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Leben und Zeit von Krishna

Gott Krishna Auszge aus Sri Mahabhagavatham Verfasst von Rishi Vedvyas

Krishnas Influence
Krishna, though of lower caste ,still had good social standing as his step father Nanda was an influential chieftain of the cowherds.And as his stature as absolute Lord of the universe became more and more apparent, the girls of the community,as it is true even today, fantasized about him. The fame that the super stars of today enjoy is nothing compared to that of the Supreme Lord..

Krishnas Influence
Then one day, Krishna played his flute and the, Gopis with their hearts captivated, yet , unperceived by one another in their attempts to meet Him, hastened to the place where their beloved Lord was, with their ear-rings rocking to and fro.

Krishnas Influence
Truly, as it happens even today, many of the women were prohibited and obstructed by their husbands, parents, brothers and other relatives. But they were going as if in a trance. Their hearts had been completely charmed by Govinda. They did not turn back to their home.

Krishnas Influence
Again, truly,as it happens even today ,some Gopis were shut up by their relatives and friends. They could not make their way out. They began meditating on Krishna with their eyes shut. Their thoughts had been already devoted to Krishna. They held Him fast in their minds. Their sins were burnt up by the intense fire of unbearable separation from their most beloved Lord.

Krishnas Influence

All the effects of lifes work were purified by the happy embraces of Achyuta enjoyed in their meditation. Their bonds of action were totally severed at that very moment. They gave up their bodies composed of the Gunas, and attained the bliss with the Supreme Soul even though they thought of Krishna as their beloved and meditated on Him secretly as their paramour,.

Krishnas Love Plays

When those gopis approached him for sheer Physical nearness,Krishna admonished them, But when pestered further He sat with the damsels on the shores of Yamuna river which was Shining in the Moon, Further Krishna started Playing with them ,as if he did not like it. Then Lo ! There was Krishna with Every Gopika.!Krishna ! Krishna !! Krishna!!!

Krishnas Water Games

With Sweet and noble talks he pleased Them and then they all got into the river For water games
A word of caution to the reader!Always Remember, the eternal Lord has No indulgence in mind , he does love makingTo the Gopis as a principle Of self surrender through Love Games . Any human beings with selfless,non-carnal and spiritual love Should be knowing it fully well. Also vedic references are replete with The assumption That Kama Lila and the physical communion Between two ethical, and deeply loving man and Women gives a brief ,momentary Moksha or Salvation !!But To those who takes to love in carnal ways,indeed, As so many instances of crime in our societies points,it starts the downfall !

Krishna Disappears
In the middle of ecstatic dance in the moonlight, Krishna disappeared And the Gopis searched for him in every nook and corner of the forest, Asking the birds,the trees,and everything on the way about Krishna.

Krishna Reappears !
To the ecstacy of the Gopis Krishna Reappears and continues His games with the message that his sudden disappearance Was only to anchor their mind,not Just their body ,onto the Form of Krishna. As per vedic priciples,if the mind is full with the form of The Absolute God,then one is ready for Moksha!

Krishna Rescues His Father

Once , demoniac servant of Varuna ,the Lord Of the Oceans Mistakenly seized Nanda, Krishnas father and brought him to his master. Hearing the cries of the cowherd, Lord Krishna , went to the court of Varuna.Seeing that Lord Krishna had arrived, the demigod Varuna worshiped Him with elaborate offerings, and returned Nanda

Krishna Kills Arishta Demon

Krishna Fighting The Buffalo Demon Arishta,Sent by Kamsa

Krishna Subdues Kesi

Krishna Fighting The Horse Demon Kesi,Sent by Kamsa

End Of Demon Kesi

One day, while playing hide-and--seek.,the cowherd friends of Krishna was joined by a demon,masquerading as a cowherd boy. A demon named Vyoma, sent by Kamsa, abducted all but a few cowherd boys took them into a mountain cave, and blocked its entrance with a boulder. Learning of this, Krishna ran after him, grabbed and killed him just as one would kill a sacrificial animal

Akrura Reaches Vrindavan

Kamsa,the evil uncle of Krishna,fearing death at the hands of Krishna according to an Oracle,now changed tactics to Eliminate Krishna.He sent Akrura, a devout and highly respected army chieftain of Vrishni Community,he had the intuition about the Absolute Divinity of Krishna and worshipped him.

Akrura was meditating on Krishna till he reached Vrindavan.On reaching ,he kissed the sands of Vrindavan, which bore Krishnas footprints

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Kamsa Sends Akrura

Krishna,with Balarama received him with full honours and led him into their mansion and spent the full night chatting with Akrura and learnt of Kamsas trick.It was learnt that Kamsa planning to kill Balaramam and Sri Krsna conducted a festival called Capapuja (worhip of the bow). Akura was sent by Kamsa to bring Balabhadra and Krsna for the festival. Akrura understood the plot, informed Krishna about it and advised Him to kill Kamsa (Dasama Skandha, Bhagvata).

