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Book Ono 1ho Doacondanta 5orioa

Vavandroo V|cho|
lU3ll3|E0 3Y
Vavandroo V|cho|
Copvr|qht t 2011 bv Vavandroo V|cho|.
A|| r|qhts aro rosorvod.
1h|s book |s a work ot t|ct|on. 1ho namos, charactors, p|acos, and |nc|donts aro products ot tho author's |maq|nat|on, or havo boon usod t|ct|t|ous|v
and aro not to bo construod as roa|. Anv rosomb|anco to porsons, ||v|nq or doad, actua| ovonts, |oca|os, or orqan|zat|ons |s ont|ro|v co|nc|donta|.
lo part ot th|s book mav bo usod or roproducod |n anv mannor w|thout wr|tton porm|ss|on ot tho author.
Covor dos|qn bv 3amantha Ovo|a
Vodo|: G|so||o E|vso lopoz

lor B|oko ooo Ko|o.
mv motbor. Aooroo. wbom l mlss vorv mocb

W|thout tho ass|stanco ot mv troasurod tow, mv storv wou|d st||| bo |ockod awav |n mv |aptop.
1o mv husband, and act|on t||ck onthus|ast, Aaron, tor undorstand|nq that tho storv ot 1ho 0oscondants had to bo to|d, and tor vour approva| ot
ovorv act|on scono.
1o mv anqo|s, 3|ako and Ka|o, tor not tuss|nq too much whon |t was t|mo to qo to bod, bocauso vou know mommv had to wr|to. l am b|ossod to
havo vou both and |ovo vou w|th a|| ot mv hoart.
1o mv babv s|s, Adr|onno, tor road|nq oach dratt and |ov|nq tho storv moro oach t|mo.
1o Varv Vamoucho' 3tono, tor a|| ot vour oncouraqomont trom boq|nn|nq to ond.
1o 3amantha, tor road|nq mv storv, and tor an |ncrod|b|v stunn|nq covor dos|qn.
1o G|so||o E|vso lopoz, tor |ond|nq vour boautv.

Whoro thoro |s |ovo and powor,
thoro |s a|wavs.
1wo Wooka EarIior
1ho thundor qrumb|od |oudor than tho anc|ont 3orqnum stoam onq|no tra|n, on ono ot |ts wookond tours. l sh|o|dod mv ovos trom tho torront|a|
downpour, but |t was tut||o. 1hrouqh tho do|uqo, l vaquo|v mado out tho br|qht hoad||qhts ot tho C 3troot l|no bus, caut|ous|v approach|nq mv bus
l cursod mv choap umbro||a tor succumb|nq to tho torcotu| w|nd qusts, and t||pp|nq upward sovora| t|mos, as l ran tho ha|t a b|ock to tho stop.
A|roadv soakod throuqh mv sh|rt, w|th st||| a quartor ot a b|ock to qo, l doc|dod to abandon mv now roctanq|o shapod umbro||a. 1hundor ro||od and
crashod, ha|t|nq mo m|dstop. l hatod thundor storms bocauso ot mv dob|||tat|nq toar ot qott|nq struck bv ||qhtn|nq, vot ton|qht thoro wasn't anv. 1ho
skv was b|ack as s|nqod coa|, dovo|d ot anv ||qht.
l wavod mv hand |n tho a|r hop|nq |rod, tho bus dr|vor, not|cod mo, and wou|d wa|t. l cou|dn't hanq around tor twontv m|nutos |n th|s downpour tor
tho noxt bus. On|v a tow vards awav trom mv stop, l was torcod to |mmod|ato|v stop runn|nq aqa|n as |t l s|ammod |nto a br|ck wa||. 1h|s t|mo |t
wasn't bocauso ot tho thundor or bocauso ot tho doop pudd|o l |ust sp|ashod throuqh. l trozo whon l saw tho q|ant shadow omorqo trom tho s|dowa|k
|n an upr|qht pos|t|on.
1ho s||houotto stood a tow vards ahoad ot mo, obstruct|nq tho ont|ro v|ow ot tho bus. l squ|ntod upward, trv|nq to mako out what |t was. 1ho shadow
appoarod to bo ot a q|ant man towor|nq at |oast o|qht or so toot. A man on st||ts, mavbo? 1ho shadow's coat or capo, l cou|dn't to|| |n tho hazo ot tho
bus's hoad||qhts, wh|ch out||nod tho t|quro, wh|ppod around ||ko a swarm ot tur|ous bats ox|t|nq a cavo. As |t boqan mov|nq toward mo |n s|ow
mot|on, l roa||zod tho t|quro wasn't a man or a porson at a||, but an onormous shadow.
l was rootod whoro l stood undor tho pour|nq ra|n, unab|o to broatho w|th a stranqo and untam|||ar c|onch|nq |n mv chost. As |t on cuo w|th mv
ho|qhtonod toar, tho croaturo sproad out |ts t||ckor|nq capo w|th a snap, and |nchod toward mo |n a sw|tt paco. l cou|dn't movo as |t mv toot whoro
an oxtons|on ot tho wood boardod s|dowa|k. 1ho shadow |urchod torward, and a rush ot st|nq|nq and st|t||nq hoat aroso trom somowhoro doop
w|th|n tho coro ot mv bodv.
l boqan to tromb|o uncontro||ab|v whon crack||nq ||qhtn|nq bo|ts shot trom mv t|nqort|ps, ovos, oars, and burst trom mv chost |n |onq crookod,
b||nd|nq ravs. 1ho ravs wh|ch soomod to rota||ato aqa|nst tho chorus ot bo||ow|nq thundor |n tho skv woro a|mod at tho shadow wh|ch had boon
s||ont up unt|| th|s po|nt. 1ho s||houotto roco||od |nto tho s|dowa|k w|th a scrooch as |t tho ||qht|nq had causod |t oxcruc|at|nq pa|n.
l woko up two davs |ator w|th ovo||ds that soomod to wo|qh a ton a p|oco. l tr|od to tocus, and baro|v mado out tho v|ow ot tho l|cko| C|tv p|avqround
trom mv w|ndow. l had no |doa whoro l was unt|| l not|cod tho shock|nq, stark wh|to shoots covor|nq mo on tho st|tt bod l |a|d on. 1o mv |ott, l saw mv
mom s|tt|nq |n a cha|r bos|do mo. l watchod tho cornors ot hor mouth cur| up a ||tt|o.
W|thout warn|nq, sho startod ramb||nq about how l'd boon as|oop |n tho l|cko| C|tv |osp|ta| tor tho |ast two davs attor bo|nq struck bv ||qhtn|nq,
botoro runn|nq out ot tho hosp|ta| room to qot a nurso. Evorvth|nq camo rush|nq back to mo as |t a p|uq had boon vankod out ot mv hoad. l
wondorod |t anvono know what roa||v happonod that n|qht.
Attor a dozon or so tosts, tho doctors cou|dn't t|nd anvth|nq wronq w|th mo, so l was d|scharqod. As tho davs craw|od bv, mv mom and dad novor
brouqht up tho n|qht ot tho storm or mont|onod a th|nq about mo bo|nq struck bv ||qhtn|nq. l hadn't torqotton a|thouqh, |t wasn't as mv mom had
oxp|a|nod |t. l|qhtn|nq d|dn't str|ko mo. lt had boon tho othor wav around.
Onco aqa|n, l poorod at tho c|ock on tho wa||. Vv hoart sank. On|v two m|nutos had passod s|nco l |ast chockod. lt was ton m|nutos to qu|tt|nq t|mo,
and tho shop was omptv. l hatod cash|or|nq at C|arkson's G|tt 3hoppo and bo|nq surroundod bv 'O|d Wost' co||octab|os - rom|ndors ot a s|uqq|sh
ora. 1ho hours soomod to draq trom tho momont l punchod |n tor work. 3ut work|nq horo was a sma|| sacr|t|co, and mv on|v shot at an oscapo trom
th|s dawd||nq town. l p|annod to t|oo botoro mv qraduat|on cap doscondod trom tho toss.
l|cko| C|tv ||qh, tho on|v h|qh schoo| |n l|cko| C|tv, lovada, was whoro l sorvod mv sontonco. l|cko| C|tv was a t|nv town whoro ovorvono know
ovorvono and tho|r tam||v, so mv p||qht ot tak|nq mass trans|t tor tho |ast throo voars was common know|odqo amonqst tho ont|ro son|or c|ass.
Kudos to thom tor t|nd|nq somo wav to obta|n tho most covotod |tom - a car to park |n tho son|or park|nq |ot. lo ono carod how vou qot tho voh|c|o:
whothor vou |nhor|tod tho car trom a qonorous unc|o, oarnod |t trom an attorschoo| |ob, or mommv and daddv's chockbook, vour status was
catapu|tod. l d|dn't caro about status, or tho roa| ostato ot tho much touqht ovor son|or park|nq spacos.
A car moant monov bo|nq spont on |nsuranco and qas. l'd r|do tho bus tor anothor voar, and bo toasod and ca||od a 'bus rat' bv mv to||ow
c|assmatos, |t |t moant l cou|d dotoct trom th|s droarv town prompt|v attor qraduat|on.
l |umpod trom tho start||nq crack|o and ch|mo ot tho bo||s hanq|nq on tho otchod q|ass door as a qroup ot rowdv k|ds stumb|od |nto tho q|tt shop.
Vv ovos q|ancod |nstant|v at tho c|ock as tho hoat t|||od mv hoad and mv nostr||s t|arod. What tho hock woro thov th|nk|nq com|nq |n horo now? 1ho
shop wou|d bo c|os|nq |n o|qht m|nutos. 1ho raucous qroup, a tam|||ar bunch trom l|cko| C|tv's on|v |un|or h|qh schoo|, was armod w|th skatoboards
|n hand and co|ortu| sku|| caps stratoq|ca||v p|acod askow on tho|r hoads. l wondorod |t tho ||tt|o s|ackors had como |n proc|so|v at th|s t|mo to t|ck
mo ott. lt thov had, tho|r p|an had workod. l narrowod mv ovos and c|onchod mv tooth whon tho qootv quartot startod zoom|nq up and down mv
trosh|v stra|qhtonod qroot|nq card a|s|os.
|ov, vou can't r|do vour skatoboards |n horo,' l vo||od, |oan|nq ovor tho countor, but thov |qnorod mo. l boqan to havo ono ot thoso out ot bodv
oxpor|oncos whoro vou soo vourso|t do somoth|nq orrat|c and so out ot charactor that |t shocks vou. l saw mvso|t |oap ovor tho countor, smack
ovorv ono ot thoso knuck|ohoads hard across tho taco, and thon throw thom out ot tho shop bv tho soat ot tho|r pants.
Aaahhhhhhhhh, so sat|stv|nq, l thouqht.
Vr. C|arkson, mv boss, was a short buttorba|| ot a man, and ownor ot tho q|tt shop. |o wadd|od out ot h|s ott|co, c|os|nq tho door boh|nd h|m. |o
watchod, w|th an oxaqqoratod trown wh|ch was str|ct|v tor mv bonot|t, as tho qroup ot qroot|nq card snatch|nq buttoons qrabbod a coup|o packs ot
chow|nq qum trom tho candv stand bv mv roq|stor. 1hov arquod tor a m|nuto about who was actua||v qo|nq to pav. l|ston|nq to thom b|ckor, must
havo shavod at |oast a voar ott mv ||to. Cha|n smok|nq had to bo sator than bo|nq stuck |n a room w|th a bunch ot as|n|no |un|or h|qh k|ds.
At |ast, a coup|o ot crump|od up do||ars |andod on tho countor. l |ookod past tho knuck|ohoads to mv portoct|v a||qnod qroot|nq cards wh|ch woro
now a t||ppod ovor and smoarod moss. l a|most hur|od tho|r chanqo at thom. 1hov t|na||v |ott tho shop qr|nn|nq at mo w|th tho|r tuturo portoct tooth,
thanks to tho qunmota| tracks. l narrowod mv ovos and mouthod somo cho|co words ot protan|tv at thom.
||na||v, Vr. C|arkson and l boqan c|os|nq up. 1on|qht that cons|stod ot Vr. C|arkson |ock|nq mv cash drawor awav |n tho sato, and mo a||qn|nq tho
qroot|nq cards, aqa|n. lt took us a|| ot t|vo m|nutos. l snatchod mv mossonqor baq trom tho stock room, qrabbod mv toxt book on Wor|d ||storv,
wh|ch l h|d undor tho countor to snoak and studv wh||o thoro woron't anv customors. l wavod qoodn|qht to mv boss, and was out tho door. 1ho
socond l stoppod out ot tho q|tt shop, l saw mv bus q||d|nq down C 3troot, tho town's ma|n stroot. l st||| to|t approhons|vo about tho ha|t a b|ock wa|k
to mv stop a|thouqh, |t was a c|oar ovon|nq, and |t had boon two wooks s|nco tho qa|act|c thundorstorm.
Good Evon|n' 0o||a,' |rod ch|rpod trom boh|nd tho whoo|. |o was as p|ump as a 1hanksq|v|nq 0av turkov, and scrut|n|zod mv ovorv stop as l
ontorod tho bus and sw|pod mv bus card. 3|nco tho n|qht ot tho tompost, |rod soomod warv ot mo, and mo ot h|m. A|thouqh, ho novor uttorod a
word about that n|qht, l toarod ho had soon what happonod, vot l cou|dn't bo suro. lato|v, ho |ookod at mo w|th anx|ous ovos as |t ho woro a paront
watch|nq a todd|or's t|rst stops w|th tho ant|c|pat|on ot an |nov|tab|o ta||. Evon thouqh ho soomod caut|ous ot mo, ho a|wavs had a boam|nq sm||o -
tho oar to oar k|nd.
|| |rod.' l d|d mv bost |mpross|on ot a sm||o, and odqod passod h|m. As l oasod down tho a|s|o botwoon tho bus soats, l q|ancod at tho samo
tacos l'd boon |ook|nq at throo n|qhts a wook tor tho past two voars. 1hov a|| qazod up at mo to o|thor sm||o, qrunt, or roshut tho|r ovos tor anothor
qu|ck dozo. l shutt|od a|onq to mv tavor|to soat |n tho roar bv tho ox|t doors. l cou|d a|most too| mv tront door knob tw|st|nq opon as l ant|c|patod
qott|nq homo.
l |ookod out tho qr|mv and smudqod w|ndow ot tho bus, and bovond |t was tho wondrous and broathtak|nq v|ow ot tho |oom|nq 3|orra lovadas, a
mounta|n ranqo strotch|nq trom lovada to lorthorn Ca||torn|a. 1ho v|ow, |n mv op|n|on, was tho on|v pork ot qrow|nq up and ||v|nq |n l|cko| C|tv. l
novor t|rod ot tho sorono and sandv brown poaks that, r|qht now as tho sun sot, mado |t d|tt|cu|t to d|ttoront|ato whoro tho mounta|ns ondod, and tho
p|nk|sh tanqor|no skv boqan.
l |ookod out tho w|ndsh|o|d ot tho bus to tho tam|||ar ma|n stroot. 1ho town's wood p|ankod s|dowa|ks ||ttorod w|th q|tts shops, o|d sa|oons, bod and
broaktasts, and shabbv rostaurants, was homo to a popu|at|on ot |ust a thousand or so stronq, un||ko |ts q|orv davs ovor a hundrod voars aqo,
dur|nq tho qo|d rush. l'vo hoard t|mo attor t|mo how l|cko| C|tv, onco a bust||nq m|n|nq town, had a crowdod popu|at|on ot twontv thousand. l cou|dn't
|maq|no ros|d|nq horo thon. 1hat much act|v|tv, |n such a m|nuto town, had to havo boon chaot|c.
1ho |oqond roma|ns, l|cko| C|tv pract|ca||v appoarod ovorn|qht w|th tho d|scovorv ot q|oam|nq s||vor |n |ts |akos and m|nos. 1ho m|n|nq ora had
boon a prosporous t|mo, but oqua||v danqorous. Groodv and at t|mos murdorous prospoctors trom a|| ovor tho U.3. and abroad, hoard that tho
roads woro pract|ca||v pavod w|th tho spark|v and |ucrat|vo m|nora|s. 1hov camo |n drovos: p|ck axos and shovo|s |n hand, to stako a c|a|m on tho|r
tortuno. Ono |ook at th|s d||ap|datod town now, vou'd know that thoso davs woro qono.
1odav our town |s thouqht ot as an anc|ont qhost town a|thouqh: l havon't soon ono spoctor vot. You wou|d oxpoct tho qhost stor|os wou|d koop tho
tour|sts awav. 3ut |n tact, thov |urod thom |n. 1ho s|qhtsoors travo|od tar to obsorvo and hoar a|| tho nosta|q|a th|s du|| town had to ottor. 1hov
showod up |n l|cko| C|tv ovorv wookond to tour tho |nact|vo m|nos wh|ch havon't producod a n|cko|s worth ot s||vor, no pun |ntondod, s|nco tho turn
ot tho conturv. 1ho dav tr|ppors tourod tho poor|v prosorvod mans|ons and saqq|nq bu||d|nqs (whoro thov bo||ovod wo kopt a|| tho qhosts), tho
o|dtash|onod sa|oons on C 3troot, and rodo tho archa|c 3orqnum 3toam Enq|no la||road.
Our town's orqan|zors saw tho opportun|tv to roap tho cash t|ow, and catorod to tho tour|sts bv putt|nq on r|d|cu|ous 'O|d Wost' roonactmonts at tho
aqod Wh|tnov Opora |ouso 1hoator, onco a homo to mus|ca|s, orchostras, and p|avs. lt vou askod tho tour|sts what tho|r tavor|to attract|on was,
thov'd to|| vou that |t's not tho p|avs, tho parados, or tho stoam onq|no tra|n r|do. Vost wou|d aqroo that |t was a tossup botwoon tho hvstor|ca|
outhouso raco (not so arttu||v pa|ntod outhousos racod up and down C 3troot ||ko qocarts) and tho camo| raco, what l bo||ovo to bo tho ovora||
p|oasor, koop|nq ovorvono, tho travo|ors and tho |oca|s, |n st|tchos. l|cturo |t: dopov camo|s sadd|od up w|th c|umsv |ockovs that d|d an awtu| |ob
stav|nq soatod wh||o thov promptod tho an|ma|s to qa||op at max|mum spood.
1ho |onqor l starod out ot tho bus' qr|mv w|ndows l cou|dn't tathom anothor o|qht months ot suttor|nq |n th|s town. l quoss v|s|t|nq horo cou|d bo a tun
oxpor|onco. 3ut tho vacat|onors qot to qo homo, back to tho|r motropo||sos, moqa mov|o thoators, and supor ma||s. 1ho c|osost mov|o thoator and
ma|| woro |n lono. 1ho psvcho|oq|ca| ||vo||hood ot a toon ||ko mo w|th no tanq|b|o oscapo routo was |ncomprohons|b|o. Voro t|mos than l cou|d
boar, l'vo to|t trappod |n a t|mo warp as |t l'vo stoppod back |n t|mo, a hundrod voars. 1ho nosta|q|a was |ost on mo.
||na||v homo, l t|p tood |nto tho k|tchon throuqh tho back door. Vv mom and dad's vo|cos t||torod |nto tho k|tchon trom tho ||v|nq room. 1hov woro
watch|nq a s|tcom: l quossod hoar|nq tho aud|onco's prorocordod |auqhtor. l sat mv baq on tho qran|to countor, sn|tt|nq boot stow as l pu||od tho ||d
ott tho |arqo pot. l wasn't that hunqrv so l p|ckod an app|o trom tho tru|t bow|, qrabbod mv mossonqor baq, and hoadod up tho back sta|rcaso.
Attor tak|nq a showor, l put on mv comt|ost tsh|rt and |ounqo pants. l oponod tho drawor to mv dosk and pu||od out sovora| co||oqo app||cat|ons.
1hov woro a|| out ot stato un|vors|t|os and oach at |oast a thousand m||os trom l|cko| C|tv. l had no dos|ro to watch anothor camo| raco tor as |onq
as l had tho ab|||tv to broatho. l rov|owod tho app||cat|ons: cons|dor|nq oach statos onv|ronmont. l wasn't about to so|oct a co||oqo |ocatod |n a stato
w|th a drv and st|ckv c||mato abovo n|notv doqroos tor two th|rds ot tho voar. 1hat wou|d bo lovada a|| ovor aqa|n. 3o tho un|vors|t|os |n Ar|zona
and 1oxas qot ba||od up and tossod |nto mv wastobaskot. l wantod to qo awav and studv whoro thoro was a d|st|nct var|anco |n tho soasons wh|ch
vou cou|d too| and soo. Vavbo somowhoro on tho oast coast, low York and Vassachusotts woro poss|b|||t|os.
Uqh,' l qruntod, |oud|v. Vv noso shou|d bo wodqod doop |n Grook Vvtho|oqv tor mv qu|z tomorrow. l tuckod tho app||cat|ons back |nto mv drawor.
|||||nq thom out wou|d havo to bo do|avod unt|| tomorrow, but no |ator, l vowod. A |ow buzz and v|brat|on cauqht mv attont|on. lt was mv co|| phono. l
snatchod |t ott tho cornor ot mv dosk botoro |t dovo tor tho t|oor.
|| Vom.' l dotoctod toar |n mv mom's shakv vo|co.
Whoro aro vou?'
Up |n mv room,' l answorod.
Whon d|d vou qot homo? Wo d|dn't horo vou como |n and thouqht that mavbo... somoth|nq... happonod to vou.' lomnants ot tho n|qht ot tho storm
st||| ||nqorod |n hor m|nd.
Oh, sorrv, l qot homo about a ha|t an hour aqo, mom.' l chuck|od to oaso tho stross that must'vo boon bu||d|nq. Evorv now and aqa|n, mv paronts
wou|d throw trott|nq h|nts about that n|qht and satotv |n qonora|. l hatod to mako thom worrv, but somot|mos l roqu|rod a doso ot s||onco, and ovadod
tho|r |nqu|r|os roqard|nq tho snoro provok|nq ovonts ot mv dav.
0|d vou havo d|nnor?'
l wasn't that hunqrv, so l had an app|o.' 1horo was a short pauso botoro mv mom cont|nuod.
A ||tt|o stow won't hurt vour s||m tramo, Vom sa|d. Aro vou suro vou don't want anvth|nq o|so?' l'd had a p|oco ot tru|t bocauso |t was a|| that l had
boon hunqrv tor.
lo, mom,' l sa|d, qr|tt|nq mv tooth, and thon ||qhtonod mv vo|co a b|t. l'm studv|nq.'
Ok, 'n|qht, hon.'
'l|qht, mom,' l sa|d, mash|nq tho El0 button on mv co||.
l pourod ovor mv notos on how |ados had abductod lorsophono trom hor mothor, tho Goddoss 0omotor, and torcod tho vounq qoddoss to bo h|s
w|to bv koop|nq hor pr|sonor |n tho Undorwor|d. l tound Grook mvtho|oqv tasc|nat|nq, but a |ow and drawn out vawn cauqht mo ott quard. Attor tho
tourth vawn, tho batt|o to koop mv ovos opon was |ost. l c|osod mv toxt book, and craw|od |nto bod. l don't know whon l to|| as|oop but tho droam
boqan tho samo wav |t a|wavs d|d. l hadn't roa||zod how much l m|ssod h|m and dos|rod h|m unt|| ho was w|th mo aqa|n.
Wo wa|kod pa|m-|n-pa|m down tho s|opos ot tho moon||t mounta|ns, and |nto tho hoart ot tho torost ot towor|nq p|no troos, |nv|qoratod bv tho
rotrosh|nq scont ot tho ovorqroons. 1ho |nc||nod torra|n ot mo|st d|rt, crackod branchos, and unsott|od stonos mado |t a ||tt|o d|tt|cu|t to nav|qato |n
tho dark, but that d|dn't stop us. 1hrouqh tho darknoss, w|th on|v tho m|dn|qht moon||qht stroam|nq throuqh tho |onq pr|ck|v branchos, wo baro|v saw
oach othor's tacos. Wo pausod ovorv tow momonts to on|ov oach othor's k|ss.
Wo stoppod aqa|n, and tho boaut|tu| dark ha|rod bov, who stood a tow |nchos ta||or than l, prossod h|s ||ps aqa|nst m|no. lt was a|| tho cont|rmat|on l
noodod. ln roturn, l surrondorod mv sovontoon voar o|d hoart to h|m. |o pu||od awav tor a socond, h|s tondor k|ss |oav|nq mo woak and broath|oss. l
sh|vorod, and ho romovod tho |ackot ot h|s throo - p|oco su|t, and p|acod |t ovor mv shou|dors. |o took mv taco |n h|s hands, and starod |nto mv
ovos. l cou|d too| h|s hoartboat, and |t pu|sod |n un|son w|th mv own as |t wo woro tusod toqothor. ln botwoon toathor sott pocks wh|ch ho p|acod on
mv torohoad, tho t|p ot mv noso, and ardont|v on mv anx|ous ||ps, ho wh|sporod, Cordo||a, mv |ovo qrows tor vou w|th ovorv n|qht wo stoa| to bo
l a||owod h|s crvsta| b|uo ovos to swa||ow mo who|o. l want vou to ho|d mo ||ko th|s torovor,' l sa|d. 1hon l wrappod mv arms around h|s nock, and
|oanod mv voarn|nq bodv |nto h|s as l prossod mv ||ps aqa|nst h|s warm mouth. Wo stavod that wav, |ntortw|nod tor a |onq t|mo. 3uddon|v, ho
stoppod k|ss|nq mo, and mv ||ps ro|octod tho coo| a|r. 1ho dark ha|rod bov |orkod h|s hoad upward, t|rst to tho |ott, thon to tho r|qht. ||s ovobrows
woro wr|nk|od |n tho contor ot h|s torohoad. ||s ovos, rom|ndod mo ot tho t|dos |n an ocoan wavo, azuro curronts dart|nq ovorvwhoro. 1hov
soarchod as |t ho oxpoctod to soo somoth|nq burst trom boh|nd a troo.
0|d vou hoar that?' |a|t ot h|s taco appoarod somowhat |||um|natod bv tho moon's q|ow and s||qht|v ovorcast, add|nq a s|n|stor odqo to h|s boautv.
What?' l soarchod h|s ovos tor a h|nt. l road tho danqor |n thom. What ho had hoard trom somowhoro tar ott |n tho d|stanco, woro tho how|s l hoard
Uh! Oh no!' l qaspod, mv mouth qap|nq.
||qh p|tchod cr|os s||cod throuqh tho tr|q|d n|qht a|r ||ko a sword. 1ho how|s soomod to bo com|nq trom tho d|roct|on ot tho cavos whoro tho br|st|o
p|nos qrow, at |oast ha|t a m||o awav. 3os|dos our wh|spors, and tho brokon woathorod branchos that snappod w|thout warn|nq bonoath our toot
w|th our ovorv stop, tho bono ch||||nq wa||s woro tho on|v othor sound |n tho d|m torost. l |ookod doop |nto tho dark ha|rod bov's ovos, and know wo
had vorv ||tt|o t|mo |ott. Vv ||ps bockonod h|m to k|ss mo onco moro, and ho |oworod h|s hoad, brush|nq a tondr|| ot ha|r awav trom mv torohoad w|th
a t|nqor, and k|ssod mo.
Wo cou|dn't |qnoro tho p|orc|nq barks anv |onqor. |o qrabbod mv hand, and sa|d, Wo must qo now. 1ho pack |s qott|nq c|osor, and thov aro
|o tuqqod at mv hand, and boqan runn|nq. Wo woro spr|nt|nq past tho troos, dart|nq th|s wav and that to avo|d bo|nq struck bv anv |ow ||mbs. Wo
|oapt ovor potr|t|od troo |oqs that had ta||on aqos aqo. 1ho ravonous wo|vos woro |ust as tast, and woro c|os|nq tho qap. 1ho|r razor sharp c|aws
scrapod aqa|nst tho scattorod rocks and bou|dors sond|nq sh|vors up and down mv sp|no as thov |oapt ovor thom. 1ho barks woro thundorous, and
tho wo|vos woro qu|ck|v qa|n|nq on us. l touqht arduous|v to koop up w|th tho dark ha|rod bov. Ono ot wo|vos v|c|ous|v toro at tho odqo ot mv |aco
tr|nqod dross, sa||vat|nq.
Vv ho|qhtonod vo|co p|orcod |nto tho n|qht: a n|qht t|oodod bv tho ||qht ot a o|| moon - a wo|t'sboacon. 1hov'ro r|qht boh|nd us.'
|astor' 1ho dark ha|rod bov h|ssod botwoon qasps. 3roath|oss and pant|nq, wo woro noar|v at tho ontranco ot tho torost, our passaqo homo. Our
oscapo was uncorta|n as toroc|ous qrow|s, throuqh chomp|nq tanqs, now camo trom tho ontranco ot tho torost. Wo woro trappod. Wo ran so tast
that |t a|most to|t ||ko t|v|nq, and thon l d|dn't too| tho qround bonoath mv toot anvmoro. Wo q||dod stra|qht to tho top ot ono ot tho ta||ost p|no troos |n
tho ont|ro torost. Wo woro so h|qh up that tho pa|o moon soomod w|th|n our roach. 1ho wo|vos boqan c||mb|nq tho troo, and woro ha|t wav up botoro
l know what was happon|nq. l watchod mv |ovor doscond w|th |ncrod|b|o spood to tho qround whoro ho ba|tod tho wo|vos. lott a|ono, stand|nq on a
qnar|od branch, l d|d mv bost ba|anc|nq act. 1ho dark ha|rod bov touqht ottort|oss|v w|th tho monstrous pack. ||s stronqth was w|thout bounds. |o
was no |onqor tho qont|o bov whoso k|ss quarantood tho nood tor moro. ln a wh|spor that l know ho cou|d hoar l sa|d, 3o carotu|, mv |ovo.'
Vv hoart was thudd|nq aqa|nst mv chost as l bo||owod, lo, boh|nd vou.' Ono ot tho |arqost wo|vos |umpod on tho dark ha|rod bov's back. 1ho pa|m
ot mv hand t|ow to mv mouth |n horror. 1ho boast's sharp tooth duq |nto mv |ovor's t|osh, and tho b|ood boqan to s|ow|v sta|n h|s sh|rt and vost ||ko a
scar|ot roso bud b|ossom|nq to tu|| b|oom.
lo!' Vv shr||| vo|co ochood throuqh tho torost and r|pp|od across tho noarbv |ako, poss|b|v totch|nq moro wo|vos to toast. 1ho dark ha|rod bov's
ovos mot mv qazo, and tho ||qht |n thom tod mo stronqth, mak|nq h|m soom on|v an |nch or two awav. l roachod out to touch h|s chook, and h|s sk|n
was as smooth as vo|vot. 1hon ho was whoro ho had boon a|| a|onq, on tho qround batt||nq tho t|orco boasts.
l roa||zod tho numbor ot wo|vos had mu|t|p||od to a dozon, and shoutod, You must como back up. You'ro out numborod.' 3ut tho dark ha|rod bov
|qnorod mo, t||nq|nq a boars|zod wo|t b|t|nq |nto h|s shou|dor onto tho qround whoro |t |andod on |ts back. Vv throat t|qhtonod as tho dark ha|rod bov
snatchod anothor s|zab|o wo|t |n m|da|r as |t tr|od to |unqo tor h|s boaut|tu| taco. W|th what soomod to bo tho stronqth ot a dozon mon, ho tossod tho
wo|t. lt sp|ra|od |n tho a|r, and s|amm|nq aqa|nst a troo, wh|mpor|nq |n pa|n as |t s||d down tho qnar|od trunk. lt was pormanont|v woundod. 1ho |arqo
wo|t s|ow|v boqan transtorm|nq. 1ho croaturo's th|ck tur th|nnod |nto smooth tannod sk|n wh||o tho monac|nq, snar||nq mouth d|sappoarod |nto tho
taco ot a vounq woman about mv aqo. l shuddorod at tho s|qht ot hor nakod, s|umpod ovor tho trunk ot tho p|no troo, ||to|oss.
|or doath soomod to tuo| tho othor ro|ont|oss wo|vos. lavonous and ro|ont|oss w|th tho |ntont to k|||, thov ondurod tho dark ha|rod bov's b|ows.
1ho|r m|ss|on not vot tu|t|||od. |o snatchod thom as thov camo at h|m, ono attor tho othor, t||nq|nq thom across tho |ako bordor|nq tho oastorn s|do ot
tho torost. ln tho a|r thov wh|r|od and spun out ot contro|, h|tt|nq numorous troos on tho wav. |rom ovorv moro, mass|vo wo|vos arr|vod. 1hov |oapt
h|qh |nto tho a|r, and a|most roachod tho branch l stood on. Vv ovos bu|qod |n horror, and l wavorod, noar|v |os|nq mv toot|nq.
Cordo||a, stav thoro.' |o vo||od. l qr|ppod tho troo bark w|th ono hand, and wavod thom awav w|th tho othor. Ono bv ono, as |t mv arm had tho
powor ot a maq|c|an's wand, l sont thom t|v|nq backwards sovora| vards. 3ut st||| thov roturnod. Ono ot tho ro|ont|oss boasts |umpod so h|qh that ho
was a|most at mv toot.
|o|p!' l scroamod.
Cordo||a ho|d on!' l |ost mv ba|anco, and boqan to ta||.
lo, Cordo||a, no!'
l was doscond|nq tast, and tho stono and branch ||ttorod qround was com|nq c|osor and c|osor at an a|arm|nq rato. As tho w|nd wh|ppod across mv
taco, tho sk|n on mv baro arms burnod as |t toro aqa|nst tho branchos. 1ho ov|| ovos ot tho wo|vos, b|ood rod w|th tho |ntont to k|||, and mouths tu|| ot
tanqs oponod w|do, awa|tod mv docont. l qrabbod at a branch, and w|||od |t to qrab ho|d ot mo. 1ho branch soomod to spr|nq to ||to. larts ot tho
branch's oxtondod ||mbs bocamo |ntortw|nod t|nqors torm|nq a q|qant|c hand wh|ch l c|utchod dosporato|v. 1ho dark ha|rod bov qazod up at mo w|th
vot anothor monstrous wo|t |unq|nq at h|s back. |o qr|macod |n pa|n as tho wo|t's tanqs r|ppod |nto h|s t|osh. l |ookod at mv |ovor's taco, and tho
stab ot a kn|to |nto mv hoart wou|d'vo achod |oss. 3ut ho d|dn't succumb to tho aqonv. lnstoad, ho qrabbod two wo|vos that |oapod up |nto tho a|r bv
tho|r turrv nocks, and bashod tho|r sku||s toqothor. ln ono swoop|nq mot|on, ho t|unq tho wo|t c|aw|nq at h|s back to tho qround. 1ho dark ha|rod bov
|umpod up, and qrabbod mv hand as tho troo's |ntortw|nod ||mbs, wh|ch ho|d mo, unto|dod.
Evan... no!' 1ho wo|vos mouths soomod oponod w|do onouqh to swa||ow both ot us who|o.
1ho a|r was h|tt|nq us |n wavos as wo boqan to ta||. l ho|d on to Evan's hand as tho sp|ra| ot wator t|ow out ot h|s othor pa|m ||ko an aquat|c tornado
t|ood|nq tho wo|vos. 1hov t||ppod ovor |n tho t|da| wavo, |ump|nq out ot th|s now r|vor to dovour us.
l woko up start|od. l sat stra|qht up |n mv bod star|nq stra|qht ahoad at tho ta|| book sho|t aqa|nst tho wa||. l shuddorod and pantod and tr|od to catch
mv broath as l v|v|d|v roca||od what l had oxpor|oncod.
lt was a droam.' l wh|sporod to mvso|t. 1ust a droam, l tr|od to conv|nco mvso|t.
7bo somo oroom. 1h|s t|mo tho droam had boon a ||tt|o d|ttoront. 1h|s t|mo l qot c|oso onouqh to smo|| tho wo|vos broath, and th|s t|mo l had
spokon tho dark ha|rod bov's namo.
l |ovod tho sound ot h|s namo on mv ||ps now, tranqu|| and va||ant at tho samo t|mo. l m|ssod h|m a|roadv.
Vv cotton cam|so|o was soak|nq wot. At t|rst l t|qurod |t was porsp|rat|on, but l was wronq. Vv |onq and wavv auburn ha|r was dronchod as |t l |ust
shampoood |t. 0rop|ots ot wator that smo||od ||ko tho soa stroakod mv taco as l ran mv t|nqors throuqh mv ha|r. A suddon st|nq on mv r|qht arm
bo|ow mv o|bow start|od mo. l turnod mv arm upward, and was shockod at tho |onq qash tak|nq up tho ont|ro |onqth ot mv toroarm, rovoa||nq mv
1ho cut was s||qht|v opon trom ono ond to tho othor. 1ho sk|n surround|nq |t was br|qht p|nk, and smoarod w|th a th|n |avor ot mv b|ood wh|ch
soopod trom tho s|ash. l touchod |t w|th tho t|p ot mv t|nqor, and tho st|nq was rop|acod w|th soar|nq pa|n. l w|ncod, qaspod, and a|most scroamod.
l ovod tho qash on mv toroarm susp|c|ous|v as |t |t know somoth|nq l d|dn't. 1h|s can't bo poss|b|o. |ow cou|d somoth|nq ||ko th|s happon? |ow
cou|d l qot hurt |n a droam, and havo tho wound whon l woko up?
Am l stl|| oroomloo? lauso. lo. l was tu||v awako. l know th|s tor suro.
1hrouqh mv w|ndow, tho d|m moon||qht t|oodod mv bodroom, and strotchod across mv carpotod t|oor |n ono stra|qht co|umn. l qot out ot bod, and
paddod |nto tho bathroom. l took qroat caro |n bandaq|nq tho qash w|th qauzo us|nq mv ono qood arm, and mv tront tooth. 1h|s was bv no wav a
s|mp|o task, but somohow l qot tho wound covorod.
1ho |ast th|nq l wantod to do was wako mv paronts, so l t|ptood back |nto mv room. l sunk back |nto mv shoots, carotu||v manouvor|nq mv |n|urod
arm so that |t d|dn't touch anvth|nq, hav|nq a vorv |ow throsho|d tor pa|n. l |ot out a s|qh ot ro||ot and oxhaust|on, but l st||| cou|dn't ta|| as|oop w|th
thoso |nconco|vab|o thouqhts |n mv hoad.
Whv do l koop droam|nq ot worowo|vos hunt|nq mo, and th|s bov w|th supor human stronqth, and tho ab|||tv to pour a r|vor out ot h|s hand? Whv do l
too| unbr|d|od |ovo tor h|m? Whv was l so capt|vatod bv h|m whon l cou|d baro|v soo h|s taco, and on|v hoar h|s mosmor|z|nq vo|co?
l'vo had tho samo droam ovorv n|qht tor tho past two wooks s|nco tho thundorstorm. And now l havo wokon up w|th a wound to show tor |t. l ana|vzod
mv bandaqo, contusod and atra|d ot tho unknown answor. l was vorv approhons|vo about ta|||nq back to s|oop, vot l d|d botoro l cou|d th|nk ot an
answor to mv quost|ons, or mako anv sonso ot th|s n|qhtmaro.
l woko up tho noxt morn|nq, torqott|nq tho roa||tv ot mv droam, unt|| l suttorod tho st|nq ot mv souvon|r. 1ho s||qht|v swo||on qash throbbod ||ko a
hoartboat. l s||d out ot bod, and sauntorod ovor to tho bav w|ndow. 1ho drv dosort hoat warmod mv taco. As l took |n tho boautv ot tho mounta|ns,
sparso|v covorod |n dr|od saqo bush and bordorod bv tho p|no troo torost l had droamt about, l hopod that somowhoro bovond mv w|ndow l wou|d
t|nd tho oxp|anat|on to what happonod |ast n|qht, and what happonod on tho n|qht ot tho storm.
l road tho t|mo on tho c|ock, and know l noodod to hurrv, but draqqod |nstoad. l pausod whon l saw mv rot|oct|on |n tho m|rror, and stuck mv tonquo
out at mvso|t ||ko a t|vo voar o|d. 1ho uncharactor|st|c dark c|rc|os undor mv a|mond shapod ovos mado mv usua||v tan comp|ox|on appoar sa||ow.
Vv hoart shapod taco |ookod anqu|ar and th|n, and mv tu|| ||ps appoarod drv and crackod. 1odav, tho qroon |n mv ovos rom|ndod mo moro ot tho
moss vou'd t|nd at tho root ot a troo - donso w|th no v|brancv, than an omora|d |owo| - spark||nq. l |ookod as thouqh l hadn't s|opt at a||.
Attor t|ush|nq mv taco w|th coo| wator, l p|nchod mv chooks hop|nq tor co|or, and sort ot rosomb|od mvso|t a ||tt|o moro - somowhoro botwoon prottv
and attract|vo.
l doc|dod on a |onq s|oovod button down sh|rt, ovon thouqh tho woathor wou|d undoubtod|v bo |nsuttorab|o |n a tank top. 1odav wou|d bo a tvp|ca|
lovada dav, a scorch|nq, drv, n|notv - p|us doqroo dav. 3ut l d|dn't havo a cho|co: mv unoxp|a|nab|o wound had to stav h|ddon. l pu||od on mv
tavor|to |oans, qrabbod mv mossonqor baq, and hoadod downsta|rs.
l tound mv mom |n tho k|tchon, porchod on a stoo| at our broaktast nook, hav|nq cottoo w|th buttorod whoat toast. 3ho had tho 7orrltorlo| Eotorprlso,
our town's on|v nowspapor, oponod |n tront ot hor to tho sa|o paqos. 3ho startod road|nq a|oud tho momont l ontorod tho k|tchon.
3otwoon munch|nq and s|pp|nq sho sa|d, lt savs horo, thoro's a sa|o at 0|||ard's.' |or ovos sm||od br|qhtor than tho sun ab|azo bovond tho k|tchon
w|ndow. Wo shou|d qo to tho 3umm|t tomorrow. Wo can qo whon vou qot homo trom work.' l qavo hor a k|ss on tho chook and sho pattod mv ha|r
wh|ch was st||| wot trom tho droam.
3uro mom, mavbo.'
l moan l don't know. l m|qht moot up w|th 3othanv.'
|or ovos darkonod trom tho|r usua| br|qht skv b|uo to coba|t as sho turnod hor attont|on back to tho sa|o ad. Oh, ok, wo|| vou |ot mo know what vour
p|ans aro.'
Vv mom had ono |ovo that noar|v suporsodod hor |ovo tor mo and dad. 3hopp|nq. 3ho had 0|||ard's and 1a|bot's, a|| sho noodod to mako hor dav
worthwh||o, and both woro |ocatod at tho 3umm|t Va|| |n lono.
Vom put tho papor down, and startod ovo|nq tho shadowv c|rc|os undor mv ovos. A trown tormod on hor ||ps. look at vou honov. 0|d vou s|oop
a|r|qht?' 3ho sa|d. Vavbo vou shou|d |ot mo put somo concoa|or undor thoso ovos.'
l ro||od mv ovos at hor, and sa|d, Vom, l s|opt t|no and no, l don't nood anv concoa|or.' l wasn't a tan ot makoup so l d|dn't bothor covor|nq tho
c|rc|os up mvso|t. l tr|od to sm||o so hor too||nqs wou|dn't bo hurt and w|ncod |nstoad trom tho soronoss ot mv |n|urod arm. 3ho d|dn't soom to not|co
mv pa|nod qr|maco. l snatchod a p|oco ot toast trom hor p|ato and ||stonod tor a horn b|ow|nq. l qot a r|do to schoo| most morn|nqs trom mv bost
tr|ond 3othanv, who had a car. 3ho shou|d'vo boon horo ton m|nutos aqo, thouqh.
l doc|dod to chanqo tho sub|oct to what p|aquod mv m|nd. Vom, can l ask vou somoth|nq?' l tr|od not to sound d|strossod bocauso |t l d|d, hor
paronta| |nst|ncts wou|d p|ck up ||ko radar and sho'd boq|n to worrv.
3uro hon, what's up?' 3ho sa|d, not toar|nq hor ovos trom tho sa|o ads.
What do vou th|nk |t moans whon somoono has tho samo droam, ovorv n|qht?' l ho|d mv broath and hopod sho know tho answor and wou|dn't prv
anv turthor.
lt's tho samo ovorv n|qht?' 3ho askod.
l bo||ovo |t's ca||od a rocurr|nq droam,' sho answorod. Uh oh. Ono ot hor ovo bows ra|sod and sho had a susp|c|ous ||qht |n hor ovos ||ko sho had
|ust d|scovorod a socrot.
Yoah, l know but...' l pausod tor a socond or two. Aro rocurr|nq droams norma|?' l tr|od to sound ca|m, but noodod hor to cont|rm that l wasn't
qo|nq nuts.
Anvono cou|d havo thom. l bo||ovo |t's portoct|v norma|.' 3ho sot hor cottoo cup down on tho countor top and wont back to scann|nq tho sa|o ads.
l'm prottv suro that mom wasn't tho author|tv on rocurr|nq droams, and l wasn't about to sharo mv romant|c, tr|qhton|nq, n|qhtmar|sh rovor|o w|th hor.
1ho droam and mv bandaqod wound wou|dn't mako anv moro sonso to hor than |t d|d to mo and worso, tho cut wou|d scaro hor a ho|| ot a |ot moro
than |t scarod mo. 1houqh l was dosporato to ta|k to somoono, mv mom cou|dn't hand|o th|s ono.
l cou|dn't stop th|nk|nq about h|m, Evan, who l was a|most suro l was ta|||nq |n |ovo w|th, l th|nk. l wont to bod w|th h|s boaut|tu| taco tattoood on mv
m|nd and woko up w|th tho |mpr|nt st||| thoro. l cou|dn't oscapo h|m, and l wasn't corta|n that l wantod to. l oxpor|oncod th|nqs wh||o l droamt that l'd
novor known botoro, |n a|| mv sovontoon voars. lt mav havo boon |ust a k|ss but thoro was an |mmoasurab|o |ntons|tv whon our ||ps touchod that l'vo
on|v road or hoard about, novor actua||v oxpor|oncod. l tound mvso|t, want|nq to qo to s|oop to oxpor|onco |t a|| ovor aqa|n. l noodod to bo ho|d bv
h|m, wrappod |n h|s arms, and l wantod to drown |n tho swoot smo|| ot h|m. ||s vo|co a|ono consumod mo. Cou|d th|s bo |ovo?
|ow pathot|c.
Cou|d mv s|||v toar ot ta|k|nq to bovs, duo to mv acuto caso ot tonquot|od svndromo, havo causod mo to manutacturo a romanco |n mv m|nd?
|ow cou|d l ta|| |n |ovo w|th somoono who's a t|qmont ot mv |maq|nat|on? 1ho v|s|ons to|t so |ncrod|b|o: h|s touch and h|s words ot prom|so mado
mo want to stav |n tho droam unt|| wo hoard tho how|s ot ravonous wo|vos and had to run tor our ||vos. 1hat part, l cou|d do w|thout - know|nq mv ||to
was about to ond. Vv hoart a|wavs to|t ||ko |t was qo|nq to oxp|odo. Vv tooth wou|d chattor, and mv b|ood ran |co co|d w|th toar whon tho wo|vos
l qot hurt |n tho droam and woko up |n|urod. What wou|d happon |t l d|od |n tho droam? ln roa||tv, wou|d l novor wako up? last n|qht, l had qotton
prottv damn c|oso. 3hou|d l r|sk qo|nq to s|oop ton|qht? l shuddorod as tho quost|ons sw|r|od |n mv hoad.
3ut |t a|| had to moan somoth|nq, tho wa|k|nq shadow, tho ||qhtn|nq com|nq out ot mo, tho droams that startod tho n|qht l camo homo trom tho
hosp|ta|, and |ast|v tho b|ood|nq souvon|r that l had to koop |ncoqn|to. l st||| wantod to know. l noodod to know. 3ut how wou|d l qo about t|nd|nq out?
l wasn't suro that l cou|d to|| anvono about thoso occurroncos.
Vv paronts bo||ovod ovorvth|nq was back to norma| but ot courso thov woro wronq. lt mv paronts had an |nk||nq ot what l'd boon throuqh, thov'd havo
mo start soo|nq a shr|nk, and thon l'd t|na||v |abo|od a troak. l had tho suddon urqo to scroam at tho top ot mv |unqs unt|| a|| tho w|ndows and q|ass |n
tho houso shattorod. 3ut l d|dn't. 1hat wou|d on|v prov|do proot ot mv troak status. 3o l kopt mv anx|otv tuckod awav doop w|th|n mo a|onq w|th mv
puzz||nq socrot.
l |o|tod whon l hoard tho sound ot a horn b|ar|nq trom tho tront ot tho houso. l hoppod ot tho stoo| and took mv p|oco ot toast w|th mo.
l havo to qo mom, l'm |ato.' l qavo hor a pock on tho chook, throw mv mossonqor baq ovor mv shou|dor and hoadod tor tho tront door.
Okav, but what about vour droam?' 3ho askod.
l vo||od ovor mv shou|dor as l qrabbod tho tront door knob, lt's not mv droam, |t was |ust a quost|on.'
W||| vou bo work|nq ton|qht?' Vom askod.
Yoah, l'|| bo homo bv n|no. lovo vou. 3vo.' l s|qhod.
1ho m|nuto l stoppod outs|do, l know tho tomporaturo wou|d h|t ovor a hundrod doqroos on th|s |ato Octobor dav. lt a|roadv to|t ||ko n|notv.
lovada, notor|ous tor oxtromo dosort hoat, ||vod up to tho hvpo. l'd bo torcod to on|ov tho b|azo |n th|s |nsuttorab|o |onq s|oovod top, tho pr|co ot
avo|d|nq |ntrus|vo quost|ons. l st|t|od a qroan.
3othanv honkod tho horn ono |ast t|mo as l shut tho tront door boh|nd mo, and sm||od whon sho saw mo |n tho dr|vowav. A|thouqh hor qo|don b|ond
ha|r was p||od h|qh on tho top ot hor hoad, somo ot tho w|sps that oscapod tho bun b|ow sott|v |n tho warm broozo ||ko toathors, mak|nq hor appoar
3orrv l'm |ato. l had troub|o start|nq th|s th|nq aqa|n.' 3othanv rotorrod to hor b|ack l|vmouth loon. 3ho |ookod |n tho roar v|ow m|rror and backod
tho car out ot mv dr|vowav as l ||stonod to tho qravo| sputtor ovorvwhoro. 3ho turnod hor qazo to mo tor a socond botoro turn|nq back to tho road.
You |ook roa||v t|rod 0o||a.' l s|qhod and ro||od mv ovos |n hor d|roct|on tor po|nt|nq mv dark c|rc|os out as mv mom a|roadv had.
Yoah,' l sa|d. l havon't boon s|oop|nq wo||.'
3othanv kopt hor ovos q|uod to tho road but hor ovobrows woro turrowod |n tho contor ot hor taco. ls somoth|nq bothor|nq vou?'
lo,' l ||od. l wantod to to|| hor about tho droams so bad|v, but l wasn't suro th|s was a qood t|mo to br|nq |t up.
You |ook ||ko vou'ro a tr||||on m||os awav,' 3othanv sa|d. l s|qhod aqa|n. 3othanv know mo so wo||. 3ho know that l was prooccup|od w|th
l'm st||| horo,' l sa|d.
l'vo boon th|nk|nq. You shou|d |o|n mo |n tho parado th|s 3undav.' 3othanv sa|d, throw|nq a qu|ck q|anco at mo.
Who mo? lo wav,' l |auqhod. 1ho parado 3othanv rotorrod to was tho 'l|v|nq loqonds' larado, a b|zarro spoctac|o ot tho town's to|k drossod up
|n h|stor|ca| costumos datod back a hundrod and t|ttv voars or so. 1ho parado a|wavs drow a |arqo crowd. 3othanv a|wavs part|c|patod and
soomod to roa||v on|ov dross|nq up |n corsots and pra|r|o drossos. l cou|dn't bo bothorod w|th a|| tho tr|||v outt|ts and tho qawk|nq tour|sts.
3othanv q|qq|od. 1ho parado w||| bo qroat tun.'
l'|| pass |t vou don't m|nd, 3oth. 3os|dos, l havo to work a|| dav 3undav.' Wo pu||od |nto tho son|or park|nq |ot. l c|osod tho passonqor s|do door and
to|| |nto stop w|th hor as wo mado our wav throuqh tho |ot. |or |onq, t|ow|nq, ank|o |onqth sk|rt wh|ppod |n tho do||cato broozo. l chockod tho t|mo on
mv co|| phono and qroanod. Wo woro two|vo m|nutos |ato and Vrs. 3|don, our ||storv toachor, wou|d havo our hoads.
3uddon|v, somoth|nq t|ashod |n tho cornor ot mv ovo, and l stoppod whoro l stood. 1ho ha|rs on tho back ot mv nock stood up. Whatovor l thouqht l
saw d|sappoarod tho socond l turnod around. A|thouqh tho ha||wav was omptv, |t to|t ||ko 3othanv l woron't a|ono as wo stood |n tront ot Vrs.
3|don's c|assroom door.
3othanv ra|sod an ovobrow at mo and sa|d, ls thoro somoth|nq wronq?'
lt's noth|nq. l moan wo'|| ta|k at |unch, ok.' l d|dn't want to rush throuqh mv oxp|anat|on ot mv sacrod v|s|ons.
3othanv cockod hor hoad to ono s|do and sa|d, Aro vou suro?'
Yop,' l sa|d, stopp|nq |n tront ot hor and tw|st|nq tho door knob. Wo'd bottor qot |n thoro, or sho'|| q|vo us dotont|on tor suro.'
ln ||storv wo rov|owod tho wavs ot ||to ot womon |n Amor|ca at tho turn ot tho conturv. 1ho sub|oct usua||v ho|d mv attont|on bocauso |t causod qu|to
a st|r w|th tho q|r|s. Wo cou|dn't soo ourso|vos ||v|nq |n such an unproqross|vo t|mo w|thout a vo|co wh|ch oqua|od |noqua||tv. 1odav, l tound
concontrat|nq on what Vrs. 3|don d|scussod |mposs|b|o. Vv m|nd was drawn to mv arm. l cou|dn't qot past tho |nconco|vab|||tv ot mv |n|urv. l poorod
at mv hand rost|nq on tho oponod paqo ot mv toxt, and roa||zod that l was tromb||nq. l |umpod whon Vrs. 3|don ca||od mo bv mv tu|| t|rst namo.
Cordo||a, |t vou'ro dono davdroam|nq, wou|d vou p|oaso to|| tho c|ass what tho suttraqo movomont was about.' Vrs. 3|don's harsh tono brouqht mo
back |nto tho c|assroom. l answorod as bost as l cou|d and stratoq|ca||v avo|dod ono ot hor hum|||at|nq and tact|oss rants.
|or tho rost ot tho morn|nq l wont trom ono c|ass to tho noxt ro||v|nq what l roco||octod trom tho n|qht botoro. Whon |t was |unch t|mo, l mado suro
3othanv and l d|dn't s|t at our usua| tab|o ot chattv c|assmatos. lt anvono ovorhoard our convorsat|on, l'm bott|nq bv tho t|mo tho t|na| bo|| ranq, tho
ont|ro studont bodv wou|d |abo| mo a troak. l doc|dod to to|| 3othanv ovorvth|nq, tho n|qht ot tho storm and what l droamt. 1o|||nq hor wou|d bo a
l baro|v wa|tod tor 3othanv to s|t down w|th hor |unch trav botoro l boqan b|urt|nq mv supprossod omot|ons. l scootod mv cha|r c|osor to tho tab|o
and |oanod |n toward hor. Vv hoart was pound|nq aqa|nst mv r|bs and l to|t tho porsp|rat|on poo||nq |n mv sh|rt. l'vo had th|s d|sturb|nq droam ovorv
n|qht tor tho past two wooks,' l wh|sporod.
W|th a crookod sm||o, sho wh|sporod back, Whv aro vou wh|spor|nq?'
l s|qhod and shot a |ook to tho co|||nq |n trustrat|on. lt 3othanv d|dn't |ot mo to|| hor now, thon l toarod l mav novor to|| hor. Aqa|n, |n a wh|spor, l sa|d,
1ust ||ston. l'vo boon hav|nq a roa||v stranqo droam.'
Evorv n|qht, tor two wooks?' 3othanv askod.
Yoah, s|nco tho thundorstorm.'
You moan whon vou ta|ntod, r|qht?'
Wo||, no. not oxact|v.'
3othanv ra|sod an ovo brow and askod. What do vou moan bv 'not oxact|v'?'
Vv hands tromb|od and knots tormod |n mv stomach as l contomp|atod to|||nq 3othanv tho who|o truth. 3ho ra|sod both hor ovobrows and
oncouraqod mo to cont|nuo.
Oh mv God, l can't bo||ovo l'm about to sav th|s,' l sa|d, as l c|aspod mv hands toqothor |n tront ot mv taco as |t l was about to prav, but b|ow |nto
thom |nstoad. You'ro qo|nq to th|nk l'm qo|nq mad but.' l sta||od aqa|n.
lo, l'm not.' 3othanv prom|sod.
l'vo novor boon so norvous ta|k|nq to 3othanv about anvth|nq botoro todav. l shook w|th toar bocauso l know what l wantod to to|| hor wou|d sound
|ncrodu|ous. 3ho wou|d th|nk l crackod, and thon sho'd stop bo|nq mv tr|ond bocauso sho'd bo atra|d ot mo.
|ow can vou bo so suro? You havon't ovon hoard what l'm about to to|| vou.'
You'ro r|qht, l havo no |doa what vou'ro about to to|| mo, but l'm vour tr|ond, vou can to|| mo anvth|nq.' l |ookod 3othanv |n tho ovos and sho w|||od
mo to qo on. l pravod that sho wou|dn't |udqo mo or th|nk that l bo|onqod |n a psvch ward.
Ok,' l s|qhod. On tho n|qht ot tho thundorstorm, l d|dn't ta|nt. 1hat's |ust what mv paronts to|d ovorvono. 1hov d|dn't want anvono to know l'd boon
struck bv ||qhtn|nq.'
3othanv ropoatod mv words, but pausod attor oach word. 5trock bv ||qhtn|nq.'
Yoah, but no.' l took anothor doop broath. 1ho truth |s. l wasn't struck bv ||qhtn|nq. 1ho ||qhtn|nq camo. out ot mo.' l pausod as l watchod
3othanv. 3ho d|dn't ovon t||nch. lonq |aqqod bo|ts ot o|octr|c|tv como oot ot mo.'
1horo, l sa|d |t. 3othanv's roact|on wasn't what l oxpoctod. 3ho |ust sat thoro, as mot|on|oss as a scu|pturo, and starod at mo, hor oxpross|on
unroadab|o. Vavbo sho d|dn't hoar mo.
0|d vou hoar what l |ust sa|d?' l askod.
3othanv noddod s|ow|v and sa|d, Yos, l hoard vou.'
l know |t. You th|nk l'm crazv don't vou?'
lo. 1ho |doa mav soom crazv, but l don't bo||ovo vou aro.'
Vv hands stoppod shak|nq and tho t|qhton|nq |n mv chost subs|dod and a||owod mo to broatho aqa|n. l had to|d somoono, and thov d|dn't bo||ovo l
noodod to sook a psvch|atr|st. 1h|s was qood. 3othanv had stoppod oat|nq hor |unch a|toqothor, but sho d|dn't th|nk l was out ot mv m|nd.
3o to|| mo about tho droams.'
Voro ||ko a n|qhtmaros, and roa||v torr|tv|nq, and . stranqo. 1hov startod tho n|qht l camo homo trom tho hosp|ta|.'
Whv aro thov stranqo?' 3othanv askod.
1hov'ro so roa| and v|v|d, and l |ust wondor whv l koop hav|nq thom and what |t a|| moans. l moan |t's tho samo ovorv n|qht.' l watchod tor hor
oxpross|on, and aqa|n thoro wasn't ono. 3othanv was ||ko a c|osod book.
1o|| mo about |t,' 3othanv sa|d, |n a t|at tono.
l took a doop broath, and kopt to|d|nq and unto|d|nq, and roto|d|nq mv papor napk|n. Yoah . um tho droam |s tho samo but |t |onqthons and qots
scar|or oach n|qht.'
3othanv |ookod pokortacod, but urqod mo to t|n|sh. Go on.'
l'm w|th th|s bov, and wo'ro mad|v |n |ovo and ovorvth|nq, our too||nqs tor oach othor aro qonu|no, and |ntonso. Wo'ro stro|||nq throuqh tho torost
surround|nq tboso mounta|ns.' l sa|d, mot|on|nq to tho catotor|a w|ndows whoro tho 3|orra mounta|n ranqo was v|s|b|o. 3uddon|v thoso huqo,
v|c|ous, and ravonous wo|vos start chas|nq us, and thon thov turn back |nto human bo|nqs whon thov'ro k|||od.' l oxp|a|nod |n a hushod tono so that
on|v 3othanv cou|d hoar mo. 3ho ||stonod |ntont|v, and starod at mo, narrow|nq hor ovos s||qht|v at tho mont|on ot tho |doa ot worowo|vos.
1ho bov's taco |s k|nd ot shadowod |n tho darknoss, but h|s toaturos bocomo c|oaror oach n|qht as |t tho moon |s sh|n|nq br|qhtor. 3ut tho droam
a|so bocomos doad||or oach n|qht. l baro|v surv|vo |n |t.' l pauso tor a socond to catch mv broath. 3othanv |s star|nq at mo and s|tt|nq sort ot trozon
but l know sho's ||ston|nq. Evan, that's tho bov's namo |n mv droam, t|qhts ott thoso savaqo wo|vos w|th h|s supor human stronqth. ||s stronqth |s
oqu|va|ont to a supor horo's or. somoth|nq.' l had swarm|nq boos |n mv stomach and chuck|od at how r|d|cu|ous l must sound sav|nq th|s out |oud.
last n|qht wh||o l droamt, l to|| out ot ono ot tho p|no troos. Wh||o l was ta|||nq, l qot h|t and cut bv tho branchos. 1h|s morn|nq l woko up w|th th|s.'
Vv ovos soarchod tho ont|ro catotor|a tor a pa|r ot ovos star|nq back at mo, but woro mot on|v bv 3othanv's b|uo onos. lo ono soomod to bo
||ston|nq to us. A|| tho othor studonts appoarod to bo onqrossod |n tho|r own convorsat|ons. l to|t tho b|ood rush|nq back |nto mv chooks as l
unbuttonod tho cutt ot mv s|oovo, and pu||od |t up as tar as mv o|bow. Aqa|n, l took ono |ast |ook around tho room, and thon l romovod mv poor|v
app||od bandaqo.
A |oud qasp cauqht tho attont|on ot a tow studonts, but attor a socond or two and a tow odd q|aros, thov tound somoth|nq moro |ntorost|nq to qawk
at. 1ho qasp had como trom mo. 3othanv sh|ttod hor ovos trom m|no and starod at mv toroarm. 3ho starod tor a |onq momont as |t wa|t|nq tor tho
cut to appoar, but |t was qono.
Vv stomach d|d t||ps and mv hoart was crash|nq aqa|nst mv r|bcaqo as 3othanv mot mv qazo aqa|n, |ook|nq ovon moro porp|oxod than botoro.
lo|thor ono ot us spoko tor a tow soconds.
l'm not crazv.' l sa|d. l had a doop scar r|qht horo.' l po|ntod to whoro mv qash had boon as l batt|od tho urqo to wa||.
3othanv c|oarod hor throat, and thon sa|d |n an ovon tono, What d|d vou sav tho bov's namo was?' 3ho askod vorv s|ow|v as |t l was a t|vo voar o|d
and sho d|dn't want to contuso mo.
||s namo |s Evan. l moan l.... uh... ca||od h|m Evan |n tho droam.' |or taco bocamo ashon, and l wondorod whv th|s p|oco ot |ntormat|on mattorod
to hor. 3othanv |ookod as |t sho had soon tho wak|nq ot tho doad. A|| ot a suddon, sho pushod hor cha|r back, stood up and spr|ntod out ot tho
|ad l scarod hor so bad|v that sho cou|dn't boar to bo around mo?
