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kullah enganLar 1eknologl lnformasl

Coky lauzl Alfl

Internet (2)
W lecLronlc Mall
W World Wlde Web
W 8emoLe Access
W CollaboraLlve SofLware
W llle Sharlng
W SLreamlng Medla
W volce over lnLerneL roLocol
W lnLerneL PosLlng Servlce
ectron|c Ma|
lecLronlc mall
A sysLem of worldwlde elecLronlc
communlcaLlon ln whlch a compuLer user
can compose a message aL one Lermlnal
LhaL can be regeneraLed aL Lhe reclplenLs
Lermlnal when Lhe reclplenL logs ln
omputer8ased vs Web8ased ma|
CompuLerbased emall sLores your lncomlng
messages on a server unLll you are ready Lo collecL
Lhem Cnce you download Lhe messages Lhey are
deleLed from Lhe server and sLored on your C
WlLh webbased emall you use your lnLerneL browser
Lo go Lo Lhe emall provlders slLe Lhen log ln wlLh a
user name and password 1he emall provlder sLores
all your messages for you
omputer8ased ma|
W CuLlook
W CuLlook press
W nLourage
W Mall
W 1hunderblrd
W udora
Web8ased ma|
W ahoo mall (hLLp//mallyahoocom)
W Cmall (hLLp//gmallgooglecom)
W MSn PoLmall (wwwhoLmallcom)
W Mac (wwwmaccom)
Ma| Server System
W SM1 server where SM1 sLands for Slmple
Mall 1ransfer roLocol 1he SM1 server
handles ouLgolng mall
W C3 server or an lMA server C3 sLands
for osL Cfflce roLocol and lMA sLands for
lnLerneL Mall Access roLocol boLh of whlch
handle lncomlng mall
Word W|de Web
Word W|de Web
1he Word W|de Web (commonly shorLened Lo
the Web) ls a sysLem of lnLerllnked hyperLeL
documenLs accessed vla Lhe lnLerneL
WlLh a web browser a user vlews web pages
LhaL may conLaln LeL lmages vldeos and
oLher mulLlmedla and navlgaLes beLween Lhem
uslng hyperllnks
WWW 1oos
W Web Server
A compuLer responslble for servlng web pages
mosLly P1ML (PyperLeL Markup Language)
documenLs vla Lhe P11 (PyperLeL 1ransfer
roLocol) proLocol Lo cllenLs mosLly web browsers
W Web age
A documenL or flle wrlLLen ln P1ML LhaL ls sLored
on a web server and can be vlewed over Lhe lnLerneL
uslng an web browser
WWW 1oos
W Web 8rowser
A sofLware appllcaLlon LhaL enables a user Lo dlsplay
and lnLeracL wlLh LeL lmages and oLher lnformaLlon
Lyplcally locaLed on a web page aL a webslLe on Lhe
World Wlde Web or a local area neLwork
W Web Address
u8L sLands for unlform 8esource LocaLor 1he u8L
speclfles Lhe lnLerneL address of a flle sLored on a
hosL compuLer connecLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL
emote Access
emote Access
A servlce whlch makes lL posslble Lo
connecL Lo a neLwork or Lhe lnLerneL from
a dlsLanL locaLlon
emote Access 1oos
W vlrLual rlvaLe neLwork (vn)
A meLhod employlng encrypLlon Lo provlde
secure access Lo a remoLe compuLer over Lhe
emote Access 1oos
W 1elecommunlcaLlon neLwork (1elneL)
a collecLlon of Lermlnals llnks and nodes whlch
connecL LogeLher Lo enable LelecommunlcaLlon
beLween users of Lhe Lermlnals
W Secure Shell (SSP)
a neLwork proLocol LhaL allows daLa Lo be echanged
uslng a secure channel beLween Lwo neLworked
oaborat|ve Software
oaborat|ve Software
oaborat|ve software (also referred Lo
as groupware or workgroup support
systems) ls sofLware deslgned Lo help
people lnvolved ln a common Lask achleve
Lhelr goals
1he 1hree Leves of oaborat|on
W lecLronlc communlcaLlon Lools
W lecLronlc conferenclng Lools
W CollaboraLlve managemenL Lools
ectron|c ommun|cat|on 1oos
W synchronous conferenclng
W emall
W falng
W volce mall
W Wlkls
W Web publlshlng
W revlslon conLrol
ectron|c onferenc|ng 1oos
W lnLerneL forums
W Cnllne chaL
W lnsLanL Messaglng
W 1elephony
W vldeo conferenclng
W uaLa conferenclng
W AppllcaLlon sharlng
W lecLronlc meeLlng sysLems
oaborat|ve Management 1oos
W elecLronlc calendars (also called Llme managemenL
W pro[ecL managemenL sysLems
W workflow sysLems
W knowledge managemenL sysLems
W predlcLlon markeLs
W eLraneL sysLems (someLlmes also known as pro[ecL
W soclal sofLware sysLems
W onllne spreadsheeLs
|e Shar|ng
|e Shar|ng
|e shar|ng refers Lo Lhe provldlng and recelvlng
of dlglLal flles over a neLwork usually followlng
Lhe peerLopeer (2) model where Lhe flles
are sLored on and served by personal compuLers
of Lhe users MosL people who engage ln flle
sharlng on Lhe lnLerneL boLh provlde (upload)
flles and recelve flles (download)
|eShar|ng rogram
W uSn1
W 8lL1orrenL
W Llmewlre
W odcasL
Stream|ng Med|a
Stream|ng Med|a
1echnlcal Lerm for dlglLal audlo or vldeo
Lransmlsslons vla Lhe lnLerneL
1he sound and lmage daLa are senL as a
daLa sLream Lo Lhe subscrlber
L|st of Stream|ng Med|a Systems
W andora (muslc servlce)
W Culck1lme 8roadcasLer
W vldeoLAn
W Wlnamp a freeware medla player for
MlcrosofL Wlndows
Io|ce over Internet rotoco
Io|ce over Internet rotoco
volce over lnLerneL
roLocol (vol) ls a
Lechnology used Lo
LransmlL volce
conversaLlons over a daLa
neLwork uslng Lhe lnLerneL
IoI Software
W ACL lnsLanL Messenger
W Coogle 1alk
W lChaL Av
W Skype
W Wlndows Llve Messenger
W ahoo! Messenger
Internet nost|ng Serv|ce
Internet nost|ng Serv|ce
An Internet host|ng serv|ce ls a servlce
LhaL runs lnLerneL servers allowlng
organlzaLlons and lndlvlduals Lo serve
conLenL Lo Lhe lnLerneL or ln newble
Lerms a way for you Lo keep your
webslLe llve and vlewable on Lhe
1ypes of nost|ng
lullfeaLured hosLlng
2 LlmlLed or appllcaLlonspeclflc hosLlng
ufeatured nost|ng
W uedlcaLed hosLlng servlce
W vlrLual prlvaLe server
W ColocaLlon faclllLles
L|m|ted or App|cat|onspec|f|c
W Web hosLlng servlce
W mall hosLlng servlce
W unS hosLlng servlce
W Came servers
W Wlkl farms
1he rocess for nost|ng a Web S|te
W 8eglsLer domaln name
W llnd an PosLlng rovlder
W llnd an approprlaLe server
W uevelop graphlc and P1ML conLenL
W upload Lo web server uslng l1 Lo
Lransfer flles
What 1o ons|der When hoos|ng
a nost|ng rov|der
W SLorage Space and uaLa1ransfer
W 8ellablllLy
W 1echnlcal SupporL
W Added leaLures
W rlclng SLrucLure
What's Your Message?

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