Akrura advising Krishna

Gopis Stop Akrura

When Gopis learnt of Akrura taking Krishna and Balarama to Mathura They stopped the cart,sobbing at the separation of their heart throb Krishna. However Krishna Consoled them and Set out..
Gopis Cried and Cried all of them , without Krishna vrindavan was a place without a soul, Gopis cried so much that their mind was purified, all the dirt was washed away by tears and Gopis started seeing Krishna in each and everything and attained Moksha( Salvation,Self-realization)

Akrura Sees Vishnu

On the way,when Akrura Got down at a river to do his ablutions, he saw Krishna as Vishnu in the reflections of the water. Thus with reaffirmed faith, he meditated deeply on that Universal Power every stage of the Journey

Trivakra Sells Anointments

At Mathura,an ugly, hunchback woman employed as a supplier of fragrant ointments was met by Krishna & Balarama . When Krishna saw her in Mathura and teased her as a beautiful woman, she anointed the boys worshipfully.

As a reward Krishna transformed her into a real beautiful young lady.The reborn chraming lady lovingly invited Krishna into her luxurious mansion,but Krishna left,promising a future union.

(A somewhat similar miracle was performed by Christ about 3000 years later!)

Trivakra Transformed !
Krishna with Transformed Trivakra

Bow Breaking !
Krishna proceeded to the place where a Yogic Bow of Immense weight was kept. Though everybody had warned him Off,he took the bow with one hand and broke it like an elephant breaks sugarcane! And on breaking,the bow released a loud bang like a thunderclap,which was heard by Kamsa,far away also, fatally injured the bow keepers of Kamsa

Krishna Kills Kamsas Pride

Kuvalayapida was a pet elephant of Kamsa Known for its mighty fighting skills. Kamsa employed it at the gates of his palace Where Krishna and Balarama was about to Present themselves. Seeing the fierce tusker Krishna usurped all his divine powers and plucked its tusks live and instructed his friend Sudama, to use the precious stones at the tip of the tusks as gifts for Radha

Krishna beats the Wrestlers

Two professional wrestlers, Chanoora and Mushtika, employed by Kamsa to fight with Krishna and Balarama were floored by the duo after a prolonged fight ,sending chillers along Kamsas spine !

Krishna Kills Kamsa, His Evil Uncle

Then Krishna went up, dodged the swishing sword and kicked out Kamsa from his throne and in a few moments lifted and threw him with such force that he died on the spot and ,Gods rained flowers on Krishna

After bringing in peace to the land as well as to their parents,Krishna and Balarama ,in shaved heads as per traditions even today,took initiation from Sandipani, a Rishi of K s livingin the city of Avant . They learnt the entire Vedas, its six corollaries and the Upanisads, Dhanurveda, with its most esoteric secrets; the standard books of Manus laws; logic of philosophical debate Nyaya & Vaiseshika; and the sixfold science of politics, & dharma sastras. They left Sandipani by offering him guru-daksin (worshipful reward to the Guru) by recovering the Gurus son from the Yama-Loka,where souls Spend time briefly after death

Message Through Uddhava

After Krishna had defeated Kamsa, Uddhava,a pious and loyal servant to Krishna as well as the most intelligent, Chief of Yadus of Vrishni community, came to see him. Krishna embraced him,also requested Uddhava to visit Vrindavan with a message on his behalf to his Parents , Gopis and other residents of the village, who were missing his company.

Uddhava Meets Nanda

Meant for Everyone,Uddhava informed Nanda the following: Krishna ,being the Absolute,is free from dualities (painpleasure, poverty-wealth etc.)and he is beyond the three modes of material nature Purity,Passion and Perversion He has no mother, no father, no wife, children or other relatives He has no work. Yet to His saintly devotees, He manifests Himself.

Uddhava With Gopis

Gopis asked Uddhava, The friendship shown toward others lasts only until one's purpose is fulfilled.. Prostitutes abandon a penniless man, subjects an incompetent king, students their teacher once they have finished their education, and priests a man who has remunerated them for a sacrifice.Is our Krishna like that..

Krishna Visits Trivakra

Way Back after Kamsas end, Krishna visited Trivakras house ,along with Uddhava.

Kamsas Father in Law Angered

Jarasandha became a famed and powerful king, extending his empire far and wide. He prevailed over many kings, and was crowned emperor of Magadha(in what is today mostly called Bengal & Bihar). Even while Jarasandha's power continued to grow, he had concerns over his future & that of the empires, as he had no heirs. Therefore, on the advise of his close friend king Banasura, Jarasandh decided to get his two daughters 'Asti and Prapti' married to the heir apparent of Mathura, Kansa. Jarasandha had also lent his army and his personal advise to Kansa to create a coup d'etat inMathura,in which Kamsa earlier dethroned his father Ugrasena).

