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8kCADCAS1ING refers Lo Lhe alrborne

Lransmlsslon of elecLromagneLlc audlo slgnal
(radlo) or audlovlsual (Lelevlslon) for Lhe
recepLlon of Lhe general publlc
8kCADCAS1 means Lo send ouL ln all
dlrecLlons 1he Lransmlsslon of sound and
lmages over a broad area
ln Lhe formulaLlon of 1echnlcal SLandards for domesLlc
broadcasLlng Lhe more lmporLanL conslderaLlons
1 1he prevenLlon of harmful slgnal lnLerference
2 1he provlslons of beLLer slgnal quallLy so LhaL Lhe
llsLener may en[oy a clear and more reallsLlc sound
3 1he proper uLlllzaLlon of Lhe broadcasL specLrum
uLllnl1lCn Cl 1L8MS
Med|um Irequency 8roadcast Stat|on an AM sLaLlon
llcensed for aural or sound Lransmlsslon lnLended for
dlrecL recepLlon by Lhe general publlc and operaLed on
a channel ln Lhe Medlum lrequency 8and
Med|um Irequency 8roadcast 8and Lhe band of
frequencles from 3263 Lo 1703 kPz
Med|um Irequency 8roadcast Channe| Lhe band of
frequencles occupled by Lhe carrler and Lwo sldebands
for an AM 8roadcasL slgnal wlLh Lhe carrler frequency
aL Lhe cenLer Channels shall be deslgnaLed by Lhe
asslgned carrler frequencles sLarLlng from 331 kPz ln
lncremenL of 9 kPz
Carr|er Wave a slnusoldal volLage or currenL
generaLed ln a LransmlLLer and subsequenLly
modulaLed by a modulaLlng wave
Carr|er Irequency Lhe frequency of Lhe
carrler wave
Cperat|ng Irequency Lhe carrler frequency
aL any parLlcular Llme
Author|zed Irequency Lhe carrler frequency
auLhorlzed by Lhe AuLhorlLy
Antenna Current ls Lhe radlo frequency currenL ln Lhe
anLenna wlLh no modulaLlon
Antenna kes|stance Lhe LoLal reslsLance of Lhe
LransmlLLlng anLenna sysLem aL Lhe operaLlng
frequency and aL Lhe polnL aL whlch Lhe anLenna
currenL ls measured
Modu|ator Stage means Lhe lasL audlo ampllfler
sLage of Lhe modulaLlng wave whlch modulaLes a radlo
frequency sLage
Modu|ated Stage means Lhe radlo frequency sLage Lo
whlch Lhe modulaLor ls coupled and whlch Lhe carrler
wave ls modulaLed ln accordance wlLh Lhe sysLem of
modulaLlon and Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe modulaLlng
Max|mum kated Carr|er ower ls Lhe
maxlmum power aL whlch Lhe LransmlLLer can be
operaLed saLlsfacLorlly and ls deLermlned by Lhe
deslgn of Lhe LransmlLLer
Author|zed Cperat|ng ower ls Lhe power
auLhorlzed by Lhe auLhorlLy
Input ower ls Lhe producL of Lhe volLage and
currenL aL Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe lasL radlo sLage
measured wlLhouL modulaLlon
Antenna Input ower ls Lhe producL of Lhe
square of Lhe anLenna currenL and Lhe anLenna
reslsLance aL Lhe polnL where Lhe currenL ls
Antenna Current ls Lhe radlo frequency currenL ln Lhe
anLenna wlLh no modulaLlon
Antenna kes|stance Lhe LoLal reslsLance of Lhe
LransmlLLlng anLenna sysLem aL Lhe operaLlng frequency
and aL Lhe polnL aL whlch Lhe anLenna currenL ls measured
Modu|ator Stage means Lhe lasL audlo ampllfler sLage of
Lhe modulaLlng wave whlch modulaLes a radlofrequency
Modu|ated Stage means Lhe radlo frequency sLage Lo
whlch Lhe modulaLor ls coupled and whlch Lhe carrler wave
ls modulaLed ln accordance wlLh Lhe sysLem of modulaLlon
and Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe modulaLlng wave
Dayt|me refers Lo LhaL perlod of Llme beLween
600 am Lo 600 pm (1000 pm Lo 1000 am CM1)
local sLandard Llme
N|ghtt|me refers Lo LhaL perlod of Llme beLween
600 pm Lo 600 am (1000 am Lo 1000 pm CM1)
local sLandard Llme
Lxper|menta| er|od means LhaL Llme
beLween12 mldnlghL Lo 300 am (400 pm Lo 900
pm CM1) local sLandard Llme 1hls perlod may be
used for experlmenLal purposes ln LesLlng and
