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Alif Kurniaputera Artanto - 29119331
DISC Profile Results
Establish a predominant basic style based on Graph 3
(Perceived self analysis)

Compliant (8): Perfectionist

- Strives for completeness and flawlessness, accurate
- Extremely thorough went completing task, and pay attention to every details
Steady (0) : Amiable stable
- Having a pleasant and friendly approach
- Other people may be very comfortable with the person due to their pleasant nature
Dominant (-4): Unobtrusive
- Does not force on self onto others without invitation
- Probably tends to keep to themselves unless being actively engaged by other people.
Influencing (-9): Self-conscious
- Overly conscious of oneself as object of notice, awkward
- Possibly tend to be difficult in starting conversations at first
The client most dominant trait is a high compliant and a the second trait is stable. This
would indicate that the person would probably tend to require a significant amount of
data before making a decision, Next, the profile could also indicate that the client is
somewhat resistance to chance especially when there are few data given when proposing
a change. They could be considered reliable, responsible and would probably perform in
routine environments. Jobs considered could be: scientists, accountants, researchers,
systems administrator.
Analyze the public self Graph 1

High: Compliant
Second high: Dominant
Below the line: Dominant, steady, influencing

In a public setting, the client would tend to impose more of their compliant trait, possibly
suggesting that they may work in an environment that requires large amount of detail and
scrutiny, Furthermore, since the dominant trait becomes the second highest trait this may
indicate that during a public setting they tend to be more assertive especially when
considering attention to detail of the task. This trait would also indicate a drive for
perfection, The slight drop in steady and influencing may indicate that they would tend to
be less approachable when in a public setting.
Analyze the private self Graph 2

High: Steady
Second high: Compliant
Below the line: Dominant, influencing

When under pressure, the client would tend to have a higher S trait than their C trait,
even though both traits are still high. This could indicate that during pressure the client
may tend to withdraw themselves from conflict and or often follow the others as an effort
to resolve a certain conflict. This all the while foregoing a few of their compliant traits.
Special patterns and significant movement analysis

There are no transition, above midline or below midline

patterns. Furthermore there are no flick up C, elongated C or
flick down C as there are no occasions when both C and S trait
are at a low level.

A significant movement occurs for the S trait from the public

self to the private self, which could indicate that during conflict
the client would tend to follow others and maybe foregoing
some of their compliant-ness as an effort to avoid or resolve a
conflict. Also noted that the I trait slightly increases, indicating
that the client may take into consideration others opninion more
during conflict or under pressure.
Stress Measurement

S movement calculation: [4.5-(-7)] = 11.5

Since this person has a low (I) in Graph III then the limit for
stress is it is over than 2.
Since the S movement is 11.5 then this person is potentially
stressed in their current condition, especially when in
conflict and may be forcing themselves to be less compliant
in order to resolve or avoid a conflict

Since the stress number is over its limit, then we should also
check the source of future potential stress.
I movement calculation :[-9.3-(-19) = 28.3
This I movement indicates that the source of stress for the
person is likely to be work oriented. 0
A recommendation to reduce pressure may be maintain their
compliant trait during pressure and be less lenient when
resolving an issue
In Summary

■ The client consistently exhibits a relatively high C trait in all conditions

■ However, in under pressure conditions the client would tend to be more friendly and
pleasant when resolving issues with others (increase in S and slight increase in I), even
though they may require to reduce their compliant trait in order to do so.
■ The client has a high S movement which is an indication of possible stress, especially
during under pressure conditions.
■ A recommendation may be to more assertive of being compliant and be less mindful of
others in order to reduce stress.

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