Jarasandhas Wrath
Death Of Kamsa at the hands of Krishna made his father-in-law Jara Sandha, King of Magadha, vengeful and he set off to fight Krishna with a 23 Akshouhini batallion On seeing the duo Krishna and Balarama, he said disdainfully , : O Krsna, lowest of men! I do not wish to fight with You, since it would be a shame to fight with a mere boy. You fool who keep Yourself hidden, O murderer of Your relatives, go away! I will not fight with You.
(An Akshauhini (Sanskrit word), was an ancient battle formation that consisted of 21,870 chariots (Sanskrit ratha); 21,870 elephants; 65,610 horse-mounted warriors and 109,350 infantry, as per the Mahabharata (Adi Parva 2.15-23). The ratio is 1 chariot : 1 elephant : 3 horse-mounted warriors : 5 infantry soldiers. It should be noted that in each of these large number groups (65,610, etc.), the digits add up to 18. This setup is pre eserved in the game of chess )

Krishnas Tactical Defeat

(An Akshauhini (Sanskrit word), was an ancient battle formation that consisted of 21,870 chariots ) and was defeated again and again,sixteen times by Krishna with his small troop, totalling the annihilation of 392 Akshouhinis.On the 18th attempt by Jarasandha,Krishna tactically fled and settled in an Island Kingdom Dwaraka,with his followers,for the reason that Krishna wanted a different end for Jarasandha. (very much as Descendants of
18. This setup is pre eserved in the game of chess (Sanskrit ratha); 21,870 elephants; 65,610 horse-mounted warriors and 109,350 infantry, as per the Mahabharata (Adi Parva 2.15-23). The ratio is 1 chariot : 1 elephant : 3 horse-mounted warriors : 5 infantry soldiers. It should be noted that in each of these large number groups (65,610, etc.), the digits add up to

Krishnas community exist as Yadavas in India, the descendats of Jarasandha are today known as Lodhas)

Krishnas Tactical Defeat

Death Of Kamsa (also spelt as Kans) at the hands of Krishna made his father-in-law Jara Sandha, the vengeful King of Magadha, Jarasandha fight Krishna with a 23 Akshouhini batalion and was defeated ,seventeen times by Krishna with his small troop, totalling the annihilation of 392 Akshouhinis.On the 18th attempt by Jarasandha, Krishna tactically fled and settled in an Island Kingdom Dwaraka, with his subjects ,for the reason that Krishna the divine had envisioned a different end for Jarasandha. (very much as Descendants of Krishnas community exist as Yadavas in India, the
descendats of Jarasandha are today known as Lodhas)

A Historical Perspective

Remains of The wrestling grounds where Jarasandha as a lover of the sport Practised The Martial art in Rajgir ,Bihar,India

End Of Kalayavana
After securing his subjects in Dwaraka, Krishna moved out of Mathura unarmed,and seeing him, a vile yavana King by name Kalayavana (Yavana means ionian or Greek Origin) who had beseiged Mathura ,ran after Krishna,who led him into a cave where the Yavana Kicked sleeping Muchukunda (a Yogic King with enormous spirituality ) mistaking for Krishna. Muchukundas angry looks burnt him alive !

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The Worlds First Love Letter!

Rukmini , the daughter of Bhishmaka, the king of Vidarbha and a Vassal of Jarasandha, secretly fell in love with and longed for Krishna. Her parents supported but but her brother Rukmi, proposed his friend Shishupala, the crown prince of Chedi and a vassal of Jarasandha . Rukmini, was horrified and immediately, through a brahmin Sunanda, delivered a letter in which she asked Krishna to come to Vidarbha and kidnap when she was on her way to the temple or back. Rukmini asked that he claim her to marry her.

The Elopement
Rukmini went to the shrine, she prayed to goddess Parvati and as she stepped out, Krishna whisked so her into his chariot with him. Shishupala noticed t and chased them with Jarasandha's forces who were engaged by Balarama .

The Villain
Rukmi almost caught up with Krishna and,but ,when Krishna was about to kill him, Rukmini begged that her brother be spared. Krishna, agreed but as punishment, shaved Rukmi's head and set him free. There was no greater shame for a warrior than such a visible sign of defeat.

The Union

A few days later

at Dwaraka, Krishna was married to Rukmini with great pomp and ceremony.

Pradyumna , Krishnas Son

Over the passage of time,Pradyumna the son of Krishna by Rukmini, was stolen by the demon Sambara ,when he was only six days old,and thrown into the ocean. There he was swallowed by a large fish, later caught and carried to the house of Sambara. The beautiful child emerged , and or Mayavati, the mistress of Sambara's household, took him under her care. Sage Narada informed her who the child was, and when he grew up she fell in love with him, and informed him who he was . He defied the demon to battle, and after a long conflict slew him.On his reunion with Rukmini,people at Dwaraka were awestruck by his uncanny resemblance to his progentor,Lord Krishna !!

Satrajit Denies Syamanthaka To Krishna

A Yadava Nobleman, Satrajit was bestowed an exceptionally brilliant jewel known as Syamantaka by the Sun-God, Wherever the jewel remained, it would produce for the keeper eight bh ras (or almost 1.5 tons) of gold daily . Wearing it on his chest, Satrajit would enter Dwaraka, and people would think that the sungod had come into the city !Krishna once asked Satrajit for the Jewel,for himself ,but was denied.

