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Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr. (602) 266 6662

Checklist for a Positive Attitude

A Positive Attitude is a prerequisite to creating positive outcomes in your life. Positive attitude serves as a springboard to positive thought. To say this in a different way, positive thoughts spring naturally from a positive attitude. Your subconscious mind the deep part of your mind uses your thoughts as the commands from which it creates your life. The words that you say to yourself the ideas that you think make up the orders that direct your subconscious mind in what to create your life to be. When your thoughts are positive, the creations of your subconscious mind are also positive. So, if your attitude is positive and your resultant thoughts are positive, the outcomes that you experience in your life as created by your subconscious mind are also positive! You can experience much that is positive in your life from those outcomes! This is the basis for self-improvement. When you want to improve in an area of your life, you can do so most effectively and most expeditiously by, (1) affirming positive thought and outcome in that area (2) acting in alignment with those positive thoughts Your thoughts and actions then work together to bring about success in those areas in which you most desire to experience self-improvement! The following Checklist is intended to provide you with a ruler of your present level of Positive Attitude:

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Personal Self-Improvement: Positive Attitude by Marlene Shiple, Ph.D.

Checklist for a Positive Attitude

Check any of the following that apply to you: 1. I look at the glass as half full, not half empty... 2. I can find the beauty in anything... 3. I think of the good before the bad................. 4. I am willing to make changes in order to improve....... 5. I love and enjoy life...... 6. I avoid using negative words.. 7. I am upbeat and cheerful.... 8. I look for and find the good in others. 9. I love to have fun...... 10. I do not put others down.... 11. I am able to let go of anger.... 12. l see mistakes as opportunities to learn.. 13. I genuinely care about those around me..... 14. I am flexible when it comes to my plans..... 15. I look for ways to make others lives better..... 16. I am a giver, not a taker. 17. I make it a practice to speak positively... 18. I see the solution, rather than the problem..... 19. I have goals towards which I am willing to work.... 20. I take charge of my attitudes.....


_____ (total number of checkmarks)

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Personal Self-Improvement: Positive Attitude by Marlene Shiple, Ph.D.



Total Number of Checkmarks: 17 to 20 TERRIFIC! Your attitude is Positive AND Strong! Get our Self-Improvement Software and use it to fine-tune your already Positive Attitude. Your approach is basically solid, yet you could benefit yourself substantially by being more Positive. Download our SelfImprovement Software and use it to help you build a more Positive Attitude. It's time to seriously tune your attitude in a more-Positive Direction. Download our Self-Improvement Software and use It to propel Yourself into a strong level of Positive Attitude!

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Personal Self-Improvement: Positive Attitude by Marlene Shiple, Ph.D.

RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: Self-Improvement Software

Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr. (602) 266 6662

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Personal Self-Improvement: Positive Attitude by Marlene Shiple, Ph.D.

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