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Lesson 2

учитель англійської мови
Санжариської ЗОШ І-ІІст.
Смілянської РДА
Черкаської обл.
Сліпенко Альона Володимирівна

By the end of the lesson students will be

1. to show the knowledge in kinds of hobby;
2. to demonstrate auditory skills;
3. to express personal opinion;
4. to use Possessive Determiners more confidently.
Different people have different
hobbies Playing the

Fill in my, his, her, our, their, your
Remember! 1.I like to sing. ___ hobby is singing.
2. We like to work with paper.
____ hobby is origami.
3. You like to read. ____ hobby is
4. He likes to dance. ____ hobby is
5. They like to collect stamps. ____
hobby is collecting.
6. She likes to paint. ____ hobby is
Think off! What musical
instruments can people play?
Piano Guitar Drums Violin

Trumpet Cello
What musical instruments
can you play?
Read and say what sentences are
true for you.
1.I can play the guitar.
2.I can't play the trumpet.
3.I can play the piano.
4.I can’t play the cello.
5.I can’t play the drums.
6.I can play the violin.
Read and say what sentences are
true for you.
1.I like listening to the guitar.
2.I like listening to the trumpet.
3.I like listening to the piano.
4.I like listening to the cello.
5.I like listening to the drums.
6.I like listening to the violin.
It’s time to relax.
Listen to the poem and do like me
I played a game, I rode my I called my friends, I dug a
bike. hole.
I had a snack, I took a hike. I kicked a ball, I scored a goal.
I read a book, I watched TV. I had a swim, I learnt to skate.
I built a fort, I climbed a I played with toys, I stayed up
tree. late.
I surfed the web, I played It’s fair to say, I do like school.
guitar. But even more I like weekends
I caught a bug inside a jar. rule!
Divide the things into two columns
Coins Chairs Books Bottles Trees Beds Cups
Stamps Dolls Cars Milk Paintings Cards
Bananas Cats Perfumes Hats Clocks
People usually collect People don’t collect

1.Do you collect things?

2. What do you collect?
Read the text and do the task
My name is Luke. My favourite hobby is photography. When I have time I take my
camera and take lots of pictures. I send them to magazines. I won a photo competition
I also like computer games and board games. My favourite computer games are
strategy, sport and adventure games. Sometimes I play my board games. I can play
Monopoly or Scrabble with Dad or Mum.
When I’m outside with my friends we play pirates and of course football.
Read and decide TRUE or FALSE
1. His favourite hobby is playing games. ……..
2. He took part in a competition. ……..
3. He doesn’t like board games. ……..
4 . He likes playing computer games. ……..
5. He play pirates with his parents. ……..
6. He doesn’t like playing football. ……..
Watch the video and
name what kinds of
hobby children have.
Football, swimming, running,
reading, playing piano,
swimming, skateboarding,
What is the most drama, riding a bike, playing
popular hobby?
Football. swimming.
At the end of the lesson evaluate our work please.

What I liked about the lesson is….

What I didn’t like about the lesson is…
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