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Engaging Students

Engaging Students Checklist:

1. Did I adapt the content to be meaningful to
the age of my students?
2. Did I include inquiry, curiosity, and
exploration questions or activities?
3. Did I reward and praise efforts of the
Standards and Objectives
Standards and Objectives Checklist:
1. Did I review my objectives in student-friendly terms?
2. Did I reference back to my objectives in the lesson?
3. Are my sub-objectives building to the major objective
4. Are my objectives connected to a previous lesson, life
experience, and other discipline?
5. Are my expectations for student performance clear,
demanding, and high?
6. Is there evidence that students attempted to master
the objective?
Presenting Instructional Content
Presenting Instructional Content Checklist:
1. Did I model to demonstrate student performance
2. Were there visuals that establish purpose of the
lesson? Preview its organization? Include internal
3. Was the lesson personalized to student needs?
4. Was there concise communication used, visually and
5. Was the lesson sequenced and segmented to build
the lesson?
6. Was all essential information provided, with no
irrelevant, confusing, or nonessential information?
Teacher Content Knowledge
Teacher Content Knowledge Checklist:
1. Do I display extensive knowledge of the subject being
2. Do I implement subject-specific strategies that will
enhance the students content knowledge?
3. Did I highlight key concepts and ideas, and use them
to connect to bigger, more powerful ideas?
4. Did I provide limited content to teach in greater depth,
and allow for the idea to by fully understood?
Lesson Structure and Pacing
Lesson Structure and Pacing Checklist:
1. Did the lesson start promptly and efficiently?
2. Did the lesson contain:
- a beginning (introduction)?
- a middle (with rich content)?
- an end (assessment of learning)?
- time for reflection upon objectives and next steps?
3. Was the pacing appropriate for students at different
learning rates?
4. Were there established routines for sharing materials,
chatting, participating?
5. Was any instructional time lost in transitions?
Academic Feedback
Academic Feedback Checklist:
1. Is my feedback consistently academic focused,
frequent and high quality?
2. Did I give feedback frequently during guided practice?
3. Did I monitor to prompt student thinking, assess
student progress, and provide individual feedback?
4. If breakout rooms were used, did I move between
them giving feedback to the different rooms and
5. Did I use student feedback to differentiate instruction?
6. Did I prompt students to give high quality feedback to
each other?
Questioning Checklist:
1. Are the questions in my lesson varied and high quality?
2. Do I have a balance of these types of questions:
- Knowledge and comprehension?
- Application and analysis?
- Creation and evaluation?
3. Are my questions consistently purposeful and coherent,
requiring a range of rigor?
4. Did I plan to ask the appropriate number of questions to meet
my instructional goal?
5. Are my questions sequenced to build throughout the lesson?
6. Do my questions require active responses by using one of the
- whole class signaling, polling, written and shares
response, group answers, individual answers?
7. Did I consistently call on all students equally?
8. Did I have students generate questions that lead to further
inquiry and self-directed learning?
Thinking Checklist:
1. Did I provide analytical thinking, where students have
compared and contrasted, and/or evaluated and
2. Did I provide practical thinking, where students have
used, applied, and/or implemented in real-life
3. Did I provide creative thinking, where students have
created, designed, imagined, and/or supposed
4. Did I provide research-based thinking opportunities,
where students explored and/or reviewed a variety of
ideas, models, and solutions to problems?
Teacher Knowledge of Students
Teacher Knowledge of Students Checklist:
1. Did I anticipate learning difficulties of my students and
have altered my lessons for those difficulties?
2. Did I incorporate student interests and cultural
3. Did I provide differentiated instructional methods and
content, based on student data? (from previous
assessments, interim assessments, etc.)
Assessment Checklist:
1. Does my live lesson assessment align with:
- standards or objectives in the curriculum?
- student current course progress?
2. Do the assessments include criteria before each additional
3. Is the assessment measurement criteria clear?
4. Do the assessments measure student performance in multiple
5. Do I use academic technological providers of standards based
6. Do I require an extended written task?
7. Does the performance task have clear illustrations of student
progress toward state content standards?
8. Did I include descriptions of how the assessment results will be
used to intervene to guide the student's learning path?
Expectations Checklist:
1. Do I set high and demanding academic expectations
for every student?
2. Do I encourage students to learn from their mistakes?
3. Do I create learning opportunities where all students
can experience success?
4. Do students take initiative and follow through with
their own work?
5. Do I optimize instructional time, teach more material,
and demand better performance from every student?

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