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TV drama: Lost The main characters in the TV drama Lost would usually include Jack Shephard, Kate Austen,

James Ford, John Locke, Hurley Reyes, Claire Littleton, Charlie Pace, Boone and Shannon Carlisle, Jin and Sun Kwon, Benjamin Linus, Juliet Burke, Michael Dawson, Desmond Hume, Miles Straume, The man in black, Richard Alpert, Frank Lapidus, Daniel Farraday, Libby Smith, Eko, charlotte Lewis, Christian Shephard, Eloise Hawking, Penny Widmore, Danielle Rousseau. Although the actual set of main characters differs from season to season, as there are always people dying or new people coming into the show. Overall the main plot of Lost is a group of survivors who a stranded on a magical, mysterious island. They come to discover other people on this island, and discover lots of amazing but surprising facts about the island and its history. In the first season of Lost, the main plot would show us them coming to the island by crashing, you would begin to get to know each characters past and why they were on the plane. You would get to see flashbacks of each characters life throughout season 1, 2 & 3. They discover a Hatch in the ground and begin to excavate it. In season two of Lost, the survivors discover the other survivors from the other half of the plane, in season two we see a lot more of the hatch and its history. They learn about the native people to the island that they come to name the others. In season three of Lost 3 of the survivors are captured by the others and are taken prisoner, whilst meanwhile the Hatch they discovered implodes. Once the survivors all escape from the others, one of the others come back with the survivors and begin to live with them. Season four of Lost consists of a freighter coming to the island, claiming to rescue the survivors. When only 6 of the survivors actually get off the island, they must make a lie to cover up their time on the island to protect it. You will begin to see flash-forwards to explain what happens when they get off the island. Season fives plot is very confusing but interesting, its a lot about the people who were left behind that are going through a time-travelling sequence of the islands past and history. Whilst the people that got off the island begin to worry that they never should have left. In season six of lost the 6 rescued survivors go back to the island to try and save the people they left behind. The final season answers hundreds of questions the audience would want to have known way before, the Lost sequence finally comes to an end. The location Lost is filmed in Hawaii. In the programme, the scenes are meant to be set in places such as LA, Sydney, Australia, England, and yet the actual name or whereabouts of the island is left to be unknown. The people who would watch this type of drama would be young adults, teens and anyone beyond these ages. It is rated a 15, so anyone above this age is able to watch it. People who watch Lost would need to have a wide mine-set, and want to be able to understand and have a free mind on how to unscramble the plots.

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