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What is Public Relations?

Comm 361
Comm 361 Students
PR is:
a career that links organizations to the public
includes understanding and influencing the public
a planned effort to bring mutual understanding and
awareness between organizations and the public
a means of influencing public opinion and also a
means for establishing relationships
it is a social science that deals with people and our
everyday communication process
deals with keeping a strong public image by using
different aspects of media
public relations is communicating clearly to an
audience to clear up any ambiguity
the activity of promoting a company in a positive
way and maintaining a respectable image for the
purpose of achieving organizational goals and

Comm 361 Students
mutual understanding
the management of information, good or bad, from
your employer to the public it serves
an enterprise that sustains a strategic line of
communication between an organization and its public
vital in the business world
includes activities to ensure the company has a strong
public image
deals mainly with combining the organizations with its
publics by using various different actions to do so
the art and science of communication
a way of building relationships and communicating with
the public in order to familiarize people with theentity
that is being represented
the art of keeping worldwide connections between your
client and the public
is produced by upper management
PR is many different things, and there is no right
answer to the question


Public relations is the management

function that identifies, establishes,
and maintains mutually beneficial
relationships between an
organization and the various publics
on whom its success or failure
depends. Cutlip, Center, & Broom


A communication function of
management through which
organizations adapt to, alter, or
maintain their environment for the
purpose of achieving organizational
goals. Long & Hazelton
PR is more than persuasion, it is two
way, involves mutual understanding,
and produces changes in orgs.


is deliberate
is planned
is based on org performance
has the publics interest at heart
is two-way
is management

PR as Process

Public Relations is a process, a

series of actions, changes, or
functions that bring about a result.
Four stages in the process:

PR Components

The components of PR
Counseling management
Media Relations
Employee/Member Relations
Community Relations
Public Affairs (public policy work)

PR Components

PR Components continued:
Government Affairs
Issues Management
Financial Relations
Industry Relations
Multicultural Relations/Diversity
Special Events
Marketing Communications

Whats it called?

PR has many names:

corporate communications
public affairs
corporate relations
corporate public affairs
public information
community relations

Whats it called?

Less flattering terms:

spin doctors

How PR differs from
PRPs are not journalists in residence
Old school versus new school of PR
4 differences
Scope (not just writing)
Objectives (comm is a means to an end)
Audiences (segmented, not just mass)

How PR differs from
Advertising is paid space and/or time
Key differences:
Ad works primarily through mass media
Ad targets external audiences
PR is broader in scope
Ad is a tool in PR and PR supports Ad
Ad is expensive, but controlled

How PR differs from and
supports Marketing
PR is concerned with building relations
and generating goodwill for the
organization; marketing is concerned
with customers and selling products and
In support of marketing, PR raises
awareness, informs and educates, gains
understanding, builds trust, makes
friends, gives people a reason why to
want and accept the org.

Integrated Marketing
An integrated approach is best
Why integration?
Tight budgets
Public policy is important
Relationship marketing: the building of
solid, long-term customer loyalty through
service and 2-way comm
Consistency is a must


Not everybody is excited about

integrating organizational
communication activities.

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