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1. Macam-macam alat kontrasepsi

Source : PKBI Jawa Tengah (Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia), 2015.

Cara Kerja Alat Kontrasepsi

e : Rivera R, Yacobson I, Grimes D. The mechanism of action of hormonal contraceptives and intrauterine contraceptive d
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1999 Nov;181(5 Pt 1):1263-9. Review.
Hormonal Birth Control
The hormones in
the combined pills
make yourbody thinks
that it is pregnant.

e : Rivera R, Yacobson I, Grimes D. The mechanism of action of hormonal contraceptives and intrauterine contraceptive d
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1999 Nov;181(5 Pt 1):1263-9. Review.
2. Hubungan Riwayat Pemakaian
Alat Kontrasepsi dan Infertilitas
Anti-Sperm Antibody (ASA)
Antibodi terhadapp sperma manusia dalam tubuh,
bisa terdapat pada pria atau wanita
Spermatozoa merupaka antigen/benda asing bagi
Keantigenan serma seseorang pria, ada yang sama
dan ada yang berbeda dengan pria lain
Pada wanita, antibodi anti-perma (ASA) mulai dibentuk
ketika mulai terpapar oleh spermatozoa suaminya
baik melalui hubungan sesual atau cara lain

Source: Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.

Antisperm Antibodis. Cropp C.S. Dan Schalff W.D. Pubmed (1990)
Tes Antibodi AntiSperma

Source: Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.

Antisperm Antibodis. Cropp C.S. Dan Schalff W.D. Pubmed (1990)
3. Macam-macam infertilitas

A couple that has neverThe inability to concieve

been able to concieive A pregnancy after success
a pregnancy after min.1fully and naturally concie-
year of attempting to doving one or more children
so through unprotected

Source: Brugo-Olmedo S, Chillik C, Kopelman S. Definition and causes of infertility.

Reprod Biomed Online. 2001;2(1):41-53
4. Faktor resiko infertilitas
Gangguan ovulasi salah satu tanda: haid tidak teratur,
tidak haid sama sekali
Sindrom Ovarium Polikstik menimbulkan perubahan
hormonal-biokimia seperti peningkatan LH, resistensi
insulin, dan peningkatan androgen plasma.
Patensi tuba
Masalah uterus Prostaglandin menyebabkan kontraksi
uterus secara ritmik dan membantu spermatozoa mencapai
tuba. PG kurang
Stres hormon kortisol menekan hormon reproduksi
Infeksi saluran reproduksi
4. Faktor resiko infertilitas
Gangguan spermatogenesis
Gangguan sel sperma untuk mencapai sel
telur dan membuahinya
Peminum alkohol
Pengguna narkoba
Paparan radiasi
Etiologi infertilitas
7. Pemeriksaan infertilitas
Ultrasonic examination of the organs of small pelvis. Ultrasonic
examination provides estimating the size and structure of uterus and
ovaries, and also helps to reveal many cases of pathology: myoma,
polyps of uterus, etc.
Laboratory analyses for revealing of different cases of pathology, that
can harm mothers and fetuss health: full blood count, clinic and
biochemical blood test, coagulation blood, full urine count. Blood
testing for RW, HIV, hepatitis , blood investigation for the level of
hormones to exclude endocrine infertility. Smear testing.
Examination for sexually transmitted infections ( method of PCR
diagnostics, immunoferment analyses, etc.). Cytological examination
from cervical canal of the uterus. Blood testing for TORCH-complex
(the presence of antibodies to the virus of herpes febrilis and rubella,
toxoplasma, cytomegalovirus).
If indicated: blood testing for the presence of antisperm antibodies
and antiphospholipid syndrome.
Testing for sexually transmitted infections (method of
PCR diagnostics, immunoferment analyses, etc.).The
doctor determines the number of positions and methods
of examinations. Testing for blood group and Rhesus
factor. Investigating of blood for RW, HIV, hepatitis
. Blood testing for the presence of antisperm
antibodies (if indicated).
Spmermiogram+ MAR-test. (mixed erythrocyte-
spermatozoa antiglobulin reaction)
Poscoital test (Shuvarsky probe) detection of the
number of motile spermatozoon in the cervical mucus in
2,5-3 hours after the coition. Thus the partners immune
compatibility is evaluated.
9. Penatalaksanaan

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