Arjuns Marriage
"While touring on pilgrimage, Arjuna heard that Lord Baladeva intended to give the hand of His sister Subhadr to Duryodhana in marriage. Wanting to kidnap Subhadr and marry her himself, Arjuna disguised himself as a renunciant and went to Dv rak . So effective was the disguise that neither Balar ma nor any other resident of Dv rak recognized him; rather, they all showed him the respect due a Vaisnava mendicant. In this way the four months of the rainy season passed. One day Arjuna received an invitation to dine at Lord Balar ma's home. There he caught sight of Subhadr and was immediately overwhelmed with desire for her. Subhadr also desired to have Arjuna as her husband, and thus she glanced back at him shyly. A few days later, Subhadr left the palace to participate in a chariot festival. Taking this opportunity, Arjuna abducted Subhadr and defeated the Y davas who tried to stop him. Lord Balar ma was at first greatly angered to hear of this, but when Lord r Krsna and other family members pacified Him, He became joyful and sent the bride and groom off with elaborate wedding gifts."

Prasen Killed by Lion

But when Prasen, Satrajits son wore it during his hunt, a lion killed him and bit and made off with the sparkling Syamanthaka Jewel !

Jewel Ends Up With Jambavan

The jewel was further knocked off from the lion by a giant ape by name Jambavan. But the rumour was that Krishna killed Prasen and looted the jewel ! Worse, among those who suspected him included his closest companion and brother Balrama.To prove the Truth,Krishna Tracked the jewel to Jambavan .

Restoration Of Reputation
After a fierce fight Krishna restored the Syamanthaka Jewel to Satrajit and,in the process married the daughter Jambavati of Jambavan as a trophy and Satyabhama from Satrajit as redemption for the earlier vilification by Satrajit.

Marriage To Jambavati

Marriage To Sathiabhama

Krishna With the Pandavas

Pandavas Escape Murder

Once ,while with wife Sathyabhama,, Krishna was forced to leave for Hastinapuram on the rumour that his five cousins, the pandavas have been burnt alive in a house of wax gifted to them by their crafty cousin-brothers, led by Duryodhana, .

Pandavas Escape the Burning House of Wax thorough an Underground Tunnel

Satrajit Slain,Syamanthaka Stolen !

Meanwhile,exploiting the absence of Krishna, Satrjits wily brother Satadhanva killed him and stole Syamanthaka, much to the agony of Sathiabhama..Krishna returned in haste ,participated in the last rituals,and killed the fugitive, but the jewel was not found !

Balarama Distances From Krishna

Balarama by now grew weary ,thinking that Krishna was behind this, distanced himself from Krishna and left Dwaraka. Uninspired, he spent time by teaching club fight to Duryodhana at Mithila Kings Palace.

Akrura Discloses The Truth

But upon suspicion, Krishna verified the facts with Akrura ,and finding that the latter was given custody of the Jewel by the fugitive Sathadhanva ,asked Akrura him to keep it with himself .

Krishna Marries Five Queens

It was the practice in the ancient days for kings and leaders to marry many times. These marriages were often diplomatic ,strategic, chivalrous, or humanitarian, rather than personal, initiatives. Krishna married Kalindi,who was doing penance to get Krishna as her husband. Mitravinda, princess of the kingdom of Avanti, chose Krishna over Duryodhana at her Swaymvara (self-selection of the bridegroom).Then he married the daughter Satya of pious king of Kausalya, Nagnaji , followed by Bhadra and also Laksmana, daughter of the king of Madra who prayed to Krishna to marry her.

How the Truly Spiritual People Performed Miracles

It is clearly indicated in great Yogic Texts that Miraculous powers accrue to a true Yogi following either the Bhakthi ,Karma or Gnana Yoga Traditions.It has been emphatically proven by many yogis even today that any of the eight types of powers may accrue to a True Yogi.These eight types of powers are A im : reducing one's body even to the size of an atom Mahima: expanding one's body to an infinitely large size Garima: becoming infinitely heavy Laghima: becoming almost weightless Pr pti: having unrestricted access to all places Pr k mya: realizing whatever one desires I i va: possessing absolute lordship; Va itva: the power to subjugate all

Krishna was the Yogeswara ie., the God of all Yogis !!!

How the Truly Spiritual People Performed Miracles

Krishna details these further in Bhagavatha Purana as:
an rmi-mattvam: Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other bodily disturbances d ra- rava a: Clairaudience(Hearing things far away) d ra-dar anam: Clairvoyance in space/time (Seeing things far away in space/time) mana -javah: Moving the body to wherever thought goes k ma-r pam: Assuming any form and any number of forms desired para-k ya prave anam: Entering the bodies of others sva-chanda m tyuh: Dying when one desires dev n m saha kr anudar anam: Witnessing and participating in the pastimes of the divine beings and UFOs yath sa kalpa sa siddhi : Perfect accomplishment of one's determination j apratihat gati : Orders or Commands being unimpeded

Naraka Asura
Through his ardent Bhakthi Yoga,Naraka received a boon from Brahma granting him power over all classes of men,namely,spiritual,ruling,trading ,and labour. Upset by his tantrums Indra,Lord of the demigods appealed to Krishna,who enjoined Satyabhama for the fight and she defeated him easily Krishna beheads the fallen Naraka as his strength dwindled on touching the ground,being a daitya

16008 Wives.
Lord Krishna set free 16000 ladies who were held in prisons by Naraka. These ladies were kept in bondage, and when they were freed, they did not have any place to go, as their husbands did not want to accept them, and Naraka was no more. So they said that they did not have anyone to feed them and that they accepted Lord Krishna as their Lord and divine husband.