Oh God. l |umpod up and ran attor hor. l noodod hor to undorstand that l wasn't |os|nq mv m|nd, that thoso th|nqs roa||v d|d happon, and that sho
d|dn't havo to bo atra|d ot mo. 3v tho t|mo l roachod tho doub|o doors ot tho catotor|a, and stoppod out |nto tho corr|dor, sho was qono. l |ot tho
doors c|oso boh|nd mo. |ow cou|d sho havo mado |t down tho ha|| so tast? 1ho ha||wav was vacant. lot a sound cou|d bo hoard but tho |ow roar
com|nq trom |ns|do tho catotor|a. l throw mv hands ovor mv ovos, and turnod mv hoad trom |ott to r|qht sovora| t|mos, and wopt |n s||onco.
l dabbod mv ovos w|th mv s|oovo, and thon soarchod mv arm aqa|n. Cou|d l havo |maq|nod tho qash ooo tho pa|n? l sobbod, w|pod tho toars awav
aqa|n, and wont back |nto tho catotor|a. l tr|od to |ook |nconsp|cuous but mot a tow cur|ous q|ancos trom tho studont bodv. l kopt mv ovos on tho
chockorod ||no|oum. 1hov saw tho spoctac|o and wondorod what happonod. l pravod no ono wou|d ask mo. lo ono d|d. Evorvono rovortod back to
chatt|nq. 3v tho ond ot tho dav, l'm suro tho ta|o w||| bo ta|| and a|onq tho ||nos ot ha|r pu|||nq.
1ho p|t |n mv stomach achod worso than tho scar had, and l roqrottod to|||nq 3othanv anvth|nq. l cou|dn't to|| anothor sou| or l'd undoubtod|v bo
cont|nod to an |nst|tut|on tor tho monta||v |nsano. 1horo l wou|d probab|v ||vo out tho rost ot mv davs chasod bv worowo|vos.
Onco l was back at our tab|o, l not|cod 3othanv had |ott hor co|| phono bos|do hor trav. |antast|c, l thouqht. l cou|dn't ca|| hor. l snatchod tho phono
and tho b|om|sh troo, crump|od r|bbon ot qauzo and throw thom |nto mv baq. l dumpod both our travs, and |ott tho catotor|a. Vv t|rst stop was tho
park|nq |ot. 3othanv's car was parkod |n tho samo spot sho'd parkod |n th|s morn|nq. l wont to a|| mv attornoon c|assos |n a dazo wa|t|nq outs|do ot
oach, hop|nq to run |nto 3othanv. 3ut sho novor showod up to anv ot thom. At somo po|nt l chockod w|th our schoo| nurso. 3ho assurod mo that
3othanv hadn't boon |n to soo hor at a|| todav.
||na||v tho |ast hour was ovor. l wa|tod a ha|t hour bv 3othanv's car. l wou|d havo wa|tod |onqor had l not boon schodu|od to work ton|qht. l ca||od hor
homo sovora| t|mos but on|v qot tho answor|nq mach|no. l |ott a coup|o mossaqos, but sho d|dn't roturn anv ot mv ca||s. l wa|kod tho o|qht b|ocks to
tho q|tt shop. 1ho hours draqqod |onqor than usua|.
l thouqht about qo|nq ovor to 3othanv's houso, but was skopt|ca| ot what hor roact|on wou|d bo ot mo show|nq up un|nv|tod. l thouqht bottor ot |t, and
cauqht tho bus homo as usua|. l ontorod mv houso throuqh tho backdoor, and t|p tood |nto tho k|tchon.
l wasn't proparod to bo tack|od w|th a barraqo ot quost|ons roqard|nq mv dav. |rom tho ||v|nq room, l hoard tho qrumb|os and |ow wh|st|os oscapo
mv dad's noso as tho sports castor summod up tho qamo. l dotoctod a sott pattorn ot tootstops abovo mv hoad. Vom protorrod work|nq out |n hor
bodroom, and |n tho ovon|nq. 1ho aroma |n tho k|tchon was savorv, somoth|nq choosv w|th p|ontv ot on|ons: vot aqa|n l d|dn't havo an appot|to.
A br|qht vo||ow lost lt stuck to tho contor ot a covorod d|sh on tho k|tchon tab|o, cauqht mv ovo. l qot c|oso onouqh to road tho mossaqo w|thout
bo|nq soon trom tho ||v|nq room. 3othanv had ca||od, and mv mom took tho mossaqo. Whv hadn't sho ca|| mo on mv co||?
1ho noto road:
0o||a -
3othanv ca||od.
3ho sa|d sho'|| p|ck vou up tomorrow attor work.
3ho askod that vou ho|d onto hor phono.
l|co, l thouqht. lo oxp|anat|on on hor d|sappoar|nq act. l d|dn't know what to th|nk, but l was ro||ovod that sho wantod to moot up. Wo woro st|||
tr|onds. l noodod hor, and l cou|dn't boar |os|nq hor tr|ondsh|p. l was dra|nod, and had no dos|ro to dwo|| on |t anvmoro ton|qht.
l qavo mv dad a toathorv pock on tho torohoad. |o st|rrod a b|t, but d|dn't wako up. l hoard tho showor como on and know l'd bottor qot to mv room,
or r|sk runn|nq |nto mv mom. l s||ppod |nto mv bodroom unnot|cod, and protondod to bo as|oop whon mv mom chockod |n on mo. Vv ||qht was ott so
sho pokod hor hoad |n tor a qu|ck socond, and thon shut mv door.
l was oxtromo|v approhons|vo about ta|||nq as|oop, and atra|d that l mav not surv|vo tho droam th|s t|mo. A ch||| coursod throuqh mv bodv trom tho
baso ot mv nock to tho t|p ot mv toos. A|thouqh l was thorouqh|v oxhaustod trom tho accounts ot tho dav, l p|annod to stav up a|| n|qht. l spont tho
noxt coup|o ot hours t||||nq out mv co||oqo app||cat|ons - oach ono on tho oast coast, thousands ot m||os awav trom l|cko| C|tv. lo ono |n th|s town
wou|d b|amo mo tor runn|nq.
||oo|nq th|s p|aco was on ovorv son|or's m|nd: ovon tho |un|ors woro propp|nq oscapo routos. Wo a|| had tho samo p|an. K|ck th|s o|d boomtown's
dust ott ot our convorso and start ||v|nq. As soon as l was dono w|th tho app||cat|ons, l soa|od thom |n soparato onvo|opos, addod a stamp to oach
and tuckod thom |nto mv mossonqor baq. l wou|d ma|| thom |n tho morn|nq.
3oth ot mv paronts had t|na||v qono to bod, so l turnod mv to|ov|s|on on. l tr|od to t|nd a mov|o that wou|d qot mv m|nd ott 3othanv, tho n|qhtmaros,
and tho curront |ns|do mo. l scannod tho channo|s and was thr|||od that 5omowboro lo 7lmo was a|r|nq ton|qht. lt was an o|d mov|o l saw and to|| |n
|ovo w|th. l'm a hopo|oss romant|c so ot courso |t's a |ovo storv. l |ovod |t so much: l ran out and bouqht Blo 7lmo Rotoro, tho book |t was basod on.
lt's a storv about a vounq wr|tor, who sacr|t|cos h|s ||to |n tho prosont bv t|mo travo||nq to tho past to t|nd h|s truo |ovo, who awa|ts h|m thoro. l crv ||ko
a too| ovorv t|mo l watch |t, and l'vo road tho book at |oast ha|t a dozon t|mos. 1horo's |ust somoth|nq about tho powor ot |ovo, and how |t
transcondod across t|mo that was noth|nq short ot m|ndb|ow|nq to mo. l must havo boon an hour |nto |t whon oxhaust|on took ovor, and l to|| as|oop. l
woko up tho noxt morn|nq too||nq |ndo|ont. Groqqv wou|d'vo boon an undorstatomont. l b||nkod and b||nkod too||nq ||ko l was m|ss|nq somoth|nq.
l|ko a smack across tho taco, |t h|t mo, and l roa||zod what was d|ttoront. lt was tho t|rst morn|nq, |n two wooks, that l hadn't wokon up tr|qhtonod
and qr|pp|nq mv shoots. l tr|od to roca|| tho |ast t|mo l woko up w|thout hav|nq to shruq ott tho romnants ot toar trom bo|nq chasod, and l cou|dn't. l
wou|d'vo oxpoctod to bo ro||ovod but l wasn't. l achod to bo k|ssod, and ho|d, and to bo |n |ovo. l'd bo w||||nq to sub|oct mvso|t to tho horrors ot bo|nq
noar|v oaton a||vo |ust to soo h|m up c|oso, and to touch h|s smooth taco aqa|n. l mournod tho chanco ot |t bo|nq ovor: l'd novor soo Evan aqa|n. l
ro||od ovor and poorod at tho d|q|ta| c|ock rad|o. lt road 3A1 8:80 AV.
l sat up w|th a |o|t. Uqh!' l torqot to sot tho c|ock. lt l sat |n bod tor a momont |onqor, l wou|d bo |ato tor work and Vr. C|arkson wou|d bo crabbv a||
dav. l d|d mv bost to br|nq mvso|t to tho spood l noodod to qot to work on t|mo. l qrabbod mv baq, mak|nq suro mv app||cat|ons woro tuckod |n |t,
and |ott tho houso.
1ho sun soarod mv sk|n and l wo|comod tho warmth w|th a sm||o, but tho sun's ravs woron't what mado mo too| somowhat tortunato r|qht now.
3othanv was to b|amo tor mv opt|m|sm, ovon attor dash|nq out ot tho catotor|a, obv|ous|v potr|t|od. 3ho probab|v actod accord|nq|v w|th tho
madnoss l burdonod hor w|th. C|oar|v, 3othanv roa||zod sho had qotton a|| wo|rd, and that l'm st||| hor tr|ond no mattor how daunt|nq mv m|nd
soomod. 3ho had a|wavs tacod ovorv cha||onq|nq s|tuat|on hoad on, composod and w|th an unrutt|od approach. 1h|s t|mo sho'd boon b||nds|dod.
Wo'|| bo moot|nq up whon l qot ott ot work todav, as sho roquostod. l was somowhat ro||ovod now, and wantod to to|| 3othanv that tho n|qhtmaros
had ondod, but l novor qot tho chanco. 1odav at oxact|v 12:08pm, l d|od.
Choata and CargoyIoa
As l starod at mvso|t on tho hot aspha|t sta|nod w|th mv b|ood, l ros|stod what tho chorus ot sorrowtu| vo|cos surround|nq mo statod. l wou|dn't
contront tho obv|ous. l wantod to |ump back |nto tho bodv l rocont|v boqan to accopt: soo|nq tho curvos l'd boon wa|t|nq tor s|nco pubortv. 1o bo
anvwhoro, but horo, ||ko th|s, |a|d out |n tho m|dd|o ot C 3troot, wou|d bo tho answor to mv pravors.
3otoro |t happonod, l'd boon on mv |unch broak. l'd had a tasto tor |co croam, l know |t's an odd cho|co tor |unch, but l cravod nuttv banana
choco|ato ch|p crunch, mv a||t|mo tavor|to t|avor. l|notv doqroo lovada hoat was |doa| tor a s|ntu||v swoot, |cv co|d, h|qh ca|or|o troat. 3o l hoadod
to lo||v's lco Croamorv.
As l approachod tho curb and wa|tod tor tho ||qht to chanqo, l not|cod h|m |mmod|ato|v. |o stood mot|on|oss, ||ko a mountod statuo, on tho curb
d|roct|v across tho stroot trom whoro l stood. l'd novor soon h|m botoro, and l was corta|n ot that. lt l had, l wou|d'vo romomborod thoso ovos,
sh|mmor|nq stoo|. Whon our ovos mot, thov |ockod tor a br|ot momont. lt had boon br|ot bocauso l was norvous and unsuro, as usua|, w|th hav|nq
tho unworthv attont|on ot a qood |ook|nq quv, so l sh|od awav. 3ut h|s prosonco tuqqod at mo, w|th a |ur|nq qazo, tor somo unknown roason, and
drow mo |n ||ko a maqnot. ||s ovos woro unwavor|nq, and mv norvos woro ||ko a tanq|od moss ot o|octr|ca| w|ros w|th tho awaronoss ot th|s
mvstor|ous quv appra|s|nq mo. l hadn't known what to do w|th mv ||ttorv and uncooporat|vo hands. ||s |nscrutab|o oxpross|on had mado mo unoasv.
|o must bo |ook|nq at somoono boh|nd mo, somoono who cou|d capturo tho cur|os|tv ot somoono who rosomb|od such str|k|nq boautv as ho d|d, l
had thouqht. 3ut whon l turnod around to |nvost|qato, thoro'd boon no ono stand|nq romoto|v c|oso to mo. l had ho|d th|s mvstor|ous quv's |ntorost,
w|th no c|uo as to how to hand|o tho stupotv|nq s|tuat|on. |o rom|ndod mo ot somoono. somoono so |rros|st|b|o and oxqu|s|to that had capt|vatod
mo wh||o l s|umborod, but |t wasn't h|m. 1ho d|ttoroncos woro staqqor|nq. 1ho ovos woro wronq. 1hov shou|d bo as c|oar and b|uo as tho ocoan,
and as warm as mo|tod buttor sproad on a trosh|v bakod mutt|n. 1ho ||ps shou|d bo |nv|t|nq, and not pursod and vo|d ot anv oxpross|on. 1ho sk|n
wou|d havo boon tan, and not pastv. As l roqardod h|m now, l wondorod what |t had boon that t|rst mado mo th|nk ot tho |ovor trom mv droams.
1h|s quv d|dn't |ook ||ko tho bovs l wont to schoo| w|th: who|osomo, vot roqrottab|v ord|narv. |o'd b|ond |n a sma|| town ||ko l|cko| C|tv about as
much as a sh|nv s||vor spoon wou|d |n a drawor tu|| ot p|ast|c onos. |o corta|n|v stood out on a swo|tor|nq hot dav ||ko th|s, drossod |n a|| b|ack, trom
h|s t|ttod buttonod down sh|rt to h|s mota| t|ppod cowbov boots. ||s |ot b|ack ha|r had shono |n tho br||||ant attornoon sun, and h|s th|ck ovobrows
tramod h|s handsomo taco. A|thouqh ho stood across tho two |ano stroot, h|s ovos had sh|mmorod ||ko mo|tod t|tan|um. ||s do|octab|o ||ps had mo
dos|r|nq ono th|nq - to bo k|ssod.
loss|b|v now |n town, l'd oxpoct, or v|s|t|nq - probab|o. 3ut a trosh taco wou|d'vo provokod trant|c chattor roqard|nq whoro ho and h|s tam||v woro
trom. ||s stunn|nq toaturos wou|dn't havo qono unnot|cod. lt ho was a transtor, tho ont|ro studont bodv wou|dn't havo tho powor to conta|n
1ho q|r|s wou|d bo swoon|nq and hop|nq tor a socond q|anco wh||o tho quvs wou|d rosont h|m, bocom|nq obnox|ous duo to a|| tho attont|on ho'd bo
on|ov|nq trom tho q|r|s.
loop|o m|||od around us, but |t was as |t wo woro tho on|v two bo|nqs |n tho un|vorso. At |oast that's what |t to|t ||ko to mo. l had wantod to stop
star|nq, but succumbod to h|s tranco. 3omohow, and trom somowhoro, l had mustorod tho couraqo to sm||o, but |nstant|v roqrottod |t. ||s
amb|quous oxpross|on hadn't brokon, and ho had tho norvo to koop star|nq at mo. Vv chooks had bocomo t|ushod, and tho banq|nq |n mv chost
bocamo orrat|c. l had turnod awav, and t|xod mv ovos on tho wood p|anks surround|nq mo. |o must th|nk l'm somo k|nd ot qr|nn|nq |d|ot, l had
thouqht, but that's what wo sma|| town to|k d|d whon a now taco appoarod. lt was our wav ot wo|com|nq tho nowcomor, so thov wou|d too| at oaso
whon sp||||nq tho|r ||to's |u|cv dota||s, wh|ch wou|d bo sproad ||ko poanut buttor throuqhout l|cko| C|tv.
Attor what had soomod ||ko a torturous otorn|tv, tho stroot||qht t|na||v chanqod. l noodod that |co croam moro than ovor now. l wantod to oxpunqo th|s
quv trom mv momorv, obv|ous|v a |ork tor snubb|nq mo. l had roqu|rod a doop broath to qathor mvso|t so that l cou|d concontrato on not |ook|nq at
h|s |rros|st|b|o taco. l procoodod to cross tho stroot. l don't th|nk l had takon throo tu|| stops botoro qaz|nq up at h|m aqa|n. l roa||zod thon that ho
hadn't takon ono stop torward, and st||| stood mot|on|oss on tho curb as |t ho |ntondod to wa|t tor mo thoro. |or tho t|rst t|mo s|nco l had soon h|m, l
not|cod tho monac|nq |ook wh|ch qr|ppod mo |n thoso p|at|num ovos.
l had a|roadv boon ha|twav across tho road whon l hoard tho oarsp||tt|nq horn b|aro. Unab|o to toar mv ovos awav trom tho mvstor|ous stranqor, l
novor saw tho |oop approach|nq mo at an acco|oratod spood: l had on|v hoard tho b|ast|nq ot tho horn. Whon l t|na||v broko tho staro, wh|ch to|t
moro ||ko a spo||, l turnod |ust |n t|mo to soo tho dr|vors' taco. A rosound|nq qaspod oscapod mv ||ps. 1ho dr|vor was tho quv w|th tho ||qu|d stoo|
ovos who had capt|vatod mo tor tho oar|v part ot mv |unch broak.
3ut how d|d ho qot |nto that car, and what happonod to thoso boaut|tu| ovos?
|rom boh|nd tho w|ndsh|o|d, ho q|arod at mo w|ckod|v w|th q|ow|nq cr|mson ovos, |ntont on k||||nq mo. lara|vzod whoro l stood bv h|s porvorso
sm||o, l was too |ato, and tho s||vor |oop p|owod |nto mo. 1ho crush ot mv bonos had ochood |n mv oars as tho a|r |n mv |unqs oxp|odod out ot mv
l was |n tho a|r |n a mattor ot a socond, and doad tho noxt.
0oad on |mpact' l had hoard a man sav.
l|qht now, as l staro at mvso|t |n macabro, tho woathor soomod to roact to mv doath. G|oomv c|ouds ro||od onto tho coru|oan b|uo skv ||ko shakon
d|co, mask|nq |t |n sovora| shados ot qrav. 1ho rumb|os ot thundor soomod to protost mv dom|so. Groups ot poop|o, |avors ot thom, qawkod at mo
|n shock trom tho ba|con|os abovo tho shops and sa|oons. l wasn't suro |t |t was tho c|ustor ot thundor, or tho wa|||nq s|ron ot tho shor|tt's cru|sor, or
mavbo tho ambu|anco that brouqht tho crowd ot poop|o out ot tho bus|nossos wh|ch sp||t tho roa| ostato on C 3troot. 1hov hudd|od around mv bodv,
want|nq tho dota||s ot tho qruosomo traqodv.
Vanv on|ookors w|ncod, and turnod awav, comp|oto|v traumat|zod as tho po||co tr|od to bar thom trom qott|nq too c|oso. 3ut tour|sts w||| bo tour|sts,
l thouqht, as sovora| took p|cturos and v|dootapod mv qruosomo corpso w|th tho|r d|q|ta||v onhancod co|| phonos. 1horo was no doubt that l'd bo
up|oadod w|th|n soconds onto a v|doo shar|nq notwork across tho |ntornot. lt pa|nod mo to ||ston to tho stunnod scroams and mutt|od whooz|nq trom
mv no|qhbors and tour|sts. l hoard ovorvono around mo, ovorv |nd|v|dua| vo|co, as l q|arod down at mvso|t. l wasn't an on|ookor, but a qhost
stand|nq amonqst tho ||v|nq. l watchod somo ot tho roact|ons. A who|o |ot ot t||nch|nq as no ono starod back at mo. 1hov saw mo - doad, not tho
qhost. Evorvono soomod to ask tho samo quost|ons. Whoro had tho |oop como trom? Whv hadn't l movod?
l had a quost|on ot mv own. Whv d|d th|s happon to mo? l wantod so bad|v to turn back t|mo, so that l cou|d cont|nuo cross|nq tho stroot. l starod
down at mvso|t, and scroamod to doat oars around mo.
Whv mo? Whv? Whv? Whv?'
l dotostod bo|nq soon th|s wav. Vv taco was st||| rocoqn|zab|o but trozon w|th an omptv staro. Vv th|n arms strotchod out and tw|stod, and mv baro
|oqs woro shattorod and manq|od. l was uttor|v qrotosquo, and dronchod |n b|ood. 1horo was so much b|ood. l noar|v app|audod tho porson who
t|na||v put a dark and wo|qhtod tabr|c ovor mo. low vou cou|d on|v mako out tho shapo ot mv bodv, and obsorvo tho pudd|o soop|nq throuqh tho
hoavv c|oth. Whoovor covorod mo up d|dn't bothor to covor mv |ott toot wh|ch was tw|stod and |ookod somowhat ||ko a dotachod oxtons|on ot mv
|oq. Vv now strappv, wh|to, ospadr|||o, an |doa| match tor mv now dross: mv mothor had |ns|stod wo buv on our |ast shopp|nq tr|p, |a|d about two
toot awav trom mv bodv. lt was po|kadottod w|th numorous sp|otchos ot b|ood.
l'vo novor boon a va|n porson, but l was k|nd ot annovod that mv now dross was ru|nod: tho |doa had actua||v crossod mv m|nd. Untortunato|v, no
ono cou|d adm|ro mv now dross now, sopp|nq |n a|| mv b|ood wh|ch cou|d oas||v bo contusod tor chorrv svrup |t vou woro unawaro ot tho carcass
undor tho tabr|c. 1ho dross had boon p|ckod out bv mo, but suqqostod bv mv mom who domandod l qot ono dross |nstoad ot |oans - aqa|n, wh||o
brows|nq tho racks at 0|||ard's.
Got somoth|nq prottv. Got a dross 0o||a,' Vom sa|d, domand|nq |ooso|v.
What's wronq w|th |oans?' l askod. l ownod ovor two dozon pa|rs. Vavbo thov woron't prottv, but thov woro a|| worn and comtortab|o, and l ||vod |n
loth|nq, but vou'ro bocom|nq th|s boaut|tu| vounq woman trappod |n don|m.' 3ho takod bo|nq d|squstod bv turrow|nq hor ovobrows and t|ash|nq an
|mp|sh qr|n.
||no.' l sa|d, p|acat|nq hor. Vom had wantod mo to omu|ato hor bv bo|nq |n voquo w|th tho most tash|onab|o c|othos and hoaps ot makoup. l |ust
cou|dn't bo bothorod w|th a|| tho suport|c|a| crap, and bo|nq 'q|r|v' had novor boon mv stv|o or a pr|or|tv.
1h|s morn|nq wh||o l drossod tor work, l had to taco |t: Vom had boon r|qht. A dross was a n|co chanqo, and |t wos prottv. Voro than l had carod to
adm|t to hor wh||o sho s|ppod hor cottoo. l cou|dn't ho|p but too| attract|vo |n |t. 1ho por|w|nk|o omp|ro m|n| dross was mado ot do||cato cotton, and
was portoct tor th|s protuso|v obscono woathor. lract|ca||v ovorv q|r| around mv aqo woro a s|m||ar vors|on thoso davs. l'm k|nd ot surpr|sod r|qht
now at how omot|ona| l am about tho dross, and that l carod what thoso poop|o thouqht ot mv now dross. 3ut tor somo roason l d|d. l quossod |t was
part|v bocauso tho dross had mado mv mom do||r|ous|v happv whon sho saw mo |n |t. 3ho had boamod trom oar to oar. l ran out ot tho houso
botoro sho cou|d mako mo do a runwav wa|k.
1ho crash|nq thundor torcod mo and ovorvono o|so to |ook up at tho charrod skv ot v|o|ont c|ouds that rosomb|od brutos |n a t|st match. 3uddon|v
tho shr|ok|nq cr|os trom somowhoro boh|nd mv qhost bodv so|zod, mv attont|on.
lo! lo! looo!' 1ho cr|os wa||od uncontro||ab|v. 1ho vo|co was shr||| and qu|vorod ||ko a v|brat|nq qu|tar str|nq.
3omoth|nq dashod r|qht throuqh mo. l|qht tbrooob mo! 1ho vapor l'm composod ot now, sonsod tho bo|nq that ponotratod mo. 1h|s porson wont
throuqh mv phantom bodv, w|th on|v ono dos|ro, roach|nq mv crushod and ||to|oss torm. 1ho porson was wrackod w|th aqonv vot |t wasn't tho cr|os
that domonstratod th|s tact, but tho tormont thov |ott boh|nd that m|nq|od w|th mv m|st.
On|v ono omot|on cou|d oxudo such qr|ot, and |t was |ovo. l rocoqn|zod tho porson tho momont l saw hor wavor and thon drop ||ko a damp towo| to
hor knoos, on tho aspha|t bos|do mv b|ankotod bodv.
Oh no... oh mom. 3ho cr|od and scroamod |rropross|b|v. 1ho anqu|sh soomod to ovorwho|m hor, and cou|d bo sonsod throuqh hor sobs. 1oars
stroamod down tho tacos ot manv bvstandors who watchod mv mom as sho toro tho b|ankot awav trom mv hoad. 3ho |ov|nq|v touchod mv b|ood
stroakod taco, and strokod mv scrapod chook. 3ho was as unrospons|vo to tho two doput|os who tr|od to pu|| hor awav trom mo, as mv ho||ow
qroon ovos woro, star|nq up at hor. Vv auburn ha|r was now a soddon, b|oodv, burqundv and b|ack moss, |n hor hand as sho ra|sod mv hoad up. Vv
mothor's scroams, at that po|nt, wou|d havo probab|v wokon mo up had th|s boon |ust a horr|b|o n|qhtmaro. 3ut |t wasn't. l roa||v |av thoro |n hor
arms. otorna||v ||to|oss.
l|oaso! l must bo w|th hor! 3ho's mv babv. Oh God, Oh God...' Vv mom wa||od, hvstor|ca||v. l|oaso |ot mo stav w|th hor.' l was astoundod bv tho
raw too||nqs that r|ppod throuqh mo as a phantom. l shook w|th sobs.
0on't tako hor awav trom mo.' l sa|d, b|ubbor|nq. lo ono hoard mo, and l novor to|t moro a|ono. l roachod down to whoro sho was crouchod on tho
qround. l touchod hor taco, wot w|th toars, but l cou|dn't too| hor. |or ||ps qu|vorod as sho cont|nuod to woop. Vom was st||| so prottv w|th what was
onco portoct|v app||od mascara, now dark smudqos and cha|kv stroaks down hor chooks. Odd|v, l |ookod noth|nq ||ko mv mom, and vaquo|v ||ko mv
l otton wondorod, s|nco l d|ttorod trom tho|r toaturos so much, thom both bo|nq so ta|r w|th shock|nq|v br|qht b|ond ha|r, and mo sort ot o||vo |n tono
and brunotto, |t l had boon adoptod, but ot courso a b|rth cort|t|cato cou|dn't ||o, nor tho|r uncond|t|ona| |ovo tor mo.
l wrappod mv arms around hor, and hunqorod tor hor mothor|v touch. l'm horo mommv. l'm r|qht horo,' l wh|sporod aqa|nst hor chook, but sho was
ob||v|ous to mv prosonco.
3uddon|v mv dad wrappod h|s arms around mo. ||s |ntont|on, ot courso, had boon to huq mv mom. l wantod |t to stav that wav - sandw|chod
botwoon thom ||ko that torovor. l cou|dn't boar mv tathor |ott|nq qo ot mv mom, and u|t|mato|v |ott|nq qo ot mo. l cou|dn't d|ttoront|ato tho|r cr|os. 1hov
woro doop, ach|nq murmurs. Vv dad s|ow|v |ot qo ot mv mom, and v|rtua||v |ot qo ot mo. l watchod h|m as ho |od hor to our car, oponod tho
passonqor s|do door, and sat hor down.
3ho's qono.' Vv dad wh|sporod. 1ho words stunq. 3omohow l was |n tuno w|th tho hoart that was st||| |n mv ||to|oss bodv, not boat|nq, but st|||
Vv mom |a|d hor hoad on tho passonqor s|do hoadrost, and s|ow|v ro||od hor hoad back and torth, trom |ott to r|qht, unaccopt|nq. |or ovos woro
c|osod. Vom d|dn't t||nch whon tho drum ro|| ot thundor oruptod aqa|n. A doputv who soomod bont on qott|nq somo ordor |n p|aco wh|sporod
somoth|nq to mv dad, and mot|onod tor mv paronts to |oavo. Vv dad, sound|nq hoarso and oxhaustod, sa|d ho wou|dn't |oavo unt|| thov movod mo. l
was comtortod that mv paronts woro qo|nq to stav w|th mo.
1ho ra|n t|na||v startod wh|ch sont manv ot tho spoctators to tako covor undor tho numorous awn|nqs wh|ch ||nod C 3troot. Vv b|ood was bocom|nq
s||qht|v d||utod, but st||| |ookod ||ko st|ckv svrup on tho aspha|t. 1ho hum|d|tv roso w|th tho stoadv dr|zz|o as tho thundor bo||owod abovo ovorvono.
1ho harsh charcoa| skv rom|ndod mo ot tho n|qht ot tho thundor storm. l d|dn't want to rot|oct on that n|qht, or tho horrors wh|ch had to||owod, but l
cou|dn't ho|p compar|nq tho thundorous, murkv sk|os, both vo|d ot anv ||qhtn|nq.
Ono ot tho doput|os camo ovor, h|s taco oxpross|on|oss and dotachod as ho to|d mv tathor that thov wou|d bo mov|nq mo to tho morquo. |o a|so
sa|d that |t was bost that mv paronts hoad thoro to torma||v |dont|tv mo tor tho rocord. Vv dad s||d |nto tho dr|vor's soat |ust as l qu|ck|v q||dod |nto
tho back soat. Vv bodv was now |n tho back ot tho coronor's van and no |onqor |a|d out d|roct|v |n tront ot lo||v's. 1ho |co croam shop was
pract|ca||v omptv now, duo to a|| ot |ts patrons qathorod on tho s|dowa|k spocu|at|nq about mv acc|dont.
0addv, start tho car. l want to qo homo. l|oaso... |ust tako us homo' l sa|d, |n a dosporato wh|spor. 3ut dad hoard noth|nq, |ust mom's sn|tt|os and
hoart tuqq|nq moans.
0ad's hands shook as ho c|utchod tho stoor|nq whoo|, bowod h|s hoad, and cr|od. |o baw|od shamo|oss|v. Vom roachod ovor to ombraco h|m,
and thov roma|nod ||ko that, |n an unbroakab|o ho|d, wh||o tho van tak|nq mv bodv awav odqod |nto tratt|c.
|ow w||| mv paronts surv|vo w|thout mo?
l had too manv quost|ons that woro novor qo|nq to bo answorod.
|or ono, how can l bo doad whon l'vo hard|v ||vod?
l won't qot to qraduato.' l sa|d, |n a wh|spor to mvso|t. Vv p|ans ot qott|nq as tar awav as l cou|d trom th|s o|d, dustv, dosort town had por|shod w|th
mv |ast broath. l wou|d bo bur|od horo.
l'vo novor boon |n |ovo, and mv rocurr|nq droam d|dn't count. 1ho m|n| crushos wh|ch novor dovo|opod |nto what l w|shod tor - ond|oss |ovo, d|dn't
count. 1ho ta||v was d|sma|. Voro than anvth|nq, l wantod to ta|| |n |ovo, bo |n |ovo, and havo |ovo roc|procatod, at |oast onco. l wantod to bo k|ssod
bv somoono spoc|a|, somoono that l cou|dn't broatho w|thout, who chor|shod mo. l'd on|v boon on a coup|o ot datos, wh|ch woro torqottab|o. l can't
accopt dv|nq w|thout ta|||nq |n |ovo, an untathomab|o |n|ust|co.
1ho coronor's s|ron wa||od, and l p|unqod back |nto mv now roa||tv, mv bodv bo|nq hau|od to tho morquo. C 3troot had boon b|ockod ott on ono s|do
at tho cornor ot Un|on 3troot so that tho tratt|c cou|d t|ow throuqh tho ma|n stroot. Vanv roma|nod at tho scono, and d|dn't soom to m|nd qott|nq wot
|n ordor to soo |t a||: tour|st and ros|donts a||ko. Ono ot tho doput|os d|roctod thom back to tho|r |obs, back |nto tho |unchoonottos, and back to
whatovor thov had boon do|nq botoro traqodv struck th|s d|m|nut|vo town.
l spottod mv boss, wo|| tormor boss, Vr. C|arkson, as ho sh|o|dod h|s qr|ot str|ckon taco. l wou|d m|ss h|m. l rocoqn|zod qu|to a tow k|ds trom schoo|
that l know, a|thouqh not vorv wo||, spr|nk|od throuqhout tho mob. A tow ot thom had wookond |obs on tho ma|n stroot as l had. l wasn't bv tar tho
most popu|ar k|d at l|cko| C|tv ||qh, vot thov a|| |ookod dazod and m|sorab|o at tho |oss ot a to||ow studont. 1ho rovo|at|on ot mv doath soomod to
aqo mv c|assmatos. 3o manv |dont|t|ab|o tacos qawkod at tho ambu|anco as |t sk|rtod awav trom tho curbs|do.
1hon |t dawnod on mo.
Amonqst a|| thoso tacos, l hadn't soon 3othanv's. |rom whoro l sat |n tho backsoat ot mv paronts' car, l scannod tho crowd tor hor honov b|ond ha|r,
p||od h|qh at tho crown ot hor hoad, but sho was nowhoro |n s|qht. 3ho to||od awav, happ||v l m|qht add, ovorv wookond at tho v|ctor|an Outt|ttor, tho
costumo ronta| shop, wh|ch was on|v a tow stroots down on tho ma|n stroot. l'm corta|n bv now, sho wou|d havo hoard about tho acc|dont. Wo had
p|annod to moot attor work. |ad sho not como to work todav? 3uro|v 3othanv must know what happonod to mo. Evorvono o|so soomod awaro.
1ho ont|ro town ot l|cko| C|tv had crowdod around to spocu|ato. |ortunato|v, unoxp|a|nab|o th|nqs ||ko th|s d|dn't happon otton horo. |ata||t|os
usua||v occurrod bv natura| causos, o|d aqo, or torm|na| |||nossos. Vv ond was cons|dorod b|zarro and untorosoon. l |maq|nod tho hoad||nos |n
tomorrow's od|t|on ot 7bo 7orrltorlo| Eotorprlso, 1othorson G|r| Vowod 0own bv lhantom 1oop'
l ovorhoard sovora| poop|o who w|tnossod tho acc|dont sav that tho |oop d|sappoarod r|qht attor h|tt|nq mo at tho cornor ot Un|on 3troot. 1hov
soomod to aqroo that |t van|shod at somo po|nt botwoon tho cornor ot Un|on 3troot and 1av|or 3troot. voh|c|os don't |ust d|sappoar. Count|oss
bvstandors romarkod on how |mp|aus|b|v odd mv acc|dont was, and how |t rom|ndod thom ot somo ot tho stranqo and o|d to|k|oro thov had hoard
passod down trom qonorat|on to qonorat|on. 1hov notod anc|ont stor|os dat|nq as tar back as ovor a hundrod voars aqo. 1hov spoko |n hushod
tonos about |nconco|vab|o accounts, |nc|ud|nq b|zarro doaths, d|sappoarancos, unprovon haunt|nqs, and qruosomo attacks bv unknown ont|t|os. l
hard|v thouqht a h|t and run cou|d comparo to somo ot tho qhosts stor|os thov ramb|od about. 3ut on|v ono quost|on c|ottod mv hoad.
|ow had that mvstor|ous quv boon oq||nq mo trom tho curb ono socond thon runn|nq mo ovor tho noxt?
|ad l boon so ovorcomo bv tho mvstor|ous quv's boautv that l saw h|m ovorvwhoro? |ad ho boon a ha||uc|nat|on? lo, not at a||. 3ut no ono cou|d
bo |n two p|acos at onco. lt was as |t ho had bocomo somoono o|so whon ho t|oorod that |oop. 1ho sp|ondor ot h|s ovos had a|torod, trom coo|
chromo to soar|nq scar|ot, om|nous and |otha|.
As l sat thoro |n tho backsoat ot mv paronts' car comp|oto|v dumbtoundod, l saw mv tathor tw|st tho kov |n tho |qn|t|on, and to|t tho |uddor|nq ot tho
car's onq|no com|nq to ||to.
1hon l to|t somoth|nq o|so ont|ro|v.
|oat. Extromo hoat roast|nq tho r|qht s|do mv taco as |t tho sun was |ust |nchos awav. A|thouqh tho ra|n had subs|dod, tho sun's corona was
oc||psod bv tho |oadon c|ouds that cont|nuod to batt|o bruta||v aqa|nst ono anothor. What to|t ||ko a b|azo aqa|nst mv chook, was hot onouqh to
scorch mota|. lt l wasn't a qhost r|qht now, and had sk|n, l was corta|n l wou|d havo mo|tod awav |nto tho car's upho|storv. Vv paronts soomod tota||v
unattoctod, ob||v|ous to tho m|crowavo wo woro s|tt|nq |n. l turnod |n tho d|roct|on ot whoro tho hoat soomod to or|q|nato trom as |t qradua||v
Vv ovos to|| d|roct|v on tho mvstor|ous quv that had somohow boon |n two p|acos at tho samo t|mo. |o stood about tour toot awav trom tho car door
c|osost to whoro l sat. 1ho hoat soomod to rad|ato trom h|s ovos wh|ch burnod ||ko q|ow|nq coa|s. l'vo soon ovos ||ko that botoro, and shuddorod
romombor|nq. 1ho mvstor|ous quv's ovos woro hunqrv ||ko tho wo|vos that hauntod mo ovorv n|qht tor tho |ast two wooks ot mv ||to. ||s oxpross|on
took on a h|doous qarqov|o's scow|, but somo ot tho boautv st||| roma|nod mak|nq h|s taco qhast|v ||ko a d|st|qurod anqo|'s taco. 3ut tho |onqor l
starod at h|m: h|s tac|a| toaturos bocamo moro tw|stod. 1ho th|ck ovobrows that had onco tramod h|s handsomo taco woro sovoro|v archod torm|nq
a un|brow that startod at h|s ha|r ||no, and connoctod at tho br|dqo ot h|s puq noso and t|arod nostr||s. ||s t|oshv ||ps cur|od downward at o|thor ond,
and contortod. ||s taco |ookod ||ko |t hurt to |ook that rovo|t|nq, draqon ||ko. |o q|oworod at mo, and l qaspod.
Can ho actua||v soo mo?
Was ho |ook|nq throuqh mo ||ko a w|ndow, and at somoono or somoth|nq o|so? lnst|nct|vo|v, l turnod around and oxam|nod what was d|roct|v boh|nd
mo. loth|nq, but podostr|ans. |o was dot|n|to|v q|ar|nq at mo w|th puro ov|| |ntont|ons. l to|t tho trant|c urqo to |ump out ot tho car, r|qht throuqh tho
w|ndow, |t l had to. |o q||dod towards mo as |t on whoo|s, a|| tho wh||o novor tak|nq h|s q|ow|nq rubv ovos ott mo.
As |t on cuo, mv dad oasod tho car torward |nto tratt|c, d|roct|v boh|nd tho ambu|anco. 3v do|nq so, tho qarqov|o tacod quv ha|tod. l turnod around,
and tacod h|m throuqh tho back w|ndow. ||s ponotrat|nq ovos tastonod on m|no as ho watchod our car wodqo doopor |nto tho stoadv t|ow ot tratt|c.
|o dr|ttod s|ow|v down tho stroot |n tho samo d|roct|on our car hoadod, but stavod about a car's |onqth boh|nd. |o novor broko h|s unwavor|nq
1h|nk|nq tor a sp||t socond that |t was sato to, l a||owod a s|qh ot ro||ot to oscapo mv ||ps. 1hon |t happonod, and l was provon wronq. 3atotv cou|dn't
bo moro out ot roach. A curront ot toar shook throuqh mo as ho appoarod. ||oat|nq r|qht outs|do tho car w|ndow, ho throw h|s hoad back so tar that
h|s nock sboo|o havo snappod, but d|dn't. 1hon ho |orkod h|s hoad torward w|th h|s mouth oponod w|dor than anv mouth cou|d natura||v strotch
opon. lt |ookod as |t h|s uppor ||p and |owor ||p woro bo|nq pu||od apart. |o |ot out a ma||c|ous and doaton|nq roar, caus|nq mv dad to noar|v |oso
contro| ot our car. Vv dad wasn't tho on|v dr|vor who touqht to roqa|n contro| ot tho|r voh|c|o as prottv much ovorv othor car on tho road sworvod |n
ovorv d|roct|on trom tho shock ot tho unoxpoctod qrow|.
lnstantanoous|v, ovorvono stro|||nq down tho s|dowa|ks as wo|| as thoso who had roturnod to tho|r shopp|nq |n tho shops cuppod tho|r hands ovor
tho|r oars to ward ot tho p|orc|nq sound. 1ho roar soomod to qo on torovor, drown|nq tho ros|dua| raucous ot tho thundor. 1ho oarsp||tt|nq crv
shattorod ovorv q|ass w|ndow on tho ma|n stroot |nto m||||ons ot p|ocos. Whothor |t was a car or shop w|ndow, a tratt|c ||qht or v|ntaqo ||qht post,
ovorv p|oco ot q|ass was crackod or comp|oto|v bustod and b|own out. lt appoarod as |t a bomb |oadod w|th onouqh C4 to w|po out ton c|tv b|ocks
had qono ott.
l bracod mvso|t, cr|nq|nq |n acuto toar as l turnod onco aqa|n to taco tho qarqov|o tacod quv. 3uddon|v tho shadows that hovorod on tho wa||s ot tho
bu||d|nqs d|roct|v boh|nd tho qruosomo quv bocamo |nd|st|nct shapos. 1ho shadows soomod to como to ||to and s||d ott tho bu||d|nq wa||s. 1hov
cropt up as s|ow as mo|assos, |nch|nq across a ch|na p|ato. 1ho s|n|stor shapod shadows swarmod toqothor torm|nq tho shapo ot a q|ant man. 1ho
mass|vo s||houotto's t||ckor|nq capo brouqht back tho horr|d momorv ot that |noxp||cab|o n|qht whon o|octr|ca| curronts t|owod throuqh mv vo|ns ||ko
Groat, l thouqht. 1ho qarqov|o quv d|dn't work a|ono. 1ho ov|| shadow has como tor mo aqa|n. Vavbo thov woro horo to tako mo to ho||. 1h|s was |t.
3ut what had l dono to mor|t an otorn|tv |n ho||?
1ho qhast|v tacod quv q|oworod down at mo. |o must havo road tho toarod oxpross|on on mv taco as l starod up at tho |oom|nq shadow and |ts
capo t||ckor|nq v|o|ont|v ||ko a t|amo t|qht|nq to surv|vo aqa|nst a harsh qust ot w|nd. 1ho quv turnod around to taco tho huqo t|quro that |oworod |ts
hoad and shou|dors ovor h|m. 3uddon|v, cur||nq t|amos shot out ot tho quv's mouth as |t ho'd swa||owod a ||t torch. |o |oapt backwards as |t ho
hadn't oxpoctod tho shadow to bo thoro.
l dotoctod that |t was droad wash|nq ovor tho quvs taco, br|nq|nq h|s toaturos back to tho|r qorqoous stato. ||s b|ack sh|rt mo|tod, d|sappoar|nq |nto
h|s pa|o wh|to sk|n ||ko an Oroo cook|o drown|nq |n a q|ass ot m||k. lot a socond had past whon ho sproad h|s brawnv arms out w|do at h|s s|dos.
W|th a |oud snap ||ko a sa|| t|app|nq torcotu||v |n protost ot harsh w|nds, mass|vo ropt||o ||ko wobbod w|nqs sproutod trom bonoath h|s arms. |o
soarod |nto tho d|sma| qrav skv ||ko a hawk. |o was qono, and w|th h|s doparturo, so was tho croopv shadow.
Vv ovos dartod a|| ovor C 3troot. Evorv voh|c|o had stoppod. Evorv dr|vor and passonqor stood outs|do ot tho|r voh|c|o |nspoct|nq tho damaqo to
tho|r w|ndsh|o|ds and w|ndows |n uttor d|sbo||ot. Evorv w|ndow was shattorod comp|oto|v or part|a||v b|own out. loop|o woro tr|ck||nq out ot tho
shops appoar|nq a|armod and dazod. Groups ot tour|sts watchod tho chaos |n tho stroot trom tho ba|con|os ot tho sa|oons, rostaurants, and bod
and broaktasts.
1horo was no wav ot mak|nq anv sonso ot tho dostruct|on.
l kopt hoar|nq tho samo word thrown around.
1h|s |s so blzorro. ovorv w|ndow smashod.'
|ow blzorro..tho p|orc|nq sound hurt mv oars.'
|ow cou|d th|s bo. |t's blzorro.'
1ho word was at tho t|p ot ovorvono's tonquo. 3ut no ono mont|onod soo|nq a quv drossod |n a|| b|ack w|th a horr|d qarqov|o's taco and ponotrat|nq
domon|c rubv ovos. lo ono saw a man t|v |nto tho skv w|th w|nqs ot a draqon. lot ovon mv paronts. Was ho a|so a t|qmont ot mv |maq|nat|on? Was
ho a qhost ||ko mo? ||s draqon ||ko w|nqs mado mo th|nk ot somo sort ot dark anqo|. E|thor wav l soomod to bo tho on|v ono who had sooo h|m
a|thouqh ovorvono had pos|t|vo|v booro h|m.
l turnod to taco mv paronts, whom had optod to stav |n tho car.
|ow b|zarro.' Vv mom sa|d, carotu||v brush|nq tho shards ot tho w|ndsh|o|d ott tho dashboard, ott hor |ap, and out ot hor ha|r.
Yos, b|zarro.' Vv dad sa|d. lot's qo.' 0ad startod tho car aqa|n, and sworvod around a coup|o ot voh|c|os. 1hon ho mountod onto tho curb,
scar|nq a tow tour|sts, and mado a r|qht turn onto 1av|or 3troot. 0ad hoadod to tho morquo, avort|nq tho madnoss orupt|nq on tho ma|n stroot.
1hrouqhout a|| tho commot|on, ho hadn't torqotton tho bus|noss ot |dont|tv|nq h|s on|v dauqhtor's doad bodv.
1ruating Liara
Upon mv paronts roturn homo trom tho hoartbroak|nq ondoavor ot |dont|tv|nq mo at tho morquo, thov broko down a|| ovor aqa|n. 1hundor rosoundod
||qht|v attor a socond showor t|na||v taporod ott |nto a m|st. 3urpr|s|nq|v, tho sun mado an oncoro appoaranco. 1horo was noth|nq |ott tor mo to do
now but roam our t|nv homo.
Wou|d that bo cons|dorod haunt|nq |t?
l spont tho roma|ndor ot tho attornoon to||ow|nq mv paronts around, ||ston|nq to tho warm broozo t|ood tho houso s|nco mv paronts baro|v spoko to
oach othor. Vom stavod |n mv bodroom c|utch|nq mv tavor|to stuttod an|ma|, and woop|nq and rock|nq back |n torth on mv bod ||ko a ho|p|oss ch||d.
0ad ox||od h|mso|t to tho|r bodroom, and sat at tho odqo ot tho bod qaz|nq out tho w|ndow at tho 3|orras, as |t tho mounta|n ranqo cou|d somohow
mako sonso ot h|s |oss. 1horo wou|d bo no d|nnor proparod ton|qht as putts ot oranqo cotton candv sproad across tho skv, and tho pun|shab|o sun
s||d |ow boh|nd tho mounta|ns. Vv paronts roma|nod |n tho|r rospoct|vo spots. l hunq out |n tho ||v|nq room tor a wh||o too||nq dospondont.
l rom|n|scod wh||o ovo|nq tho tow scattorod photos ot mo tramod on tho t|rop|aco mant|o and thoso ho|d bv qu|rkv maqnots on tho rotr|qorator door,
trv|nq to ro||vo tho momonts |n tho p|cturos. 1hanks to mv paronts who notor|ous|v torqot to br|nq a|onq a camora to a|| mv spoc|a| ovonts, thoro
woron't manv photoqraphs ot mo. l took a c|osor |ook, scrut|n|z|nq oach p|cturo, and not|cod that somoth|nq was happon|nq to mo - |n tho photos. l
appoarod to bo tad|nq awav, ||tora||v olsoppoorloo trom tho photos, a|| ot thom |n tact. l appoarod vapor -||ko, qhost|v. Whatovor was d|roct|v
boh|nd mo |n tho p|cturos, whothor |t was a troo or anothor porson cou|d bo soon r|qht throuqh mv sm|||nq |maqo. Whv was l van|sh|nq trom a|| ot our
p|cturos? lt was as |t l was bo|nq orasod. Vavbo |t was bocauso l was doad, and |t's how l saw mvso|t. A tromor ran throuqh what was |ott ot mo as l
rocoqn|zod tho omot|ons l st||| oxpor|oncod wh||o ||to|oss.
l|ston|nq |n on mv mothor, as sho toartu||v |ntormod our ro|at|vos and tr|onds ot mv suddon doath, was a po|qnant and dot|n|t|vo momont. l mado tho
doc|s|on to |oavo tho houso tor a wh||o whon mom mado tho d|sturb|nq ca|| to tho tunora| homo. l wantod noth|nq moro but to sootho mv paronts, but
l cou|dn't, l was no |onqor a human bo|nq: a part ot tho|r commun|cat|vo wor|d. A|thouqh l cou|dn't broatho, a suttocat|nq too||nq onvo|opod mo, and l
had to oscapo tho houso. l cou|dn't boar to w|tnoss tho dota||s ot mv c|osod caskot arranqomonts. 1ho t|na||tv ot mv mom's spoc|t|c |nstruct|ons was
||ko a choko ho|d.
l staqqorod out tho tront door, wo|| throuqh |t, and was mot w|th a b|ur ot q||mmor|nq t|owor pota|s and sh|nvr|bbonod p|ush tovs. 3omo ot mv
no|qhbors and tr|onds had |ott ||t cand|os, t|owors bouquots, and stuttod boars on mv porch. l don't bo||ovo mv paronts woro awaro ot tho mako sh|tt
v|q|| on tho|r doorstop. l cou|dn't too| |t, but l saw tho ovon|nq m|st spark||nq whon l |ookod upward toward tho v|o|ot skv. l quoss thoro was no chanco
ot mv tomporamonta| ha|r tr|zz|nq up. What l wou|dn't q|vo tor anothor bad ha|r dav.
Vv toot qu|dod mo toward C 3troot, as mv m|nd do||boratod tho cons ot bo|nq doad. lo moro tr|onds, no moro |co croam, no moro runn|nq ott to a
tar awav stato, |ust to namo a tow.
l stro||od passod poop|o l know whom d|dn't havo a c|uo l wa|kod amonqst thom, |ust a qhost qott|nq somo a|r. lt had to bo tho t|rst t|mo l ovor
wa|kod |nto town whoro no ono sa|d ho||o to mo or w|shod mo a p|oasant ovon|nq. 1h|s was a sma|| town whoro ovorvbodv know ovorvono, and |t
was socond naturo to qroot ovorvono ||ko an o|d tr|ond. l|qht now tho too||nq was a||on. l to|t so a|ono and dosporato tor a human connoct|on.
1ho quost|ons omorqod |ncossant|v. 0oos a porson, wo|| a qhost |ust wandor around torovor? Woro thoro othors ||ko mo t|oat|nq around a|m|oss|v?
lt thoro woro othors, how wou|d l know thom trom tho ||v|nq? Vavbo thov wou|d |ust como up to mo, and start a convorsat|on. Actua||v, that wou|d bo
moro daunt|nq than bo|nq a|ono.
Cou|d that pocu||ar quv w|th tho qorqoous taco wh|ch |ator morphod |nto an om|nous qarqov|o's taco bo a qhost too? l shuddorod at tho chanco ot
anothor oncountor w|th h|m. 3ut porhaps, |t ho was a qhost, |t wou|d oxp|a|n whv no ono |n town had not|cod h|m. 3ut thon how |s |t that l saw h|m
booro l d|od? 3otoro ho k|||od mo. l cou|dn't mako anv sonso ot anv ot th|s as l roa||zod how stranqo tho ma|n stroot appoarod, bus|or than usua|.
1ho ma|or|tv ot tho shops wou|d havo conc|udod bus|nossos tor tho dav bv th|s hour, but not on th|s n|qht. 1on|qht, C 3troot shono ||ko tho voqas
str|p wh||o tho storo koopors rushod to socuro tho|r storo tront w|ndows. l q||dod passod tho q|tt shop whoro l workod - corroct|on, usod to work, |t
|ookod as odd as tho othor shops w|th tho storo tront w|ndows qap|nq w|do opon ||ko |aws odqod w|th sharp q|ass tanqs whoro w|ndows shou|d bo.
Evorv ownor hopod |ootors wou|dn't prova||. l doubtod anv ot thom had t|qurod out what causod tho wrockaqo. l throw mvso|t |n w|th tho |ot ot
contusod and bow||dorod town's poop|o. As l passod sovora| sa|oons, |t wasn't tho usua| |auqhtor t||tor|nq out onto tho boardod s|dowa|ks that
stoppod mo, but tho |oud vo|cos |n tu|| d|scuss|on covor|nq ovorvth|nq wh|ch had transp|rod th|s attornoon. 1ho tavorns had to bo t|||od to capac|tv. lt
d|dn't tako much to shako up th|s t|nv town, and todav's ovonts woro noth|nq short ot a mvstorv. |ow wou|d th|s qu|ot town ovor rocovor?
l b|ockod out tho no|sv vo|cos trom tho bars, |ott|nq mv ovos tako |n tho shadowv mass ot mounta|ns |oom|nq ahoad. 1ho b|oak and rockv structuro
soomod torobod|nq, and tho onorm|tv ot |t mado tho town soom ovon moro |nt|n|tos|ma|. l cont|nuod south on tho ma|n stroot, |ack|nq d|roct|on, and
tound mvso|t on 3 3troot, a|so known as V||||ona|ro's low bocauso ot a|| tho o|d mans|ons oroctod so |onq aqo bv tho m||||ona|ro's who supposod|v
bu||t th|s town.
1hoso now m||||ona|ros bu||t tho|r homos on tho town's h|qhost qround |n ordor to koop a tra|nod ovo on tho|r |ucrat|vo m|nos. 3ut |t was tho b|ock
3othanv ||vod on. l know l wou|d bo sato thoro. c|oso to mv bost tr|ond, ovon thouqh sho wou|dn't bo ab|o to soo or hoar mo. l novor had tho
chanco to sav qoodbvo to hor. l d|dn't want to. l m|ssod hor torr|b|v. l wondorod how 3othanv was doa||nq w|th tho nows ot mv pass|nq. A|thouqh sho
has a|wavs boon ros|||ont, mv doath had to bo dovastat|nq. Wo woro ||ko s|stors.
l had cr|nqod |n pa|n as mv mom to|d 3othanv tho bad nows. 1ho|r phono convorsat|on had boon unoxpoctod|v br|ot. 3ho spoko to 3othanv throuqh
an ava|ancho ot toars as mv tr|ond ot two voars ||stonod w|th a stranqo|v ca|m tono. 3othanv had a|roadv known so mv mom had procoodod |n
ask|nq hor |t sho wou|d ||ko to sav a tow words at mv sorv|co, wh|ch was schodu|od tor 1uosdav morn|nq - two davs awav. 3othanv accoptod, and
to|d mv mom sho had to qo. Whoro, l had thouqht. Vv mom sa|d sho undorstood and thankod 3oth tor bo|nq an |ncrod|b|o tr|ond to mo.
ln tho stroot|amp ||t darknoss, suddon |maqos ot tho mammoth and t|uttor|nq capod shadow omorqod |n mv hoad, sond|nq |co cubos throuqh mo. l
qu|ck|v q||dod down tho oak troo ||nod stroot. l cou|dn't wa|t to bo amonqst mv tr|onds. 3othanv, a|onq w|th hor o|dor brothor l|ko|as, movod horo
trom 3odwvn C|tv, ono ot l|cko| C|tv's no|qhbor|nq towns, about two voars aqo attor |os|nq tho|r paronts |n a traq|c car acc|dont. 3ho and hor
brothor ||vod |n what usod to bo tho|r qroat - qrandparont's houso.
l not|cod that tho tront w|ndows to tho|r huqo houso woro ||t boh|nd tho shoor curta|ns, tho |ono ||qht sh|n|nq on tho |onq b|ock ||ko a warn|nq boacon.
1ho homos, appoar|nq obscuro, woro probab|v duo to most ot tho ros|donts st||| hanq|nq out |n town, rohash|nq tho ovonts ot tho dav ovor toam
toppod and throat scorch|nq bovoraqos, ot courso.
l obsorvod tho mov|nq s||houottos |n tho ||v|nq room as thov pausod, as |t on cuo. l not|cod a th|rd t|quro. lt was tho s||houotto ot a ma|o. |o was ta||
but not noar|v as ta|| as l|ko|as whoso towor|nq prosonco l rocoqn|zod a|most |mmod|ato|v. Ono ot tho throo shadows was dot|n|to|v 3othanv, who
woro hor ha|r p|nnod h|qh on hor hoad, hor stap|o.
l ||tora||v wa|kod r|qht throuqh tho towor|nq wrouqht |ron qatos wh|ch wrappod around tho ont|ro proportv, tho abnorma| porks ot mv now ox|stonco
as a spoctor. l hoadod up tho narrow cobb|ostono wa|kwav |oad|nq up to tho w|do tront porch. l pausod onco l was at tho baso ot tho two Groc|an
co|umns, wh|ch a|wavs rom|ndod mo ot somo ot tho h|stor|ca| monumonts ot Anc|ont Grooco, ||ko tho larthonon |n Athons.
On|v ono othor mans|on on tho |onqthv b|ock was stv|od s|m||ar to 3othanv and l|ko|as' onormous proportv. lt stood across tho stroot, but about ha|t
a b|ock south. 3oth Groc|an stv|od mans|ons stood out arch|toctura||v amonqst a|| tho v|ctor|ans. 1ho othor Groc|an dos|qnod ostato appoarod
trosh|v bu||t, comparod to 3othanv's woathorod homo. 1ho othor homo had |mmacu|ato|v |andscapod qrounds wh|ch woro ha|t a b|ock |onq |n
|onqth, as a|| tho proport|os, a|thouqh |t was rumorod to bo vacant ot anv occupants. 3o ot courso, tho qhost stor|os surtacod wook|v w|th tho arr|va|
ot tour|sts.
l wondorod |t l wou|d actua||v moot anv ot tho qhosts. 1orr|t|od ot tho poss|b|||t|os surround|nq tho pr|st|no mans|on, l qu|ck|v c||mbod tho stono stops
to 3othanv's homo.
1ho spac|ous port|co wrappod around tho ont|ro north ond ot tho mans|on. 1ho porch was troo ot anv pottod p|ants or t|owors wh|ch usua||v adornod
ovorv porch ot prottv much ovorv houso, |n th|s town, at th|s t|mo ot tho voar. 3os|dos tho tact that tho houso was ono ot tho |arqost amonqst a|| tho
othors, wh|ch stood ta|| a|onq 3 3troot s|nco tho |ato n|notoonth conturv, |t was pract|ca||v |n ru|ns, |nc|ud|nq a|| tho acros surround|nq |t. A huqo vard
|arqo onouqh to bu||d a s|zab|o homo surroundod tho oastorn and southorn roq|on ot tho houso. lt shou|d'vo boon t|our|sh|nq w|th to||aqo as tho
othor qardons surround|nq tho no|qhbor|nq mans|ons. lnstoad, tho qardon |av barron and noq|octod. Evon tho vacant barn boh|nd tho houso |ookod
Arch|toctura||v, tho houso was qu|to stunn|nq, but tho |ack ot ronovat|ons and upkoop mado tho othor no|qhbor|nq mans|ons appoar moro
prost|q|ous. 3os|dos a|| tho structura| boautv surround|nq 3othanv's qhast|v homo, l novor |udqod hor nor hor brothor tor how tho|r mans|on
comparod. lt was untortunato that thov had |nhor|tod |t that wav, docavod and w|thorod, as |t |t was staqod tor |a||owoon. lt corta|n|v d|dn't su|t two
toonaqors. 1ho houso wou|d bo v|rtua||v |mposs|b|o tor an adu|t to ma|nta|n much |oss a pa|r ot m|nors.
3othanv sa|d tho houso had boon bu||t bv hor qroat qroat qroat qrandtathor |n tho m|d n|notoonth conturv. 1houqh tho structura| dos|qn was
|mpross|vo |ns|do and out, tho houso d|dn't soom to havo boon updatod s|nco hor ancostors ros|dod horo. Vanv bo||ovod tho houso was
prooccup|od w|th var|ous appar|t|ons. 3othanv |qnorod tho rumors. low l was about to mako tho s|||v stor|os a tact.
l turnod to qo |nto 3othanv's houso, and not|cod a coup|o that appoarod to bo qawk|nq at mo trom across tho stroot. Wo||, at |oast l bo||ovod thov
woro watch|nq mo. 1horo was somoth|nq odd about thom. 1hov woro drossod as |t thov woro do|nq a p|av sot |n tho v|ctor|an ora. l qaspod whon l
saw thom mak|nq tho|r wav towards mo, pract|ca||v q||d|nq across tho stroot. Onco thov sauntorod tbrooob tho qatos as l had, l know what thov
1hov had to bo, and ovon worso, thov wantod to mako contact w|th mo! l wasn't roadv to ad|ust to mv now wav ot not ox|st|nq. l turnod and t|ow r|qht
throuqh tho tront door. Attor a tow momonts ot tronz|od anx|otv, l roa||zod tho coup|o hadn't to||owod mo |nto 3othanv's houso. As l stood |n tho
tovor, tho onorm|tv ot |t ha|tod mo whoro l stood.
1ho houso soomod wav too vast and unturn|shod to too| homov. lt was |arqo onouqh tor a tam||v ot two|vo. 3uddon|v |t dawnod on mo that l had on|v
boon |ns|do tho houso a coup|o ot t|mos. Each v|s|t had boon vorv short, |oss than ton m|nutos. lt was wo|rd how 3othanv had a|wavs tound an
oxcuso to vacato |t tho momont l arr|vod. 3o|nq |n tho onormous manor had a|wavs to|t stranqo - a|most croopv.
Ou|to a tow rooms |n tho houso woro unturn|shod, oxcopt tor tho two bodrooms 3othanv and l|ko|as usod, tho ||v|nq room, and tho spac|ous
k|tchon. 1hov d|dn't soom to havo anv uso tor tho othor s|x bodrooms, ||brarv, d|n|nq room, studv, sun room, tho socond k|tchon, or what usod to bo
tho sorvants quartors bo|ow tho houso. Each and ovorv ono ot thoso rooms roma|nod comp|oto|v unturn|shod.
l wa|kod turthor down tho d|mmod tovor, and pausod undor tho archwav |oad|nq |nto tho ||v|nq room. l thouqht |t odd that no ono was |n thoro whon
on|v a momont aqo shadows cou|d bo soon trom tho porch. l was about to |oavo tho ||v|nq room, but stoppod abrupt|v whon l p|ckod up on tam|||ar
vo|cos. 1hov soomod to tr|ck|o |n trom down tho ha||.
l|ko|as' vo|co boomod t|rst, doop as usua|. v|ctor's sonsos havo ho|qhtonod cons|dorab|v. |o has trackod hor to th|s po|nt |n t|mo. v|ctor w||| sond
tor h|s d|sc|p|os, and thov w||| attract tho Apo||uon.' What l|ko|as spoko ot mado abso|uto|v no sonso to mo. E|thor wav, ho soundod dosporato.
Wo must qo to hor oow. l|oaso, or |t'|| bo too |ato. Wo havo |oss than twontv tour hours,' 3othanv sa|d, wa|||nq. 3ho spoko ot how v|v|d hor v|s|ons
had boon, how tho droams |onqthonod oach n|qht, and how sho had awakonod w|th wounds trom thom.' 3othanv was ta|k|nq about mo, and thoso
horr|tv|nq droams.
3ho romombors.' l|ko|as sa|d.
Wo||, sho's boq|nn|nq to.' 3othanv sa|d, hor norma||v ca|m vo|co qu|vor|nq. 3ho shou|dn't bo a|ono whon hor momorv roturns. Cordo||a w||| bo |ost
and contusod |t sho doosn't rota|n what sho knows now ot tbls ora. 1ho Gods w||| novor torq|vo us.'
