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Internat|ona| 8ank for keconstruct|on and Deve|opment

W lounded ln 1944 Lo help Lurope recover

from World War ll
W Cne of flve lnsLlLuLlons LhaL make up
Lhe World 8ank Croup
W 187 member counLrles
W SupporLs longLerm human and soclal
developmenL needs
W reserves borrowers flnanclal sLrengLh
W uses Lhe leverage of flnanclng Lo promoLe
key pollcy and lnsLlLuLlonal reforms
W CreaLes a favourable lnvesLmenL cllmaLe
lnLernaLlonal uevelopmenL AssoclaLlon
W luA ls Lhe World 8ank's lund for Lhe ooresL
W luA provldes supporL for healLh and
educaLlon lnfrasLrucLure and agrlculLure and
economlc and lnsLlLuLlonal developmenL Lo
Lhe 79 pooresL counLrles39 of Lhem ln Afrlca
W fghan|stan percenL reducLlon ln lnfanL
morLallLy and percenL reducLlon ln chlld
morLallLy ln [usL Lhree years
W rmen|a 43 percenL of households ln urban
mulLlaparLmenL bulldlngs now use safe
clean and affordable gasbased heaLlng
W erba|[an 1 mllllon people ln 431
communlLles beneflLLed from new or
reconsLrucLed roads over Lhe pasL flve years
W 8ang|adesh mllllon people beneflLLed from
mlcroflnance over Lhe lasL 1 years
W 8en|n 3 resldenLs galned beLLer access
Lo lnfrasLrucLure and baslc servlces over Lhe
pasL flve years
W 8hutan 34 households ln 39 vlllages have
beneflLLed from Lhe consLrucLlon of 19
kllomeLers of roads
W ambod|a rlmary compleLlon raLe reached
83 per cenL ln 89 up from less Lhan
3 per cenL only flve years ago
W ameroon 1 mllllon people beneflLLed
dlrecLly from lmproved lnfrasLrucLure
lncludlng more Lhan 98 from lmproved
W r|trea % 3133 orphans placed wlLh famllles
by 3
W th|op|a 4 prlmary school Leachers
were hlred helplng Lo lncrease Lhe neL
prlmary school enrollmenL raLe from 83
percenL ln 3 Lo 833 percenL ln 9
W onduras 3 rural famllles bullL farms and
seL up rural enLerprlses LhaL provlded Lhem
wlLh assured lncome and employmenL
W Ind|a Cver 98 percenL of lndla's chlldren now
have access Lo a prlmary school wlLhln 1
kllomeLer of Lhelr home
W oans
W SyndlcaLed oans
W LqulLy llnance
W CuaslLqulLy llnance
W LqulLy and uebL lunds
W SLrucLured llnance
W lnLermedlary Servlces
W 8lsk ManagemenL roducLs
W ocal Currency llnanclng
W SubnaLlonal llnance
W 1rade llnance
W Members of Lhe MlCA lnclude 174 members of
Lhe unlLed naLlons and Lhe 8epubllc of kosovo
W Mlsslon ls Lo promoLe forelgn dlrecL lnvesLmenL
(lul) lnLo developlng counLrles Lo help supporL
economlc growLh reduce poverLy and lmprove
peoples llves
W rovldlng pollLlcal rlsk lnsurance guaranLees Lo
prlvaLe secLor lnvesLors and lenders
W Slnce lLs lncepLlon ln 1988 MlCA has lssued more
Lhan $4 bllllon ln pollLlcal rlsk lnsurance
for pro[ecLs ln a wlde varleLy of secLors coverlng
all reglons of Lhe world
W Cver Lhe years Lhe organlzaLlon has provlded
more Lhan $4 bllllon ln pollLlcal rlsk
lnsurance for over pro[ecLs ln more Lhan
1 developlng counLrles
W 1here are currenLly 137 slgnaLory SLaLes Lo Lhe
lCSlu ConvenLlon Cf Lhese 147 SLaLes have
also deposlLed Lhelr lnsLrumenLs of
raLlflcaLlon accepLance or approval of Lhe
W lCSlu ls an auLonomous lnLernaLlonal
lnsLlLuLlon esLabllshed under Lhe ConvenLlon
on Lhe SeLLlemenL of lnvesLmenL ulspuLes
beLween SLaLes and naLlonals of CLher SLaLes
wlLh over one hundred and forLy member
W 1he lCSlu ConvenLlon ls a mulLllaLeral LreaLy
formulaLed by Lhe LxecuLlve ulrecLors of Lhe
lnLernaLlonal 8ank for 8econsLrucLlon and
W lL was opened for slgnaLure on March 18
193 and enLered lnLo force on CcLober 14

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