A reckoner
Nonbelievers are astonished to learn that Lord Krishna married more than 16,000 queens because they measure the potency of the Lord by their own limited potency. The queens were also expansions of His internal potency, and thus the potent and potencies are perpetually exchanging transcendental pleasures, known as pastimes of the Lord. Instead , one should affirm that even if the Lord marries a million times as many, He is not completely manifesting His unlimited and inexhaustible potency. He married only 16,000 wives and entered in each and every one of the different palaces just to impress the fact that the Lord is far far above any of his creations, however powerful it may be. "God is great" is the eternal truth

Krishna Teases Rukmini

One day,when beloved Rukmini was fanning him Krishna asked her why she chose to marry him, an erratic tribal chieftain settled in Dwaraka, out of fear of the Emperors, whereas she belonged to a powerful Kingdom and she could have married any among other Powerful Kings? Although this was a joke to tease the ego off Rukmini as she often carried the bearings of the daughter of a Great King, Rukmini suddenly found shivering ,as if her lifes entire basis was shaken. Krishna showed her his Vishnu form, hugged ,consoled , and told her that she was his dearest and all was just a jest !

Balarama Plays Chess

Instigated by the King of Kalinga, Rukmi wanted to get even with Krishna and Balarama by inviting him for a chess game, which was an accepted practice of winning over enemy kings. Balarama, though not good at chess, accepted it and, starting with a stake of 100 gold coins, he had serial loss to Rukmi But tides were turned when Balarama upped his stakes above 100,000 coins and Rukmi began to see serial loss !

Rukmi Loses Game And Life

Suddenly,Rukmi started cheating ,and a verbal battle ensued in which Rukmi,of royal descent insulted both Krishna and Balarama ,of pastoral cowherd, background. Throughout this,Krishna maintained a diplomatic silence since Rukmi was his Brother-In-Law and criticizing will sadden Rukmini,and ,Criticing Balrarama will invite the latters displeasure too. As the verbal duel heightened.Balarama hit Rukmi with a club and Rukmi fell with a thud.

Krishnas Grandson

Aniruddha , son of Pradyumna and the grandson of Krishna, was very much like his grandfather ,and was blindly loved by the daughter of Bana ,a Daitya,princess named Usha, who had him brought by magic influence to her apartments in her father's city of Sonitapura.

Aniruddha Under Banas Security

But the guards of Bana, Ushas father, seized him with their magical powers and secured him. On hearing this, Krishna, Balarama, and Pradyumna went to rescue him. Bansura was a great devotee of the god Shiva , as a result of which no one had ever been willing to fight him

Bana Defeated
Thus a great battle was fought. When Krishna was about to kill Banasura,Lord Shiva intervened and told both of them to stop fighting. The war ended peacefully with Shiva and Krishna showing Harihara (Shiva-Vishnu) unity .But,Bana was defeated, but his life was spared at the intercession of Shiva, and Aniruddha was carried home to Dwaraka with Usha as his wife. He is also called Jhashanka and Ushapati. He had a son named Vajra, whose lineage is traced to the royal family of Jaisalmer

Chameleon Transformed
Nriga was a pious prince whio was turned ito a chameleon by the curse of a brahmin Who faulted him for a minor lapse in his charity work.The chameleon was discovered by Krishnas grandchildren while trying to pick their ball from a well .At his touch,the chameleon transformed into his former self and narrated his story.,after paying his obeisance to Krishna.

Lord Balarama Visits Brindavan

Lord Balarama,after a long separation,visited Nanda and Yasoda and taking their blessings,he spent time with the cowherds who celebrated the return of the ruler of their minds.Everybody asked about Krishna and Balarama consoled everyone with Krishnas hearty Message to all.After spending time with Gopis,he also turned the Course of the Yamuna river with his Yoke and by personally
invoking the Goddess Yamuna who with folded hands, obeyed the Lord.

Paundrika Vasudeva
A vassal of Jarasandha,from the Kingdom of Pundra covering part of East and West Bengal and Bihar, claimed that he was the True Vasudava by moving about wearing the signs of Vishnu .He imitated the attire of Krishna and took himself seriously when people started thronging around him, praising as they would Krishna. His ego reached such a height that he called Krishna for a fight. Krishna beheaded the dim witted fraudster in an otherwise uneventful battle.

Dvivida The Godzilla

Dvivida was a mighty ,mountain sized,demoniac ape which gave untold Miseries to the People of Vrindavan. On being chased he fought fiercely with Lord Balarama,but was killed in the end by the Lord.

