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Enhancing Accountability in Public Finance through

in Bangladesh
ParIiamentary standing committees on finance
Washington D.C.
A. S. M Mahbubul Alam
Joint Secretary
Parliament Secretariat
December 6, 2011
O arllamenL conslsLs of represenLaLlves of Lhe
O 8evlew and oplnlon of Lhe represenLaLlves of
Lhe people are of paramounL lmporLance
O WhllsL clLlzens' awareness and capaclLy Lo
dlrecLly lnfluence pollcy ls evolvlng parllamenL
plays a plvoLal role ln 8angladesh
76 (1) arllamenL shall appolnL from among lLs
members Lhe followlng sLandlng commlLLees LhaL
ls Lo say
a A publlc accounLs commlLLee
b CommlLLee on prlvlleges and
c Such oLher sLandlng commlLLees as Lhe rules of
procedure of arllamenL requlre
1he 8angladesh arllamenL ls unlcameral ln naLure
onstitutionul busis lor committcc
O arllamenLary sLandlng commlLLees on publlc flnanclal
managemenL lnclude
ubllc AccounLs CommlLLee (AC)
ubllc underLaklngs CommlLLee (uC)
CommlLLee on LsLlmaLes (LC)
O WhllsL LC examlnes compllance Lo llmlL of Lhe pollcy
lmplled ln Lhe esLlmaLes AC and uC do exposL
scruLlny of audlL reporLs lncludlng
approprlaLlon accounLs showlng Lhe sums granLed by
Lhe Pouse for expendlLure annual flnance accounLs
any oLher accounLs lald before Lhe Pouse
ommittccs ovcrsccing Public Iinunciul
O ,ore of such funcLlons of AC lnclude
Lnsurlng dlsbursemenL accordlng Lo Lhe allocaLlon
Lnsurlng conformance of expendlLure Lo auLhorlLy
Lnsurlng reapproprlaLlon ln accordance wlLh
O luncLlons of uC lnclude
Lxamlnlng reporLs and audlLs of publlc underLaklngs
Lxamlnlng Lhe reporLs lf any of Lhe CAC on publlc
Lxamlnlng ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe auLonomy any
deflclency of publlc underLaklngs
ommittccs ovcrsccing Public Iinunciul
O lmlLed capaclLy of Lhe supporL sysLem of Lhe
commlLLees has resulLed ln
8acklog ln audlL scruLlny
lnadequaLe leglslaLlve pollcy guldance on budgeL
O ack of publlc access Lo leglslaLlve overslghL
ommittccs ovcrsccing Public Iinunciul
O lnsLlLuLlonallze Lhe permanenL secreLarlaL
supporL for llnanclal CverslghL CommlLLees
wlLhln Lhe exlsLlng sLrucLure of Lhe arllamenL
O lmprove leglslaLlve scruLlny on use of publlc
funds and
O lmprove publlc access Lo lnformaLlon abouL Lhe
work of leglslaLlve overslghL commlLLees
$trcngtlcning committccs lor bcttcr
uccountubilit, to citizcns
%ank You

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