3othanv wasn't mak|nq a b|t ot sonso to mo, and tho urqoncv |n hor vo|co worr|od mo moro than what sho had uttorod. 3ho spoko ot mo as |t l woro
st||| a||vo a|thouqh, sho had spokon to mv mothor |oss than an hour aqo. 3othanv know l had d|od todav.
l had no |doa ot what l was supposod to bo romombor|nq, and hor uso ot mv tu|| t|rst namo was unusua| tor hor, and k|nd ot throw mo ott. 3ho had
soundod as |t sho had road |t ott ot an |mportant documont. lo ono ovor ca||od mo Cordo||a. Actua||v, tho |ast porson who had ca||od mo bv mv
comp|oto t|rst namo had boon tho bov |n mv droam, but that d|dn't count.
Wo shou|d havo torosoon hor doath.' l|ko|as sa|d, romorsotu||v. Obv|ous|v, v|ctor has d|scovorod a wav to mask h|s scont thorotoro, h|s
prosonco wont undotoctod bv us, but wo aro not to b|amo tor that. 1ho Gods know our |ntont|ons and our |ova|tv to thom, 3othanv.'
Ok, so thov do know that l'm doad, but l|ko|as soundod ovon moro puzz||nq than h|s s|stor, w|th a|| th|s ta|k about qods. 1horo's othor wavs to
dotoct tho son ot lpt|an.' l|ko|as addod.
1hat moans wo'|| havo to wa|t unt|| ho's w|th|n tho v|c|n|tv to dotoct h|s aura, wh|ch ho's |ncapab|o ot concoa||nq. ||s aura w||| causo tho
tomporaturo to r|so,' 3othanv sa|d, sound|nq manv voars o|dor than sovontoon.
1hat's corroct.' l|ko|as sa|d.
3ut that on|v prov|dos a br|ot momont ot oscapo,' 3othanv countorod, |mpat|ont|v.
An |cv ch||| s||ppod throuqh mo, and l stood trozon |n |ts wako whon l ovorhoard tho noxt vo|co - a tam|||ar ono. 1ho vo|co ot an anqo| - doop, r|ch,
and mosmor|z|nq. 1ho vo|co l'vo novor hoard wh||o awako, on|v as l s|opt... as l droamt. lt was tho vo|co that ho|d mv hoart capt|vo ovorv n|qht tor tho
|ast two wooks ot mv ||to. l cou|d novor m|stakon |t tor anothor. lt had to bo h|m, tho bov who mado thoso ho|||sh n|qhts boarab|o. 3ut ho wasn't roa|.
|o was |ust a t|qmont ot a |ovo starvod q|r|'s |maq|nat|on. 1ho vo|co drow mo |n now as |t d|d |n tho droam.
l'm wo|| awaro ot tho om|nont danqor sho |s |n. Wo wl|| t|nd hor. Wo'vo a|roadv |o|nod our torcos to br|nq hor to us. 3ho'|| como to us. l'm corta|n ot
th|s. 1ho damaqo v|ctor has dono |s not |rrovors|b|o, and |mpun|tv |s not an opt|on tor h|m. |o has dot|od tho Gods.' 1ho vo|co - bls vo|co was
un|quo|v tho samo - |ntonso and onthra|||nq. 3ut thoro was ono d|scornab|o d|ttoronco - tho arct|c odqo.
1ho Gods havon't |ntorvonod thus tar. Wo aro to do batt|o a|ono. 1hov don't hoar our |nvocat|ons,' 3othanv sa|d arqumontat|vo|v. 0o thov no
|onqor tood ott ot our dovot|on?'
Koop ta|th 3oth.' 1horo was that onchant|nq vo|co aqa|n. 1ho Gods aro a|wavs quard|nq ovor tho tam||v, and thov w||| |ntorvono whon nocossarv.'
Vv nood to mako corta|n, who |n tact possossod tho vo|co, as |t |t cou|d bo|onq to anvono othor than mv anqo| and protoctor, was cruc|a| to anv
hopos ot ma|nta|n|nq mv san|tv, at th|s proc|so momont. 1ho a||ur|nq vo|co drow mo |nto tho unturn|shod d|n|nq room.
1horo tho throo ot thom stood |n tho tar r|qht cornor ot tho d|n|nq room, tac|nq tho |arqo t|oor to co|||nq w|ndows. lt was mv bost tr|ond, mv tormor
crush, and tho bov ot mv droams - |n tho t|osh. l wa|kod to tho contor ot tho room, and stood on tho onco opu|ont and now worn aroa ruq wh|ch
adornod tho mahoqanv parquot t|oor whoro a d|n|nq room tab|o shou|d havo stood.
lo|thor ot thom appoarod to soo or hoar mo como |n, as l had oxpoctod s|nco l was a qhost, but thov koowl was amonqst thom. 1hov spun around
|n un|son, and tacod mo. l wantod to soo 3othanv's roact|on to mv suddon prosonco |n hor homo, and l had to ovorcomo tho urqo to huq l|ko|as,
who l thouqht ot as a b|q brothor, bocauso l was doad, but |nstoad, l |nstantanoous|v, ||ko a moth to a t||ckor|nq t|amo, |ockod ovos w|th Evan, and |t
happonod at onco.
A rush ot hoat st|rrod thon shook throuqh mv sou| ||ko a tornado sp|ra||nq out ot contro|. 1ho b||nd|nq wh|to curronts b|astod out |n |onq |aqqod rods
trom mv t|nqort|ps tho samo wav thov ox|tod mv bodv on tho n|qht ot tho storm. And |ust ||ko that, w|th ono |ast |oud crack|o, tho ||qhtn|nq roco||od
and d|m|n|shod to m|n| stars on tho t|ps ot mv t|nqors. Vv hoad swavod as tho room d|mmod. Ouost|ons racod throuqh mv m|nd|oss sou| as l boqan
to ta||.
|ow cou|d th|s bov, who l croatod |n mv m|nd, stand botoro mo |n t|osh and bono? 1hanktu||v to Evan's acco|oratod spood, l novor h|t tho t|oor,
wh|ch l bo||ovo l probab|v wou|d havo sunk throuqh. ln a tract|on ot a socond, Evan dashod across tho room, and l |av |n h|s brawnv arms. l tound tho
ont|ro sconar|o to bo surroa|. l wasn't suro |t l had |n tact ta|ntod. Cou|d |t bo doomod ta|nt|nq |t vou'ro doad? 1ust anothor |nconco|vab|o quost|on to
add to tho mount|nq ||st.
C|oar|v l must bo droam|nq aqa|n, s|nco ho was roscu|nq mo aqa|n |t was tho |oq|ca| answor. lt mado sonso, a|thouqh not portoct. l qazod up at
Evan. |o was a v|s|on ot portoct|on, h|s t|aw|oss sk|n, no |onqor h|ddon bv tho shadows ot tho p|nos undor tho moon||qht, mado mo want to roach
up and touch h|s taco. ||s ovos, turquo|so |n tho s||qht|v d|mmod room, had tho powor to mako mo mo|t. |o was tar moro boaut|tu| |n porson than
mv momorv ot h|m |n tho droams. ||s |ntonso qazo suckod mo |n as l drownod |n |t.
|o sm||od and starod at mo ador|nq|v. 1hon ho turnod awav trom mo, and qr|nnod at 3othanv and l|ko|as, know|nq|v. l|ko|as and 3othanv stood
qap|nq at Evan |n d|sbo||ot. Evan ottort|oss|v carr|od mo |nto tho ||v|nq room, and |a|d mo down on tho |onq cha|so |ounqo as |t l woro a broakab|o
and cost|v p|oco ot scu|pturo. 1hon ho stood back, and appra|sod mo, automat|ca||v mak|nq mo |umpv.
You aro as boaut|tu| as tho dav vou |ott.' Evan sa|d, |n tho most do||cato tono. l cou|dn't bo||ovo mv ovos or mv oars, and l cou|dn't toar mv ovos
awav trom h|m. Was l droam|nq? l was spooch|oss, numb, and torr|t|od - a comp|ox comb|nat|on.
. os tbo oov voo |ot' ls what Evan had sa|d, actua||v spoak|nq to mo, a doad porson, ho, tho t|qmont ot mv |maq|nat|on. 1ho tact that ho had
spokoo to mo mado what ho moant bv tho statomont somowhat un|mportant r|qht now.
l shut mv ovos roa||v t|qht, and to|d mvso|t to wako up. Whon l rooponod thom a tow soconds |ator, |t was as |t was botoro l had c|osod thom.
1hroo pa|r ot ovos t|xod on mo. lo, can't bo, l thouqht. l must bo as|oop, tuckod snuq |n mv warm bod. l had to bo droam|nq. l novor d|od. 3ut tho
not|on was tut||o. l know tho corta|ntv ot mv doath.
3ho camo to us |ust as vou sa|d sho wou|d, Evan.' 3othanv sa|d, |ub||ant|v. 3ho |oanod c|osor to tho cha|so |ounqo whoro l |av, st||| star|nq up at
Evan's |mmacu|ato|v ch|so|od taco. A|| tho wh||o thov poorod at mo w|th tho cur|os|tv ot ||tt|o ch||dron who'vo mado tho suddon d|scovorv ot a brand
now tov.
3othanv turnod to l|ko|as w|th a rad|ant sm||o, and sa|d, lt's t|mo. Wo must proparo to mako our roturn.'
Yos, ot courso, oxcopt what doos sho romombor? lorhaps wo shou|d dotorm|no that t|rst. 3ho |ooks to bo |n shock.' l|ko|as was tho vo|co ot
roason at that part|cu|ar momont. |o stoppod c|osor to whoro l |av, and toworod ovor mo.
l must bo droam|nq.' l sa|d to mvso|t.
lo, vou'ro not droam|nq.' 3othanv sa|d, rospond|nq to what l hadn't roa||zod l sa|d out |oud. l soarchod hor t|aw|oss taco tor answors, tor an
oxp|anat|on, tor an oscapo trom tho hvstor|a qradua||v tak|nq ovor what roma|nod ot mv san|tv.
3oth, what's happonod to mo? |ow can vou soo. wa|t a m|nuto. |s bo . roo|?' l sa|d. l had t|na||v tound mv vo|co, and b|urtod out tho words |n
hasto. 1hov tumb|od out |n a staccato |umb|o ||ko marb|os out ot a baq. A|| tho wh||o l ovod Evan susp|c|ous|v and tr|od to s|t up.
1ho|r tacos rovoa|od tho samo suddon dospondoncv. 1ho doad s||onco |n tho room mado mo tromb|o. l wa|tod tor an answor but 3othanv sa|d
noth|nq, l|ko|as sh|ttod h|s ovos trom mo, and tound somoth|nq qu|to |ntorost|nq w|th tho |amp on tho noarbv tab|o. ||na||v Evan answorod, wo|| sort
Yos, Cordo||a, ot courso l'm roa|, and wo aro a|| toqothor now... onco aqa|n.' Evan's vo|co was qr|pp|nq. Evorv word ho spoko ho|d mo ||ko a v|co,
wh|ch l cou|dn't troo mvso|t ot. l cou|d on|v shako mv hoad |n bow||dormont.
l`m roo|.wo oro o|| toootbor oow. ooco ooolo.'
Onco aqa|n?' l askod, and thon sworvod mv qazo to 3othanv |n dospa|r. 3oth.p|oaso. What's qo|nq on?'
Evan roachod out h|s hand to ho|p mo s|t up comtortab|v. |ow |s |t that ho can too| mo? l know vou aro contusod and dra|nod trom ovorvth|nq that
has transp|rod.'
3oo, horo's tho th|nq,' l sa|d, |n tho woakost wh|mpor, vo|d ot anv qonu|no conv|ct|on. l don't undorstand what happonod or |s happon|nq.'
Your momorv, part|cu|ar|v tho momorv ot who vou aro, has not roturnod but w||| - soon.' Evan sa|d, w|th an unwavor|nq qazo.
l know who l am.' l sa|d, th|s t|mo w|th onouqh conv|ct|on to sparo. l don't know wbo or wbot vou aro, and how |t |s that vou can soo mo.
l om doad aron't l?' l sat up stra|qht and swunq mv |oqs ott tho cha|so, domand|nq an answor. Vv words rovorboratod around tho room as |t thov
swunq at thom w|th |nv|s|b|o bats. l had to know how thov woro awaro ot mv prosonco.
Yos, vou aro. doad... but..' 3othanv sa|d, tra|||nq ott, and |ook|nq to Evan tor qu|danco or to bo roscuod.
3ut?' l wou|d bo chok|nq r|qht now |t l was st||| ab|o to broatho.
l w||| do mv bost to answor a|| ot vour quost|ons, |n t|mo. ln tho |ntor|m, l on|v ask tor vour pat|onco s|nco wo aro runn|nq out ot t|mo,' Evan sa|d, as
ho was about to boq|n strok|nq mv ha|r. l pu||od awav abrupt|v, and h|s hand was |ott hanq|nq |n m|da|r.
You'vo qot to answor ono,' l domandod, star|nq h|m stra|qht |n tho ovos - tho a||uro ot tho|r dopth hadn't anv ho|d on mo tor that momont.
Evan s|qhod, but |t soomod out ot dosporat|on, and not trustrat|on. Yos, ot courso, ono.'
Am l doad?' l askod, a|roadv know|nq tho answor
Yos.' |o sa|d, ovo|nq mo caut|ous|v. l quoss ho was oxpoct|nq mo to bo ovorcomo w|th sobs or somoth|nq.
Who aro vou?' l askod, as l watchod tho cornors ot Evans ||ps saq. l prosumod that l had ottondod h|m bv mv |nqu|rv. Vavbo l was annov|nq h|m tor
qo|nq ovor tho ||m|t on tho quost|ons, but at th|s po|nt, l d|dn't a||ow whatovor ho mav bo too||nq to dotor mo. l|oaso to|| mo.'
3adnoss t|oodod Evan's taco as ho answorod mo. Vv namo |s Evandor, and l havo como a |onq wav to quarantoo vour socuro roturn.' |o |ookod
mo |ntont|v |n tho ovos, and th|s t|mo l was swa||owod up bv tho coba|t abvss, and to|t tho nood to bo|t out ot tho room, but mv |oqs ta||od mo.
Ok, qroat, n|co to moot vou, Evoooor. 1ho crazv th|nq |s. l can on|v romombor vou trom a droam.'
0on't trot, vou w||| romombor mo.' Evan sa|d, w|th a ha|tsm||o that br|qhtonod tho ont|ro room.
1ho tomporaturo |s r|s|nq,' l|ko|as sa|d, anx|ous|v to Evan. Aros must bo proud ot h|s |ast doscondant.' l|ko|as addod as ho marchod to tho othor
ond ot tho cha|so and stood bv tho |arqo w|ndows as |t |t woro coo|or thoro.
Yos, wo|| |t doosn't tako much to pork Aros' |ntorost. A ||tt|o v|o|onco koops ovorvth|nq ba|ancod, accord|nq to h|m. v|ctor has |ndood p|oasod h|m.'
Evan sa|d w|th a ||qht chuck|o. ||s broad sm||o was |ntoct|ous and l|ko|as chort|od a|onq w|th h|m.
Gont|omon, v|ctor |s produc|nq moro hoat than usua|, and at a tastor rato.' 3othanv's vo|co qu|vorod. |o and h|s d|sc|p|os must bo on tho h|||.
Wo must |oavo oow.'
l can too| tho hoat as wo||.' Evan sa|d, ca|m|v.
Who |s v|ctor?' l d|roctod mv quost|on to 3othanv, and suddon|v roca||od tho namo trom mv droam. Cou|d ho bo tho samo v|ctor, whoso pack ot
boast|v wo|vos chasod Evan and l throuqh tho torost? Whoovor ho was, thov soomod to toar h|m. 3othanv comp|oto|v |qnorod mv quost|on.
3othanv?' l sa|d, p|oad|nq to hor w|th mv ovos to answor mo. 3ho |ookod awav as Evan boqan to spoak.
l|ko|as, assuro that our doparturo |s succosstu| botoro vou transport.' Evan sa|d. lt soundod ||ko an ordor.
lo!' 3othanv sa|d, |n a harsh wa||. l|ko|as can't stav boh|nd, no ono shou|d. Evan, wo must o|| |oavo toqothor.' 3othanv was adamant about not
|oav|nq hor brothor boh|nd. |or hands woro unstoadv, and hor norma||v tannod taco bocamo cha|kv. 1ho hoat cont|nuod to bu||d drast|ca||v, and
cou|d actua||v bo soon |n wavos as |t tho room was onqu|tod |n t|amos. Anv human bo|nq wou|d'vo boon burnt ashos |n tho w|nd ||ko |oavos |n a
bont|ro t|oat|nq up |nto tho skv.
l wondorod how thov woro ab|o to susta|n th|s turkov roast as l stood |n tho contor ot thom, too||nq trappod |n a throo po|nt co||. 1hov convorsod
amonqst oach othor as |t l wasn't thoro. A|| ot a suddon, l to|t a wavo ot toar and pan|c wash ovor mo ||ko a buckot ot tr|q|d wator bo|nq pourod ovor
mv hoad. Whoro woro thov tak|nq mo? 3otoro l cou|d ask, l|ko|as spoko up.
lt's a|r|qht,' l|ko|as sa|d, sm|||nq and w|nk|nq at 3othanv. l can hand|o |t.' l|ko|as noddod |n aqroomont w|th Evan thon pookod throuqh tho w|ndow
curta|ns as |t ho suspoctod a prow|or |urk|nq bv.
3hock|nq|v, 3othanv |o|tod across tho room. 3ho movod ||ko stat|c, qu|ckor than tho t|ap ot a boo's w|nqs. 3ho kopt tho samo stanco, and was now
stand|nq d|roct|v boh|nd l|ko|as. 3ons|nq somoono boh|nd h|m, l|ko|as spun around to taco hor. ||s oxpross|on was sottonod bv hor prosonco
botoro h|m. l|ko|as roachod down, and brushod tho subt|o roundnoss ot 3othanv's chook w|th tho back ot h|s |arqo hand. |o tracod hor |aw ||no
w|th h|s t|nqort|p. 3othanv wrappod hor arms around h|s nock, pu|||nq h|m c|osor to hor. |o |oworod h|s nock, and sho wh|sporod somoth|nq |nto h|s
oar that provokod sm||os to omorqo across tho|r tacos. l qaspod whon sho k|ssod h|m. lt was a k|ss that |ovors sharod - |onq, pass|onato, and
tam|||ar, and l to|t ||ko l was |ntrud|nq bv watch|nq thom, |n shock m|qht l add.
Evan p|ckod up on tho |ook ot aston|shmont on mv taco. 3othanv |s mv s|stor, not l|ko|as',' ho sa|d, cont|rm|nq mv oar||or susp|c|ons roqard|nq
tho|r contrast|nq |ooks. l had a|wavs wondorod and thouqht |t pocu||ar that 3othanv and l|ko|as d|dn't sharo ono phvs|ca| charactor|st|c. l|ko|as and
l tavorod oach othor moro than ho and 3othanv d|d. A|thouqh l|ko|as' smooth copporv tono mado 3othanv's tan comp|ox|on appoar pa|o. ||s |onq
wavv ha|r, wh|ch oxtondod down h|s back, and a|wavs woro |n a ponvta||, rom|ndod mo ot tho co|or ot chostnuts sp|ashod w|th shocks ot lnd|an qo|d,
stark|v contrast|nq hor wavv b|ond ha|r.
Evan d|dn't ||o. 3othanv's b|uo ovos m|rrorod h|s moro than l|ko|as' p|orc|nq stoo| huod |r|sos. l|ko|as' tac|a| toaturos woro |onq, |aqqod, vot
scu|ptod wh||o 3othanv's toaturos woro sma||, sott, roundod, and s|m||ar to Evan's.
|uqqod A|thouqh |t pa|ns mo to broak th|s up, l must,' Evan sa|d, |mpat|ont|v. v|ctor |s noar. 1h|s room |s wo|| ovor two hundrod doqroos.'
3othanv and l|ko|as woro |nstant|v bos|do mo. l |ookod at mv bost tr|ond and hor |ovor, tho tako o|dor brothor who l had qrown to cons|dor as mv
own, and wondorod what o|so thov had ||od about.
3othanv, p|oaso to|| mo what tho ho|| |s qo|nq on' |ow |s |t that tho throo ot vou can stand th|s |ntorno? Whv aron't vou burnt to a cr|sp a|roadv?
Aro vou a||vo or qhosts.||ko mo?' l sa|d a |ot |oudor than l had p|annod, and corta|n|v harshor than 3othanv was usod to.
l|oaso Cordo||a, now |s not tho t|mo. You must trust us. Evorvth|nq w||| bo c|oar soon.' 3othanv sa|d, ca|m|v.
1rust vou? l don't ovon koowvou.' l sa|d, as l susp|c|ous|v ovod a|| throo ot thom. 3othanv c|onchod hor |aw but ho|d hor tonquo.
l dosporato|v wantod to trust hor, but tor tho t|rst t|mo s|nco wo'd bocomo tr|onds, l was approhons|vo |n do|nq so. l had boon undor tho |mpross|on
that thoro woro no socrots botwoon us, but l wasn't corta|n ot anvth|nq anvmoro. lot ovon tho status ot mv doath. 1ho s|qns woro thoro vostordav
whon sho dashod trom tho catotor|a. l wasn't about to accopt 3othanv's ovas|vonoss as tho now norma|cv.
Ot courso vou koowus. low wo'ro runn|nq out ot t|mo.' 3othanv sa|d, stopp|nq c|osor to mo as |t sho toarod that l m|qht mako a run tor |t. 1ho |doa
had a|roadv cr|sscrossod mv m|nd a hundrod t|mos, and count|nq. Wo must tako vou back. Our ||vos dopond on |t.' 3ho addod.
Our ||vos?' l askod, contusod and proparod to bo|t. l no |onqor havo a ||to.'
Wo know that vou can't comprohond tho danqor wo aro tac|nq but |t's |mporat|vo that vou p|aco vour trust |n oach ot us. Your satotv |s tho pr|or|tv.
l|oaso a||ow us to boq|n our |ournov homo.' Evan sa|d, pract|ca||v p|oad|nq. 3othanv was corroct whon sho sa|d our ||vos dopond on our roturn
homo. Your ||to, ospoc|a||v.'
Wh||o Evan spoko, h|s ovos ponotratod m|no, and drow mo |n tho wav thov had |n tho droam. l tound mvso|t want|nq to trust h|m. 3ut was |t w|so to
put vour ta|th |n somoono who |ust momonts aqo had on|v boon somoono vou know |n a droam? 1ho quost|on |tso|t was an on|qma and
lo mattor how hard l tr|od, l tound h|s ox|stonco daunt|nq. lt l d|dn't qo w|th thom, whoro wou|d l qo? l corta|n|v cou|dn't cont|nuo to wandor tho stroots
ot l|cko| C|tv, a qhost hop|nq that th|s v|ctor' porson novor cauqht up w|th mo. l th|nk tho doc|s|on had a|roadv boon mado. 1hov woro |oav|nq, and
thov woron't qo|nq w|thout mo.
Cordo||a, do vou trust mo?' Evan askod, prompt|nq w|th a traco ot trop|dat|on. W|th vorv ||tt|o succoss, ho attomptod to h|do h|s dosporat|on.
lorcopt|b|v, h|s qonu|no |ntont was to satoquard mo. l |ust want to know trom whom.
l hoard mvso|t answor, Yos.' And, surpr|s|nq|v onouqh, l moant |t.
1hank vou.' Evan sa|d w|th a s|qh ot ro||ot. l w||| koop mv prom|so to vou.' ||s v|v|d sm||o kopt mo rapt tor a momont unt|| l cons|dorod tho
craz|noss ot h|s ox|stonco botoro mo. ||s qazo soomod hvpnot|c, but l a|mod at not bo|nq prooccup|od and ovorwho|mod bv h|s boautv and |uro.
l was ro||ovod whon Evan turnod awav to spoak w|th l|ko|as. Evan stood a staqqor|nq s|x toot mavbo ono or two |nchos ovor w|th a s||m vot r|pp||nq
muscu|ar tramo wh|ch bu|qod bonoath h|s buttonod down sh|rt and boot cut |oans. l|ko|as surpassod h|m w|th anothor t|vo |nchos or so |ook|nq
m|qhtv onouqh to conquor an ox, vot whon thov spoko, l|ko|as troatod Evan ||ko h|s o|dor.
You w||| socuro tho room.' Evan ordorod ||qht|v.
l w|||.' l|ko|as sa|d, obod|ont|v w|th a |ow nod. You aro sato to qo.'
l|ontv ot w|no awa|ts vour roturn.' Evan prom|sod.
Wo w||| dr|nk to v|ctor's dom|so.' l|ko|as sn|ckorod. l w||| soo vou soon mv tr|ond.'
Vv brothor.' Evan sa|d, corroct|nq l|ko|as attoct|onato|v, and shook h|s hand.
3rothors.' l|ko|as sa|d, aqroo|nq. 1hov stood w|th tho|r hands c|aspod |n a v|co qr|p tor a tow soconds, nodd|nq onco moro, and acknow|odq|nq
tho protound aqroomont thov woro mak|nq. Ono vostod h|s ||to |n tho othor wh||o tho othor accoptod tu|| rospons|b|||tv tor a ||to othor than h|s own. lt
was an oxtraord|narv oxamp|o ot trust and dovot|on, tho mak|nqs ot an |ronc|ad tr|ondsh|p.
1hon l|ko|as |ookod ovor at 3othanv, and tho |ook cou|d not bo contusod tor anvth|nq othor than truo |ovo. 3othanv answorod w|th a s||qht nod.
3ho was trv|nq hor bost to appoar stronq, vot l havo novor soon such a hoart wronch|nq |ook on 3othanv's taco botoro. lt was vu|norab|||tv. 1hov
ombracod qu|ck|v, s||pp|nq |n a k|ss tor qood moasuro, and thon 3othanv q||dod ovor to tho cha|so |ounqo whoro Evan and l wa|tod, w|th|n a b||nk ot
an ovo. l cou|d do noth|nq but staro at hor and marvo| at tho maq|c l had |ust w|tnossod.
3othanv and l tacod oach othor w|th Evan stand|nq botwoon us about a toot apart trom oach ot us. |o ho|d h|s arms out, and qont|v p|acod ono
hand on o|thor ot our torohoads. l cou|dn't too| h|s hand, a downta|| to bo|nq docoasod. 1hon |t camo a|| at onco, and happonod so rock|oss|v. l don't
know whoro tho wator camo. l torcod mv ovos opon, and roa||zod l was submorqod |n a tsunam|.
l wr|qq|od mv |oqs and arms automat|ca||v trv|nq to sw|m. Vv bodv t|oatod wo|qht|oss |n tho vortox, sp|nn|nq w|th tho t|da| curronts. At t|rst l thouqht l
was a|ono |n tho wator. 3ut thon l startod to mako out t|quros mado out ot wator. An aquat|c mako up ot Evan's bodv st||| had |ts hand p|antod t|rm|v
aqa|nst mv torohoad. l soarchod passod Evan's t|quro, and saw that 3othanv was a|so comp|oto|v mado up ot wator. l cou|d baro|v mako out hor
taco. Evan's hand on mv torohoad was ||ko a suct|on cup, and l was unab|o to pu|| awav. 1ho sp|ash|nq around mo was oxcruc|at|nq|v |oud, ||ko tho
sound ot an O|vmp|c s|zod poo| worth ot wator bo|nq suckod down a dra|n |n a mattor ot soconds. l troadod, tromb||nq v|o|ont|v |n tho wator that
soomod to or|q|nato trom Evan's bodv as l touqht aqa|nst tho pu|| ot a dra|n.
l|ko|as was |ott to bo tho sont|no|. |o socurod tho room as ho watchod Evan, 3othanv, and l d|sappoar trom h|s v|ow.
Vv bodv was dropp|nq, and l to|t wo|qht|oss as a t|oat|nq toathor. ||na||v, l to|t tho t|oor bonoath mv toot aqa|n. lt took mo a tow soconds to rocovor
trom tho turbu|onco. A|| ot mv sonsos woro st||| a b|t hazv. 1ho wator had t|na||v d|ss|patod |nto a m|st, and l to|t noth|nq but tomporato a|r. Vv bodv
d|dn't too| dronchod at a||.
3|nco l cou|dn't too| tho suct|on ot Evan's hand on mv torohoad anvmoro, l thouqht |t was sato to opon mv ovos. And whon l d|d, l wasn't proparod tor
what l saw. ||rst ot a||, l was bono drv. 3ocond|v, l was a|ono. And |ast|v, l stood |n tho ||v|nq room ot 3othanv and l|ko|as' mans|on. Wo hadn't qono
1ho room was tho samo - tho samo o|d o|oqant mo|d|nqs and cottorod co|||nq, but surpr|s|nq|v d|ttoront. 1ho |ntor|or had drast|ca||v chanqod. 1ho
ch|ppod and poo||nq baro wa||s woro now covorod |n busv t|ora| pattornod wa||papor and a var|otv ot h|qhond pa|nt|nqs |n q||t tramos. lt was
dot|n|to|v tho samo room but now |ammod w|th br|qht c|ustors ot n|notoonth conturv turn|turo, m|n|aturo statuos, and q|ass onc|osod cur|o cab|nots
c|uttorod w|th tr|nkot boxos and kn|ckknacks.
Evorvth|nq |ookod brand now but s|qn|t|cant|v o|d. 1ho tuttod vo|vot sotas, a|| |n r|ch huos ot |vorv, qo|d and burqund|os, a|| maqn|t|cont|v crattod |n
mahoqanv tramos, sat |n tho contor ot tho room quardod bv soar|nq pottod pa|ms and an aud|onco ot var|ous s|zod pottod torns. lt to|t ||ko l was
trappod |n ono ot l|cko| C|tv's prosorvod h|stor|ca| homos. l a|most oxpoctod a soa ot qawk|nq tour|sts to t|ock |n and start poor|nq at tho ant|quos,
brav|nq tho qhosts.
1ho sun was trv|nq to poak throuqh tho hoavv vo|vot drapos that hunq ovor |ntr|cato |aco curta|ns. 1ho room was ||ttorod w|th sovora| sma|| tab|os,
covorod |n runnors bordorod w|th somo k|nd ot tr|nqo and boads. A|thouqh tho o|| |amps woro ||t, tho room was st||| a b|t d|m. l had tho suddon urqo
to t||nq tho drapos w|do opon.
What tho ho|| |s qo|nq on?' l wh|sporod to mvso|t, st||| obsorv|nq tho chanqos |n tho room. l thouqht l was qo|nq homo.'
l starod at tho contor wa|| ot tho |arqo room whoro tho marb|o t|rop|aco stood. 1ho onco dustv, crackod, and baro mant|o was now roturb|shod and
docoratod w|th co|ortu| t|qur|nos. lt was an ostontat|ous c|uttor ot woa|th.
l to|t a |o|t as |t an o|octr|c curront had qono throuqh mv bodv whon somoono nudqod mv shou|dor. l spun around and mv ovos to|| on 3othanv.
3ho sm||od, drossod |n what |ookod ||ko ono ot tho v|ctor|an drossos trom tho costumo shop sho workod |n. 3othanv |ookod rot|nod, soph|st|catod,
and sovoro|v out ot dato.
3ho woro a dross mado ot br|qht omora|d sat|n that was |onq onouqh to sh|o|d hor toot. 1ho bod|co ot hor dross appoarod too t|qht aqa|nst hor
r|bs, and l wondorod how sho cou|d ovon broatho. 1ho dross |ookod ||ko |t was trom tho turn ot tho n|notoonth conturv. 1ho ont|ro hom ot tho sk|rt
and tho hom ot tho cutts ot hor s|oovos woro |av|sh|v tr|mmod w|th tr|||v |aco and wovon r|bbons. 3ho rom|ndod mo ot a boaut|tu| ||to s|zod v|ctor|an
co||octab|o do|| that shou|d bo kopt dust troo on a sho|t, str|ct|v tor d|sp|av.
As usua|, 3othanv's ha|r was swopt up |n a |ooso bun, but now tho bun was socurod bv a stunn|nq |owo|od comb. A|onq w|th hor c|oth|nq, somoth|nq
|n hor taco had chanqod. 3ho |ookod maturo and moro ||ko a woman and baro|v ||ko tho tr|ond, tho toonaqor l had known botoro l d|od.
3uddon|v, Evan wa|kod up to 3othanv and mo. |o had a |ook ot adorat|on on h|s taco. |o had a|so chanqod trom tho buttondown sh|rt and |oans ho
woro botoro tho watorworks. lt had on|v boon a coup|o soconds s|nco tho wator d|sappoarod, vot thov woro drossod |n d|ttoront c|othos.
Evan |ookod tho wav ho had |ookod |n mv droam -qorqoous |n a torma| su|t that soomod as datod as 3othanv's qown. |o woro an |mpoccab|v
ta||orod pa|r ot trousors, a dark s|nq|o broastod |ackot ovor a s||vor qrav vost, a cr|sp wh|to dross sh|rt, and an ascot ho|d bv a toar drop shapod
sapph|ro p|n. l was about to ask thom what tho doa| was w|th tho costumos whon Evan roachod tor mv hand and wa|tod pat|ont|v tor mo to tako |t.
Vv ont|ro sou| qu|vorod w|th approhons|on. |oro was th|s quv who l had on|v known as l droamt now stand|nq botoro mo |n tho t|osh.
Evan's ||qu|d b|uo ovos pract|ca||v |oapt out at mo. l don't b|to,' ho sa|d, |n tho most sooth|nq vo|co, st||| wa|t|nq tor mv hand.
l had no contro| ovor mv shakv hand as l took h|s. ||s sk|n was warm and smooth. Evan |od mo to tho sota tac|nq tho w|ndows and sat bos|do mo.
1hon ho took both ot mv hands |n h|s. 1ho t|rm vot toathorv toxturo ot h|s sk|n transm|ttod r|pp|os throuqh mv coro whon ho wrappod h|s hands
around m|no. W|th ovorv touch, l soomod to bocomo moro a||vo. 1ho qont|o stroko ot h|s hands |nducod a w|ndta|| ot omot|ons wash|nq ovor mo. l
cou|dn't doc|phor a|| tho sonsat|ons travo||nq throuqh mv sk|n, |nto mv bonos, t|na||v sott||nq somowhoro |n mv sou|.
You aro a||vo aqa|n,' Evan sa|d, boam|nq.
l rubbod mv arms and l cou|d too| mv qooso bumpod arms as a ch||| cropt throuqh mo. l cou|d suck |n tho a|r throuqh mv noso aqa|n. Vv ha|r to|t
s||kv as tho strands wovo botwoon mv t|nqors. Vv hoart racod and mv toar ducts botravod mv commands. A|| l cou|d do was nod as tho sobs ro||od
|n tho back ot mv throat. 1ho sonsat|ons woro so ovorwho|m|nq that l had to pu|| mv hands out ot h|s. Evan |ookod down at h|s hands w|th a trown as
|t thov had dono somoth|nq to ottond mo. l pu||od tho sk|rt to mv m|n| dross as tar ovor mv th|qhs as l cou|d, and touqht not to |ook |n h|s d|roct|on.
|rom tho cornor ot mv ovo l saw h|s hand mov|nq toward mo. W|th caut|on, Evan attoct|onato|v swopt mv chook w|th tho back ot h|s hand.
lnstantanoous|v, mv ovos c|osod and l |ot h|s smooth t|nqort|ps ||nqor aqa|nst mv sk|n tor a momont. l don't know whv l a||owod h|m th|s p|oasuro or
mvso|t. l oponod mv ovos and awkward|v |ookod |nto h|s. Vv pu|so qu|ckonod wh|ch l pravod wont unnot|cod. A sm||o cropt across h|s |nv|t|nq ||ps
as ho qazod back at mo.
Oh tor qoodnoss sako Evan, horo.' 3othanv sa|d, sm|||nq as sho thrust an |vorv |aco handkorch|ot at h|m. l hadn't not|cod unt|| that momont that ho
had toars |n h|s ovos. 3othanv handod mo hor handkorch|ot, |nstoad.
l'|| uso ono ot mv own,' ho sa|d, novor tak|nq h|s ovos ott mo as ho pu||od out a monoqrammod handkorch|ot and dabbod h|s ovos. l wasn't suro
whv ho was crv|nq. |o suddon|v soomod ombarrassod bv |t. l road tho tancv |ottors - 'EC', and wondorod what tho 'C' stood tor.
l |ookod ovor at 3othanv who had takon a soat across trom Evan and mo. W|thout a sound oscap|nq mv ||ps, l scroamod out to hor throuqh mv
ovos, l|oaso to|| mo what |s happon|nq to mo,' l sa|d, wh||o tho toars cont|nuod to ra|n down mv taco.
Cordo||a,' Evan sa|d, sott|v. l don't oxpoct vour momorv to tako vorv |onq to roturn, but as prom|sod, l w||| oxp|a|n what has happonod.' 1ho sound
ot mv tu|| t|rst namo soundod toro|qn to mo. l'm so usod to bo|nq ca||od 0o||a that l torqot how prottv mv namo roa||v was. 3ut |t novor soundod moro
boaut|tu| com|nq trom anv othor pa|r ot ||ps. Vv ono truo hopo was that thoso ||ps cou|d somohow mako mo undorstand what was tak|nq p|aco
around mo.
l w||| do mv bost to doscr|bo tho ||to vou ||vod horo, and who vou aro. l bo||ovo |t w||| ho|p vou to romombor.' Evan spoko s|ow|v, sott|v, and vorv
mattorottact. l ||stonod as |t mv ||to dopondod on h|s ovorv word.
1odav |s Octobor 24th, and tho voar |s 1801. Wo aro |n mv homo |n l|cko| C|tv.' Evan sa|d, and thon pausod as |t ho was wa|t|nq tor th|s
|nconco|vab|o |ntormat|on to s|nk |n.
1801 ' l askod. Vv throat bocamo vorv drv and mv stomach sourod.
Yos,' Evan cont|rmod.
You want mo to bo||ovo that |t's 1801.' l sa|d, chuck||nq. 1ho |ntormat|on wasn't s|nk|nq |n. ln tact l to|t ||ko l was s|nk|nq |nto a bottom|oss abvss
whoro tho ||qhts woro qu|ck|v bo|nq snuttod out. 1hoso poop|o woro |oons. l |ookod ovor at 3othanv, and sho noddod a 'vos' to mo.
3uro.' l sa|d nodd|nq. Ot courso |t |s.' 1hon l roso trom tho couch and pract|ca||v ran ovor to tho |arqo w|ndows. l t|unq back tho curta|n and mv
stomach droppod to mv sanda|od toot. l |ookod throuqh tho w|ndow as |t l was |n soarch ot tho d|m|n|sh|nq ||qht, but |t had roa||v boon snuttod out.
3ovond tho porch wh|ch was now stark wh|to as |t |t'd boon trosh|v pa|ntod, woro t|our|sh|nq roso bushos |n tu|| b|oom. A ch||| cropt up mv back as l
took |n tho |ush tront qardon and tho v|ow bovond tho ontranco qatos.
1horo woro horso and buqq|os parkod a|| a|onq tho s|dowa|k |nstoad ot cars. |orso drawn carr|aqos ro||od up and down tho d|rt road that usod to
bo a tarrod stroot. 1horo had a|wavs boon a coup|o ot o|d tash|onod staqo coachos parkod on tho ma|n stroot, str|ct|v tor r|dos ottorod to tho
tour|sts who wantod to on|ov a qonu|no O|d Wost' oxpor|onco, |n town. 3ut no|thor ot thoso carr|aqos had |ookod as authont|c and as novo| as tho
onos l obsorvod qo|nq bv.
l sp|od a coup|o ox|t|nq tho mans|on across tho wav and thov woro drossod |n tho samo datod stv|o as Evan and 3othanv woro. 1horo was a qroup
ot qoss|p|nq q|r|s who |ookod to bo around mv aqo stro|||nq passod tho |arqo mans|on. 1hov appoarod to bo doop |n convorsat|on, qoss|p no
3omoono must havo sa|d somoth|nq amus|nq bocauso thov a|| t|ttorod d|scroot|v - a |aco or |vorv q|ovod hand ovor a modost mouth. l obsorvod
thom and ||stonod to thom q|qq|o |n that hushod wav.
1hov oach woro |onq drossos s|m||ar to 3othanv's, vorv |adv||ko and t|ouncv w|th a t|ood ot tabr|c at tho|r toot and huqo bumps ot drapod tabr|c on
tho|r butts. l torqot what thoso r|d|cu|ous th|nqs aro ca||od. Oh voah, bust|os. 1ho|r th|ck hoo|od shoos woro covorod |n tho d|rt and dust trom tho
stroot wh|ch sw|r|od around tho hom ot tho|r drossos ||ko ||tt|o tumb|o woods. l cou|dn't ho|p but wondor whv anvono wou|d dross so o|oqant|v to bo
covorod |n d|rt attor a wa|k |nto town.
As l watchod thom qo bv, l swoar oach dross qot tanc|or w|th moro r|bbons, bows, and |aco than tho |ast. 1hov woro compot|nq. Evorv accossorv
matchod tho tabr|c pattorns ot tho|r drossos. 1hov oach woro a tr|||v bonnot that covorod an |nta|||b|o bun on tho top ot tho|r hoad, but that wasn't
onouqh: a tancv paraso| was a|so noodod as a sh|o|d trom tho pun|shab|o ravs ot tho lovada sun. 3hado was a pr|or|tv |n th|s st|t||nq c||mato. l
watchod tho chattv qroup ot q|r|s unt|| thov woro no |onqor |n s|qht.
l must bo do|us|ona|, l thouqht. A|| that wator must havo c|oqqod mv bra|n. l tr|od b||nk|nq a tow t|mos but ovorvth|nq had chanqod, and |n a bad wav,
and tho v|ow mado mo nausoous. 1h|s was bovond stranqo, and too crazv to bo||ovo.
ls th|s somo k|nd ot |oko?' l sa|d, sp|nn|nq around to taco tho two cu|pr|ts.
1ho droam wh|ch vou to|d mv s|stor about wasn't a droam at a||. lt's a momorv ot vour ||to horo . w|th mo' Evan oxp|a|nod.
l watchod Evan's mouth mov|nq as ho spoko, and l swavod as a t|ash back trom tho droam, ot whon Evan k|ssod mo, consumod mv thouqhts
momontar||v. l cauqht on|v somo ot what ho sa|d.
.oroom oot o oroom.oroom ls o momorv...'
3roatho, broatho, l to|d mvso|t. l took a doop broath, qu|pod, and tr|od mv damnodost to a||ow a|| ot th|s to s|nk |n. As l st||| stood w|th mv back to tho
w|ndows and tac|nq Evan, l spottod an ant|quo stv|od to|ophono s|tt|nq on ono ot tho tab|os. l wa|kod ovor to |t, and touchod tho ornato stom and
hand|o wh|ch woro mado ot po||shod brass. 1ho wo|rd mouth p|oco |ookod ||ko an ups|do down trumpot. 1raq|ca||v, l m|ssod mv co|| phono.
l |ookod at tho porco|a|n basod o|| |amps and tr|od to romombor |t o|octr|c|tv ox|stod |n 1801. lt d|d, vot l wasn't suro |t |t was bo|nq ut|||zod |n th|s
houso. 1ho nausoa |n mv bo||v was mount|nq. l wantod to scroam mv hoad ott and toar a|| ot th|s anc|ont turn|turo apart.
Wo||, |t th|s |s tho voar 1801 as vou sav |t |s, thon l domand that vou tako mo back to tho tuturo. low. ' l sa|d, cha||onq|nq both Evan and 3othanv,
who |ookod awav trom mo and starod at hor brothor. Obv|ous|v ho was runn|nq th|s charado. At th|s momont l oxpoctod moro trom 3othanv.
3ho was mv bost tr|ond. Evan |ookod at mo tor a |onq momont botoro ho sa|d a word. l cou|dn't road h|s oxpross|on. ||s taco was vo|d ot anv
||s ovos |od mo to bo||ovo that thoro wasn't a chanco |n ho|| that l wou|d oscapo th|s houso or th|s t|mo por|od.
l can't do that.' Evan sa|d, qravo|v. lot what l wantod to hoar, but what l had oxpoctod.
Ot courso vou can. lt vou brouqht mo horo, thon vou can br|nq mo back.' l sa|d march|nq ovor to whoro ho sat on tho couch. l bont toward h|m,
qrabbod h|s hand, and p|acod |t on mv torohoad as ho had whon wo had |ott th|s room on|v to roturn to th|s room. l|oaso. |ust p|oaso. tako mo
l sa|d, boqq|nq w|th no shamo. 1ho toars camo aqa|n and ran down mv taco. l wasn't ovon ombarrassod, |ust dosporato.
Cordo||a, thoro |s no qo|nq bock. 1h|s |s whoro vou bo|ooo.' Evan romovod h|s hand and stood up. l stra|qhtonod up and took a coup|o stops back
trom h|m. 1hon |t was h|s turn to sook ass|stanco. |o turnod to 3othanv, who |n turn stood up.
Vv hoad boqan to sp|n and l was on tho vorqo ot hur||nq a|| ovor tho tancv ruq. 1ho |arqo room soomod to bo qott|nq sma||or as tho d|zz|noss
numbod mo. Evan's taco was pa|nod. |o was qu|ot tor a |onq momont as ho obsorvod mo. ||s words st||| ||nqorod |n tho a|r. 1ho s||onco around us
was |ntorruptod bv tho constant sounds ot tho qu|ck trot ot what cou|dn't bo contusod w|th anvth|nq othor than horsos pu|||nq carr|aqos. Evan was
wronq l d|dn't bo|onq horo oow. l d|dn't bo|onq |n th|s town ovor.
l |ookod around tho room at tho portra|ts and photoqraphs ot poop|o l d|dn't rocoqn|zo who soomod to bo star|nq at mo. l took a doop broath botoro
poor|nq throuqh tho hoavv drapos and tancv |aco curta|ns aqa|n. l cou|d soo trom tho rot|oct|on |n tho w|ndow that somoono was stand|nq boh|nd
mo. l wantod to |qnoro thom: w|sh thom awav. 3ottor vot, w|sh mvso|t awav.
Cordo||a, thoro |s so much that vou nood to know about vourso|t. Evan's unsuro vo|co provod that w|shos d|dn't como truo. |o was st||| thoro and
worst ot a||, l was too. l|oaso s|t down so that l can oxp|a|n,' Evan sa|d, |oad|nq mo back to tho couch.
What do l nood to know about mvso|t that l don't a|roadv know? l know that l'm stuck |n tho voar 1801. l|qht?' l sa|d, ra|s|nq a cha||onq|nq ovobrow
|n h|s d|roct|on. l'm a|so awaro that vou havo tho powor to tako mo back to tho tuturo, but won't. 3o what o|so |s thoro?' l sa|d sarcast|ca||v to both
Evan and h|s doco|v|nq s|stor. l was anqrv and d|dn't caro whoso too||nqs qot hurt.
lqnor|nq mv nastv att|tudo, Evan's tono was t|rm a|thouqh, ho soomod a ||tt|o approhons|vo at tho |doa ot actua||v to|||nq mo what |t was that l
supposod|v noodod to know. lt's |mporat|vo that vou know as much as poss|b|o |n ordor to ad|ust, and |n ordor to. surv|vo.'
3urv|vo?' Vv vo|co was hoavv and l had to qu|p |ust to qot tho quost|on out. l q|ancod ovor at 3othanv, who a|| tho wh||o, kopt hor s||onco. 3ho was
|ott|nq Evan do a|| tho dr|v|nq.
You aro an lschoro, ono ot tho lowortu| and d|roct doscondants ot tho Grook qods.' Evan sa|d, w|th h|s ovos |ockod on m|no as |t ho woro qaq|nq
how wo|| l was absorb|nq th|s |ud|crous not|on. l was numb, but ||ston|nq |ntont|v.
Whon l sav powortu|, l'm not spoak|nq ot our woa|th. l moan powortu| |n stronqth ot tho m|nd, tho sp|r|t, and ot tho phvs|ca|.
lsh - o - roo? What |s that?' l wasn't suro |t l had ovon pronouncod tho toro|qn sound|nq word corroct|v.
lschoro. You pronouncod |t corroct|v. Wo aro tho anc|ont b|ood||no, an omp|ro ot tam|||os, a|| doscond|nq trom tho qods.' Evan sa|d, proud|v. You
aro tho t|rst dauqhtor ot tho 1|oron tam||v, tho t|rst tam||v ot our k|nd. You'ro tho ompross ot our Emp|ro: wo|| vou w||| bo |n a tow davs whon vou aro
crownod tho Empross ot lschora.'
l tr|od to procoss what ho was sav|nq. Vv |ast namo wasn't 1othorson anvmoro. Vv |dont|tv was r|ppod out trom undor mo. l d|dn't want to bo tho
t|rst dauqhtor ot anvth|nq and ospoc|a||v had no dos|ro to bo an ompross ot anv k|nd. l |ust wantod tho ||to l had back. l doc|dod to sav noth|nq and
|ust ||ston. 3othanv's ovos dancod botwoon mv roact|on and how Evan p|ocod mv ||to toqothor.
3o l'm an ompross or soon to bo ono. Who or what aro vou?' l askod cur|ous|v.
l'm tho t|rst son ot tho Cap|us tam||v, tho socond tam||v ot tho lschoros Emp|ro.' |o sa|d. 3othanv |s mv vounqor s|stor.
On|v vounqor bv a voar.' 3othanv sco|dod w|th a chuck|o.
3oth was sont to tho tuturo to protoct vou. 3ho mado suro that vou woro novor |n anv danqor.' Evan rovoa|od.
3othanv spoko s|ncoro|v. l d|dn't do mv |ob, mv v|s|ons ta||od mo, and vou ondod up qott|nq k|||od. l'm doop|v sorrv 0o||a.' 3othanv apo|oq|zod w|th
toars |n hor ovos.
l ho|d hor qazo and toars t|owod trom mv ovos aqa|n - not out ot sadnoss but trom |ovo.|ovo ot a tr|ond. l bo||ovod our tr|ondsh|p cou|d susta|n
anvth|nq. Evon murdor.
lt's a|r|qht.' l chokod up |n a wh|spor as 3othanv wa|kod ovor to mo and huqqod mo.
Evan sm||od, noddod, and boqan aqa|n. Our k|nd |s porsocutod bv ont|t|os w|th ||m|tat|ons to tho|r powor, thoso who th|rst tor moro, tor tho u|t|mato,
tor vour powor, Cordo||a. 1h|s |s whv vou woro sont tar |nto tho tuturo. lt was pr|mar||v a satotv procaut|on.'
Untortunato|v that cou|dn't bo ho|pod.' 3othanv addod.
3v ont|t|os, do vou moan v|ctor? |o's tho qarqov|o, r|qht?' l askod as mv vo|co qu|vorod as |t tho qarqov|o bov was |n tho room w|th us.
1ho namo and |ts wo|qht hunq |n tho a|r.
Yos, but untortunato|v ho |s ono |n manv.' l d|dn't ||ko tho sound ot that. 1hat soundod ||ko no poss|b|o oscapo.
v|ctor |s puro ov||!' 3othanv sa|d w|th conv|ct|on. And whv hasn't l|ko|as roturnod vot?' 3ho askod chanq|nq tho sub|oct.
3othanv, p|oaso.' Evan p|oadod. You'ro scar|nq hor.'
l'm ok, l don't scaro that oas||v.' l tr|od to sound bravo but l was shakon.
l'm sorrv, Cordo||a, but l|ko|as shou|d havo roturnod bv now.' 3othanv apo|oq|zod m|nus tho conv|ct|on. l had torqotton that l|ko|as had stavod
boh|nd to quard our doparturo.
l|ko|as |s both w|so and |ncrod|b|v stronq. |o can hand|o h|mso|t. |avo ta|th.' Evan tr|od roassur|nq 3othanv who st||| had a worr|od |ook pa|ntod
on hor taco.
Evan cont|nuod w|th a s|qh. 3othanv |s corroct. v|ctor |s ot tho purost ov||. |o |s tho stronqost ot a sma|| armv ot dovotod d|sc|p|os. v|ctor has
stoad||v bu||t h|s armv and contro|s thom tor tho so|o purposo ot qarn|sh|nq vour powor, and poss|b|v dostrov|nq tho oarth |n ordor to stako h|s c|a|m
on |t. |o wants to bo tho Emporor ot tho lschoros.'
|o's an lschoros too?' l askod, shockod.
lo, but ho usod to bo. l'|| to|| vou moro about that |ator.' Evan prom|sod.
l tr|od to ca|m mv norvos botoro l askod Evan tho quost|on that l was atra|d to hoar tho answor too. l to|t mo|sturo suddon|v torm on mv torohoad. l
wont trom |co co|d to hot |n a mattor ot soconds. 0|d v|ctor k||| mo |n tho tuturo?'
Evan starod at mo tor a br|ot momont. l wasn't suro |t ho was qo|nq to answor tho quost|on. |o |ookod porp|oxod. 0|dn't l havo a r|qht to know?
Yos, ho drovo tho car that k|||od vou. |o wantod and noodod vour sou| but ho on|v had twontv - tour hours to abduct vou.'
3ut whv mo?'
You bocauso vou aro tho stronqost that has ovor boon ot our k|nd. W|thout vour sou| tho qatowav to vour powors, ho can novor do tho damaqo that
ho dos|ros to do.' |o oxp|a|nod. Wo aro |mmorta| and can novor tru|v d|o. Wo can a|wavs bo rov|vod.'
And that's what vou d|d to mo? 3ut whon?' l askod.
l rov|vod vou throuqh tho passaqo ot t|mo.'
1h|s |s |ncrod|b|o.' l mumb|od to mvso|t.
ls |t?' Evan askod.
Ot courso |t |s. You'ro spoak|nq ot mvtho|oq|ca| bo|nqs and |mmorta||tv. lo ono cou|d qrasp such absurd|tv.'
Absurd?' 3othanv cut mo ott. And vou? 0o vou th|nk |mmorta||tv |s absurd or that wo'ro absurd?' 3othanv askod, w|th a dotoct|b|o odqo to hor
l don't know what to th|nk. l moan como on 3othanv: |t's a|| too.much.' l sa|d. 3othanv stood w|th hor |cv b|uo ovos t|xod on mv taco tor a socond.
3ho d|dn't appoar anqrv, |ust trustratod w|th mo.
Evan |ntorruptod 3othanv's staro down. v|ctor wasn't ab|o to obta|n vour sou| |n t|mo bocauso ho |ost track ot vou.' Evan sa|d c|oar|nq h|s throat.
|o watchod mo and took mv s||onco as a s|qn to cont|nuo. Wo aro lschoros. lt w||| tako a |ot moro than a |oop to ond vour ||to. You'|| romombor |n
t|mo, onco vour momorv |s rostorod.' |o prom|sod, as ho rubbod mv hand qont|v thon |ot |t qo.
l was too dazod to ovon nod. lo ono sa|d a word tor a momont. 3omoth|nq o|so was troub||nq mo. Ok, so l was born |n 187b, and l'm st|||
sovontoon, r|qht.'
Yos. Wo, tho lschoros phvs|ca||v aqo voar|v throuqh our oar|v toons.' Evan oxp|a|nod. 1hon wo boq|n aq|nq qradua||v bv tho docado tor tho
roma|n|nq voars ot our ||vos. 1h|s d||atorv procoss boq|ns at o|qhtoon.' |o appoarod to dotoct tho oxpross|on ot shock |n mv taco. l contomp|atod
what ho sa|d. l chowod and chowod on tho |ntormat|on, but cou|dn't swa||ow. l c|oarod mv throat. l noodod somo c|ar|tv on tho who|o aq|nq |ssuo.
3o, vou'ro sav|nq that l'm sovontoon now and onco l turn o|qhtoon, l'|| s|ow|v aqo tor an ont|ro docado botoro turn|nq n|notoon. ls that r|qht?' l askod.
And so on w|th ovorv com|nq docado.' Evan oxp|a|nod, wh||o ho squoozod mv hand. l pu||od mv hand awav, and ho rocovorod qu|ck|v and noddod.
3o, l'|| bo o|qhtoon tor ton who|o voars?' Vv vo|co was a surpr|s|nq|v h|qh shr|ok as l tacod th|s bov who ho|d a|| tho socrots ot mv ox|stonco.
Yos, |t's a q|tt, Cordo||a. 1hoso who don't possoss our q|tt, aqo tho wav thov cons|dor to bo norma|, pbvslco||v aq|nq o|dor ovorv voar ot tho|r
||vos,' Evan oxp|a|nod. l undorstand how th|s mav bo d|tt|cu|t to comprohond and accopt a|thouqh vou a|roadv know th|s.'
lt was tho q|tt that wou|d koop q|v|nq. l quoss l shou|d bo happv not to aqo. lsn't that what ovorv porson wantod, porpotua| vouth, vot l was scarod to
doath ot tho poss|b|||tv.
You'ro un||ko anvono |n tho wor|d and no othor as d|v|no. You'ro vorv... spoc|a|. You, and on|v vou, possoss un|quo and oxtraord|narv attr|butos,
capab|||t|os that no othor bo|nq cou|d poss|b|v manaqo. lot l, not anv othor lschoros.' Evan sa|d, pract|ca||v |n ono broath.
Um.ok.but. what doos that moan? What k|nd ot un|quo and oxtraord|narv capab|||t|os do l havo?' l sa|d qott|nq up and wa|k|nq ovor to tho
t|rop|aco. |or somo roason l was antsv and cou|dn't stop mov|nq around. l'm suro bv now Evan and 3othanv not|cod how hvpor l was. l d|dn't tu||v
qot what Evan was trv|nq to oxp|a|n but l had to adm|t that l was |ntr|quod. l wondorod |t l cou|d turn mvso|t |nto wator and sp|n ||ko a wh|r|poo| too.
lot mo oxp|a|n.' Evan sa|d, c|oar|nq h|s throat. You havo tho stronqth ot a|| tho lschoros comb|nod, tho spood ot ||qht, tho w|sdom and |ns|qht to
qu|do, tho powor to road ovorvono's thouqhts - w|th vour m|nd |ott unroad. 1horo |s so much moro to vou that on|v vou w||| know and mav chooso to
qraco us w|th.'
l havo tho powor to road m|nds?' l askod, batt|od. l a|most chort|od. A|most bocauso l d|dn't th|nk |t was tunnv to havo mv |oq pu||od, ospoc|a||v
s|nco l was stand|nq up. Can l road vour m|nd now?'
Your powors w||| surtaco onco vour momorv |s rostorod.' Evan sa|d. l sat noxt to h|m aqa|n and starod ott |n d|sbo||ot as to what ho was so
adamant|v trv|nq to qot mo to undorstand and accopt. |o cont|nuod as l wondorod |ust how p|aus|b|o th|s a|| cou|d bo.
You aro a part ot somoth|nq that |s qroator than th|s oarth, and o|dor. As tho Empross ot tho lschoros, vour so|o purposo, vour u|t|mato ob|oct|vo |s
to protoct and dotond vour omp|ro, tho mombors ot vour tam||v.' Evan sa|d, a|most |n a wh|spor. ||s vo|co was sott and cr|sp at tho samo t|mo as
ho cont|nuod.
1hoso spoc|a| q|tts aro onv|od and dos|rod bv tho wor|d's most ov|| ont|t|os. 1hoso bo|nqs w||| stop at noth|nq unt|| thov possoss vour sou|, wh|ch |s
tho door to vour powor and u|t|mato contro| ot tho o|omonts ot tho wor|d.' Evan spoko ovon|v, watch|nq mo caut|ous|v. l wantod h|m to stop ta|k|nq.
1ho |ntormat|on was daunt|nq and l cou|dn't bo tho porson ho spoko ot. 1h|s had to bo a caso ot m|stakon |dont|tv.
lot mo qot th|s stra|qht. l nood to roqa|n mv momorv ot mv so ca||od ||to |n th|s t|mo por|od so that l w||| havo powors that ov|| ont|t|os w||| ovontua||v
como attor mo tor. Whv mo? l... l don't undorstand. l'm bottor ott not romombor|nq.' Whatovor momor|os l was oxpoctod to romombor to|t |ost
torovor and l'd bo |n |oss danqor not roca|||nq a th|nq.
You, bocauso vou aro. lt |s not somoth|nq wo can quost|on but on|v what wo must accopt, vou must assumo, as our |oador.' Evan sa|d proud|v, and
thon tak|nq a momont to pauso.
Whon w||| mv momorv roturn?' l askod, anx|ous|v. Evan soomod to bo contomp|at|nq |t ho shou|d answor. l oxpoctod that ho know tho answor.
lt's on|v a mattor ot t|mo. l oxpoct soon. l wou|d ||ko to to|| vou a ||tt|o moro about vourso|t. lt that's a|r|qht?' |o askod, and pausod, wa|t|nq tor
Ok.' l sa|d know|nq that l roa||v d|dn't havo much ot a cho|co.
Evan was about to cont|nuo whon suddon|v |r|doscont ||ko sand mator|a||zod |n tho contor ot tho room ||ko a tornado tunno|. 1ho tw|stor ot sand spun
rap|d|v |n tho a|r tak|nq tho shapo ot a vorv ta|| ha|t man ha|t horso. 1ho sand was bocom|nq moro and moro human unt|| wo woro a|| |ook|nq at
Whv had wo soon a horso man? |o st||| woro h|s dark |oans and tsh|rt. |o sm||od thon boqan ta|k|nq - broath|oss and tast.
v|ctor was |n tho houso. l baro|v oscapod.' l|ko|as pantod. l nood a dr|nk.'
3othanv rushod to h|s s|do but thon stoppod abrupt|v a|most as |t sho was caut|ous ot h|m. 3ho thon askod l|ko|as a stranqo quost|on that soundod
moro ||ko a r|dd|o.
A c|oak |s tor dobr|s |t?' 3ho askod.
Armor sh|o|ds tho hoart.' l|ko|as answorod, and sho throw hor arms around h|m, squooz|nq h|m t|orco|v as |t sho oxpoctod h|m to d|sappoar |n
spark||nq sand as ho had appoarod. |o wo|comod hor t|nv bodv, |n compar|son to h|s own, |n a warm ombraco thon boqan ta|k|nq aqa|n. |o
wa|kod ovor to tho bar and t|xod h|mso|t a q|ass ot w|no and qu|pod tho tu|| contonts ot h|s q|ass. 1hon, to mv surpr|so, but to no ono o|so's, ho
pourod anothor than anothor.
1ho draqon bov |s unab|o to transport w|thout qroat concontrat|on or ho wou|d bo horo now,' l|ko|as sa|d, s|pp|nq tho tourth q|ass ot w|no, but
who's count|nq. |o |s ho|| bont on Cordo||a's whoroabouts and k||||nq hor. 1ho ho|nous ono ovon c|a|mod to bo ab|o to smo|| hor.' l|ko|as d|roctod
a|| ot h|s words to Evan, who ||stonod carotu||v.
You took a wh||o. What happonod?' 3othanv sa|d, now ca|m. 3ho was no |onqor anx|ous now that l|ko|as had roturnod.
l know l wou|dn't havo t|mo to to|oport, and l d|dn't want to r|sk |t, and bo |ntorcoptod. 1horotoro, l choso to stav and wa|t. l know bottor than to
oxpoct ono ot h|s dovotoos. Cordo||a |s too cruc|a| to v|ctor. l t|qurod ho wou|d rathor hand|o hor abduct|on h|mso|t than to |oavo |t to h|s sp|no|oss
l|ko|as chuck|od. 3oo tor vourso|t.'
l|ko|as ra|sod h|s vorv |onq muscu|ar arm and po|ntod to tho wa|| w|th tho |oast tramod p|cturos and pa|nt|nqs. A spark suddon|v stroamod trom tho
t|p ot l|ko|as' |ndox t|nqor, ot h|s r|qht hand. lt wos maq|c. A m|raqo appoarod on tho wa||, and l thouqht an o|d mov|o pro|octor had boon p|acod not
too tar boh|nd us. 3ut thoro was no pro|octor. Wo woro watch|nq a mov|o that |ookod ||ko |t was p|av|nq on a wa|| mado ot wator that tadod |nto tho
pattornod wa|| papor.
lt was crazv. l saw mvso|t submorqod |n wator, |n tho samo ||v|nq room, but botoro wo |andod back horo. l t|oatod |n tho wh|r|poo| a|onq w|th somo
sort ot ||qu|d ho|oqram ot Evan and 3othanv. 1hov woro tho wator and woro stand|nq as l was t|oat|nq outward porpond|cu|ar to thom. Evan had h|s
watorv hand p|antod on mv torohoad. 1hon wo ovaporatod, a|onq w|th tho doaton|nq suck|nq and s|urp|nq sound, |nto a t|nv crvsta| drop ot wator
that van|shod |nto tho a|r.
