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Assessment -01

Business Skills for E-commerce

CSD Batch :-07

01.Introduction to Microsoft

02.History of Microsoft

03.Structure of the organization

04.Goals and Objectives

05.Vission and Mission

06.PEST Analysis
07.SWOT Analysis
01.Introduction to Microsoft
Microsoft is a largest software company in the world and founded by
Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975.
Microsoft Corporation, leading developer of personal-computer software systems and
applications. The company also publishes books and multimedia titles, offers e-mail services,
and sells electronic game systems, computer peripherals(input/output devices), and portable
media players.
They provide free learning martials for students who wants to learn
computer Science and technology.
It has offices more than 60 countries.
Example of their services and products

Software (MS-Office, Internet Explorer, Visual Studio)

Operating systems (Windows XP,Vista,7,8,10 and Server)
Gaming console (X-Box)
Online services (Class room, One-drive and skype for web)
Programming languages(C,C++,C#, Visual Basic and Jscript)
Mobile phones(Windows Phones)
Free learning websites and services for students.
02.History of Microsoft
It was Founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
They created their first Operating system in 1981 called
MS-DOS with the help of assembly language(CLI).
MS-DOS was released with the IBM PC in 1981 Thereafter,
most manufacturers of personal computers licensed MS-DOS
as their operating system.

In 1990s Microsoft released the first version of windows 1.0 GUI

OS. And by 1993 Windows 3.0 was out. It was more popular
and its subsequent versions were selling at a rate of one million
copies per month and nearly 90 percent of the worlds PCs ran
on a Microsoft operating system.

In 1995 the company released Windows 95.It

was an effective Operating system.
Then They wrote word processing and spreadsheet
Microsoft had become one of the powerful and profitable
companies in America by the mid 1990s.

it topped $2 billion in net income for the first time in 1996.

In 2001 Microsoft released the Xbox, an electronic game console

that quickly captured second place in the video gaming
the same Microsoft released windows XP.

Microsoft vista was out in 2007 and earned a lot.

During 2008-09 its net income had grown to more than $14 billion.

Now the Organization is the largest one in the world. It

earns a lot of money. Bill Gates is the owner of the
03.Structure of the organization
We are going to discusses the organizational structures.

As of 2010 Microsoft has a divisional organization Each division, or

product group focuses on a specific line of goods and services`
Each group has own R&D sales and customer services staff.
Job Roles
Process will be different from their projects.
In Microsoft there are many process are done.
04.Goal and Objectives

Build the intelligent cloud platform.

Create more personal computing.

05.Vission and Mission

Their mission is to empower every person and every

organization on the planet to achieve more.

Their vision to help individuals and businesses realize their full potential.
06.PEST Analysis

In PEST analysis We are going to discus following points.

How does political impact in Microsoft

Political stability in the majority of markets.

Increasing governmental support for automation.
Increasing international trade agreements.
Microsoft is enabling digital transformation across government priorities.(G cloud)
Government cybersecurity solutions and law.
Copyright law.
Microsofts annual effective tax rete last year was 34.12%.
Warranty restrictions.
Businesses all over the world with different rules and regulations.
Electricity bills.
Income tax.
Employees S.S Social Security (EPF)
How does economic affect in Microsoft

63.3% sales are made in the USA last year.

Fluctuation and unpredictable foreign currency.
Tax and Import/Export barriers.
The growth rate average annual rete of 7.73%.
Revenue was $20 billion GAAP, and $22.6 billion non-GAAP.
Operating income was $3.1 billion GAAP and $6.2 billion non-GAAP.
Net income was $3.1 billion GAAP and $5.5 billion non-GAAP.
Diluted earnings per share was $0.39 billion GAAP.
How does social involve in Microsoft
Accessibility of technology to different people(Disabled people , Poor people )
There is no education level to use Microsoft products.
Empowering Youth.
Donating software to nonprofits worldwide.
Realizing potential with new skills in students.
Online services(Cloud services ,One-drive and azure services)
Software for different purpose.
Ex: MS-Office for Office usages. Internet explorer for internet.
Windows XP,Vista,7,8,10 for Normal PC and laptop.
Windows server 2008 R2 ,2012 for large server computer.
Visual studio Enterprise for large software company.
Visual studio professional for a single person who writes code professionally.
Visual studio community for students who learns computer technology.(Free)
Programming languages
EX:C,C++,C#, for web applications, Visual basic for windows applications.

Free learning materials for students who wants to learn computer science.,,, Microsoft virtual
academy live events
How does technology influence in Microsoft

In Microsoft 90% processes involve in Technology.

Wireless products
Microsoft invented the Smart TV
Microsoft invented the smartphone and tablet
Microsoft changed gaming
Microsoft changed the way we use computers
Operating systems.
Programming languages
Selling gaming systems(like XBOX)
Cloud services
One-drive services
Azure services
07.SWOT Analysis

In SWOT analysis We are going to talk about the following points.

Easy to use Software.
Cloud base services and azure services.
Microsoft office is the top productivity software in the world(1.25 billion users).
Reputed Brand
Technologically advanced company
Product Portfolio
Extensive distribution system
Windows OS supports all games
World leading OS
Robust financial performance
Strong distribution channels
Mobile technology.
IBM ,HP, Intel and other company supports

They do not make computers and microprocessor.

Search engine.
Mobile phones and tablets
Web servers
Windows 10 can unify PCs tablets and phones under a common OS.
Cloud based services
Mobile device industry
They can make their own computers
Intense competition in software products.
Open source projects
People use mobile technology a lot.
Hackers & Security
Mobile Wars
Creak versions software are used nowadays
Final Thoughts
Team Members

1. Nusree
2. Emaldan
3. Joy Jashan
4. Pravinaa
5. Guna
The End

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