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• In order to address the fundamental trade-off between packet
delay and transmission power, and Delay Efficient we develop
three network coding schemes based on power-delay
constraint of the Heterogeneous WSN.
• We devise a theoretical framework to compute the average
delay and stability region for each proposed scheme and
compare the performance of network coding and traditional
• A new hybrid routing protocol is proposed by incorporating
the routing concept of ad hoc network into the hierarchical
clustering routing protocol LEACH of the wireless sensor
networks namely Quadrant Based LEACH (QB-LEACH).
• Network coding is an emerging technique to improve network
performance in wireless networks by exploiting the broadcast
nature of wireless medium.
• By mixing different packets into one packet, network coding
reduces the number of transmissions leading to higher
throughput as well as lower transmission power.
• A destination node can decode the coded packet by either
owning some of its constituents or by overhearing the packets
destined to other nodes.
• A two-way relay network (WSN) is one of the building blocks
of a multi-hop wireless network. The advantage of network
coding in WSN is investigated by many researchers
Literature Review
1.“An application-specific protocol architecture for
wireless microsensor networks”
AUTHORS : W.B.Heinzelman, A.P. Chandrakasan, and
These networks require robust wireless
communication protocols that are energy efficient and provide
low latency . The low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy
(LEACH), a protocol architecture for microsensor networks
that combines the ideas of energy-efficient cluster-based
routing and media access together with application-specific
data aggregation to achieve good performance in terms of
system lifetime, latency, and application-perceived quality
2.“HEED:A hybrid energy-efficient, distributed
clustering approach for ad hoc sensor networks”
AUTHORS : O.Younis and S.Fahmy
A novel distributed clustering approach for long-
lived ad hoc sensor networks does not make any assumptions
about the presence of infrastructure or about node
capabilities, other than the availability of multiple power levels
in sensor nodes. HEED (Hybrid Energy-Efficient Distributed
clustering), that periodically selects cluster heads according to
a hybrid of the node residual energy and a secondary
parameter, such as node proximity to its neighbors or node
3.“PEACH:Power efficient and adaptive
clustering hierarchy protocol for wireless sensor
AUTHOR: S. Yi J. Heo. Y. Cho, and J. Hong
PEACH protocol, which is a power-efficient and
adaptive clustering hierarchy protocol for wireless sensor
networks. By using overhearing characteristics of
wireless communication, PEACH forms clusters without
additional overhead and supports adaptive multi-level
clustering. In addition, PEACH can be used for both
location-unaware and location-aware wireless sensor
4. “Recent advances in energy-efficient routing
protocols in wireless sensor networks”
AUTHORS: J. Yan, M. Zhou, and Z. Ding
It classify current routing protocols for WSNs
into two categories according to their orientation toward
either homogeneous or heterogeneous WSNs. They are
further classified into static and mobile ones . The protocols in
each category by summarizing their characteristics,
limitations, and applications. Finally, some open issues in
energy-efficient routing protocol design for WSNs are
5.“Energy-efficient routing protocols in wireless
sensor networks.”
AUTHORS: N.A. Pantazis, S. A. Nikolidakis, and D.D.
Energy efficient clustering algorithm which is used
for effectively selection of CH and data gathering scheme
for Wireless sensor networks. The clustering algorithm
mainly consist of two phase, first is Selection of cluster head
which elect the cluster head for data aggregation and second
is Data Transmission Phase which used to effectively route
the gathered dada from cluster head to base station.
• A lot of researches have been proposed in order to face this
• Most of these researches, assume that the network is
homogeneous, that is all sensor nodes have the same sensing
and processing capabilities and the same initial amount of
• However, in reality, the WSN is made up of heterogeneous
sensors having different features and various modalities.
• Taking into account such diversity can improve the network
performance and specifically the network lifetime.
• Energy optimization remains one of the most important
challenges since it is directly related to the network life- time.
• Existing system uses the Scheduling algorithm for the purpose
of delay minimization.
• The scheduling algorithm will be complex when we are using
more no of nodes in multiprocessor system
• Energy consumption is high is the uncovered regions.
• Delay occurs while data is transmitted in the uncovered area.
• The proposed routing protocol QB-LEACH incorporates three
different techniques namely location based routing, restricted
flooding and clustering concept.
• The network region is divided into four quadrants. Clusters
are formed randomly within each of these quadrants and
cluster head is assigned to each cluster on a random manner.
• These cluster heads play an important role of updating and
forwarding the node locations.
• We propose three opportunistic network coding schemes
based on power-delay constraints of the application referred to
as power-efficient (PE) network coding, delay efficient (DE)
network coding, and quasi-general (QG) network coding
• We provide a closed form expression for average delay
associated with each proposed scheme and compare the
results with the delay of traditional routing.
• The stability region in general is characterized. Afterwards,
the stability region associated with each proposed scheme is
• The fundamental trade-off between packet delay and
transmission power is addressed. We show that for symmetric
packet arrivals, minimizing transmission power leads to
infinite packet delay.
Hardware and Software Specification