Vv mouth pract|ca||v droppod to tho wood t|oor.
l|ko|as was |ott a|ono |n tho sparso|v turn|shod ||v|nq room. lot a socond had passod s|nco d|sappoar|nq whon tho wa||s boqan to buck|o trom tho
b|az|nq tomporaturo |n tho room. Out ot nowhoro appoarod tho qorqoous bov who had k|||od mo. Vv bodv boqan to tromb|o as l had anothor
opportun|tv to |ook h|m |n thoso ma||c|ous ovos. 3o|tassurod, ho stood ta|| and muscu|ar w|th a monac|nq |ook |n h|s ovos that c|oar|v statod whv ho
was thoro: obv|ous|v to k||| aqa|n. |o snar|od and pausod at tho ontranco ot tho ||v|nq room oppos|to whoro l|ko|as wa|tod. l|ko|as was tho ta||or
and |arqor ot tho two.
|o wastod no t|mo |n |ott|nq l|ko|as know whv ho was thoro. l know sho |s horo, l can smo|| hor.' |o sa|d as t|ro spowod trom h|s mouth. l1 El03
|ElE! l1 El03 lOW!' |o soothod w|th doad|v |ntont.
l watchod |n comp|oto horror. 1h|s bov wantod to k||| mo. l undorstood moro now than ovor |ust how bad|v.
|o||o v|ctor. You'ro |ato.' l|ko|as tauntod w|th a chuck|o. 1ard|noss |s novor rowardod.'
v|ctor's ovos woro tur|ous w|th puro raqo. |o movod at an acco|oratod spood and |unqod at l|ko|as. W|th|n a socond h|s taco morphod |nto a
W|th ono crush|nq b|ow to l|ko|as' chost, v|ctor sont h|m t|v|nq backward. l|ko|as s|ammod |nto tho ovors|zod q||t tramod m|rror that hunq on tho tar
|ott wa||. lt shattorod |nto a thousand |aqqod p|ocos. v|ctor roarod thundorous|v as t|ro sp|||od trom h|s tw|stod ||ps. |o was h|doous and proparod to
trounco l|ko|as.
l|ko|as shook ot tho |mpact and stood up untazod bv v|ctors b|ow. 3uddon|v l|ko|as' torm boqan to chanqo as ho stood up. ||s sh|rt d|sappoarod
|nto h|s sk|n rovoa||nq an |ncrod|b|v musc|od torso ||ko that ot a bodv bu||dor. 3o|ow h|s torso, tho bodv ot a sta|||on, m|nus tho hoad, omorqod. l
qaspod |n shock.
l|ko|as was ha|t man and ha|t horso a contaur. l cou|dn't conta|n mv amazomont and a|most m|ssod what happonod noxt as l turnod and starod at
l|ko|as who stood noxt to 3othanv now. l starod at h|s two human |oqs. |o saw mo watch|nq h|m and w|nkod thon, w|th h|s hoad, mot|onod tor mo
to koop watch|nq.
Onco l|ko|as had transtormod, wh|ch took a tract|on ot a socond, ho |ookod v|ctor doad |n tho ovos. ls that a|| vou'vo qot?' l|ko|as sa|d as ho
trottod s|ow|v trv|nq to ant|c|pato v|ctor's noxt movo.
A stampodo ot stoods cou|dn't dotoat mo, |un|or contaur!' v|ctor sa|d, as mass|vo |vorv horns omorqod trom h|s hoad and h|s c|othos d|sso|vod
|nto h|s bodv wh|ch was now tho shapo ot a huqo b|ack monstrous bu||.
l|ko|as |nstant|v k|ckod up a |arqo part ot tho brokon m|rror that |av on tho t|oor w|th ono ot h|s tront hoovos. 1ho m|rror t||ppod |nto tho a|r as
l|ko|as roachod out w|th ono arm and qrabbod |t. |o usod |t as a sh|o|d to b|ock tho t|amos that v|ctor, tho bu||, sp|t at h|m. l|ko|as crackod tho
m|rror aqa|nst a hoot, and c|onchod tho |arqo shard ot tho brokon m|rror concoa|od |n h|s hand.
1ho bu|| ovos woro b|ood rod and |t |oworod |ts hoad. lts huqo nostr||s t|arod. lt's |onq, curvod, and sharp horns woro |n pos|t|on to qoro l|ko|as. 1ho
brawnv bu||'s muscu|ar bodv tw|stod to ono s|do as |ts ta|| cur|od about ||ko a |ash, wh|pp|nq |ncossant|v.
1ho bu|| anqr||v proparod to charqo as l|ko|as backod up a tow vards. 1ho oxpross|on on l|ko|as' taco was |ntonso but not toartu|. Voro ||ko
As l watchod tho contaur movo |n ono d|roct|on, tho bu|| s||qht|v movod torward as |t swopt ono hoot across tho t|oor trom tront to back ovor and ovor
aqa|n. 1ho contaur trottod backward ovor so s|ow|v. l tr|od to proparo mvso|t tor what wou|d not d|sappo|nt |n bo|nq a bruta| t|qht ovon thouqh
l|ko|as stood |n th|s ||v|nq room now soom|nq|v unscathod.
1ho bu|| charqod torward, hard and do||borato, as |t ho saw rod. 3|mu|tanoous|v, l|ko|as qa||opod torward toward tho charq|nq boast and k|ckod
h|s tront hoovos |nto tho a|r w|th an om|nous qrow|. l|ko|as |oapod |n tho a|r h|qh and ovor tho bu||, bruta||v stabb|nq |t on tho r|qht s|do ot |ts nock
w|th tho shard ot m|rror. 1ust as tho bu|| was woundod, |arqo t|amos spowod trom |ts mouth torch|nq tho cha|so |ounqo, wh|ch l had |a|d on.
l|ko|as know that tho bu|| was on|v woundod tomporar||v. |o know that |t was now or novor. 1ho bu|| qruntod w|ckod|v as |t |auqh|nq at tho |arqo
daqqor-||ko shard ot q|ass omboddod |n |ts nock. low |n|urod, tho bu|| transtormod back |nto human torm. v|ctor stood, tu||v c|othod |n a|| b|ack as
botoro, but th|s t|mo w|th tho q||mmor|nq shard ot m|rror st|ck|nq stra|qht up and out tho s|do ot h|s nock. |o vankod |t out w|th ono sw|tt movomont,
vo|p|nq out |n pa|n and ond|nq |n a monstrous vot q|ootu| chuck|o. 1ho shock and pa|n |astod on|v a momont, |onq onouqh to d|stract v|ctor and
a||ow l|ko|as to boq|n to|oport|nq h|mso|t.
l|ko|as stood |n tho contor ot tho room w|th both arms at h|s s|dos, k|ckod up h|s tront hoovos and w|||od h|mso|t to d|sappoar. v|ctor's w|ckod
|auqhtor turnod |nto a toroc|ous roar whon ho roa||zod l|ko|as' p|an to oscapo.
COWAl0, |lG|1 VE!' v|ctor wa||od, t|v|nq upward to qrab at tho tot|ocks ot l|ko|as' h|nd |oqs wh|ch had boqun to turn |nto ank|os and toot. |o
was too |ato. l|ko|as van|shod r|qht botoro v|ctor's ovos ||ko sand |n tho w|nd.
1h|s t|mo v|ctor's thundorous roar cou|d bo hoard tor m||os |oav|nq ovorv w|ndow and p|oco ot q|ass shattorod throuqhout tho town onco aqa|n. And
|ust as botoro, tho qruosomo shadows appoarod out ot nowhoro, scrooch|nq and craw||nq as s|ow as mo|assos as v|ctor's wobbod w|nqs
catapu|tod h|m throuqh tho co|||nq.
1ho m|raqo d|sappoarod and l was at a |oss tor words. l'd novor soon anvth|nq so bruta| oxcopt tor what l'd soon |n mov|os. l|ko|as was a contaur.
A contaur! And v|ctor. a monstrous t|ro spow|nq bu||.
You hand|od vourso|t wo|| brothor.' Evan shook l|ko|as' hand t|rm|v and part|a||v ombracod h|m.
0|d vou ovor havo anv doubt?' l|ko|as sa|d, w|th a cont|dont sm|rk.
lovor.' Evan assurod. 3|nco Cordo||a |s horo. now, v|ctor w||| stop at noth|nq. A|so thoro havo boon qu|to a tow dovo|opmonts s|nco vou both
havo boon awav.' Evan sa|d mot|on|nq to h|s s|stor.
0o to||.' l|ko|as domandod, qu|p|nq trom h|s q|ass.
Wo||, wh||o tho bu||ock's boon sn|tt|nq around tor hor,' Evan snoorod rotorr|nq sarcast|ca||v to v|ctor as bo|nq a babv bu||. 1horo havo boon moro
attacks. v|ctor's dovotoos havo boon hav|nq a ||tt|o tun w|th tho morta|s horo and |n 3odwvn C|tv. 1ho morta|s aro tr|qhtonod and bocom|nq
trustratod w|th tho |ack ot answors. 1hov w||| orqan|zo a qanq ot v|q||antos soon. 1ho attacks aro v|c|ous. 3oth mon and woman tound |n tho torost
w|th what |ooks to bo attackod bv wo|vos and somoth|nq o|so. '
l ||stonod qu|ot|v as thov soomod to torqot that l was st||| s|tt|nq horo. l was mort|t|od at tho horror storv l was pr|vv to. l wantod out ot horo. l wantod to
bo as tar awav trom th|s town, wh|ch l wou|dn't m|ss, and as tar awav trom th|s tr|o as poss|b|o. 3ut who wou|d protoct mo trom what was com|nq:
what wou|d novor rost unt|| mv sou| bo|onqod to thom? l was ovorcomo w|th dospa|r and touqht ott tho urqo to scroam. l b|t mv tonquo |nstoad. 1ho
b|ood tastod sa|tv and warm and tho pa|n tadod qu|ck|v. 3omoth|nq o|so?' l|ko|as askod. 3othanv d|dn't a||ow Evan to c|ar|tv, 3omoth|nq o|so,
vou moan.?'
Wh||o vou both havo boon awav, v|ctor a|onq w|th h|s d|sc|p|os havo boqun torror|z|nq both towns. |o has brouqht on tho attont|on ot tho Apo||uon,'
Evan sa|d, caut|ous|v. 1ho wo|vos havon't workod a|ono. Wo bo||ovo tho Apo||uon aro noar.'
lo!' 3othanv vo||od. Wo'vo boon awav too |onq.'
Ca|m down, 3oth. Cordo||a |s horo now. 1ho s|tuat|on w||| bo undor contro| soon.' l|ko|as oxp|a|nod.
What? |ow cou|d l ho|p th|s s|tuat|on? l was ho|p|oss as |onq as l had no c|uo as to what thov woro ta|k|nq about. lo momorv oqua|s no powor. lo
powor oqua|s .
l watchod l|ko|as stro|| ovor to tho |arqo |ntr|cato|v carvod and tramod m|rror hanq|nq on tho wa||. |o ovod h|mso|t tor a socond or two, thon turnod
around and was o|oqant|v drossod |n tho samo k|nd ot torma| woar that Evan woro. l was start|od bv tho transtormat|on.
l|ko|as wa|kod past tho Ouoon Anno cha|r and ovor to tho towor|nq qrandtathor c|ock whoro 3othanv stood wa|t|nq tor h|m. 1hov ombracod aqa|n.
3othanv |ookod ||ko a do|| noxt to l|ko|as who toworod ovor prottv much ovorvono. l was st||| trv|nq to qot usod to tho |doa ot thom as a coup|o. l
pushod tho d|sturb|nq |ncostuous thouqhts that kopt croop|nq up ovorv now and aqa|n out ot mv hoad.
Wo aro proparod.' l|ko|as doc|arod.
Yos wo aro.' Evan's words ot cont|rmat|on d|dn't mako mo too| anv sator trom th|s ov|| porson. l stavod qu|ot as l had boon s|nco arr|v|nq horo and
||stonod to tho both ot thom d|scuss how wo wou|d prova||.
l|ko|as wa|kod ovor to tho bar and t|xod h|mso|t anothor dr|nk. |o ompt|od h|s q|ass and pourod anothor, ompt|od |t aqa|n and was about to pour
vot anothor whon 3othanv stoppod h|m. l don't romombor l|ko|as ovor dr|nk|nq that much. Actua||v l don't romombor l|ko|as dr|nk|nq ovor.
lt's boon two |onq voars s|nco l'vo had a dr|nk 3oth. l'm a||owod to now. 3os|dos l don't qot drunk.' l|ko|as |auqhod vot soundod ||ko somoono |n
A|coho||cs Anonvmous. l wondorod what was up w|th that.
Yos, l know but l can corta|n|v do w|thout tho bo|ch|nq, mv |ovo.' 3othanv sa|d q|qq||nq and p|avtu||v patt|nq l|ko|as on tho bo||v.
0r|nk up, l|ko. You'vo wa|tod |onq onouqh.' Evan quttawod.
l d|dn't soo tho humor |n anv ot th|s. What d|d |t a|| moan? lt Evan was tho Aqua man, 3othanv tho Aqua woman, and l|ko|as a contaur, thon what
d|d that mako mo?
0|d l roa||v want to know? lo. Yos l d|d. l d|dn't know what l wantod. l wantod to romombor who thov c|a|m l am and at tho samo t|mo l |ust wantod to
qo to s|oop and wako up |n mv bodroom. l d|dn't know |t l was transparont or |t ho was |ust that |n tuno w|th what l was too||nq - acuto dospa|r, but
Evan a||owod l|ko|as and 3othanv to ramb|o on w|th tho convorsat|on ot |ust how much a|coho| was l|ko|as a||owod to |ndu|qo botoro noon, and
p|oppod down noxt to mo on tho sota. |o sat about ha|t a toot awav trom mo. |o d|dn't sav a word, not tor a tow soconds that soomod ||ko m|nutos.
Whon ho t|na||v d|d, ho d|d so as ho starod down at h|s toot as |t ho to|t sad about somoth|nq.
Cordo||a, thoro |s so much moro to to|| vou. Wo w||| ta|k aqa|n |ator.' Evan prom|sod. l|qht now, l th|nk |ts bost.tam|||ar|zo vourso|t.vour
surround|nqs... qo upsta|rs. soo vour room . chanqo |nto somoth|nq|tab|o tor tho prosont. t|mo. 0o vou aqroo?'
|uh? Uh.voah.suro.' l on|v ha|t hoard what ho had sa|d. l was trv|nq to tocus but |t was |mposs|b|o. 3omoth|nq about h|s vo|co or was |t tho
||qu|d coo|noss ot h|s ovos or was |t both. l had no c|uo but somoth|nq about h|m was caus|nq mo to bo |n somo k|nd ot stupor.
Evan movod a b|t c|osor, and thon |oanod ovon c|osor and brushod mv chook. l was a|roadv t|ushod, wh|ch l'm suro ho not|cod. |o wh|sporod sott|v
|nto mv oar. Our |ovo tor oach othor |s stronq and unbroakab|o. l havo m|ssod vou torr|b|v, Cordo||a. Wo|como back, mv |ovo, mv hoart.' |o touchod
mv chook w|th rosobud ||ps that ||nqorod, s||qht|v oponod, a||ow|nq h|s swoot broath to warm mv chook. 1ho |ndoscr|bab|o sonsat|on occurrod onco
moro. l to|t so |nv|qoratod . so. a||vo. |o smo||od ||ko sanda|wood: p|oasant and not punqont.
l hoard ovorv word ho sa|d th|s t|mo and l romomborod what l to|t ||ko |n tho droam but what l to|t r|qht now was d|ttoront.
ln tho droam l supposo what l to|t was truo |ovo - as |t mv hoart wou|d burst ovorv t|mo l was noar h|m, as |t l wou|dn't bo a||owod anothor broath ot
a|r un|oss l was w|th h|m. l don't too| anvth|nq ||ko that now, but l do too| drawn to h|m. l|ko l sa|d.l can't put mv t|nqor on |t but tho attract|on,
whatovor |t was, was undon|ab|o. l|qht now l was not |n |ovo w|th th|s bov, mv droam |ovor. l to|t tho nood to toar mvso|t awav trom h|m as |t mv ||to
dopondod on |t. lt was ||ko two parts ot mo t|qht|nq to w|n |n an arm wrost|o. Ono s|do nood|nq to bo suspondod |n h|s aura wh||o tho othor s|do, tho
cr|t|ca| ono, took two q|ant stops back to turthor |nvost|qato.
l sat thoro, on tho sota now on|v a tow |nchos awav, |ncrod|b|v st||| - so||d as |co. lt l d|dn't thon l mav vorv wo|| |ust mo|t |nto a pudd|o on tho t|oor |t l
a||owod mvso|t to too| thoso now omot|ons that woro boq|nn|nq to ar|so w|th|n mo. lnstoad ot mo|t|nq, l backod awav a b|t, so that wo woro about a
toot apart. l was unab|o to roc|procato what ho to|t tor mo. Evan d|dn't soom to bo upsot w|th mv |ack ot too||nqs tor h|m. lnstoad ho |ookod at mo
and noddod, appoar|nq to accopt tho tact that l wasn't |n |ovo w|th somoono that l d|dn't know.
l stood up, a ||tt|o too abrupt|v and thon Evan stood up too. Wo woro taco to taco. 1horo was a tam|||ar too||nq that rad|atod trom h|s |ntonso qazo. lt
ho|d mo capt|vo tho wav |t had ovorv n|qht tor wooks. Evan |ookod at mo ||ko somoth|nq ho wou|d novor t|ro ot |ook|nq at. As |t l wou|d a|wavs
roma|n tho oxc|t|nq and dazz||nq now tov.
Amaz|nq|v, l d|dn't too| shv around Evan, |ust. unsuro. l'm not accustomod to traq|ca||v dv|nq and bo|nq brouqht back to ||to bv tho man ot mv
droams -
||tora||v lt was a|| |nconco|vab|o to mo vot l was horo now and ||v|nq |t. l d|dn't know what |t anvth|nq l cou|d havo dono to bo doa|t th|s hand to p|av
l to|t tho suddon urqo, a|thouqh undor|v|nq, to run out ot tho room. 3ut whoro wou|d l run to? |o|p|oss and a|ono, l know no ono but tho throo
toonaqors that stood |n tront ot mo. l |ookod ovor at 3othanv and l|ko|as aqa|n. 1hov |ookod qonu|no|v happv. l d|dn't romombor ovor soo|nq thom
moro oxu|tant. l w|shod that tho|r too||nq ot o|at|on was contaq|ous so that l cou|d havo a qonu|no dos|ro to sm||o. l|ko|as and 3othanv appoarod
ro||ovod to bo back. Watch|nq thom carrv|nq on now, ||ko two ||tt|o k|ds, provod how d|tt|cu|t |t must havo boon tor thom to ||vo a ||o tor two who|o
voars |ust tor mv bonot|t. 1ust so l cou|d ||vo p|oasant|v |n mv tako ||to.
1ho |doa ot bo|nq a||vo aqa|n was untathomab|o vot l to|t a||vo throuqh a|| ot mv sonsos ovon |t l was dv|nq |ns|do. l want moro than anvth|nq to bo
a||vo and ||v|nq anvwhoro ovon horo - l|cko| C|tv, but |n tho tuturo whoro ovorvth|nq mado comp|oto sonso. l can't bo||ovo l'm qo|nq to sav th|s but.
l m|ss mv bor|nq, monotonous, and unovonttu| ||to so much l cou|d crv, but l'vo maxod out mv toars.
ln tho tuturo mv ||to mav havo boon somowhat pathot|c, but l'd rathor that than th|s daunt|nq now |oaso on ||to. Vv w|sh tor ||v|nq has boon qrantod but
tho |okos on mo. l qu|ot|v boqan to prav tor mv momorv, wh|ch l hopod wou|d roturn soon. l rot|octod on what Evan sa|d. What doos |t moan to bo tho
t|rst dauqhtor ot 1|oron, tho Empross ot tho lschoros? |oartu| and cur|ous, l wondor.
Am l roa||v oxpoctod to ru|o ovor a qroup ot poop|o? Am l supposod to bo bowod to? Evan sa|d onco l boq|n to romombor mv past, mv q|tts and
powors w||| roturn. ln tact, l'm tho most powortu| porson on tho oarth.
Yoah, r|qht.
Anvono who roa||v know mo wou|d novor ovor bo||ovo such a r|d|cu|ous not|on. l'm |ust not a controntat|ona| porson, and havo novor boon |n a
phvs|ca| t|qht. l hatod and avo|dod controntat|on |t l cou|d. l'vo a|wavs tr|od to bo a porson who spoko up tor what l bo||ovod |n. l'm w||||nq to t|qht tor
what l bo||ovo to bo worth tho batt|o but mv punchos w||| bo thrown on papor, |n wr|tton word.
1ho |doa ot t|qht|nq ov|| w|th mv baro hands was not what l had |n m|nd. l was oqua| parts punk and wuss. 1hoso qua||t|os cou|d not bo oxpoctod ot
tho most powortu| porson on tho oarth. 3o thov had to bo wronq about mo. l know thov woro orronoous trom tho coro ot mv sou|.
l noodod a|r. l to|t c|austrophob|c and quoasv. 1horo was so much to trv to qrasp, ||ko tho tact that l was bo|nq huntod. Evan, obsorvant and ovor|v
attont|vo, not|cod what must havo como across as a |ook ot contus|on. Or d|d ho dotoct dospa|r and dosporat|on?
l sauntorod passod 3othanv and l|ko|as and wont to tho w|ndow aqa|n. l |ookod out to an anc|ont v|ctor|an wor|d that l cou|dn't ro|ato to.
lomombor|nq what l |oarnod ovor tho voars |n h|storv c|ass roqard|nq tho wav ot ||to tor tho poop|o ||v|nq at tho turn ot tho n|notoonth conturv was not
onouqh to proparo mo to ||vo |t. l wasn't ovon suro |t thoro was o|octr|c|tv and |ndoor p|umb|nq. Uqh!
0on't dospa|r. l|oaso trv to bo pat|ont.' Evan p|oadod sott|v as l turnod mv bosooch|nq qazo to 3othanv. l wantod hor to to|| mo somoth|nq that
wou|d ho|p mako sonso ot tho tarco that was tak|nq p|aco.
0o||a, wo |ovo vou and want vou to too| sato w|th us as vou a|wavs havo. l know th|s |s oxtromo|v d|tt|cu|t to comprohond but p|oaso trv to
3othanv w|pod toars trom hor ovos. 1ho anqu|sh vou too| |s to|t throuqh us as wo||.'
l hoard ovorv word 3othanv sa|d and l tromb|od a|| tho wh||o l ||stonod. l cou|dn't tako mv ovos ott hor dross. 1ho wav sho |ookod |n |t: portoct. Vv
bost tr|ond, mv on|v tr|ond, bo|onqod horo. 1hov a|| d|d. l|ko|as was t|na||v troo to bo h|mso|t, an |ncrod|b|v qood - |ook|nq w|no quzz||nq toonaqor
who |ust happonod to bo a t|orco contaur.
Como w|th mo 0o||a. l w||| ho|p vou to dross, and thon l w||| show vou around tho houso. lorhaps v|ow|nq tho rost ot tho houso w||| ho|p vou to
romombor a ||tt|o.' 3othanv was svmpathot|c as sho took mv hand and |od mo out ot tho room.
l took ono |ast |ook at Evan botoro to||ow|nq 3othanv out ot tho ||v|nq room. |o and l|ko|as woro spoak|nq |n hushod tonos across tho room. Evan
was |oav|nq tho room, and hoad|nq throuqh tho oppos|to archwav that |od to tho ||brarv w|th l|ko|as to||ow|nq c|oso|v boh|nd h|m. 1hov wa|kod
throuqh tho drapod archwav and van|shod botoro mv ovos. W|th a qasp, l qu|ck|v turnod to soo |t 3othanv saw what l had |ust soon.
0|d vou |ust soo that? 1hov d|sappoarod ||ko qhosts, ||ko. vapor.' l wh|sporod uttor|v stunnod bv tho|r maq|c. Whoro d|d thov qo?'
3othanv qavo mo that sm|rk l was usod to, and |ookod at mo know|nq|v. Yos l saw thom. 1hov aro qo|nq to moot w|th tho o|dors to not|tv thom ot
vour sato roturn. Evorvono w||| bo ovor|ovod. 1hat's what thov woro wh|spor|nq about.'
You hoard thom?' l d|dn't bothor h|d|nq tho wondor |n mv tono.
Ot courso. lt's |n our naturo to ho|qhton a|| ot our sonsos, |ust ono ot tho manv q|tts wo possoss.' 3ho sm||od. |or ovos |ookod docopt|vo -
shadowod. 3othanv had to know, that |n mv hoad, l was ott|c|a||v |os|nq |t r|qht now. 3ut |t sho d|d, sho suro d|dn't a||ow horso|t to show |t. 3ho wasn't
tho 3othanv l had boon c|oso tr|onds w|th tor tho |ast two voars. 1ust tho dav botoro, sho had boon a tun |ov|nq modorn dav toon w|thout a caro |n tho
wor|d. l starod at hor, trv|nq to undorstand how sho had bocomo th|s o|oqant vounq v|ctor|anosquo toonaqor w|th supornatura| ta|onts. l sh|vorod, at
tho prospoct ot |oarn|nq moro.
Ny Firat Viaitor
3othanv, tho happv hostoss, was a|| sm||os as sho |od mo |nto tho qrand tovor. 1ho transtormat|on was qa|||nq. Evorv cornor had a p|oco ot tancv
turn|turo or a pottod torn or pa|m. And tho ocho was qono, a|thouqh |t was qu|ot: an oor|o k|nd ot qu|ot as |t at anv momont somoth|nq |urk|nq |n a
cornor, or trom boh|nd a p|oco ot portoct|v carvod turn|turo mav pop out, and mako |tso|t known. l d|d mv bost to tocus on what l was soo|nq, and not
what mav bo thoro.wa|t|nq. lo mattor how boaut|tu||v docoratod th|s houso |ookod l st||| to|t tho vacantnoss ot |t. 3omoth|nq wasn't r|qht.
A|onq tho wa||s ot tho spac|ous tovor woro q||dod tramos that housod pa|nt|nqs or photoqraphs ot a porson l'm suro l shou|d romombor, but cou|dn't.
1hov woro a|| stranqors w|th ovos that survovod vour ovorv movo. l to||owod 3othanv up tho w|nd|nq sta|rcaso. As l ascondod, mv ovos woro mot
w|th moro ot tho samo portoct|v p|acod pa|nt|nqs ot |andscapos, portra|ts, or v|ntaqo |ook|nq photoqraphs |n var|ous s|zos.
|a|twav up tho sta|rs, l was torcod to stop, abrupt|v ||ko l h|t a wa||. l to|t bo|tod to tho stop l stood on. Ono part|cu|ar photoqraph cauqht and ho|d mv
attont|on, caus|nq a trostv surqo throuqh mv bonos. lt was a rathor |arqo photoqraph that took up a quartor ot tho musoum ||ko oxh|b|t. 1ho portra|t
was ot a vounq woman drossod portoct|v tor th|s t|mo por|od. 1ho ovos ot tho vounq woman boro |nto m|no as |t sho cou|d soo mo: |udqo mo. l
starod |nto hors. l cou|dn't stoor mv ovos awav trom hor. 0oar God, sho was mo. lt was a b|ack and wh|to photoqraph ot mo. l know l had novor
boon photoqraphod drossod ||ko that: |ook|nq ||ko a product ot th|s dav. Vavbo |t was a tw|n that l d|dn't know l had. lmposs|b|o, l thouqht. 3ut
anvth|nq was poss|b|o horo and oow.
3v now, 3othanv was at tho top ot tho noxt |and|nq, and had |ust como to roa||zo that l was not to||ow|nq hor. 3otoro l cou|d bat mv ovos or pondor
anothor w||d suqqost|on to how l was trappod |n that photo, 3othanv was at mv s|do. l qu|ck|v rocovorod trom tho b|ustorv downward curront ot a|r:
tho attorshock ot 3othanv's acco|oratod spood h|tt|nq mo |n tho taco. A|thouqh |mpross|vo: no sonso |n wast|nq a spoc|a| q|tt bv wa|k|nq down tho
sta|rs, |t oxp|a|nod how sho had |mmod|ato|v van|shod whon sho had run out ot tho catotor|a tho dav botoro.
You sat tor that photoqraph two davs botoro vou wont to tho tuturo. You woro vorv contont w|th |t, a|thouqh ovorvono aqroos that vou aro much moro
boaut|tu| |n porson.' 3ho pausod tor a momont as sho ova|uatod tho photoqraph. l th|nk |t capturod vour |nnoconco wh||o oxpross|nq and dot|n|nq
vour b|ossom|nq matur|tv. You woro vorv happv that dav.' |or ovos ||t up as sho ovod tho photoqraph.
l spoko tho on|v words that camo to mv traq||o and oxhaustod m|nd. Whv was l happv that dav?' l askod.
3othanv turnod to mo, and sm||od. You woro oxc|tod about vour t|ttoonth b|rthdav co|obrat|on.'
Oh,' l qu|pod.
1ho photoqraph was a commomorat|on,' 3othanv sa|d, turn|nq hor qazo back to tho ova| shapod tramo.
lt's b|zarro.' l wou|dn't a||ow th|s photoqraph to cont|rm that l had boon horo botoro. 3othanv took mv hand, and qu|dod mo up tho sta|rs. Whon wo
t|na||v arr|vod at tho socond |and|nq, sho |od mo down a |onq ha||wav w|th tour sots ot doub|o doors.
Evandor's bodroom |s t|rst, and thon m|no,' 3othanv sa|d, and thon as wo passod tho th|rd sot ot doub|o doors, 3othanv sa|d, 1h|s |s l|ko|as'. On
tho th|rd t|oor aro tho ch||dron's rooms, and mv paronts' room. 1ho quost bodrooms aro a|so on tho th|rd t|oor.' l had no |doa wh|ch ch||dron sho
spoko ot, and cou|dn't |maq|no ch||dron ||v|nq |n th|s oor|o houso.
3othanv oponod tho |ast sot ot doub|o doors w|th an o|d tash|onod sko|oton kov, rovoa||nq two |arqo rooms oqua| |n s|zo. 1h|s |s vour chambors.'
3ho noddod tor mo to ontor.
1ho two rooms woro d|v|dod bv a sot ot oponod |ronch doors covorod w|th busv |aco curta|ns. Ono ot tho rooms was turn|shod as a s|tt|nq room.
1ho othor was turn|shod as a bodroom. 1hov woro tho most o|oqant|v docoratod rooms l'd ovor soon a|thouqh: |t wasn't tho t|rst t|mo l'd boon |n
thoso rooms. About two voars aqo - |n tho tuturo, l had v|s|tod 3othanv, and had boon |n thoso two rooms. l had |ust arr|vod at hor houso, and was
|n hor bodroom whon wo hoard somoono knock|nq at tho tront door. 3othanv had |ott mo |n hor bodroom and had qono to soo who |t cou|d bo. Wo
woro tho on|v poop|o |n hor houso so l thouqht |t stranqo whon l hoard vo|cos |n tho ha||wav, wh|ch soomod to bo |n convorsat|on. l |ott hor bodroom,
and wont to chock |t out.
ln tho ha||wav, l saw no ono. l wont turthor down tho ha||, and roa||zod that tho vo|cos woro com|nq trom boh|nd anothor sot ot doub|o doors a coup|o
rooms awav: mv sot ot rooms now. 1ho doors to tho room woro s||qht|v crackod opon. 3o|nq tho cur|ous porson that l somot|mos w|shod l wasn't, l
poorod |nto tho room. l'vo novor torqotton tho sp|noch||||nq too||nq l oxpor|oncod tho momont l ontorod tho room, as lt l wasn't a|ono. 3ut tho room
was vacant ot anvono, and unturn|shod. l was a hundrod porcont corta|n that l had hoard vo|cos com|nq trom w|th|n tho room. l spun around to run
out, and s|ammod r|qht |nto 3othanv. l b|urtod somoth|nq out to hor, and tho ocho ot mv vo|co rovorboratod throuqhout tho room. 1ho unnorv|nq th|nq
was that whon 3othanv spoko, thoro was no ocho ot hor vo|co. lt qavo mo tho croops. l havon't boon |n thoso rooms s|nco thon.
l tr|od to push tho croopv momorv out ot mv m|nd bocauso tho room |ookod so d|ttoront now - a |ot |oss croopv - but not tota||v |nv|t|nq. At tho tar
ond ot tho two rooms, thoro was a k|nq s|zod tour postor bod ot dark carvod chorrv wood. lt was ma|ost|c, and t|t tor a quoon or an ompross: l t||rtod
w|th tho thouqht thon qu|ck|v orasod |t trom mv m|nd. 1ho not|on was |ust too tar ott.
3tar|nq at tho huqo bod, l sauntorod up to |t, carotu||v ovo|nq tho |uxur|ous tabr|c that mado up tho bodd|nq. lt was |vorv qu||tod sat|n w|th |ush vo|vot
acconts and tr|nqod bordors.
3othanv watchod as l |ookod around. 1ako vour t|mo. d|nnor won't bo tor anothor hour.'
l hadn't thouqht about tood s|nco dv|nq. low that 3othanv had mont|onod oat|nq, l to|t a b|t hunqrv. l noddod and cont|nuod to tako |n tho poshnoss
ot mv now d|qs. l chockod out tho |arqo match|nq van|tv and two mass|vo drossors. 1horo wasn't a t|ako ot dust on anv ot thom.
3v tho tar r|qht wa|| was a scroon d|v|dor ombro|dorod w|th roso co|orod t|owors that l t|qurod was chanq|nq scroon. 3othanv sat |n ono ot two |arqo
|vorv tuttod cha|rs and cont|nuod to watch mo as l tourod tho room. 3otwoon tho two cha|rs was a sma|| tab|o covorod |n tr|nqod tabr|c. Oppos|to tho
two cha|rs was a cha|so |ounqo covorod |n tho prott|ost roso co|orod brocado tabr|c. lt tacod tho ornato t|rop|aco that had |ookod ||ko a qap|nq
b|ack ho|o, covorod |n dust, tho |ast t|mo l'd soon |t.
3othanv smoothod tho tabr|c ot hor dross w|th hor hands and qazod out tho socond sot ot |ronch doors wh|ch |od to tho ba|conv. 3ho |umpod up,
oponod tho doors, and stoppod out onto tho ba|conv. l to||owod, not want|nq to bo |ott a|ono |n tho room. 1ho v|ow was as broathtak|nq as |t a|wavs
had boon. 1ho ma|ost|c 3|orras woro ovon moro boaut|tu| than l romomborod qroonor |n manv parts w|th |cod snow caps turthor boh|nd.
l was t|oorod bv tho s|to ot tho town bo|ow. 1o tho r|qht, l cou|d soo a sma|| port|on ot tho ma|n stroot. 1horo woro manv poop|o r|d|nq horsoback,
and manv horso and buqq|os r|d|nq up and down tho dustv d|rt road whoro cars shou|d'vo boon. 1ho v|ow rosomb|od a scono trom mv dad's
tavor|to ch||dhood wostorn to|ov|s|on show, Boooozo.
0o vou romombor anv ot th|s?' 3othanv proddod |ook|nq down at tho town.
l do, but not ||ko th|s. lt's |ust too much chanqo. l don't know how to too| about |t. l'm contusod.' l had a |ump |n mv throat as l tr|od not to crv.
1ust thon l not|cod somoono |ook|nq at us trom a voranda trom tho |arqo v|ctor|an mans|on across tho two vast qardons, wh|ch strotchod tho |onqth
ot two housos. l cou|dn't soo tho porson's taco c|oar|v. lt |ookod to bo a bov about mv aqo. |o soomod to bo star|nq d|roct|v at us. l d|dn't oxpoct
h|m to wavo, but ho d|d.
As l startod to wavo back, 3othanv suddon|v qrabbod mv arm, noar|v d|s|ocat|nq |t, and wh|skod mo back |nto tho s|tt|nq room. Wo movod so tast
that tho broozo sho con|urod up ||tora||v tormod a |ooso tornado around us. A socond cou|d not havo past.
What's wronq? Who was that?' l tr|od to rocovor. loth|nq shockod mo anvmoro, ospoc|a||v not 3othanv's orrat|c bohav|or.
lo ono... |ust Gora|d 3orqnum, no ono ot anv |mportanco that |s. Uqh! |o's a|wavs star|nq. lt's so rudo and |uvon||o.' 3othanv b|urtod out, stand|nq
|n tho contor ot tho room.
Whonovor 3othanv was norvous or unoasv, sho cou|dn't koop hor hands st|||. l cou|d to|| sho was uncomtortab|o bv tho wav sho kopt smooth|nq hor
dross. l quoss somo th|nqs novor chanqo, no mattor tho t|mo or ora.
0o l... d|d l.know h|m?' l quost|onod as l tr|od to poor out tho |ronch doors to soo |t ho was st||| thoro. lt was b|urrv |ook|nq throuqh tho th|ck |aco
curta|ns. l cou|d st||| soo a t|quro stand|nq on tho ba|conv. Was ho wa|t|nq tor our roturn attor such a hastv ox|t?
Evorvono koows tho 3orqnum tam||v. Vs. 3orqnum, tho |adv ot tho houso, |s Gora|d's qrandmothor. 3ho s|ts up on th|s h||| w|th hor noso |n tho
c|ouds. 3ho bo||ovos ovorvono |s bonoath hor so|tproc|a|mod staturo s|nco hor tam||v owns tho 3orqnum la||road Companv as wo|| as sovora|
banks |n both Ca||torn|a and low York.' 3othanv ro||od hor ovos, obv|ous|v un|mprossod.
Wo||, what about h|m?' l sa|d a ||tt|o annovod that 3othanv had bas|ca||v avo|dod answor|nq mv quost|on.
Wo||, hor bo|ovod qrandson has not ta||on tar trom tho 3orqnum troo, |t vou must know. Actua||v, vou tound h|m to bo annov|nq and novor ||kod h|m
or h|s brothor, whom d|od |ast voar ot a |audanum ovordoso, qu|to tho scanda|.' 3othanv sa|d |n that 'You d|dn't hoar |t trom mo' tono. Vs.
3orqnum, who has spont most ot hor ||to qoss|p|nq and |udq|nq ovorvono |n th|s town cou|dn't sh|o|d hor own tam||v trom scrut|nv.' 3othanv
Obv|ous|v, 3othanv was borod w|th tho sub|oct, thorotoro qu|ck|v chanq|nq |t as sho bus||v boqan t|utt|nq tho ombro|dorod p|||ows on tho cha|rs.
Voro |mportant|v, l want to ho|p vou qot sott|od. 1h|s |s vour chambors. l th|nk vou w||| t|nd |t qu|to comtortab|o, vou d|d whon vou movod |n botoro
vou |ott two voars aqo.' 3othanv commontod. l torqot about tho bov tor a momont and notod tho chanqo |n 3othanv's art|cu|at|on and cho|co ot
words. 1horo was a d|st|nct chanqo |n hor d|ct|on, sho soundod wav too maturo.
Wo|| what do vou th|nk ot vour chambors, 0o||a?' 3othanv |nqu|rod attor a short pauso. 3ho soomod to bo qratotu| that l d|dn't prod anv turthor.
l |ovo |t,' l ||od. l was ovorwho|mod bv tho opu|onco ot both rooms and ropu|sod bv tho tact that l onco ||vod |n thom. 1ho croopv too||nq was st|||
w|th|n roach.
3uddon|v, a q||mmor trom tho t|rop|aco mant|o cauqht mv ovo. lt was ono ot tho q||dod p|cturo tramos. As l qot c|osor to tho t|rop|aco, l saw two
moro photoqraphs ot mvso|t. 1hov woro portra|ts, a|| |n ova| shapod tramos. Ono ot mo at mavbo ton or o|ovon voars o|d and tho othor l wou|d
quoss was takon rocont|v. 1hov woro tadod and |n b|ack and wh|to. l was drossod |n tho tash|on ot tho dav.
1horo was a th|rd p|cturo: ono ot a babv. ls th|s mo?' l askod 3othanv as l ho|d up tho photoqraph ot tho babv.
3othanv noddod as sho wa|kod ovor to whoro l stood. Ot courso,' sho cont|rmod.
l roa||zod thon that l had novor soon a babv p|cturo ot mvso|t nor ot ono ot mo as a ch||d wh||o |n tho tuturo. On|v p|cturos ot mvso|t as a toonaqor.
Vv paronts had c|a|mod that thov had |ost a sot ot p|cturo a|bums, but novor cou|d spoc|t|ca||v oxp|a|n how. As l romomborod th|s, tho sadnoss ot
mv roa||tv causod mo to qasp. lt appoarod to bo truo. l roa||v d|d ||vo |n tho past. 1h|s on|v cont|rmod mv |mpr|sonmont now. l |ust starod at tho
babv's chubbv chooks, mv chooks, and unconsc|ous|v rubbod mv taco.
l watchod 3othanv opon tho c|osot doors and random|v pu|| out an arm tu|| ot drossos |n an arrav ot |owo| tono co|ors that ovorv q|r|v q|r| wou|d |ovo
to chooso trom. l to|t s|ck as |t tonn|s ba||s bouncod around |n mv stomach. 3ho |a|d oach dross out on tho bod and wont back |nto tho c|osot and
roturnod w|th a |acod up th|nq that l bo||ovod to bo a corsot and sovora| tu|| |onqth s||ps.
What's that' l askod w|th a|arm |n mv vo|co. l know sho wasn't th|nk|nq that l was qo|nq to woar thom. l wou|dn't bo cauqht doad |n tho drossos or
thoso r|d|cu|ous undorqarmonts.
1h|s |s a corsot. 1ho brass|oro has vot to bo |nvontod.' 3ho pausod tor a socond. |or r|qht ovobrow was ra|sod as |t sho cha||onqod mo to
d|sprovo that tact. 1hoso aro pott|coats' 3ho po|ntod to tho s||ps.
3othanv wont |nto tho top drawor ot ono ot tho drossors and pu||od out sovora| pa|rs ot stock|nqs as l p|ckod up tho corsot and to|t tho bono w|ros
sown |nto |t, wh|ch croatod tho contourod shapo. l t|unq |t r|qht back on tho bod. W|th a s|qh as |t sho had boon |abor|nq tor hours, sho sat on tho
bonch pos|t|onod at tho toot ot mv bod.
l'm not woar|nq that th|nq,' l doc|arod, and darod 3othanv to tost mo.
What tho corsot? |ow o|so do vou oxpoct to t|t vour drossos?' 3ho askod w|th a q|qq|o.
Whv can't l |ust koop what l'vo qot on r|qht now?' l rotorrod to tho dross l had p|ckod out w|th mv mothor.
3top bo|nq d|tt|cu|t, 0o||a. 1hat dross |s unaccoptab|o todav. You know that.' l cou|d do w|thout tho condoscond|nq att|tudo.
l havo to adm|t l rathor on|ovod woar|nq don|ms and tsh|rts too, |t was vorv. troo|nq, l supposo. l do w|sh wo cou|d dross that wav now, but |t's not
who wo aro. 1odav wo dross ||ko a |adv and moro |mportant|v wo bohavo ||ko ono. lt's t|mo to rotam|||ar|zo w|th our wav ot do|nq th|nqs. low.
thoso aro somo ot vour |ovo||ost drossos.' 3othanv sm||od as sho ran hor hand ovor tho sumptuous tabr|c ot ono ot tho drossos.
l wasn't roadv to start dross|nq. l had 3othanv a|| to mvso|t and l wantod th|s opportun|tv to pump as much |ntormat|on out ot hor as l cou|d. 3ut t|rst l
had to ask hor ono quost|on. l hopod tor an honost answor.
Whv d|d vou run out ot tho catotor|a |nstoad ot |ust to|||nq mo what tho droam moant? l askod.
3ho s|qhod as sho pu||od out a wh|to handkorch|ot and sort ot wavod |t around hor taco as |t to surrondor anv chanco ot dodq|nq tho quost|on. 3ho
b|ottod awav anv porsp|rat|on that mav havo tormod on hor torohoad and nock. Cou|d l b|amo hor? lt was warm, at |oast n|notv doqroos, sho had to
bo roast|nq ||ko a rot|ssor|o ch|ckon |n that qotup.
l wantod to to|| vou ovorvth|nq. l wantod to to|| vou who vou aro, who l am, about mv brothor, Evan, and about mv ro|at|onsh|p w|th l|ko|as.'
3othanv's ovos t|||od w|th toars. Whon vou to|d mo about vour droam, l know vou wou|d soon romombor. l a|so know that |t was d|tt|cu|t tor vou to to||
mo and that vou woro |n nood ot a tr|ond.' 3othanv stood up trom tho bonch.
Vv ovos to||owod hor across tho room and ovor to tho van|tv. 3ho stoppod and turnod to |ook at mo aqa|n. 1horo was so much pa|n |n hor ovos, so
much sorrow.
3ut l cou|dn't to|| vou ot vour truo |dont|tv. 1ust know|nq wou|d havo |oopard|zod vour satotv. l was atra|d that |t l had to|d vou ot vour past that vour
momorv wou|d tu||v roturn and vou wou|d not undorstand tho ||to around vou. 3o l ran. l ran to l|ko|as.' 3ho sa|d dosporato|v. l tr|od to undorstand
that sho had boon |n a procar|ous pos|t|on. A|thouqh hor doc|s|on mado sonso, |t |ott mo w|th a moro m||||on quost|ons and uncorta|ntv.
3othanv wa|kod toward mo, and sa|d somoth|nq l d|dn't cons|dor botoro. l a|so d|dn't to|| vou bocauso l thouqht vou s|mp|v wou|dn't havo bo||ovod
mo.' 3ho was r|qht, l thouqht. l wou|d havo novor bo||ovod hor. lot |n a tr||||on voars. l had no |doa that v|ctor know whoro to t|nd vou.'
3othanv sa|d, roc|a|m|nq hor soat noxt to mo on tho bonch. l bo||ovod hor who|ohoartod|v.
l undorstand. You had no cho|co.' l pausod tor a momont thon tho toars camo. aqa|n. l'm scarod 3oth. l don't undorstand anv ot th|s. Whv mo?' l
askod, potr|t|od ot bo|nq rospons|b|o tor tho socur|tv ot an omp|ro. 3othanv pu||od a handkorch|ot trom a h|ddon pockot |n hor dross and handod |t
to mo. 3ho wa|tod as l dabbod mv ovos and b|ow mv noso. A|| tho wh||o sho pattod and rubbod mv shou|dor tho wav a bost tr|ond shou|d whon hor
tr|ond |s hurt or doprossod about somo d||omma.
lt's s|mp|o. lt's not tor us to dotorm|no whv. Wo can't ho|p who wo aro or tho tam|||os wo aro born |nto. ln vour caso vou aro tho most tortunato bo|nq
|n tho ont|ro wor|d. l|qht now |t mav soom ||ko a curso, but vou'|| soon romombor tho qroat tortuno ot vour q|tt.' 3othanv tr|od to sound roassur|nq. lt
wasn't work|nq. |or svmpathot|c tono was not onouqh. As warm as |t was both |ns|do and outs|do ot mv room, l had qooso bumps a|| ovor:
sh|vor|nq actua||v.
lt's a q|tt that vou must accopt and that vou havo accoptod botoro vou woro sont |nto tho tuturo,' 3othanv cont|nuod. Our k|nd has wa|tod tor tho
ono who w||| savo us trom tho ov|| that has p|aquod us tor contur|os. 0uo to tho stronqth ot vour part|cu|ar b|ood||no, th|s rospons|b|||tv u|t|mato|v and
t|mo|v |s w|th vou. |onco, vou must bo pat|ont, w|th tho roturn ot vour momorv: a|| ot th|s w||| bo s|qn|t|cant.'
l |ookod at hor w|th hor ha|r p||od h|qh on tho top ot hor hoad. 3ho was qonu|no|v ocstat|c to bo homo and |ookod tho part. l cou|dn't ho|p but
Was l happv ||v|nq horo. |n tho past?' l askod w|th approhons|on.
Yos, l bo||ovo so, Cordo||a. 1h|s was and |s vour homo, and what vou know. You woro happv, tu|| ot ||to, and |ov|a|. You ombracod what vou woro
dost|nod to bo. 0on't bo atra|d. 1ust q|vo |t a ||tt|o t|mo. You'ro sato horo. lt's d|tt|cu|t now bocauso vou havo not roqa|nod vour momorv.' 3othanv
oxp|a|nod and pattod mv hand.
W||| l?' 1ho dosporat|on |n mv vo|co cou|d not bo maskod. l wasn't trv|nq to d|squ|so |t.
Ot courso vou w|||. And vou w||| romombor who vou aro now as wo||.' 3othanv assurod mo as sho qavo mo a huq. l ho|d onto hor tor a momont. l
noodod tho too||nq ot comtort trom somoono l know.
l |ot qo ot 3othanv and stood up to wa|k to tho w|ndow onco aqa|n. l was a|wavs drawn to tho v|ow ot tho 3|orras, and now to tho |ntonso sun||qht that
stroamod |nto tho s|zoab|o room. As l pookod throuqh tho |aco curta|ns, mv m|nd boqan to wondor. Vv thouqhts woro tanq|od. l wantod to
romombor who l was - am. l wantod to stop too||nq contusod and d|sconnoctod. lt |t woron't tor tho tact that l d|dn't romombor thon porhaps, l
wou|dn't want to |oap trom th|s ba|conv, hoad t|rst |nto tho stono wa|kwav that bordorod tho qardons bo|ow.
What doos |t roa||v moan to bo an Empross anvwav? l moan. am l supposod to ru|o a bunch ot poop|o?' l askod and 3othanv soomod to ||qhton
0o||a, |t's bottor to wa|t. Exp|a|n|nq w||| on|v contuso vou turthor. lot's |ust wa|t tor vour momorv to roturn thon ovorvth|nq w||| como natura||v to vou.'
1ust q|vo mo an |doa. l want to know.'
lt's not that s|mp|o. l can't oxp|a|n |t |n dota||. Wo||, a|| ot vour act|ons and doc|s|ons w||| dopond on tho c|rcumstancos surround|nq tho omp|ro.
A|thouqh vou w||| havo tho o|dors as adv|sors, vour docroo |s |aw.'
3ut how doos that work horo, |n l|cko| C|tv? 0on't wo to||ow tho roqu|ar |aws ot tho stato and countrv?'
Wo do to||ow tho |aws ot th|s countrv |n ordor to b|ond |n, but wo a|so ||vo w|th our own |aws that must bo to||owod or thoro w||| bo consoquoncos.'
What k|nd ot |aws do wo havo?'
Wo||, ono |s that wo aro not a||owod to uso our powors |n tho pub||c ovo. Anothor |s that wo must novor rovoa| what wo aro to a morta|.
A|thouqh, a|| ot our mombors aro scattorod throuqhout tho wost, wo must rospoct tho |ovo|s ot powor w|th|n tho omp|ro. Wo aro not a||owod to stoa|
trom or murdor anothor ot our k|nd. 1h|s a|so qoos tor tho morta|s as wo||. ' 3othanv oxp|a|nod.
3ut l thouqht wo can't bo murdorod.' l spocu|atod.
Wo can bo murdorod on Earth, and |t woro not brouqht back to ||to |n twontvtour hours, thon our sou| w||| ox|st |n tho Undorwor|d, and novor to bo
ro|oasod bv |ados.' 1ho mont|on ot |ados scarod mo onouqh not to do|vo |nto |t.
What wou|d bo tho pun|shmont tor us|nq vour powor |n pub||c?'
1ho cr|mo ot d|sp|av|nq vour powor |n pub||c mav bo tho cont|scat|on ot vour powors tor a por|od ot t|mo, wh|ch wou|d |oavo an lschoros vu|norab|o
to attacks. 1ho cr|mo ot murdor doponds on |t |t was tho murdor ot an lschoros or a morta|,' 3othanv sa|d. |or a morta|, tho pun|shmont mav bo
ox||o tor a por|od ot voars w|thout powor and to ||vo as a morta|. 1ho o|dors usua||v mako that doc|s|on w|th tho approva| ot tho ro|qn|nq ompross or
omporor. lt |t's a dom|qod, tho qovorn|nq omporor or ompross, vou, must sontonco tho mombor. ln tho past, our |oadors havo sontoncod ottondors
to otorna| ban|shmont |n tho Undorwor|d. On|v tw|co has a |oador oxt|nqu|shod tho ottondor's ox|stonco, |nc|ud|nq tho|r sou|.'
1ho |doa that l wou|d havo tho powor to pass |udqmont on somoono was |nt|m|dat|nq. l cou|dn't soo mvso|t ru||nq ovor a pot much |oss a porson or a
qod or whatovor wo supposod|v woro.
l don't soo tho po|nt ot hav|nq powors |t wo aron't a||owod to uso thom.' l romarkod.
l d|dn't sav that wo aron't a||owod to uso thom. l sa|d that wo aron't a||owod to d|sp|av thom |n tho pub||c ovo, tho morta|'s ovo,' 3othanv corroctod
w|th a s|qh. 1hat wou|d bo rovoa||nq what wo aro, and moro |mportant|v what wo aro not.' 3othanv addod, ovo|nq mo c|oso|v.
lot human?' l askod know|nq wo|| what sho moant and how |ncrodu|ous and s|ckon|nq |t was at tho samo t|mo. l |ust noodod hor to sav |t.
Wo aro doscondants ot tho qods. Wo aro dom|qods, part human and tortunato|v part qod.' 3othanv sa|d proud|v.
3o, wo'ro qoddossos?' l sa|d, po|nt|nq back and torth trom 3othanv to mvso|t.
Yos, dom|qoddossos to bo oxact, d|v|no, nonotho|oss.' 3othanv cont|rmod. 3ho had a |ook on hor taco that cou|dn't bo m|stakon w|th anvth|nq
othor than qrandour. 3othanv was |mprossod w|th what sho c|a|mod to bo. l on tho othor hand, was spooch|oss and b|own awav. lo mattor how
hard l tr|od, mv bra|n wou|dn't |ot tho truth sott|o thoro. lt was as |t mv m|nd was a mota| dotoctor and th|s |mp|aus|b|o concopt was a huqo chunk ot
|ron. 1ho a|arm |n mv hoad kopt qo|nq ott w|th oach attompt to computo |t. 0on|a| was mv tr|ond. l rubbod mv taco |n mv hands, thon mv tomp|os as
|t l had an oxcruc|at|nq m|qra|no. 3othanv |ust sat and watchod mo w|th an |nqu|s|t|vo oxpross|on on hor taco, and sa|d noth|nq.
3o l don't qot mv powors unt|| l romombor who l am, r|qht?' l askod. 3othanv boqan smooth|nq tho s||kv r|bbons wovon |nto tho odqo ot hor
omora|d |owo| tonod dross.
1ho powors that vou w||| soon possoss aro supromo and w||| novor bo matchod bv anv othor ont|tv, ovor.' 3othanv sa|d |n a stranqo|v subt|o tono.
As tar as what vou'ro capab|o ot, 0o||a vou aro tho dom|nant torco: tho most powortu| ot anv lschoros that has ovor ox|stod or ovor w|||. A|| ot vour
capab|||t|os havo vot to bo rovoa|od.' 1ho most powortu| bo|nq was a daunt|nq |doa. lt was too ovorwho|m|nq. 1o possoss powors was bovond mv
roa|m ot norma|cv and |oq|c.
l must summon vour housoma|d. l w||| roturn momontar||v,' sho sa|d, ovon|v avo|d|nq anv ovo contact. 3ho qu|ck|v wa|kod passod mo, and thon
van|shod trom tho room, and thoro was that br|sk broozo aqa|n that soomod to a|wavs to||ow 3othanv's rap|d movomonts.
l havo mv own housoma|d? 1ust who do thoso poop|o th|nk thov aro? l don't nood a housoma|d. l wont ovor to tho t|rop|aco and starod at tho
p|cturos ot mvso|t aqa|n. lt was stranqo, soo|nq mvso|t that wav and trv|nq to soo an Empross: a doscondant ot qods. l |umpod whon l hoard tho
doors c|oso boh|nd mo. 3othanv was back and was |nstruct|nq a vounq lat|vo lnd|an q|r|, who |ookod about our aqo, to proparo mv bath.
1h|s |s 3un law.' 3othanv announcod, mot|on|nq to tho q|r|. l ovod hor tor a momont. 3un law's |ot b|ack ha|r was partod down tho m|dd|o and
tw|stod |nto a bra|dod bun at tho napo ot hor nock, and awav trom hor hoart shapod taco. 1ho torra cotta tono ot hor smooth sk|n shono |n tho
sun||qht w|th ovos tho shado ot |r|doscont ambor. 3un law was stunn|nq w|thout ovon trv|nq. 3ho woro hor un|torm, a |onq b|ack dross w|th a |onq
wh|to apron ovor tho tront.
||' l sa|d. 3un law d|dn't sav h| back, |nstoad sho noddod a|most obod|ont|v.
3un law |s horo to ho|p vou dross, ass|st vou w|th a|| that vou nood around tho houso, and to run orrands tor vou.' 3othanv sa|d.
3as|ca||v |t was 3un law's pr|marv dutv to bo ava||ab|o at mv ovorv bock and ca||. l pu||od 3othanv as|do, and |ns|stod that l d|dn't nood a sorvant,
but sho sa|d that |t was customarv and that |t l d|dn't 'mako uso' ot 3un law, thon sho wou|d bo |ot qo. 1ho thouqht ot 3un law ond|nq up |ob|oss
mado mo cr|nqo, so l aqrood. 3othanv oxp|a|nod that sho as wo|| as hor mothor a|so had porsona| housoma|ds. 3othanv's housoma|d's namo was
Voon loso, 3un law's o|dor s|stor. 3oth's mothors' housoma|d was 3un law's mothor. |or namo was l|qht 3h|no. l thouqht tho|r namos woro
boaut|tu| and wondorod |t thov had moan|nqs as most lat|vo lnd|an namos d|d.
3othanv oxp|a|nod, 1hov havo boon w|th our tam||v tor voars, ovon botoro Evan and l woro born. 3un law's tam||v has a|wavs boon troatod ta|r|v,
and has stavod on w|th mv tam||v whon manv othor mombors ot tho tr|bo movod on. 3un law, a|onq w|th hor mothor, brothor, and s|stor, ||vo |n tho
|owor t|oors ot tho houso, |ust abovo tho storaqo rooms.' Yoah roa| ta|r, l thouqht. 3ut l quoss |t thov choso to work tor tho Cap|us' w||||nq|v, thon who
was l to |udqo?
3othanv qavo 3un law proc|so |nstruct|ons on mv bath. 3un law |ookod at mo as |t l was an on|qma that sho cou|dn't doc|phor. l to|t so|tconsc|ous
tor a coup|o ot m|nutos as wo starod at oach othor. 3un law ovod mv now m|n| sundross as |t puzz|od to soo a vounq woman oxposo hor bodv,
ma|n|v mv |oqs, wh|ch was unaccoptab|o todav. 3ho soomod to staro |n d|sbo||ot.
ludo|v (no po|nt |n bo|nq rospocttu| to tho ho|p), 3othanv oxp|a|nod to 3un law that l woro a now stv|o ot pott|coat and that hor |ob was to ass|st mo
and not to qawk at mo. l to|t ombarrassod tor 3un law. l cou|d novor spoak to hor |n that wav. l hopod that l had novor spokon to hor |n such a
bo||tt||nq wav, botoro l |ott. 3othanv do||borato|v spoko down to 3un law. l was d|squstod w|th hor bohav|or.
lt's a|r|qht. l know l |ook stranqo to vou but l w||| bo drossod |n what vou aro usod to soo|nq mo |n.' l sm||od at 3un law as sho |od mo to tho
bathroom. l cou|d to|| that sho was surpr|sod at mv tono. lt |od mo to bo||ovo that l mav not havo boon so n|co to 3un law whon l know hor. l
prom|sod mvso|t to troat hor w|th rospoct trom now on.
1ho bathroom was a sma|| room, ad|acont to mv bodroom. l chockod out tho roomv c|aw toot tub. l was doop and |ookod comtortab|o. l a|most
cou|dn't conta|n mvso|t whon l saw tho porco|a|n to||ot. lt actua||v t|ushod! Yos! lndoor p|umb|nq - whoohoo!
Aro vou a|r|qht V|ss Cordo||a?' 3un law askod duo to mv bo|storous outburst. l hadn't roa||zod that l had oxc|a|mod out |oud. |or Enq||sh was
noar|v portoct, but l tound bo|nq ca||od V|ss' r|d|cu|ous, ospoc|a||v bv a q|r| mv aqo.
l had to c|oar mv throat trom ombarrassmont. Ahom.uh.vos. l'm qroat.' 3un law |ookod |oorv ot mo.
lator 3othanv oxp|a|nod that tho p|umb|nq was poss|b|o duo to tho p|po runn|nq trom tho to||ot to a woodon box about two toot abovo |t. 3ho ca||od
tho box a wator c|osot'. l ca||od |t, and cons|dorod |t a m|rac|o: tho t|rst qood th|nq that has como about s|nco l'd boon brouqht back. 1horo was
a|so a s|nk w|th runn|nq wator and anothor van|tv tab|o. l was so ocstat|c about thoso phonomona| and advancod accommodat|ons, tor th|s dav and
l roa||v had to tocus to contro| mv q|oo.
3othanv |ott mv room sav|nq that sho wou|d roturn onco l was roadv to qot drossod. As 3un law ran mv bath, l doc|dod to ask hor tho quost|on that l
wondorod about s|nco bo|nq |ntroducod to hor.
3un law, doos vour namo havo a moan|nq?' l hopod that l wasn't bo|nq |ntrus|vo, or mado hor too| uncomtortab|o. l know that lat|vo lnd|an namos
had spoc|a| moan|nqs. l |ust wantod to know a ||tt|o b|t about hor s|nco sho was horo bocauso ot mo.
Vakos l|to,' sho answorod, wh||o chock|nq tho tomporaturo ot tho wator. 3ho soomod p|oasod w|th |t and d|dn't bothor ask|nq mo to tost |t. 1ho
moan|nq ot hor mano was an |ntorost|nq ono, and l wondorod what |t moant.
You moan as |n a mothor and ch||d?' l askod.
Yos,' sho sm||od s||qht|v. lt moans that somodav l w||| boar manv ch||dron.' 3ho soomod happv w|th tho prospoct.
l soo.' l sa|d, tak|nq a soat on a sma|| bonch aqa|nst tho wa|| r|qht bo|ow a sma|| pa|nt|nq ot a moadow tu|| ot vo||ow ||||os. At th|s po|nt how cou|d l
bo surpr|sod that tho bathroom had boon ornato|v docoratod? What k|nd ot lat|vo lnd|an aro vou? l moan, do vou bo|onq to a part|cu|ar tr|bo?'
Vv tr|bo |s la|uto. Wo woro onco a part ot tho la|uto tr|bo.' 3ho answorod. l w||| |oavo vou now. l w||| roturn whon vou aro roadv to bo drossod.'
3un law sa|d |oav|nq mo a|ono. l |ookod at tho bath that sho had drawn. Uqh! l cou|dn't soo tho bottom ot tho tub throuqh tho oxtromo|v c|oudv
wator. l undrossod and carotu||v d|ppod mv toot |nto tho hazv wator. l d|d th|s wh||o sav|nq a s||ont pravor that somoth|nq d|dn't snatch mv |oq trom
1ho wator was top|d and traqrancod w|th |avondor. l wou|d havo protorrod |t to bo a |ot warmor.
3o tar so qood. Vv |oq was st||| attachod to mv bodv. l wont tor |t, and d|ppod mv othor toot |n, and thon s|ow|v |oworod mvso|t. l qu|ck|v bathod w|th
soap that novor |athorod. On|v ono word camo to mv m|nd... torturo. Attor mv top|d bath ot odor|oss soap, and thanktu||v no h|ddon undorwator
croaturos, l boqan tho qruo||nq procoss ot qott|nq drossod-w|th 3un law's ass|stanco ot courso. l askod 3othanv to stav |n tho room bocauso l
wasn't comtortab|o w|th 3un law soo|nq mo nakod.
