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 Abrus precatorius, Ricinus communis
 Croton tiglium, Capsicum annum,
 Semecarpus anacardium, Calotropis
 Ergot: Fungus: Claviceps purpurae
 Plumbago - Zeylanica: Chitra
- Rosea: Lal chitra
 Aloe vera, Eucalyptus globulus
 Mangifera indica, Cinnamomum camphora
 Argemone mexicana, Daffodil
 Chrysanthemum: Pyrethum
 Local & GIT irritant: Exhaustion: Collapse: Death
 SYNONYM: Rati, Gunja, Crabs eye, Lucky bean

 PLANT: Slender, twining, climbing, woody

 LEAVES: Compound, feather – like,

10 – 15 leaflets, 1- 2½ cm long

 FLOWERS: Pea - like, 1 cm

- Purple / Pink / Yellowish / Whitish
 SEED POT: Clusters, Green, 2½ - 5 cm long
- Drying: Brown, Split – open, 4 -6 seeds

 SEEDS: Oval – Egg, 8 mm x 6 mm, 105 mg

- Glossy scarlet red: Black spot
- White: Black spot
- Complete Black, Blue, Yellow or White
- Tasteless, Odourless
- Intact: harmless, Crushed: Poisonous


(1) Abrin: Toxalbumin/Phytotoxin – Toxic protein
- Antigenic: Agglutinates RBC: Haemolysis
- Viper Snake Venom, Bacterial toxin
- Thermolabile: Destroyed by boiling
- Slightly inactivated: Gastric juice
(2) Abrine, (3) Abralin

 ACTION: Local irritant, CVS depressant

- Parenteral: Viper snake bite like action
 C/F: (1) Oral: Symptoms few hours to 2 – 3 days
- GIT irritation
- Internal haemorrhage
- Flushed face, Cold perspiration
- Weak rapid pulse, ↓ BP
- Muscle weakness, Tremors, Tetanic spasm
- Drowsy, Convulsions, Coma, Death: Θ failure
(2) Parenteral: Sui, Sutari, Spike
- Viper snake bite
(3) Conjuntiva
 FATAL DOSE: (1) Seeds: 1 - 2: Crushed
(2) Abrin: 90 – 120 mg by injection
- S.C. Abrin: 100 times toxic than Oral route

 FATAL PERIOD: Few hours to 3 – 5 days

 TREATMENT: (1) Injection: Needles disected

(2) Oral: Stomach wash, Demulcents
- Activated charcoal, Purgative
(3) Anti – abrin injection
 TREATMENT: (4) Calcium gluconate
(5) Sodabicarb, (6) Maitain Θ
(7) Symptomatic t/t

 P.M.F.: (1) Local: Spike - Inflammation, Necrosis

(2) Oral: GIT inflammation, H’gic spots, Contents
(3) Both: Petechiae – Skin, Visceral coverings
- Organs: Congested, H’age
 M.L.A.: (1) Accidental: Children
(2) Homicide: Spike: 1.5 cm, 90 -120 mg
(3) Suicidal: Crushed seeds
(4) Malinger: Eyes
(5) Abortion
(6) Arrow poison
(7) Cattle poison
 SYNONYM: Castor, Arandi, Jara, Reri

 PLANT: Wild / Cultivated

Leaves - Large, compound

 FRUITS: Bunches, 1.2 cm – 2.5 cm long, 3 lobed

- Soft spikes, Blue – green / Rose – red
- Ripe & Dry: Brown, Brittle
 SEEDS: Flattened – Oval, Light, Glossy, Variable
- Mottled, Dark Brown / White in colour with
Yellow – Brown / Gray markings
- Complete Black / Red
- Big & Small: 1.2 cm x 0.8 cm: Croton seeds
- Castor oil: Non – poisonous
- Pressed cake: Poisonous
- Intact seeds: Non – poisonous: Swallowed, Cook


 ACTIVE PRINCIPLE: Ricin: Toxalbumin /
Phytotoxin: Toxic protein: Bacterial toxin
- Antigenic: Agglutinates RBC: Haemolysis

 ACTION: Local irritant, CVS depressant

- Block protein synthesis: Inhibit RNA polymerase
- Special binding protein: Access to Endoplasmic
reticulum: GI mucosal cells: Severe Diarrhoea
- Excreted by Intestinal mucosa
 C/F: (1) Seed Dust: Watering, Conjunctivitis
- Sneezing, Headache
- Pharyngitis, Asthmatic bronchitis
- Gastric upsets, Dermatitis
(2) Oral: Burning pain, GIT symptoms
- Dizziness, Impaired sight, Cold extremities
- Weak rapid pulse, ↓ BP
- Cramps: Calf & Abdominal muscles
- Dehydration, Drowsiness, Delirium, ↓ Breathing
- Uraemia, Jaundice, Convulsion, Collapse, Death
 FATAL DOSE: (1) Seeds: 5- 10: Crushed
(2) Ricin: 6 mg

 FATAL PERIOD: 2 days to several days

 TREATMENT: (1) Gastric lavage

(2) Demulcents
(3) Maitain Θ
(4) Symptomatic t/t
 P.M.F.: GIT: Congested, soft, inflamed, erosions,
haemorrhagic: S.C. injection
- Stomach contents
- Organs: Congested, H’ages – Surfaces, Parenchy.

