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y Established in 1979 as part of Desert Development

Programe to assist soil and water Conservation Planning in the State. y SRSAC earlier known as Aerial Photo Interpretation Laboratory (APIL) .
y In 1985 the laboratory was transferred with staff to

State Department of Science and Technology and renamed as State Remote Sensing Application Centre (SRSAC).

y BASICS OF REMOTE SENSING y Introduction: y Remote Sensing refers to the sensing or detection

of electromagnetic radiation (E.M) which are reflected/scattered or emitted by an object.

y Major elements are: -

1.Data acquisition 2.Data processing &analysis

Data acquisition process: Source of energy Energy in EM radiation Propagation of radiation through earth station Sensors (Active &Passive) Platform (Air borne, Space borne & Ground borne)

Electromagnetic Spectrum: The E. M. Spectrum is defined as of the E. M. radiation as according to frequency, Wavelength energy, the true reasons that are currently being exploited are: y Optical region (wavelength 300nm to 1500 nm) y Microwave region (1mm to 1m)

Optical region of E.M. spectrum: The portion of E.M. spectrum extending in wavelength from 0.3 to 15 micrometer is Known as Optical region. This is the region in which all the objects on the surface of the earth, under natural conditions, either reflect incident solar radiations or emit radiations

ReMicrowave region of E.M. Spectrum:This region comprising of the wavelength from 1mm to 1m is termed as microwave region. Microwave can penetrate solid & unconsolidated earth materials. This makes it possible to detect the radiation emanating from below the soil ,snow & ice cover thus opens up possibilities for much application Remote Sensing platform:There are 3 aspects of Remote Sensing platform:y Air borne platform y Space borne platform y Ground borne platform

Space borne Remote Sensing: In this type of remote sensing objects are sensed from space by a satellite through various types of sensors .It is concerned with the measurement of suns energy (E.M) which is reflected, emitted by object receiving & returning energy from the sun. The suns energy is commonly referred to as E.M spectrum. It is an array of E.M radiation Airborne Remote Sensing: In this art of science a camera held on an airplane takes photographs. The successive photographs of the terrain are taken in such a way direction & that a 60% overlap in forward 30% overlap in lateral direction of flight line are taken so as to have stereoscopic view (3 D) & full coverage .The height of the plane depends upon scale of photography required. Ground borne Remote Sensing:Ground borne remote sensing system for earth resources study is mainly used for collecting the ground truth or arbitrary simulation studies. Platforms may be divided into 2 categories:y Geostationary y Polar orbiting or Synchronous

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Application of Remote sensing :Remote Sensing has applications in following fields:Agriculture Land use & land cover Geology & geomorphology Land degradation studies, salt affected area, erosion Soil conservation planning Water resources Forest & Vegetation mapping Urban planning monitoring & change detection

Applications of Remote Sensing

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