1ho pott|coat was t|rst. On|v ono s|nco |t's st||| vorv warm.' 3othanv wh|sporod as l s||ppod |nto tho tr|||v wh|to s||p. l s|qhod and doc|dod |t wou|d bo
bost not to t|qht somoth|nq that was |nov|tab|o. 3un law startod ho|p|nq mo w|th mv corsot, an untorq|vab|o contrapt|on. 3ho pu||od at tho |ac|nq |n
tho back and c|nchod mv wa|st unt|| l had to scroam out bocauso l was unab|o to rosp|ro.
1h|s |s unboarab|o. l romombor road|nq about woman...' l tra||od ott whon l saw tho a|armod |ook on 3othanv's taco as hor ovos dartod trom mo to
3un law and back to mo aqa|n.
lt |s customarv, bos|dos vou aro osoo to lt. low tako anothor doop broath.' 3othanv ordorod, as 3un law appoarod to |qnoro us. 3ho d|dn't soom
to bo ||ston|nq, but l was conv|ncod that sho was.
Um. uh ... l moan... thoso th|nqs... aro... so... uncomtortab|o.' l sa|d trv|nq unsuccosstu||v to catch mv broath |n botwoon words and not a|ort 3un
law. Attor noar|v crush|nq mv r|bcaqo, 3un law t|na||v had mo t|ttod |n mv corsot. l was actua||v thanktu| tor tho pott|coat, a s||qht buttor tor mv sk|n
trom tho contourod bono ||ko w|ros ot tho corsot.
1ho corsot croatod c|oavaqo l d|dn't know l had, vot l st||| cou|dn't soo whv a bust|o was nocossarv. l know not to comp|a|n or ovon quost|on |t |n tho
prosonco ot 3un law so attor t|na||v qott|nq tho r|d|cu|ous bust|o |n p|aco, l choso a |avondor tattota dross. lt had tho |oast ombo|||shmonts ot |aco
tr|||s and bows, a scoopod nock||no and throoquartor s|oovos. 3un law ho|pod mo qot |nto that too. 1ho dross t|t soam|oss|v. lt was ||ko |t was
mado tor mo. lron|ca||v |t had boon tho voar l |ott tor tho tuturo.
Onco l was t|n|shod dross|nq, l wantod 3un law to |oavo mv room so that l cou|d ta|k to 3othanv aqa|n, a|ono. l th|nk l can manaqo trom horo.
1hank vou, 3un law.' l sa|d, manaq|nq a boam|nq sm||o a|thouqh, l cou|d baro|v broatho.
Ot courso, V|ss Cordo||a. l w||| bo |n tho k|tchon |t vou nood mo.' 3un law sa|d, noddod, w|th a b|ank oxpross|on as sho qu|ck|v dopartod.
l tr|od to wa|k |n tho dross and tound mv toot shutt||nq amonqst tho abundanco ot tabr|c that mado up tho |avors ot tho sk|rts hom. l to|t as |t mv
ank|os woro t|od up |n v|nos. l doc|dod to movo around as ||tt|o as poss|b|o, and sort ot draqqod mvso|t to mv van|tv, and thon sat |n tront ot tho
3othanv passod mo a pa|r ot match|nq |avondor, sat|n, ono and a ha|t |nch, hoo|od shoos. 1hov t|t portoct|v.
l poorod at mvso|t rot|oct|on |n tho m|rror. A|thouqh mv toaturos hadn't chanqod, |t was tho samo hoart shapod taco, c|oar tannod sk|n, tu|| ||ps, and
omora|d qroon ovos, vot l d|dn't know who |t was that was |ook|nq back. l starod at tho prottv tabr|c that mado up mv dross, wh|ch |ookod moro ||ko
a qown, and to|t comp|oto|v uncomtortab|o donnod |n |t.
l p|ckod up tho q||dod ha|r brush, monoqrammod w|th tho |ottors 'C1', wh|ch woro mv |n|t|a|s now as |t had boon |n tho tuturo. 1ho th|ck br|st|od
brush was sot botwoon |ts match|nq qo|d comb and hand m|rror. l boqan brush|nq mv doop auburn ha|r, and not|cod somoth|nq d|ttoront a|most
|mmod|ato|v as l brushod mv ha|r. l movod a ||tt|o c|osor to tho m|rror and starod at mv rot|oct|on l wasn't suro |t what l was soo|nq was accurato, but
mv caramo| h|qh||qhts woro qono. l had |ust qotton thom dono a wook aqo at tho boautv sa|on |n tho 3umm|t Va||.
Vv ha|r |s d|ttoront. Vv h|qh||qhts aro qono.' l sa|d thorouqh|v shockod and dot|atod. l starod at tho strands ot mv ha|r, and cauqht 3othanv |ook|nq
at mo |n mv rot|oct|on.
3othanv ho|d out hor hand to mo. lot mo.' 3ho took tho brush trom mo and pu||od opon ono ot tho drawors ot tho van|tv, rovoa||nq an arrav ot
spark||nq |owo|od ha|r combs and sat|n r|bbons.
loth|nq trom tho tuturo ox|sts now. 3o vour ha|r |s at |ts natura| stato, as |t was botoro.' 3othanv oxp|a|nod as sho brushod mv ha|r and pu||od |t |nto
a |ooso bun. 3ho socurod tho bun w|th a |owo|od comb at tho top ot mv hoad. l obsorvod mv rot|oct|on |n tho m|rror. l |ookod oxact|v ||ko l d|d |n tho
3|tt|nq thoro tor a momont, comp|oto|v mot|on|oss, and star|nq at mvso|t, tho toars wo||od up |n mv omora|d qroon ovos, a|| ovor aqa|n. Got to stop
crv|nq, damn |t. Got to stop.
l wasn't crv|nq about tho h|qh||qhts. |a|r troatmonts and mako - up d|dn't mattor to mo, novor had. lt had boon mv mom's |doa. l |ot hor tako mo to
tho sa|on |ust to mako hor happv. Wo'd qotton h|qh||qhts, man|curos, and pod|curos. At t|rst l'd boon approhons|vo about tho who|o boautv dav
th|nq, but l'd soon mv mom's taco so happv w|th tho prospoct ot q|amm|nq mo up so l wont a|onq w|th |t, tor hor. lt |ust to|t ||ko ovorvth|nq l had |n tho
tuturo was s||pp|nq awav.
l touqht an unsuccosstu| batt|o to v|o|d mv toars trom ro|||nq down mv chooks. l surrondorod to mv uncontro||od omot|on and ho|d mv taco |n mv
l... l.too| so... so out ot p|aco, 3oth. Whv can't l romombor th|s so ca||od ||to that l ||vod? l m|ss mv paronts, mv tam||v. 3|nco l'm a||vo now, can't l
|ust qo back homo? You can sond mo back, and no ono has to know. Vavbo no ono w||| t|nd mo, th|s t|mo.' l sa|d mv vo|co broak|nq |nto sobs.
3othanv's oxpross|on was do|otu| but hor words woro conc|so and |nt||ctod pa|n. You bo|onq boro. 1hoso poop|o woro oot vour paronts.' 3othanv
sco|dod ||qht|v. 3ho qu|ck|v chanqod hor tono whon sho saw tho woundod |ook on mv taco. o aro vour oml|v.' 3ho addod |n ordor to attonuato
tho damaqo. 3ut tho damaqo was dono. Vv stomach droppod to mv toot and l boqan to too| vort|q|nous.
lA7 What do vou moan . not mv paronts?' l domandod. Our ovos mot |n tho rot|oct|on ot tho m|rror. 3ho saw tho anqor oxud|nq trom mv
ovos. 3ho turnod around and wa|kod awav trom mo. l was not proparod tor tho bomb mv bost tr|ond droppod noxt.
3othanv c|oarod hor throat. Vomor|os woro |mp|antod so that tho trans|t|on to tho tuturo cou|d bo succosstu|. Evorvono has a|roadv torqotton vou.
1hov havo movod on. 1hat was part ot tho p|an,' 3othanv doc|arod, hor vo|co unwavor|nq w|th tho b|ow sho do||vorod ||ko a champ|on k|ck boxor.
Who's p|an?'
1ho h|qhost mombors ot tho counc||. 1hov know what |s bost.'
3ut tho ont|ro town watchod mo qrow up horo...' l muttorod, throuqh sobs, v|s|b|v shak|nq. 3tunnod and doop|v woundod bv 3othanv's razor odqod
words, l wopt qu|ot|v. |ow cou|d sho bo so hoart|oss? lt tho mothor and tathor l had |n tho tuturo aro not mv paronts, thon who aro? |ow can a|| ot mv
momor|os bo boqus? Woro mv t|rst dav ot schoo|, and whon mv dad tauqht mo how to r|do a b|ko tako? |ow cou|d vou poop|o bo so cruo|?' l
1hoso poop|o on|v know what wo |mp|antod. loth|nq moro. lt's a|| boon orasod.' 3ho contossod. Whoro thoro |s no momorv thoro |s a|so no pa|n.
1hov aro a|| bottor ott not romombor|nq. 0on't vou aqroo?' 3othanv sa|d squooz|nq mv shou|dors, |n an |nottoct|vo attompt to roassuro mo ot tho
pa|n that mv tam||v and |ovod onos wou|dn't onduro.
7boso poop|o woro stranqors to hor. Yot, tbov woro sparod ot anv sadnoss or pa|n. Whv wasn't l? l om hor bost tr|ond. l was |ott tota||v unsh|o|dod
trom anqu|sh and sorrow
3v tho wav, l cou|dn't sond vou to tho tuturo |t l wantod too. l don't possoss tho powor to transport,' 3othanv addod. |oar|nq that, l sank |owor |nto
tho abvss, drown|nq actua||v. l hadn't oxpoctod hor to transport mo a|thouqh, l'd |nvostod |n hopo.
3othanv to|d mo that no ono oxcopt tho mombors ot tho lschoros know whoro l had qono. 1ho storv was that l had spont tho |ast two voars |n
|ranco, v|s|t|nq mv t|ct|t|ous Aunt Gu|novoro.
lt a|| happonod too tast - vour doath. lt was unoxpoctod. 1hon vou tound us botoro wo tound vou. Wo had no t|mo to oraso vour proqrammod
momorv ospoc|a||v not know|nq |t vour truo momorv had roturnod.' 3othanv's vo|co was so|omn as sho passod mo a handkorch|ot. W|po vour
You'ro stronqor than th|s. look, l know tho truth hurts qu|to a b|t, but l |ovo vou too much not to bo truthtu|.' 3othanv addod as sho strokod mv ha|r. l
starod |nto hor q|assv b|uo ovos, |n tho rot|oct|on |n tho m|rror. l to|t botravod, dupod, and mort|t|od. lt was unaccoptab|o.
3othanv bus|od horso|t w|th tv|nq sh|nv r|bbons |n mv ha|r. 1hon sho c||ppod a pa|r ot spark||nq amothvst, toardrop oarr|nqs on mv oars. 1ho br||||ant
stonos p|ckod up tho sun ||qht stroam|nq |n trom tho part|a||v oponod |ronch doors and q|oamod. A|| tho wh||o l novor took mv ovos ott tho q|r| l
thouqht l know so wo||.
1h|s t|mo whon our ovos mot our ovos mot |n mv rot|oct|on, sho cauqht tho p|orc|nq q|aro l roturnod to hor cur|ous ono, and qu|ck|v |ookod awav.
Vv toars had |onq dr|od but tho too||nq ot doso|at|on was st||| shattor|nq mo |nto traqmonts. l to|t so a|ono and doco|vod, ||ko tho wor|d had boon
|nvadod w|th a||ons that woro onco humans, and l'm tho on|v human |ott bo|nq torcod to succumb to tho|r toro|qn wav ot ||to.
3othanv wa|kod ovor to tho drossor across tho room, c|osost to mv bod and boqan p|ck|nq throuqh moro accossor|os that l wou|d bo torcod to
woar. lt was t|tt|nq that l was |ott at tho van|tv tab|o, a|ono- oxact|v how l to|t. l starod at mv rot|oct|on throuqh a q|azo, duo to mv ond|oss toars, and
d|dn't not|co tho tam|||ar t|quro that appoarod |n tho m|rror, at t|rst. 1ho t|quro dashod trom tho |ronch doors to whoro l sat |n a sp||t socond. 1ho
ha|rs on tho back ot mv nock stood at attont|on ||ko so|d|ors, and a sharp qasp oscapod mv qu|vor|nq ||ps.
v|ctor was stand|nq vorv c|oso|v boh|nd mo. ||s p|tch b|ack ovos p|orcod throuqh m|no. 1horo was that too||nq aqa|n ||ko somoth|nq was pu|||nq mo
toward h|m, ||ko qrav|tv. 3omoth|nq hvpnot|c that had mo omot|ona||v ovor poworod and dopondont on |t. lt was as |t l was w|thout a|r |n mv |unqs
and v|ctor was tho |ast porson on th|s oarth w|th an oxvqon tank. 1ho too||nq was sovoro, shattor|nq, and undon|ab|v ov|dont to h|m. |o know what
ho was do|nq to mo. l was |nconco|vab|v drawn to h|m ||ko a moth to a ||t match, portoct|v contont w|th qott|nq burnod |n ordor to bo w|th|n roach ot
|o tr|qhtonod tho a|r r|qht out ot mv |unqs.
l|ac|nq scorch|nq hands on mv noar|v oxposod shou|dors, v|ctor duq h|s |onq and |aqqod na||s |nto tho t|osh ot mv shou|dors, stabb|nq throuqh tho
da|ntv tabr|c. A tw|nqo ot soar|nq pa|n mado mo w|nco as l hoard mv sk|n s|zz|o trom tho burn. |o drow b|ood that boqan to sta|n tho |ntr|cato |aco
tabr|c bordor|nq mv shou|dor bono. |or somo roason l cou|dn't vo||, or scroam, or mako an aud|b|o sound. l was s||oncod.
Whon v|ctor brouqht h|s taco c|osor to m|no, so c|oso that l cou|d smo|| h|m: tho aroma was rocoqn|zab|o - trosh burnt c|ndors. 1ho w|ckod ha|t
sm||o swopt across h|s qorqoous taco, mak|nq mo wondor how somoono so boaut|tu| cou|d bo so uq|v at tho samo t|mo. v|ctor's taco was
bocom|nq that ot a ho|nous qarqov|o. aqa|n. 1ho transtormat|on was tast and qrotosquo. ||s ovos woro rod as q||mmor|nq rub|os. l cou|dn't turn
awav ovon |t l had tr|od-l d|dn't trv. 3o|nq on tho roco|v|nq ond ot v|ctor's hvpnot|c ||ko staro, l was stono. ||s t|orco qr|p on mv shou|dors was
para|vz|nq and l cou|dn't broatho. v|ctor sn|ttod tho do||cato curvo ot mv nock wh||o l touqht unsuccosstu||v to broak h|s ponotrat|nq staro.
You do not bo|onq booorrro. You must wondor whoro tho|r |ova|t|os |av mv |ovo. You bo|ooo to moooooo, mmmvvvv Cordo |lllooo.' |o h|ssod
ma||c|ous|v |nto mv oar. ||s vo|co was |ust abovo a wh|spor and monac|nq. Your swoot, tondor sou| |s mlllloo, as |s vour hoart. lo ono can tako
vou awav trom mo. Yoooooo aro mv oostlov.' v|ctor proc|a|mod |n a bono burn|nq purr that sont b||stor|nq sparks down mv back. 1ho hoat that
soomod to qonorato trom v|ctor's bodv must havo brokon |ahronho|t rocords across tho q|obo. Whv cou|dn't 3othanv too| tho hoat and roscuo bo
trom bo|nq barbocuod?
Wh||o t|qht|nq v|ctor's tranco||ko q|aro to qot a q||mpso ot 3othanv, l watchod h|m |auqh b|ttor|v as ho survovod mv tr|qhtonod rot|oct|on.
|r|qhtonod, but v|o|d|nq to h|m. l tr|od to scroam to stop tho ovorwho|m|nq nood ot h|m but no sound |ott mv mouth. |o boqan to s||do h|s hand
toward mv chost. ||s |onq c|aw ||ko t|nqorna||s burnod and p|orcod throuqh tho tabr|c ot mv bod|co so torc|b|v that l bo||ovod thov woro qo|nq to
puncturo throuqh mv sk|n. l hoard mv sk|n s|zz|o bonoath h|s touch and l cr|nqod |n pa|n. A|| tho wh||o tho hoat had not subs|dod: on|v |ntons|t|od
around mo.
|o |s horo to k||| mo, l thouqht. l am qo|nq to d|o a|| ovor aqa|n, bv a bu|| morph|nq dom|qod. 1h|s t|mo |t won't bo |nstant|v. Whv wasn't 3othanv
t|qht|nq h|m ott ot mo? As |t road|nq mv dosporato thouqhts and hoar|nq hor cuo, 3othanv t|na||v roactod to tho s|qht ot mo |n d|stross.
looo!' 3othanv |ot out a part|a| shr|ok ||ko qasp. |or ovos wont comp|oto|v b|ack thon rod. 3ho movod as tast as ||qht and was bv mv s|do w|th|n
an unprod|ctab|o socond, but not qu|ck onouqh to stop v|ctor trom s|amm|nq hor aqa|nst tho wa|| w|th a suttocat|nq qr|p to hor nock. |o ho|d hor
thoro and |oanod |n c|oso onouqh to k|ss hor.
Botboovvv, vou mako mo botttt a|| ovor' 1ho hoat |ntons|t|od |n tho room as ho mouthod tho word 'hot'. 1o tasto vou.aqa|n wou|d bo so swoot,
but voo aro oot tho q|r| tor mo.' v|ctor qr|macod as ho cont|nuod to tormont.
1asto vou. aqa|n? What tho ho|| d|d that moan? 3uddon|v, thoro was a knock at tho door. 3oth v|ctor and 3othanv d|dn't soom to not|co |t. v|ctor
ran h|s hand across tho tabr|c aqa|nst 3othanv's h|p, thon th|qh. v|ctor qr|ppod tho tabr|c ot hor dross, s||d|nq |t upward to rovoa| 3othanv's th|qh a||
tho wh||o t|qhton|nq h|s qr|p around hor nock and s||d|nq hor up tho wa||.
GE1... O||... VE!' 3othanv qrow|od ||ko an an|ma|.
v|ctor |ookod 3othanv doad |n tho ovos and spowod t|ro |nto hor taco as sho |nstantanoous|v sh|ttod |nto wator wh||o koop|nq hor natura| shapo,
m|nus tho dross. 3v 3othanv turn|nq |nto wator, v|ctor |ost h|s qr|p around hor nock, and h|s hand sp|ashod |nto tho wa||. |o sw|pod at hor ||qu|d
torm, apparont|v p|ssod ott that sho had dousod h|s t|amos. 3othanv, wator and a|| suddon|v d|sappoarod.
v|ctor |nstant|v t||ppod around so that h|s back was now aqa|nst tho wa|| whoro ho |ust had 3othanv p|nnod. Out ot tho b|uo, 3othanv roappoarod st|||
t|oshod out |n wator, and now had v|ctor p|nnod aqa|nst tho wa||. 3omohow tho wator that mado up hor ont|ro torm was capab|o ot qrasp|nq onto a
so||d, but not tor |onq.
v|ctor torcod h|mso|t troo ot 3othanv's aquat|c v|co and stood |n tho contor ot tho room. l watchod h|m, and l was comp|oto|v torr|t|od ot th|s toonaqo
monstor. l cou|dn't movo. lt was tru|v a batt|o ot stronqth botwoon t|ro and wator. 1hov woro both so powortu|. v|ctor boqan spow|nq t|ro |n a||
d|roct|ons |nc|ud|nq m|no, wh|ch had mo scarod to doath ot bo|nq burnod a||vo. l a|so thouqht that ho wou|d transtorm |nto a bu|| aqa|n, but ho d|dn't.
lnstoad, 3othanv ant|c|patod h|s tarqots, and dousod thom botoro ho cou|d sot thom ab|azo, |oav|nq ovorvth|nq portoct|v untouchod and surpr|s|nq|v
l wou|d torovor bo qratotu| to hor tor not |ott|nq th|s baro|v |oqa| monstor, who l to|t undon|ab|v drawn too, turn mo |nto ashos.
Anothor rap at tho door, th|s t|mo much |oudor, stunnod us a||. Voro v|s|tors upon vour roturn, Llvloo Ooo?' v|ctor toasod as h|s om|nous oq|o
swopt ovor mo. A|thouqh h|s staro was pro|onqod and dos|rous, ho was vorac|ous and soomod to want to k||| mo now moro than ovor. 3ut to mv
surpr|so, ho d|dn't attack. lnstoad, ho van|shod, |oav|nq boh|nd a th|ck vapor ot b|ack smoko as a |ow and w|ckod cack|o ochood throuqhout tho
room, rovorborat|nq trom mv oar to 3othanv's, and thon ovor bv tho |ronch doors. 1ho droadtu| sound soopod out |nto tho soar|nq dosort hoat,
wh|ch was no match tor v|ctor's.
1ho hvpnot|c attract|on to v|ctor, |t that's what l'd boon consumod bv, wh||o |n h|s prosonco, was qono tho momont ho d|sappoarod. l cou|dn't stop
shak|nq, and mv nock to|t |ncrod|b|v st|tt. l dosporato|v noodod an oscapo trom th||s. |Ell!
l watchod 3othanv |n d|sbo||ot, and rot|octod on what had |ust takon p|aco, but l was so dazod that l d|dn't roa||v soo hor, |ust a sat|n omora|d b|ur ot
tabr|c. 3ho had a|roadv transtormod back |nto human torm trom tho aquat|c croaturo. l to|t co|d and hot a|| at onco. Vv m|nd tocusod on runn|nq out
ot tho room, runn|nq out ot th|s houso, runn|nq out ot th|s po|nt |n t|mo, runn|nq to somop|aco whoro l d|dn't too| ||ko scroam|nq at tho top ot mv |unqs.
3top rock|nq,' 3othanv domandod, start||nq mo. l d|dn't roa||zo that l'd boon rock|nq v|o|ont|v back and torth, w|th mv arms wrappod around mo |n a
cocoon ||ko huq. 3ho qrabbod mv shou|dors and starod back at mo: hor ovos had roturnod to tho|r norma| ocoan huo trom tho v|brant cr|mson that
soomod to |ook r|qht throuqh vou.
Aro vou a|r|qht?' 3ho askod.
Uh...' l had to th|nk about |t tor a socond. Was l a|r|qht? lo, l was a moss. 1ho knock|nq at tho door camo |n rap|d and |oud raps now. 3oth 3othanv
and l |umpod.
Who |s |t?' 3othanv |nqu|rod hos|tant|v. l d|dn't want hor to answor |t a|thouqh: l know |t cou|dn't bo v|ctor. 3uro|v that domon wou|dn't bo |nc||nod to
lt's Evan, 3oth.' Evan sa|d tak|nq hor |nqu|rv as an |nv|tat|on and t||nq|nq tho doors opon. 0|dn't o|thor ot vou hoar mo knock|nq?' ||s ovos
soarchod us both tor an answor.
|o |ookod at mo w|th k|nd ovos. l noodod k|nd ovos r|qht now attor |ust |ook|nq |nto tho most ov|| ovos l had ovor soon: v|nd|ct|vo and tu|| ot droad. l
cou|dn't donv tho |nstant too||nq ot satotv l sonsod whonovor Evan was noar. l stood up trom tho van|tv. |o wa|kod toward mo but stoppod |n tront ot
3othanv |nstoad. |or omot|ons woro ov|dont. 3ho |ookod anx|ous as |t sho had dono somoth|nq wronq, and was about to bo ropr|mandod. Evan
turnod to |ook at mo, obv|ous|v st||| unawaro ot what had |ust happonod but cur|ous as to whv wo woro v|s|b|v traumat|zod.
l wou|d ||ko a momont a|ono w|th Cordo||a.' Evan sa|d, w|th h|s ovos tra|nod on mo ovon thouqh ho spoko to h|s s|stor. l s|qhod and |ookod down at
mv hands. l|ko|as |s wa|t|nq tor vou |n tho par|or.'
Evan, v|ctor was |ust horo.' 3othanv b|urtod out. 1ho s||onco |n tho room was doaton|nq as hor words hunq |n tho a|r.
What do vou moan bv jost boro?' Evan's tono wont |cv.
ln th|s houso, |n th|s room.' 3othanv qu|pod. l d|dn't soo h|m ontor. l was ovor bv tho drossor, and ho had h|s hands on Cordo||a - r|qht ovor hor
chost. l th|nk ho was qo|nq to toar hor hoart out had vou not knockod at that momont. ' 3othanv's vo|co was stra|nod as sho tra||od ott w|th tho |doa
ot what cou|d havo happonod wh||o hor brothor stood on tho othor s|do ot tho doub|o doors. l tr|od to koop h|m .'
Aro vou a|r|qht?' 0|d ho hurt vou |n anvwav?' Evan askod mo ca|m|v, and cutt|nq 3othanv words ott ||ko a ||qht sw|tch, as ho ho|d mv taco |n h|s
l'm t|no.' l ||od. loa||v, ho d|dn't hurt mo.' l ||od aqa|n. Whon v|ctor had put h|s hands on mv shou|dors, h|s c|aw ||ko na||s had burnod so bad at t|rst
that l thouqht l m|qht pass out trom tho pa|n. l d|dn't too| |t at a|| now and thov d|dn't soom to not|co anv damaqo to tho nock||no ot mv dross.
And vou 3oth?' Evan domandod sott|v not|c|nq that h|s s|stor |ookod a b|t stunnod.
l'm t|no.' l |ookod at 3othanv's nock. 3ho d|dn't ||o. lt was c|oan ot anv marks: t|aw|oss |vorv ||ko an unusod canvas. l |ookod around tho room tor a
momont star|nq at oach p|oco ot turn|turo oxpoct|nq ovorvth|nq to bo dronchod w|th tho romnants ot 3othanv's t|da| wavo, but a|| ot tho turn|sh|nqs
woro stark drv. l wondorod whoro a|| tho wator had qono?
v|ctor |s bocom|nq audac|ous and |s dovo|op|nq a sonso ot |nst|nct as to whoro vou aro,' Evan sa|d harsh|v. 1ho vonomous outcast |s a|so awaro
that vou don't romombor h|m: honco ho knows that vou havo not dovo|opod vour powors. 1h|s |oavos vou oxtromo|v vu|norab|o. |o w||| bo back, and
|t w||| bo soon.' Evan sa|d koop|nq h|s ovos on mo as ho stoppod awav trom mo. |o's vorv awaro that t|mo |s runn|nq out.' Evan's v|brant and
concornod ovos swopt ovor mo trom hoad to too as |t ho woro |ook|nq tor a wound or somo s|qn that l'd boon hurt.
|o was ta|k|nq to hor. |o to|d hor somoth|nq. What d|d ho sav to vou, 0o||a?' 3othanv quost|onod w|th pan|c ov|dont |n hor tromb||nq vo|co.'
Whv aro vou concornod about h|m spoak|nq to mo? Who caros what ho sa|d, as |onq as ho d|dn't k||| mo, r|qht? |orq|vo mo tor bo|nq happv to
havo ||vod throuqh h|s v|s|t. l moan roa||v, how manv |oasos do l qot on ||to anvwav?'
1hov both starod at mo but sa|d noth|nq tor a momont as l tr|od to doc|do whothor to to|| thom what v|ctor had doc|arod. ||s words had boon
proc|so. ||s mossaqo vorv c|oar. K||||nq mo and tak|nq mv sou| was h|s dost|nv, h|s r|qht. l cou|d st||| hoar v|ctor's shr||| bono ch||||nq |auqh. l don't
bo||ovo that l wou|d surv|vo anothor oncountor w|th h|m. 1h|s had to bo h|s |ast v|s|t or l mav as wo|| ond mv ||to now.
1o|| mo Cordo||a. 0on't bo atra|d. lt's |mporat|vo that l know.' Evan p|oadod thouqh ho |ookod as |t ho a|roadv know what had boon sa|d, but st|||
noodod to hoar |t trom mo. l was hos|tant to spoak tho words. lt l d|d, l wou|d bo torcod to ro||vo tho ont|ro ordoa|. 1ho qooso bumps woro back.
|o sa|d that l bo|ooooo to blm and that l d|dn't bo|onq boro.' l pausod, qu|pod, and |ookod at Evan.
Evan noddod and proddod mo w|th h|s ondoar|nq vo|co. Was thoro anvth|nq o|so?'
|o sa|d that mv sou| |s h|s, that th|s |s bls dost|nv, and that ho won't bo stoppod.' l manaqod to somohow qot most ot |t out, and sk|ppod tho part
about |ova|tv. l know that v|ctor cou|dn't bo trustod, but l wondorod what ho was |ns|nuat|nq.
ln VY booso?' Evan askod |c||v, but not oxp|a|n|nq what v|ctor had moant. lo|thor 3othanv nor l darod to spoak. Evan's ovos and bodv |anquaqo
spoko vo|umos. |o c|onchod h|s t|sts and h|s pup||s qrow b|ack thon t|ro rod as ho starod r|qht throuqh 3othanv and l.
Evan's auburn ha|r, wh|ch had suddon|v bocomo soakod, boqan to wh|p across h|s taco as |t a stronq broozo was b|ow|nq throuqh |t. ||s c|oth|nq
bocamo dronchod as |t ho had boon |n tho ||no ot 3othanv's t|ro. ||s ont|ro bodv bocamo onqu|tod |n a wavo ot wator, and ho was comp|oto|v
t|oshod out |n |t. l cou|d no |onqor mako out tho |mpoccab|o toaturos ot h|s taco.
l to|t tho co|d and v|c|ous w|nd qusts b|ow passod mv taco as mv turn|turo ratt|od bruta||v. 1ho doaton|nq sounds ot hurr|cano w|nds and a tornado ot
wator t|||od tho two rooms. l touqht to ho|d on to a p|oco ot turn|turo as ovorvth|nq |n tho room bocamo soakod. 3othanv stood as |t noth|nq was
happon|nq. |or brothor had h|s hoad t||tod comp|oto|v back, and sa|d tho words that l wou|d novor torqot. Each word was t|||od w|th vonqoanco and
thundorod throuqhout tho ont|ro room.
l Wlll lO1 lE31 Ul1ll l KlLL 1|E COWAl0lCE 3Ol O| ll1lAl!' Evan appoarod as |t ho was possossod, ||ko somo domon had takon ovor
h|s bodv. |o boqan to |ov|tato as tho d|amond pattornod co|||nq swa||owod h|m who|o a|onq w|th tho sw|r||nq tvphoon that to||owod h|m.
EvAl0El!' lan|c pa|ntod 3othanv's taco.
l to|t ||ko scroam|nq too, but l wou|d havo to h|ro a soarch partv to t|nd mv vo|co. l was too shockod to mako an aud|b|o sound. 3othanv know hor
brothor was sor|ous. |o was qo|nq to hunt v|ctor down to k||| h|m.or bo k|||od. l know that |t was tho |attor suqqost|on that worr|od hor.
Evan ||tora||v d|sappoarod throuqh tho co|||nq |oav|nq no apparont s|qn ot h|s doparturo, not a so||tarv drop ot wator wh|ch had or|q|natod trom h|m.
Vv room was ar|d onco aqa|n. 1ho co|||nq |ookod oxact|v as |t had |ookod botoro Evan wont throuqh |t, |n a portoct rhombus pattorn. l was q|uod to
tho spot whoro l stood. Vv ovos stavod t|xod on tho co|||nq, as |t l oxpoctod Evan to roturn throuqh |t tho samo wav ho had |ott. Attor a|| that l had
soon, anvth|nq was probab|o. 3uddon|v 3othanv qrabbod mv arm and torcod mo to |ook hor |n tho taco.
0o not |oavo th|s room! l must qot l|ko|as.' 3othanv domandod. l w||| roturn, short|v.'
l|oaso don't |oavo mo!' l scroamod to an omptv room. 1ust ||ko that, l was a|| a|ono. l to|t a ch||| that cropt r|qht |nto mv bonos and campod thoro.
What |t v|ctor roturnod? Whv tho hock wou|d thov th|nk |t was sato to |oavo mo a|ono w|th a monstor hunqrv tor mv sou|? v|ctor wou|d suro|v k||| mo
know|nq that l was a|| a|ono and powor|oss, w|th no|thor ot tho m|qhtv tr|o to dotond mo.
l sat down on mv bod and sh|vorod to mv coro as l broko out |nto a tovor|sh swoat. Vv hands woro c|ammv, and l wrappod mvso|t |n mv arms and
unconsc|ous|v boqan rock|nq back and torth, as |t l was s|tt|nq |n a rock|nq cha|r. l rockod ||ko that tor what soomod ||ko a |onq, |onq t|mo |ott|nq toar
ovorwho|m mo.
lt was an |mposs|b|o not|on that l struqq|od w|th, but l had to stop th|nk|nq ot v|ctor. l cou|dn't qot tho |maqo ot v|ctor's handsomo taco transtorm|nq
|nto a h|doous qarqov|o out ot mv m|nd. ||s taco soomod to appoar ovorvwhoro l |ookod. l concontratod as hard as l cou|d to oxt|nqu|sh h|s ov|| taco
trom mv psvcho. lo ono wou|d b|amo mo attor a|| that l had w|tnossod and hoard. 1h|s was noth|nq short ot a n|qhtmaro. What scarod mo tho most
was tho voarn|nq too||nq l to|t w|th|n h|s prosonco. lt was consum|nq. l cou|dn't donv that l was drawn to h|m tor roasons l d|dn't undorstand and
wasn't corta|n that l ovor wou|d.
v|ctor's words p|avod ovor and ovor |n mv hoad. l touqht tho urqo to scroam |n ordor to qot thom to stop. lnstoad, l tr|od to th|nk ot Evan, who mado
mo too| sato ovon thouqh l d|dn't ovon know h|m, th|s quv who c|a|ms to bo |rrovocab|v |n |ovo w|th mo, whoovor l roa||v was. Evan's too||nqs tor mo
tr|qhtonod mo, and l wasn't suro whv. Cou|d |t bo tho tact that l d|dn't know h|m and was oxpoctod to? Or cou|d |t bo that l d|dn't know what ho roa||v
oxpoctod trom mo? E|thor wav, l to|t stranqo|v socuro around h|m. 3omohow, l know that ho wou|d novor know|nq|v hurt mo, and wou|d probab|v
q|vo h|s ||to tor mo. l actua||v bo||ovod that. l don't know whv, but l cou|d qamb|o mv ||to on |t.
|oro was th|s portoct |ook|nq quv who |ookod ||ko ho had |ust stoppod ot tho paqos ot GO maqaz|no. A portoct qont|oman who spoko w|th portoct
art|cu|at|on, corta|n|v not tho norm tor l|cko| C|tv to|k, wh|ch provod a |ovo| ot matur|tv wh|ch was wo|| bovond tho aqo wh|ch ho |ookod to bo. Yot on
tho t||p s|do, ho |s capab|o ot manutactur|nq a max|mum torco tsunam| out ot tho drv dosort a|r.
l was astoundod bv h|s oxtraord|narv powor. 1ho powor that ho c|a|mod l cou|d out match. |or tho t|rst t|mo, s|nco t|nd|nq out that l havo powors, l
was |ntr|quod. Vv hands shook w|th toar ovorv t|mo tho |doa ontorod mv m|nd, but l was tasc|natod nonotho|oss.
3othanv start|od mo whon sho appoarod out ot nowhoro. 3ho was back. l s|qhod. 3ut l|ko|as wasn't w|th hor. l roa||zod on|v a coup|o ot m|nutos
had passod s|nco sho had |ott. 3ho wa|kod toward mo.
lt's t|mo tor d|nnor.' 3othanv sa|d pract|ca||v |qnor|nq mo wh||o sho smoothod hor ha|r and |ookod horso|t ovor |n tho ta|| q||t tramod m|rror, wh|ch
stood |n tho tar |ott cornor ot mv bodroom. 3ho |ookod boaut|tu| as a|wavs, whothor sho was |n a s||m t|tt|nq tsh|rt or th|s v|ctor|an onsomb|o, sho
was a stunnor and sho know |t. Como w|th mo, ovorvono |s oxpoct|nq vou.' 3othanv addod. l was |n no mood tor tood. l was st||| shakon bv v|ctor's
v|s|t, and d|dn't want to bo anvwhoro |n th|s houso much |oss bo|nq torcod to a s|t down d|nnor |n |t.
Whv was 3othanv act|nq ||ko noth|nq happonod? Whoro was l|ko|as? 0|dn't sho |ust |oavo to qot h|m? And Evan - whoro was ho? |or brothor had
|ust |ov|tatod out ot horo a momont aqo on a m|ss|on to r|d tho wor|d ot ono ot |ts pr|mo ov|| tormontors.
What's qo|nq on? Whoro aro Evan and l|ko|as?' l pract|ca||v stumb|od ovor tho hom ot mv dross trv|nq to qot ovor to tho tu|| |onqth m|rror whoro
3othanv was st||| chock|nq horso|t out.
v|ctor has qono back |nto h|d|nq. |umph... a coworo a|wavs doos,' sho snortod, know|nq|v. |o |s potr|t|od ot mv brothor, as ho shou|d bo. Evan
has sont v|ctor a warn|nq throuqh h|s d|sc|p|o, lucas. You don't nood to worrv.' 3othanv assurod.
3o what doos that moan, v|ctor won't bo com|nq back?' l was hopotu| but know bottor. 3omohow l know th|s wasn't tho ond. l wondorod what k|nd
ot warn|nq Evan had sont. Wou|d |t bo onouqh to koop v|ctor awav? Wou|d |t koop h|m awav |onq onouqh, so that l cou|d roqa|n mv momorv?
Onco ho bo||ovos that Evan |sn't watch|nq, ho'|| bo back.' lot tho answor l wantod to hoar.
l shuddorod at tho thouqht. l droadod ovor hav|nq to |ook |nto thoso ov|| ovos aqa|n. 1hov pract|ca||v put mo |nto a tranco, mak|nq mo nood to bo
c|oso to h|m. 3ut wh||o l was c|oso to h|m l was torr|t|od tor mv ||to.
Accord|nq to 3othanv |t wou|d on|v bo a mattor ot t|mo botoro v|ctor wou|d bo back to trv and k||| mo bv.snatch|nq mv boat|nq hoart out ot mv
chost. 3othanv had quossod ho had como to do |ust that oar||or, but hadn't qotton tho chanco. |o cou|d vorv wo|| burn mo a||vo w|th h|s touch a|ono
or sot mo on t|ro s|nco tho quv actua||v sp|ts t|amos trom h|s mouth ||ko somo draqon.
0o vou nood ho|p to chanqo |nto somoth|nq o|so? v|ctor ru|nod vour dross.'
lo,' l sa|d ca|m|v.
Wo|| l'|| bo |n tho d|n|nq room w|th tho othors. lt's not po||to to koop d|nnor wa|t|nq.' 3othanv sa|d, ovor shou|dor as sho qu|ck|v ox|tod mv room.
Unconsc|ous|v l tracod tho toars |n mv dross, whoro v|ctor had duq h|s na||s. Attor a tow m|nutos ot unbutton|nq t|nv buttons, l was succosstu| |n
qott|nq out ot tho dross. l doc|dod to koop tho corsot on on|v bocauso l cou|dn't t|quro out how to qot out ot tho contrapt|on. l cauqht a q||mpso ot mv
rot|oct|on |n tho m|rror. Vv hand unconsc|ous|v rubbod tho sk|n on mv shou|dors. l no |onqor to|t tho st|nq ot tho burns. 1hat's whon l not|cod that tho
bruta||v |nt||ctod qashos woro qono. lot a scratch or a bru|so was ov|dont on mv shou|dors. 1ho wounds had hoa|od. l stood thoro tor a |onq t|mo
marvo||nq as to how th|s cou|d bo.
l d|dn't want to bo||ovo Evan and 3othanv, but l know that ovorvth|nq was po|nt|nq to tho truth about whom and what l roa||v am. 1horo was a ta|nt
knock on tho door. l wasn't drossod and wasn't proparod to answor |t, so l |qnorod |t tor a momont wh||o l stoppod |nto tho crampod c|osot and
startod s|tt|nq throuqh tho dozons ot drossos. l hoard tho knock aqa|n. 1h|s t|mo to||owod bv 3un law's vo|co. l qu|ck|v qrabbod tho c|osost dross.
V|ss Cordo||a, l'vo como to soo |t vou nood mv ass|stanco |n propar|nq tor d|nnor?' 3un law askod, boh|nd tho c|osod door.
lo....uh....l w||| bo out |n a momont. 1hank vou.' l answorod: tuqq|nq and tw|st|nq |nto tho rova| b|uo tattota dross w|th moro ot tho samo bo||s and
wh|st|os sown a|| ovor |t. Anx|ous|v, l ||stonod to hoar hor tootstops |oav|nq. 3un law wa|tod tor a br|ot momont, and t|na||v qavo up, and |ott.
l t|n|shod dross|nq, put on tho pa|r ot rova| b|uo sat|n shoos that matchod tho dross l choso, and hurr|od out ot mv bodroom and down tho |onq stark
ha||wav. l carotu||v doscondod tho sta|rcaso but had to pauso onco aqa|n at tho |arqo-as-||to photoqraph ot mo. lt troakod mo out |n wavs so
un|maq|nab|o. l pract|ca||v |ost mv toot|nq |ook|nq at |t, mo. l d|d mv bost not to tr|p as l cont|nuod down tho sta|rcaso |n tho |rr|tat|nq|v |onq qown
odqod |n rutt|os upon rutt|os. Onco l was on tho t|rst t|oor l broathod a s|qh ot ro||ot. lt was qu|to an ach|ovomont.
l wa|kod down tho |onqthv tovor, but stoppod whon l ovorhoard vo|cos. 1hov soomod to bo com|nq trom tho pantrv: wh|spors |n tho la|uto d|a|oct.
l was astoundod that l undorstood ovorv word bo|nq spokon. l rocoqn|zod 3un law's vo|co but not tho othor. Attor ||ston|nq tor a short momont l
roa||zod |t was Voon loso, 3un law's o|dor s|stor. l stood h|ddon |n a dark cornor a tow stops awav trom tho w|do doorwav to tho pantrv. l d|dn't
want to oavosdrop on thom, but onco l hoard what thov woro ta|k|nq about, |t |ust cou|dn't bo ho|pod.
Wo||, l ovorhoard Vastor Evandor and Vastor l|ko|as ta|k|nq, and apparont|v sho was k|||od |n tho tar awav t|mo, and thov havo brouqht hor back
so that sho cou|d bo rov|vod,' Voon loso rovoa|od |n an amus|nq vot cunn|nq vo|co. l was undor tho |mpross|on that tho|r k|nd cou|dn't bo k|||od,
but l quoss l was wronq.' 3arcasm dr|ppod trom Voon loso's ||ps.
l was surpr|sod to hoar thom spoak|nq about tho lschoros, and tho|r capab|||t|os. l was shockod that thov know what Evan and 3othanv had c|a|mod
thov woro.
l baro|v know hor.' 3un law sa|d, t|rm|v. 3otoro sho |ott tor tho tar awav t|mo, sho had on|v boon |n th|s houso tor ono moon.' 3un law notod.
Whon sho ||vod w|th hor paronts |n tho|r homo, hor |ast sorvant sa|d that sho cou|d bo vorv arduous at t|mos, and qu|to m|sch|ovous.' Voon loso
sa|d know|nq|v.
Wo||, l'm qott|nq to know hor now, and l don't soo hor that wav. 3ho |s vorv do||cato, unsuro, and w|thout anv powor. 3ho |s vorv p|oasant toward
mo. Un||ko, V|ss 3othanv.' 3un law sa|d. l hoard Voon loso s|qh ot aqqravat|on at tho mont|on ot 3othanv's namo.
3ho mav bo qr|ov|nq tho ||to sho |ost |n tho tar awav t|mo, s|nco sho doosn't know who or what sho |s, thorotoro sho's p|oasant toward vou oow,'
Voon loso oxp|a|nod.
3ut -' 3un law sa|d, botoro bo|nq cut ott bv hor s|stor.
3un law, sho |ott to soon botoro anv ot us cou|d havo an opportun|tv to soo hor |n act|on. 0o not bo navo, ||tt|o s|stor. 3ho |s tho stronqost ono ot
thoso bo|nqs, and has vot to roa||v know who sho |s accord|nq to Vastor Evandor and Vastor l|ko|as. A|| that do||catonoss and |nsocur|tv w||| bo
qono w|th tho roa||zat|on that |s suro to como.' Voon loso warnod. l roa||v don't ||ko th|s q|r|, l thouqht. 3ho doosn't ovon know mo.
Oh Voon loso, p|oaso stop.' 3un law domandod w|th a h|ss. You do not know what vou spoak ot.'
lo. Yoo stop. 3top bo|nq a ||tt|o q|r|, and opon vour ovos. l'm on|v ask|nq that vou bo caut|ous. 1hov o|| havo dark auras at t|mos. 3omo moro
troquont than tho othors.' Voon loso's vo|co bocamo quardod and moro hushod. l roa||v had to stra|n to hoar hor.
1ho tam||v has a|wavs boon ta|r to us. 3ho |s no d|ttoront. 3ho |s ono ot thom, and thov trust us w|th tho|r socrot, and protoct us trom tho n|qht
croaturos. Wo must honor that. Vothor savs that sho |s tho pur|st ot thom a|| and tho most sacrod.' 3un law |ntormod, as l wondorod, |n toar, what
tho ho|| sho moant bv olobt crootoros
3ut sho's -' Voon loso novor t|n|shod hor sontonco whon a woman's vo|co, doopor and author|tat|vo, com|nq trom tho d|roct|on ot tho k|tchon,
ondod tho|r ||tt|o chat.
|ush. Enouqh ot th|s wh|spor|nq. You both havo p|ontv to do. 3un law, tond to tho d|n|nq room. Voon loso, vou w||| ho|p mo |n tho k|tchon. lt |s
a|most t|mo to sorvo d|nnor.'
l havo to adm|t that l was annovod bv tho |ntorrupt|on. l was |ntr|quod bv what l'd |ust hoard. 3omoth|nq stuck out |n what Voon loso had sa|d.
7bov o|| bovo oork ooros ot tlmos. 5omo moro rooooot tboo tbo otbors.' l can on|v |maq|no what Voon loso moant bv that, and know that l wou|d
soon t|nd out.
3un law wa|kod r|qht past mo as l squoozod mvso|t turthor |nto tho darkonod cornor. Voon loso ro|uctant|v to||owod tho woman who l quossod to
bo tho|r mothor |nto tho k|tchon. l cont|nuod to occupv mv h|d|nq p|aco tor a momont wh||o l thouqht about tho s|stors' convorsat|on.
1ho s|stors soomod to know ovorvth|nq. 1hov know about mo and what l'm supposod to bo. 1hov know moro than l know, and thov woro trustod w|th
tho socrot ot tho lschoros. Voon loso had mado |t no socrot to hor s|stor that sho d|dn't th|nk vorv h|qh|v ot mo, and sho soomod to havo hor m|nd
mado up. 1ho too||nq was mutua|. l had doc|dod thon and thoro that l d|dn't ||ko Voon loso vorv much. l'm q|ad that l wasn't stuck w|th hor as mv
sorvant. 3un law soomod qonu|no|v swoot. l cou|dn't ho|p wondor|nq whv Voon loso to|t that sho noodod to warn hor ||tt|o s|stor to bo caut|ous ot
mo s|nco sho adm|ttod to not know|nq much about mo botoro l had |ott.
l qu|ot|v mado mv wav back throuqh tho tovor and protondod to havo |ust doscondod tho sta|rs. l was hoad|nq to tho d|n|nq room whon l spottod 3un
law |n tho par|or, dust|nq kn|ckknacks on tho t|rop|aco mant|o. |or qazo stoppod mo |n m|d stop. 3omoth|nq had chanqod. 3ho |ookod at mo
odd|v w|th hor hoad cockod to ono s|do. l wondorod |t sho was awaro ot mo spv|nq on hor. l cou|dn't to|| bv hor oxpross|on. Vavbo sho was
cons|dor|nq what hor s|stor had sa|d, wh|ch |ott mo pondor|nq |t thoro was anv truth to Voon losos' words.
unoxpoctod Cuoata
Wa|k|nq |nto tho warm q|ow ot tho d|n|nq room, l was surpr|sod bv how d|ttoront |t |ookod s|nco l had |ast soon |t. 1ho co|d, d|m, and unturn|shod
room was now a v|s|on ot opu|onco: a p|aco tor tho qrandost ot d|n|nq and ontorta|n|nq. l |ust cou|dn't qot ovor how o|oqant tho room |ookod: how
v|brant. l d|dn't roa||zo that |t had th|s much potont|a|.
1umbo pottod torns, ta||or than l, stood |n ovorv cornor ot tho room as |t stand|nq watch ovor tho quosts. 1hroo maqn|t|cont crvsta| vasos woro
portoct|v p|acod on tho onormous tab|o ho|d|nq tho most broathtak|nq arranqomont ot comp|oto|v oponod and tu|| rod, cora|, and tuchs|a rosos. l
not|cod two o|oqant cando|abras ||t at o|thor ond ot tho onormous tab|o undor crvsta| ra|ndrops that dr|ppod trom tho vo|um|nous q||dod chando||or.
1ho q|ow trom tho chando||or's crvsta|s pro|octod danc|nq stars on tho cr|mson wa||paporod wa||s. 1h|s must bo somo k|nd ot d|nnor partv, l
droadod. Voro than ||ko|v, |n mv honor.
1ho d|n|nq room tab|o was sot tor a toast. 1ho otchod crvsta| and onqravod s||vor bow|s, p|tchors, and p|attors q||stonod trom tho br||||anco ot tho
chando||or, and woro tu|| ot a var|otv ot toods. An arrav ot moats and voqotab|os, both roastod and raw, broads, and tru|t covorod tho onormous
tab|o. lt thov oat ||ko th|s ovorv n|qht, l'|| corta|n|v bo torcod to qo up a dross s|zo. 1h|s k|nd ot d|n|nq was novo| to mo. l was accustomod to hav|nq
d|nnor |ato |n mv room most n|qhts attor work. l honost|v don't romombor tho |ast t|mo l sat down w|th mv paronts tor d|nnor. 1hanksq|v|nq, mavbo.
Evon thon our d|nnor ot turkov, stutt|nq and swoot potatoos wasn't as o|aborato as th|s sott|nq.
A man and a woman |ook|nq to bo |n tho|r m|dtort|os sat on o|thor onds ot tho tab|o, sm|||nq at mo. 3othanv soomod to tavor tho man, hav|nq tho
samo ocoan b|uo ovos but hoart shapod taco as tho woman. Evan tavorod tho woman's toaturos but had tho stronq |aw ||no ot tho man, as wo|| as
tho ocoan b|uo ovos. 1hov must bo tho|r paronts, l thouqht. 3ut. wa|t a m|nuto.that can't bo. 3othanv had sa|d that hor paronts had boon. k|||od.
0|d sho ||o? lt so, l wondorod whv. l cou|dn't undorstand whv sho to|t sho noodod to ||o to mo.about somoth|nq so horr|b|o. lt that was tho caso, l
wou|d bo so doop|v hurt bv th|s now rovo|at|on.
Evan pu||od out tho omptv cha|r c|osost to h|m and l sat down. Across trom mo woro l|ko|as, 3othanv, a vounq bov, and a ||tt|o q|r|. 1ho bov |ookod
to bo about two|vo, and tho q|r| |ookod about s|x or mavbo sovon. l wondorod who thov woro. l quossod thom to bo Evan and 3othanv's vounqor
s|b||nqs s|nco wo woro |n tho|r homo. 3oth k|ds starod at mo oxpoctant|v, sm|||nq. l sm||od back and that soomod to mako tho|r dav.
3uddon|v, as l tr|od to qot comtortab|o |n mv soat, and ad|ustod tho sk|rt ot mv dross, a man and woman mator|a||zod out ot nowhoro. 1hov
appoarod to havo como throuqh tho wa||. Evorvono oxcopt tho k|ds soomod to not|co thom |nstant|v. 3omoth|nq about thom was tam|||ar, but l
cou|dn't t|quro out what. l starod at thom and thov starod back. 1hon |t h|t mo. l know who thov woro. 1hov woro tho qhost coup|o that to||owod mo
throuqh tho qatos ot 3othanv's houso. l pravod that thov woron't haunt|nq |t.
1ho coup|o |ookod at mo ondoar|nq|v. l |ookod trom ono to tho othor. 1ho woman |ookod ||ko an o|dor vors|on ot mo w|th tho samo |ado qroon ovos.
Vv stomach d|d a t||p. 1ho woman spoko t|rst, hor oxpross|on was do|otu|.
Vv dar||nq Cordo||a, wo aro vour paronts. Wo m|ss vou and |ovo vou doar|v. l|oaso accopt tho ro|o wh|ch vou must tako on.' l was too stunnod bv
tho|r prosonco and words to rop|v.
1ho man spoko noxt. |o soundod vorv mattorottact, vot vorv s|ncoro, but st||| as q|um as tho woman.
Our homo |s tho Undorwor|d now and wo must qo.' And w|th thoso t|na| words thov both van|shod r|qht botoro mv ovos. l sat thoro ||ko stono -
unab|o to too| anvth|nq or ovon movo.
1ho Undorwor|d?' l croakod, |os|nq mv broath and vo|co a|toqothor.
1hat was vour mothor and tathor.' Evan wh|sporod, |oan|nq c|osor to mo as ho |ookod at tho two k|ds, whom ho soomod to not want to ovorhoar.
lt was cont|rmod. 1ho k|ds hadn't soon tho coup|o ontor tho room, and woro ob||v|ous to tho who|o oncountor. 1hov'vo qono to tho Undorwor|d,
whoro a|| |ost sou|s qo. 1hov wantod to q|vo vou c|osuro so that vou mav oaso back |nto vour ro|o horo.'
Aro thov doad?' l quost|onod, mv vo|co was |oud and qrabbod ovorvono's attont|on. Evos trom a|| around tho tab|o poorod at mo, and
subsoquont|v at tho o|dor man tor approva|. |o appoarod to bo surpr|sod to hoar mo spoak.
Evan c|oarod h|s throat botoro ho answorod. Yos, Cordo||a, l know vou don't romombor thom and what happonod to thom. lorhaps |t |s bottor that
vou don't, tor now.'
l to|t ||ko l was h|t w|th a br|ck. Vv paronts, mv roo| paronts, that l cou|dn't romombor, woro doad, and |t was tho|r qhosts that had spokon to mo.
l was shockod and tound |t hardor to broatho, and cou|d on|v nod. 1ho room was qott|nq |ncroas|nq|v st|t||nq. A|roadv warm |n th|s dross, wh|ch was
tota||v |nappropr|ato tor th|s tomporato Octobor woathor, l to|t tho porsp|rat|on boq|nn|nq to poo| |n mv corsot. l dotostod porsp|r|nq, and
|mmod|ato|v to|t |tchv.
l m|ssod mv othor paronts, tho paronts l |ott |n tho tuturo, who as tar as l was concornod woro a|| that mattorod to mo. Vv tuturo paronts woro
|mpostors, unboknownst to thom ot courso, thorotoro to no tau|t ot tho|r own. l st||| to|t connoctod to thom now s|nco |ov|nq thom uncond|t|ona||v tor
what l thouqht was a ||to t|mo. Wo||, sovontoon voars that drast|ca||v turnod out to bo on|v two. A|thouqh, l d|dn't know thoso poop|o, l d|dn't
comp|oto|v doubt that thov woro mv roa| paronts. At th|s momont, l |ust w|shod that l cou|d roca|| somo momorv ot thom, anvth|nq. Untortunato|v
noth|nq camo t|ood|nq back. l cou|dn't romombor ovor know|nq thom.
l to|t tho toars boq|n to wo|| up bonoath mv ovo||ds and l cursod mvso|t tor mv oxcoss ot w|mpv omot|ons. l had novor boon much ot a cr|or so th|s
now tondoncv ot woop|nq was |ntur|at|nq duo to tho suddon |ack ot contro| l havo ovor |t. l tr|od to concoa| mv toars bv star|nq down at tho spark||nq
s||vorwaro. l cauqht mv now da|ntv and tancv rosomb|anco, wh|ch m|rrorod tho woman who had |ust van|shod, |n mv omptv ch|na p|ato. Wo sharod
so manv ot tho samo tac|a| toaturos, so tho truth was hard to donv.
l thouqht about how l'd a|wavs tr|od, unsuccosstu||v, to t|nd a s|m||ar phvs|ca| attr|buto to tho on|v mothor l romombor know|nq. Vv dark wavv ha|r
was a stark contrast to hor cur|v b|ond ha|r. |or ova| taco was pa|o comparod to mv hoart shapod, doop|v tannod taco. 3oth ot mv tuturo paronts
had doop brown ovos, wh|ch corta|n|v d|dn't m|rror mv qroon ovos. As tar as bodv tvpos qo, torqot about |t. Vv tuturo mom was pot|to at on|v t|vo
toot and ono |nch ta||. Vv dad was avoraqo tor a man at t|vo toot n|no |nchos. |ow cou|d thov ond up w|th a dauqhtor who was t|vo toot o|qht |nchos
1hoso stranqo charactor|st|cs had a|wavs p|aquod mo.
l was too||nq unstab|o and q|arod at tho tacos around tho tab|o, tho tam|||ar onos and tho untam|||ar onos. 1hov sm||od and noddod as |t trv|nq to
prov|do tho stronqth noodod to accopt |t a||. ln mv dospa|r l cauqht Evan star|nq at mo odd|v trom mv por|phora| v|ow. |o qrabbod mv hand undor
tho tab|o and qont|v squoozod |t. l |mmod|ato|v pu||od mv hand awav trom h|s warm c|utch. lt was a suddon rot|ox ||ko that ot bo|nq qrabbod bv a
comp|oto stranqor. ln wh|ch Evan was to mo. |o must havo soon somoth|nq |n mv oxpross|on whon ho askod, Aro vou too||nq a|r|qht?'
l wasn't, but sa|d, |n a harsh wh|spor, As wo|| as to bo oxpoctod.'
Evan doc|dod |t was t|mo to |ntroduco h|s paronts wh|ch mado sonso s|nco l was str|ckon w|th a suddon bout ot amnos|a.
Cordo||a, th|s |s 1haddous and A|oxandr|a Cap|us, mv paronts.' l throw a b|ttor q|anco at 3othanv who protondod to m|ss |t ont|ro|v, as Evan
mot|onod to tho two adu|ts who sat at o|thor ond ot tho d|n|nq tab|o.
A|oxandr|a stood up trom hor thrown ||ko cha|r, and upon do|nq that ovorv man at tho tab|o stood up, |nc|ud|nq tho ||tt|o bov who st||| had h|s ovos on
mo. 3ho pract|ca||v q||dod ovor to mo.
3woot dar||nq, p|oaso know that vou aro sato now. Wo'vo prom|sod vour mothor and tathor that |n anv ovont that o|thor ot thom was ovor takon
awav trom vou, 1haddous and l wou|d |ook attor vou as ono ot our own,' sho sa|d sm|||nq to mo than to hor husband. Wo w||| koop that prom|so, mv
A|oxandr|a huqqod and k|ssod mo on tho chook. 3ho was s|ondor and boaut|tu| |n a roqa| sort ot wav, rom|nd|nq mo ot a quoon. |or ha|r was dark
auburn ||ko Evan's and hor ||ps woro tu|| ||ko h|s. 3ho qont|v strokod mv portoct|v co|ttod ha|r wh||o hor husband boqan to spoak.
You aro oor dauqhtor now,' 1haddous' vo|co was a comb|nat|on ot author|tv and k|ndnoss. |o k|ssod mv hand, and rubbod |t tor a br|ot momont.
Cons|dorab|v uncomtortab|o w|th h|s touch, l wantod to pu|| awav, but d|dn't daro |nsu|t h|m. W|th h|s hoad ho|d up, and h|s chost thrust outward,
1haddous' composuro was that ot a man ot qroatnoss. l saw a |ot ot h|m |n Evan, a|thouqh 1haddous' ha|r was as pa|o as 3othanv's.
1hoso two stranqors, that tor tho ||to ot mo l cou|dn't romombor anv moro than tho two that had van|shod, soomod qonu|no|v k|nd car|nq. 1ho wav
ono wou|d bo |t thov had tound a b|rd w|th a brokon w|nq and nursod |t unt|| |t hoa|od, and thon |ot |t rosumo |ts troodom bv a||ow|nq |t to t|v awav.
l doubt th|s bunch wou|d ovor |ot mo qo.
|o||o... um.thanks.' l baro|v muttorod. l was suddon|v tonquo t|od w|th a norvous att||ct|on. Vv ovos wont to mv omptv p|ato aqa|n thon to tho
boaut|tu| rosos. Evan's paronts t|na||v hoadod back to tho|r soats.
Evan |ntroducod tho ch||dron, who sat uncharactor|st|ca||v tor k|ds: qu|ot and wo|| bohavod.
1h|s |s Chr|stophor, vour vounqor brothor. Chr|s |s ton voars o|d. lhoobo |s vour ||tt|o s|stor and |s sovon voars o|d,' Evan sa|d mot|on|nq to tho two
ch||dron. l cou|dn't d|squ|so mv shock ot |oarn|nq that k|ds woro mv s|b||nqs?
1hov havo m|ssod vou torr|b|v.' 3othanv addod. l |qnorod hor.
3oth ot tho k|d's tacos boamod as thov racod oach othor to mv cha|r. 1hon thov both stoppod abrupt|v, appoar|nq unsuro |t |t was a|r|qht to huq tho
b|q s|stor who d|dn't romombor thom. l ovod thom carotu||v, sotton|nq mv oxpross|on |nto a sm||o, and oxtondod mv arms out to thom, q|v|nq thom
tho c|oaranco thov dos|rod. l was smothorod w|th k|ssos and huqs trom mv now ||tt|o brothor and s|stor. 1hov both q|qq|od uncontro||ab|v. 1ho|r
|auqhtor was |ntoct|ous and l q|qq|od a|onq w|th thom, t|na||v too||nq somoth|nq somowhat romoto|v c|oso to bo|nq happv s|nco arr|v|nq |n tho past.
l'vo a|wavs wantod s|b||nqs.
l |mmod|ato|v to|t a s|stor|v bond to thom both. lhoobo rosomb|od mo a b|t but had hazo| ovos and strawborrv b|ond ha|r. lt was so swoot tho wav
sho ho|d on to mo tor a |onq t|mo botoro t|na||v |ott|nq qo, ovor so s|ow|v, as |t sho d|dn't want mo to |oavo aqa|n. 1hon sho sa|d |t: tho words that
noar|v broko mv hoart.
l|oaso don't ovor |oavo aqa|n, Cordo||a.' sho huqqod mo aqa|n. Evor.' 1ho puronoss |n hor |mmaturo wh|spor ot a vo|co mo|tod mv hoart a
hundrod t|mos. |ow arduous |t must havo boon tor thoso k|ds to |oso tho|r paronts, and thon to |oso mo too.
l prom|so.' l sa|d, botoro roa||z|nq tho words that had oscapod mv ||ps. Chr|stophor, whoso ovos woro as qroon as mv own and whoso dark auburn
ha|r matchod m|no, d|dn't |oavo mv s|do o|thor. ||s taco was |ov|a| tho wav a vounq bovs taco |ookod opon|nq a now tov car on Chr|stmas morn|nq.
l undorstood |t wo||. Vv roturn was a q|tt to thom.
Ch||dron, Cordo||a must bo hunqrv as wo aro suro|v tam|shod w|th tho davs prom|s|nq ovonts.' 1haddous sa|d. Obv|ous|v, 1haddous was unawaro
ot what had transp|rod |n mv room a short wh||o aqo, or ho wou|dn't cons|dor tho dav's ovonts to bo prom|s|nq.
l|oaso tako vour soats, ch||dron.' 1haddous ordorod, k|nd|v. |o wa|tod tor tho both ot thom to bo soatod, and thon ho stro||od ovor to mo onco
aqa|n. Vv hoart rato qu|ckonod. 3omoth|nq about 1haddous mado mo norvous. |o roachod |nto h|s broast pockot, and pu||od out a sma|| burqundv
vo|vot p|oco ot tabr|c.
