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Computer based
training , a type of
education in which student learn by executing special
program on a computer CBT is specially effective for
candidates to use
computer application because CBT program can be
integrated with the
application so that student can practice using
application as they run.
This form represent 3 buttions.1.Admin login
2.user login 3.Demo.When user click on Admin login
button then login form of admin is open.When user click
on user login button then login form of user is open.When
user click on demo button then demo test form is open.
When user click on Admin button Admin login form
is open.user enter Admin ID and password.then user click
on login button.if both are match to Actual Id and
password then open Admin Section form is open.if both
entries arent match then error message genreted.
When Admin section form is open .Admin wants
to give the entry of new student.then click on button
no.1(New Student entry) then open Student Entry
form.Admin want to generate new question entry then
click on button no.2 then open question master Entry
form.after generating question master Entry form,If
Admin wands to new updation then click on butto no.3
In this form Admin enter above all the
information of student.1st of all Admin click on Add
button and then enter all the information.when all the
fullfill then click on save button.genetar the messge (Do
you want to save,yes/no).Admin click on there choice.if
there choice is yes all the information is save and again
open Admin section form.if there choice is no.then click
on close button.
In this form Admin generate these question for
students. save the correct answer using correct answer
combo box.give qus no. using qus no.textbox.
If Admin wants new updation in there
generated question.then Admin open this form.Admin
update some questio then click on Update button.and
then click on close button
When user click on user login button User login
form is open.user enter userID and password.then user
click on login button.if both are match to Actual Id and
password then open candida corner form is open.if both
entries arent match then error message genreted.
In this form candidate fill there name and Id.if
user wants to give test then click on test button then test
form is open.if user wants to give Demo test then open
Demo test form is open.user wants to show there result on show test details form.user wants to exit
then click on exit button.
Using this form user give the test.user wants
submmit the question, then click on submit button .user
wants to go there previous question,then click on
previous button.if user wants to finish the exam,then
click on End exam button.
Using this form student give Demo test.Demo test
means In this test user creates some changes in there
anwser.but in Test user cannt some changes.
This form represents the details of current
user.Details includeas number question submmited by
student,how many they are correct and obtaint marks.

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