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What Is A

1. A significant change in the course of history sparked

by simple acts of kindness.

2. God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.

3. A church revolution through serving.

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Fifteen Ideas
To Help You
Get Started
A Servolution is not an event; it is a culture. Infusing this culture
into the DNA of your church will change your view of the world and
your perspective of the needs of those who live around you. This
movement is rumbling throughout the Body of Christ - a
revolutionary army of people ready to take up this mandate. We are
actively pursuing the lost, the forgotten, and the poor to show them
a God who is passionately in love with them. We stand ready with
one heart, saying, “I will serve others and show them the hope they
can have in Jesus.”

In this booklet you’ll find several simple and inexpensive ideas that
can help ignite a Servolution in your church. These ideas are not
just outreaches or community service projects; they are culture-
catalysts for your church. So take these ideas, put them into action
and watch as God does something incredible in your community,
your church, and also in you!

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Give Away
We have seen hundreds of people
come to our church because one
hot, Louisiana summer day they
were handed an ice cold bottle
of water in Jesus’ name. This
may have been the first time
they experienced “serving with
no strings attached” and they
were impacted for eternity. It’s a
simple, practical way to let God’s
love for others shine through you.

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Adopt An
Organize a team from your local church and find
an area in your community that is showing signs
of neglect. You can pick up trash, mow the lawn
and do general clean up. Taking responsibility for
a run-down block gives the residents respect for
their neighborhood and also lets them know there
are people who care for them right where they are.

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Start A
Everyone loves to eat! Find people in
your church who enjoy cooking and
start a team who can prepare and
serve meals for church and community
activities. Cooking and serving a meal
in the name of Jesus Christ meets a
practical need and opens the door to
relationships and evangelism.

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Free Auto

Widows, single mothers, and military wives

need help to bear the burden of vehicle
maintenance. Take a day to work on their cars.
It is such a blessing to the ladies of our church
and community when we offer free, basic car
care. For an added bonus, go the second mile
and offer free refreshments and pampering
(manicures, pedicures and massages) to the
ladies while they wait.

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Serve As
The Clean-Up
Crew After
Stay up-to-date on community
events in your area and offer to
serve as the clean-up crew. You
probably won’t be refused! You will
gain favor in your community and it
will help to make Jesus famous!

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Serve &
Care For
James 1:27(NLT) – “Pure and genuine religion
in the sight of God the Father means caring
for orphans and widows in their distress and
refusing to let the world corrupt you.” Take the
time to visit a widow, bring her a meal, take
over her yard work, or do odd jobs around her
home. She is so precious to Him!

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Be Active On
Your Local
University campuses are full of truth-seeking people
who need the love of Jesus. When classes are set
to begin, have a team offer to help new students
find their way and get moved into their dorm rooms.
There may also be international students who could
use assistance getting accustomed to the area. It’s
a great opportunity to connect with people who may
be new to your community.

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Serve Your

Contact your local government officials

and offer to serve them any way you
can. Put aside any differences you may
have and show them God’s impartial
love. There are many ways that your
church can assist the community leaders
as they serve your area.

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Serve The
In Your
Regardless of why someone is homeless,
they still need to be reminded that God loves
them, cares about them, and has a plan
for their lives. One way to reach out to the
homeless is to serve breakfast once a week
for them right where they are. Offer to pray
for them and if they’re ready, assist them in
finding work and shelter.

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Start A
Free Food
Let your church be a place that
people in your community can come
to receive groceries when they’re
struggling financially. This opens up
an amazing opportunity to build a
relationship with families and give
them a chance to meet Jesus, the
Bread of Life.

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If you’ve ever been to an emergency room

waiting area, you know how slowly time
seems to pass. What better time to show up
with a free cup of good coffee? It’s not just
for the waiting room, you can be a blessing
to nurses and doctors as well. Energy drinks,
good coffee, and power bars are all generally
welcomed. This outreach is simply God’s
people seeking out the hurting.

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You can be a huge blessing to underprivileged
families as they prepare for the new school
year by picking up a local school supply list
and collecting backpacks and supplies such
as: pens, pencils, and paper. It’s a great way
to connect with families and show God’s love
in a practical way.

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Reach Out
To Single
Moms In
Another simple act of kindness is assisting
single moms. You can offer to help them
move, mow their lawn, run errands or
babysit. These precious ladies bear the
weight and responsibility of the entire
family and can always use extra support.
Often times, single moms don’t want to ask
for help, so look for ways to serve them.

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Respond To
Crisis And
In Your
It doesn’t matter how big or small your
community is, sooner or later someone
will face tragedy. It comes in the form of
a house fire, a car accident, the loss of
a loved one, the loss of a job or maybe a
natural disaster. The Body of Christ should
be first to respond to the needs of people
who are hurt by tragedy. If you want to be
where Jesus is, embrace those in pain.

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Connect With Other
Groups Who Are
Already Serving
Your Community

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There are many reputable organizations that
already work with cancer victims, cerebral
palsy sufferers and those with other physical
handicaps. There are so many ways that you
can get involved and extend your reach to touch
those who need God’s love.

Leverage your resources by finding someone

who is already serving and assist them with the
load they’re carrying. When we come together
to serve the common goal of helping people find
er hope in Jesus, we are much more effective than
we could be on our own. And when all is said
and done, showing people the love of Jesus is
what it’s all about.

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Dino and his wife DeLynn started Healing Place Church in 1993
with the single focus of being a healing place for a hurting world.
Starting with just twelve, it has now grown to over 7,000 people
gathering in 18 services every weekend in 11 locations from Baton
Rouge, Louisiana to Maputo, Mozambique. Dino is excited about
the release of his newest book, “Servolution” Starting a Church
Revolution Through Serving which will be released Spring 2009.
The book chronicles HPC’s story of finding their purpose and
mission. Dino’s desire is to challenge Christians’ and churches to
discover God’s passion for people.

Healing Place Church has been listed as one of America’s Top

25 Most Innovative Churches for two consecutive years. That
innovative drive is expressed in a passion to serve the poor and
hurting wherever they are. Every week hundreds of volunteers
serve in many different outreaches: cooking hot breakfasts for the
homeless, helping ex‑prisoners re-enter society, caring for AIDS
orphans, giving roses to ladies working at local strip clubs, reaching
the poor through free medical and dental clinics and many more.

Dino also co-founded the Association of Related Churches, a

group that on average plants one new church every 12 days. He is
a strong believer in the irreplaceable value of the local church in
the USA and across the globe. He knows that as believers we can
do more when we are together, leveraging each other’s strengths
to build the Kingdom. As a result, some of his greatest assets are
deep relationships with others. And there are no relationships that
matter more to him than those he has with his wife DeLynn and
their three children.

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