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Prepared by Madam Jessie/MUET Teacher/2017- Disclaimer : I acknowledge that some examples and illustrations are from reference books
that I’ve forgotten/ some examples are not my own works. I take no credits for any original works of others cited/use directly or indirectly here.
NARRATIVE Relating events that happen over time/what
WRITING happened/who did what/to whom and how

DESCRIPTIVE Describe how something looks, smells, sounds, tastes

WRITING or feels/Describe a process.

EXPOSITORY Explain a concept, a problem or an issue

ARGUMENTATIVE Discuss something to persuade and convince your
WRITING reader to see your point of view.
PLANNING THE ESSAY Examine the topic/Identify the audience/Determine the purpose
GENERATING IDEAS Brainstorm (listing, mind mapping, using an idea tree)
Organize ideas in a text and understand text organization ( sequence, space, definition,
exemplification, classification, cause and effect, comparison and contrast)
WRITING THE ESSAY Writing effective sentences (employing good sentence patterns, varying sentence length and
Writing thesis statement , topic sentences and supporting details.
Writing an effective introduction
Writing an effective conclusion
EDITING AND REVISING Checking spelling
Checking punctuation
Checking grammar and usage
-verbs (verb form, verb tense, subject-verb agreement
-sentence fragments
-run-on sentences
-Dangling and suspended modifier
-word order
-frequently confused words
-thetopics may be sourced from various fields.
To be able to write on these topics, you should:
1. Read up on current issues
2. Keep a journal or notebook in which you can jot down ideas
based on your
-reading, thoughts, observations, conversations with friends.
When you develop this habit of writing, you will find that ideas do
emerge when you need them the most.
**Active writing vs Passive Writing Mode
When you write the essay, ask yourself this
Who is my audience?
Sometimes the audience is the examiner.
Sometimes the audience is not just the
examiner but people who are likely to be
affected by what you are writing.
When you read the essay topic, ask yourself the
following questions:
What am I asked to do?
Do I have to describe, explain, compare, etc.?

Look for key words in the question and find out whether
the question requires you to describe, recount an event,
discuss, argue for or against, explain, compare and
contrast, analyse, etc.
ANALYZE To consider something carefully and in detail in order to explain it.

CLASSIFY -To divide things into groups that have similar characteristics.

COMPARE AND -to show similarities and differences


DESCRIBE -to give an account of characteristics and attributes of things, people, processes.

DISCUSS -To consider something thoroughly from different points of view.

EXPLAIN -To make something clear and easy to understand.

SUPPORT To show that a statement is true by giving an example.

After you have identified your topic, audience and purpose, you will
need to rack your brains for ideas.
Recall any suitable ideas that could be used for this writing task.
The process of recalling and generating ideas and jotting them down is
known as brainstorming.
The purpose of brainstorming is to bring to the surface of your mind all
the information you know about a certain topic before you decide what
to accept or to reject.
By brainstorming, one idea will lead to another through free association
and quick follow-up of related words, thoughts and opinions.
You jot down ideas in a linear pattern as Also known as clustering or webbing because Also known as tree diagram.
they form in your mind. it connect ideas. Similar to mind mapping, but, more
There is not particular order in which these It allows free flow of ideas and helps to structured.
ideas are written. illustrate the relationship among ideas. The ideas are arranged in a hierarchical
In listing, the ideas can be in the form of How to mind map? order , that is, from the general to the
words, phrases or sentences. 1. Write the subject or topic in the centre specific.
of the page and circle it. The idea tree helps you to explore ideas
2. Think of words which are associated with systematically.
it. If the idea tree is sketched in detail, it will
3. Write these words in new circles that indicate the direction which your writing is
radiate outwards from the original likely to take.
words, thus connecting them. Generate For example, if you find yourself adding too
as many ideas as possible. much information in a certain area, your
4. Continue the process until you run out of writing may be lopsided, or you may be in
ideas. danger of wandering away from the topic.
Internet – bring people closer or cause
- Virtually closer but physically isolated.
- Dependency on online communication and
reduction in real life communication.