 M.L.A.: (1) Accidental: Children

(2) Suicidal: Village
(3) Homicidal
(4) Abortion
(5) Malinger
 SYNONYM: Purging croton, Jamalgota

 PLANT: Large fanned leaves, Red flowers

 SEEDS: Small Castor seeds - Oval

- Dark Brown / Brownish black
- White oily kernel: Longitudinal lines

 OIL: Brownish, viscid, unpleasant smell, Bitter


 ACTIVE PRINCIPLE: (1) Crotin: Toxalbumin
(2) Crotonoside: Glycoside

 ACTION: Local irritant, CVS depressant

 C/F: (1) Oil: External: Erythema, Blister

(2) Oral: Similar to Abrus & Castor
 FATAL DOSE: (1) Seeds: 4 - 5: Crushed
(2) Oil: 1 - 2 ml

 FATAL PERIOD: 6 hours to 3 days

 TREATMENT: (1) Gastric lavage

(2) Demulcents
(3) Maitain Θ
(4) Symptomatic t/t
 P.M.F.: Similar to Castor

 M.L.A.: (1) Accidental: Oil - Purgative

(2) Homicide: Food
(3) Suicide: Not common
(4) Abortion: Oil, Root
(5) Oil: Arrow poison
 SYNONYM: Red pepper, Chilli, Mirchi

 FRUIT / SEEDS: Condiment, Pungent smell

- Burning irritating taste

 ACTIVE PRINCIPLE: (1) Capsicine

(2) Capsaicin

 ACTION: Local irritant

 C/F: (1) Skin: Irritation, Redness, Vesication
(2) Eyes: Burning, Redness, Lachrymation
(3) Oral: Burning, GIT symptoms
→ Death is unusual
 TREATMENT: (1) Skin: Water, Xyllocaine
(2) Eyes: Water / Saline irrigation,
Ointment: Xyllocaine / Cortisone / Antibiotic
(3) Tongue: Scrap – Blunt edge instrument, Ice
(4) Symptomatic t/t
 M.L.A.: (1) Eyes: Robbery
(2) Mucous membrane: Confession
(3) Vagina: Infidelity
(4) Kill newborn infants
No. Character Chilli Seeds Datura Seeds
1 Size Small, Thin, 3 mm Large, Thick
2 Colour Pale, Yellow Brown / Black
3 Appearance Round, Smooth Kidney shaped
Finely pitted
4 Smell Pungent Odourless
5 Taste Pungent Bitter
6 Convex Single edged Double edged
7 On Section Embryo curved Embryo curved
Inward - Figure 6 outwards
 SYNONYM: Marking Nut, Bhilawa, Biba

 SEEDS: Black, Heart shaped,

Rough projection at base

 ACTIVE PRINCIPLES: (1) Semicarpol

(2) Bhilawanol

 USE: Laundry
 C/F: (1) Skin: Irritation, Painful bruise like lesion
with marginal small blisters: False bruise
(2) Oral: Burning pain, Blisters, GIT irritation
- Dyspnoea, Cyanosis
- Weak rapid pulse, ↓ BP
- Loss of reflexes, Delirium, Coma, Death

 FATAL DOSE: (1) Seeds: 6 – 8

(2) Juice: 5 - 10 gm

 FATAL PERIOD: 12 – 24 hours

 TREATMENT: (1) Skin: Soap water, Ointment
(2) Demulcents
(3) Symptomatic t/t

 P.M.F.: Inflammation with bruise like lesion with

marginal blisters: Skin, Around Mouth & Lips
- Inflammation, Blisters: GIT
- Liver: Early degeneration
- Organs congested
 M.L.A.: (1) Accidental: Quackery medicinal use
(2) Suicide, Homicide: Uncommon
(3) Injury, Annoyance
(4) Vagina: Abortion, Infidelity
(5) Fabricate: Bruise like lesion, Eye lesion
1 Nature / Change Rupture of Subcut. capillaries Chemical damage of Skin
2 Cause Hard, blunt trauma Chemical application
3 Site Anywhere Accessible parts: Self
4 Shape Regular Irregular
5 Margins Diffuse Sharp, Clear
6 Swelling + nt May be + nt

7 Colour changes + nt - nt

8 Itching - nt + nt

9 Blisters - nt + nt on margins

10 Extravasation + nt / Contain blood - nt / Acrid Serum

11 Chemical An. - ve + ve
12 Nail beds No change Similar lesion - Itching
(1) C. gigantea: Akand, Rui: Purple flowers
(2) C. procera: Madar: White flowers


 JUICE: Leaves/Stem: Cut/Crush: Acrid milky j.

 ACTIVE PRINCIPLE: (1) Calotropin,

(2) Calotoxin, (3) Gigantin, (4) Uscharin
 USES: (1) Flowers: Digestive stimulant
(2) Leaves: External poultice
(3) Powdered Root: Emetic
(4) Juice:- Vesicant, Depilatory, Chronic skin cond.
- Tanners: Remove hairs from hides, Deodorize
(5) Roots: Snakes

 ACTION: Local, GIT, Cerebro - spinal irritant

 C/F: (1) Skin: Erythema, Blisters, Excoriation
(2) Eyes: Fulminant conjunctivitis, Vision impair.
(3) Oral: Bitter taste, Burning pain, Salivation
- Stomatitis, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarroea
- Dilated pupils, Tetanic convulsions
- Collapse, Death

 FATAL DOSE: Uncertain

 FATAL PERIOD: 6 – 12 hours
- Powdered Root: Snuffed: Immediate death
 TREATMENT: (1) Gastric lavage
(2) Demulcents
(3) Maitain Θ
(4) Symptomatic t/t

 P.M.F.: Non - specific, Dilated pupils, Stomatitis

- Stomach: Inflammation, Ulcer, Perforation
- Viscera congested
 M.L.A.: (1) (1) Accidental: Quackery medicin. use
(2) Homicide: Infanticide: Milk, Water
(3) Suicide: Rare
(4) Abortion: Ingestion, Abortion stick
(5) Artificial bruise
(6) Arrow poison
(7) Cattle poison: Fodder, Rectum: Smeared cloth
(8) Root: Highly poisonous: Cobra, Poison Snakes
: Smell

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