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The cultural program

1 8evlew
2 CulLural program
3 AsslgnemenL 1
4 AsslgnemenL 2
nfoimation Secuiity
Security competence
Must have
Must have Dependent on
Security results
Work processes
Security activities
Monitoring Follow up
Dedicated to
Valid for
Seven categoiies of possible
W nfrasLrucLure Lechnlcal measures
W Crgan|zat|ona| changes
W Cu|ture and att|tude
W ConLrols
W rocedures and guldellnes
W AgreemenLs
W ecur|ty po||c|es
W ;uesLlon do you have any examples ln Lhese caLegorles for e
ultuial piogiam
W ,aln quesLlons
W Pow Lo esLabllsh an lnformaLlon securlLy culLure ln our
W Pow Lo lncrease peoples awareness
W Pow Lo lnvolve everybody ln some way or oLher
W Pow Lo make everybody empowered
W WhaL do we do?
W nformaLlon Lralnlng and lnvolvemenL
W ConLlnue whaL we sLarLed ln Lhe commlLmenL phase
W WhaL happens lf we don'L do lL?
What we say that
we do
What we do
e tiee systems must be in confoimance!
ocumented, Iormal system
Informal system
Formal, but not documented system
at kinu of attituues uo we
W DndersLand lmporLance of lnformaLlon securlLy
W DndersLand Lhe LhreaL slLuaLlon
W DndersLand own lmporLance
W know Lhe organlzaLlons values and securlLy prlnclples
W AccepL and follow Lhe securlLy rules
W Care
W Pave own eLhlcs ln order
we coo oot socceeJ wltb oot secotlty wotk wltboot oo octlve
effott to qet tbe tlqbt kloJs of ottltoJes ooJ o secotlty coltote
loto tbe otqoolzotloo
Suivey in big Noiwegian companies (NN0-
pioject, ca iesponuents)
ave you evei bioken te secuiity iules .
es, deliberately
es, didn't know it
was against the
es, was pressed for time
es, was instructed to
Dont know
uestions fiom te suivey
(Scale -)
W Pow much securlLy Lralnlng have you recelved?
W score 19
W Pow lnLeresLed are you ln securlLy Lralnlng?
W score 19 of max 3
W 1o whlch exLenL are you engaged ln securlLy work?
W score 21
W Pow do you raLe your knowledge abouL lnformaLlon securlLy?
W score 33
W s Lhere an acLlve dlalogue on lnformaLlon securlLy beLween Lhe
managemenL and Lhe employees ln your company?
W score 22
Don't be a victim!!!
Social Engineeiing -
psycological manipulation
W xamples
W nlgerla leLLers
W 1elephone calls
W CLher examples?
W hLLp//wwwsecurlLyfocuscom/lnfocus/1327
W hLLp//wwwuscerLgov/cas/Llps/S104014hLml
W rom ,ega romo crossweaver1[llberolL
W SenL ,onday CcLober 06 2008 323 ,
W Sub[ecL CongraLulaLlons!!!
W mporLanL nformaLlon your emall has won a prlze of
?200000000 (1wo ,llllonuro)n Lhe flrsL caLegory ,ega
no8v,SA/2690/023/028aLchno20/333/,8v Serlal
no3368/06and Award no02031316182023 uo ConLacL Lhe
deLalls ConLacL erson ,r 8oberLPans
mall lnfomage2008[aolcomhone +31613171449 ax +31
84 743 3373
?ours Slncerely
v[erLls von Adrlan (,s) CA
Pow ?
W 1o parLlclpaLe ln Lhe pro[ecL Leam
W 1o be represenLed by someone LrusLed and accepLed
W 1o parLlclpaLe ln some acLlvlLy wlLh speclal relevance for
own work example ln
W developlng procedures perform rlsk assessmenL or prlorlLlze
among suggesLed measures
W 1o be heard for example Lhrough a consulLaLlve round
W eople llke Lhelr own work
W AccepL rules made by Lhemselves than those forced by others
and specially coming from the top.
Question: Why?
. nfoimation
W WhaL do people wanL Lo know? n shorL whaL's ln lL for me?
W WhaL klnd of changes?
W Pow wlll lL effecL Lhe organlzaLlon?
W Pow wlll lL effecL me?
W Wlll be able Lo cope?
To give the right information is extremely important and very
difficult, but also on the right moment and the right time
: Enuuiance
W ;uesLlon why do we have Lo Lalk abouL endurance Lo
compleLe Lhe pro[ecL? Wouldn'L lL go wlLhouL saylng?
Enuuiance - 0sual pioblems
W 1he managemenL has sLarLed wlLhouL reallzlng Lhe full
W 1he managemenL has sLarLed buL lack convlcLlon
W 1he resulLs Lake a long Llme Lo maLerlallze Lhe managemenL
looses lnLeresL
W 1he opposlLlon ls Loo sLrong Lhe securlLy efforLs are quleLly
W new managemenL wlLh a dlfferenL agenda
e best insuiance against lack of enuuiance
W SLarL wlLh an assessmenL of Lhe securlLy sLaLus and Lhe a rlsk
W rlorlLlze Lhe mosL lmporLanL or LhaL whlch shows early resulLs
W lan carefully and reallsLlcally
W uo one Lhlng aL a Llme
W rlorlLlze slmple effecLlve soluLlons before compllcaLed and
"perfecL" ones
Secuiity policies
W 1wo levels
W Cverall pollcy coverlng Lhe securlLy work
W ollcles ln lmporLanL areas secure behavlor ln LhaL area
W 8esL examples
W wwwsansorg
W xamples for 30 areas
olicy , pioceuuie, stanuaiu anu guiuelines
W A pollcy ls a documenL wlLh speclflc and hlgh level
requlremenLs LhaL musL be
W A sLandard would Lyplcally be more deLalled and glve you
speclflc rules for an area LhaL everyone has Lo follow
xamples could be a code sLandard or a sLandard for Lhe
composlLlon of a password
W A procedure ls a sLep by sLep lnsLrucLlon for some acLlon or
example we could have a procedure for dlsLrlbuLlon of new
passwords ln Lhe company
W Culdellnes we mlghL use as a collecLlve Lerm for pollcles
procedures and sLandards and also recommendaLlons
ow to wiite a secuiity policy
W Dse a LemplaLe!
W nvolve people!
W 1he pollcy should
W 8e posslble Lo lmplemenL and llve by
W 8e shorL Lo Lhe polnL and easy Lo undersLand
W 8alanced beLween Lhe need Lo proLecL and Lhe flexlblllLy of use
W ConLaln lL's own [usLlflcaLlon
W SLaLe lL's area of appllcaLlon
W SLaLe clearly whaL happens ln case of breach of Lhe pollcy
W 8e revlsed yearly
W SLaLe responslblllLles for malnLenance eLc
W 1o organlze ls Lo declde who ls responslble for whaL wlLh
respecL Lo lnformaLlon securlLy
W hlerarchy
W uepends on Lhe company's volume
W osslble roles
W Chlef securlLy manager responslble for Lhe overall securlLy work
ln Lhe company
W 1 securlLy offlcer wlLh speclal responslblllLy for lnformaLlon
W SecurlLy coordlnaLors responslble for Lhe securlLy work ln
dlfferenL deparLmenLs or for dlfferenL securlLy areas for example
for 1 operaLlons or oLher areas where we need speclal
compeLence Lo develop adequaLe securlLy measures
The management
The chief security officer
T- department
Business unit 1
T securit officer
Security network T
Security network
business units
Business unit 2 Business unit N
iganising te secuiity woik

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