the wrong fit in the company. With an evaluation interview, your charm
and poise won't be enough to get you the job. An evaluation interview gets
to the core of your experience, knowledge and skills. It examines and
rates your behavior in conflict situations. If you are the successful
candidate, it means you earned it.

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