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September 2012 PTO Minutes September 20, 2012 President Carol McDonald-Macri, welcomed everyone to the first PTO

meeting of the year and explained the vision of the PTO goals such as fundraising and deferring costs for the children to enhance their school experience and create great memories. PTO board members introduced themselves. Principal's Report Mr. Lyons welcomed all attendees to the first PTO meeting of the year and highlighted new improvements to the school. There is a new awning outside the building with lights to be installed soon. There is also new benches and new parking lines/signs. Mr. Lyons highlighted several components of the current Pine Glen curriculum and new infrastructure: Our grade 4/5 1:1 iPad Pilot is underway with the assistance of Dan Callahan our Instructional Technology Specialist. NXT speaker technology systems are in and working in all classrooms. Mr. Lyons notes an incredible difference when walking in the rooms. The sound quality is much better for all students to be able to hear what the teachers are saying. The Hero Assembly on September 11, 2012 was a huge success. Public Safety reps from fire and police were very appreciative. Mr. Lyons thanked the PTO for the new Coast Guard Flag. Pine Glen has a new Grade 3-5 Literacy Closet with the addition of $11,000 of new books for grades 4-5. Mr. Lyons thanked the PTO for the new shelves for these books. A new program called Filling the Buckets was started as a positive behavior program. It was noted multiple tickets have been given out already for positive behaviors. Mr. Lyons thanked the PTO and BEF for their support of this great program. At a recent staff meeting representatives from the online math program 10 Marks came out to talk to staff. Staff feel this is a very helpful program to help grades 2-5. Dan Callahan talked more about this later in his presentation. Mr. Lyons noted not only Burlington being recognized in communities but Pine Glen School in particular. Mr. Lyons does not know of another elementary school doing a grade 4/5 1:1 iPad pilot. In addition, Pine Glen's MCAS performance, technology presence, and implementation of RTI are giving Pine Glen Elementary School national attention. Mr. Lyons noted the state of Massachusetts does not follow an AYP (average yearly progress) system anymore. Instead, they have gone to a ranking system on growth where 1 is the best and 5 is a school with a lot of needs. Pine Glen Elementary School was the only elementary school in Burlington given a 1. Burlington High School and Pine Glen were the only schools in Burlington given a 1. This new system is based on Student Growth Percentiles. Mr. Lyons thanked Villa Franca Pizzeria with their assistance during the unexpected power outage at Pine Glen recently. Villa Franca was quite supportive during Pine Glen's need and was able to deliver pizza to the school in a timely fashion so student could have a hot meal at lunch. Planning is underway to celebrate Pine Glen's 50th Anniversary Celebration on Wednesday June 12, 2013. No definite plans yet as to what will be done but a virtual time capsule is being discussed.

President Carol McDonald-Macri introduced the Calendar of the Year and circulated a copy of the calendar for each attendee. Highlights of things to come: This year Pine Glen will have Science Night on October 25, 2012 instead of the Ice Cream Social. This will be an opportunity for students to bring telescopes, iPads, etc to school and have children learn about science. Mr Musselman from the Science Center will be assisting with this event and is looking for volunteers. He asks anyone interested in volunteering to meet him at Pine Glen on September 26, 2012 at 8pm. Halloween Dance will be Saturday October 27, 2012 The SCRIP program will be done this year. This was a great success two years ago, more details to follow. Adrienne Mattson, Treasurer of the PTO, discussed Pine Glen will be doing a Labels for Education contest this year as well as a Box Top contest. $900 was raised through the box top collection last year. Prizes for these contests were discussed, no definite decision made. The first Box Top collection date will be due October 31, 2012. No date set for Labels for Education. Spirit Wear from Perfect Promotions will again be available for purchase. Beth Reith PTO member will continue to chair this. Co-Vice President, Catherine Gillespie announced new coupon books as a new fundraiser to Pine Glen this year. Each coupon book will be sold for $25 with Pine Glen making a 50% profit for each book sold. 5 books will be distributed to each student in Grade 1-5 the first week of November. Details about this program to follow. Products from the Genevive fundraiser were on display for attendees to look at. Packets have been sent home with all children. Carol Macri-McDonald announced the Remax Balloon will be back this year (weather permitting). In addition, Remax will generously be donating a Balloon Ride worth $700 for upcoming raffle. Details to follow.

