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 It was discovered by Heinrich Hertz (1897).

 It has the longest wavelength in the EM
 It has the lowest frequency.
 It has the lowest energy.
 It has the lowest temperature.
 Radio waves can be produced by oscillations
in electrical circuits
 Characteristics of Radio waves.
a. not line of sight
b. can pass through walls
c. longer range
d. not light sensitive
 Other applications of Radio waves
a. AM/FM radio
b. Global Positioning System (GPS)
c. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Generation and Transmission of Radio waves
Power Supply – provides the
necessary electrical power to
operate the transmitter.
Oscillator – creates
alternating current at the
frequency on which the
transmitter will transmit. The
oscillator usually generates a
sine wave, which is referred
Radio Transmitter Radio Receiver to as a carrier wave.
Generation and Transmission of Radio waves
Modulator – Adds useful
information to the carrier
There are two main ways to
add this information.
1. Amplitude Modulation
(AM) - makes slight increases
or decreases to the intensity
of the carrier wave.
Radio Transmitter Radio Receiver
Generation and Transmission of Radio waves
Modulator – Adds useful
information to the carrier
There are two main ways to
add this information.
1. Frequency Modulation
(FM) - Makes slight increases
and decreases in the
frequency of the carrier wave.
Radio Transmitter Radio Receiver
Generation and Transmission of Radio waves
Amplifier - Amplifies the
modulated carrier wave to
increase its power. The more
powerful the amplifier, the
more powerful the broadcast.

Antenna - Converts the

amplified signal to radio
Radio Transmitter Radio Receiver
Generation and Transmission of Radio waves
Antenna - Captures the radio
waves. Typically, the antenna
is simply a length of wire.
When this wire is exposed to
radio waves, the waves
induce a very small
alternating current in the

Radio Transmitter Radio Receiver

Generation and Transmission of Radio waves
RF Amplifier - A sensitive
amplifier that amplifies the
very weak radio frequency
(RF) signal from the antenna
so that the signal can be
processed by the tuner.

Radio Transmitter Radio Receiver

Generation and Transmission of Radio waves
Tuner - A circuit that can
extract signals of a particular
frequency from a mix of
signals of different
Detector - Responsible for
separating the audio
information from the carrier
Radio Transmitter Radio Receiver
Generation and Transmission of Radio waves
Audio Amplifier - Amplify the
weak signal that comes from
the detector so that it can be

Radio Transmitter Radio Receiver

Disadvantages of radio frequencies
1. Communication devices that make use of the
same frequencies interfere with their
2. It is easier to “eavesdrop” since signals are
transmitted in space rather than a wire.
3. More costly than infrared
 Microwaves are applied in so many ways
from texting to cooking, and to
communications to the rest of the world.

 Applications of Microwave
1. Satellite Communications
2. Radars
3. TV Transmission
4. Microwave Oven
 How a microwave oven cook food inside it?
 Lies beyond the red end of the visible
spectrum. (In between microwave and
visible light)
 - Infrared has a wavelength that range
from 7x10-7m to 1x10-3m, and frequency
of 3x1011Hz to 4x1014Hz.
 - It was discovered by Sir Frederick William
Herschel in 1800.
 Objects with temperature below 500OC
emits only infrared radiation.
 Objects with temperature above 500OC,
glows and emits both infrared and some
visible light.
Useful applications of infrared
a. Infrared photographs taken from a
satellite with special films provide
useful details of the vegetation on
the Earth’s Surface
Useful applications of infrared
b. Infrared scanners are used to show
the temperature variation of the
body. This can be used for medical
c. Infrared remote controls are used in
TVs, video cassette recorders, and
other electronic appliances.
Useful applications of infrared
d. Infrared telescopes are used for seeing in the dark.

e. Autofocus camera has a transmitter that sends out

infrared pulses. The pulses are reflected by the
object to be photographed back to the camera. The
distance of the object is calculated by the time lag
between the sending and receiving of pulses. The
lens is then driven by a built-in motor to adjust to get
the correct focus of the object.
Other uses of Infrared radiation:
a. Augmentative communication devices
b. Car locking systems
c. Computers (Mouse, Keyboards
d. Emergency response systems,
e. Home security systems
f. Navigation systems
g. Signages and some toys
Nowadays, infrared technology provides
numerous advantages especially in
wireless communication. The following
reasons explain why:
a. Low power requirements that makes it
ideal for laptops, and other
technological devices
b. Low circuitry costs
c. Simple circuitry: can be incorporated
in the integrated circuit of a product
Nowadays, infrared technology provides
numerous advantages especially in
wireless communication. The following
reasons explain why:
d. Higher security than radio waves since
it requires “line of sight” transmission
e. Portable
f. Not likely to interfere to signals from
other devices
The following characteristics of infrared
can be considered as disadvantages:
1. Transmitters and receivers should
be directly aligned to connect and
2. Can be blocked by common
3. Distance sensitive
4. Performance drops as distance
The following characteristics of infrared
can be considered as disadvantages:
5. Weather sensitive
6. transmission can easily be affected
by weather conditions like rains
7. Can also be affected by light such as
Visible light
 Light is the thinnest slice in the EM spectrum,
but is the only EM wave visible to the human
 Our eyes are sensitive to electromagnetic waves
of wavelengths that ranges from 4x10-7 m to
7x10-7 m.
 We can see the beauty of our surrounding
because of the visible light. Without it, we will
not be able to see things.
Visible light
 Dispersion of light
 When white light passes through a prism,
it is separated into its constituent colors:
the red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo and violet. These colors do not
distinctly separate but they continuously
change from red to violet.
Ultraviolet Ray
 Ultraviolet radiation is higher in frequency
than visible light but lower in frequency
than x-ray.
 It also has high energy that is enough to
damage skin tissue and the eye.
Ultraviolet Ray
 Practical applications of Ultraviolet
a. In hospitals, ultraviolet rays are used to
sterilized medical equipment and kill
harmful bacteria.
b. Production of Vitamin D in our skin
c. Sterilization of water in drinking
d. Identifying original from fake banknotes
 X-rays are electromagnetic waves with
frequencies ranging from about 10 to 10
16 19

cycles per second.

Uses of X-rays:
 X-rays are used as an integral part of
contemporary hospitals and medical
centers. The most common application is
to take photographs of a patient’s body.
 Radiation Therapy – It play an important
role in the fight against cancer, with high
energy radiation used to kill cancer cells
and shrink tumors.
 Airport Security – Almost every airport
on the planet is now fitted with some
form of x-ray security system that scans
baggage to check for dangerous items.
 Revealing Counterfeit Art – Used by
Art Historians to detect whether or
not a picture has been painted over
an existing piece.
Gamma Ray
 Gamma Rays are the electromagnetic
radiation with the highest frequencies
but with the shortest wavelength.
 Gamma Rays were discovered by
Paul Villard.
 Uses of Gamma Rays
 Gamma rays are used in the treatment
of cancer
Gamma Ray
 Gamma radiation is used to:
a. Check flaws in casts
b. molds and metal rolling
c. sheet making
d. floor tile manufacture and
asphalt roofing.
Gamma Ray
 In Agriculture, gamma radiation used
to induce mutations in plants and
 Gamma rays are also used in food
preservation so as they can sterilize
materials at low temperatures.

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