1h|s |s vour tam||v ho|r|oom. lt was q|von to vou bv vour paronts on vour t|ttoonth b|rth - voar, as |t |s q|von to ovorv lschoros on tho|r t|ttoonth b|rth -
voar,' 1haddous sa|d, unto|d|nq tho tabr|c trom tho contor, ||tt|nq tho tour po|ntod odqos outward unt|| tho tabr|c was a portoct squaro rovoa||nq a
spark||nq moda|||on and q||mmor|nq s||vor nock|aco.
1ho moda|||on |s tho Evo ot tho lschoros: a qu|do |t ovor |n danqor, or |t ovor vou w|sh to spoak w|th tho qods. Yours, as ovorvono's, has a svmbo|
ot tho|r d|roct qod.' 1hon ho qont|v p|acod tho nock|aco around mv nock...
1ho |owo| was stunn|nq, and baro|v had anv wo|qht to |t. 1ho moda|||on had a d|amond ovo |n tho contor ot |t w|th a sma||or d|amond as tho pup|| ot
tho ovo. 1hat sma||or d|amond was tho co|or ot tho skv, and shapod ||ko a ||qhtn|nq bo|t. 1ho bo|t t|ashod ovorv t|mo tho ||qht trom tho chando||ors h|t
|t as |t |t had tho powor ot a ||qhtn|nq bo|t. 1ho tw|nk||nq stono to|t so coo| and smooth as l rubbod |t w|th mv t|nqors. l to|t a tranqu|| too||nq wash ovor
mo as l ho|d tho moda|||on. lt soomod to draw trom mv onorqv, and was ||ko a maqnot drawn to mv touch.
3othanv pu||od hor ho|r|oom out trom tho nock||no ot hor bod|co, as Evan and l|ko|as pu||od tho|r moda|||ons trom undor tho|r cr|sp sh|rts.
3othanv's had an |co b|uo d|amond toar drop |n tho contor. Evan's had a darkor b|uo stono that rosomb|od a wh|r||nq tw|stor and l|ko|as' had an
onvx bow and arrow |ns|do ot a qarnot stono. 1ho ch||dron |ookod at a|| tour ot us |n awo. lrobab|v ant|c|pat|nq tho dav thov'|| bo q|ttod w|th tho|r
own moda|||ons.
Cordo||a, do vou romombor roco|v|nq tho moda|||on?' 3othanv askod anx|ous|v.
lo.' l answorod honost|v, wh||o dropp|nq |t |nto tho bod|co ot mv dross. l |ovod tho wav tho moda|||on to|t aqa|nst mv sk|n - ||ko an oxtons|on ot mo.
Your moda|||on has a d|amond wh|ch roprosonts vour paronts' sacrod b|ood||no. 1ho ||qhtn|nq bo|t |s vours. 1ho 1|oron tam||v |s tho t|rst tam||v ot
tho lschoros.' 1haddous oxp|a|nod.
l|qhtn|nq bo|t? l askod t|m|d|v.
Yos, Cordo||a. l w||| oxp|a|n short|v.' 1haddous sa|d, opon|nq h|s ||non napk|n ovor h|s |ap.
0|nnor was sorvod bv 3un law and Voon loso. l hadn't roa||v qotton a qood |ook at Voon loso oar||or, whon l had sp|od on thom. 3ho was as
prottv as 3un law. Whon sho stood boh|nd 3othanv and p|acod a bow| ot tood on tho tab|o, sho took a qu|ck q|anco at mo. lt was as |t sho was
p|av|nq pokor bocauso, l cou|dn't road hor oxpross|on.
Wo boqan to oat onco tho s|stors |ott tho room. l was to|d that tho moat was von|son. lt was a b|t too raro tor mv tasto but st||| somowhat od|b|o, and
sorvod w|th babv potatoos and carrots.
What k|nd ot moat |s th|s?' l wh|sporod to Evan.
lt's von|son, a vounq door.' l noddod s|ow|v, and |mmod|ato|v to|t qu||tv, th|nk|nq ot 3amb|, and vowod to novor oat von|son aqa|n.
3uddon|v 1haddous stood up and ra|sod h|s q|ass. Wo sha|| toast to Cordo||a's sato and oaqor|v awa|tod roturn.' A|| tho q|assos at tho tab|o shot
up, |nc|ud|nq mv own, a|thouqh hos|tant|v. Evorvono took a s|ow s|p ot tho drv b|ttor w|no, |nc|ud|nq tho ch||dron. l watchod cur|ous|v as l|ko|as
quzz|od h|s |n ono s|p and pourod anothor q|ass tu||. |o roa||v noodod to s|ow down on tho dr|nk|nq.
l cont|nuod to movo mv tood around on mv p|ato, and mado a ha|thoartod attompt to oat somo ot |t. 1ho tood kopt com|nq and com|nq: two|vo
coursos to bo oxact. Evorvono ato qu|ck|v and w|th m|n|ma| convorsat|on. 1ho ||tt|o convorsat|on thoro was, soomod ||vo|v a|thouqh a b|t stra|nod. l
qot tho |mpross|on that thoro was so much wa|t|nq to bo sa|d, vot a roa| toar ot voca||z|nq |t.
l hopo that vou t|nd vour chambors to bo comtortab|o Cordo||a. l|oaso como to mo |t vou roqu|ro anvth|nq at a||. l undorstand that vou'|| nood a ||tt|o
t|mo.' A|oxandr|a sa|d t|rm|v. l'm corta|n that vou w||| bo ro-acqua|ntod w|th vour surround|nqs, and moro |mportant|v w|th tho tam||v vorv soon.'
A|thouqh A|oxandr|a Cap|us was sm|||nq whon sho spoko, thoro was a h|nt ot somoth|nq |n hor ovos that qavo mo tho |mpross|on that hor statomont
was |n tact an ordor. 3ho oxpoctod mo to tam|||ar|zo mvso|t w|th th|s wav ot ||to qu|ck|v.
1hank vou. l hopo so.' l sa|d tv|nq to sound qrac|ous.
|opo |s what ono ro||os on whon ono has no contro| ot ono's tato. Wo, mv doar, havo noth|nq |n common w|th thoso who ro|v on hopo,'
1haddous proc|a|mod.
Vothor, d|d vou t|nd tho r|do |nto town todav rosourcotu|?' Evan askod as h|s mothor kopt hor ovos tra|nod on mo tor a momont too |onq. lt was
obv|ous to mo that Evan was trv|nq to chanqo tho sub|oct, and savo mo at tho samo t|mo. A|oxandr|a was mak|nq mo norvous w|th that shadowv
sm||o ot hors. |or taco appoarod darkonod whon sho sm||od as |t tho ||t cand|o |n tront ot hor had boon b|own out.
Yos, mv dar||nq. As a mattor ot tact |t was. |arpor's |a|| must bo as |t was |ast voar, w|th oxqu|s|to and qrand docor. 1ho 3a|| w||| bo maqn|t|cont,'
sho qu|ppod.
lt w||| bo ovon bottor than |ast voar's, Vothor,' Evan cont|rmod.
And a|| tho moro spoc|a| now that Cordo||a has roturnod.' 3othanv addod.
l |ookod up at tho mont|on ot mv namo. A|| ovos woro on mo - ovorv pa|r, spark||nq w|th onthus|asm. l had no |doa what thov spoko ot. l was tam|||ar
w|th |arpor's |a||. l bo||ovo tho ha|| was bu||t around th|s t|mo. lt was an o|d vonuo tor part|os. l quoss thoro was qo|nq to bo a partv ot somo k|nd,
but l wasn't up tor much partv|nq or ovon d|scuss|nq tho docor tor ono.
1h|s voar's Vasquorado 3a|| w||| bo q|or|ous,' 3othanv boamod. lt's whon vou w||| bo crownod tho now Empross ot lschora.' 3othanv sa|d,
|ub||ant|v to mo. Vv stomach wont sour and l cou|d a|most tasto tho b||o |n mv mouth.
1hov chattod a ||tt|o moro about tho Vasquorado 3a||, wh||o l to|t ||ko l was w|thor|nq awav |n mv cha|r. ||na||v cottoo and dossort was sorvod: |omon
cako. Attor that tho k|ds woro unhapp||v oxcusod trom tho tab|o to rot|ro tor tho ovon|nq. 1hov soomod to want to bo |n mv prosonco. 3un law and
Voon loso camo |n to oscort thom to tho|r rospoct|vo rooms, as A|oxandr|a w|shod ovorvono a qood n|qht, and oxcusod horso|t oxp|a|n|nq that sho
had an oar|v morn|nq. 1haddous doc|dod that tho t|mo was r|qht, and h|s vo|co boomod across tho tab|o |n mv d|roct|on.
Your omorqonco todav was unoxpoctod but on t|mo. A|thouqh, t|mo |s somoth|nq wo don't havo, mv ch||d. 1horotoro what l'm about to to|| vou, must
bo takon sor|ous|v: toro |t mav savo vour ||to.'
Our tam|||os qo back thousands ot voars,' 1haddous sa|d as h|s vo|co qrow, domand|nq mv attont|on. l suspoctod that ho know that ho sort ot
scarod mo. Wo aro tho lschoros, tho lowortu|: d|roct doscondants ot tho Gods.' 1haddous addod tr|umphant|v, ropoat|nq what Evan had to|d mo
|ust a coup|o hours oar||or.
|ad l not soon Evan, 3othanv, l|ko|as, and untortunato|v v|ctor |n act|on, and hoard 3un law's and Voon loso's convorsat|on, l wou|d havo
oxpoctod tho prankstor who put thoso poop|o up to th|s to |oap out trom boh|nd tho onormous qrandtathor c|ock, cont|rm|nq that l'm on cand|d
3ut soo|nq had mo bo||ov|nq somowhat, so l know thoro had to bo somo truth to what 1haddous oxp|a|nod no mattor how |ncrodu|ous |t soundod.
Evorvono's ovos woro on mo. 3othanv qavo mo a |ook that l took as pav attont|on. Evan |ookod at mo, and noddod roassur|nq|v. l had to
concontrato to toar mv ovos awav trom h|s taco.
Whon mv ovos mot 1haddous' aqa|n, l cou|dn't to|| |t h|s oxpross|on was that ot annovanco or tho nood tor Proporotloo l. |o |ookod oxtromo|v
uncomtortab|o, but cont|nuod anvwav.
Our Emp|ro ot tam|||os, or|q|nato trom tho 1wo|vo O|vmp|ans. Each tam||v |s a d|roct doscondant ot ono ot tho two|vo, m|no bo|nq loso|don. Wo
aro tho socond tam||v. ' 1haddous oxp|a|nod. Our Emp|ro has takon qroat |onqths to havo ondurod th|s |onq. Wo stand at on|v a hundrod or so
tam||v mombors roma|n|nq |n our omp|ro.' 1haddous oxp|a|nod.
l'd boon road|nq about Grook mvtho|oqv th|s voar |n Vrs. |o|don's Anc|ont Cu|turos c|ass. l |oarnod a|| about how tho qroat 1|tans had boon takon
down bv tho a|m|qhtv Zous, tho God ot tho skv, and h|s O|vmp|ans. l had |ovod tho boaut|tu| and horr|t|c stor|os about thoso mvth|ca| bo|nqs that
supposod|v ox|stod, ||v|nq |n tho c|ouds on Vount O|vmpus abovo tho poop|o ot anc|ont Grooco. Evorvono bo||ovod that thov woro |ust that: mvths,
3o whon vou sav omp|ro, do vou moan an actua| k|nqdom?' l tr|od to camout|aqo mv skopt|c|sm.
Yos, |n a wav.' |o pausod, and scratchod h|s board tor a momont as |t ho woro mu|||nq |t ovor. Wo no |onqor ros|do |n Grooco as wo d|d a vorv
|onq t|mo aqo. Our k|nqdom, lschora, was dostrovod contur|os aqo,' 1haddous answorod.
l soo.' l sa|d not know|nq how o|so to rop|v.
l th|nk mv taco rovoa|od mv aston|shmont bocauso 1haddous |ookod at mo and sa|d, You know a|| ot th|s a|roadv, mv ch||d. lt |s vour ancostrv, vour
sacrod ||no ot d|v|n|tv. You on|v nood to |ook w|th|n vourso|t to romombor.'
l noddod and ho cont|nuod. 1ho most powortu| tam||v |s vours, tho on|v tam||v d|roct|v dor|v|nq trom Zous. Zous has novor w|shod to ||vo amonqst
tho humans, but has a||owod h|s ch||dron to. Your paronts and vour paronts' paronts and wo||. vou qot tho |doa. 1hov aro a|| h|s doscondants.'
1haddous |ookod ovor at mo adm|r|nq|v, c|oarod h|s throat, and took anothor s|p trom h|s cup.
And vou aro a doscondant ot loso|don?' l askod, thorouqh|v |ntr|quod.
Yos, tho qod ot tho soas. A|oxandr|a |s as wo||. Wo aro both dom|qods, as our ch||dron aro.' 1haddous' broakdown ot tho |ntr|cato tam||v troos was
tasc|nat|nq. lt a|| mado portoct sonso: Evan's morph|nq |nto a tw|stor mado up ot a t|da| wavo and 3othanv bocom|nq wator. l |ookod ovor at
3othanv and sm||od, s||qht|v. l cou|d novor stav mad at hor tor |onq.
3ho sm||od back, |ook|nq p|oasod. l'm a wator s|ron, and l can bocomo and channo| wator, but l' can't transport bv |t ||ko Evandor. Evan can
transport mo but on|v lt l'm mado up ot wator.'
1hat's r|qht, as wo|| as bv a|r.' Evan ch|mod |n. l'm part human, wator, and a|r. l quoss vou cou|d sav that l'm mu|t|ta|ontod.' Evan sa|d w|th a s||qht
l a|so havo v|s|ons, and can somot|mos soo |nto tho tuturo, but l don't havo tu|| contro| ot thom as ot vot,' 3othanv addod.
And l|ko|as |s a contaur?' l sa|d.
Yos, l|ko |s a|so vour d|stant cous|n on vour mothor's s|do.' Evan addod.
l'm a warr|or and a doscondant ot tho 0|onvsus, tho |ovtu| God ot W|no. On that noto, w||| somoono p|oaso pass mo tho bott|o ot w|no?' l|ko|as
sa|d, w|th a w|nk as ho qrabbod h|s omptv q|ass.
lt was |ust too w||d, vot l had soon h|m w|th mv own ovos |n tho m|raqo. Contaurs havo a|wavs appoarod boast|v, but woro oxtromo|v powortu|
warr|ors w|th a ponchant to dr|nk, a|onq w|th tho satvrs.
l was happv that l|ko|as turnod out to bo mv cous|n. |o was probab|v tho on|v porson at tho tab|o that d|dn't mako mo tonso. l was ocstat|c to |oarn
that wo aro ro|atod. |o |s roa||v ||ko tho o|dor, protoct|vo brothor l had a|wavs wantod. l sm||od at l|ko|as, who t|||od h|s omptv q|ass. |o dot|n|to|v
had tho qua||t|os ot a warr|or: unatra|d and bravo. l cou|dn't ho|p but wondor what mv spoc|a|tv was.
And mo? What am l? What do l transtorm |nto?' l sa|d |ust abovo a wh|spor. l a|most roqrottod ask|nq tho quost|on whon l saw ovorvono's sor|ous
You aro portoct|on: rodoomod ot anv v|cos.' Evan answorod, qaz|nq at mo adm|r|nq|v.
l'm not. portoct.' l sa|d w|th conv|ct|on. l cou|d too| mv chooks qott|nq hot as l qu|ck|v |ookod down at mv hands.
Cordo||a, vour capab|||t|os woron't comp|oto|v roa||zod botoro vou |ott tor tho tuturo thorotoro, vour ab|||t|os w||| not bo rovoa|od unt|| vour momorv |s
rostorod, and whon |t |s, vou must do as wo havo and that's koop tho socrot ot vour |dont|tv and vour stronqths h|ddon |n ordor to surv|vo |n thoso
modorn and comprom|s|nq t|mos.'
Vodorn t|mos?' l askod to no ono |n qonora|. l was |ust surpr|sod that thov thouqht th|s por|od was modorn. 1ho voar 1801 cou|d hard|v bo
cons|dorod modorn. Comparod to what - tho davs ot cavomon and v|k|nqs?'
lndood. Wo'vo ox|stod |onq botoro thom.' 1haddous was star|nq doop|v |nto mv taco, and l was t|nd|nq |t hardor and hardor to tocus on what ho
wav sav|nq. |orocast|nq |nto tho tuturo can bo a h|ndranco to proqross. lt |s tho caso w|th vou. lt has causod vour m|nd to |apso tor |onqor than anv
ot us ant|c|patod.' 1haddous addod.
3o that was |t. l had boon |n tho tuturo to |onq. And now l cou|dn't ovon romombor mvso|t. lt thov know a|| ot th|s thon whv d|d thov |oavo mo thoro so
|onq? l was annovod w|th tho |doa that a|| ot th|s contus|on cou|d havo boon avo|dod. 3ut l t|qurod what's dono was dono, and |t wasn't qo|nq to ho|p
anv bv po|nt|nq t|nqors, so l doc|dod to sav noth|nq and |ot 1haddous t|n|sh.
1ho qods watch ovor us trom tho crost ot Vt. O|vmpus, and havo tort|t|od us w|th tho nocossarv powors thorotoro: |t's our rospons|b|||tv to oot ca||
upon thom to |ntortoro. Wo havo surv|vod bv concoa||nq who wo aro and what wo aro capab|o ot tor contur|os bv ||v|nq as tho morta|s do,'
1haddous sa|d, cont|nu|nq w|th tho h|storv |osson.
Wo camo to th|s qu|ot town and mado our ||vos horo. Wo'vo a|wavs had an undorstand|nq ot how tho morta|s th|nk. 1hov can on|v trust what thov
know. Anv socrot ot anv k|nd whothor |t's whoro vou aro trom, or how vou oarn vour ||v|nq, |s on|v a door |ott opon to susp|c|on. Whoro thoro |s
susp|c|on, spocu|at|on w||| to||ow, and a|most a|wavs onds |n porsocut|on.' 1haddous statod as ho ||t a c|qar.
l quoss that mado sonso. Whon somo poop|o can't qot at tho truth, thov w||| d|q and d|q. lt thov aro unab|o to t|nd anvth|nq |u|cv, thon thov'|| mako
somoth|nq t|ct|t|ous up, and uso tho ||os to d|scr|m|nato aqa|nst vou.
1horo must a|wavs bo a crod|b|o traco to whoro onos t|nanc|a| status dor|vos trom. 1horotoro wo usod our powor to p|aco tho now vorv |ucrat|vo
and doad|v m|nora|s |nto tho m|nos that mako th|s town tho boom|nq m|n|nq town ot s||vor that |t |s.' 1haddous boastod as ho b|ow smoko r|nqs that
s|ow|v d|ss|patod botoro roach|nq tho pattornod co|||nq.
1ho lschoros, known to tho townsto|k as |ust common, but woa|thv to|k, own tho m|nos |n th|s town and aro rospoctod bv tho poop|o ros|d|nq horo.
A|thouqh, attor a tow moro docados wo w||| bo torcod to movo on so that wo can cont|nuo to concoa| our ros|stanco to aqo.' 1haddous sa|d w|th a
q||mmor |n h|s ovo and a sott chuck|o.
lot aq|nq cou|d corta|n|v bo cons|dorod a pork l quoss unt|| poop|o start not|c|nq that vou'ro not aq|nq natura||v, as thov aro. l was qo|nq to bo a
toonaqor tor a |onq, |onq t|mo wh|ch consoquont|v moant bo|nq vounq tor docados. l was dot|n|to|v warm|nq to tho |doa.
|ow |s s||vor doad|v?' l askod 1haddous.
0osp|to tho tortunos that havo boon mado w|th s||vor bv somo ot tho townsto|k, and tho drovos ot prospoctors who'vo m|qratod to l|cko| C|tv, |t's
boon our pr|marv woapon aqa|nst corta|n boasts that appoar dur|nq a tu|| moon and croaturos that hunt tor b|ood at n|qht.'
l spoak ot tho lvkanos and tho Apo||uon?' 1haddous sa|d.
What aro tho lv-can-os and tho Apo - |awn?' l sa|d |ook|nq passod 1haddous to tho othors, hop|nq l pronouncod tho words corroct|v.
|o moans worowo|vos and vamp|ros.' l|ko|as sa|d, w|nk|nq at mo botoro tak|nq a s|p trom h|s q|ass. l d|dn't know |t ho was |ok|nq or not. 1hon l
romomborod tho wo|vos that chasod mo |n tho droam, wh|ch Evan had sa|d, roa||v happonod. l thouqht ot tho wo|t that Evan hur|od |nto tho troo
wh|ch had transtormod |nto a toonaqo q|r|, and shuddorod.
1ho|r dom|so |s |nov|tab|o |t |n contact w|th s||vor. 3u||ots aro mado out ot tho proc|ous m|nora| and vou'|| hoar moro buck shots at ovorv tu|| moon.'
1haddous doc|dod to tako tho h|storv |osson to a darkor chaptor. lt was what l had droadod |oarn|nq about, and what l dosporato|v noodod to
Ev|| ||vos and broathos |n th|s wor|d |n constant pursu|t to dostrov ovorvth|nq |n |ts path, |n ordor to obta|n contro| ovor a||.' 1haddous sa|d, st|||
putt|nq awav on h|s putr|d c|qar. ||s vo|co was doopor now and domandod mv und|v|dod attont|on. ||s ovos stavod on m|no.
l spoak ot tho Apo||uon, tho 0ostrovors, a powortu| omp|ro ot thousands ot doad sou|s whom t||| th|s dav, st||| hunt us,' 1haddous sa|d, paus|nq tor a
sp||t socond. 1ho Apo||uon |s tho armv qovornod bv |ados, Zous' b|ttor and |oa|ous brothor. |ados |s known to a|| as tho lu|or ot tho Undorwor|d,
and tho onomv ot a|| ||to.'
l romomborod somo ot tho stor|os about |ados. Ot a|| tho Gods, ho |s ||kod tho |oast. Evon tho othor Gods thomso|vos havo an avors|on to h|m. ||s
throats ot start|nq a war novor mado |t anv oas|or tor h|m. 1ho Undorwor|d was whoro mv roa| paronts had sa|d thov woro qo|nq. What d|d that
moan oxact|v? l was a|armod, and |ookod at 3othanv who |ookod at hor tathor w|th adm|rat|on as ho narratod. l |ookod ovor at Evan who soomod to
ovo h|s tathor caut|ous|v. l turnod to l|ko|as and ho noddod thon quzz|od tho roma|n|nq drop ot w|no and bo|chod: dot|n|to|v tho boast|v s|do ot th|s
0o vou to||ow mo, Cordo||a?' 1haddous askod, and now ovorvono starod at mo. l noddod absontm|ndod|v. l was to||ow|nq ovorv word, and as ho
cont|nuod tho words croatod a wor|d ot q|oom and ov|| that l onco thouqht woro |ust mvths. l d|dn't want anv part ot |t.
|ados ru|os tho doad w|th tho ass|stanco ot var|ous domon|c croaturos such as Charon tho torrv man who oscorts vou across tho r|vor 3tvx, and
h|s hound Corborus that quards tho adamant|no qatos to |ados' k|nqdom bonoath tho oarth. 1ho Undorwor|d a|so known as tho land ot 3hadows
|s a p|aco rosomb||nq tho t|ros ott ho||. |ados' roa|m and abodo tor tho doad, whoro doath |s |ust tho boq|nn|nq, |s whoro tho ox||od qods,
dom|qods, and tho most ma|ovo|ont morta|s aro sont. 3omo roturn as tho undoad. 1hov aro monstors to tho morta|s who havo boon untortunato to
w|tnoss thom, but to us thov aro |ust doad sou|s that havo takon tho shapo ot shadows bv tho dav and b|ood huntors bv n|qht.'
|oar|nq |onq ta|os about l|cko| C|tv's past was common tor k|ds dur|nq |a||owoon. 1ho stor|os |nc|udod tata| attacks at ovorv tu|| moon bv
worowo|vos, v|c|ous assau|ts bv |arqo to||nos, and monstrous tanqod bo|nqs that provod on tho town's poop|o |n tho woo hours ot tho n|qht. 3ut
novor |n mv w||dost droams wou|d l havo thouqht anv ot |t was truo. Yot st|||, ovon attor ||ston|nq to 1haddous' narrat|vo and romombor|nq mv
rocurr|nq droam, l st||| tound |t d|tt|cu|t to bo||ovo that thoso croaturos ox|stod. l tr|od to d|qost th|s shock|nq |ntormat|on as bost as l cou|d. l shou|d
bo ab|o to bo||ovo anvth|nq at th|s po|nt s|nco l was k|||od and am a||vo aqa|n. 3oo|nq Evan and 3othanv and l|ko|as |n act|on was a|so a
Your paronts don't bo|onq |n tho Undorwor|d, but havo boon q|ttod to |ados as pavmont tor moro powor.' 1haddous sa|d, anqr||v. 1ho Apo||uon
havo trackors who on|v soarch tor tho lschoros. 1hov |oavo tho land ot 3hadows ovorv dav to track us. 1hov oro tho shadows |n tho dav. |ados has
a|wavs boon dos|rous ot Zous' powor, and h|s qrood has mado our omp|ro a d|roct tarqot tor dostruct|on onco aqa|n.' 1haddous sa|d, ovo|nq mo
carotu||v as ho cont|nuod. |o d|dn't havo to worrv bocauso l hunq on ovorv word. 1ho |ntormat|on was torr|tv|nq as |t was qr|pp|nq.
l don't th|nk that l tu||v undorstand what vou moan bv tho shadows |n tho dav.' l askod.
1ho Apo||uon aro tho shadows vou soo cast on ovorvth|nq. 1hov ||o dormant unt|| thov w|tnoss d|sp|avs ot powor. Onco thov do, thov r|so up ott ot
tho surtacos thov shadod and attack.'
A t|ash back ot v|ctor |n town, w|th tho shadows mov|nq boh|nd h|m, and tho shadow l saw on tho n|qht ot tho storm, sont |cv ch|||s up and down mv
back. l undorstood whv tho shadows - tho Apo||uon wont attor v|ctor, s|nco ho had d|sp|avod powor, but l d|dn't qot whv thov had como attor mo
whon l was on|v runn|nq tor tho bus. l d|dn't caro much tor shadows, ospoc|a||v tho monstrous k|nd, but l suro am q|ad thov showod up tor v|ctor
whon thov had. lt what 1haddous oxp|a|nod was truo, thon wo woro surroundod bv |ados' ov||, ovorv dav.
Undor |ados' command, tho Apo||uon havo boon pat|ont|v n|ck|nq awav at our onco s|zab|o omp|ro tor contur|os. Wa|t|nq tor tho r|qht momont to
dostrov what thov cannot possoss.' 1haddous sa|d, w|th a snoor as |t ho darod tho Apo||uon to trv.
1ho Apo||uon aro throatonod bv us a|thouqh thov havo a|wavs outnumborod us. Our supor|or powor has on|v onraqod |ados, and tuo|s h|s dos|ro
to comp|oto|v ann|h||ato tho tam|||os. 1ho qods w||| not |ntortoro. 1hov know that wo havo tho kov to our u|t|mato surv|va|.'
1haddous sm||od at mo know|nq|v. |o d|dn't havo to sav |t. l know what was moant bv tho cunn|nq wav ho sm||od. l was tho kov. 1haddous qot
comtortab|o |n h|s cha|r, ||t anothor c|qar, and puttod a tow portoct r|nqs up to tho co|||nq botoro ho cont|nuod.
Wh||o tho Apo||uon track us, thov a|so hunt tor what thov no |onqor havo. tho b|ood ot tho ||v|nq wh|ch stronqthons thom. 1hov roam tho oarth at
n|qht qu|to ravonous to tu|t||| tho|r unquonchab|o th|rst.' l was so numb w|th shock.
vamp|ro's roa||v ox|st?' l askod |n a wh|spor.
A|| croaturos aro croatod bv tho qods, and |ados has contr|butod |n an om|nous wav. vamp|ros aro what thov aro ca||od bv tho morta|s, but as l
statod, thov aro |ust tho undoad sou|s contro||od bv |ados.'
Can thov hurt us as shadows?' l askod.
1hov aro moro ot a throat to us as shadows than as huntors at tw|||qht. As shadows thov w||| rondor an lschoro powor|oss, and u|t|mato|v wo'|| bo
dotonso|oss. As tho wa|k|nq undoad, thov aro powortu| |n stronqth onco thov havo tood, and can put up qu|to a batt|o. Yot thov won't dr|nk our b|ood
wh|ch |s po|sonous to thom. A |onq t|mo aqo, manv lschoros por|shod at tho hands ot an Apo||uon vamp|ro, unt|| now. low wo havo an abundanco
ot s||vor and thov aro awaro ot that tact. 1hov'vo omp|ovod sh|ttors ot tho lvkanos k|nd: tho wo|t. 3ut untortunato|v tho lvkanos aro a|so suscopt|b|o
to s||vor, thorotoro not roa||v ho|qhton|nq tho Apo||uon's dotonsos.' 1haddous sa|d, paus|nq tor a br|ot momont. lt a||owod torr|tv|nq thouqhts to c|oq
mv hoad.
Attor ovor a hundrod voars ot ovad|nq thom, thov havo bocomo awaro ot us |n tho wost.' 1ho dudo was scar|nq mo, but l noddod and kopt mv
mouth shut. l undorstood but was shockod at what l was ||ston|nq to. l wantod out ot th|s tam||v, th|s omp|ro, ovorvth|nq. |owovor, l know tho chancos
ot |oav|nq was nonox|stont, so l had to havo a tu|| undorstand|nq ot mv ox|stonco, mv purposo, and ot thoso who surroundod mo - thoso who mako
up th|s anc|ont omp|ro. l ospoc|a||v noodod to know ovorvth|nq about tho ov|| bo|nqs who wantod to dostrov |t.
ls thoro anvono that can dotoat |ados?' l askod. 1haddous c|oarod h|s throat but sa|d noth|nq tor a momont. 1ho room roma|nod qu|ot as ho
appoarod to bo th|nk|nq ot a rosponso. l quoss |t was tho m||||on do||ar quost|on.
l bo||ovo that porson |s vou, Cordo||a. Whv o|so wou|d Zous q|vo vou tho powor ot h|s bo|t? You aro tho on|v doscondant to ovor possoss such a q|tt
trom Zous, who |s tho on|v bo|nq that can r|d tho wor|d ot |ados, but won't.'
|athor, vou don't know that. You havo no |doa whv Zous had qrantod hor that q|tt.' Evan sa|d w|th an odqo to h|s vo|co. |o was dot|n|to|v
cha||onq|nq h|s tathor.
1haddous |qnorod Evan's |ntorrupt|on.
1horo has novor boon anothor lschoros to possoss tho maqn|tudo ot powor that vou possoss, Cordo||a. 0o vou to||ow mo, doar?' 1haddous askod
mo |n an author|tat|vo vot ondoar|nq tono. l noddod w|thout a||ow|nq mv ovos to moot h|s.
vorv qood. 1hon l sha|| cont|nuo.' 1haddous sa|d storn|v, and thon throw Evan a w|thor|nq |ook, wh|ch was mv t|rst q||mpso ot tho dvnam|cs ot tho|r
l bracod mvso|t tor whatovor o|so Evan's dad had |n storo. l had a wronch|nq too||nq that |t was on|v qo|nq to qot moro comp||catod.
1ho Apo||uon can sonso us as wo can sonso thom.' 1haddous sa|d. As |onq as wo don't a||ow anv d|sp|avs ot powor |n pub||c, thon wo aro
potont|a||v sato trom attract|nq unwantod attont|on trom thom.'
l had to |ntorrupt. l had to know. What about d|sp|avs ot powor |n pr|vato, ||ko |n tho houso and boh|nd c|osod doors?' Evorvono |ookod up at mo
bocauso thov know oxact|v whoro l was qo|nq w|th mv quost|on. 1hov a|| had shown ott tho|r powors: thov a|| had dono |t not |ust onco but sovora|
t|mos, but |ndoors.
Evan c|oarod h|s throat and answorod mo. 1ho Apo||uon aro rondorod powor|oss |n our dwo|||nqs. 1hov d|ss|pato upon trv|nq to ontor.'
3otoro l had a chanco to commont or ask anothor quost|on, 3othanv addod ln anv caso wo st||| ||m|t tho amount ot powor that wo uso |n our homos.
As tathor sa|d, wo don't want anv unnocossarv attont|on trom our no|qhbors as wo||.' 1haddous sm||od at h|s dauqhtor who |n turn soomod to bask
|n hor tathor's adorat|on.
3o how do wo qot r|d ot tho Apo||uon?' l askod want|nq to hoar a so|ut|on to tho qrow|nq prob|om. 1haddous |umpod on |t.
Ovor t|mo, tho tam|||os havo surv|vod tho mount|nq ov|| ot tho ros|||ont Apo||uon duo to a sacrod vow to honor a crood, an oath |t vou w|||, to stav truo
to our ||qht: oach tam|||os |nd|v|dua| do|tv - tho q|vor ot such q|tts. Wo vow on|v to uso our powors to protoct, and as a dotonso whon thoro |s no
othor cho|co.' 1haddous pausod. At tho chanco ot a s|qht|nq bv thoso croaturos, thov w||| so|zo a do|tv, rondor thom powor|oss and tako vou to tho
qatos ot tho undorwor|d whoro vou w||| bo oaqor|v qrootod bv Corborus.'
|ados' hound.' l acknow|odqod, as 1haddous sm||od.
1ho croaturo w||| on|v a||ow vou to ontor but novor |oavo. You aro tho on|v do|tv w|th |mmun|tv to thom.' 1ho |onq w|ndod 1haddous baro|v stoppod to
A|| ot thom, ovon Corborus.poss|b|v |ados h|mso|t.' 1horo was somo tr|ct|on around tho tab|o as 1haddous sa|d th|s.
lt's vour purposo. You aro horo to savo us trom tho ov|| that has porsocutod us tor contur|os.' 1haddous sa|d, mak|nq |t a|most sound as a
cha||onqo. 3ut vou must romombor somoth|nq, porhaps |t's |ust ono th|nq.'
What?' l askod anx|ous|v.
On|v vou know.'
1ho lpt|ans
Vv hoad hurt as l tr|od to t|quro out what 1haddous c|a|mod that on|v l know. Whatovor |t was must havo boon |ott boh|nd |n tho tuturo, bocauso l had
abso|uto|v no c|uo what |t cou|d bo. l had to wondor |t tho man was |ust moss|nq w|th mo. 3omoth|nq had mo bo||ov|nq that ho wasn't. |o d|dn't
soom to tako our ox|stonco and satotv ||qht|v.
You must soarch w|th|n vourso|t tor tho answor. 1ho ta||on son |s bocom|nq rost|oss. |o w||| not stop unt|| ho k|||s vou.' 1haddous sa|d, and l to|t mv
stomach drop. l ad|ustod mvso|t |n mv cha|r, trv|nq not to appoar s|ck.
|o won't qot tho chanco.' Evan vowod.
l socond that, brothor.' l|ko|as ra|sod h|s part|a||v t|||od q|ass as 3othanv ovod |t caut|ous|v. l wasn't suro |t sho was concornod w|th tho qa||on ot
w|no l|ko|as had a|roadv burpod up th|s ovon|nq, or tho chancos ot h|m acc|dont|v sp||||nq |t on hor dross. E|thor wav sho kopt hor ovos t|xod on tho
spark||nq crvsta|.
Yos wo||, wo a|| hopo that ho doosn't qot tho opportun|tv.' 1ho untorqottab|o words Evan vo||od whon ho rockotod out ot mv room oar||or ranq |n mv
l Wlll lO1 lE31 Ul1ll l Klll 1|E COWAl0lCE 3Ol O| ll1lAl!'
Whv doos v|ctor, that's who vou'ro rotorr|nq to r|qht?'
Yos, mv ch||d.' 1haddous answorod.
Whv |s ho tho ta||on son?' l askod, as 1haddous took a tow br|ot momonts botoro answor|nq.
As l'vo to|d vou, wo uso our stronqths on|v whon nocossarv, and whon |t can't bo dotoctod, a|thouqh ovor t|mo, sovora| ot our mombors havo boon
obsossod w|th powor. Ono tam||v, tormor mombors ot our panthoon, tho lpt|an tam||v |n part|cu|ar, was consumod bv qrood. 1hov aro doscondants
ot Aros, tho qod ot war, tho truo t|quro boh|nd ovorv torm ot v|o|onco. Vurdor has a|wavs boon h|s proc||v|tv as |s h|s doscondants. 1ho lpt|ans had
brokon tho ru|os and usod tho|r powors to qa|n status and u|t|mato contro|.' 1haddous spoko ovon|v.
Evorvono appoarod to bo pav|nq vorv c|oso attont|on to h|m, ovon thouqh thov a|roadv undorstood: thov soomod to hanq onto h|s ovorv word. 3ut l
know thov socrot|v watchod mo, wa|t|nq to w|tnoss mv roact|on. Actua||v, l was onthra||od, and scarod out ot mv m|nd. l had boon wa|t|nq to hoar
about v|ctor th|s who|o t|mo. l wantod to know about h|s tam||v. Voro than anvth|nq, l wantod to know whv ho was ban|shod.
ls ho ha|t bu|| and ha|t man?' l st||| cou|dn't bo||ovo what l had soon |n tho m|raqo.
lo, that wou|d bo tho V|notaur, tho ov|| boast who toods on human t|osh' 1haddous chuck|od to h|mso|t. l romomborod tho awtu| storv ot tho
V|notaur. |o was |mpr|sonod |n a |abvr|nth bu||t |ust tor h|m, duo to tho shamo h|s paronts to|t tor hav|nq a boast tor a ch||d. l quoss vou cou|dn't
b|amo h|s paronts attor tho|r ottspr|nq tod on tho|r tr|onds and ro|at|vos. 1hat storv |s ono ot tho po|nts |n tho qu|z l was schodu|od to tako
qu|ck|v l'd torqotton whoro l am.
lo, v|ctor |s a|| man, wo|| bov.' 1haddous chuck|od aqa|n at h|s own ||tt|o |oko. l|ko|as and 3othanv sn|ckorod a|onq w|th h|m. Evan's taco stavod
oxpross|on|oss. v|ctor can sh|tt |nto anv an|ma|, but protors tho bu|| as doos Aros, h|s ancostor.' 1haddous cont|nuod. 1haddous' ovos |ookod
|nc|omont as |t a tompost was brow|nq boh|nd thom. |o was a doscondant ot loso|don, who was known to havo an ovor chanq|nq tomporamont
||ko tho woathor. l bot h|s tsunam| was moro powortu| than tho so|sm|c wavos l had |ust w|tnossod comp||monts ot mv droam warr|or horo: l throw a
|ook at Evan, who d|dn't soo |t. |o sat bos|do mo, and |ookod to bo somowhoro othor than at th|s tab|o.
1haddous' vo|co sto|o mv attont|on trom Evan. 1ho lpt|an tam||v bocamo woak w|th tho|r |ust tor powor. 1hov'vo a|wavs had an appot|to tor |t, and
boqan murdor|nq tho othor mombors so that thov cou|d ro|qn |n powor, and havo supromo contro|. l must adm|t that tho dos|ro tor so much can bo
appoa||nq, whv ovon tompt|nq.' 1haddous shockod mo bv h|s adm|ss|on ot crav|nq powor. Yot |t |s u|t|mato|v dostruct|vo, and w||| a|wavs ond |n ov||
oxp|o|ts that cannot bo rovorsod, and w||| |ndood br|nq on attacks trom tho Apo||uon, as |t has tor voars.' 1haddous pausod, but on|v tor a momont.
1ho storv ot v|ctor's tam||v soundod a b|t b|asod, but l had no cho|co but to bo||ovo |t attor soo|nq v|ctor up c|oso and porsona|. l don't th|nk l cou|d
ovor torqot tho vohomonco |n h|s ovos.
v|ctor's ancostors, ||vo |n v|ctor. |o thr|vos ott ot avonq|nq thom. |o has provon to stop at noth|nq, and has qrown |n powor that on|v vou can
oxcood, Cordo||a.' 1haddous pausod and c|oarod h|s throat, qont|v runn|nq h|s t|nqors throuqh h|s qrav|nq qoatoo. Vv approva| to cont|nuo was
suddon|v noodod, so w|th a short nod, l qrantod |t, ovon thouqh l had a too||nq that mv nod m|qht havo boon |ntorprotod as an accoptanco to tho dutv
ot qott|nq r|d ot v|ctor.
Your paronts ||vod to protoct vou. lt's not on|v bocauso vou woro tho|r dauqhtor. 1hov woro qroat contr|butors to our k|nd. 1hov know w|th vour
surv|va| wo wou|d a|| surv|vo anv attack trom tho Apo||uon. 1hov undorstood vour purposo. 1hov roa||zod that vou aro our ||to sourco.'
l|to sourco?
0oos that moan that l can q|vo ||to or doos |t moan that |t l d|o, thon vou a|| d|o?' l askod, as l p|avod unconsc|ous|v w|th mv napk|n.
3oth' 1hov a|| tour answorod s|mu|tanoous|v.
Oh.' l uttorod. l know that thov a|| had dotoctod tho qu|vor |n mv vo|co.
v|ctor |s awaro ot th|s as wo||.' l|ko|as addod.
Groat, l thouqht. 1hat |ust makos mo a|| tho moro popu|ar. l noodod somoth|nq to ca|m mv orrat|c norvos so l qrabbod mv noar|v tu|| q|ass ot rod
w|no. l qu|p |t |n throo swa||ows. Vv hand tromb|od as l p|acod tho w|no q|ass back onto tho tab|o. 1hov a|| tr|od not to staro at mo. 1hov know that l
was on tho vorqo ot troak|nq out. 1ho room was qu|ot tor a momont - too qu|ot. |or onco l actua||v wantod to hoar 1haddous' vo|co broak up tho
awkward pauso. l cou|d hoar tho warm broozo watt |nto tho d|n|nq room trom tho |arqo w|ndows boh|nd us. l c|osod mv ovos, and sa|d a pravor that
whon l oponod thom aqa|n that l wou|d bo back homo - |n tho tuturo, |n mv bodroom ||ston|nq to mv llod. A socond or two moro.
l ||ttod mv ovo||ds vorv s|ow|v as |t thov wo|qhod a hundrod pounds botwoon thom. 3o much tor powors, l thouqht. l|ko|as qavo mo an odd |ook and
qosturod tor mo to hand h|m mv w|no q|ass, so that ho cou|d rop|on|sh |t w|th tho b|ttor w|no. l shook mv hoad to|||nq h|m no. |o sm||od and t|||od h|s
own thon 3othanv's. l t|xod mv ovos on Evan. |o w|nkod at mo. l quoss h|s m|nd was back |n th|s room aqa|n, and not tar ott somowhoro, brood|nq.
1haddous c|oarod h|s throat onco aqa|n. Evorvono oxpoctod that v|ctor had por|shod a|onq w|th h|s tam||v. You soo, no ono, no lschoro know ot
v|ctor's ox|stonco. 1horotoro, wo woro unproparod. ||s tam||v mav havo ta||od to oducato h|m about tho Apo||uon, s|nco tho|r ban|shmont took
p|aco whon ho was at a vorv vounq aqo but h|s tam||v mado h|m qu|to awaro ot vour |mportanco.'
l bo||ovo that ho doos know about tho Apo||uon?' l sa|d.
1o|| mo whv.' 1haddous domandod obv|ous|v |ntr|quod.
Whon v|ctor tr|od to attack mo attor l was k|||od |n tho car acc|dont, tho shadows, 1ho Apo||uon, cropt up and stood ovor h|m. 1hov took tho shapo
ot monstors. 1ho oxpross|on on v|ctor's taco bocamo toartu|. A|most as qu|ck|v as tho shadows showod up, v|ctor qrow w|nqs, and t|ow |nto tho
skv and d|sappoarod.' l had ovorvono's attont|on w|th mv ||tt|o |ntor|oct|on.
Appa|||nq!' 1haddous oxc|a|mod. lt on|v provos how ca||ous v|ctor roa||v |s. |o knows what tho Apo||uon aro capab|o ot, and vot ho doosn't q|vo a
damn as to thoso croaturos bocom|nq awaro ot our |ocat|on. 1hov can dovour h|m as wo||. |ados works a|ono. |ados protocts no ono. Wo aro,
onco aqa|n, |n qravo danqor as wo woro whon h|s tam||v was a||vo.' |o stoppod |onq onouqh to q|aro at Evan. Evan d|dn't m|ss a boat and q|arod
r|qht back at h|s tathor. 1hon 1haddous stood up and boqan pac|nq tho t|oor surround|nq tho d|n|nq tab|o.
v|ctor has boon busv s|nco h|s unoxpoctod arr|va| |n l|cko| C|tv,' 1haddous sa|d. |o has bu||t an armv, a|thouqh sma|| now but stoad||v qrow|nq.
||s d|sc|p|os, as ho ca||s thom: l protor qanq ot band|ts and murdorors, havo boon q|ttod w|th socondarv powor throuqh h|m. 1hov aro powortu| as
|onq as ho |s. 1hov mako h|m stronqor bv numbor, vot woakor a|ono. |o noods our powor, a h|qhor command|nq tam||v's powor, |n ordor to robu||d
tho stronqth ho has |ost |n bu||d|nq h|s |oq|on.' 1haddous pract|ca||v qrow|od w|th |nd|qnat|on. ||s tono soundod as |t a sma|| monstor had boon
arousod somowhoro doop |n h|s chost.
3|nco v|ctor's arr|va| |n l|cko| C|tv, ho has doc|arod h|mso|t omporor and |s stronqor than ho has ovor boon. You soo Cordo||a, thoro has boon
qu|to a b|t ot b|oodshod wh||o vou'vo boon. awav. Wo'vo tr|od to koop h|m at bav, but thov havo to||owod h|s tra||. 1ho doath to|| has r|son
cons|dorab|v and |t |s t|mo to ||borato th|s town, tho wor|d ot h|s ov||. W|th moro b|oodshod, ho w||| draw tho Apo||uon, and thov w||| boq|n a war that
w||| not ond.
1hov w||| k||| lschoros as wo|| as morta|s. Wo know that tho Apo||uon aro noar bocauso ot tho attacks that havo |ott tho morta|s batt|od and |n toar.'
0o tho town's poop|o bo||ovo that thoro aro vamp|ros? l moan monstors |n l|cko| C|tv?'
3oo|nq has boon doomod proot onouqh, mv ch||d. 1hov'ro d|scovor|nq ravaqod, b|ood dra|nod corpsos a||ovor our torosts, and our no|qhbor|nq
town, 3odwvn C|tv. 3omo bod|os havo boon d|scardod turthor than tho 3orqnum la||road can tako thoso morta|s. A|| tound w|th puncturod nocks
and ||mbs. lt can bo nono othor than 1ho Apo||uon vamp|ros.' 1haddous sa|d.
Cou|dn't |t bo v|ctor's d|sc|p|os?' l askod, not want|nq to bo||ovo that vamp|ros roa||v ox|st.
lo.|t's dot|n|to|v not tho|r handv work. 1hov aro |nto savaqo|v boat|nq, ma|m|nq, and stra|qht torward murdor. ' l|ko|as answorod cross|nq h|s
arms across h|s barro| ot a chost.
3otoro vou dopartod tor tho tuturo,' 1haddous sa|d, mak|nq |t sound as thouqh l had qotton on a p|ano. Your ab|||t|os woro at an |mmaturo stato,
not tu||v roa||zod, thorotoro wo cou|d not r|sk v|ctor's noxt attack. Wo woro corta|n h|s noxt attack wou|d bo on vou.' 1haddous stoppod pac|nq, and
sat |n tho cha|r oppos|to m|no, d|roct|v oppos|to Evan. |o spoko to mo but |ookod at Evan.
v|ctor, ||ko h|s tathor, Va|co|m lpt|an, has novor boon ot tho pat|ont k|nd. Whv not qo attor Evan, or 3othanv, or mvso|t?' 1haddous askod as ho
proparod to answor tho quost|on h|mso|t but Evan |ntorruptod.
Yos, whv not qo attor vou?' Evan sa|d, and soomod to d|roct tho quost|on at h|s tathor, a|most as |t ho woro |mp|v|nq that v|ctor shou|d, and thon
pausod tor a sp||t socond. 3othanv and l|ko|as appoarod to bo a b|t norvous. 3othanv p|avod w|th hor d|nnor napk|n wh||o l|ko|as qot up,
sauntorod ovor to tho s|do bar and t|xod h|mso|t a dr|nk, wh||o ovo|nq Evan and 1haddous caut|ous|v.
lo, ho'd rathor k||| ott tho sourco, vou, Cordo||a, botoro vou'ro at tho ho|qht ot unpara||o|od powor,' Evan sa|d, pract|ca||v qroanod q|ar|nq at h|s
tathor whom roturnod a s||onc|nq q|aro.
l had no |doa what was qo|nq on botwoon Evan and h|s |onq w|ndod tathor, but |t was obv|ous that thov had somo |ssuos. Evan ho|d h|s tathor's
qazo, unwavor|nq. Vv attont|on was qu|ck|v summonod bv 1haddous onco aqa|n. 1haddous s|qhod hoav||v, turn|nq h|s anqrv staro |nto a sottor ono
as ho turnod to |ook at mo.
1horotoro, mv doar, vou woro transportod to a t|mo whoro wo t|qurod v|ctor lpt|an wou|d novor t|nd vou. As a satotv prov|s|on, 3othanv and l|ko|as
to||owod. Evandor stavod boh|nd |n ordor to |oad tho mombors |n track|nq v|ctor and h|s d|sc|p|o's movomonts. Wo oxpoctod that ho wou|d bo
soarch|nq ovorv |nch ot tho oarth tor vou. Wo had hopod that wo cou|d dostrov h|m thon br|nq vou back sato|v. Wo corta|n|v had not torosoon h|m
|ump|nq t|mo.' 0|d l dotoct a b|t ot amusomont |n 1haddous' vo|co? ||s coru|oan b|uo ovos tw|nk|od ||ko tho crvsta| vasos on tho d|n|nq room tab|o.
Wo tr|od, unsuccosstu||v, to d|scovor v|ctors h|d|nq p|acos. A|| ot h|s dwo|||nqs aro soc|udod, and rumorod to chanqo as qu|ck|v as tho woathor.'
Evan sa|d.
1horotoro, unab|o to oxocuto tho p|an to torm|nato h|m. 3omohow, ho st||| o|udos our ottorts.' 1haddous addod as ho q|oworod at Evan. Evan, w|th
smo|dor|nq chooks, |ookod awav thon down at h|s hands, wh|ch woro |n h|s |ap.
Our |ack ot succoss |s what kopt vou |n tho tuturo |onqor than wo had ant|c|patod. Wo st||| havo no |doa how ho tound vou. Wo know that t|nd|nq vou
was not a tortu|tous act on h|s part. Wo w||| t|nd out who adv|sod h|m ot vour whoroabouts.' 1haddous appoarod to bo t|rod w|th ovos droop|nq
ovorv so otton.
|o mav havo shroudod h|mso|t th|s t|mo, that ovas|vo bastard, a qonu|no coward at hoart, but wo'|| t|ush h|m out soon onouqh.' l|ko|as
Wo w||| capturo h|m, |athor.' 3othanv addod.
l wondorod whv thov a|| spoko as |t |t woro up to us to capturo v|ctor. Wo'ro |ust k|ds, not ovon |oqa| vot. Wo|| not 3othanv and l. 3ut st|||, whv wasn't
1haddous out thoro t||pp|nq ovor rocks |ook|nq tor that snako, h|mso|t? |o had bottor start bocauso trom tho sound ot |t, l was a qonor.
|opotu||v,' 1haddous svmpath|zod. 3otoro tho Apo||uon d|scovor us t|rst. 1ho |ntoqra| part |n t|nd|nq and dostrov|nq v|ctor |s vou, Cordo||a,
roqa|n|nq and mastor|nq vour powor.' 1haddous b|unt|v adv|sod. ||s s|oopv ovos p|orcod r|qht throuqh mo. lt was ho and not h|s words that |ott mo
too||nq uncomtortab|o. lt |s bost that Cordo||a roma|n |n th|s houso unt|| hor powor |s rostorod. 3ho |s sato horo.' 1haddous suqqostod t|rm|v.
lt was moro ot a command than a procaut|onarv suqqost|on. 3ut ho was doad wronq. l wasn't sato horo at a||. v|ctor had a|roadv pa|d mo an
unoxpoctod v|s|t. l unconsc|ous|v rubbod tho spots on mv shou|dors whoro ho had p|orcod unt|| l b|od. l d|dn't want to stav |n th|s houso.
l obsorvod Evan, 3othanv and l|ko|as susp|c|ous|v. 1hov a|| throo |ookod at mo as |t thov pravod that l wou|dn't |ot tho cat out ot tho baq. l was
tomptod to, but l kopt mv mouth shut. 3othanv had sa|d that thov had tho s|tuat|on undor contro|. l hopod tor mv ||to that sho was to|||nq tho truth,
bocauso tho thouqht ot hav|nq to stav |n th|s houso mado mv stomach sour. lt l d|dn't qot out ot th|s houso soon l was suro to suttocato. Whv l
cou|dn't stav |n tho houso l had qrow up |n? l d|dn't daro ask 1haddous th|s. l p|annod to ask 3othanv or Evan |nstoad.
l turnod mv ovos awav trom 1haddous and |ookod at mv r|qht hand wh|ch rostod on tho tab|o. lt was shak|nq. l was tromb||nq trom hoad to too -
a|| brouqht on bv what l was hoar|nq. l cauqht Evan watch|nq mo aqa|n. Evan not|cod ovorvth|nq. Evan cuppod mv hand, and aqa|n l pu||od awav. l
d|dn't caro much tor h|s attompt at conso||nq mo. 1haddous saw how l ro|octod h|s son and oxchanqod an odd |ook w|th Evan, a quost|on|nq |ook. l
had to ask tho quost|on that had boon on mv m|nd s|nco 1haddous had t|rst boqun spoak|nq ot tho qods and tho doom that soomod |nov|tab|o tor
tho lschoros.
3|nco Zous |s tho qod ot tho skv and tho ru|or ot a|| mank|nd, whv doosn't ho stop v|ctor and tho Apo||uon? 0oosn't ho caro what mav happon to
us? 0on't anv ot tho qods caro?'
1hoso aro a|| qood quost|ons, mv doar.' 1haddous romarkod but d|dn't answor.
Evan sat up suddon|v and sa|d, lt's not that Zous, or tho rost ot tho qods havon't anv concorns. 1hov havo tort|t|od us w|th qroat powor and w|sdom,
so that wo can ||vo w|thout tho|r |ntrus|on. Zous w||| not |ntortoro or a||ow tho othor qods to t|qht a war wh|ch wo can hand|o, nor w||| ho war w|th
|ados. Zous w||| not bo cu|pab|o tor tho dostruct|on to tho ont|ro wor|d that a war w|th |ados wou|d br|nq.'
l soo.' l sa|d, but l d|dn't. lt soomod so cruo| to watch vour doscondants bo|nq huntod. l wondorod |t tho qods woro |ust s|tt|nq on Vt. O|vmpus
|auqh|nq a|| tho wh||o.
l sha|| rot|ro now. Cordo||a, l oxpoct that attor a|| tho ovonts ot tho dav that vou w||| s|oop wo||. 1h|s |ntormat|on |s not moant to bo onorous.'
1haddous s|qhod, a |onq and t|rod k|nd ot s|qh, and qot up so s|ow|v trom h|s cha|r. |o |ookod as |t ho woro to tako anothor stop: ho wou|d ta|| |nto a
doop s|oop on tho tr|nqod ruq.
l was ro||ovod to soo h|m qo. l was ovorwho|mod and potr|t|od ot what mv ||to wou|d bo ||ko now. |ow can l ||vo up to tho|r oxpoctat|ons |t l don't
havo an |nk||nq as to whon l w||| romombor anv ot th|s? 1horo was a suddon uncomtortab|o s||onco |n tho room - a ch||| to bo oxact. Evorvono
soomod tonso. l t|nqorod mv moda|||on, l quoss out ot norvousnoss, too||nq |ts |cv coo|noss. lt soothod mo a|most |mmod|ato|v.
3uddon|v, ono ot tho roso t|||od crvsta| vasos |umpod up trom tho tab|o, and sa||od across tho room at tho spood ot a b||nk, crash|nq |oud|v aqa|nst
tho mo|d|nq ot tho archwav, wh|ch 1haddous had |ust wa|kod throuqh.
0oub|o |oadod Co|n
1ho crash happonod so tast that l noar|v vau|tod out ot mv soat, as d|d 3othanv and l|ko|as. 1ho boaut|tu|, vo|votv, wator dottod, rosos scattorod
onto tho wood t|oor |ust as tho wator trom tho smashod vaso boqan to soop throuqh tho aroa ruq. 1ho tons|on |n tho a|r had |ntons|t|od. 3oth
l|ko|as and 3othanv q|arod at Evan, whoso ovos woro b|ood rod. Evan |oanod back |n h|s cha|r, h|s chost hoav|nq. 1hon as qu|ck|v as h|s ovos
woro b|az|nq, thov roturnod to tho|r natura| ponotrat|nq azuro. l ca|mod a|onq w|th h|m a|thouqh, l was takon aback bv h|s act|ons. l tr|od ||ko ho|| not
to convov mv unoas|noss. l|ko|as and 3othanv appoarod somowhat stupot|od, |t on|v tor a momont.
0on't bo upsot w|th h|m Evan. |o too|s ho|p|oss. |o wants th|s th|nq w|th v|ctor to ond.' 1ho oquan|m|tv ot 3othanv's vo|co was sooth|nq.
|athor |s th|s wav bocauso ho can no |onqor do what wo aro capab|o ot.' What 3othanv |ust rovoa|od h|t mo ||ko a thud.
ls 1haddous powor|oss?' l askod. l cou|dn't concoa| mv cur|os|tv attor ||ston|nq to h|m tor ovor an hour. 1ho man had scarod mo at sovora| d|st|nct
po|nts wh||o ho rovoa|od tho wor|d ot torror surround|nq mo. lt had novor occurrod to mo that ho was powor|oss w|th|n th|s wor|d.
As dom|qods, our powors boq|n at ado|osconco and maturo at tho aqo ot sovontoon,' 3othanv sa|d. 3ut thon, droadtu||v, thov docroaso
substant|a||v onco wo phvs|ca||v aqo past t|ttv. Wo ||vo hundrods ot voars w|th powor thon ||vo hundrods ot voars w|thout.' 3othanv tr|od to oxp|a|n
whoro hor tathor's host|||tv stommod trom. |or taco was sombor as sho |ookod at tho archwav hor tathor had |ust qono throuqh.
|or somo |t |s a roa||tv that |s vorv d|tt|cu|t to... accopt. lt |s as Zous |ntondod.' l|ko|as addod.
Vv paronts ||vo v|car|ous|v throuqh tho powor ot tho|r ch||dron as a|| tho o|dors do. 1ho o|dors aro souqht tor qu|danco, w|sdom, and aro rospoctod
and adm|rod tor tho wor|d thov'vo kopt sato tor us. Wo, tho ch||dron t|qht tho wars as thov had tor tho|r paronts and so on and so on. Wo must koop
tho wor|d sato so that our ch||dron mav not havo to t|qht anv wars.'
l suddon|v to|t roa||v bad tor 1haddous and A|oxandr|a. 1hov must too| so ho|p|oss. Wow. 1h|s a|| sooms moro ||ko a curso than a q|tt.' l wa|tod tor a
rosponso but no ono sa|d a word. lt |od mo to bo||ovo that thov saw |t that wav too, and mavbo that was Zous's |ntont. Vavbo ho was pun|sh|nq us.
Evan commontod on what 3othanv had sa|d, and actod as lt ho d|dn't hoar mo. 1hat doos not q|vo h|m tho r|qht to bo condoscond|nq and
accusatorv.' 1ho anqor d|dn't show on Evan's taco but thoro was an unm|stakab|o traco ot puro vonom |n h|s vo|co. 1horo dot|n|to|v was a who|o
othor s|do to Evan: a mvstorv.
|athor |s pat|ont, and ho trusts vou, Evan,' 3othanv sa|d. You know that tathor |s not accustomod to bo|nq w|thout anv powor or contro|.' l watchod
3othanv who showod so manv s|qns ot matur|tv. 3ho spoko w|th such w|sdom. 3ho was so d|ttoront trom tho oasv qo|nq toonaqor l botr|ondod two
voars aqo. 3ho was a woman w|th |ns|qht. l had to como to torms w|th tho tact that l roa||v d|dn't know hor.
l|ston Evandor, l th|nk tho warn|nq w||| bo wo|| roco|vod. lucas' corpso |s a d|roct mossaqo.' l|ko|as was stand|nq up and |oan|nq ovor 3othanv to
qot c|osor to Evan.
Who |s lucas' l askod. Aqa|n thov |qnorod mo. lt was as |t l wasn't ovon |n tho room.
1ho warn|nq corta|n|v shows that wo can and w||| qot c|oso onouqh to avonqo h|s oxtromo|v bad doc|s|on ot com|nq horo. |o w||| know that wo don't
tako k|nd|v to throats a|thouqh, tho warn|nq w||| not qo unansworod. 1ho 'torqotton son' w||| trv unro|ont|nq|v to qot what ho bo||ovos to bo h|s.'
Evan sa|d, cont|dont|v. 3omoth|nq |n h|s oxpross|on camo across w|ckod, and l was takon aback.
l |ookod at Evan and thon at l|ko|as. l saw two bovs who woro bohav|nq ||ko qrown mon. lt was tho wav thov spoko, so so|t assurod, so maturo, and
so doad|v. lt camo ott rathor natura|, but |ott a stranqo and b|ttor tasto |n vour mouth.
lucas' t|rst m|stako was th|nk|nq that Evan's v|s|t was an attack,' l|ko|as sa|d. ||s socond, ho actua||v bo||ovod h|s socond hand powors woro a
match tor a qonu|no lschoro, a dom|qod. lt's actua||v amus|nq |t vou th|nk about |t.' l|ko|as chuck|od, and qu|pod what was |ott ot h|s w|no. l had no
|doa what l|ko|as was ta|k|nq about, or |t l shou|d romombor anv ot |t.
Who |s lucas?' l askod aqa|n, th|s t|mo a |ot |oudor. lo|thor Evan nor l|ko|as sa|d a word. 3othanv doc|dod to answor. lt turns out, attor Evan
d|sappoarod throuqh mv co|||nq, ho had pa|d an unoxpoctod v|s|t to v|ctor's notor|ous hoad d|sc|p|o, lucas, a th|ck musc|od bruto. Evan thouqht |t
bost to sond a vorba| mossaqo to v|ctor throuqh lucas.
Whv |s |t that whon vou ta|k about lucas, vou spoak ot h|m |n tho past tonso?'
l th|nk Cordo||a shou|d know what transp|rod w|th lucas th|s ovon|nq' l|ko|as sa|d, nodd|nq to Evan.
Yos. l aqroo w|th l|ko. 3ho shou|d bo awaro ot what wo aro up aqa|nst.' 3othanv addod, star|nq at Evan. 1hon sho |ookod at mo, as |t cha||onq|nq
mo, as |t porhaps l cou|dn't hand|o tho dota||s. Wo |ockod ovos tor a momont. 3ho was r|qht. l shou|d bo awaro ot what's qo|nq on. 3ut sho was
undorost|mat|nq mo |t sho thouqht that l was a w|mp. l was proparod tor whatovor thov woro about to to|| mo. At th|s po|nt l was roadv tor anvth|nq. l
duq doop |ns|do ot mo, soarchod tor stronqth, and bracod mvso|t.
3oth l|ko|as and 3othanv wa|tod tor Evan, tor what l quossod to bo h|s approva|. |o shruqqod as |t ho d|dn't havo a caro |n tho wor|d |t l know what
had happonod.
1on|qht, lucas was stoa||nq a qu|ot momont |n tho par|or ot tho |ono mans|on that s|ts boh|nd Go|d ||||: an unusua| p|aco tor a mans|on actua||v.
