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Meaning of Employee Training ? Training is next to selection. A worker selected / appointed in an Organisation needs proper training.

This enables him to perform the job correctly and also wi th efficiency. Similarly, a manager needs training for promotion and for his sel f improvement. Employees are now given training immediately after appointment an d thereafter from time to time. Training is used as a tool / technique for manag ement/executive development. It is used for the development of human resource wo rking in an Organisation. In fact, training is the watchword of present dynamic business world. Training means giving information, knowledge and education in order to develop t echnical skills, social skills and administrative skills among the employees. Ac cording to Edwin Flippo, training is "the act of increasing the knowledge and sk ill of an employee for doing a particular job." Training is necessary due to technological changes rapidly taking place in the i ndustrial field. It is also essential along with the introduction of new techniq ues, new methods and so on. It is necessary for developing overall personality o f employees and also for developing positive attitude towards fellow employees, job and Organisation where he is working. Training of employees is the responsibility of the management / employer. Expend iture on such training is an investment for manpower development and gives good dividend in the long run. Employees should take the benefit of training faciliti es provided for raising their efficiency and also for self-development. Training need not be treated as a punishment but an opportunity to learn, to grow and to develop for jobs at the higher levels.


All training methods can be grouped into two categories :a] Training methods for operatives and b] Training methods for managers

a] Training Methods for Operatives :Under these methods the new employee is assigned to a specific job at a machine or workshop or laboratory. He is instructed by an experienced employee or by a s pecial supervisor who explains to him the method of handling tools, operating th e machines etc. Vestibule Training :- This method involves the creation of a separate training c entre within the plant itself for the purpose of providing training to the new e mployees. An experienced instructor is put in-charge of this training. Machines and tools are also managed in the training centre, so as to create working condi tions similar to those in the workshop. Advantage :- No interference with regular production. Disadvantage - Costly, adds nothing to productions during training period. Apprenticeship Training :-This method of training is meant to give the trainee s ufficient knowledge and skill in those trades and crafts in which a long period of training is required for gaining complete proficiency. Generally, the trainees work as apprentices under the direct supervision of expe rts for long periods of say, two to seven years. This programme consists of prov

iding actual work experience in the actual job as well as imparting theoretical knowledge through class room lectures which may be arranged either in the plant or in the institution attached to the concern. This method of training enables t he trainees to become all-round craftsmen. But this method is very expensive and also there is no guarantee that a trained worker will continue to work in the s ame concern after the training is completed. Internship Training :- This method of training is generally provided to the skil led and technical personnel. The object of this type of training is to bring abo ut a balance between theoretical and practical knowledge, under this method, stu dents from a technical institution possessing only theoretical knowledge are sen t to some business enterprise to gain practical work experience. Simultaneously, the employees of business enterprises are sent to technical institutions to gai n the latest theoretical knowledge on a subject. Ex. B.E. (Prod.) - 6 months in plant training B.E. (Mech.)- 2 days in a week during final year b] Training Methods for Managers :Executive talent is the most important asset which a company can posses. Althoug h, it does not appear on the company's balance sheet, but it produces more impor tant effects on the company's progress, its profit and the price of its stock th an any other asset in its possession. The following are the various training methods for managers. 1] Observation Assignment :Under this method, the newly recruited executive called "understudy" is made an assistant to the current job holder. He learns by experience, observation and im itation. If decisions are discussed with him, he is informed on the policies and theories involved. 2] Position Rotation :Under this method, the trainee executive is rotated among different managerial j obs. This not only broaden and enriches his experience as a manager but also ena bles him to understand inter departmental relations and the need for co-ordinati on and co-operation among various departments. 3] Serving on Committees :Another important method of training on an executive is to make him serve on a c ommittee. While serving on a committee, the executive comes to learn not only th e various organizational problems, views of senior and experienced members, but also learns how a manger should adjust himself to the overall needs of the enter prise. 4] Assignment of special Projects :Sometimes, as a method of training some special project is assigned to a trainee executive. for example, he may be ask to develop a system of cost allocation in the production of certain goods for which an order has been received by the com pany. While working on such project, the trainee not only acquires knowledge abo ut them, but also learns how to work with and relate to other people holding dif ferent views. 5] Conference and Seminars :Often an executive is deputed to attend a conference, seminar or workshop to rec eive a quick orientation in various areas of Management with which he might be u nfamiliar. One advantage of this type of training is that all the participants c oming from different organizations get an opportunity to pool their ideas and ex perience in attempting to solve mutual problems. The attitude is one of joint ex ploration. This encourages cross fertilization of ideas. 6] Case Study :A case is a written account seeking to describe an actual situation. A good case is the vehicle by which a chunk of realty is brought into the class room to be discussed over by the class and the instructor. Discussion on a case requires a capable instructor, who can evoke and guide intelligent discussion analysis, so that meaningful learning experiences occur. There is no "right" answer or simple explanation in the comprehensive case. The advantages of this method are more d

epth of thinking, more perception in a situation, greater respect for and consid eration for the opinion of others. 7] Incident Method :This method was developed at M.I.T. by Paul and Pigors, as an outgrowth of dissa tisfaction felt with the case method. In the usual case method the entire proble m is presented to the students, whereas in the incident method only a brief inci dent is presented to provoke discussion in the class. The group then puts questi ons to the instructor to draw out of him the salient facts and additional inform ation, needed to arrive at a reasonable solution or resolution of the case. This method draws the participants into discussion with greater emotional involvemen t. A unique advantage of this method over the case method is the procedure of ob taining information by questions, one that often must take place in actual busin ess situations. 8] Role Playing :In this method, the instructor assigns parts taken from case materials to group members. The situation is usually one involving conflict between people. The rol e players attempt to act the parts as they would behave in a real life situation , working without a script or memorized lines and improvising as they play the p arts. The development of empathy and sensitivity is one of the primary objective s of role playing. 9] Laboratory Training (or Sensitivity Training) (T group Training): This type of training is designed to increase the managers understanding of hims elf and of his own impact on others. The training takes the form of a group disc ussion, and through a leader trained in the technique is present, the group may decide on the subject of discussion or suggest changes in procedure. In the cour se of discussion, conflict, hostility, stress and frustration may be purposely g enerated for they later on become motivations for growth as well as food for lea rning. The laboratory training aims at achieving behavioural, effectiveness in t ransactions with ones environment,

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