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What is Addison’s Cause Symptoms


•Adrenal dysgenesis
Addison's disease (also known -All causes in this category are -Low blood pressure that falls further
as chronic genetic, and generally very when standing
adrenal insufficiency, rare -have darkening (hyperpigmentation)
hypocortisolism or of the skin, including areas not
hypocorticism) is a rare •Impaired steroidogenesis exposed to the sun
endocrine disorder in which the -To form cortisol, the adrenal
adrenal gland does not produce gland requires cholesterol, -conditions that often occur together
enough steroid hormones ( which is then converted with Addison's: goiter and vitiligo
glucocorticoids and often biochemically into steroid
mineralocorticoids). It may hormones. Interruptions in the
develop in children, adults or delivery of cholesterol include
some species of animals, and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
may occur as the result of many and abetalipoproteinemia
underlying causes.
• Sign and Test Treatment

• The short test compares

blood cortisol levels Treatment for Addison's
before and after 250 disease involves replacing the
micrograms of
missing cortisol, usually in the
tetracosactide (IM/IV) is
given. If, one hour later, form of hydrocortisone tablets,
plasma cortisol exceeds in a dosing regimen that mimics
170 nmol/L and has risen the physiological
by at least 330 nmol/L to concentrations of cortisol.
at least 690 nmol/L, Alternatively one quarter as
adrenal failure is much prednisolone may be
excluded. used for equal glucocorticoid
• The long test uses 1 mg effect as hydrocortisone.
tetracosactide (IM). Treatment must usually be
Blood is taken 1, 4, 8, continued for life. In addition,
and 24 hours later.
many patients require
Normal plasma cortisol
level should reach 1000 fludrocortisone as replacement
nmol/L by 4 hours. In for the missing aldosterone.
primary Addison's Caution must be exercised
disease, the cortisol level when the person with Addison's
is reduced at all stages disease becomes unwell, has
whereas in secondary surgery or becomes pregnant.
corticoadrenal Medication may need to be
insufficiency, a delayed increased during times of
but normal response is
stress, infection, or injury.
• What is Agromegaly? Cause Symptom
-Pituitary adenoma -Facial aspect of a patient with
• a syndrome that results when acromegaly. The nose is widened and
the pituitary gland produces the overproduction of growth
thickened, the cheekbones are
excess growth hormone hormones is caused by a
obvious, the forehead bulges, the lips
(hGH) after epiphyseal plate benign tumor of the pituitary
are thick and the facial lines are
closure at puberty. A number gland, called an adenoma
marked. The forehead and overlying
of disorders may increase the -Other tumors skin is thickened, sometimes leading
pituitary's GH output, to frontal bossing.
although most commonly it In a few patients, acromegaly
involves a GH producing is caused not by pituitary -As compared with the hand of a
tumor called tumors but by tumors of the typical person (left), the hand of a
pituitary adenoma, derived pancreas, lungs, and patient with acromegaly (right) is
from a distinct type of cell adrenal glands enlarged, the fingers are widened,
- Human Growth Hormone thickened and stubby, and the soft
abuse tissue is thickened.
-Mandibular overgrowth leads to
The misuse of human growth
prognathism, maxillary widening,
hormone for bodybuilding and
teeth separation and jaw
'bulking up' .
• Sign and test Treatment
• Frequent blood -radiotherapy
sampling with serum
-somatostatin analogues
GH measurement
shows that in normal -and dopamine agonists act at the
subjects (left panel) level of the pituitary adenoma
GH can fluctuate
between undetectable
levels (most of the
time) and peaks of up
to 30 μg/l (90 mIU/l),
owing to the episodic
nature of GH
secretion, while in
patients with
acromegaly (an
example is given on
right panel), GH
hypersecretion is
continuous and GH
never returns to