Once you have generated the ideas for your essay and decided on an
appropriate introduction and conclusion, it is time to put your ideas
together to form a complete paragraph.
How do you do that?
1. You need to organize your ideas and arrange them in such a way that
the paragraph is coherent.
2. The paragraph is coherent when the ideas you present fit together as
logically and snugly as in a jigsaw puzzle.
3. You can do this by using transitional signals.
4. Once your ideas are logically linked, you have achieved coherence.
Addition Also, in addition, too, moreover , and, besides, furthermore, equally important, then, finally.
Example For example, for instance, thus, specifically, namely, that is, illustrate
Contrast But, yet, however, on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless, conversely, in contrast, still, in spite
of, notwithstanding, on the contrary, instead
Comparison Similarly, likewise, in the same way
Concession Of course, to be sure, certainly, granted, after all
Result Therefore, thus, as a result, so, accordingly, otherwise, hence
Summary In short, in brief, in summary, in conclusion, finally, on the whole, to summarize, to conclude
Time Firstly, secondly, thirdly, next, then, finally, afterwards, before, soon, later, meanwhile,
sequence subsequently, immediately, eventually currently, after a short time, for as long as , as soon as, at
last, at the same time, lately, presently, until, when, while

Place In the background, nearby, in the distance, here, there, above, behind
Emphasis Indeed, in fact, in particular, specifically
Ideas in a text can be organized using a variety of patterns:
i. Sequence
ii. Space
iii. Definition
iv. Exemplification
v. Classification
vi. Cause and Effect
vii. Comparison and Contrast
Sequence Or time order is used mainly in narratives and processes where instructions are given. In
narratives, you tell what happened during a period of time, i.e. you describe events in the
order that they occurred. In describing processes you will give step-by-step instructions.
Space Spatial order is normally used when you describe what you see. You describe a place or an
-from general to specific
-from inside to outside, from top to bottom
-from east to west
-from background to foreground, and vice versa in all cases.
You select the direction that is appropriate for the occasion.
In your description, you can make use of:
-prepositions which are spatial cues to show the relationship, for example, on the right, at the
corner, in the middle, to the left, etc.
-adjectives to describe visual images that appeal to the reader’s senses.
Definition You clarify in a complete and formal way the meaning of a term and then explain the meaning
by illustrating with a series of details on its nature.

Exemplification You use exemplification when you need to explain an idea or a concept. You help your reader
to understand this by giving an example or illustrations which is introduced by transition signals
Classification Through classification, you group similar things together. You do this by looking at
common patterns or properties. Classification involves dividing members into categories
of similar characteristics.
Cause and While examining and brainstorming the essay topic, if you find yourself asking questions like
Effect why and what if, then you can be sure that your essay will take a cause-and-effect pattern.
The cause and effect pattern may:
-explain why something happens
- Give the results of something
- Predict what will happen if something occurs
Comparison The ability to compare and contrast is an important writing skill.
and Contrast Comparison is the process of pointing out similarities or likenesses whereas contrast is that of
pointing out the differences.
-In the comparison- contrast essay, you discuss two subjects on the same point.
You show how things are similar and dissimilar. You can do this through a point-by-point
comparison or subject-by-subject comparison.
-The purpose of comparing and contrasting is to understand each of the two things more
clearly, and at times, to make judgements about them. Thus, the comparison-contrast
Paragraph needs proper planning; otherwise, it becomes disorganized and confusing.
-Make sure that the subjects you have chosen can be compared or contrasted.

