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Social Science 3 1st Quarter Reviewer SGR Definition of Terms a.

Corporation an organization formed with the state governmental approval to act as an artificial person to carry on a business b. Raw Materials unprocessed natural product used in manufacture c. Third World Countries term originally used to distinguish those nations that neither aligned with the west nor with the east during the cold war; least developing countries d. Tariffs tax imposed on a product when it is imported into a country e. Plunder to rob goods by force, especially in times of war f. Repression act of restraining, inhibiting or suppressing g. Unemployment describes a state of a worker who is willing but not able to find work h. Destabilization to upset the stability or smooth functioning of; to undermine the power of a government or leader by subversive or terrorist acts i. Junta a group of military officers ruling a country after seizing power (after a coup dtat) j. Hillbillies a person from the backwoods or a remote mountain area GEOGRAPHY a. What is geography? The study of earths landscapes, peoples, places, environments and its features b. Importance of geography Geographic borders create natural boundaries, this leads to the diversity in culture Defines customs and traditions; identities c. Continents 7: North America, South America, Europe Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia 4: Americas, Afroeurasia, Antarctica, Australia MAP PROJECTTIONS

Method of presenting the surface of a sphere or other shapes on a plane and is necessary in making maps a. Map representation of a globe on a flat surface b. Carl Frederick Gauss Theorema Egregium c. Theorema Egregium sphere cannot be represented in a plane without any distortions Three map Projections 1. Mercator (Gerardus Mercator) - Cylindrical map projection - Straight meridians and parallels with intersect at right angles - Standard map projection for nautical purposes - Able to represent lines of constant course as straight segments - Used by sea farers 2. Peters (Arno Peters) - Equal map area - Elongated and squeezed - Most credible to use - Represents areas accurately but it seriously distorts shapes 3. Robinson (Arthur Robinson) - Meridians in this projection, gently stretching the poles into long lines - Not as accurate as Mercators - Least accurate THE EARTHS BIOSPHERE 3 Parts: 1. Lithosphere - Outer solid crust part of the earth - In constant motion - Upper most mantle - 200mya ( super continent was made) Pangaea - Land Panthalassa water - 190mya (Pangaea split into two) Laurasia up Gondwanaland down - 130mya (India early countries) Amica !

65mya (South America, Africa) 2 Theories: Plate Tectonic Continental Drift Continent large landmass surrounded by or nearly surrounded by water Ural Mountains used to divide Europe and Asia; not impressive; in Russia Bosporus and Dardanelles (Straits) in turkey; not an impressive division either Division: superiority, appearance, cultures, industry and agriculture

3. Homo Habilis Handy Man made stone tools; skull was found near A. Boisei 4. Homo Erectus first to use fire; Eugene Dubois discovered Java Man / Pithecanthropus Erectus

Branched out into two: a. Homo Sapiens b. Neanderthals - Neander Valley, Germany - Mysteriously disappeared 5. Homo Sapiens Wise Man 6. Homo Sapien Sapiens present day humans BIG ERAS Present in the early hominid were the following: - Complex social relationships Social cooperation Group politics Cared for each other; esp children What differs us from them? - Art, religion & language Everything started with bipedalism - Bipedalism > free hands > nourished brain Collective Learning - Storing and building up skills + knowledge = continuing cultural change - Through language What is so special about homo sapiens? - Well-developed brain >> rational thinking

EVOLUTION OF MAN Specially Trained Scientists: a. Archaeologists learn about early people by excavating and studying traces of early settlements * Archaeological dig excavated site * artifacts remains, hint at culture/civilization b. Anthropologists study culture (way of life); study artefacts and recreate a picture of peoples cultural behaviour c. Paleontologists study fossils; use techniques to date ancient fossil remains and rocks _____________________________________________ Chemicals > unicellular cells > multicellular cells > animals underwater > animals on land > dinosaurs > mammals > primates (3D vision, large brain, good grip) Hominid Development * Hominids First to stand upright 1. Ramapithecus scavengers, small family groups 2. Australopithecines brain the size of a modern chimp; their tools became varied and complex A. Afarencis LUCY; Donald Johanson & Tom Gray; Ethiopia; most important because of almost complete skeleton A. Africanus - TAUNG CHILD; Raymond Dart; Africa; Larger than A. Afarencis A. Boisei ROBUSTUS; Mary Leakey; large teeth and thickened skull

CHANGES THAT OCCURRED BY THE END OF BE 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Homo Sapiens appeared Language developed Habitats expanded Technology multiplied Wall paintings and sculptures were created

10,000BCE 1,000BCE a. domestication of plants and animals lead to the birth of villages 1. Pastoralism (herding animals) Amica !

