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COP of Vapour Compression

Refrigeration System
Coefficient of Performance
• COP = Refrigeration Effect
Work (input)

• = area(e-1-4-d)
• area(1-2-3-4)
• COP is dimensionless quantity because compressor work and refrigeration
effect are measured in Watt.

• COP is also an instantaneous measurement in that the units are power

which can be measured at any point of time.
• Energy Efficiency Ratio is the ratio of output cooling energy (in BTU) to
electrical input energy (in Watt-hour).

• EER= (output cooling energy in BTU)/ (input electrical energy in Wh)

• So EER is not a dimensionless quantity.

• To convert EER to COP, we need to accommodate for the units used.

• EER = COP x 3.41.

• EER can be measured only over time (energy used can be measured over an hour
period also the amount of cooling the system has performed during that time.)
• Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio

• As with EER, the SEER is the ratio of output cooling energy (in BTU) to electrical
input energy (in Watt-hour).
• However the SEER is a representative measurement of how the system behaves
over a season where the outdoor temperature varies.

• SEER = output cooling energy in BTU over a season

input electrical energy in Wh during the same season
As the delta temperature goes down, the efficiency goes up, so therefore the SEER is
greater than the EER.
SEER = 1.12-√(1.2544 − 0.08𝑋 𝐸𝐸𝑅)
• IPLV- Integrated Part-Load Value

• NPLV- Non-Standard Part Load Value

• IPLV or NPLV is used to evaluate efficiency of chiller at different loading condition.

The calculation formulae of IPLV and NPLV is same. The only difference between
IPLV and NPLV is that IPLV is calculated as per condition specified in
AHRI_Standard_550-590. While in NPLV is calculated as per site condition.

• COP and EER are calculated based on full load capacity but in the real world a
chiller is hardly always running on full load capacity. So for evaluating chiller
efficiency at different part load condition IPLV or NPLV is calculated.
Calculation of IPLV & NPLV
• IPLV is calculated as follows:

• IPLV = 0.01A+0.42B+0.45C+0.12D (NPLV uses the same formula)

• Where:
• A = COP or EER @ 100% Load (Meaning that about 1% of the time the unit needs
to run at around 100% capacity)
• B = COP or EER @ 75% Load (Meaning that about 42% of the time the unit needs
to run at around 75% capacity)
• C = COP or EER @ 50% Load (Meaning that about 45% of the time the unit needs
to run at around 50% capacity)
• D = COP or EER @ 25% Load (Meaning that about 12% of the time the unit needs
to run at around 25% capacity)

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