There are three main sentence patterns:

i. Simple sentence
ii. Compound sentence
iii. Complex sentence
Simple sentence A simple sentence consists of a subject and a verb. It is normally short.
Mary sings.
The air is polluted.
The students are well-behaved.
Compound sentence Short sentences can be combined to form longer sentences called compound sentences.
Compound sentences help to combine ideas that are of equal importance or of the same rank. They do so
by expressing the ideas in the same grammatical form –words, phrases or clauses. These grammatical
forms are combined through the use of conjunctions. Conjunctions also help to avoid unnecessary repetition
of words.
The list below shows examples of conjunctions which are useful for combining ideas that are of equal
Complex sentence When ideas are unequal but related, i.e. when one idea is dependent on another, you can make use of
complex sentences to show this unequal relationship.
Complex sentences:
-allow us to express relative importance of ideas in a sentence.
-make a less important idea grammatically less prominent through the sentence structure.
-split a sentence into its main clause and its subordinate clause, for example, adverb clause, adjective
clause and noun clause. The main clause carries the central idea while the subordinate clause holds the
less important idea.
A basic sentence consists of a subject and verb.
Your writing will be boring if you have a string of only short
sentences, or only long sentences, or only sentences of the same
length throughout the essay.
To keep readers interested:
-vary the length of your sentences
-vary the types of sentences
-vary the order of the sentences
-make use of emphasis
The table below shows the ways in which you can expand a basic sentence.
Basic Sentence The boy ran.

Adjective The frightened boy ran.

Adverb The boy ran quickly.

Prepositional phrase In terror, the boy ran.

Participial Phrase Frightened by what he had seen, the boy ran.

Absolute phrase Hands swinging wildly, the boy ran.

Adverb clause Because he was frightened by what he had seen, the boy ran.

Adjective clause The boy, who was frightened, ran.

You can do this by giving an occasional question, a mild (or
declarative ) or an exclamation.
1. You could not have a better mother than mine.
Could anyone have a better mother than mine?
2. He was a selfish, uncaring man.
What a selfish, uncaring man he was!
3. Candidates should not communicate with each other in the
exam hall.
Do not communicate in the exam hall.
The basic sentence begins with the subject which is followed by a
verb. You can invert the sentence order or re-position you
1. I have never seen such a horrifying accident.
Never have I seen such a horrifying accident.

2. hungry and angry dinosaur came charging at the men.

