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Quem no l, mal ouve, mal fala, mal v Um pas se faz com homens e livros Essas so citaes bem conhecidas

de Monteiro Lobato, um dos homenageados do maior evento de celebrao do livro no pas. Assim como Lobato, muitos se preocupam com o papel que o livro ocupa na vida das pessoas.

CBL is an entity that represents the interests of the publishing industry. It gathers the concerns of publishers, distributors, booksellers and retail bookstores. Small, mid-sized and large companies brought together for the purpose of making a better country through books and reading.

Bienal Internacional do Livro de So Paulo is the books greatest moment in Brazil, an event gathering the countrys main publishers, bookstores and distributors. During the fair, there are book releases and a cultural schedule made to develop a taste for reading in children, teenagers and adults. This event is really a cultural celebration of the book and it can show what a perfect adventure that reading is! 5) Minha Biblioteca Distributes literary books to elementary school students: this is the purpose of Programa Minha Biblioteca, which is carried out from partnerships with municipalities. This program promotes the reading in schools and makes it possible! It stimulates the production of the publishers thus, making the mission of CBL recognized. 3) Panorama Magazine Having full articles, analyses and points of view from leading figures from politics, this magazine approaches publishing and bookselling key activities points. It is distributed free of charge to associates. It is a publication which proposes to be the main channel of communication among the players of the market. 4) Escola do Livro aims at qualifying and training professionals involved in books production and marketing. Its compromise is to offer the best educational and updating programs always reflecting the new demands and trends of the market. 5

2) The Brazilian Publishers Project aims at facilitating Brazilian publishers access to global markets by promoting the Brazilian culture and spreading national works and authors. This event contributes mainly to the professionalization of the small and medium players who intend to be in the international market.

A Bienal o maior evento comemorativo ao livro no Pas. O livro a opo mais democrtica para, acima de tudo, transmitir conhecimento. Conhecimento que liberta e d direito cidadania.

6) Prmio Jabuti is the most traditional literary award in Brazil. Awarded since 1959, it is intended to publicly acknowledge publishers, writers, book cover illustrators, illustrators, graphics producers and other professionals related to such industry and to books marketing.




















Primeira Feira Popular do Livro montada pela CBL, em 1951 na praa da Repblica, no esforo de introduzir no pas a tradio europia das feiras de livros encontradas na Frana, na Alemanha e na Itlia. Em 1961 foi promovida, em parceria com o Museu de Arte de So Paulo, a 1 Bienal Internacional do Livro e das Artes Grficas, realizada entre 15 e 30 de agosto de 1970, no mesmo edifcio da Bienal de Arte Em 1996, para abrigar um maior nmero de expositores e proporcionar maior conforto ao pblico, ela passou a ser realizada no Expo Center Norte. Em razo do crescimento contnuo de pblico e expositores, em 2002, ela foi para o Centro de Exposies Imigrantes (com 45 mil metros quadrados de rea) Finalmente chega, em 2006, ao Anhembi, o maior centro de exposies da Amrica Latina Sobre a Bienal


To encourage the expasion of the Book Fairs in Brazil, Ministry of Culture throught National Library Foundation has prepaired a program that benefits the existing events and future ones.



Todos juntos por um nico propsito: Celebrar o livro e promover novos leitores, com a melhor experincia que puderem ter.


Todos juntos por um nico propsito: Celebrar o livro e promover novos leitores, com a melhor experincia que puderem ter.


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