Membership Update: Co-Vice President Catherine Gillespie announced that PTO membership for the 2012-2013 year was at 38% thus far. A second membership drive will done early/mid October. Grade 2 teacher Mrs. Denise Keough-Lane suggested membership envelopes be given to teachers to discuss/distribute at the Open House scheduled for Thursday September 27, 2012 Adrienne Mattson distributed the Treasurer's Report as of September 20, 2012 highlighting expenses and present net income. Request for Funds/Voting: A total of 6 requests for funds were voted on and approved by the PTO members. 1. Request for $3360 was approved to fund the online math program 10 Marks Premium Package. This online tool helps with homework and in the classroom. 10 Marks helps with more target assessment for children in Grades 2-5 and will now include the summer program for all students. Last year, parents had to pay out of pocket $30-$40 for this summer program.

2. Request for $2700 was approved to purchase one more set of first grade guided reading. Each classroom teacher will now have their own set. 3. Request for a $500 Apple Gift Card was approved to help Dan Callahan technology specialist customize the addition of 3 iPads to each classroom in Grades K-3. 4. Request for a $50 Staples Gift Card was approved to help purchase a stamp for the new Literacy Kits as requested by Teachers Krystal Anderson and Stephanie Smith. Previously, each individual kit had to be hand written which is very time consuming. 5. Request for $675 was approved to send all 3 Second Grade Teachers to an all day workshop to help better understand the interactive white boards that are installed in each classroom. Teachers were given training at their Professional Development Days at the beginning of the year but feel there is more they can learn to enhance student learning. 6. Request for $280 was approved for new shelf markers for the library. Librarian Laura D'elia requested this to help make book collections more clear with the addition of many books to the library. Special Guest Dan Callahan, Pine Glen Instructional Technology Specialist, highlighted the technology initiatives at Pine Glen and how these extend the quality of teaching. These initiatives help: Instructional focus with the ability to keep K-12 information for a student and give some digital literacy Commom Core Cirriculum Professional Development. 10 Marks Online Math Program Premium Package discussed at length and how it helps targeted assessment for teachers/ students. Dan Callahan thanked the PTO for the approval of this new package. There are now 200 iPads at Pine Glen School Grades K-3 received 3 iPads for each classroom. Dan Callahan thanked the PTO for the approval of the $500 Apple Gift Card to customize these iPads. Dan discussed the 1:1 iPad initiative for grades 4-5. Eventually the students will be taking their iPads home. Parents will be encouraged to purchase insurance for these devices. Grade 1 teacher, Erin Guanci, was given iPads for each of her students through a grant for this year. This pilot is for one year. Dan Callahan is assisting with this pilot Member time: PTO member Jamie McHugh asked if there are any planned meetings to review and discuss recent MCAS results that were released. Mr. Lyons discussed MCAS results at length. There are no planned meetings. Individual MCAS results to be mailed to parents on Wednesday September 26, 2012. Attendance: Carol McDonald, John Lyons, Catherine Gillespie, Adrienne Mattson, Joanne Shortell, Kim Ladd, Jen Ortega, Ginelle Davidson, Parimala Arokiaraj, Theophilus Arokiavaj, Annmarie Yutkias, Charlene Coughlin, Jill McCabe, Jill Giles, Kathy McDowell, Tania Conlon, Lillian Mahoney, Jamie McHugh, Courtney McDonnell, Nilesh Patel, Melissa Grzelak, Nikki Filosa, Monica Brown, Nancy O'Callaghan, Denise Keough-Lane, Amanda Lane

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