- Sheep, goats, cattle, etc 2. Crop-growing - Plants b. development of farming communities (Eastern North America, Mesoamerica, West Africa, Nile Valley, Ethiopia, etc.) c. communities independently appeared Farming Results a. Population Intensification (growth) b. Surplus of Food (increase in food production) ^^ were AUTOCATALYTIC (transpired at the same time) c. Job Specialization because SoF; free time

ICA AGE: weather & climate: colder (late stone age) weather grew warmer, glaciers melted and climates grew hotter and drier (end of the old stone age); land/land bridges were exposed

NEOLITHIC (New Stone Age) learned to shape and polish stone more carefully people established settlements * Jericho Middle East * Catal Huyuk Turkey (Obsidian products for jewelry, dcor and weapons); neo basis * Ethiopia * Fertile Crescent

PALEOLITHIC (Old Stone Age) People were nomads; did not build permanent dwellings or settle in villages Made temporary homes in caves / tents Small groups ( 20 30) Stone artifacts, cave dwellers used and learned to control fire * Fire provided warmth and light; also used in hunting ad in cooking food (H. Erectus) Used spoken language; enabled them to share ideas and experiences and pass it on to their children (H. Sapiens) Tools: Stones, bones, wood (H.Habilis)

* Domestication of plants and animals farming pastoralism and farming comminities * Farming population intensification & food surplus (not everyone has to grow food, tend animals) allowed for job specialization such as weaving & pottery) * farming appeared independently in: o o o o o o o o o o Eastern North America Mesoamerica Andes Fertile Crescent New Guinea Amazona West Africa Nile Valley Ethiopia China

Neanderthal (Homo Erectus) people develop beliefs They had rituals; carefully buried the dead Introduced concept of afterlife

Cro-Magnon (Homo Sapiens) people develop art beads, necklaces, bracelets carved from ivory; small sculptures depicting animals played music (carved flute) paintings found in the walls of caves animal paintings: shows that they had rituals and beliefs (goodluck, honor, thanks) Europe and Asia; * Altamira cave Spain * Lascaux Cave France

Villagers developed special skills people first developed farming tamed/domesticated wild animals learned pottery, weave cloth and work with metals * artisans people with skills in specialized craft Amica !

Environment undergoes changes

achievements made first in the Near East (Egypt to Mesopotamia)

Ideas of trade and private property developed began to establish villages trade in products (barter) barter: exchange of goods for goods

Village vs City Village: simple trade such as barter City: Thriving trade (Exports, Imports, Currency) Artisans developed new skills & work with metal developed new technology: learned to us new methods and materials to create new tools for their work learned to make tools with metal learned to make bronze from copper & tin

region between Tigris and Euphrates Minoan Civilization b. Egyptian Civilization Nile River in northern Africa c. Indian Civilization Indus River Harappan Civilization d. Chinese civilization Yellow River Governments are organized Need to plan irrigation and flood control In farming villages, the more powerful families became leaders Laws issued to keep order among people Rulers governed a clearly define area Beliefs and rituals helped shape the government Rulers seen as gods / chosen reps of gods People followed specialized occupations

CIVILIZATIONS (Western concept) IN ASIA AND AFRICA System of Writing and record keeping along with the growth of cities came the beginnings of organized government and religion copper was the first metal used Write down taxes owed to the government Laws had to be written down Merchants to identify and keep track of their goods

Elements of Civilization 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cities Central government and law codes Writing an record keeping Highly organized religions Specialized jobs (artisans traded their products) 6. Social classes 7. Complex technologies * complex institutions: a long lasting pattern of organizations in a community (government, religion First civilizations: in the river valleys European civilization transpired later emerged in four great river valleys in Asia and Africa a. Mesopotamia Civilization (Sumer)


Amica !

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