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Mainstreaming Gender Equality Principles into CHR

Policies, Plans and Programs

Review of GAD Concepts
What is Gender and Development?
⚫The Philippine government through several policy
guidelines emanating from NEDA, DBM and the
Philippine Commission on Women has mandated all
its agencies to adopt the Gender and Development
Approach to achieve the goal of gender equality and
the empowerment especially of poor women.
Review of GAD Concepts
⚫The GAD Approach aims to eliminate all forms of
inequality between females and males , girls and boys.

⚫ It challenges gender norms and constructions or

notions of masculinity and femininity that put persons,
especially the young at risk from harm and human
rights violations.
Review of GAD Concepts
⚫Originally, GAD was based on analysis of gender biases
based on access to decision making, income, roles,
enabling laws, etc…..
Analyses of problems and programming was based of
gender NEEDS;
⚫Presently, the GAD approach is increasingly integrating
the human rights principles, going beyond articulated
NEEDS. It focuses of state obligations and citizens’
State Obligations
▪ Obligation of Means
▪ Obligation of Results
▪ All appropriate measures
▪ Without Delay
▪ Put in place temporary special measures to
accelerate de facto equality
▪ All rights (Art. 1 as CEDAW, CRC, etc)
Sources of Guidance for Program
1. International Human Rights Covenants (e.g. CRC, CEDAW, etc.)
2. Enabling laws related to the protection and promotions of human rights
especially of women, children and other marginalized sectors of
3. Agency administrative orders and performance standards of service
4. Ethical guidelines provided by professional groups (e.g. doctors, social
5. Medium Term Development Plan
What is Gender Equality?

� Gender equality means that “women and men enjoy the same status
and conditions and have equal opportunity to realize their potentials
and to contribute to socio- political, economic and cultural
� It also refers to the “principle asserting the equality of females and
males of different age groups and their right to enjoy equal
conditions realizing their full human potentials to contribute to and
benefit from the results of development, and with the State
recognizing that all human beings are free and equal in dignity and

Source: Office of the President. Philippine Commission on Women. 2010. Magna Carta
of Women (RA 9710: Implementing Rules and Regulations. Manila, page 7.
What is Gender Equity?

It refers “to the policies, instruments, programs, services and actions that address the
disadvantaged position of women (and girls) in society by providing preferential
treatment and affirmative action.

The Magna Carta of Women further states that “ such temporary special measures
aims to accelerate de facto equality between men and women and shall not be
considered discriminatory but shall in now way entail as a consequence the
maintenance of unequal or separate standards.

These measures shall be discontinued when the objectives of equality of

opportunity and treatment have been achieved.
Source Magna Carta of Women.
What is discrimination against women
and girls
This refers to “any gender-based distinction, exclusion or restriction
which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the
recognition enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their
marital status, on the basis of equality of men and women, of human
rights and fundamental freedoms in the political , economic, social,
cultural, civil or any other field.”

Source: Magna Carta of Women.

What is a gender issue?

It is a problem faced by females and males of all ages and sexual

orientation , and gender identities which can be attributed to the
gender norms, discriminatory practices in society or a communityand
the inability of the state to fulfill its obligations in promoting their
human rights.

� A gender issue in a project proposal or design articulates the extent of

disparity of women and men over benefits from the contribution to a
program; it points to the gaps in the capacity of an organization, a
program or project to respond to the different needs and interests of
beneficiaries or clients.

Source: DBM, NEDA and NCRFW. 2004. Joint Circular No. 2003-1 Guidelines for the
Preparation of Gender and Development (GAD) Plan and Budget and Accomplishment
Report to Implement the Section on Programs/Projects Related to GAD of the General
Appropriations Act,
Some Gender Issues ……
⚫Sexual harassment;
⚫Domestic violence
⚫Gender discrimination in hiring, promotion and access
to other employment benefits;
⚫Gender inequality in access to political positions and
other decision making roles;
Entry Points forMainstreaming
⚫Policy Review and /or Development;
⚫Organizational review and/or development;
⚫Creation of Enabling Mechanisms;
⚫Plan Document
⚫Baseline research ; monitoring and evaluation system
and indicators
⚫ Capacity Building and Performance Standards
⚫Programs and Services
Steps in Gender/Age Sensitive
1. Gender analysis – Identify the gender issues in project design, policies, plans,
organizational structure, in people (i.e. service providers and
beneficiaries/clients ).

� Sex and age disaggregated data.
� Identify/create Responsible Committee or Oversight Body
� Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Enabling Mechanism
Sources of data may come from surveys, agency accomplishments reports;
other baseline studies
� Adopt indicators used by government for comparability of findings (e.g.
NSCB categories for age grouping, for income classification, etc.)

Source: NEDA, PCW and DBM 2001-1 Joint Memorandum Circular

On Gender Planning and Budgeting
Steps in Mainstreaming
Step 2: Review all laws and policies and to determine how they
can be used to address the gender issues; articulate relevant
human rights covenants in program goal and objectives.
Step 3: Reformulate agency/organizational plan, policies,
programs and projects but inserting gender sensitive
statements to address the GENDER ISSUE(S) and special
needs of children;
Step 4: Develop gender monitoring and evaluation indicators to
track progress in attainment of gender equality objectives;
Step 5: Prepare a gender budget to implement proposed

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