The dinosaur, hungry and angry, came charging at the men.
Emphasis through balanced sentences can be achieved by balancing two coordinating
(equal) ideas in your sentences.
1. She tried to undo the knot, but it became tighter.
The more she tried to undo the knot, the tighter it became.
2. If we have more people at the party, it will be merrier.
The more people at the party, the merrier it will be.
3. It would be better if you finish your work soon.
The sooner you finish your work, the better it would be.
In the sentences above, emphasis is achieved through the use of comparative : the more…,
the tighter…the more…the merrier…the sooner…the better.
Emphasis through repetition works by repeating key words. This strategy helps your
sentences to carry the impact that is wanted. However, use only words that carry the main
The thesis statement, usually the last sentence in the introductory paragraph,
Is written as a complete sentence and not as a question
Is the strongest statement in the essay
Carries a single idea, that is the controlling idea, by asserting or stating a stance, attitude,
opinion or intent.
Defines the scope of the topic
Success is often talked about in term of achievement and attainment which means one is only
considered successful if the person has achieved a certain level or standard in life. As such,
material gains is often used as a measure of success where people who possess great
financial and material wealth are considered as successful. However, measuring success in
terms of materials wealth only is rather a narrow view on success. I do not agree with the
statement that wealth is the best measure of success because I think success is not just
what you achieve outwardly, success also means who you have become inwardly.
Topic sentence is the most general sentence of the paragraph and
contains the main idea.
Each paragraph in the body of your essay should have a topic
sentence which is usually, but not always, the first sentence of the
The topic sentence in each paragraph should be developed by
providing specific , concrete details.
The details –facts, examples, descriptions, illustrations, reasons,
causes, effects, comparisons and contrasts –should help to support
your topic sentence.
These details are called the supporting details.
Your introductory paragraph is the most important paragraph since it leads
the reader into the topic. It does so by signalling and defining the purpose
of your writing.
The introductory paragraph could be the hardest paragraph to write.
Whether you work on it first before you plunge into the rest of the essay, or
you postpone it till you have written a rough draft of the essay depends on
you entirely.
You may prefer to work on it first as it helps to clarify your purpose in
It also helps you to keep in mind your audience.
The introductory paragraph, together with the thesis statement, must reflect
the topic of the essay closely and this must be maintained throughout the
1. Avoid a one-sentence introduction
Road Accidents in Malaysia
I am twenty two years old and I have a special hobby, that is, driving a car.
Comment: Avoid one-sentence introduction paragraphs. They tend to be vague since they
do not provide enough information. Furthermore, there is no thesis statement.
2. Avoid an ‘empty’ introduction.
Robberies in the Klang Valley
Yes! There are so many cases of robberies occurring today. Why? Who? They want to be
robbers. The robbers are not satisfied with what they have got. Yes! It is our problem today!
Comment: The introduction above is wordy without saying anything meaningful. There is no
focal point, and it is confusing.
A woman can live without a man but a man cannot survive without a woman.
Do you agree?
Men and women are poles apart. Single women are thriving and well in
control of their lives. They have a great capacity to enjoy a rich social life, the
confidence to take care of themselves and the sense to take the opportunity
to learn and to develop themselves. Single men, on the other hand, are lost.
They languish in a lonely world of take – away, alchohol, videos and
computer games. The divergent lifestyles of single men and women, split
starkly along gender lines, reveal that men are generally more dependent on
women than women are on men.
Road rage or road bullying is on the rise. What can we do
to protect ourselves and avoid any circumstances that could
results in it?
You have been harassed. You have had your rights
violated. You have confronted a threat which scares you.
You have encountered a situation that may endanger your
life. You have experienced all these on the road. You have
been a victim of road bullying. However, there are many
ways to protect yourself and avoid a situation like this.
The police frequently organize road safety campaigns. How can we do our
part to help reduce the number of accidents on the road?
There it lay, a mangled wreck of twisted metal and shattered glass, its
driver crushed between the steering wheel and the seat. Nothing could be
done to save the driver, not after the way we had hit the kerb, skidded off
the road and nose-dived into the ravine. Day in, day out, we hear or read
about them in the newspapers- road accidents. And we never fail to wonder
at the reason, human or mechanical, for accidents like this. Accidents like this
can be avoided if only we care enough to be vigilant on the road and to
ensure that our vehicles are roadworthy.
Describe your hometown to a group of foreign exchange students.
Pulau Pinang (Betel Nut Island) is better known as Penang, the ‘ Pearl of the