• Processor : 1.4 GHz Pentium IV Processor

• RAM : 512 MB
• Hard Drive : 10 GB
• Operating System : Windows XP / Linux.
• Tools : Ns-allinone-2.28.
• Pre-Request Software : Cygwin.
• Languages : Tcl/Tk, OTcl, C++.

Sensor mobility pattern Link quality measurement

Sensor Destination protocol
location region
estimation estimation Delay
Void handling routing
for EO DRA

Sensor location calibration

• Delay aware routing module
• Network Encoding scheme
• Congestion module
Delay Aware Routing Module
• In this module, we select the source file.
• And selected data is converted into fixed size of packets.
• And the packet is send from source to destination.
Network coding scheme
• In routing scenario, the relay node stores the received packets
in its queuing buffer. Whenever the buffer is not empty the
relay node sends a packet with probability k (upper bounded
by an allowed transmission probability, p).
• On the other hand, in network coding scenario, the relay
node holds two virtual buffers to store the received packets
from source nodes .In order to characterize the stability
region, we assume that buffers have infinite length.
• This assumption also enables us to derive closed-form
solutions. In general network coding scheme, if both
queues are nonempty the relay node combines the head-
of-line packets of the virtual queues by performing
bitwise XOR.
• We assume that the relay node transmits the coded packet
with probability k. If the virtual queue I is nonempty and
the other queue is empty, the relay node sends a native
packet with probability k. The parameters k, k1, and k2
are upper bounded by the allowed transmission
probability, p.
Congestion Module
• In Loss module, Advanced Delay Aware Message
Transmission Protocol is implemented in the existing AODV
protocol to Minimize the delay in both route discovery phase
as well as data transmission phase.
• As well as we are detecting the loss percentage of every node.
• Underwater Monitoring
• Coalmine Monitoring
• Military Communication
• Drone based Surveillance
• In this paper we addressed the benefit of opportunistic
network coding in a WSN considering stochastic packet
arrival process.
• We considered a network coding-based WSN when successful
transmission probability of a coded packet is limited by
channel non-idealities or network scenario.
• We proposed three schemes to achieve desired power-delay
compromise. We derived the average delay and stability region
for proposed schemes by analytical approach and compared to
simulation results.
• We proposed three schemes to achieve desired power-delay
compromise. We derived the average delay and stability region
for proposed schemes by analytical approach and compared to
simulation results.
• Our results revealed that for symmetric packet arrival rates,
minimizing transmission power results in an infinite delay.
• However, for asymmetric case, a suitable compromise between
delay and power is easier to achieve.
• Ali, A., Latiff, L.A., Chia-ChingOoi, and Fisal, N. (2005)
‘Location-based Geocasting and Forwarding (LGF) Strategy
in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET)’, ICT,Cape Town, South
• Latiff, L.A., Ali, A. and Fisal, N. (2007)‘Power Reduction
Quadrant-Based Directional Routing Protocol (Q-DIR) In
Mobile Ad Hoc Network’, Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Telecommunications and
Malaysia International Conference on Communications,
• Cartigny, J., Simplot, D. and Stojemenovic, I. (2003)
‘Localized minimum-energy broadcasting in ad hoc
networks’, INFOCOM.
• Intanagonwiwat,C.,Govindan,R. and Estrin,D., “Directed
diffusion: A scalable and robust Communication paradigm for
sensor networks,”inProc.ACM/IEEE Int.Conf.Mobile
Computing and Networking ,Boston,MA,Aug.2000,pp.56- 67.

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