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Name_____________________________________________ Century of the SelfThere is a Policeman Inside our heads and he must be Destroyed 1.

)How did Wilhelm Reich change psychoanalysis?

2.)What was Anna Freud's reaction to Wilhelm Reich's theories?

3.)In the mid-sixties their were protests against consumerism. What was there criticism of consumerism?

4.)Describe Herbert Marcuse one dimensional man.

5.)If you could not change your environment then change __________________. 6.)Describe how the personal became political?

7.)What did the Eslan Institute believe would be created through emotional self expression?

8.)How did the emphasis on self expression change marketing techniques?

9.)Werner Erhardt took the human potential movement and stated that ____________ was under the last layer of human psyche. 10.)Instead of society and the future, EST stated that only ______________ mattered. 11.)Stanford Research Institute used Maslow's hierarchy of needs to do what?

12.)What term did the SRI invent that we now use all the time?

13.)Describe life style marketing?

14.)How were VALS used to elect government officials?

15.)How did VALS change the focus group?

16.)There was a fear that supply would __________________ demand. 18.)Business encouraged people to feel that they were unique individuals. Why?

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