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Husky Pride

Student and Teacher

Expectations & Rewards

Husky Pride
Classroom Expectations
As a husky citizen, we are expected to:
#1. Demonstrate and practice our school values in all areas
of the school. (Respect, Responsibility, Integrity,
Citizenship, and Honesty)
#2. Participate in PAWS and First Five universal
intervention programs.

WHY? Why do we want Husky Pride!

-To make ourselves and our community better
by contributing to the common good.
-To show that we value each other.
-To demonstrate and practice strong work and
citizenship skills in order to be contributors to
society and to do our best work!

What does it mean in school?
-Be on Time
-Listen to others
-Raise your hand to speak
-Use appropriate language
-Use class work time for academic work
-Be a positive contributor

Husky Pride (We are RRICH!)

R: Respect. As Husky citizens, we are
considerate of ourselves, others, and property.

Husky Pride
We are RRICH!
R: Responsibility. As Husky Citizens, we take
ownership for our actions and are committed to
ensure the success for all.

What does it mean in school?
-Arrive quietly and on time
-Be prepared
-Be organized
-Do your own best work
-Be an active participant

What does it mean in school?
-Be ready to learn when class starts
-Keep the classroom clean
-Do your best work
-Encourage others to do their best
-Participate in class discussions

Husky Pride
We are RRICH!
I: Integrity. As Husky Citizens, we do what is
right even when no one is watching.

Husky Pride
We are RRICH!
C: Citizenship. As Husky Citizens, we value
our school community and contribute to its
success. We value public service and our
cultural heritage. We develop meaningful
relationships to strengthen our commitment to
our communities

What does it mean in school?
-Share personal
-Teach about different
-Respect differences and
-Be curious about the
world outside of school

Husky Pride
We are RRICH!
H: Honesty. As Husky Citizens, we are
genuine in our words and our actions.

What does it mean in school?
-Do your own work
-Cite all of your resources
-Tell the truth

What does it mean in school?
-Walk quietly & safely
-Keep hands to self
-Be considerate of others (respect space and property)
-Use appropriate language and volume
-Maintain a clean hallway
-Be gentle with lockers
-Be in the appropriate hallway
-Be accountable for your own behavior
-Speak well of fellow huskies! NO BULLYING!!

What does it mean in school?
-Value the privacy of others
-Share sink and mirrors
-Practice good hygiene (flush toilet, wash hands)
-Keep bathroom clean
-Use restrooms between classes & be quick
-Conserve water, paper and energy

What does it mean in school?
-Wait your turn in line
-Say "please" and "thank you"
-Keep your food on your tray
-Clean up after yourself and others
-Be welcoming to others at your table
-Use appropriate language and volume
-Walk quietly to and from lunch
-Wait to be dismissed
-Keep food in cafeteria

What does it mean in school?
Media Center:
-Take care of and share resources
-Try to resolve questions independently
-View only academic material
-Use appropriate language and volume
-Use technology appropriately
-Push in chairs
-Return materials to appropriate places
-Work quietly
-Be courteous to media center staff

What does it mean in school?
Co-curricular Activities
-Be considerate of spectators, participants, and officials.
-Accept decisions that do not go your way.
-Proudly represent Oak Grove
-Be on time
-Be at the right place at the right time
-Be kind and courteous to students and staff
-Participate fairly and honorably
-Encourage others
-Thank officials and opponents. "Good game"

What if I am struggling with Husky

Pride Expectations?
We have a school-wide discipline policy.
For major offenses...
1. Students will be sent immediately to the office and given
a behavior referral.
2. Administration (principal, assistant principal, dean of
students) and/or teacher will contact parent(s).
3. Consequence(s) will be determined by administration.

What if I am demonstrating husky

pride expectations?
We have lots of positive rewards!
1) Husky Pride Tickets
-immediate reward (candy, pencil, etc)
-courtyard lunch
-chance for Jimmy Johns lunch!
2) Husky student of the trimester.
-cinnamon roll breakfast with your parents
-picture up on the wall of fame
3) Price is Rich, Deal or No Deal entertainment.
4) Team rewards
5) Overall feeling of goodness!!--Priceless:)

What if I am struggling with husky

pride expectations?
We have a school-wide discipline policy.
For minor offenses....
1. Student will be given a redirection. Stating what the positive
expectation is for the student.
2. If student continues to struggle with husky pride expectations,
student will be asked to take a break either in the hallway or
designated area in the classroom.
3. If student is still unable to follow husky pride expectations, he
or she will be sent to the quiet room and a behavior referral will
be written. Parents will then be contacted and consequence(s)
will be determined by administration.

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