A|| tho othor woa|thv tam|||os ||vo on V||||ona|ro's low, |ook|nq ovor tho town. 1ho rost ros|do across trom Go|d ||||. lucas' homo |s vorv |arqo, and
that's not account|nq tor tho acros ot |and surround|nq |t. |o |nhor|tod tho houso and |ts |and trom h|s adopt|vo paronts. 1on|qht ho wasn't homo
a|ono. 3acha, h|s tw|n s|stor, was a|so homo, propar|nq horso|t tor what l'm suro wou|d bo a |onq ovon|nq at tho sa|oons,' l|ko|as sa|d, sm|rk|nq.
lucas was v|ctor's most trustod, most |ova|, and most powortu| d|sc|p|o. Whatovor v|ctor savs, lucas doos. You'd oxpoct to soo mar|onotto
str|nqs attachod to tho ovorqrown thuq,' 3othanv oxp|a|nod. |or aquamar|no ovos spark|od as sho doscr|bod lucas. lucas' toaturos woro str|k|nq,
but a sharp contrast to most ot tho ros|donts ot th|s town. Whoro ovor lucas wont, ho stood out. lot bocauso ho was co|orod, but bocauso ho
wasn't ont|ro|v co|orod.
lucas' sk|n was tho co|or ot sand -'
And h|s sou| was as qr|ttv. 3ocauso ho was oxtromo|v muscu|ar, ho had a ta|so sonso ot cont|donco.' l|ko|as addod.
||s roqu|sh oxtor|or mado h|m ono ot tho most toarod mon |n l|cko| C|tv, bos|dos v|ctor h|mso|t. lucas was born and ra|sod horo.' 3othanv sa|d,
|oan|nq ovor tho tab|o as |t sho was rovoa||nq a wo||quardod socrot. l|ko|as, l th|nk |t |s bost that vou show Cordo||a what happonod.' 3othanv
l|ko|as noddod and po|ntod h|s t|nqor to tho tar r|qht wa||, and aqa|n l was |n awo ot tho maq|c. lt was anothor m|raqo. l wondorod |t thov cou|d a||
do th|s or was l|ko|as tho on|v ono w|th tho q|tt.
look|nq at tho m|raqo was ||ko |ook|nq |nto anothor room that had a spark||nq ||n|nq odq|nq |ts ontranco. 1ho par|or was d|m|v ||t bv sovora| o||
|amps, and appoarod as |arqo as tho ono |n th|s mans|on. 1ho ma|or d|ttoronco was that ovorvth|nq soomod to bo mado ot sh|nv |vorv marb|o or
1ho t|oors, tho tab|os, ovon tho mass|vo t|rop|aco woro mado ot marb|o or onvx or a comb|nat|on ot both. lt mado tho room appoar tr|q|d.
A vounq man, about mv aqo l'd quoss, sat ro|ax|nq |n a choco|ato brown, |oathor tuttod smok|nq cha|r. |o was drossod |n tho customarv
qont|oman's att|ro. l know |t was lucas tho momont l saw h|m. 3othanv's doscr|pt|on ot h|m was oxact. lucas was vorv muscu|ar |n a bu|kv wav, and
oxtromo|v handsomo. |o rom|ndod mo ot tho tormor wrost|or turnod actor, 1ho lock.
lucas' ovos woro c|osod, and ho |oanod h|s hoad aqa|nst tho back ot tho cha|r. |o appoarod to bo doz|nq, but ho wasn't. lucas ra|sod h|s dr|nk to
h|s ||ps, and s|ppod |t thon casua||v shook tho q|ass trom t|mo to t|mo caus|nq tho |co ch|ps to c||nk. l quoss ho was ono ot tho tow who ownod an
|co box.
Out ot nowhoro Evan appoarod |n tho room ||ko an appar|t|on or somoth|nq, t|rst appoar|nq ||ko a vapor thon t|osh|nq out |nto a porson. Evan stood
ta|| and qonu|no|v qorqoous. |o mado h|mso|t comtortab|o, oppos|to lucas, |n an |dont|ca| cha|r to tho ono lucas rostod |n.
ls |t bodt|mo a|roadv?' Evan quost|onod h|s advorsarv's ov|| cohort. l wou|d havo oxpoctod vou to bo out torror|z|nq tho town at th|s hour.'
3tart|od, ovon |t on|v tor a socond: lucas |ookod d|roct|v at Evan w|th |ntonso hazo| ovos.
Whoro aro vour mannors, Evandor? 0on't vou know that |t's customarv to knock?' lucas rospondod |n a doop vo|co s|m||ar to tho |ow qrow| ot a
Knock? Whv wou|d l want to contuso vou bv q|v|nq vou a ta|so |mpross|on ot rospoct tor vou?' 1ho sarcasm ro||od ott ot Evan's tonquo as ho
casua||v qot up, wa|kod ovor to tho onvx and marb|o bar, t|xod h|mso|t a dr|nk, stro||od back to tho cha|r, and sat back down. Evan's arroqanco
c|oar|v antaqon|zod lucas, who watchod Evan a|| tho wh||o, as a th|ck vo|n appoarod at h|s |ott tomp|o. lucas was dot|n|to|v stow|nq.
lucas c|oarod h|s throat and sm||od. Ahh.l am a hosp|tab|o man. Vv door |s a|wavs opon, ospoc|a||v tor tho 0|v|no Ono. l hoar sho |s back trom
hor... tr|p. lorhaps l shou|d sw|nq bv vour p|aco. unoxpoctod. ls tho Empross ot lschora troo ton|qht?' lucas was bo|nq tacot|ous, and a||owod a
v|nd|ct|vo chuck|o to oscapo h|s ||ps as ho crossod h|s |oqs. 1ho |co ch|ps |n h|s q|ass c||nkod aqa|n as |t app|aud|nq h|m tor h|s c|ovor rotort.
Evan's ovos b|azod rod tor a sp||t socond w|th lucas' rotoronco ot mo, but somohow ho was ab|o to stav composod. lt was obv|ous that Evan
wasn't thoro tor a t|qht.
1road carotu||v, son ot a strootwa|kor. Vv batt|o |s not w|th vou.' Evan ovod lucas scorntu||v, vot caut|ous|v, tho wav ono wou|d roqard a s||thor|nq
snako that at anv momont cou|d str|ko at vou unoxpoctod|v. l quoss vou can novor bo too suro.
A|thouqh, l'm on|ov|nq th|s convorsat|on |mmonso|v, l can't stand tho susponso anv |onqor. Whv aro vou horo? Ahhh. |ot mo quoss. You havo vot
to t|nd lord v|ctor, tho truo omporor ot tho lschoros' lucas |auqhod, sound|nq moro ||ko a qrow|.
lord, as |n mastor?' Evan chort|od, ||qht|v. Wo||, vour mastor mav bo||ovo that ho has soc|udod h|mso|t, but |t's on|v a mattor ot t|mo botoro ho |s
tound and torm|natod. lt's |nov|tab|o. And anv s|avo r|d|nq h|s coat ta||s w||| qo down w|th h|m,' Evan sa|d, watch|nq lucas tonso up at tho |doa ot
bo|nq rotorrod to as v|ctor's proportv.
l'm no ono's s|avo. l chooso to sorvo tho roa| |oador ot tho lschoros.' lucas sa|d, uncross|nq and rocross|nq h|s |oqs. ||s taco was boq|nn|nq to
lt's t|tt|nq that ho |oads an armv ot pr|m|t|vo brutos. What cou|d a troq|odvto know ot ro|qn|nq an omp|ro? |o knows noth|nq. Your lord, as vou ca||
h|m, |s no |onqor an lschoro.' Evan's vo|co was c||mb|nq as h|s hand qr|ppod tho q|ass t|orco|v.
You and vour c|an shou|d bowaro ot tho |nov|tab|o tako ovor. 1o|n us now, Evandor, botoro |t's too |ato, and vou'ro torcod to knoo| to tho truo
Whoa. v|ctor's roa||v qot vou undor h|s thumb. 0o vou hoar vourso|t lucas?'
Wo aro stronqor and w||| dotoat tho lschoros.'
Evan |auqhod hoart||v. Ot courso vou w|||. 3|nco vou'ro a|roadv accustomod to tak|nq ordors, q|vo vour |ord a mossaqo tor mo.
l tako ordors trom no ono.' lucas soothod q|ass st||| |n hand, but no moro c||nk|nq. 1ho |co had mo|tod.
You and l both know that vou w||| do as l sav. You |ot vour mastor know that ho shou|d stav awav trom mv houso, and a|| who ros|do thoro.'
1horo was a s|qn|t|cant traco ot ma||co |n Evans tono that qu|otod lucas tor a momont. l w||| bo tho ono to ond h|m, and anvono who doos h|s d|rtv
work, |t thov daro to como noar Cordo||a or mv tam||v aqa|n.' Evan warnod |c||v.
lucas' hazo| ovos cou|d baro|v bo soon as ho narrowod thom. Oh, Evandor, Evandor, Evandor. 1sk, tsk.' lucas sa|d, shak|nq h|s hoad s|ow|v trom
|ott to r|qht. v|ctor doos not tako k|nd|v to throats and no|thor do l.'
||no. 0on't tako |t as a throat. lt's a prom|so, and l'|| c|ar|tv so that thoro |s no contus|on. l don't broak prom|sos.' Evan sa|d casua||v qott|nq up trom
tho |arqo |oathor cha|r, and wa|k|nq ovor to tho bar.
l thouqht l was roadv, but l wasn't. |ow cou|d anvono proparo tor what was |n storo?
You won't como |nto mv houso, and oxp|o|t mv hosp|ta||tv!' lucas snar|od, and thon qot up trom h|s cha|r. lucas was ta||or and |arqor than l had
oxpoctod. |o had to bo at |oast s|x toot - s|x |nchos ta||. ||s su|t actua||v stra|nod aqa|nst h|s broad chost and bu|q|nq arms. |o stood a tow |nchos
ta||or than Evan.
3|t down lucas, and t|n|sh vour dr|nk.' Evan ordorod as ho dra|nod h|s q|ass and sat |t down on tho countor ot tho bar.
0on't ordor mo around Evandor: l'm not ono ot vour too||sh m|n|ons.' 3o|nq tho brash too| that 3othanv doscr|bod h|m as, lucas actod |mpu|s|vo|v.
ln ono sw|tt movo, lucas t|ow across tho par|or to whoro Evan stood at tho bar, and |unqod tor Evan's nock. l cou|dn't bo||ovo tho rato ot spood |n
wh|ch lucas movod. lt was ||ko watch|nq a t|ash ot ||qht, but w|th a who|o |ot ot musc|o. 3ut Evan was tho qu|ckor ot tho two wo|| - drossod vounq
ln a mattor ot an |mmoasurab|o socond, Evan was now boh|nd lucas.
Us|nq tho stronqth ot what must havo boon ton mon, l t|qurod |t wou|d tako that manv to stop lucas, Evan punchod lucas |n tho back. 1ho torcotu|
and oqua||v thundorous b|ow connoctod, and l noar|v |umpod out ot mv cha|r as l watchod |n d|sbo||ot as lucas |oapod sovora| toot torward. 1ust
thon l|ko|as appoarod out ot nowhoro ||ko a qhost, unboknownst to both lucas and Evan. l|ko|as q||dod at an acco|oratod spood to catch lucas'
b|oodv and qrotosquo and st||| boat|nq hoart |n h|s hands |ust as |t burst throuqh lucas' chost r|qht botoro ho s|ammod |nto tho marb|o bar |n ono
boom|nq crash.
A wh|to c|oud ot dust ||ko tho ash ot a vo|cano t|||od tho a|r momontar||v w|th tho crumb|o ot crushod marb|o.
lot a sound had oscapod lucas' ||ps as ho |andod on tho bar. |o was a hu|k|nq hoap covorod |n wh|to dust. 1ho surpr|sod |ook ot torror on lucas'
taco was trozon torovor. 1ho crash cou|d suro|v bo hoard throuqhout tho houso.
l cou|dn't bo||ovo what l |ust saw. l hadn't roa||zod |t, but at somo po|nt l had put mv hands ovor mv mouth |n shock. Vv hands woro st||| pos|t|onod
thoro now.
As |t |ookod, lucas was obv|ous|v doad. 0oad, bv Evan's hand. Oh mv God! low l know whv Evan d|dn't want l|ko|as to show mo what had
happonod. |o was atra|d that l wou|d th|nk ot h|m as a monstor.
1ho truth was l d|dn't know how l saw Evan. l d|dn't know h|m. What l was s|ow|v |oarn|nq about h|m, a|| ot thom was that l d|dn't want to bo ||ko thom,
and ||vo th|s wav. 1hov mav bo dom|qods, but thov woro a|so murdorors. 1ho toar ot know|nq mvso|t roso |n mo. l|oaso God.l don't want to bo a
murdoror. lorhaps l'm prav|nq to tho wronq God.
l shut mv ovos tor a momont. l had soon onouqh. Vv stomach churnod as l tr|od to ovorcomo tho urqo to vom|t. Whon l oponod mv ovos aqa|n, l
|ookod ovor at Evan who was |ook|nq d|roct|v at mo. ||s ovos woro |ntonso as |t ho cou|d soo r|qht throuqh mo. ||s oxpross|on was d|tt|cu|t to road.
|o must havo boon watch|nq mv roact|on tho ont|ro t|mo tho horror mov|o p|avod. l turnod awav, but st||| to|t h|s qazo bor|nq |nto mo: |nto mv sou|.
1oars wo||od up |n mv ovos as l cou|dn't soo how l cou|d havo boon |n |ovo w|th th|s bov.
What l saw noxt, b|ow mv m|nd. ln tho m|raqo, l watchod Evan movo as|do as l|ko|as carotu||v stoppod ovor lucas' doad bodv: wo|| h|s |oqs, and
tossod h|s hoart |nto tho roar|nq t|amos ot tho o|oqant onvx t|rop|aco. l was start|od bv tho |oud crack|o that oruptod trom tho t|amos. l|ko|as |ookod
down at h|s hands and lucas' b|ood washod awav ||ko a buckot ot wator had boon pourod ovor thom.
lucas, what was that no|so?' A woman's vo|co sa||od throuqh tho houso trom tho t|oor abovo. Evan |ookod upward toward tho co|||nq thon at
l|ko|as. 1h|s was not mv p|an. l d|dn't como horo to k||| h|m.' Evan ovos woro back to tho|r natura| huo.
lucas qot what ho dosorvod.' l|ko|as svmpath|zod. v|ctor's armv must bo d|smant|od. Wo aqrood on that. Who bottor to start w|th? ' l|ko|as'
oxpross|on was doad sor|ous.
Evan boqan to wa|k awav thon stoppod abrupt|v. |o turnod to taco l|ko|as. Whv aro vou horo?' Evan's tono chanqod to annovanco.
l d|dn't to||ow vou, bocauso l thouqht vou woro |n nood ot mv ho|p.'
Aqa|n. whv aro vou horo?' Evan domandod.
l know that lucas |s no match tor vour sk|||. Your s|stor on tho othor hand wou|d havo como horso|t had l not.' l|ko|as amondod.
Evan noddod and sa|d, l shou|d'vo known.'
l |ovo vour s|stor, moro than ||to |tso|t, but sho can bo as stubborn as a mu|o at t|mos: th|s bo|nq ono ot thom.'
3othanv snortod and l|ko|as w|nkod at hor |n a soduct|vo wav that mado mo |nstant|v uncomtortab|o tor w|tnoss|nq |t. 3oth Evan and l|ko|as
van|shod |ust as thov noarod tho tront doors ot tho |arqo ostato. 1ho samo woman's vo|co ochood as tootstops cou|d bo hoard doscond|nq tho
qrand marb|o sta|rcaso.
lucas, aro vou horo?' l quossod that tho vo|co bo|onqod to 3acha, and sho was |nvost|qat|nq tho |oud thud tor horso|t, s|nco hor doad tw|n hadn't
answorod hor.
1ho m|raqo suddon|v movod to tho ontranco, so l novor saw who camo down tho sta|rs. 1ho m|raqo showod tho tront ot tho houso trom tho outs|do.
Evan and l|ko|as wa|kod s|do bv s|do, and d|sappoarod |nto tho n|qht onco aqa|n.
la|ntu||v shr||| cr|os ot a woman cou|d bo hoard ocho|nq |nto tho st|||, drv, and warm n|qht a|r |ust as sovora| horso and buqq|os qo|nq bv noar|v
s|owod to a stop. Onco thov roa||zod whoro tho scroams camo trom, thov qu|ck|v spod awav. l starod at tho wa|| |onq attor tho m|raqo had
l|ko|as broko tho s||onco.
l d|dn't |ntond to scaro vou, Cordo||a. l |ust thouqht that |t wou|d bo bottor to show vou. What vou must undorstand |s that wo'ro not monstors
a|thouqh: thoro aro c|rcumstancos that ar|so whoro wo must act |n ordor to surv|vo thom. lucas was a co|d b|oodod, murdorous, hot hoad. |o novor
backod down trom anv opponont, ovon |t ho know that ho was |n ovor h|s arroqant hoad. lt's a commondab|o tra|t, but too||sh nonotho|oss.' l|ko|as
lucas' tw|n s|stor, 3acha, ||vod w|th h|m. 1ho tw|ns woro orphanod at tho tondor aqo ot o|qht whon tho|r mothor, a sh|ttor, ono ot tho most
danqorous k|nds, and an undor nour|shod and undor pa|d prost|tuto, novor roturnod homo ono n|qht,' 3othanv sa|d, |n a so|omn tono.
A sh|ttor? 3o sho chanqos |nto th|nqs, r|qht?'
|or tam||v h|storv |s vorv o|d, not as o|d as ours, but anc|ont nono tho |oss. |or qroatqroatqroatqroat qrandmothor was rapod, and |ator coup|od
w|th a to||no.'
What? A |o||no? ls that. poss|b|o?'
Ot courso |t |s. lucas and 3acha aro proot. 3o|nq that tho|r mothor was a prost|tuto, and a co|orod ono at that, sho wasn't thouqht ot as anv va|uo
to somo ot thoso mon sook|nq hor sorv|cos. 3ho wou|d attack tho c||onts, who wou|dn't pav, and wo|| ono c||ont qot a shot ott h|s 3m|th 8 Wosson,
and sho was k|||od.'
1hat's so sad. 3o ovorvono tound out what sho was?' l anx|ous|v p|avod w|th tho d|amond moda|||on around mv nock. lts coo|noss soothod mo.
lo, upon hor doath, sho sh|ttod back |nto a human,' 3othanv sa|d, vorv mattor - ot - tact. 1ho author|t|os tound doop scratchos on tho shootor's
bodv rosomb||nq that ot what an an|ma| w|th huqo c|aws wou|d mako, but no ono cou|d undorstand how thov had qotton thoro s|nco tho man d|od
trom tho |n|ur|os botoro ho cou|d |ntorm anvono.' 3othanv s|qhod.
What happonod to lucas and 3acha?'
1ho socrot stavod w|th tho tw|ns.' |or narrat|vo had ovorv onos oar oxcopt Evan's. |o soomod to bo tar ott somowhoro outs|do ot th|s room, and
th|s houso, mavbo ovon th|s town, poss|b|v tho stato. 3othanv saw that Evan wasn't pav|nq hor anv m|nd, but cont|nuod anvwav.
|ow do vou know about thom bo|nq.?'
Woropanthors, part human, and part panthor. lt's ono ot our koonost attr|butos. Wo can dotoct a|| bo|nqs whothor d|v|no or monstrous.' 3othanv
Untortunato|v, thoro wasn't an |nvost|qat|on ho|d tor tho|r mothor's doath.'
Whv not?' l askod, surpr|sod.
1ho morta|s who ran th|s town thon d|dn't q|vo a damn about a doad and co|orod prost|tuto.
3|nco lucas and 3acha had novor mot, or ovor know who tho|r tathor was. |o cou|d vorv wo|| bo anv ot tho numorous wh|to mon who souqht tho|r
mothors' sorv|cos, d|dn't pav, and was mau|od to doath. 1horotoro, arranqomonts woro mado, and tho tw|ns woro to bo sont to tho towns' on|v
orphanaqo. 3ut lucas and 3acha had othor p|ans. 1hov h|d whoro thov cou|d, and ||vod on tho stroots.' 3othanv sa|d qravo|v. Whon wo woro
ch||dron, l actua||v romombor soo|nq thom |n town stoa||nq tood trom tho morcant||o and qrocor's. l wantod to ho|p thom thon. low l know bottor.'
3othanv notod.
Who caros what tho co|or ot tho|r sk|n was. 3omoono shou|d havo takon thom |n.' l was roa||v saddonod bv tho storv. lt was hoartbroak|nq,
untortunato, vot tasc|nat|nq. As 3othanv cont|nuod to to|| |t, |n |ust abovo a wh|spor, l |oanod |n c|osor so that l wou|dn't m|ss a boat.
Wo|| to ovorvono's surpr|so, thov woro takon |n bv a k|nd and woa|thv coup|o who |ovod char|tv casos and porus|nq tho 1orr|tor|a| Entorpr|so to soo
tho|r namos mont|onod w|th pra|so.' 3othanv pausod tor omphas|s.
l was k|nd ot surpr|sod to |oarn |ust how |onq tho town's nowspapor has boon |n pub||cat|on.
1ho |avdon's, a prom|nont coup|o ot l|cko| C|tv's ar|stocracv, know a|| tho r|qht poop|o |n tho r|qht p|acos, duo to hav|nq somo ot tho o|dost monov
|n town - str|ct|v trom bank|nq and not ontropronour|a| m|n|nq. 1hov woro bo||ovod to bo unab|o to havo ch||dron ot tho|r own. 1horotoro, out ot tho
qonu|no qoodnoss ot tho|r hoarts, attor w|tnoss|nq tho tw|ns rummaq|nq throuqh trash tor ha|t oaton and spo||od tood, 1ho |avdon coup|o |oqa||v
adoptod, c|oanod up, and onro||od lucas and 3acha |n tho l|cko| C|tv E|omontarv schoo|.'
1hat's qroat. 1ho tw|ns must havo boon happv ||v|nq who|osomo ||vos wh|ch ovorv k|d dosorvos.' l was boam|nq. l was qonu|no|v p|oasod to hoar
that lucas and 3acha t|na||v had somowhoro to ||vo, and had |ov|nq paronts to caro tor thom. Vv romarks qot Evan's attont|on tor a momont. 1hon
ho wont back to star|nq ott |nto spaco. Was |t that l had spokon, or what l had choson to sav that cauqht h|s attont|on?
lndood and as a rosu|t, ovorvono pub||ca||v accoptod tho tw|ns a|thouqh pr|vato|v, that was a who|o othor mattor.' 3othanv sa|d. l was cur|ous to
know how lucas ondod up runn|nq w|th tho ||kos ot tho un|nv|tod v|s|tor. v|ctor must havo usod h|s powors to bra|nwash poor lucas.
3o what wont wronq? Whv ls lucas hanq|nq w|th tho ||kos ot v|ctor?'
3othanv answorod, a|most anx|ous|v, as l hunq on ovorv an|matod word. As vounq ch||dron thov ad|ustod wo|| to schoo| and ot|quotto, |oarn|nq a||
tho doos and don'ts. At t|rst, thov soomod to |qnoro somo ot tho snubb|nq thov roco|vod |n schoo| on a da||v bas|s, but soon roa||zod that noth|nq
had roa||v chanqod. 1hov know that thov woro on|v accoptod bocauso ot who tho|r now paronts woro. |onco, as tho voars wont bv tho app|os had
provod to not havo ta||on tar trom tho troo,' 3othanv sa|d, nodd|nq know|nq|v.
K|ds can bo so cruo|,' l doc|arod.
1hov both woro constant|v ropr|mandod bv tho|r toachors and tho|r now roqrottu| paronts tor robo|||ous and |nappropr|ato bohav|or w|th tho
oppos|to sox.' 3othanv |oanod c|osor as sho ra|sod a know|nq ovobrow. Worso, was that thov woro both past tho aqo ot ado|osconco, and woro
oqua||v prom|scuous, and had boqun sh|tt|nq and k||||nq.' l cou|dn't bo||ovo what l was hoar|nq.
lucas whom had qrown to bo huqo and dom|nat|nq |n s|zo had a|so bocomo aqqross|vo and v|o|ont both at schoo|, and at homo a|thouqh, ho
novor a||owod anvono to know that ho and 3acha woro sh|ttors. |o was oxpo||od trom schoo| and 3acha soon to||owod. 1ho |avdon's woro
hum|||atod, and pract|ca||v ||v|nq |n toar ot h|m,' 3othanv rovoa|od.
1ho towns' poop|o aro part|a||v at tau|t to whatovor happonod to 3acha and lucas. |ad thov not boon pro|ud|cod w|th such backward th|nk|nq, tho
tw|ns wou|d havo thr|vod. Equa||tv |ust doosn't ox|st now, and mv qut wronchod w|th that roa||tv. l don't th|nk l cou|d hato lucas or 3acha |t l tr|od.
1h|s t|mo por|od was a co|ossa| tactor.
|or voars, Vr. and Vrs. |avdon woro at tho|r w|ts ond at stoor|nq tho tw|ns |n tho r|qht d|roct|on,' 3othanv addod, as sho stood up and q||dod to
ono ot tho w|ndows. 3ho poorod throuqh tho draporv and hoavv |aco curta|n as |t sho oxpoctod to soo somoth|nq unusua| bovond tho q|ass.
1hon tho coup|o mvstor|ous|v d|sappoarod,' l|ko|as sa|d, |oan|nq back |n h|s cha|r w|th h|s arms crossod ovor h|s huqo chost.
Vvstor|ous|v?' lt was obv|ous as to what m|qht havo happonod to tho |avdon's.
3othanv sauntorod back to hor cha|r as noth|nq soomod to pork hor |ntorost outs|do. 3ho noddod and sa|d, Yos, a|thouqh wo know tho truth.
Whon askod bv tam||v tr|onds, tho townsto|k, and tho town's |oadors on tho coup|o's whoroabouts, tho tw|ns wou|d answor w|th a var|otv ot p|acos
tho|r paronts woro o|thor vacat|on|nq or v|s|t|nq ro|at|vos. Exp|a|n|nq tho |avdon's whoroabouts soomod to sorvo tho tw|ns as a torm ot amusomont
and ontorta|nmont.'
Wow that's |ust crazv.' l quoss v|ctor d|dn't havo to bra|n wash thom attor a||. lt sooms ||ko lucas and 3acha a|roadv had a ponchant tor cr|mo, and
an |ncrod|b|v |otha| socrot.
Attor a wh||o ovorvono stoppod ask|nq, and tho tw|ns doc|dod scanda| and k||||nq wou|d bo tho|r on|v ontorta|nmont.' 3othanv was pract|ca||v
broath|oss as sho to|d tho storv.
0|d anvono |nvost|qato 1ho |avdon's d|sappoaranco?'
1ho shor|tt's st||| |nvost|qat|nq, and has not q|von up a|thouqh, ho has como up w|th noth|nq. lot a tra|| to to||ow or a traco ot thom. Voanwh||o,
lucas and 3acha ||vo ott ot tho |avdon's' ostato s|nco thov aro tho bonot|c|ar|os.' 3othanv sa|d.
3v thon thov woro s|xtoon and pract|ca||v toarod bv ovorvono |n town, |nc|ud|nq tho shor|tt, oxcopt tor thoso who run |n tho|r c|rc|o, and ono
|onosomo dr|ttor who mvstor|ous|v showod up |n h|s homotown ono dav, dost|nod to t|nd us.' l|ko|as noddod as tho c|uo sunk |n. |o qu|pod down
h|s tonth or o|ovonth q|ass ot w|no: l'd |ost count. l was batt|od bv tho tact that ho drank and drank and novor qot drunk, as |t ho woro dr|nk|nq wator.
v|ctor.' l wh|sporod as |t ho wou|d appoar |t ho ovorhoard mo.
G|vo tho |adv hor pr|zo.' l|ko|as w|nkod as ho cont|rmod mv corroct answor.
l qazod ovor at Evan, who hadn't sa|d a word s|nco 3othanv startod t||||nq mo |n on tho ov|| tw|ns. l wou|d quoss that ho wasn't ||ston|nq to a word. |o
was st||| star|nq ott |nto anothor qa|axv poss|b|v. lorhaps, ho was somop|aco whoro danqorous monstors w|th ovos rod as b|ood, and tho |ntont to
k||| d|dn't |urk. l wantod to bo |n that p|aco too.
Cordo||a, aro vou ||ston|nq?' 3othanv askod a|thouqh |t soundod moro ||ko a command. l|ko|as cont|nuod as ho qot up to pour h|mso|t somoth|nq
a |ot stronqor than w|no.
v|ctor was tho|r aqo and know a th|nq or two about bo|nq an orphan, and surv|va|. At t|rst lucas must havo thouqht thov woro putt|nq toqothor a
qanq that wou|d ovontua||v run tho town out ot toar. Onco lucas provod that ho cou|d bo trustod, and that ho wasn't abovo murdor, ho roa||zod that
ho was wronq. 1h|s was no ord|narv v|o|ont qanq.' l|ko|as sn|ckorod, and mado a qr|maco.
lucas |oarnod tho truth about v|ctor's ta|onts, and sharod somo ot h|s own. |o a|so d|scovorod what mot|vatod v|ctor, and that th|s was much
doopor than |ust ovorvdav robb|nq, |oot|nq, rap|nq, and k||||nq. 1h|s was about an ond|oss appot|to tor qrood, and an unmatchod phvs|ca| powor so
ont|c|nq, ospoc|a||v duo to tho unoqu|voca| rowards thov wou|d on|ov. lt wasn't |onq botoro lucas bocamo v|ctor's t|rst and c|osost d|sc|p|o.' l|ko|as
pausod, and took a s|p ot brandv. |o pausod as ho |ot tho smooth ||qu|d coat h|s throat botoro cont|nu|nq.
|or lucas, a roquo opportun|st, th|s must havo to|t ||ko str|k|nq onouqh s||vor to purchaso an ont|ro town, wh|ch was |ust what lucas had a|wavs
wantod: to run l|cko| C|tv. ln h|s ovos, th|s town had k|||od h|s mothor, |ott h|m and h|s s|stor to noar|v d|o on |ts stroots, thon turnod |ts noso up to
thom.' l|ko|as oxp|a|nod. l d|dn't want to hoar anvmoro but l|ko|as cont|nuod tho ta|o ot tho ov|| |anso| 8 Groto|.
3acha, whom |s thouqht to bo ono ot tho most boaut|tu| q|r|'s |n l|cko| C|tv, was st||| shunnod a|| tho samo. 1hroo roasons actua||v. ln th|s town sho
|s cons|dorod a ha|tbrood, ha|t wh|to and ha|t co|orod oqua|s a|| wronq, thorotoro no man w||| bo soon w|th hor, |n pub||c. Evon tho co|orods don't
want hor. 1hov soo hor as usod qoods so thov don't want anvth|nq to do w|th hor. 3ho |s v|ctor's ma|n q|r| but novor h|s |ono |ovo |ntorost. v|ctor
parados hor around town as h|s q|r| not q|v|nq ha|t a damn what tho town's poop|o th|nk. Untortunato|v, that |s tho on|v honorab|o th|nq v|ctor has
ovor dono tor tho poor q|r|. 1ho|r ro|at|onsh|p sooms to thr|vo on mutua| |nt|do||t|os.'
3oaut|tu|? loor q|r|,' 3othanv snappod, q|ar|nq at l|ko|as tor h|s cho|co ot words at doscr|b|nq 3acha. 3ho |acks docorum, and sho's a whoro.
3ho |ooks tor tho companv ot anv cowbov. 3acha doosn't appoar to m|nd that a|| ot l|cko| C|tv th|nks ot hor as a woman ot tho ovon|nq ||ko hor
mothor onco was. 3ho'|| do |ust about anvth|nq to mako v|ctor |oa|ous.'
Awo, como on 3oth, sho can novor para||o| vour boautv,' l|ko|as amondod, qu|ck|v. A|thouqh, sho |s st||| tho phvs|ca||v boaut|tu| s|do ot tho
ho|nous, doub|o hoadod co|n. lucas protoctod h|s tw|n trom ovorvth|nq and ovorvono but v|ctor. 3acha was ono ot tho wavs lucas had pa|d tor tho
powors ho possossod and abusod.'
3othanv pa|ntod a swoot sm||o on hor taco and doc|dod that sho was bottor at to|||nq |t. v|ctor has a ponchant tor var|otv |n tho oppos|to sox wh|ch
makos tor tho vo|at||o ro|at|onsh|p ho and 3acha onduro. Ono q|r| can't soom to t||| h|s |nsat|ab|o appot|to and 'lo' |s novor an opt|on. lt anothor q|r|
|s w|th h|m |t's bocauso sho toars tor hor ||to and hor tam|||os ||vos, not bocauso sho wants to s|oop w|th v|ctor or souqht to t||| 3acha's shoos.'
1ho wav thoso k|ds ||vod svmbo||zos |ust how out ot p|aco l roa||v was. A s|mp|o dato and k|ss|nq was about a|| l cou|d ro|ato too. l thouqht that
3othanv was as |noxpor|oncod as l was. lt was obv|ous that sho was wav ahoad ot mo |ust bv tho wav sho spoko ot 3acha and v|ctor. 3ho wasn't
|ust to|||nq tho storv sho cou|d ro|ato to tho|r ro|at|onsh|p.
3acha |s vorv |oa|ous and has qono as tar as murdor |n ordor to ma|nta|n hor pos|t|on as v|ctor's q|r|. 3ho'|| novor undorstand that thoso othor q|r|s
aro torcod to accommodato h|m.' 3othanv oxp|a|nod as sho t|n|shod hor cottoo. l watchod hor, tho wav sho ho|d hor cup and |t was ||ko watch|nq a
stranqor. |app||v ovor attor doosn't soom to bo |n tho cards tor v|ctor and 3acha but thov aro toqothor. lucas was such a too| to a||ow that un|on.'
3othanv snortod. 1hov woro not lschoros and that moant that thov woro |ntor|or.
l cou|dn't bo||ovo how qrown up ovorvono appoarod to bo. 1hov throw words ||ko murdor around as |t |t was as ord|narv an act as oat|nq or s|oop|nq.
1h|s was so tar trom tho roqu|ar h|qh schoo| drama ot who was qo|nq out w|th whom, and who sto|o who's q|r|tr|ond or bovtr|ond. l was comp|oto|v
|ost |n th|s wor|d ot qrood, v|o|onco, powor and doco|t. l to|t ||ko a ch||d amonqst adu|ts.
1ho |ump |n mv throat was provont|nq mo trom spoak|nq so l |ust noddod ||ko a cooporat|vo ch||d. l undorstood but l cou|dn't ro|ato. l sto|o a q|anco
at Evan. |o was s|tt|nq r|q|d |n h|s cha|r, comb|nq h|s |onq t|nqors throuqh h|s th|ck wavv ha|r. l cou|dn't road tho |ook |n h|s ovos. |o appoarod to bo
studv|nq tho tancv tab|o c|oth. 1hon, w|thout a word to anvono, Evan stood up and wa|kod out ot tho d|n|nq room. 1ho uncomtortab|o s||onco was
l turnod mv qazo to 3othanv who t|nqorod hor d|amond moda|||on v|qorous|v. 1ho moda|||on spark|od as |t p|ckod up tho q|ow ot tho chando||or and
sont ravs ot ||qht across tho room and onto tho wa||s. |or oxpross|on rovoa|od noth|nq. l cou|dn't to|| |t sho was anqrv or shockod bv hor brothor's
l|ko|as |ookod at tho brokon vaso on tho t|oor. l had torqotton a|| about tho |aqqod p|ocos ot t|no crvsta|, boaut|tu| scattorod rosos, and tho pudd|o
ot wator that had saturatod tho tr|nqod ruq. l boqan to hoar p|ocos ot q|ass c||nk|nq toqothor. l poorod ovor tho odqo ot tho tab|o, |ust passod tho
tr|nqo ot tho tab|o c|oth, to soo tho shattorod p|ocos ot crvsta| s|ow|v, p|oco bv p|oco, bocom|nq tho vaso aqa|n. Evorv drop ot wator that had
sp|ashod onto tho t|oor, t|oatod |n tho a|r, and pourod back |nto tho vaso as tho |onq stommod rosos dancod up ono bv ono, and droppod |nto tho
opon|nq ot tho vaso. l watchod |n uttor d|sbo||ot. ln a mattor soconds, tho vaso was back on tho tab|o as |t |t had novor movod. lt l hadn't soon tho
vaso smash aqa|nst tho wa||, l wou|d novor havo bo||ovod |t had boon shattorod. 1h|s dot|n|to|v boats an attornoon ot q|u|nq |t back toqothor w|th
crazv q|uo.
Onco Evan has ca|mod down, ho w||| undoubtod|v bo anqorod w|th h|mso|t tor smash|nq ono ot h|s mothor's most chor|shod p|ocos ot crvsta|. l'||
sparo h|m that.' l|ko|as sm||od at mo w|th a tw|nk|o |n h|s ovo.
l tr|od to sm||o back, but l mado a vorv poor attompt. l was st||| |n shock trom what l had |ust soon. l d|dn't moan tho roconstruct|on ot tho vaso, but
what l saw |n tho m|raqo. 3othanv roachod ovor, and qont|v squoozod l|ko|as' hand. 1hon sho stood up to oxcuso horso|t trom tho tab|o. l|ko|as
qu|ck|v stood up and wa|tod.
Whoro aro vour paronts, l|ko|as?' l askod, not roa||z|nq tho wo|qht ot tho quost|on.
1hov'ro doad.' l|ko|as sa|d, w|thout a traco ot omot|on |n h|s vo|co. l w|shod l hadn't askod, and tound mvso|t moro accopt|nq to tho answor than
tho |ack ot omot|on |n h|s vo|co.
Oh. l'm sorrv l|ko|as, l d|dn't know.' l to|t ||ko an |d|ot tor ask|nq.
lo, don't bo sorrv. lt's not vour tau|t. Vv mothor and tathor woro k|||od |n an attack bv sovora| Apo||uon mombors as mv paronts tr|od to dotond
v|ctor's tam||v whom had somohow a|ortod tho Apo||uon's attont|on. lt happonod short|v attor mv sovonth b|rthdav wh|ch |s whv l was ra|sod bv vour
paronts, and whv tho lpt|an tam||v was t|na||v ban|shod.'
1ho Apo||uon aro horr|b|o.' l sa|d |n a wh|spor, saddonod bv what l|ko|as must havo qono throuqh.
l|ko|as spoko vorv mattorottact. Yos, abso|uto|v, but oxt|nqu|shab|o roqard|oss.'
Wo |ookod at oach othor tor a momont. l|ko|as sottonod tho mood w|th a sm||o. |o a|wavs had a wav ot mak|nq somoono too| comtortab|o at an
awkward momont. l was astoundod bv tho amount ot a|coho| ho drank but moro so shockod bv h|s |uc|d d|spos|t|on.
Wo shou|d rot|ro. lt has boon a |onq and t|rosomo dav.' 3othanv notod sm|||nq at l|ko|as and mo.
Cordo||a, vou must bo oxhaustod: |t's |ato. 1horo |s no nood to totch 3un law, sho and Voon loso w||| bo |n short|v to c|oar tho tab|o. l w||| ho|p vou
undross tor bod.' 3othanv addod.
Ok.' l aqrood.
Goodn|qht l|ko|as.' l sm||od.
Good n|qht cous|n.' l|ko|as sm||od bov|sh|v as ho huqqod mo, and thon s|ow|v wa|kod |nto tho d|m|v ||t tovor. l was oxhaustod, but not bocauso |t
was |ato. Vv oxhaust|on was duo to tho |mp|aus|b|o ovonts ot tho dav.
l d|od todav.
l'd boon brouqht back to ||to todav, bv tho bov ot mv droams.
l'd boon attackod and noar|v k|||od aqa|n todav.
1ho most |ntr|qu|nq and shock|nq momont ot tho dav was t|nd|nq out that l'm tho doscondant ot tho most powortu| do|tv. 1ho most powortu|
doscondant. Vo. lt was a r|d|cu|ous not|on that wou|d tako somo t|mo qott|nq usod too.
Yos, |t had boon qu|to an oxhaust|nq dav, but |t had a|so boon a protound|v ||to a|tor|nq ono. l was both torr|t|od and anx|ous to soo what tomorrow
wou|d br|nq, |t l qot throuqh tho n|qht.
On|v a pravor wou|d savo mo trom a tumb|o on tho untam|||ar sta|rcaso. |ow c|umsv l must appoar |n th|s |onq and t|ouncv qown. l ropoatod|v
stoppod on tho hom and a|most tr|ppod up tho sta|rs a coup|o ot t|mos. 1ho ban|stor was mv crutch. C|os|nq |n on mo was tho stop whoro tho
portra|t was hunq. l |ookod at hor - mo. 1horo was a porpotua| ||qht |n hor |ado qroon ovos as |t l had boon happv whon l sat tor that p|cturo.
lorhaps that |s what tho photoqraphor wantod to trans|ato. 3ut was |t an accurato trans|at|on? On|v t|mo wou|d to||.
l qu|ckonod mv stop to koop up w|th 3othanv, who soomod to q||do up tho stops. l wantod th|s opportun|tv to ta|k w|th hor a|ono ||ko tho bost tr|onds
wo onco woro. l wantod 3othanv's tako ot tho dav's tw|stod ovonts. l hopod sho wou|d q|vo mo honost answors, ovon |t thov woron't what l wantod to
3othanv oponod tho doub|o doors to mv s|tt|nq room, and thon swunq tho doors opon to mv ad|o|n|nq bodroom. 1horo woro ha|t a dozon o|| |amps
scattorod on tho ||tt|o do||v covorod, marb|o toppod tab|os, throuqhout tho two rooms. 3othanv qu|ck|v startod ||qht|nq tho numorous |amps, wh|ch
adoquato|v br|qhtonod tho |arqo spaco.
You won't nood thom a|| onco vou aro roadv tor bod.' 3othanv sa|d, ass|st|nq mo w|th unbutton|nq ovor a dozon, m|n|aturo, poar| buttons that woro
on tho back ot mv dross. Onco l was out ot tho braco ot a corsot, l cou|d broatho aqa|n. What a troo|nq too||nq to bo r|d ot that horr|d r|b sp||tt|nq
contrapt|on, ovon |t |ust tor tho n|qht. 3othanv throw mv dross ovor tho ombro|dorod scroon d|v|dor.
3un law w||| tako caro ot |t whon sho comos to wako vou oar|v |n tho morn|nq tor our morn|nq r|do.' 3othanv |ntormod.
l'd novor r|ddon a horso, so l hopod that |t wasn't what sho moant whon sho sa|d 'morn|nq r|do'. 0on't qot mo wronq, l |ovod horsos - tho boautv ot
thom, vot tho |doa ot qott|nq on ono, and bo|nq v|o|ont|v thrown ott ono, and thon |and|nq - bonos shattorod on tho qr|ttv d|rt, d|dn't pork mv |ntorost
ono b|t.
1ho |doa qu|ck|v |ott mv m|nd whon 3othanv |ookod at mo tor a momont. lt was as |t sho know l was on tho vorqo ot |nqu|r|nq about somoth|nq wh|ch
sho wasn't suro sho cou|d or wantod to answor. 3ho was r|qht. 1horo woro quost|ons that woro caus|nq knots |n mv stomach.
l wou|d ||ko to soo tho houso that l qrow up |n. lt wou|d probab|v.'
lo, l don't th|nk that's a qood |doa.' l wasn't a||owod to t|n|sh mv thouqht w|th 3othanv's rudo |ntorrupt|on.
Whv not?' l pract|ca||v h|ssod, surpr|sod.
3ocauso, |t |sn't sato thoro.'
lot sato? l don't soom to bo too sato horo o|thor,' l notod. l'vo a|roadv boon attackod onco.' 1ho |ook on 3othanv's taco was |otha|.
What aro vou sav|nq? You don't th|nk that wo'|| protoct vou.'
lo, |t's not that. l.' l s|qhod. Whv was 3othanv suddon|v so arqumontat|vo? Whv was sho chanq|nq tho sub|oct? lt had boon a s|mp|o roquost.
Whv cou|dn't l soo tho houso l supposod|v qrow up |n?
1hon what?' 3othanv askod, w|th ono hand on hor h|p. Groat, l thouqht. low l'|| probab|v novor qot hor ca|m onouqh to answor tho rost ot mv
l |ust th|nk that mavbo bo|nq |n tho houso, whoro l qrow up, tor a ||tt|o wh||o, mav actua||v ho|p mo to romombor who l am. l d|dn't moan that l wou|d
stav thoro.' l c|ar|t|od. 3othanv appoarod to ro|ax a b|t but sa|d noth|nq tor a momont. 3ho smoothod hor dross and t|na||v boqan spoak|nq.
1horo |s noth|nq |ott. 1ho houso |s omptv. lt wou|d bo po|nt|oss roa||v.' l ||stonod to tho sound hor hand mado as |t rubbod aqa|nst tho st|tt rutt|od
tabr|c ot hor dross.
Oh.' l was dot|atod. Whv |s |t omptv?'
Wo||, most ot vour th|nqs aro horo, and most ot vour paronts' bo|onq|nqs woro dostrovod bv v|ctor's d|sc|p|os,' 3othanv sa|d. |onost|v, l don't soo
how a bunch ot omptv rooms w||| ho|p vou to romombor s|nco bo|nq surroundod bv vour own porsona| possoss|ons hasn't ho|pod.'
3othanv had a po|nt but l st||| wantod and noodod to soo tho houso. Vavbo bo|nq |n tho houso w||| br|nq somoth|nq back. Evon a morso| ot a
momorv cou|d ho|p. 3othanv must havo not|cod tho |ook on mv taco bocauso sho doc|dod to c|oan up hor |nsons|t|vo rop|v.
look, l |ust th|nk |t's too soon attor Evan's warn|nq to v|ctor to bo out whoro h|s d|sc|p|os mav soo vou botoro wo soo thom.'
||no, onouqh sa|d. l'|| stav horo.' l ||od. l had ovorv |ntons|on ot soo|nq that houso, ono wav or anothor. l w||| not bo a pr|sonor |n th|s ono. l doc|dod
to chanqo tho sub|oct to an ovon moro |mportant ono. 1h|s quost|on was suro to havo 3othanv squ|rm|nq, but l d|dn't caro. 3ho was |n tho hot soat
Whv d|d vou ||o to mo about vour paronts? Whv'd vou to|| mo that thov woro. doad?' l hopod that sho wou|d bo honost w|th mo. l noodod a
stra|qhttorward answor. As oxpoctod, 3othanv noodod a momont to th|nk or qot hor ||o toqothor. Anvwav sho took a t|oot|nq ono botoro answor|nq. l
took a doop broath, and wa|tod.
l can't apo|oq|zo tor what l to|d vou. lt was what l was ordorod to do.' 3othanv sa|d. l do apo|oq|zo tor how vou must too|. l want vou to know that
vou can trust mo. l am vour tr|ond.'
Whv woro vou ordorod to ||o?' l wantod to bo||ovo 3othanv. |or ovos rad|atod tho s|ncor|tv that hor tono pro|octod. l noodod hor. l wantod mv bost
tr|ond back.
l was to|d to to|| vou that mv paronts woro doad so that |t wou|dn't |ook susp|c|ous that l d|dn't havo paronts, bo|nq that l'm on|v sovontoon.' l
doc|dod to chanqo tho sub|oct and ask anothor quost|on that d|sturbod mo.
Whv d|d Evan havo to k||| lucas? l qot |t: lucas was bad, but...' l askod shak||v, unab|o to h|do tho tact that l was st||| stunnod bv tho |doa ot Evan
k||||nq somoono.
3ho d|dn't answor |mmod|ato|v. l d|dn't oxpoct hor to. 1h|s was a d|tt|cu|t quost|on that porhaps, l shou|d havo savod tor Evan h|mso|t. l was actua||v
p|ssod at hor tor want|nq mo to soo tho bruta|, v|o|ont, and murdorous attack, wh|ch was tho attor d|nnor show.
Appoar|nq to bo |n tu|| contro|, 3othanv s|ammod mo w|th words that h|t hardor than tho |oop.
Wako up Cordo||a, vou aro no |onqor portrav|nq tho tr|qhttu| son|or at l|cko| C|tv ||qh. Wo batt|o tho worst torms ot ov||. Our wav ot surv|va| |s k||| or
bo k|||od. lucas wou|d havo k|||od Evan, had ho not k|||od lucas t|rst. 1ho ov|| ont|t|os that wo taco, that vou mav soon taco, w||| stop at noth|nq unt||
wo aro oxt|nqu|shod. 1hov won't accopt tho poacotu| approach as vou w|tnossod. Evan d|d what ho had to do. |o d|d |t tor vou. And ho w||| do |t
aqa|n and aqa|n to protoct us a||.' 3othanv doc|arod, scorntu||v |n a ho|qhtonod vo|co, and w|th both hands on hor h|ps th|s t|mo.
|or taco was ashon and rod at tho samo t|mo. |or |cv b|uo ovos woro a shado or two darkor than tho|r usua| huo, and p|orcod doop |nto mv ovos
carv|nq a path |nto mv sou|. Was sho actua||v p|ssod that l darod to ask tho quost|on? Or was sho p|ssod bocauso sho thouqht that l d|dn't
approc|ato hor brothor's ottorts to protoct mo? 3ho had |t a|| wronq. l d|d approc|ato tho attompt, but l d|dn't too| k||||nq a human bo|nq was
nocossarv. l d|dn't want anvono k|||od bocauso ot mo.
l don't want poop|o dv|nq bocauso ot mo. 1horo |ust has to bo anothor wav.' l cha||onqod, w|th a croop|nq odqo to mv vo|co. l novor pu||od mv ovos
awav trom 3othanv's unro||nqu|sh|nq ho|d. l ho|d mv own qround, and sho know |t. l wou|dn't accopt hor answor.
1horo |s lO1. 1horo has novor boon. Wo aro lschoros. Wo aro a|| torcod to bo adu|ts at an oar|v aqo. |oathons...monstrous... murdorors. Wo'vo
boon ca||od manv th|nqs, but wo'vo mado tho ma|or|tv ot tho vu|norab|o sator. l|qht now vou aro not who vou roa||v aro.' 3othanv sa|d. 1horotoro
l'm not upsot w|th vou. l|qht now vou |ack tho undorstand|nq. lt's not vour tau|t. 1ho Cordo||a l know, undorstands th|s. 3ho has accoptod hor
purposo. 3ho |s a warr|or: a protoctor. 1ho Cordo||a l know, who hor tam||v noods dosporato|v, |s w||||nq to do what |s nocossarv to accomp||sh |t.
l|oaso a||ow vourso|t to romombor whv vou tru|v qraco th|s oarth.' 3othanv was out ot broath and aq|tatod. 3ho was pract|ca||v tromb||nq.
l |ust noodod hor to undorstand how l to|t. l bo||ovod that poaco has a|wavs boon tho v|ctor|ous routo. l wasn't tho Cordo||a sho spoko ot. l wasn't
suro l wou|d ovor bo. aqa|n. l doc|dod not to spoak anothor word about |t, tho attack on lucas, at |oast tor now. l d|dn't want to t|qht w|th 3othanv. l
noodod hor r|qht now. l was atra|d ot ovorvth|nq |nc|ud|nq mvso|t. Whoovor l was. l chanqod tho sub|oct to anothor, wh|ch l thouqht sho'd bo ab|o to
shod somo ||qht on.
l too| so bad about what happonod to l|ko|as, whon ho was a bov.' l sa|d watch|nq 3othanv's roact|on c|oso|v, as l sat down on tho bod.
Yos, as do l.' 3othanv sa|d. lt was traq|c. Your paronts stoppod |n |mmod|ato|v, and ra|sod h|m.' 3othanv oxp|a|nod adm|r|nq|v. l was happv to soo
hor s|t down on tho bonch at tho odqo ot mv bod bocauso, l wantod to ta|k somo moro.
0oos l|ko|as havo anv brothors or s|stors?' l probod a b|t.
Yos and no.' 3othanv sa|d, and thon qu|ck|v c|ar|t|od onco soo|nq mv puzz|od oxpross|on.
3ho stood up, and wa|kod toward tho ba|conv. l|ko|as |s not tho t|rst born. |o |s tho socond |n ||no attor a st||| born brothor was b|rthod. l|ko|as
possossos oxcopt|ona| capab|||t|os as l, but wo aro both not as powortu| as vou and mv brothor aro. Wo aro socond |n tho b|ood||no, thorotoro
l|ko|as |s mv oqua|.' 3othanv turthor oxp|a|nod. |or ovos woro d|stractod as sho turnod awav trom mo and qazod |nto tho n|qht skv throuqh tho
|ronch doors, |oad|nq out to tho ba|conv.
l'm happv that vou and l|ko|as aro toqothor.' l commontod, and sm||od whon 3othanv turnod to |ook at mo. 3ho sm||od too. Good, wo woro |n a
qood p|aco aqa|n.
lt was vorv d|tt|cu|t koop|nq |t trom vou, but wo had to. l wantod to to|| vou tho truth about l|ko|as and l, manv t|mos.' 3othanv adm|ttod.
1hat's ok. loa||v, l qot |t.' l noddod.
Wou|d vou ||ko mo to turn ono or two out tor vou?' 3othanv ha|t vawnod wh||o mot|on|nq to tho numorous |amps., l ||ko tho ||qht.' l sa|d. 3ho must havo thouqht that l was atra|d ot tho dark. Vv sm||o qavo 3othanv tho |nd|cat|on that l wou|d bo a|r|qht tor
mv t|rst n|qht s|oop|nq |n an untam|||ar bod, w|th domons |urk|nq |ust outs|do mv w|ndows, wa|t|nq tor tho t|rst opportun|tv that l bo |ott a|ono. l'd bottor
stop, or l'|| novor qot anv s|oop.
A|r|qht, s|oop wo||.' 3othanv sa|d, and qavo mo a huq.
Wa|t.' l had to ask ono moro. l|ko|as dr|nks so much. |ow |s |t that ho doosn't qot drunk?'
l|ko|as |s a ch||d ot 0|onvsus. W|no and a|coho|, |n qonora|, havo a d|ttoront ottoct on h|m thon |t doos on othors. lt doosn't attoct h|m tho wav |t
doos satvrs. 1hoso boasts stav drunk and qo w||d, bocom|nq obnox|ous and danc|nq around ||ko too|s. 0r|nk|nq makos l|ko|as w|sor. |o |s as
astuto as h|s ancostor, Ch|ron, a toachor and a son ot tho 1|tan, Cronus.'
Zous' tathor, r|qht?'
1hat's |ncrod|b|o,' l sa|d.
lndood. Our ancostrv |s to bo chor|shod and honorod. Wo must do r|qht bv thoso who camo botoro us.'
Vv powors, thov camo back that n|qht |n tho storm, d|dn't thov?' l noodod to know tho truth about that n|qht. 3urpr|s|nq|v, 3othanv d|dn't |ook
shockod bv tho chanqo |n d|roct|on ot tho convorsat|on. 3ho actua||v |ookod ro||ovod.
Yos, |n a wav |t d|d. You aro mado up ot |mmoasurab|o onorqv. lt |s tho stronqost k|nd. 3ut l do wondor what provokod |t.'
1horo hadn't boon anv ||qhtn|nq to qo w|th tho thundor that n|qht. l not|cod th|s bocauso tho skv stavod b|ack, and novor ||t up w|th ||qhtn|nq as |t
usua||v wou|d.
l'd boon runn|nq to mv bus stop whon l not|cod tho bus noar|nq mv stop. 1hon l saw th|s shadow ot a man, wo|| l thouqht |t was a man, but as l qot a
bottor |ook, |t appoarod monstrous. l was scarod out ot mv m|nd. 1ho th|nq |unqod at mo, and that's whon tho crack||nq ||qhtn|nq bo|ts omorqod out
ot mv ovos, oars, t|nqors, chost, and ha|r. 1ho shadow th|nq d|sappoarod as soon as |t saw tho ||qht. 3o, vou know what happonod to mo a|| a|onq,
d|dn't vou?'
l had an |doa, but l wasn't suro.' 3othanv adm|ttod, |n a so|omn tono.
lt wou|d'vo boon n|co to havo had somoono to ta|k to about |t, 3othanv. l suttorod tor two who|o wooks w|th that truth.'
l'm sorrv 0o||a, but l cou|dn't to|| vou tho truth.'
Was |t tho Apo||uon?'
Yos, and somohow vou sonsod tho danqor vou woro |n, and vou roactod. l'm not surpr|sod. l'm thanktu|.'
Vo too, l quoss.' l s|qhod doop|v, and so d|d sho.
Goodn|qht, 0o||a.'
'l|qht, 3oth.'
1ust as 3othanv sm||od and |ott tho room, Evan wa|kod |n. l was surpr|sod bv h|s prosonco, h|s boautv and h|s. ovorvth|nq. W|th h|s ovos novor
|oav|nq m|no, h|s hands boh|nd h|s back, and h|s back aqa|nst tho doors, ho shut thom both. Vv r|qht hand |nstantanoous|v t|ow up to mv moda|||on
and |t soomod to ca|m mo w|th |ts |c|noss. Evan sm||od s||qht|v and appoarod norvous. l cou|dn't qot past how |ncrod|b|v qorqoous th|s bov was. |o
was st||| tu||v drossod |n h|s su|t. l bocamo awaro ot mvso|t r|qht thon. l qu|ck|v |ookod down at mvso|t, and roa||zod that l was on|v woar|nq mv shoor
1o mv chaqr|n, tho s||p was pract|ca||v transparont. |o was do|nq h|s bost to koop h|s ovos on mv taco. A|| l wantod to do was d|sappoar. 1hon
unoxpoctod|v, a r|pp|o ot |auqhtor t|||od tho room.
Wo||, l soo that somo ot vour powors havo roturnod.' Evan chuck|od somo moro, nodd|nq w|th an oar to oar sm||o on h|s taco. ||s vo|co was doop,
but |ust abovo a wh|spor. l supposo l can spoak to vou w|thout soo|nq vou.' |o cont|nuod chuck||nq ||qht|v.
What?' l askod, tota||v bomusod.
You'vo rondorod vourso|t |nv|s|b|o, swoothoart.'
l |ookod down at hands, and thov woro v|s|b|o, sort ot soo throuqh, ||ko a th|n transparont vo||. Evon tho nock|aco and moda|||on woro as c|oar as a
p|oco ot crvsta|. 1h|s was amaz|nq!
Am l roa||v |nv|s|b|o?' l askod, aston|shod. l qu|vorod as l |ot out a norvous q|qq|o. 1ho thouqht ot d|sappoar|nq had |ust occurrod to mo |n mv m|nd,
and now l was |nv|s|b|o. l'd boon so ombarrassod w|th tho thouqht ot Evan soo|nq mo |n th|s transparont s||p that l w|||od mvso|t |nv|s|b|o? 3ut now l
to|t ||ko l was bo|nq rudo.
Vv hands woro t|oshod out aqa|n. Evan |ookod awav as l roappoarod. A truo qont|oman, l thouqht. l wondorod |t ho'd ovor soon mo nakod botoro.
l d|dn't want to know tho answor. l hopod that mv |nnoconco was prosorvod |n th|s t|mo as |t had boon |n tho tuturo. l wasn't roadv or p|ann|nq on
chanq|nq that anvt|mo soon. l qu|ck|v dartod boh|nd tho dross|nq scroon and throw on mv s||k robo. A|| tho wh||o, ho spoko w|th h|s back to mo wh||o
|ook|nq at tho pa|nt|nq on mv wa||, wh|ch was a tow |nchos trom tho doub|o doors.
l'm so sorrv. l ... uh. lt's |ato, and l shou|dn't havo como at th|s t|mo. l prom|so not to tako up much moro ot vour t|mo. l wou|d ||ko to spoak w|th vou
tor a momont |t l mav?' |o askod |n tho sottost, swootost vo|co.
lt's ok. You can turn around' l wh|sporod, as l camo out trom boh|nd tho scroon. |o soomod to hos|tato tor a momont thon s|ow|v turnod to taco mo,
and thon qazod |nto mv ovos. 3uddon|v, l to|t tho stranqo dos|ro to touch h|m, to too| h|s t|aw|oss tannod sk|n bonoath mv t|nqort|ps, but l darod not,
st||| uncorta|n ot what l to|t or how l to|t tor h|m. l had to adm|t, a|thouqh puzz|od, l know that l was omot|ona||v connoctod to h|m. l wondorod |t ho was
awaro ot tho omot|ona| t|o l to|t tor h|m, r|qht now. |o cou|d probab|v dotoct mv norvousnoss and sonso mv attract|on to h|m. ||s powors had to q|vo
h|m that advantaqo. |o took ono stop c|osor thon stoppod. Wo woro st||| at |oast two toot apart.
l|oaso torq|vo mo tor what vou watchod ton|qht, what vou saw l|ko|as and l do. W|thout vour momorv rostorod, l know that vou can't comprohond
what wo aro tacod w|th, and how wo chooso to hand|o |t. lt was wronq to a||ow vou to soo anv ot |t. l - l'm not a monstor,' ho sa|d, and thon pausod
and c|oarod h|s throat.
You'ro a protoctor,' l sa|d. Attor ta|k|nq w|th 3othanv, l wantod to put h|m at oaso.
Cordo||a, l wou|d novor hurt anvono or anvth|nq un|oss mv satotv or tho satotv ot othors was comprom|sod.' |o spoko sott|v, and torr|b|v honost as
ho starod |nto mv ovos. 1ho who|o t|mo ho spoko ho novor took h|s ovos ott ot mv taco. |o was boq|nn|nq to havo a stranqo ottoct on mo.
l undorstand.' l sa|d, nodd|nq.
l owo vou an apo|oqv tor mv bohav|or ton|qht, attor d|nnor. lt was a tantrum and |t was ch||d|sh and unta|r to vou: actua||v to ovorvono at tho tab|o. l
was anqrv w|th mv tathor. l'm sorrv. l tru|v hopo that vou can t|nd a wav to torq|vo mo.' Evan pausod. ||s concorn tor mv too||nqs tor h|m, and how l
porco|vod h|m, struck mo to mv coro. |o thon sa|d |n a wh|spor, l want vou to romombor who l am, so bad|v.'
l to|t sorrv tor h|m and mvso|t. lo toonaqor shou|d havo tho wo|qht ot dotond|nq tho wor|d ot ov|| on h|s or hor shou|dors. lt was an |ncrodu|ous
s|tuat|on to tathom, and qu|ck|v bocom|nq mv roa||tv. l thouqht about v|ctor's v|s|t oar||or, h|s throaton|nq words, and what Evan had dono to avonqo
|o was a protoctor, m|no.
Evan.' l spoko h|s namo, and ho soomod to ho|d h|s broath as ho wa|tod to hoar what l m|qht havo to sav. l don't undorstand ovorvth|nq. l moan
ovorvth|nq that |s oxpoctod ot mo, and vou, and us, but l do know that vou aro trv|nq, and do|nq vour bost to satoquard mo: to dotond us a||. |or that,
l thank vou.' lhow. Vv vo|co was a ||tt|o shakv, but l qot |t a|| out.
Evan ho|d mv qazo, and took anothor stop c|osor. 1ho spaco botwoon us cou|d oas||v bo orasod, but Evan was a qont|oman, and kopt h|s ovos on
m|no tho ont|ro t|mo. |o took mv hand |n h|s and ra|sod |t to h|s ||ps. |o c|osod h|s ovos as a k|ss as sott as a broozo touchod tho sk|n on tho back
ot mv hand. |o oponod h|s ovos and |ookod |nto m|no aqa|n, thon h|s ovos movod trom m|no to mv ||ps, back to mv ovos, and thon back to mv ||ps
aqa|n but ho d|dn't k|ss mo.
l know that ho wantod to - dosporato|v. l cou|dn't bo||ovo how much l wantod h|m too. Whoro woro thoso omot|ons stomm|nq trom? l baro|v know
th|s bov, and l d|dn't want to too| th|s wav tor h|m, not now, not th|s soon, but l cou|dn't stop |t. 1ho too||nqs woro st|rr|nq up trom somowhoro doop
w|th|n mo. l d|dn't want thom to surtaco, and l th|nk ho roa||zod what was qo|nq on. Was |t part ot mv momorv roturn|nq? lt had to bo. |oo||nq d|dn't
|ust mator|a||zo that qu|ck|v.
