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Generally, the term evaporation implies water is the

evaporated phase, but it could apply to any liquid (e.g., a

In contrast to distillation, no attempt is made to separate

components that are in the vapor.

Two basic processes involved in evaporation
1) Transfer of heat heat must be supplied to the mixture to
furnish the energy necessary for the vaporization
2) Transfer of mass the volatile liquid changes to a vapor
and this vapor must be removed.

Properties on which the evaporation greatly

Liquid Characteristics:The physical and chemical properties

of the solution being concentrated and of the vapor being

removed have a great effect on the type of evaporator used
and on the pressure and temperature of the process.
Concentration of the liquid

: Usually, the liquid feed to an

evaporator is relatively dilute, so its viscosity is low, similar

to water, and relatively high heat transfer coefficients are
obtained. As evaporation proceeds, the solution may become
very concentrated and quite viscous, causing the heat
transfer coeff. to drop markedly. Adequate circulation
and/or turbulence must be present to keep the heat transfer
coeff. from becoming too low.

Properties on which the evaporation greatly

Solubility: As solutions are heated and concentration of

solute increases, the solubility limit of the material in

solution may be exceeded and crystals may form. This may
limit the maximum concentration in solution which can be
obtained by evaporation
Temperature sensitivity of the material : Many products
maybe temperature sensitive and degrade at higher
temperatures or after prolonged heating. The amount of
degradation is a function of the temperature and length of

Properties on which the evaporation greatly

Foaming and frothing: In some cases, materials, especially

organic substances, form a foam or froth during boiling.

This foam accompanies the vapor coming out of the
evaporator and entrainment losses occur.

Properties on which the evaporation greatly

Pressure and temperature :The boiling point of the solution

is related to pressure of the system. The higher the

operating pressure of the evaporator, the higher the
temperature of boiling. Also, as the conc. of the dissolved
material in soln increases by evap., the temperature of
boiling may rise. This phenomenon is called boiling-point
rise or elevation. To keep the temp low in heat-sensitive
materials, it is often necessary to operate under 1 atm (i.e.
under vacuum)

Properties on which the evaporation greatly

Scale deposition and material of construction : Some

solutions deposit solid materials called scale on the heating

surfaces. These could be formed by decomposition products
or solubility decreases. The result is that the overall heat
transfer coefficient decreases and the evaporator must
eventually be cleaned. The materials of construction of the
evaporator are important to minimize corrosion.

Types of evaporators
1. Open kettle or pan
2. Horizontal type natural circulation evaporation
3. Vertical type natural circulation evaporation
4. Long tube vertical type evaporator
5. Falling film type evaporator
6. Forced circulation type evaporator
7. Agitated film evaporator
8. Open pan solar evaporator

Open kettle or pan evaporator

Cheap and simple
Heat economy is poor
Paddles and scrappers

are used for agitation

Heat is supplied by
condensation of stream

Horizontal type natural circulation

Similar heating tubes such in heat

exchangers are used

Vapour leaves the liquid surface
often goes through de entrainment
device such as baffles are used to
prevent carryover of liq. Droplets
relatively cheap than the other
higher evaporator devices
Used for non viscous liquid with
heat transfer coefficient (since
circulation is poor )
Liquids that do not deposit on the
Stream enters inside the tube
Not used for foamy liquids

Vertical type natural circulation

Types are basket type(liquid

inside ) and standard

type(liquid outside )
Velocity :1-3 fps
Boiling increases density liquid
rises in the tube by natural
circulation and flows downward
through a large central open
space or downcomer
Natural circulation increases
heat transfer coefficient
Not for viscous liquid
Also called as short tube

Vertical type natural circulation

Used in
Caustic Soda Industries

long tube vertical type evaporator or kestner

Heat transfer on stream side is very

high as compare to evaporating

liquid side so high liquid velocities
are desirable
Liquid run inside the tube
Length of 12-20 ft.
3-10 mm tubes
Formation of vapours inside the
tube causing pumping action which
gives quite high liquid velocities
Not re circulated (contact time is
low )
Can be adapt for foamy liquids
Not for scaling and not for liquids
of high viscosity

long tube vertical type evaporator or kestner

Used widely in

Condensed milk

Falling film type evaporator

Liquid is fed from top and

flow down as a thin film

Vapour liquid separation
usually takes place at the
Used widely for
concentrating heat sensitive
materials such as orange
juice and other fruit juice
Holdup time is very small (510)
High heat transfer coefficient
(due to high velocities )

Falling film type evaporator

Used in
Orange juice
And other fruit juices

Forced circulation type evaporator

We use pump in film type

Increase heat transfer coefficient
Useful for viscous fluid
External heating provide more
ease to cleaning to tubes more
complicated piping is used
For viscous we use positive
pumps and for colloidal we use
low power pumps
Heating element is placed at the
lower level to avoid boiling on
heating surface .this reduces the
rate of deposition of solids

Agitated film evaporator

Main resistance of the heat

transfer is on evaporator side

Heat transfer coefficient and
turbulence is increased by
mechanical agitation of this liquid
Modifying falling film evaporator
with a single large jacketed tube
containing internal agitator
Used for viscous fluids ,high
sensitive materials like rubber,
latex, gelatine, antibiotics and fruit
Heat transfer coefficient increases
High cost
Small capacity

Open pan solar evaporator

Low scale evaporation
Takes longer time
Solar energy is used to

evaporate the water from

the solution
Used widely in table salt

Method of operation of evaporation

Single effect evaporator
Forward feed multiple effect evaporator
Backward feed multiple effect evaporator
Parallel feed multiple effect evaporator
Mixed feed multiple effect evaporator

Single effect evaporator

Required capacity of operation is relatively small

Forward feed multiple effect evaporator

Feed should be near the B.P. of

the solution at the pressure in the

1st effect
Previous unit vapour serves as a
heating medium for the next
Here latent of the vapour can be
reused and recovered again
Uses when feed is hot or when the
concentration product might be
damaged at high temperature
B.P decreases from effect to effect
Pressure is 1 atm at 1st effect and
under vaccum in other effects

Backward feed multiple effect evaporator

Uses when fresh feed is cold
Flows from low to high

pressure for this to happen

we apply pumps at certain
Temperature increases
from effect to effect
Used when concentrated
product is highly viscous
High temperature and low
viscosity gives high heat
transfer coefficient

Parallel multiple effect evaporator

Adding and withdrawal

of concentrated product
from each effect
Feed almost saturated
and solid crystals are the
Eg- evaporation of brine
to make salt

Mixed multiple effect evaporator

When feed moves

forward with fresh feed is

entering at the 2nd or 3rd
effect k/a mixed type
Used in solutions having
considerable change in
viscosity with
temperature over
concentration range

Effects of processing variables on

Effect of temperature : feed must be at temp greater or equal

to the b.p of the solution . Preheating the feed can reduce the
size of evaporator heat transfer area
Effect of pressure : a pressure of 101.32 kpa is used in the
vapour space which gives the b.p of the feed .if the rise in
temperature increases .means large difference in temperature
is desirable heating surface area and the cost of the
evaporator decreases .if pressure decreases under vaccum
condenser and pump are used
Effect of steam pressure :with increase in pressure of the
saturated steam difference in b.p increases giving small size
and hence cost decreases

Economy and Capacity

Economy of an evaporator is the total mass of
water vaporized per unit mass of steam input to the

Capacity of an evaporator is the amount of water
vaporized in the evaporator per unit time.

Steam Consumption
Steam consumption, in kilograms per hour, is also
important. It equals the capacity divided by the

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