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Potential Complications of Breast Cancer Surgery

Breast cancer surgery is generally considered safe, but as with

any surgery, there are risks.
Possible problems include:
Hematoma .A build-up of blood under your skin
Seroma. A build-up of fluid under your skin
Lymphedema . Swelling in the arm.
Nerve damage
Changes to arm and shoulder movement
Changes to body image and self-esteem
Wound infection

Some women may develop an infection in the wound

after breast cancer surgery. This is not a common
side effect, but it can potentially occur after any type
of surgery.
Sign and symptoms of infection such as redness or
swelling of the incision with pus or foul-smelling
drainage and fever.
Antibiotics may be used to help prevent or treat an
infection. Wound infections are a temporary side
effect of surgery.
Wound infection

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