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Im writing because Im bored.

And because Ive got this idea for a short story stuck in my head that I think is actually pretty cool. Too bad I cant write stories. But practice makes perfect. So, here we go. I dont expect this to be good at all, just saying. Im just experimenting. The large building was empty. Eerily empty. No noise, no body heat from people who may have been there recently, no evidence that the building was occupied at all. The man stood in the middle of the wide hallway, staring down the corridor. He had been here before. The man had been trying to find his way out of the building for some time now, but the wide hallways seemed to go on endlessly. Sometimes he would come to a door, and the door would lead outside into the night, but the man was blocked in by fences and other extensions of the building. Wherever he went he was in the same place. The building was dimly lit, with only a few fluorescent lights hanging just enough to make out the shape of the hallway. It was as if someone had left in a hurry and hadnt closed up properly. Some departments of the building had empty desks, some chairs and tables, some were just large empty rooms as if used for storing. He had tried the phones on the desks, but no luck. He had no watch and he had nothing in his pockets. The man was starting to get scared. As he walked down the hallway, he kept checking back over his shoulder. His pace quickened, but the sound of his footsteps growing louder and faster was a leading cause of his fear. Soon he was running full-speed, straight for a small gray door in front of him. He burst through the door and the noise echoed. Outside. The stars shone brightly but the moon seemed distant. He looked around. Pavement covered the ground, inviting him to continue walking to the next department of the

building. Fences blocked off other sections. Nothing grew between the cracks in the pavement. The man had been here before. Still, he was growing used to the constant feeling of failure and hopelessness that came when opening a door or turning a corner in this place. Large crates lay around, all empty. Close to them was a ramp leading to an open sliding door. The man had seen this sliding door already. A forklift sat by the ramp. No key in the ignition. No objects left in the seat. The man walked steadily down the pavement, desperately searching to get away. There was no sound of cars on roads in the distance. No wind whistling. Nothing moved. The freezing air grabbed at the man, forcing him to protect himself. The man walked up to the next department, a large rectangular building with the same gray doors as were all over, as if testing the man to try them. He walked inside to see a room with a counter in the middle and two doors to the sides. He had been here before. Although he tried to take the straightest paths he could, he always seemed to end up back where he started. He could not find his way out. Hours passed. The man grew angry. The man grew desperate. The man grew tired. As he frantically raced around the construction, he became increasingly illogical. He paced. He walked around in circles. He jumped over fences. He screamed he cried he ran he sat he thought he waited. He had no memory of arriving at the building. He did not know where his friends or family were. He had no idea if any of them should be near him, or if he was utterly alone. He had no clue as to what the building was even constructed for.

After a while he started hallucinating. Seeing people standing out of the corner of his eye that evaporated as he turned. Movements at the end of hallways that disappeared just as he looked. When he blinked he would see his someone standing in the middle of the corridor. When he shut his eyes he would hear bumps or thuds that came from nowhere. He ran from room to room, outside to inside, department to department, Ive been here Ive seen this before I was just here I was just there how is this happening I just came from here Ive been here before. He stopped running and found himself in the tower, the tallest department in the place. The man had been here before. He stood still. He looked out the window at all the places he had been so many times. The hallucinations continued. He heard the bumps the voices he saw the faces when he shut his eyes Ive been here before there is no way out. There isno way out. The man jumped out the window and fell down to the pavement head first. The abandoned asteroid continued to float through space.

I had an idea for a really short story (like, maybe a few sentences) and now I cant remember it. If I do, I will write it under here. I remember it. Its not very good. A young man sat in his living room alone reading the morning paper. The doorbell rang, and the young man got up to answer the door. An old man standing on the porch presented a button and told the young man if you press this button, you will receive one million dollarsbut someone on Earth will die. The young man stared at the old man for a moment, then reached his hand out and hit the button. The young man dropped dead on the porch.

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