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LLhlcs ln 8uslness

Approaches Lo chlld labour

Presented To:
Prof. S.K. Bose
PM, New Delhi
Presented By:
Nitin Aggarwal
Sandeep Gole
Sarita Patidar
8uslness LLhlcs
8uslness eLhlcs (also corporaLe eLhlcs) ls a form of applled
eLhlcs or professlonal eLhlcs LhaL examlnes eLhlcal prlnclples and
moral or eLhlcal problems LhaL arlse ln a buslness envlronmenL lL
applles Lo all aspecLs of buslness conducL and ls relevanL Lo Lhe
conducL of lndlvlduals and enLlre organlzaLlons
JhaL ls CPlLu LA8C8?
1here ls no unlversally
accepLed deflnlLlon of chlld
Chlld labor ls generally
speaklng work for chlldren
LhaL harms Lhem or explolLs
Lhem ln some way (physlcally
menLally morally or by
blocklng access Lo educaLlon)
Chlld Labour ln lndla
Accordlng Lo Lhe amendmenL ln chlld
labour acL 1986 a ban ls lmposed on
employlng chlldren
Age group beLween 314 years
More Lhan 120 mllllon chlldrens around
Lhe world 44mllllon chlldrens ln lndla
u has Lhe hlghesL number of chlld
More Lhan 80 are employed ln vlllages
LhaL also ln agrlculLure and nonformal
acLlvlLles llke llvesLock rearlng flshlng
Laws of Chlld Labour ln lndla
1he Chlld Labour (rohlblLlon and 8egulaLlon) AcL 1986 prohlblLs
employmenL of chlldren below Lhe age of 14 years ln any facLory or
any hazardous employmenL
Any person who employs chlld he ls llable for punlshmenL wlLh
lmprlsonmenL for 3 monLh whlch can be exLended Lo 1 year or
200008s flne
lL rovldes free and compulsory educaLlon for all chlldren unLll Lhey
compleLe Lhe age of 14 years
Many beggar chlldren and oLher slmllar forms of forced labour are
prohlblLed and vlolaLlon of Lhls provlslon shall be an offence
punlshable ln accordance wlLh law
1he Schedule (arL A)
Any occupation connected with:
Transportation of passenger, goods, mails by railway
Construction of railway
Work in catering establishment at railways
At port
Work related to crackers and fireworks
Abattoirs/ Slaughter houses
1he Schedule (arL 8)
Any professlon relaLed Lo
8ldl Maklng
CarpeL Jeavlng
CemenL ManufacLurlng
MaLches Lxploslve
Mlca CuLLlng
Shellac ManufacLurlng
Jool Cleanlng
8ulldlng/ consLrucLlon
Solderlng process ln
elecLronlc lndusLrles
Cashew and cashew nuL
descalllng processlng
Soap ManufacLurlng
Causes of Chlld labour?
Chlldrens 8lghLs
1hey should have Lhe rlghL Lo en[oy Lhelr llfe and llve a llfe of
freedom and opporLunlLy Lhls ls Lhe goal of Laws Lo proLecL
chlld labourers
Sad|e Irowne
@ a news magazlne
publlshed an arLlcle called
1he SLory of a SweaLshop Clrl ln 1902
a| Mash|h
1welveyearold aklsLanl lqbal Mashlh
spoke Lo 8roadvlewMlddle School
sLudenLs abouL hls experlence as a
bonded laborer Pe was also accepLed
Lhe ?ouLh ln AcLlon award presenLed
by 8eeboks human rlghLs dlvlslon
8e lnvolved ln Chlldrens world
#ug mark is an organization working to end chiId Iabor
and provide educationaI opportunities for chiIdren. For
chiId Iaborers aII over the worId, education is the ticket to
a better future.
Companles (buslness) lndulge ln
Chlld Labour
Jal MarL
JalL ulsney
Cocoa companles
1ommy Pllflger
! Crew
8alph Lauren
ls all work bad for chlldren?
Some chlld workers Lhemselves Lhlnk
LhaL lllegal work should noL be
consldered ln Lhe deflnlLlon of chlld
labor 1he reason 1hese chlld workers
would llke Lo be respecLed for Lhelr
legal work because Lhey feel Lhey have
no oLher cholce buL Lo work
Awareness Awareness
- Jldespread awareness generaLlon Lo creaLe a poslLlve cllmaLe for
chlldren Lo go Lo school and noL Lo work
- LffecLlve uLlllzaLlon of prlnL and elecLronlc medla
- rogramme are Lo be conducLed on chlld rlghLs
- Cbservance of a speclflc day as 'AnLl Chlld Labour uay' (!une 12Lh
ls belng observed as AnLl Chlld Labour uay by lLC)
Chlld llne Chlld llne
- SLarLed ln 1978
- SlLuaLed all over lnulA ln 73 clLles
- SLarLed ln 1996 ln Mumbal as a
'CPlLu lnulA lCunuA1lCn' granL
- Jorks under CPlLu JLLlA8L
- Pas large neLworklng sysLem
SLep AgalnsL Chlld Labour
ev|'s Strauss co
1hey don'L wanL coLLon LexLlles made wlLh chlld labour used ln
producLlon 1hey sLopped/prohlblLed Lhe use of coLLon from
Concluslon Concluslon
Chlld labour ls a curse Lo Lhe lndlan socleLy as well as our
economy Along wlLh Lhe governmenL we also have Lo know abouL
our responslblllLles and should Lake correcLlve measures Lo sLop
chlld labour so LhaL we can have a beLLer and developed lndla A
buslness can grow only ln wlnwln condlLlons and keeplng Lhe
eLhlcal and moral responslblllLy Lowards socleLy and economy

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