Lord Krishna Manifests In 16008 Forms Simultaneously

After killing the demon Naraka, Lord Krsna had simultaneously married sixteen thousand maidens, and sage N radawanted to observe the Lord's diverse activities in this unique family situation. Thus he went to Dv rak . N rada entered one of the sixteen thousand palaces and saw Goddess Rukmin personally rendering menial service to r Krsna, despite her being in the company of thousands of maidservants. As soon as Lord Krsna noticed N rada, He got up from His bed, offered obeisances to the sage and seated him on His own seat. Then the Lord bathed N rada's feet and sprinkled the water on His own head. Such was the exemplary behavior of the Lord.

Lord Krishna Manifests In 16008 Forms Simultaneously

After conversing with the Lord for a short while, N rada went to another of His palaces, where the sage saw r Krsnaplaying at dice with His queen and Uddhava. Going from there to another palace, he found Lord Krsna coddling His infant children. In another palace he saw Him preparing to take a bath; in another, performing fire sacrifices, in another, feeding br hmanas; and in another, eating the remnants left by br hmanas. In one palace the Lord was performing noontime rituals; in another, quietly chanting the G yatr mantra; in another, sleeping on His bed;

Lord Krishna Manifests In 16008 Forms Simultaneously

In another, consulting with His ministers; and in yet another, playing in the water with His female companions. Somewhere the Lord was giving charity to br hmanas, in another place He was joking and laughing with His consort, in yet another place He was meditating on the Supersoul, somewhere He was serving His spiritual masters, in another place He was arranging for the marriages of His sons and daughters, somewhere else He was going out to hunt animals, and elsewhere He was moving about in disguise to find out what the citizens were thinking

Krishna With 16008 Wives

Krishnas Day
During his reign of Dwaraka ,Lord Krishna would rise during the brahma-muh rta period (3 AM to 6 AM) and touch water. With a clear mind He would then meditate upon Himself, the single, self-luminous, unequaled and infallible Supreme Truth, known as Brahman, who by His very nature ever dispels all contamination, and who through His personal energies, cause the creation and destruction of this universe, manifests His own pure and blissful existence.

Krishnas Day
He would then bathe in sanctified water and decorate His body, the very foundation of human society , with His own special clothes and jewelry and with divine flower garlands and ointments.
(Human Society is Vishnus/Krishnas body with the Ardent spiritualists from his face,the Leaders from his chest,The Professionals from his Stomach and the Working Class from his venerable feet)

Krishnas Day
He would then perform full sequence of rituals, beginning with worship at dawn, offering oblations into the sacred fire, and chanting the G yatr mantra.

Krishnas Day
Then the Lord worshiped the rising sun and propitiated the demigods, sages and forefathers, elders, spiritual masters , br hmanas, and cows, all being his extensions . Daily the Lord gave as many as 13,084 cows to the learned br hmanas, together with linen, deerskins and sesame seeds.Then He would touch auspicious things.

Krishnas Day
He would then look into a mirror, and then at Ghee, the cows and bulls. After this He would greet His ministers, gratifying them by fulfilling all their desires . Then he would see to it that the members of all the social classes living in the palace and throughout the city were satisfied with gifts.

Krishna Looking Into a Mirror Of Polished Metal

Krishnas Day
By then holding on to His charioteer's hands, Lord Krishna would mount the chariot, together with S tyaki and Uddhava, just like the sun rising over the easternmost mountain. The palace women would look upon Lord Krsna with shy, loving glances, and thus He would get free from them only with difficulty. He would then set off, His smiling face captivating their minds.

Krishnas Day
The Lord, attended by all the Vrsnis, would enter the Sudharm Assembly Hall, and seat Himself upon His exalted throne ,surrounded by the ministers, couretesans and jesters,and female dancers and singers, Performing to the beats of mrda gas, v n s, murajas, flutes, cymbals and conchshells, while professional poets, chroniclers and panegyrists would recite the Lord's glories.Br hmanas sitting in that assembly hall would fluently chant Vedic mantras, while others recounted stories of past kings of pious renown.Narada Was honoured here when he wanted to witness how Lord Carried on his chores

Krishna Honouring Narada At Sudharma Hall

Jarasandha Torn Apart

Jarasandha ,the King Of ancient Magadha (blue in map) was approached by Bhima,Arjuna and Krishna disguised as brahmins for alms ! From their voices, l stature,posture and the marks of bowstrings on their forearms, Jar sandha could tell that his guests were of the royal order. But he agreed to give whatever these brahmins ask.. Krishna then revealed their identity and asked for the alms of fight.Initially he scoffed off, ruled out Krishna and Arjuna, but chose Bhima for the mace fight, for that was his forte. Krishna supported Bhima with his special powers and after a fierce fight, his body was torn into two and the pieces were tossed apart,by Bhima, since he had the gift of instantly rejoining any part of his body. Jarasandha's son Sahadeva was installed in the throne of Magadha after his fathers death. He became an ally of the Pandavas.

Krishna Blesses Liberated Kings

The ecstasy of beholding Lord Krishna in his Vishnu form having dispelled the weariness of their imprisonment, the kings stood with joined palms praised him. They said,Oh Lord, we do not blame Jarasandha;Infatuated opulence and power, make a king lose all his selfrestraint and, bewildered by Your illusory energy, he imagines his temporary assets to be permanent. Just as childish men consider a mirage in the desert to be a pond of water, so those who are irrational ,look upon the illusory transformations of M y as substantial.

