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Departemen Mikrobiologi Klinik

FK Unissula Semarang
Eukaryotic Cell Prokaryotic Cell



 Penempelan pili
(agent) dan reseptor
(host)  spesifik
Infection dose
 Salmonella  >105
 Vibrio cholerae  104 - 106
 Bacillus anthracis 104 spora
 Campylobacter jejuni  500
 Escherichia coli O157:H7  <10
 Mycobacterium tuberculosis  <10
 Entamoeba coli  1
 Endotoksin
 Eksotoksin
 Toxins Active at the Cell Surface
 Toxins Modulating Signal Transduction Pathways
 Toxins with Enzymatic Activity at the Cell
Surface, That Alters Cell Signaling
▪ Phospholipases
▪Bacteroides fragilis Enterotoxin
▪C. perfringens enterotoxin
 Intracellularly Active Toxins
 Inhibition Protein Synthesis
▪ Diphtheria Toxin
▪ Shiga Toxin - Inactivation of Ribosomal RNA
▪ Anthrax Edema Toxin
 Resistance to Desiccation
 Adherence
 Resistance to Non-Specific Host Immunity
 Resistance to Specific Host Immunity
 Adhesion
 Modulation target cell specificity,
 Motility
Pathogen-associated Pattern recognition
molecular patterns receptors

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