Orient’. It bears the mark of foreign influences from India, Portugal, Holland
and Britain that were responsible for the setting up of modern Penang. The
history of Penang dates back to 1786 when the Sultan of Kedah ceded the
island to Captain Francis Light. Legend has it that upon landing, Captain
Light fired gold coins into the surrounding jungle as a strategy to get his
men to clear the area. Because of its historical background, Penang has
many interesting tourist attractions.
Drug addiction is a serious problem in Turkuland. Do you think the steps taken
to eradicate this problem are effective?
In Turkuland, the war against drug addiction seems doomed to dismal failure.
Statistics reveal that in 2007 alone, 19,569 addicts were identified, and of
these, more than half or 10,649 were new cases. Another disheartening
finding shows that 85% of addicts return to the habit within two years of
leaving the drug rehabilitation centre. The figures are indeed worrying and
make the authorities question the effectiveness of their drug rehabilitation
programmes. Despite all the efforts and money expended, the drug
rehabilitation programmes have made no headway.
It is not true that a trim body is a healthy body.
Planning to keep fit and trim, with little body fat? Hoping
that it will give you the enviable physique of a Greek god
and the stamina of a marathon runner? Thinking that it will
ward off heart problems and degenerative diseases? After
all, who could be in better shape than a keep-fit enthusiast?
Right? Wrong! Nothing can be further from the truth. An
athletic body may not necessarily guarantee you
immunization from any diseases.
Give reasons why Malaysia may face serious water shortage in the near
future despite the rains.
Malaysia is blessed with rich sunshine and heavy rainfalls. It lies in the path of
the monsoon winds which bring rain – plenty of it – to the country. Malaysia
should never lack for water. But that is not the case. Malaysia can and has
experienced acute water shortage. In March 1998, the country was almost
paralyzed by a severe water shortage. Factories shut down , and water
rationing was the order of the day, and people experienced untold suffering.
The crisis may be over now, but the future is bleak, as experts have predicted
a long-term water shortage in the years to come. There are many reasons for
With juvenile delinquency on the rise, there is a growing concern that parents
are not doing their parts in instilling good values in their children. What is your
opinion on this?
‘ Every word and deed of a parent is a fibre woven into the character of a child
that ultimately determines how that child fits into the fabric of society’. –David
Yes, what a child turns out to be later in life depends a lot of his experiences
during his growing years. Parents, especially working parents, should spend
fruitful time with their children by listening , interacting, nurturing, supporting,
affirming or simply enjoying their company. This is opposed to lecturing, scolding
or nagging, which parents are prone to do. Parents have a vital role to play in
shaping their children’s behaviour.
The concluding paragraph should bring your essay to an effective
close and give your reader a sense of completion.
To some readers, the conclusion may be more important than the
introduction itself.
This is because by the time the reader arrives at the conclusion, the
introduction may seem very distant and vague.
The conclusion, therefore, acts as a reminder of the topic at hand.
A good conclusion, serves to highlight the issue discussed and , in some
cases, suggest possible solutions to the issue.
Many essays conclude with a summary of the topic. It is a good
method but it is not necessarily the most effective.
1. Avoid a one-sentence ending
Describe an incident that you will never forget.
That was the most terrible experience I had ever gone through.
Comment : This is a very weak ending and shows you have run out of steam and ideas. It also brings your
essay to an abrupt end.
2. Avoid Moralizing
During a Hari Raya open house held for foreign tourists, some Malaysians gatecrashed the party and helped
themselves to all the food. What do you think of this?
The behaviour of these people were revolting and gave foreigners a bad impression of Malaysians. It was a
very disgraceful affair. As a decent Malaysian, I am extremely ashamed of this incident because I myself
would never think of doing such embarrassing thing.
Comment: In commenting on the above incident, the writer expresses his horror and disgust at the uncouth
behaviour of some Malaysians at the Hari Raya open house. He feels that by this behaviour, they have
smeared the name of the country. He has weakened his essay by moralizing on the issue, by putting himself
one-step up above other Malaysians.
3. Avoid Introducing new issues
The Detrimental Effects of Eating Junk Food
In conclusion, we can see that eating junk food has a detrimental effect on our health. Despite this,
people still carry on with this bad eating habit even though there are aware of the potential
damage junk food can do. It is not true that we cannot change our eating habits. What is needed to
change eating habits is sheer determination.
Comment: The writer concludes by advocating a change in eating habits. In doing so, he has brought
up a new issue: we can change our eating habit.
4. Avoid apologizing
Teenage years is a time of laughter and a time of sorrow. Explain.
As I have discussed earlier, we can conclude that the teenage years is a difficult period for parents
