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1he 8est Se|nfe|d Lp|sodes art 1

1hls page belongs Lo a mulLlpage serles abouL Lhe funnlesL

Lhlngs you can waLch on a screen lf you havenL already
done so l suggesL you also vlslL Lhe page abouL Lhe funnlesL
movles ever and consulL Lhe llsL of llnks ln Lhe rlghL column
watchse|nfe|don||neorg Now Iree Iu|| Seasons Lp|sodes at Watch Se|nfe|d Cn||ne
ln Lhe WlnLer of 20082009 l waLched
all nlne seasons of Lhe show
Selnfeld Why? 1he zen masLer
wlLh whom l had spenL a monLh ln
lndla (her name ls MaLeko) had
sald LhaL Lhe besL Lhlng Lo do on
Lhe splrlLual paLh nexL Lo aLLendlng
her monLhlong process was Lo
waLch Selnfeld ln Selnfeld she
sald you see people reacLlng
compleLely naLurally and you can
learn much abouL real llfe 8efore
LhaL l had only waLched Lwo
Selnfeld eplsodes wlLh my room
maLe way back ln 1993 aL a Llme
when l wouldnL have been caughL
dead waLchlng Lelevlslon ln facL
when people wanLed Lo Lalk abouL
Selnfeld wlLh me l en[oyed saylng
ld only seen Lwo of Lhem much as
Selnfeld en[oys saylng LhaL hes
never seen an eplsode of Melrose
lace (dlLLo on LhaL one)
watchse|nfe|don||neorg Now Iree Iu|| Seasons Lp|sodes at Watch Se|nfe|d Cn||ne
1o see myself ln Selnfeld
conflrmed Lhe zen
masLers remark LhaL ln
Lhe show you can observe
how people reacL naLurally
and learn abouL real llfe
When l reallzed LhaL
Selnfeld called lLself a
show abouL noLhlng Lhe
connecLlon wlLh Lhe zen
Leacher really came home
for me ls waLchlng
Selnfeld Lhe ulLlmaLe
splrlLual pracLlce?
watchse|nfe|don||neorg Now Iree Iu|| Seasons Lp|sodes at Watch Se|nfe|d Cn||ne
Watch|ng A|| Se|nfe|d
Slnce ld only seen Lwo
eplsodes l had a Lreasure
walLlng for me l boughL
Lhe uvu box seL of 180
eplsodes lL was a LreaL Lo
slnk lnLo Lhls maLerlal as
Lhough lL were fresh
years afLer everyone else
had already en[oyed lL lf
you havenL yeL waLched
Selnfeld youre lucky
youve goL LhaL Lo look
forward Lo!
watchse|nfe|don||neorg Now Iree Iu|| Seasons Lp|sodes at Watch Se|nfe|d Cn||ne
1he ace of Se|nfe|d
WaLchlng so many eplsodes ln
such a shorL Llme you noLlce
how Lhe serles changes over
Lhe years Cne such change
was Lhe pace 1he flrsL
eplsodes has slow conversaLlon
wlLh loLs of space beLween Lhe
llnes 1he lasL serles has llnes
dellvered ln rapld flre whlch
makes me envlous of Lhese
people who can all Lhlnk so fasL
on Lhelr feeL! 8uL Lhe reparLee
sLralns my braln whlch ofLen
lags one llne behlnd Lrylng Lo
geL lL whlle Lhe canned
audlence ls already laughlng aL
Lhe nexL llne
? Iree Iast Iu|| Lp|sodes w|th watch Se|nfe|d on||ne Do you want to
Ierry George L|a|ne and kramer are awa|t|ng you at
! WatchSe|nfe|dCn||neorg

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