malnLalnlng apparaLus by Lhe llcensee
Lffect|ve I|e|d ln Lhe 8MS value of Lhe
lnverse dlsLance fleld aL 16 km from Lhe
anLenna ln all dlrecLlons ln Lhe horlzonLal
Spur|ous Lm|ss|on Lhe emlsslon on any
frequency ouLslde of Lhe asslgned channel and
Lolerances allowed by Lhese regulaLlons
1 r|mary Serv|ce Area ls Lhe area ln whlch Lhe
ground wave fleld of 1 mv/m (60 d8u) ls noL
sub[ecLed Lo ob[ecLlonable lnLerference or fadlng
2 Secondary Serv|ce Area ls Lhe area by Lhe sky wave
and noL sub[ecLed Lo ob[ecLlonable lnLerference 1he
slgnal ls sub[ecL Lo lnLermlLLenL varlaLlons ln lnLenslLy
3 Interm|ttent Serv|ce Area ls Lhe area recelvlng
servlce from Lhe ground wave buL beyond Lhe prlmary
servlce area and sub[ecL Lo some lnLerference and
arameters h|| Standards Int'| Standards
Irequency 8and S26S 170S knz S3S 160S knz
No of Channe|s 131 107
8andw|dth per Channe| 9 knz 10 knz
8aseband Irequency S0 1S knz S0 1S knz
erm|tted 8andw|dth 30 knz 30 knz
Spac|ng between Stat|ons 36 knz (4 channe|s apart) 30 knz (3 channe|s apart)
L|m|ts of the Ass|gned Ireq 10 nz 20 nz
Guard band Irequency S00 nz S00 nz
L|m|ts of Carr|er ower +10 at fu|| power +10 at fu|| power
L|m|ts of 1rans ower Not more than S and not |ower than 10 of |ts author|zed
operat|ng power
Intermed|ate Irequency 4SS knz 4SS knz
1ype of Modu|at|on AM AM
1ype of Lm|ss|on A3L A3L
Antenna o|ar|zat|on Vert|ca| Vert|ca|
1ype of kece|ver Superheterodyne Superheterodyne
Carr|er num and 4S d8 be|ow 400 nz tone produc|ng 90 modu|at|on
extraneous no|se |eve|
1ota| Aud|o freq d|stort|on Must not exceed S harmon|cs at 0 84 modu|at|on
Must not exceed 7S harmon|cs at 8S 9S modu|at|on
1 Clear Channel ls one ln whlch Lhe domlnanL
sLaLlon render servlce over wlde area CperaLlng
power ls from 10 Lo 30 kW
2 8eglonal Channel one ln whlch several sLaLlons
may operaLe wlLh powers noL lower Lhan 300 W
or more Lhan 3 kW
3 Local Channel one ln nelLher whlch several
sLaLlon operaLe wlLh powers noL less Lhan 100 W
nor more Lhan 1 kW dayLlme and 230 W
1 C|ass I stat|on domlnanL sLaLlon operaLlng on clear channel and
deslgned Lo render prlmary and secondary servlce over an
exLended area and relaLlvely long dlsLances CperaLlng power shall
noL be less Lhan 10 kW or more Lhan 30 kW
2 C|ass II stat|on ls a secondary sLaLlon whlch operaLes on a clear
channel and ls deslgned Lo render servlce over a prlmary servlce
area CperaLlng power noL less Lhan 023 kW or more Lhan 30 kW
3 C|ass III stat|on sLaLlon whlch operaLe on reglonal channel and ls
deslgned Lo render servlce prlmarlly Lo a meLropollLan dlsLrlcL and
Lhe rural areas CperaLlng power noL less Lhan 1 kW or more Lhan
3 kW (Class lllA) or 03 nelLher kW nor more Lhan 1 kW (Class lll
4 C|ass IV stat|on sLaLlon operaLlng on a local channel and ls
deslgned Lo render servlce Lo a clLy or Lown and Lhe suburban o
rural areas CperaLlng power noL less Lhan 01 kW or more Lhan
023 kW aL nlghL or 1 kW dayLlme
LqulpmenLs shall be consLrucLed accordlng Lo
good englneerlng pracLlce such as mechanlcal
soundness neaLness of wlrlng and accesslblllLy ln
malnLenance AdequaLe LesLlng and monlLorlng
polnLs shall be provlded Lo permlL lsolaLlon and
LesLlng of lndlvldual lLems of Lhe equlpmenL
Adequacy of all componenL parLs
Compllance wlLh LlecLrlcal Wlrlng 8ules
8egulaLlon of Supply volLage
roLecLlon Lo ersons and LqulpmenL
1he maln conslderaLlons ln Lhe selecLlon of anLenna slLe are
LocaLlon ln relaLlon Lo Lhe populaLlon Lo be served and Lo oLher
communlcaLlon lnsLallaLlons and alrporLs
ConducLlvlLy of Lhe soll and lmmedlaLe ad[acenL Lo Lhe slLe
ConducLlvlLy of Lhe paLh beLween Lhe slLe and Lhe LargeL area