who are trying to retain control of us. On behalf of all teenagers, I apologize to all parents for
having created so many problems for them.
Comment: In discussing the joys and sorrows faced by teenagers, the writer falls into the trap of
apologizing for the rebellious nature and the misdemeanour of teenagers.
Vandalism seems to be a destructive habit among
some Malaysians. Suggest the possible causes and
effects of this new culture.
So, in this essay, I have given you the cause and the
effects of vandalism.
Comment: If your essay is good, you would have
fulfilled the task given to you. There is no need for
you to declare this.
1. Conclude with a call for action
Road accidents are on the increase. What are the causes, and what can we do to reduce the
number of road accidents?
To end, I would like to suggest that the authorities should also play their part by imposing stricter
penalties on errant drivers to ensure the safety and well-being of other road users. Drivers, on
their part, should also behave responsibly and considerately on the road by strictly observing
traffic rules.
Comment: After discussing the various causes of accidents and enumerating the steps to be taken
to reduce the number of accidents, the writer calls for action on the part of the authorities and
It is said that in their profit-making venture, maid agencies are sacrificing quality by recruiting
unsuitable staff. Comment on this.
On the whole, there is a death of good foreign maids because those working here are not given the
essential training in the rudiments of their trade. Moreover, the selection process does not seem to
include dedication to the job as a criterion. This is reflected in the horror stories of maids abusing their
positions, as mentioned earlier. This worrisome state of affairs should not be allowed to continue. Unless
agencies re-examine their hiring policies, the quality of maids working here will deteriorate, and the
government may revoke their licenses.
The writer feels that maid agencies are not discerning in their recruitment of domestic staff. Many
maids who are employed are not trained or dedicated. This, he thinks, has affected the quality of
domestic help. He appeals for a review of the recruitment policies and he concludes his essay by
predicting the revocation of the agencies’ licences should nothing be done to remedy the situation.
Computer viruses are creating havoc with our computers. Suggest
a reason for the presence of these viruses and steps to protect our
computers from this threat.
Remember, your best defence against viruses is to update your
anti-virus software every day before some malicious virus
programmer introduces a new virus. You wouldn’t want your
computer system to crash , would you?
Comment: Through this technique, the writer drives home the point
that our computers are vulnerable to attacks from viruses at any
time. By throwing a question at us, he makes us realize the danger
ahead and urges us to take measures to pre-empt the threat.
Those who have wealth, position, or intelligence in our society are often
arrogant and snobbish. Comment on this.
As Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie, a former minister, once said, ; A stalk of rice, well-
developed, stoops its head as it grows heavier, a gesture of humility, while an
under-developed ear of corn stands empty, pointed to the sky in the loftiness
of its self-importance’.
Comment : In the example above, the writer makes his observation on the
behaviour of those who possess wealth, position and intelligence, and childes
their arrogant attitude. He then concludes his essay forcefully with a relevant
quotation that stresses the importance of humility.
1. You are advised to spend 50 minutes on this question.
2. Read the question carefully and understand what you are being asked to write about. You may want to underline key
words in the question and find out whether the question requires you want to underline key words in the question and find
out whether the question requires you to describe, recount and event, discuss, argue for or against, explain, compare and
contrast, or analyse. It is very important to know the purpose for writing and whom you are writing for.
3. Next, you should spend a few minutes generating ideas on the topic. You must jot down all the points you want to
include and organize them.’
4. The plan your piece of writing. You should have three sections –introduction, body and conclusion.
5. The introduction contains the thesis statement which is usually the last sentence of the introductory paragraph.
6. The body includes all the main ideas of the topic. If you plan to use more than one paragraph for the body, make sure
each paragraph has a topic sentence which is supported by details.
7. The concluding paragraph normally sums up your points and /or restate your position on the topic.
8. Prepare an outline using all the points you have jotted down.
9. Now you can begin writing. Write clearly and use vocabulary and structure that you are familiar with. You will need to
use transition signals such as in addition, on the other hand, whereas, furthermore, for example and finally to link ideas
within a paragraph and also to connect ideas and ensure that ideas flow from paragraph to paragraph. Use the correct
tense and make sure you pay attention to grammatical accuracy.
10. Follow the instructions regarding the length required.
11. When you have finished writing, edit your work. Check for errors in spelling, punctuation, verb forms, tenses and
vocabulary, etc.

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