undetectable levels .
• What is Cause Symptoms
-include weight loss (often accompanied
-Graves' disease (the most
by an increased appetite),
• Hyperthyroidism is the common etiology with 70-80%)
term for overactive tissue -anxiety
within the thyroid gland, -Toxic thyroid adenoma
-intolerance to heat
resulting in overproduction
and thus an excess of -Toxic multinodular goitre -fatigue
circulating free thyroid -hair loss
hormones: thyroxine (T4),
triiodothyronine (T3), or -weakness, hyperactivity, irritability,
both. Thyroid hormone is apathy, depression, polyuria, polydipsia,
important at a cellular delirium, tremor, pretibial myxedema,
level, affecting nearly and sweating.
every type of tissue in the
• Sign and Test Treatment
• A diagnosis may be
suspected on history and -Temporary medical
physical examination, and therapy
is confirmed with blood
tests. -Surgery
• Measuring the level of
thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) in the blood is
usually all that is required.
A low TSH indicates that
the pituitary gland is being
inhibited by increased
levels of T4 and/or T3 in the
blood, and is therefore a
reliable marker of
hyperthyroidism. Rarely, a
low TSH indicates primary
failure of the pituitary, or
temporary inhibition of the
pituitary due to another
illness (euthyroid sick
syndrome) and so checking
the T4 and T3 is still
clinically useful.
• Measuring specific
antibodies, such as anti-
TSH-receptor antibodies in
Graves' disease, or anti-
thyroid-peroxidase in
Hashimoto's thyroiditis—a
common cause of
HYPOthyroidism—may also
contribute to the diagnosis.
• What is Cushing Cause
Syndroms? Symptoms
- is a hormone * In pituitary Cushing's, a
(endocrine) disorder benign pituitary adenoma -rapid weight gain
caused by high secretes ACTH. This is also -thinning of the skin (which causes
levels of cortisol known as Cushing's disease and
(hypercortisolism) in easy bruising and dryness,
is responsible for 65% of
the blood. This can endogenous Cushing's particularly the hands)
be caused by taking syndrome
glucocorticoid -the growth of fat pads along the
drugs, or by tumors * In adrenal Cushing's, collar bone and on the back of the
that produce cortisol neck
or excess cortisol is produced
adrenocorticotropic by adrenal gland tumors, -excess sweating
hormone (ACTH).[1] hyperplastic adrenal glands,
Cushing's disease or adrenal glands with
refers to one
specific cause, a nodular adrenal hyperplasia
tumor (adenoma) in tumors outside the normal
the pituitary gland pituitary-adrenal system can
that produces large produce ACTH that affects
amounts of ACTH, the adrenal glands. This
which in turn
elevates cortisol. It final etiology is called
can usually be ectopic or paraneoplastic
cured by surgery. Cushing's syndrome and is
seen in diseases like small
cell lung cancer
• Sign and test Treatment
• When Cushing's syndrome is
suspected, either a dexamethasone - most patients are effectively treated by
suppression test (administration of carefully tapering off (and eventually
dexamethasone and frequent
determination of cortisol and ACTH stopping) the medication that causes the
level), or a 24-hour urinary symptoms.
measurement for cortisol offer equal
detection rates.[5] Dexamethasone is a If an adrenal adenoma is identified it may be
glucocorticoid and simulates the effects removed by surgery. An ACTH-secreting
of cortisol, including negative feedback corticotrophic pituitary adenoma should be
on the pituitary gland. When
dexamethasone is administered and a removed after diagnosis. Regardless of the
blood sample is tested, high cortisol adenoma's location, most patients will require
would be indicative of Cushing's steroid replacement postoperatively at least in
syndrome because there is an ectopic
source of cortisol or ACTH (eg: adrenal the interim as long-term suppression of
adenoma) that is not inhibited by the pituitary ACTH and normal adrenal tissue
dexamethasone. A novel approach, does not recover immediately. Clearly, if both
recently cleared by the US FDA, is
sampling cortisol in saliva over 24 hours, adrenals are removed, replacement with
which may be equally sensitive, as late hydrocortisone or prednisolone is imperative.
night levels of salivary cortisol are high In those patients not suitable for or unwilling
in Cushingoid patients. Other pituitary
hormone levels may need to be to undergo surgery, several drugs have been
ascertained. Performing a physical found to inhibit cortisol synthesis (e.g.
examination to determine any visual
field defect may be necessary if a ketoconazole, metyrapone) but they are of
pituitary lesion is suspected, which may limited efficacy.
compress the optic chiasm causing Removal of the adrenals in the absence of a
typical bitemporal hemianopia.

known tumor is occasionally performed to
When any of these tests are positive,
CT scanning of the adrenal gland and eliminate the production of excess cortisol. In
MRI of the pituitary gland are performed some occasions, this removes negative
to detect the presence of any adrenal or feedback from a previously occult pituitary
pituitary adenomas or incidentalomas
(the incidental discovery of harmless adenoma, which starts growing rapidly and
lesions). Scintigraphy of the adrenal produces extreme levels of ACTH, leading to
gland with iodocholesterol scan is
occasionally necessary. Very rarely, hyperpigmentation. This clinical situation is
determining the cortisol levels in various known as Nelson's syndrome
veins in the body by venous
catheterization, working towards the
pituitary (petrosal sinus sampling) is

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