Deliverance Of Sisupala
Sisupala was born with three eyes and four arms and his parents were to abandon him, but were warned against by a voice telling that the child will be normal when a divine person took the child into his lap, and that he would eventually be slain by that same person. Krishna happened to be that Divine Person. However, Shishupala's mother was given a vow by Krishna, her nephew, that he would pardon his cousin Shishupala a hundred times before he decides to kill him.

Sisupala was reeking with venom as he felt humiliated when Krishna rode away with Rukmini, his beautiful bride to be and married him.
When Yudishthira was conducting the Rajasuya Yajna, a vedic sacrifice to qualify as an Emperor, Shisupala barged in and insulted Krishna telling that he was a cowherd and was worthless to be honoured as a king.And that was when he breathed his last,like all those who died at the hands of the Lord,he too merged essentially with Krishna the Absolute !!!

Duryodhana Humiliated
After Yudhisthira's imperial yajna, Duryodhana stayed in the Pandavas' palace. He was amazed to see the wonderful illusions in the palace built by Mayasura. When Duryodhana tried to enter a door, he hurt his head because it was not really a door but a wall. When he went further he saw a pool of water and tried to enter it. It was not a pool but glass which looked like a pool. He hurt his foot with the glass. Bhima and the other Pandavas who were present there were amused and made fun of him when they saw this. Then Duryodhana went ahead but fell in a pool, which looked just like the floor ! Humiliated and burning with anger, Duryodhana turned his face down, left without uttering a word and went back to Hastin pura.

Salva & UFO Like Flying Machine

lva , defeated at the time of Rukmin -dev 's marriage. vowed then that he would rid the earth of all the Yadavas,and with a boon of a flying city from Lord Shiva,he laid siege to Dwaraka. When Pradyumna, S tyaki and the other Yadu heroes saw the plight of Dv rak and her residents, they chased lva's forces. Pradyumna, the best of warriors, destroyed with His divine weapons all of lva's illusory magic,and lva's (UFOlike) airplane began wandering aimlessly in the sky and on the tops of mountains. Finally Krishna beheaded him

Salvas Sky-City (Similar to a UFO) looms above water as watched by Krishna

Salvas Exit
Salva, who was a master magician, then decided to disguise himself as Devaki and fool Krishna. Krishna suddenly saw his mother approaching and with tears rolling down her cheeks she informed Krishna about Vasudeva's death. Krishna was shocked to hear of his father's death and dropped all his weapons. Seeing Krishna unarmed, Salva again attacked. Krishna was caught unawares, but he quickly resumed the attack. and cut off Salva's head with the Sudarshan Chakra

Dantavartakas Deliverance
Upon Salvas death, Dantavartaka ,his friend, flew in a fit of rage . Alone, with a club in hand, he hit Krishna hard. Unmoved, Krishna returned the blow with his club and in no time Dantavakra became dead meat and ,an effulgence from his body merged with the Lords Lotus Feet

Romaharshana was a disciple of Vyasa


(sage Vyasa had originally compiled these stories of Krishna which you are reading)

But he was extremely proud of his own sage-like Status,which was quite contrary to sagehood. One day during his discourse to devotees on vedic duties from a dais ,Lord Balarama arrived. All the brahmins and sages stood up as a mark of respect To the Lord. Angered,Lord Balarama used a blade of grass and acted As if he was stabbing Romaharshana ! And lo! Romaharshana was gone! But since Romaharshana was killed midway of his discourse Lord Balarama,enjoined his son Ugrasrava to continue the speech from where his father had left.
Romaharshana ,seated, Being needled by Lord Balarama with a blade Of Grass

Duryodhanas Revenge
Duryodhana who was humiliated at Pandavas Palace challenged the Yudhishtiras ,the eldest of the five pandavas for a game of dice with Sakuni the viley uncle of Duryodhana.Yudhishtira was defeated game after game and as was the custom,he had to pledge all his,,wealth,land,subjects, brothers and finally Draupati,the common wife of the five pandavas

Draupatis Humiliation
Atlast Yudhishtira Was declared defeated And Duryodhna ordered Draupati to Be brought on stage and disrobed. For a chaste woman,who was legally Married to her five husbands,as per the Customs of those days,being insulted Before ones own people and subjects Was death itself. And legally,Yudhistira or her other busbands Are already enslaved and had no power to Protest. As Duryodhana pulled at clothes, Draupati Prayed loudly for Krishnas help! Krishna Krishna..Krishna.. She wailed.

How Krishna Helped

Immediately,Krishna appeared, visible only to Draupati,and as Duryodhana kept on undoing her clothes, Krishna kept on giving More and more of the cloth invisibly.. More Duryodhana pulled the cloth, the more it yieldedad infinitum,, Finally,Duryodhana became tired and fainted.. And Krishna proved once again How he protects his devotees !

