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Angshuman Bose

Perception Influences on perception Stages of Perception Factors leading to error in perception How to avoid errors in perception.

The process by which we become aware of objects and events in the external world.

The process of making sense of the world around us.



Senses ii. Age iii. Health iv. Fatigue v. Hunger vi. Biological cycles



Cultural Differences

Nonverbal behaviors, odors, speech, silence, space Sex roles, gender roles, occupational roles Self-esteem, locus of control, attribution (attaching meaning to behavior)

Social Roles






and memory.

Life is a process of selecting information/data We are confronted with millions of pieces of stimuli each day (1,500 advertisements alone) Factors That Influence Our Selection

A. Interest (College Basketball, Movies, Music) B. Need (lectures, traffic lights, buying 1st car) C. Aesthetics (noise, movement, color)
y What advertisers, marketers, & designers do D. Biology (sensation seeking, ADHD, circadian rhythms)

To eliminate the chaos of life and help make sense of the world, we simplify and reduce our information load.

We put our selected data in cognitive folders Also called: Schematas or Cognitive Framework

Next, we have to Evaluate the data in our folders Larger files (more complete and accurate) Smaller files (simplistic and underdeveloped)

Our Comfort Zone: Not Comfortable with New or Small Folders Thinking out of the box Forces Us To Make New Folders


That Influence Long-term Memory

A) Recency of Time B) Frequency of Use C) Importance D) Emotional Connection E) Weirdness/Uniqueness

Impression of others -We generally tend to perceive a person by the first impression we have of him



We select the first dominant characteristic of a person Physical appearance weight, personality wealth, clothing regional accent, race large nose glasses nice shoes, etc.



The mind likes consistency, simplicity, & balance. Any information that could disrupt the peace is seen as dangerous. The brain tries to restore balance:



We tend to remember only the first and the last things of what we interact with. This is the major cause why interviewers reject or accept candidate on their first impression


Bias (AKA Fundamental Attribution Error )

When we do well, it is because of internal factors When we do poorly, it is because of external factors When others do well, it is because of external factors When others do bad, it is because of internal factors

Analyze perceptions. 1. Recognize your own role. 2. Avoid early conclusions. 3. Avoid mind reading Check perceptions. 1. Describe what you believe you see/hear. 2. Ask for confirmation

Reduce uncertainty. 1. Cultural uncertainty avoidance 2. Observe, ask, interact

Increase cultural sensitivity. 1. Observe customs 2. Avoid sterotyping

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