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 Deductive
 Theory
 Hypotheses
 Observation
 Confirmation
 Inductive
 Observation
 Pattern
 Hypotheses
 Theory
Deductive Stage 1 – Theory
 The study builds on what theory
 Antecedents of the theory
 Conceptual Framework developed based on this theory
Deductive Stage 2 - Hypotheses
Based on the literature that support the theories, the hypotheses are
presented as follows:
Deduction Stage 3 – Observation
 Data Collection: Survey Research strategy using Survey Questionnaire
with closed ended questions. A quantitative research method.
 Population: (Approx. n cases) i.e.. Definition here..
 Sampling Strategy: The Simple Random Sampling for the sake of
 Sample Size: The sample size of 384 will be generalizable?
 Data Collection Method: Online Data Collection using Survey
Monkey or Qualtrics for better anonymity
Deduction Stage 4 – Confirmation
 Analysis using Regression Analysis or Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM).. Why?
 The use of inferential analysis to predict relationships between the
variables to test the research hypotheses.
 The results and analysis are compared with the literature findings
and arguments that support the research hypotheses. Why….This is
to help validate the findings in the larger pool of literature
 Conclusions are established based on the quantitative results and
validated findings?
Inductive Stage 1 – Observation
 The study will begin exploration of what?
 practical observation measures?
 what exploration?
Inductive Stage 2 - Pattern
 Develop patterns across categories
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3

Bring categories together to make meaning

Inductive Stage 3 - Hypotheses
 Formulate hypotheses or propositions based on the arrived patterns,
mind-map or pattern matrix.
 Propose a model to support the presented hypothesis and cement
the established inter-relationships
 Define the measurement of constructs or variables that can be used
to test the proposed hypotheses
 Discuss the hypotheses, variables and constructs with regards to
how they differ or remain similar to known constructs and variables
Inductive Stage 4 – Theory
 Propose the theory in the larger pool of organizational theories.
 Debate existing literature in support of the new theory or model of
theory name here.
 Critique of the model in terms of arguments that disagree or
critique the new theory name here
 Cement the theory or model by debunking the critiques in light of
other literature evidence and debates… a necessary condition
 What do you make of the comparison… which one is more suitable?
 The deductive approach is may be in line with the dominant papers
and arguments in the area… and conclusive evidence will be arrived.
 The need to arrive at objective and closed-ended conclusive
outcomes instead of arriving at open-ended inconclusive outcomes.
 Recommendations will be stronger for the study stakeholders such
as examples here
Thank You!

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