Balvala Vs Balarama
Balvala the demon had become a menace to the sages of Naimisaranya. He used to soil the holy hermitage of Naimisharanya with blood and dirt. Tired of this, the sages decided to seek Balarama's help. The sages told him that during the fight, Balarama would come in contact with the demon and therefore he should tour all the holy places to free himself from the impurities of Balvala's body. Balarama, armed with his plow and club, appeared before Balvala who was flying away on his chariot. Balarama pulled him down with his plow and instantly struck at his head with the club. Balvala's head broke into two. The inhabitants of Naimisaranya rejoiced and offered their prayers to Balarama. Meanwhile, the sages prepared for Balarama's holy bath to cleanse the impurities of Balvala's body.

Kurukshetra War:Krishnas Role

According to Mah bh rata, a dynastic struggle between sibling clans ofKauravas and the Pandavas for the throne of Hastinapura resulted in the battle in which a number of ancient kingdoms participated as allies of the rival clans. The location of the battle was Kurukshetra in the modern state of Haryana in India.See map for Kuru. Throughout ,Krishna acted as a Peace Broker between Kauravas and Pandavas,but when the unrighteous Kauravas were relentless,a war was forced

Kurukshetra War :3067 BCE

Kauravas had 11 while the Pandavas controlled 7Akshauhini (division). The combined number of warriors and soldiers in both armies was approximately 3.94 million. Each Akshauhini was under a commander apart from the Commander in chief who was the head of the entire army. During the Kurukshetra War, the weapons used included: the bow and arrows, the weapon of choice for Arjuna, Bhishma, Drona, Karna and Abhimanyu; the mace, chosen by Bhima and Duryodhana, the spear and the dagger or sword. Arjuna, in a fit of extreme anger over the death of his son Abhimanyu, alone killed one akshauhini of Kaurava soldiers in a single day. The war left an extremely large number of widows and orphans and led to an economic depression and beginning of Kali Yuga.

Arjunas Despondence
When Pandavas were to Confront Kauravas in the Epic Mahabharatha War at Kurukshektra,Arjuna Became despondent worrying whether it was worth to kill the former friends and relatives for the sake of kingship and power. Krishna who acted as the charioteer to Arjuna advised him of the principles of Union With God through Karma (duty),Bhakthi (devotio) or Gnana (Enlightenemet) Yogas

Bhagvad Gita
Lords Battle Field Exhortations are depicted in Bhagvad Gita compiled by Vedavyasa. Midway during the discourse Lord Krishna Shows his Viswarupa to Arjuna in which Lord acts as the One Universal Organism interconnecting all Gods,Celestial and Terrestrial beings and non-beings

Lords Words from Bhagvad Gita

Though unborn and immortal, and also the Lord of all beings,I manifest myself through my own divine potency (Yogamaya),keeping Laws of Universal Nature (Prakrti) under my control. Whenever there is decline of righteousness, then with My maya I manifest Myself forth. For the protection of the virtuous, for the destruction of evil-doers, and for establishing the rule of righteousness ( Dharma ), I incarnate from age to age [in every age]. My birth and activities are divine. He who knows this in reality does not take birth again on leaving his body, but attains Me.

Retrieval Of The Lost Sons

Once Devaki and Vasudeva ,hearing the glories of the Lord by the Sages,expressed their wish to see their Lost Children. Lord Krishna and Balarama went to the netherworld and requested the reigning guard Mahabali to permit the Lords to take back their brethren live babies. Mahabali granted their wish and the lords presented their brethren to Devaki.Devaki breast fed the babies who immediately attained their Moksha since they shared the milk partaken by the Lord Krishna Himself

Blessing The Devotees

rutadeva, and King Bahul va were great devotees of Lord Krishna.The former was in dire straits yet unwaverng in his devotion.Once while Krishna was passing through Mithila both these devotees invited the Lord to Visit their homes.Lord Simultaneously Visited both these houses ,though the devotees never knew this miracle of God initially.

Helping The Childless Brahmin

Once the wife of a brahmin in Dwaraka had a stillborn babiies in all her Ten Deliveries. Hearing this Arjun offerred to help the brahmin. He took extreme precautions,even guarding the Maternity Room all by himself. But upon birth,the baby just disappeared into the skies.Worried,Arjun went to Netherworlds and all other spiritual worlds,but his efforts became fruitless. And the frustrated Brahmin taunted Arjun without any limit.Vexed,Arjun lighted a Pyre and decided to end his life in it. Lord Appeared on the scene,consoled Arjun and took him to Maha Vishnu (whose Avatar was Krishna himself) and retrieved the children for Arjuna,who took the Children to the Brahmin in Dwaraka.

Krishnas Exit
When Balarama learnt of infight among the Yadavas,he left Dwaraka and dissolved his self in water ,called jalsamadhi. Krishna,in turn took to meditation in a forest ,when a hunter mistook his raised left foot as the ear of a deer and shot him.On knowing it was Krishna who was hit by his arrow he sought forgiveness .Krishna blessed him and merged himself in the five cosmic elements (Panch Bhoothas)

Bhalika Tirth

The Place where Lord was Shot by the Hunter is called the Bhalika Tirtha in Gujarath

Place Where Lords Nominal Cremation Was Done

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