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Project of investigation Car aspirator of garbages

Andres Estiven Palma Castaeda Jeison Andres Garca Duque Yahir Garca Duque

Grade: 9C Subject: English Teacher: Luz Marina Institucin Educativa Tcnico Industrial Simona Duque Marinilla-Antioquia 2012

Nacional service of learning form formations project

Educational institution:
Institutional Educational Simona Duque


Name of the project:

Car aspirator of garbages

Training program that responds to:

Strengthen my profile for the world of work (integration of grades 9 of the secundary technicla ietisd

Estimated time of execution of the project (months)

3 months

Companies or institutiones that take part in his formulation or financing (if exist).
IETISD Explore Park Ondas SENA

Key words of search:

Vacuum, car market, alternator, battery, power connection.

2. Structure of the project

Approaching the problem:
The idea for this project came to mind of the members, when they saw every days in the morning they were garbage in most of the streets which aims to solve is this, using a cart that aspire garbage from the streets of Marinilla

Justification of the project

This project aims to create to improve the work of the people who work collecting garbage from the streets of the municipality contamined. This project ideo since in was observed that in the streets were full of garbage and noted that emplosees were dedilayed much ikey collect garbage so our project aims to accelerate the process of collection.

General objetive
To create with criteria technological, practical and theorical a machine similar to a shopping market to pick up garbages fron the streets of Marinilla.

Specifics objetives
To sheck things like vacuuming, generator and battery as its operation and classes. To sketches to plan the construction of the circuit and the vacuum cart. To build vacuuming, alternator, battery, etc. the final project. To try car vacuum cleaner in Marinilla.

3. Scope
Beneficiaries of the project:
Township residents Marinilla

Social: that the project will improve are quality of life of residents of Marinilla Economic: because the project didnt cost much and its benefits are needded and will replace the pots and brooms by a machine operated by human. Environmental: help in the streets arent so many garbage and the streets are less contamined Technological: innovate in the garbage collection changing the brooms and shovels for aspiring garbage cart

Restrictions or associated risks:

Serious risk that employees of ESPA misinterpret the project and didnt like. But we must clarity and emphasize that the project didnt want to take the job no, on the contrary, the project will generate employment and not to take his work

Products or results of the project.

The group expects that the outcome of the project is to present to the community a project that helps garbage collection so replacing brooms and sholves by the garbage truck vacuum and hoping the community likes the projects.

Innovation / technological management

The project addresses a need of the productive sector? Yes, because our project can be sold in the market as a product profiting positively to the productive sector and our project The project improves the process/product/service exists? Yes, because our project aims to improve the service ESPA offers a city garbage collection. The project involves the use of new techniques and process technologies? No, because the project will use techniques that are familiar to many people

The end products are susceptible to industrial protection and/or copyright? Yes, because the idea of our project can be stolen by people who want to profit from our idea. The products obtained in the project can be positioned in the market? Yes, because many people or entities will want to have the benefits of our project With the development of the project can meet the need for a potencial customer? Yes, because many entities may purchase our product as leads, business benefits tremendously Feasibility of project business plan? Yes, because the project may help in the business world so easily and to have a product to sell to potential customers.

4. Planning
4.1. Process stages 4.2.Activities of the project 4.3. Result of learning Description of the activity Teacher that take part Hours Evidences

Phase 1 fundamentacion

Query key words (alternator, battery, car, vacuum) Implementing the project in english and spanish Suyreys and interviews, tabulation of datos

Could plan better and move improved knowledge Could create our project in english and spanish Tabulation of data. Know the opinion of the people and workes of ESPA

Query key words (alternator, battery, car, vacuum) The format could create in class Know the opinion of the people

Alba Ines Giraldo

Slides and papers

Phase 2 Formulate and contextualization

Luz Marina and Lucelly G

Format in english and spanish.

Phase 3 Diagnostic

Alba Ines and Raquel

Frequency and graphics

4.1. Process stages

4.2.Activities of the project

4.3. Result of learning

Descriptio n of the activity

Teacher that take part Alba Ines and Jairo Miranda


Evidence s

Phase 4 Analysis and construction of the proposal

Project construction practical and teorical

Could know how to build the project

Construcc tion in class of the project.

Project practical and project theorothi cal.

Phase 5 Final socialization of the process of the formation.

Practical project exposure and valuation

Could know must make a presentati on and conduct when needed

Constructi on of the exposure and exposure of project

Alba, Jairo, Luz Marina.

Project final and exhibition

Phase 1: alba ines giraldo Phase 2: lucelly giraldo and luz marina Phase 3: jairo mirnada and alba ines Phase 4: alba ines and jairo miranda

Informatica Humanidades Technology Technology

Phase 5: alba, jairo miranda, luz marina Technology


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