Note 8esLrlcLlons may be lmposed on Lhe helghL and locaLlon
of masLs ln cerLaln areas 1owers wlLh helghLs above 130 fL from Lhe
ground are normally requlred Lo puL up Lhe sLandard obsLrucLlon
llghLlng and palnLlng 1he LransmlLLlng anLenna sysLem shall be
radlaLlng efflclenLly Lhe energy Lowards Lhe horlzon or along Lhe
ground and leasL Lowards Lhe sky lL ls usually Lhe verLlcal Lower
radlaLor LhaL meeLs Lhese requlremenLs lor economlc reasons a
slngle verLlcal Lower radlaLor may be employed Lo serve as a common
anLenna for Lwo or more sLaLlons
1he LransmlLLlng equlpmenL and faclllLles should provlde ease of
malnLenance and operaLlon and safeLy Lo personnel ConslderaLlons
shall lnclude Lhe followlng
AdequaLe space Lo faclllLaLe access Lo all equlpmenL for operaLlon
and malnLenance purposes
AdequaLe venLllaLlon Lo ensure saLlsfacLory worklng condlLlons for
sLaff and equlpmenLs
AdequaLe llghLlng Lo faclllLaLe operaLlon and malnLenance of Lhe
Note 1he LransmlLLer musL be equlpped wlLh lndlcaLlng lnsLrumenLs
Lo conLlnuously measure Lhe uC plaLe currenL and volLage and any
oLher lndlcaLlng lnsLrumenLs necessary for proper operaLlon
1he regular and alLernaLe maln LransmlLLers
are colocaLed ln a slngle place
8oLh Lhe LransmlLLers shall malnLaln Lhe same
parameLers especlally wlLh regards Lo
auLhorlzed operaLlng power frequency
sLablllLy eLc
May be lnsLalled ln Lhe same locaLlon as Lhe
regular maln LransmlLLer or ln anoLher
lLs operaLlng power may be less Lhan 10 or
never greaLer Lhan Lhe auLhorlzed operaLlng
power of Lhe maln LransmlLLer
SLudloLo1ransmlLLer Llnk Lhe maxlmum
power allowable Lo S1L's shall be 13 waLLs
8and A 300313 MPz
8and 8 734732 MPz
8and C 942932 MPz
8emoLe lckup 8roadcasL SLaLlon Lhe
maxlmum power allowable shall be 33 waLLs
8and A 313323 MPz
8and 8 430431 MPz
8and C 433436 MPz
8and u 200 waLLs (for repeaLer)
CommunlcaLlons CoordlnaLlon and ConLrol Llnk
Lhe maxlmum power allowable shall be
8and A 412 MPz 100 waLLs (S8S)
8and 8 2367261 MPz 160 waLLs (L8)
8and C 162233162613 MPz 160 waLLs (L8)
166230170130 MPz
8and u 4323433 MPz 200 waLLs (for repeaLer)
4373438 MPz
Irequency kI S|gna| kat|o kI
rotect|on kat|o
Cochannel 73 d8u ls Lo 43 d8u 30 d8
(Same lrequency) (447 mv/M)(14123 v/m)
Ad[acency 73 d8u ls Lo 64 d8u 9 d8
(9kPz away) (447 mv/M)(16 mv/m)
Ad[acency 73 d8u ls Lo 97 d8u 24 d8
(18kPz away) (447 mv/M)(708 mv/m)
1he llcensee of each Medlum lrequency 8roadcasL SLaLlon shall malnLaln program and
operaLlng logs
Cperat|ng Schedu|e
1wo Lhlrds of Lhe LoLal hours LhaL ls auLhorlzed Lo operaLe beLween 6 am Lo 6 pm
local sLandard Llme
1wo Lhlrds of Lhe LoLal hours LhaL ls auLhorlzed Lo operaLe beLween 6 pm Lo
mldnlghL local sLandard Llme
rogramLog Lntr|es
An enLry of Lhe Llme each sLaLlon ldenLlflcaLlon announcemenL (call leLLers
frequency and locaLlon) ls made
An enLry brlefly descrlblng each program broadcasL
An enLry showlng LhaL each sponsored program broadcasL has been announced as
sponsored pald for or furnlshed by Lhe sponsor
An enLry showlng for each program of neLwork orlgln Lhe name of Lhe neLwork
orlglnaLlng Lhe program
An enLry of Lhe Llme Lhe programbeglns and ends
Cperat|ng Log Lntr|es (1ransm|tter Log)
An enLry of Lhe Llme he sLaLlon beglns Lo supply power Lo
Lhe anLenna and Lhe Llme lL sLops
An enLry of each lnLerrupLlon Lo Lhe carrler wave lLs cause
and duraLlon
An enLry of Lhe operaLlng consLanL of Lhe lasL radlo
frequency sLage plaLe currenL and plaLe volLage every 30
Any oLher enLrles requlred by Lhe lnsLrumenL of
Ma|ntenance Log Lntr|es

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