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Productions by Owen Feetham

Lumière – Short Film
Genre: Drama & Adventure

The story follows an old lighter as it goes from person to person.

Viewers will develop an emotional connection with an inanimate object.

Target Audience: 25-40

Appeals to them as it has:
• A unique and emotionally charged plot
• A music and action led experience
• A new and refreshing story, not driven by dialogue

We will be using new and inventive ways of using the camera to tell the
story - for example, using a GoPro to be the lighter’s perspective
Jealous – Labrinth
Music Video
Genre: Drama & Tragedy

The story will follow a father and son through their dysfunctional
relationship, until the climactic point where their relationship ends.

Target Audience: 25-40

How does it appeal to the audience?
• The video will look at mental health issues and suicide which is not
suited for a younger audience
• The characters will be in the same age range as the audience, so the
audience can better sympathise
• It will have a gripping and emotional story that will pull the viewer in
So why will these be
successful? 2. CHARACTERS

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