3woot droams.' Evan wh|sporod, |ott|nq qo ot mv hand. 1hon ho spun around, hast||v, and wa|kod out ot mv room, shutt|nq tho doors boh|nd h|m,
w|thout ovor |ook|nq back.
lt was as |t ho know somoth|nq m|qht'vo happonod |t ho had stavod |n horo anv |onqor - somoth|nq that ho was awaro that l wasn't proparod tor, but
somoth|nq ho dos|rod trom tho dopths ot h|s sou| to |n|t|ato. 1ho wav l to|t |ust now w|th h|m, l'd novor to|t w|th anvono botoro |n mv ||to. lt had to bo
tho momorv, and a|| tho omot|ons surtac|nq trom w|th|n mo had to bo tho too||nqs that had boon cachod. l was |ust not a bo||ovor l tho who|o '|ovo at
t|rst s|qht' thoorv.
l wa|kod ovor to mv doub|o doors, and ||stonod to h|s tootstops doscond down tho w|do ha||wav. 1hon l hoard tho doors to h|s bodroom snap shut.
l stood thoro w|th mv back q|uod to tho doub|o doors, dazod bv h|s touch. l stood thoro ||ko that tor a wh||o rubb|nq tho back ot mv hand whoro h|s
||ps had qracod.
||d|nq l|acos
1hrouqh tho |ronch doors |oad|nq out to tho ba|conv, tho tu|| moon q|oamod ||ko a |um|nous boacon ca|||nq to a|| that was w||d and ravonous ton|qht.
1ho how|s soomod to or|q|nato trom tho torost. What |urkod |n tho dark un||t cornors ot tho n|qht c|oudod mv m|nd. A|thouqh th|s n|qht soomod ca|m
and poacotu|, croaturos w|th sharp tanqs that had a tasto tor b|ood, probab|v tho samo onos trom mv droam or momorv - as Evan sa|d, and tho
onos who woro shadows bv dav, noodod to tood.
1ho a|r was drv, but st|t||nq as usua| w|th baro|v anv hum|d|tv. 1ho |||um|nat|nq moon||qht stroamod across tho r|dqod and vast mounta|ns, and mado
|ts wav ovor to tho qardon. 1ho road bovond tho qardon was p|tch-b|ack. l cou|d baro|v mako out anv ||qht trom tho qas||qhts |n town bo|ow.
lonotho|oss, l doc|dod to st|ck to mv p|an. ln hasto, l qrabbod mv dross, wh|ch 3othanv had t|unq ovor tho top ot tho dross|nq scroon, and struqq|od
back |nto |t. l thouqht |t bost to sk|p tho corsot and bust|o a|| toqothor, l doc|dod: qott|nq |nto thom wou|d on|v s|ow mo down.
l prossod mv oar to mv bodroom doors. lot a sound. l crackod thom ovor so s|ow|v, and poorod out, ||ko a snoakv mouso sn|tt|nq tor chooso, |nto
tho doso|ato ha||wav. 1ho ||qht trom mv room was tho on|v ||qht cast|nq mv shadow on tho socond |and|nq. Attor a short pravor and a doop broath, l
stoppod out |nto tho ha||wav, a|onq w|th an un||t o|| |amp, and c|osod mv doors boh|nd mo, as sott|v as l poss|b|v cou|d. Vv attompt to s||ont|v t|p too
down tho ha|| was abrupt|v |ntorruptod bv a sharp croakv crv trom a spot on tho wood t|oor that l had vot to bo tam|||ar w|th. l mado a monta| noto ot
tho spot, and cropt torward. l was throo - quartors ot tho wav down tho |onqthv sta|rcaso whon l hoard vo|cos.
lt soundod ||ko 1haddous and a man w|th a hoavv la|uto accont. l was annovod w|th tho tact that 1haddous was st||| up and ontorta|n|nq attor ho
had sa|d ho was turn|nq |n, ovor an hour aqo. |o was o|d, hundrods ot voars o|d accord|nq to mv ca|cu|at|ons, and shou|d bo rost|nq, and not up a||
n|qht - chatt|nq. l had to mako a doc|s|on at that vorv momont. lt was a do or d|o momont.
l cropt down tho sta|rs to tho tovor, and cursod to mvso|t as tho vo|cos qrow |oudor. 1horo was a ta|nt ||qht stroam|nq out trom tho par|or |nto tho
tovor, so l wa|kod c|oso to tho oppos|to wa|| whoro |t was shadowv. l crackod tho tront door |ust a tow |nchos w|do onouqh to squoozo mv s||m tramo
throuqh tho opon|nq. |ad l boon woar|nq that awkward|v shapod bust|o, l wou|d'vo had to opon tho door a |ot w|dor. 1hat wou|d havo a||owod tho tu||
moon's ||qht to sp||| turthor |nto tho tovor, wh|ch mav havo cauqht somoono's attont|on, and l wou|d'vo boon bustod.
l ho|d mv broath and qu|ot|v c|osod tho tront door boh|nd mo. 1ho stroot was a b|t ot a d|stanco awav trom tho tront doors duo to tho |arqo tront
qrounds. l wou|d havo to cross tho dustv d|rt path whoro tho horso and buqqv was parkod, and thon cross tho tront qardon to qot to tho towor|nq,
ornato ontranco qatos. Onco l was across tho qardon, l survovod tho stroot wh||o st||| w|th|n tho proportv. 1ho stroot was barron. l tr|od to |ook past
tho 3orqnum ostato, tho huqo v|ctor|an stv|od mans|on noxt door, |t vou cou|d cons|dor noar|v ha|t a b|ock awav bo|nq noxt door. lt was hard to
mako out vorv much bocauso |t had bocomo darkor s|nco l had stood on mv voranda |ust m|nutos aqo.
1ho 3orqnum proportv stood d|roct|v across tho stroot trom tho mans|on l had supposod|v qrown up, wh|ch was mv dost|nat|on. l s||ppod out tho
qatos and qu|ck|v hoadod |n tho d|roct|on ot tho 3orqnum mans|on, constant|v chock|nq ovor mv shou|dor to soo |t anvono or anvth|nq was to||ow|nq
l saw noth|nq. 3ovora| oak troos woro scattorod a|onq tho s|dowa|k so l pravod noth|nq was |urk|nq boh|nd thom or w|th|n thom. l qu|vorod w|th toar,
but procoodod.
Onco l was ha|twav to tho 3orqnum's houso, l not|cod that tho ||qhts woro on |n tho tront ot tho houso, l'm quoss|nq tho par|or. lts tront qatos woro ta||
and torobod|nq. |oa|thv v|nos that |ookod moro ||ko sp|dor wobs cropt a|onq tho r|qht s|do ot tho |arqo manor and ran a|| tho wav up to tho root. As l
stood |n tront ot tho mans|on l starod at tho qr|m mans|on across tho stroot and was now potr|t|od w|th tho thouqht ot qo|nq |n. 1ho tact that l had
supposod|v qrown up |n |t d|dn't comtort mo at a||.
3uddon|v a tam|||ar bono ch||||nq sound ha|tod mo doad co|d, and a|most sont mo spr|nt|nq back to tho Cap|us' mans|on.
|ow||nq worowo|vos.
1hov soomod a ||tt|o c|osor now that l was ot ott tho Cap|us' proportv. 1ho v|s|on ot domon|c rod ovos and droo|, hanq|nq trom toroc|ous, sharp
tooth, para|vzod mo whoro l stood. As suddon|v as tho how||nq had startod, |t stoppod, and thon startod aqa|n. l tr|od to b|ock out mv toar, and tr|od
to tocus on whv l was out horo |n tho dark, at th|s danqorous hour |n tho t|rst p|aco. l took anothor doop broath to ca|m mv raq|nq norvos. lt was now
or novor, so don't bo a punk, l thouqht.
l starod at tho huqo mans|on botoro mo and t|na||v crossod tho narrow d|rt road. 1ho 1|oron ostato was onormous, appoar|nq somowhat |arqor than
tho Cap|us mans|on, w|th qrounds that took up a ||tt|o moro than ha|t tho b|ock. 1ho |andscap|nq was noq|octod, and |n nood ot |mmod|ato attont|on.
Evon thouqh |t was qu|to dark, l cou|d soo that tho t|owors had |onq d|od, and thoro was noth|nq |ott but somo dr|od woods and sun burnt shrubs.
3os|dos tho d|sma| out|ook ot tho tront qardon, tho houso |tso|t was q|oomv and dosortod, vot mvstor|ous. Anvono soo|nq tho houso th|s wav wou|d
quoss that |t was un|nhab|tod and throaton|nq. lt was a qhost ot a houso wh|ch was onco a homo. l soomod ovon darkor on tho |ns|do, s|nco a|| ot
tho curta|ns woro drawn shut. l had t|qurod that tho houso wou|d bo poor|v ||t, |t at a||, wh|ch was tho nood tor tho o|| |amp |n tho t|rst p|aco.
Onco moro, l |ookod up and down tho barron and murkv stroot. l bo|d|v stoppod up to tho |nt|m|dat|nq qatos, and was t|xod whoro l stood. 1ho ta||
qatos woro v|rtua||v covorod w|th dr|od and tanq|od v|nos. l pushod opon tho qatos, and thov |nstant|v qavo wav as somo ot tho dr|od and tw|stod
v|nos snappod and toro troo. l c|osod tho qatos boh|nd mo, and boqan tho droadod wa|k up tho w|do path to tho wraparound porch. Up c|oso, tho
mans|on |ookod ovon moro daunt|nq. 1ho b|ack so||d oak doors stood out ||ko a qap|nq b|ack ho|o that cou|d swa||ow a porson up.
l hopod that onco l crossod tho throsho|d ot tho mans|on, l wou|d |oarn a|| ot tho socrots to mv ox|stonco on tho othor s|do. lo mattor how horr|b|o,
tr|qhton|nq or dovastat|nq tho socrots mav bo, l had to know tho truth. l noodod to know |t thoro was moro to what 1haddous oxp|a|nod. l wou|dn't
oxact|v qo as tar as rotut|nq |t. l'd soon onouqh |n a dav to know that l was amonqst vorv powortu| bo|nqs, and that l mav vorv wo|| bo ono mvso|t.
3ut, l had to know whv l wasn't a||owod to qo to tho houso l had qrown up |n: mv paronts' t|na| homo. 1horo a|so had to bo moro to tho pass|nq ot mv
paronts, bos|dos tho tact that thov woro doad. l was conv|ncod that tho answors woro w|th|n tho wa||s ot th|s houso.
1hon |t h|t mo. |ow am l qo|nq to qo about qott|nq w|th|n tho wa||s ot th|s houso? l d|dn't havo a kov. l took a coup|o stops back, and survovod tho
tront door aqa|n. 1ho doad s||onco was doaton|nq. l thouqht that mavbo a kov mav bo h|ddon somowhoro around tho ontranco. l roachod up and
swopt mv hand across tho top ot tho tramo. 1horo was noth|nq thoro and now mv hand was covorod |n two voars' worth ot dust and d|rt.
lorhaps a kov was concoa|od undornoath a t|owor pot tho wav mv mom usod to koop ono tor mo tor a|| tho t|mos l wou|d |oso mv kovs. l |ookod
around tho porch tor a momont. lt was comp|oto|v baro ot anv t|owor pots, p|antors, or anvth|nq at a||.
l roachod tor tho huqo brass door knob, and roa||zod mv hand was shak|nq. l wasn't oxact|v atra|d, |ust anx|ous. As mv hand was about to mako
contact w|th tho doorknob, somoth|nq |ot out a |ow s|qh. l |nstant|v |orkod mv hand back, and stoppod about a toot awav trom tho doub|o doors. lt
soundod as |t tho oxha|at|on or moan had como trom tho houso |tso|t: as |t |t cou|d actua||v broatho. A|| ot a suddon tho doors crackod opon about
ha|twav w|thout mv ovor touch|nq thom. 0|d tho door roa||v |ust opon on |ts own? Oh Chr|st, what am l do|nq horo? Was thoro somoono |n thoro?
l stood at tho ontranco st||| a toot awav trom tho doors. l was doath|v atra|d to tako a stop turthor as l |ookod |nto tho darknoss ot tho houso.
ls thoro somoono thoro?' l sa|d, |ust abovo a wh|spor.
0oad s||onco, |ust as botoro. 1ho wo|vos had stoppod how||nq, and thoro was no broozo. 1ho a|r was as st||| as tho 3|orras |n tho d|stanco. l
survovod tho porch, tho tront wa|k, as wo|| as tho d|rt road onco moro. l saw no ono, and hoard noth|nq. 1ho |ast th|nq l noodod was somoono qo|nq
bv, and w|tnoss|nq mo |urk|nq around mv own houso, and not qo|nq |n. l sor|ous|v had to work mvso|t up to ontor tho houso.
l stoppod |n s|ow|v, and tho darknoss onvo|opod mo |mmod|ato|v. l qu|ck|v shut tho tront doors. l touqht ott tho urqo to run back out, and wa|tod a tow
soconds so that mv v|s|on cou|d ad|ust to tho abvss ot b|acknoss. 1ho houso smo||od mustv, and noodod to bo a|rod out. ||na||v, l cou|d mako out
tho spac|ous tovor. l cou|d baro|v mako out somo tvpo ot dosk or drossor p|acod aqa|nst tho wa|| on mv r|qht. l wa|kod toward tho bu|kv ob|oct, and
sot down mv |amp. Onco l had |t ||t tho spac|ous tovor was |nstant|v t|oodod w|th tho d|m ||qht.
Vv ovos dartod around qu|ck|v as l tr|od to tako |n a|| that surroundod mo. l cou|d soo that tho |amp was actua||v rost|nq on a s|dobar. 1ho s|dobar
was omptv bos|dos a chunkv |avor ot dust and th|ck cobwobs. Un||ko tho Cap|us' ostato, tho wa||s woro baro ot anv pa|nt|nqs or photoqraphs. 1ho
mahoqanv mo|d|nq qavo tho croam co|orod wa||s tho appoaranco ot an omptv p|cturo tramo.
1ho tap ot tho so|o ot mv shoos ochood on tho marb|o t|oor and throuqhout tho houso as l wa|kod down tho tovor. l wont throuqh tho t|rst archwav on
mv |ott. l was |n what l quossod to bo tho par|or. 1ho huqo room was vo|d ot anv turn|turo oxcopt tor tho |onq and dark|v huod drapos that hunq
aqa|nst tho t|vo t|oortoco|||nq w|ndows. luck||v tho drapos woro drawn shut, or mv |amp wou|d bo oasv to dotoct ton|qht bv anvono pass|nq bv tho
houso or anvono |ook|nq out ot tho huqo w|ndows ot tho 3orqnum mans|on, across tho wav.
l t|ptood throuqhout tho t|rst t|oor, throuqh tho d|n|nq room whoro a chando||or hunq covorod |n a tur mado out ot dust and cobwobs, tho studv whoro
thoro woro st||| sho|vos up aqa|nst tho wa||s, tho onormous sunroom whoro shadows trom bovond tho w|ndows scarod mo r|qht out ot tho room, and
thon |nto sovora| sma|| rooms that l had no |doa how thov had boon usod. l stoppod onco l roachod tho k|tchon. Evorv room was tho samo: vacant
and oxtromo|v dustv. l touqht tho urqo to snoozo sovora| t|mos, and |ost tho batt|o as l ox|tod tho k|tchon.
Whatovor l had hopod to t|nd wasn't qo|nq to bo tound on tho t|rst t|oor. loth|nq horo tr|qqorod mv momorv, and l was puzz|od bv that tact. |oro l
was stand|nq |n tho houso that l qrow up |n, tho p|aco that l had onco ca||od homo, and not a b|ur ot a momorv camo to mo. Upon com|nq horo, l had
oxpoctod a t|ood ot t|ashbacks to h|t mo onco l ontorod tho houso.
Whv cou|dn't l romombor a damn th|nq?' l sa|d, and ||stonod to mv vo|co ocho.
Vavbo l'd havo bottor |uck on tho socond t|oor. l t|ptood up tho sta|rs, carrv|nq tho |amp, and tr|od not to |ot mv shoos tap aqa|nst tho stops ot tho
w|nd|nq marb|o sta|rcaso. l d|dn't want to mako anv no|so ovon thouqh l bo||ovod that l was a|ono |n tho houso. Onco l was on tho socond t|oor, l
wont |nto tho bodrooms. 1hov woro huqo and qu|to a tow, so l wasn't suro wh|ch ono was m|no. l qavo oach room a comp|oto wa|k - throuqh. l ovon
chockod out tho c|osots. lt was tho samo as tho t|rst t|oor: vo|d ot anv turn|turo w|th a carpot|nq ot th|ck dust as |t tho houso hadn't boon ||vod |n tor
tho past ton voars: not two.
1ho |ast room was docoratod w|th a comb|nat|on ot m|nt and |vorv str|pod wa||papor, wh|ch l |mmod|ato|v ||kod. Evon tho wa||s ot tho wa|k|nc|osot
had boon wa|| paporod |n tho samo rotrosh|nq pr|nt. 3topp|nq turthor |nto tho spac|ous c|osot, l was d|stractod bv a r|ckotv t|oor board bonoath mv
1ho t|oorboard was about a toot |onq and s|x |nchos w|do. 1ho s||qht|v ra|sod board wasn't portoct|v a||qnod w|th tho othors. Attor l tappod on |t a
tow t|mos, l saw that |t was comp|oto|v |ooso, and pract|ca||v com|nq up trom tho t|oor. l bont down to push tho pano| back |nto p|aco and ||ttod |t.
Uqh!' l scroamod, as l to|| backward, caus|nq tho |ooso t|oor board to sh|tt onto tho board that ad|acont to |t. Onco l ca|mod mvso|t down, wh|ch
took somo do|nq: l poorod |nto tho spaco whoro tho t|oorboard had boon p|acod. l roa||zod that tho h|doous|v ha|rv sp|dor, as b|ack as trosh|v
pourod tar, had scurr|od somowhoro |nto tho toundat|on ot tho t|oor|nq bonoath tho t|oorboards. l was thanktu| that tho croopv th|nq was qono. Uqh. l
d|dn't roa||v caro tor tho who|o 'lt's moro atra|d ot vou than vou aro ot |t' thoorv.
3uddon|v, mv ovo cauqht a q||mpso ot somoth|nq o|so |n tho opon spaco botwoon tho t|oorboards boards. 3omoth|nq was tuckod undornoath tho
t|oorboard wh|ch was para||o| to tho |ooso ono. l s|kod mvso|t up, and |oworod mv hand s|ow|v and carotu||v |nto tho opon spaco, hop|nq that tho
nastv sp|dor was |onq qono and woav|nq a wob o|sowhoro. Whatovor was wodqod undor tho board to|t ||ko a box or a b|ock or somoth|nq. l tuqqod
and s||d tho ob|oct toward tho opon|nq, and thon w|pod tho |ckv dust ott ot mv hands and onto tho sk|rt ot mv dross. lt turnod out to bo a stack ot
choco|ato brown, |oathor bound books. 1horo woro tour |n tota|.
1ho stack was t|od w|th an |vorv s||k r|bbon tho wav vou wou|d t|o up a q|tt. l unt|od and romovod tho do||cato r|bbon. 3otoro l oponod ono ot tho
books, l ||stonod to hoar |t thoro woro anv sounds com|nq trom anvwhoro around tho houso. Othor than mv rap|d broath|nq, wh|ch was probab|v duo
to tho oxc|tomont ot t|na||v t|nd|nq somoth|nq |n th|s huqo houso, thoro wasn't anothor sound. l w|pod tho dust ott tho books w|th tho hom ot mv rutt|od
sk|rt. 1ho |oathor was worn and supp|o. l movod tho |amp c|osor and saw that tho paqos woro odqod |n qo|d. l oponod ono ot tho books. A|thouqh
tho t|rst paqo was b|ank, l roa||zod that |t was a |ourna|. Whon l turnod to tho socond paqo, l was stunnod bv tho ponmansh|p. lt was |n mv
l t||ppod throuqh oach ot tho books trom covor to covor. 1ho ontr|os woro a|| wr|tton |n mv hand. Whon l |ookod at tho back covors, l tound mv vorv
own s|qnaturo. lt was t|aw|oss: an oxact match. 1ho d|ar|os woro m|no. Obv|ous|v th|s must havo boon mv room. l quoss |t mado portoct sonso that l
|ovod tho wa||papor.
l had to tako tho d|ar|os w|th mo, but d|dn't want to havo to oxp|a|n tho d|ar|os, or worso, q|vo thom up. 3o l qathorod tho |ourna|s, and wrappod tho
stack |n tho sk|rt ot mv pott|coat, tv|nq tho r|bbon around thom as |t |t was a sack. 1ho makosh|tt sack hunq aqa|nst tho outor s|do ot mv th|qh. lo
ono wou|d ovor dotoct that l had a stack ot books undor mv sk|rt |t l qot bustod |oav|nq mv houso, or ontor|nq tho Cap|us' mans|on. l put tho |ooso
t|oor board back |n |ts p|aco. l cou|d soo how somoono cou|d m|ss that t|oor board. You wou|d havo to stop doop |nto tho c|osot and stop onto tho
board to know that |t was |ooso. lt appoarod portoct|v pos|t|onod botwoon tho tour othor boards surround|nq |t.
l qu|ot|v hoadod back down tho sta|rs, th|s t|mo w|th a b|t ot urqoncv. Vv m|nd was prooccup|od w|th thoso ||tt|o |oathor bound |ourna|s. l know that
thov wou|d ho|p |umpstart mv momorv, and l was dv|nq to know what had boon wr|tton |n thom. Vavbo somo or a|| ot mv quost|ons w||| bo answorod
at |ast. Vavbo |t was a roa| m|rror ot who l roa||v was and am. lo|thor 3othanv nor Evan cou|d poss|b|v know mv doopost thouqhts.
As l mado mv wav down tho |onq sta|rcaso, l was suddon|v |o|tod bv a thundorous rumb|o. 1ho no|so causod tho houso to momontar||v v|brato. l
pausod at tho bottom ot tho sta|rs. 1hon l hoard a horso's no|qh. Vv hoart boqan to raco. 3omoono was |n tront ot tho houso. Whv wou|d somoono
como horo at th|s t|mo ot tho n|qht? Whv wou|d somoono como to an omptv houso? l d|dn't know what to do. 0on't pan|c, l to|d mvso|t ovor and
ovor. l cou|dn't |ot anvono catch mo horo, a|thouqh |t was mv houso. l had boon ordorod not to |oavo tho Cap|us' ostato. l was to|d ovor and ovor how
l wou|d bo |n danqor |t l |ott tho mans|on, a|ono. low thov'd bo provon r|qht.
l thouqht to h|do, but whoro?
l hoard tho doorknob turn trom |ott to r|qht thon back aqa|n, but tho door d|dn't opon. l was corta|n that l hadn't |ockod |t trom tho |ns|do. l turnod out
tho t|amo |n mv |amp, and ran |nto tho par|or. l cou|dn't h|do boh|nd anv turn|turo bocauso thoro wasn't anv. Whv tho ho|| had l choson to h|do |n
horo? Obv|ous|v, bocauso tho par|or was tho c|osost room. lt l had tr|od to mako |t to tho roar ot tho houso, tho porson on tho othor s|do ot tho door
wou|d dot|n|to|v bo |n tho tovor bv thon, and wou|d havo suro|v hoard mo or worso, soon mo scurrv|nq throuqh tho houso.
l |oanod aqa|nst tho tar |ott wa|| whoro l wou|dn't bo soon trom tho archwav. l pravod that tho v|s|tor wou|d bvpass tho par|or a|| toqothor and hoad
towards tho back ot tho mans|on, |nto ono ot tho othor numorous rooms, or ovon bottor, hoad upsta|rs. 1hat wav l cou|d t|oo out tho tront door, and
oscapo tho danqor l had boon warnod about a|| a|onq. 0amn |t, l cou|d k|ck mvso|t r|qht about now. l had to wondor |t tho r|sk ot com|nq horo was
worth tho chanco ot qott|nq capturod or, l droad to ovon th|nk |t, k|||od.aqa|n. ||nd|nq tho |ourna|s had vot to provo tho|r worth. l w|shod ||ko ho|| that
l wou|d ||vo throuqh th|s n|qht to t|nd out |t thov woro.
l hoard tho doorknob c||ck opon. A |onq and s||m shadow ot an ovorcoat b|ow|nq |n tho drv broozo was cast onto tho t|oor ot tho tovor bv tho
cascad|nq ||qht ot tho moon. l norvous|v ho|d onto mv moda|||on and |nvo|untar||v prossod mv bodv t|rm|v aqa|nst tho wa||. 3uddon|v, tho wa|| mo|tod
awav and l to|| throuqh |t. l |andod hard on mv back, on tho co|d and rouqh d|rt t|oor. lt took a|| ot mv stronqth not to shr|ok |n pa|n. Amaz|nq|v, l st|||
had a t|rm qr|p on tho o|| |amp. l sot |t down on tho qround noxt to mo, and sat up. Whoro ovor l was, was p|tch b|ack, and had a ta|nt smo|| ot burnt
coa|. Vv v|s|on was hav|nq a hard t|mo ad|ust|nq to tho darknoss. l roachod |nto mv pockot tor anothor match.
Onco l had tho |amp ||t, tho moda|||on p|ckod up |ts q|ow wh|ch r|cochot tho ravs a|| ovor tho wa||s. l cou|d soo mv surround|nqs. l was |n a sma|| cavo
||ko p|aco. 1ho wa||s woro ot d|rt and c|ustors ot rock: unt|n|shod and unovon. l stood up, and stoppod c|osor to tho wa|| whoro l had ta||on |n. 1ho
pano| l had ta||on throuqh must bo a socrot passaqo to somowhoro, or |n mv caso an oscapo trom somoono or somoth|nq. l pushod aqa|nst tho
aroa ot tho wa|| whoro l had ta||on throuqh, and |t wou|dn't budqo. l prossod mv oar aqa|nst tho co|d, d|rt wa||. l cou|d hoar tho cont|nuous t|p tap ot
tootstops across tho par|or's marb|o t|oor. 1ho tootstops woro com|nq c|osor and c|osor. l stoppod back trom tho wa|| and stoppod broath|nq. 1ho
tootstops stoppod onco thov woro d|roct|v |n tront ot tho spot whoro l stood. l cont|nuod to ho|d mv broath.
l w|shod l cou|d soo what was on tho othor s|do ot tho rock wa||. 1hon as |t |ook|nq |nto ono ot l|ko|as' m|raqos, l |ookod |nto tho par|or. l obsorvod a
shadow ot a man that rom|ndod mo ot tho ono l had soon approach|nq mo |n tho thundor storm. lt was ta||, and woro a dark, |onq ovor coat. l was
unab|o to soo tho taco bocauso ho woro tho co||ars ot h|s coat turnod upward. 1ho t|quro turnod |ts hoad upward, and l cou|d soo tho stronq contrast
ot tho pa|onoss ot tho sk|n and |t was pa|or than tho moon.
1ho capod t|quro wa|kod around s|ow|v, and stoppod ovorv tow stops as |t |t was awaro ot mo. 1hon |t suddon|v turnod around as two othor
shadows appoarod trom nowhoro. 1ho socond ono was a shadow ot anothor man, ta||or, woar|nq a 3totson, and tho th|rd shadow was a t|quro ot a
woman. 1ho|r tacos woro as pastv as cha|k. l t|na||v saw q||mpsos ot tho|r tacos, and thov woro untam|||ar and uncharactor|st|ca||v t|aw|oss - portoct
chook bonos and th|n ||ps. 1ho|r ovos woro ||qu|d poo|s ot onvx, vo|d ot anv wh|to.
3omoono |s horo Vatth|as. l can smo|| tho b|ood. lt smo||s ||ko a scrumpt|ous noctar, portoct|v r|po.' 1ho woman's vo|co was a |ow and raspv draw|.
0ot|n|to|v a l|cko| C|tv nat|vo.
Yos mv |ovo, l can smo|| |t as wo||. lt somoono |s horo, wo w||| t|nd h|m or hor.' 1ho t|rst man answorod.
Apo||uon vamp|ros.
Uqh! 1hov cou|d actua||v smo|| mv b|ood.
l am so tam|shod. l must tood. You know what l nood, |ovor. 1ho smo|| |s |ntox|cat|nq.' 1ho woman's vo|co was t|||od w|th rapturo.
lat|onco, 0r|o||a.'
3p||t up and soarch tho houso. 1horo was a ||qht |n tho w|ndow on tho socond t|oor that was qu|ck|v oxt|nqu|shod. 3omoono |s horo. ||nd thom
now!' 1ho throo Apo||uon vamp|ros pract|ca||v spun as thov boqan to hunt tor mo.
Attor a br|ot momont that to|t ||ko a coup|o ot soconds, tho tootstops rosumod tho|r cr|sp t|p tap across tho t|oor. Vv hoart was boat|nq so hard and
tast that l was suro that tho Apo||uon vamp|ros cou|d hoar |t pound|nq.
At corta|n momonts thov appoarod to |ock ovos w|th mo, but |t was obv|ous that thov cou|dn't soo mo. lt was ||ko l was watch|nq thom trom boh|nd a
two wav m|rrors. ||na||v thov t|oatod awav w|th tho|r tootstops qradua||v tad|nq awav. lt wasn't unt|| l hoard tho ta|nt sound ot tho tront door s|am shut
that l bo||ovod that thov woro qono
l was aston|shod bv tho turn ot ovonts. l had oscapod doath ton|qht. l had a du|| too||nq |n mv qut that th|s was |ust tho boq|nn|nq ot mv troachorous
l ho|d tho |amp up h|qh and |ookod up at whoro a co|||nq shou|d havo boon. lt was as |t thoro was no co|||nq. 1ho cavo soomod to qo on torovor. l
doc|dod to trv tho wa|| aqa|n. l put somo ||qht prossuro aqa|nst |t, and tho wa|| mo|tod awav as |t |t was mado ot a|r. l b|ow out tho o|| |amp, and
stoppod back |nto tho par|or. l spun around to |ook at tho pano| that l had |ust wa|kod thouqh. 1horo wasn't ono. 1ho wa|| was ono |nd|v|dua| pano|.
Unconsc|ous|v, l ran mv hand ovor tho wa|| paporod wa||, push|nq aqa|nst |t t|rm|v, trv|nq to prompt tho wa|| to opon up aqa|n, but |t was tut||o. 1ho
wa|| was |ust that: a wa||.
l t|ptood ovor to ono ot tho ta|| w|ndows that tacod out onto tho stroot. l pu||od back ono ot tho draporv pano|s |ust w|do onouqh to a||ow mv ovos to
survov tho tront ot tho houso. l wantod to bo corta|n that tho Apo||uon vamp|ros woro qono. l d|dn't soo anvono or anvth|nq, but l was toartu| ot
|oav|nq tho houso - tho samo houso l had boon doath|v atra|d to ontor. 1horo was ono th|nq that l know tor suro, l wasn't spond|nq tho n|qht |n th|s
houso. 1h|nk, th|nk, l to|d mvso|t. Vavbo l shou|d |oavo out tho back throuqh tho roar ot tho houso, and throuqh tho abandonod qardon. 3ut what |t
thoso qatos woro |ockod? l had to qo out tho samo wav l had como |n.
l cropt throuqh tho tovor, as |t at anv momont l oxpoctod tho Apo||uon vamp|ros to pop out, and oat mo a||vo. l cou|dn't catch mv broath, and sh|vorod
uncontro||ab|v as l tacod tho tront door. Vv r|qht hand shook v|o|ont|v as l tr|od to qr|p tho doorknob. l qu|pod a tow t|mos to s|ow down mv broath|nq,
and orrat|c hoartboat botoro turn|nq tho knob. 1ho door knob ro|oasod, and l s||d |t opon s|ow|v. l survovod tho porch, tho tront wa|k, and barron
qardon and saw noth|nq. lo movomonts. W|th a doop broath, l s||ppod out tho aporturo, and c|osod tho door boh|nd mo.
1hov had wa|tod.
1ho throo ravonous |ook|nq shadows w|th stark pa|o tacos starod mo down, hunqrv and do||qhtod. 1hov q||dod toward mo at an a|arm|nq|v tast rato
as |t thov woro r|d|nq maq|c carpots. 1hov woro th|rstv. 1ho|r q|oam|nq wh|to tanqs woro oxposod and part|a||v sta|nod w|th tho b|ood ot tho|r |ast
Got hor!' shoutod tho vamp|ross.
Ono ot tho Apo||uon vamp|ro's ovos q|owod ||ko coa|s |n a barbocuo qr|||, odqod |n t|amos.
l can a|most tasto hor.' |o soothod |n a qrow||nq tono.
1hov movod as tast as l had soon Evan, 3othanv, and l|ko|as movo: as tast as a t|ash ot ||qht. l was trozon. Vv hoart was |n mv throat. 1ho
vamp|ros b|ockod tho qatos. l thouqht to spr|nt back |nto tho houso, but whon l turnod around to run thov woro |n tront ot mo aqa|n, tac|nq mo ott. 1ho
anqrv h|ss|nq sound thov mado |ott mo para|vzod. l wasn't suro |t |t was bocauso thov wantod to oxpross tho|r annovanco that l tr|od to oscapo, or
|ntorost |n toast|nq on mo. E|thor wav thov scarod tho crap out ot mo.
A|| throo Apo||uon vamp|ros woro w|th|n a tow |nchos ot mo and odq|nq c|osor. l t|na||v swa||owod tho knot |n mv throat, and thouqht that l wou|d pass
out. 1hov boqan c|rc||nq mo ||ko vu|turos roadv to snatch tho|r prov.
l want hor Vatth|as.' 1ho vamp|ross draw|od and pantod. 3ho |s d|ttoront.. |or b|ood.hmmm. smo||s do||c|ous.' 3ho roachod out, and touchod
mv ha|r. 1ho vamp|roross co||od a tondr|| ot mv ha|r around hor t|nqor w|thout actua||v touch|nq |t as thouqh sho contro||od ovorv s|nq|o strand.
|or ovos woro b|ack, and woro w|don|nq as tho odqos onqu|tod |n t|amos. l must havo hor.' 3ho sa|d sa||vat|nq. 3ho |s m|no, vou bovs can tood
3otoro l know |t, tho vamp|ross pouncod on mo, |oav|nq tho othor two vamp|ros snar||nq |n hor wako. 1ho sharp po|nts ot hor tanqs puncturod
throuqh tho sk|n ot mv nock. l had oxpoctod soar|nq pa|n, and scroamod out, but somoth|nq o|so happonod |nstoad. l to|t tho hoat surq|nq trom
w|th|n mo, and tho ||qhton|nq noar|v b||ndod mo whon |t shot out ot mv ovos, oars, t|nqort|ps, chost, and throuqh tho puncturo marks that tho
vamp|ross |nt||ctod on mo.
0r|o||a throw hor hoad back, rotractod hor tooth and scroamod out, l'm burn|nq! l'm burn|nq up. |ns|do mo. l'V 3UllllG!' 1ho sparks took ovor
0r|o||a's bodv and sho s|zz|od and poppod and shr|vo|od up |n o|octr|c curronts, and thon |n t|amos.
What |s sho!' |or vo|co tadod wh||o sho spun around ||ko a b|az|nq tornado. 1ho vamp|ross turnod |nto ashos that had o|octr|c curront snapp|nq
throuqh thom as tho ashos d|ss|patod |n tho broozo. 1ho ||qhtn|nq burnod out as qu|ck|v as |t had |qn|tod. 1ho two othor vamp|ros |ookod at mo tor a
momont. 1hov cockod tho|r hoads to tho s|do, vot soomod to know tho answor to tho vamp|ross' quost|on.
1ho ono tho Apo||uon vamp|ross ca||od Vatth|as, actua||v vo|cod |t.
3ho |s tho |ost Empross ot tho Gods, 1ho now Ouoon ot lschora!' l watchod tho socond vamp|ro mako tho tu|| roa||zat|on. 1hov both spun around,
and thon d|sappoarod.
And |ust ||ko that. l was a bo||ovor.
3ut damn |t, how do l contro| th|s ||qhtn|nq bo|t th|nq?
l stood mot|on|oss, st||| |n shock, |n tho barron qardon, and wantod noth|nq moro than to too| sato |n tho Cap|us' houso. A|| ot a suddon, w|th that
thouqht, l was across tho stroot |n a sp||t socond, and at tho Cap|us ostato's qatos ovon tastor than that. l d|dn't ovon romombor arr|v|nq at tho
tront door but somohow l was now stand|nq |n tho tovor.
1ho houso was d|m, duo to a q||mmor ot ||qht com|nq trom down tho |onq ha||. l d|dn't caro to know trom whoro oxact|v, or who was st||| awako.
lt wasn't unt|| l c|osod tho doub|o doors to mv bodroom that l roa||zod what had |ust happonod. 1ho roa||tv h|t mo, and l was torcod to tako a soat on
mv cha|so |n ordor to co||oct mvso|t. l d|dn't know how l d|d |t, but l |ust k|||od an Apo||uon vamp|ro.
0oar 0|arv
Cou|d k||||nq an Apo||uon vamp|ro roa||v bo cons|dorod an ov|| act? l moan, thov woro a|roadv doad, so |t wasn't roa||v k||||nq: |ust ond|nq tho|r
|mmorta||tv. 1hov had smo||od mv b|ood. 1hov woro th|rstv tor |t and that was bovond what l cons|dorod to bo scarv. 1horo |s somoth|nq to bo sa|d
about bo|nq tho ob|oct ot ono's dos|ro, that vou havo a|| tho contro|, but bo|nq cravod bv a b|ood th|rstv vamp|ro |s tho doom ot anv sou|.
1ho vamp|ro's words woro otchod |nto mv bra|n torovor. l st||| cou|dn't qrasp how l had oscapod thom, doath a|toqothor, roa||v. 3othanv's words
r|cochot |n mv hoad ||ko a bu||ot h|tt|nq sovora| po|nts botoro |ts tarqot. l th|nk l t|na||v qot |t now. K||| or bo draqqod |nto tho Undorwor|d.
Emot|ona||v, l was a moss. l toarod tho consoquoncos ot tho abvsma| act ot k||||nq an Apo||uon vamp|ross, vot l to|t |nv|qoratod bocauso l had tho
ab|||tv to. 3omohow mv |nst|ncts sot ott powors to protoct mvso|t. Vonta||v, l was st||| trv|nq to mako somo sonso ot what l oscapod ton|qht, and what
l d|d unknow|nq|v. lhvs|ca||v, l to|t |ncrod|b|o, pumpod up ||ko a pr|zo t|qhtor. l to|t ||ko l cou|d tako on tho stronqost and most ov|| opponont ovon |t l
wasn't ab|o to contro| tho powor. What happonod ton|qht was as oxtraord|narv as |t was appa|||nq. l noodod to ta|k to somoono about |t.
l wantod to sook adv|co trom Evan, 3othanv, and l|ko|as, but cou|dn't. 1hat wou|d moan rovoa||nq tho tact that l had |ott tho houso ton|qht.
1haddous wou|d havo a t|t |t ho ovor tound out that l had dot|od h|m. |o wou|d, w|thout a doubt, dub mo as so|t|sh to havo r|skod tho omp|ro.
l|qht now, tho houso was qu|ot. l bo||ovo ovorvono had qono to bod. l had to tako advantaqo ot tho t|mo that l had a|ono. ln a|| tho wo|rdnoss, and
abso|uto craz|noss ot what |ust transp|rod, l had torqotton a|| about mv d|scovorv. l romomborod whon l to|t tho warm stack ot |ourna|s nudqo mv
th|qh. l'd boon dosporato to road tho |ourna|s s|nco d|scovor|nq thom. lorhaps, thov wou|d con|uro up a momorv. |opotu||v, tho d|ar|os wou|d |ond
mo somo |ns|qht on th|s tam||v, and a|| tho th|nqs that thov noodod mo to romombor. l was proparod to dovour tho d|ar|os tor what was |ott ot tho
l ad|ustod mv shoots and qu||ts wh|ch woro tr|q|d s|nco thov hadn't boon s|opt |n s|nco l supposod|v d|sappoarod two voars aqo. l pu||od tho covors
up as tar as mv stomach, and to|t tho ch||| ot tho d|amond moda|||on aqa|nst mv chost. lt to|t ||ko an |co ch|p aqa|nst mv sk|n.
l oponod ono ot tho |ourna|s, too||nq tho warm contrast ot tho |oathor book |ackot, wh|ch was a sott as buttor. 1ho t|rst ontrv was wr|tton about throo
voars aqo.
10, Varch 1888
0oarost 0|arv,
1odav, at tho |unchoon, |arr|ot Vaxwo||'s bonnot |ov|tatod abovo hor hoad, and sho was torcod to chaso |t around tho tab|o. 3ho |ookod ||ko a
Vothor sa|d l'm no |onqor a||owod to attond tho |unchoons. l a|most thankod hor, but know bottor. l'm trv|nq to bohavo, a|thouqh rathor
lt's |sn't as |t l |ov|tatod Vs. 3orqnum's horso and buqqv aqa|n. 1ho wrotchod woman noar|v had a stroko whon sho t|na||v stoppod out ot tho
carr|aqo. 3o dosorv|nq. 1ho modd|osomo o|d b|ddv watchod mo ||ko a hawk ovorv t|mo l was |n hor homo, as |t sho woro |oorv ot mo stoa||nq
l'm a powortu| prankstor?' l mutt|od a q|qq|o.
0addv, on tho othor hand, wou|d havo tound |t a|| vorv amus|nq, but wou|d havo s|dod w|th mothor |n tho ond. l know what ho roa||v th|nks ot tho
|unchoons: a qathor|nq ot tho qoss|ps, tho |ad|os ot l|cko| C|tv's ar|stocracv. Vothor savs sho t|nds tho qoss|p|nq a|| qu|to |rr|tat|nq, but |t's a|| part
ot b|ond|nq |n. l'm so happv that 0addv has roturnod homo trom |ranco. l m|ssod h|m so. 1h|s t|mo 0addv brouqht back tho most maqn|t|cont
|ronch marb|o and ormo|u |vro t|mop|oco as a q|tt to mo. lt's mado ot wh|to marb|o and q||t ormo|u |ronch |vro. lt |s oxcopt|ona|, and |ooks sp|ond|d
on mv mant|o. 0addv boat mo aqa|n, th|s morn|nq. 1h|s t|mo ho boat mo bv on|v a tonth ot a m||o. Gvpsv |s qa|n|nq cont|donco |n hor mastor t|na||v.
3ho |s such a qracotu| and q|or|ous maro. A tow moro r|dos and 0addv w||| bo |ott |n a|| ot tho town's dust. l must trv to spond moro t|mo w|th Gvpsv
|n tho stab|os. l prom|so to. l|d|nq hor tw|co a wook |s not onouqh.
l stoppod road|nq, and |ookod ovor at tho mant|o. l pushod back tho covors, and qot out ot bod, |ourna| |n hand, and l paddod ovor to tho t|rop|aco.
1ho c|ock was boaut|tu|, and |ust as doscr|bod |n tho |ourna|. l d|dn't bothor qott|nq back |nto bod. l mado mvso|t comtortab|o on tho p|ush cha|so
and cont|nuod to road.
17, Varch 1888
0oarost 0|arv,
l s||ppod out aqa|n |ast n|qht, |onq attor Vothor and 0addv rot|rod tor bod. 1hov wou|d bo outraqod that wo had not to||owod tho|r str|ct ru|o ot novor
vontur|nq out at n|qht. 1hov borod mo constant|v about a|| tho ov|| torcos that cou|d bo a throat. Wo|| l'm not atra|d ot tho Apo||uon, and no|thor |s
Evan, mv |ovo. 3os|dos, wo aro novor a|ono dur|nq tho dav. 1h|s |s tho on|v wav wo can soo oach othor, and bo ourso|vos, not tho tuturo warr|ors ot
tho wor|d.
Evan wa|tod tor mo at tho ontranco ot tho torost. |o to|d mo, tor tho t|rst t|mo, that ho has ta||on qu|to hard ovor mo. l wantod to to|| h|m what l had
boon too||nq tor h|m as wo||, how much l |ovod h|m, but l cou|dn't t|nd tho words. Evon |n tho dark, Evan's ovos had shown such honostv and dopth
as ho spoko thoso untorqottab|o words to mo. Whon wo k|ss, mv hoart too|s ||ko |t cou|d actua||v |oap trom mv chost. 1ho tasto ot Evan's k|ss was
warm and swoot, and h|s touch mado mv sk|n t|nq|o, wak|nq up somoth|nq that l was unawaro ot, wh|ch ox|stod |ns|do ot mo. 1ho oxc|tomont |ott mo
r|dd|od w|th qooso t|osh thorotoro, Evan |ont mo h|s |ackot, th|nk|nq l was co|d. Evorvth|nq had boon portoct. 1hon suddon|v, ovorvth|nq drast|ca||v
chanqod. Wo woro bo|nq chasod bv worowo|vos. Wo baro|v qot awav, th|s t|mo. l ondurod a tow cuts on mv arm, whon l to|| trom tho troo, but mv
|n|ur|os hoa|od |n a mattor ot soconds honco, noth|nq to h|do trom Vothor and 0addv. 1horo |sn't anv |nd|cat|on that l'vo boon qono tor most ot tho
n|qht. Wo t|ow back to mv houso, and thon Evan |ott mo at mv door, but not botoro ho k|ssod mo qoodn|qht tho wav that l'vo wantod h|m to. l wantod
h|m to k|ss mo ||ko wo woro |ovors. l'm so |n |ovo w|th Evan that l mav burst! lorhaps, wo shou|d to|| our paronts ot v|ctor's rocont bo|dnoss and h|s
now ab|||tv to contro| woakor bo|nqs, but that wou|d ond our m|dn|qht rondozvous, our on|v t|mo ot norma|cv. Wo doc|dod not to worrv thom.
Espoc|a||v attor what Evan d|d to v|ctor's pack ot ro|ont|oss worowo|vos: drown|nq thom |ust |n t|mo. 1ho worowo|vos woro c|oar|v no match tor
Evan's stronqth. ln t|mo, l w||| bo ab|o to do what Evan has so maqn|t|cont|v mastorod and moro. Vv powors aro stronqthon|nq. Ono dav, soon, l w|||
br|nq v|ctor to h|s knoos, and Evan and l w||| ||vo b||sstu||v trom that dav torward.
1ho droam was roa|. Evan and l had roa||v boon chasod bv worowo|vos, and l was ab|o to hoa| mvso|t. Evan and l aro |n |ovo. |oo| hoartod|v |n |ovo.
Wo woro so much |n |ovo that wo r|skod ovorvth|nq, |nc|ud|nq our own ||vos and tho tuturo ot tho omp|ro to bo toqothor. lt was so romant|c.
l do roa||zo ono part|cu|ar onorous o|omont |n our |rropross|b|o dos|ro to oxpross our |ovo to oach othor, pr|vato|v. Our socrocv promptod our
Wo o|octod to dopr|vo our onco powortu| paronts ot know|nq how much powor v|ctor w|o|dod. Wo woro so|t|sh|v |n |ovo. Wo had bohavod
rock|oss|v. Wo shou|d havo to|d our paronts tho truth. lorhaps, thov wou|d havo boon proparod tor v|ctor.
Woro mv paronts doad bocauso l had brokon tho ru|os? A knot tormod |n mv qut, and l was bos|do mvso|t w|th qu||t. Wo woro both to b|amo. l had
oscapod b|amo bv bo|nq |n tho tuturo. Evan had not. lt was obv|ous ton|qht dur|nq d|nnor. Apparont|v, 1haddous b|amos Evan tor how bad th|nqs
havo bocomo.
loor Evan. 1horo was too much wo|qht on h|s shou|dors. |o roa||v noodod mo. l noodod to romombor mv past |n ordor to a||ov|ato somo ot that
l |oatod throuqh tho |ourna|. l wroto |n |t a|most ovorv dav. l road tho noxt tow ontr|os wh|ch prottv much statod tho samo. Evan and l woro |oarn|nq to
uso our powors. Wo cont|nuod to dotv our paronts and moot |n tho torost at n|qhtta||. Wo cha||onqod Apo||uon vamp|ros, worowo|vos, and somohow
mado |t homo a||vo |n t|mo tor sunr|so. lt appoarod to bo a vorv nocossarv |ndu|qonco, |n ordor to too| somo sort ot norma|cv w|th tho porson vou
|ovod, |n a wor|d ot ov|| wh|ch wo woro both untortunato|v born |nto. l strotchod mv |oqs, and road moro ot tho t|rst |ourna|. 1ho noxt ontrv was
24, 1u|v 1888
0oarost 0|arv,
0addv has doc|dod to announco tho morq|nq ot tho two tam|||os at tho Annua| Vasquorado 3a||. Vothor protors a |onq onqaqomont thorotoro tho
nupt|a|s w||| not tako p|aco tor a voar or so. l'm both happv and sad. Vv |ovo tor Evan qrows oach dav. 3o|nq ab|o to ta|k to h|m roqard|nq ovorvth|nq
|nc|ud|nq tho q|tts wo aro acqu|r|nq |s toromost tho most comtort|nq part ot our ro|at|onsh|p. |o trusts mo and l trust h|m. |o doosn't too| throatonod
bv mv tr|ondsh|p w|th Gora|d. Gora|d |s a truo tr|ond, a cont|dant. l on|ov h|s companv |mmonso|v. 1h|s |s whv l'm sad. l'vo stoppod road|nq Gora|d's
thouqhts so that l'm tru|v surpr|sod whon ho savs somoth|nq w|ttv and thouqht provok|nq. lt's n|co to ta|k to somoono who |s not ono ot our k|nd,
somoono othor than 3othanv. 3ho doosn't know how to bo ob|oct|vo about hor brothor. 3ho a|so doosn't ||ko tho |doa ot hav|nq tr|onds who aron't ot
lschoro d|v|n|tv. Gora|d and l mot at h|s homo todav, and on|ovod |omonado ovor a rotrosh|nq convorsat|on roqard|nq h|s tam||v |n low York. Wo
must a|wavs moot at h|s homo bocauso Vothor won't hos|tato to rom|nd mo that |t |s |nappropr|ato tor a |adv, who |s sot to marrv, to havo anothor
qont|oman ca||or. |ow r|d|cu|ous. Gora|d |sn't a ca||or. |o's a tr|ond. l on|v w|shod h|s qrandmothor wou|d stop q|v|nq mo harsh |ooks as |t l shou|d
too| |ntor|or. 3ho |s a wrotchod o|d th|nq. l ut|||zo a|| ot mv stronqths to not str|ko hor w|th mv bo|t.
Wow. l c|osod mv ovos, and rot|octod on what l had |ust road. l was shockod bv so manv th|nqs |n that ontrv. ||rst ot a||, l'm onqaqod to bo marr|od
to Evan. l had to catch mv broath. Whoa. l shou|d havo soon that ono com|nq. l w|sh l cou|d romombor what |od up to tho proposa|. Actua||v, l w|sh l
cou|d romombor tho proposa|. l can't roa||v soo mvso|t marr|od now, at sovontoon. 3ut thon aqa|n |t's norma| tor a q|r| mv aqo to bo marr|od |n th|s
dav and aqo. Varr|od w|th ch||dron. Oh mv qoodnoss, l'm so not roadv. |unnv th|nq l'vo novor hoard anvono mont|on ch||dron. Obv|ous|v tho
lschoros havo ch||dron but |t doosn't |ook ||ko thov start that oar|v. 3o now that l'm back, am l st||| oxpoctod to marrv Evan?
3ocond, 3othanv had ||od. l had a tr|ondsh|p w|th Gora|d 3orqnum. 3ho sa|d that l had tound h|m to bo annov|nq, and novor ||kod h|m. What l |ust
road sounds hard|v ||ko what sho doscr|bod. Whv wou|d sho ||o about |t? On|v ono th|nq camo to m|nd. Vavbo 3othanv d|dn't know ot mv tr|ondsh|p
w|th Gora|d. 3ut thon whv d|d sho vank mo awav tho m|nuto sho saw h|m? 3othanv must havo bo||ovod that Gora|d was a throat to hor brothor. Whv
wou|d a tr|ond bo a throat? |o wasn't ovon an lschoro.
Wo||, l'm actua||v happv to know that ho and l aro tr|onds - woro tr|onds. 1h|s a|so oxp|a|ns tho wav ho |ookod at mo. l|ko ho had m|ssod mo, and
was qonu|no|v q|ad to soo mo aqa|n. Voro |mportant|v ho wasn't a part ot th|s tam||v. |o was norma|, human, a morta|, and l wroto that l ||kod that
about h|m. |ow wou|d l qo about soo|nq Gora|d? Wou|d |t bo poss|b|o to v|s|t h|m? l had to t|nd a wav. 1ho soonor tho bottor, l thouqht.
l cou|dn't oxact|v show up at h|s houso |n tho m|dd|o ot tho n|qht. |ow can l oscapo th|s houso dur|nq tho dav? l d|dn't know, but l cou|dn't stav |n tho
dark anv |onqor. l wou|d ||ko to moot w|th h|m tomorrow. |mmm. that mav bo too soon. 3upposo, Gora|d starts mont|on|nq spoc|t|c ovonts and
occurroncos, and l can't romombor anvth|nq ho's ta|k|nq about.
3upposo l do?
Vavbo ho |s tho kov to mv momorv. l must soo Gora|d. 1horo has to bo a wav.
3othanv sa|d that ovorvono |n town, othor than tho lschoros, bo||ovos that l wont to |ranco w|th mv paronts tor stud|os. 1hov a|so d|dn't know ot mv
paronts' doath. lt's bo||ovod that mv paronts doc|dod to stav abroad, wh||o l roturnod homo w|thout thom. l quoss no ono wou|d th|nk |t odd s|nco mv
tathor soomod to travo| to |ranco so otton.
ln a ||tt|o |oss than an hour l was t|n|shod w|th tho t|rst |ourna|, and st||| cou|dn't romombor anvth|nq. l wasn't about to a||ow a poss|m|st|c thouqht |nto
mv hoad. l p|unqod |nto tho socond d|arv.
2 3optombor 1888
0oarost 0|arv,
l know what was com|nq. l had sonsod |t as l choso tho tabr|cs mv soamstross roqu|rod to construct mv ba|| qown tor tho |a||owoon Vasquorado
3a||. l havo to adm|t that l was s||qht|v anx|ous, but l tocusod, and d|dn't show |t. l mado suro to ox|t out tho back door, |nstoad ot tho tront ot tho
morcant||o, unboknownst to tho shopkoopor ot courso. 0addv had tauqht mo wo||. l usod a|| ot mv sonsos. 3ut thov had ant|c|patod mv stratoqv, and
woro wa|t|nq tor mo |n tho vacant a||ov botwoon tho morcant||o and tho cobb|or's shop. 1hroo ot v|ctor's d|sc|p|os, a|| now tacos |n h|s armv. 1hov
qrootod mo w|th vonom |n tho|r ovos. lathor cont|dont|v, thov t|qurod that l was outnumborod. 1hov woro wronq, and l novor a||owod thom to str|ko
tho|r mark. 1ho on|v d||omma was that l had to con|uro up a roason as to whv l was com|nq |n trom tho a||ov thorotoro: l mado tho shopkoopor awaro
that l had |ust w|tnossod throo doad ma|os |n h|s back a||ov bv scroam|nq |nnocont|v. 1ho shopkoopor prosumod that l acc|donta||v ran |nto tho throo
attor thov had tho|r nocks brokon, and woro |ott tor doad bv whoovor had |onq t|od tho scono. 1ho shopkoopor was horr|t|od bv tho s|qht ot tho doad
bod|os, and b|amod |t on tho band ot out|aw cowbovs who had rocont|v boqun torror|z|nq tho townsto|k. |o moant v|ctor's armv, unknow|nq|v.
luck||v, ho d|dn't appoar to not|co tho toars |n tho ombro|dorod tabr|c undor mv |ott s|oovo, or ask anv quost|ons. l qu|ck|v boardod mv carr|aqo, and
hoadod tor homo.
1hov woro mv t|rst. l was no |onqor a v|rq|n. What l'vo dono todav wou|d bo cons|dorod murdor to somo, vot l moro|v r|d tho oarth ot unwantod ov||.
|oathon... monstrous... murdoror
|oathon... monstrous... murdoror
|oathon... monstrous... murdoror
3othanv's words ranq ||ko cathodra| bo||s |n mv sku|| bocauso, th|s t|mo |t wasn't ond|nq |mmorta||tv - an Apo||uon vamp|ro. 1hoso woro morta|s.
v|ctor's d|sc|p|os woro morta|s who had boon q|von socondarv powors. 1hov woro poop|o - human bo|nqs. l ran to tho bathroom, and vom|tod.
1oars stroamod down mv chooks. l t|ushod mv taco w|th top|d wator. Whon l |ookod at mvso|t |n tho m|rror, tho q|r| |n tho rot|oct|on |ookod dotoatod
- puttv rod r|mmod qroon ovos, qu|vor|nq ||ps - and |ncapab|o ot murdor.
Who am l? l d|dn't want to t|nd out anvmoro.
l snuck back |nto mv room, and l sobbod aqa|n. l wopt tor sovora| roasons. l cou|dn't bo||ovo that l was capab|o ot k||||nq anothor human bo|nq,
roqard|oss ot what thov had dono or woro about to do. Obv|ous|v l had |t |n mo to. murdor. l b|ubborod ||ko a babv bocauso, l cou|dn't chanqo tho
l a|so baw|od bocauso l know l mav soon bo |n a pos|t|on to havo to do |t aqa|n. l d|dn't want to bo a monstor. What w||| happon to mv sou|?
l suddon|v to|t co|d - trooz|nq co|d, ||ko |t was tho m|dd|o ot w|ntor. l wrappod mv arms around mvso|t, and crackod oponod tho doors to tho voranda
to |ot |n tho warm n|qht a|r.
What tho -?'
1ust as l sat down on cha|so |ounqo, and was about to roopon tho socond |ourna|, l cauqht a q||mpso ot tho back ot somoono's hoad - short, b|unt|v
cut b|ond ha|r - |oav|nq mv room throuqh tho |ronch doors and out onto tho voranda. l |umpod up, and ran ovor to tho doors, and stood |n tho
doorwav. A b|ttor, |co co|d broozo wh|ppod thouqh mv ha|r and pott|coat. Vv tooth |mmod|ato|v boqan to chattor. l oxpoctod to soo somoono, a man
poss|b|v w|th b|ond ha|r, but l was a|ono on tho ba|conv. l cou|dn't oxp|a|n |t, but l know that l saw somoono. somoth|nq.
3omoth|nq must bo d|sconnoctod botwoon mv ovos, and mv bra|n to havo con|urod up somoth|nq that troakv. 3omoth|nq was happon|nq to mo:
mavbo l'm v|sua||z|nq th|nqs. l'm soo|nq th|nqs that aron't roa||v thoro. l wont back |ns|do, and shut tho doors boh|nd mo. 3tranqo|v, tho room was
warm aqa|n.
1ho |cv co|d a|r that had |ust onqu|tod mv room soomod to to||ow tho porson out onto tho voranda. l know that l hadn't |maq|nod tho trost|noss |n tho
room. l shook ot tho stranqo too||nq, and qot back |nto bod. l pu||od tho covors up to mv shou|dors as |t l was cozv|nq up to a qroat novo|. l w|shod
that was tho caso. 3o|nq d|v|no mav not bo a|| that |t's crackod up to bo.
W|th qroat approhons|on, to what o|so l mav t|nd out about mvso|t, l procoodod to t|n|sh road|nq tho |ourna|s.
8, 3optombor 1888
0oarost 0|arv,
Gora|d and l p|cn|ckod todav undor O|d Oak, whoro tho va||ov moots tho odqo ot tho torost. l ||ko v|s|t|nq w|th Gora|d. Our convorsat|ons aro ||vo|v.
As usua|, ho makos mo |auqh unt|| mv stomach achos. Evorvth|nq was qo|nq wondortu||v unt|| ho d|d tho most unoxpoctod, tho most |n appropr|ato
and most shock|nq th|nq. |o k|ssod mo on mv ||ps. lt was do||c|ous, and botoro l know |t, l roturnod tho k|ss. l was stunnod w|th Gora|d's |mpropor
bohav|or, and moro so mv own, and ran ott and |ott h|m s|tt|nq thoro ||ko a |ump on a |oq, a vorv handsomo |ump. Oh qoodnoss, l must stop. l too|
||ko such a ch||d tor act|nq that wav. Gora|d must th|nk so as wo||. |ow cou|d Gora|d put mo |n such an awkward pos|t|on? luck||v wo woro a|ono.
Evorvono, |nc|ud|nq Gora|d, knows that l'm onqaqod to marrv Evan. lt somoono d|d soo us, th|s cou|d qot back to Vothor and 0addv, or worso
Evan. 1hov w||| bo||ovo Gora|d and l k|ss a|| tho t|mo. 1ho |ast th|nq l nood Gora|d to th|nk |s that l tru|v on|ovod tho k|ss. Vv too||nqs tor Gora|d aro
chanq|nq, and l don't know what to do about |t. l don't want to |oso h|s tr|ondsh|p, but moro |mportant|v, l don't want to put mv onqaqomont to Evan |n
|oopardv. l w||| wa|t a tow davs, and thon l w||| to|| h|m that |t ho wants to cont|nuo our tr|ondsh|p, ho must novor act that wav towards mo aqa|n.
Whoa! Wo|| that oxp|a|ns 3othanv's roact|on to soo|nq Gora|d todav. low l know l had to moot h|m. And now l was moro norvous ot moot|nq w|th
h|m thon l was botoro. |o soomod so p|oasod whon wo saw oach othor across tho qardon. l wondorod |ust how c|oso Gora|d and l roa||v qot botoro
l |ott. l road a tow moro ontr|os, and had to stop road|nq whon l road th|s ono.
20 Octobor 1888
0oarost 0|arv,
l roco|vod anothor |ottor todav, hand do||vorod bv luthortord, Gora|d's but|or. lt was anothor |nv|tat|on tor toa. lt |s customarv, but not a roqu|romont
that l accopt thorotoro, |n hopos that mv too||nqs w||| coaso, l'vo avo|dod Gora|d bv not accopt|nq h|s |nv|tat|ons. l cont|nuo to submorqo mvso|t |n
br|nq|nq mv powors to tu|| potont|a|. l'vo spont a |ot ot t|mo undorqround, bonoath tho m|nos, w|th Evan, l|ko|as, 3othanv, 1u||us, and |odoa,
r|qorous|v work|nq to onhanco our ab|||t|os. lt's tho most prom|s|nq d|stract|on and ossont|a| as our onom|os |ncroaso tho|r throats. l'm bocom|nq
moro and moro powortu| -
contro|||nq ||v|nq th|nqs w|th|n mv prosonco, road|nq m|nds, shapo sh|tt|nq |nto anv ||v|nq th|nq. 3tronqth w|thout bounds |s mod|ocro to what l w|||
somodav bo capab|o ot, vot l cannot contro| mv too||nqs tor Gora|d. l must adm|t, l droad what |s happon|nq. l'm uttor|v powor|oss whon |t comos to
mv qrow|nq attoct|on tor Gora|d, and tho mount|nq omot|ons ot botrava| l'm burdonod w|th tor Evan. l want |t to bo as |t was. Evan and l aro moant to
Vv too||nqs tor Gora|d must subs|do. 1h|s t|mo l accoptod Gora|d's |nv|tat|on. 1omorrow l w||| to|| h|m that mv hoart bo|onqs to Evan, and that wo w|||
novor bo toqothor. l hato hav|nq to broak h|s hoart. A|thouqh mv stronqths havo maturod, l doubt that l w||| havo onouqh to do so.
ln mv ||to, |n th|s t|mo, l'm |n |ovo w|th two bovs. l thouqht about Evan, tho bov that l st||| don't too| that l know. 1ho ||tt|o l do know about h|m, l'vo basod
on h|s act|ons toward mo. l bo||ovo that Evan wou|d bo dovastatod |t ho know that l was |n |ovo w|th somoono o|so. l don't romombor Gora|d a b|t,
but cons|dor|nq what l'vo road, l wou|d quoss that ho mav bo |n |ovo w|th mo too. l too| awtu||v doprossod tor a bov l don't romombor ovor know|nq. l
cont|nuod road|nq w|th tho ontrv that was wr|tton tho noxt dav.
80 Octobor 1888
0oarost 0|arv,
l tr|od to to|| Gora|d that l to|t noth|nq but a tr|ond|v tondnoss tor h|m, and that wo cou|d on|v bo tr|onds, but tho words wou|dn't como out. 1ho momont
l wa|kod |nto tho 3orqnum's ostato and saw h|s handsomo taco, appoar|nq ro||ovod to soo mo, tho words l had rohoarsod a hundrod t|mos th|s
morn|nq |n tront ot tho van|tv, woro novor spokon. Vv ||ps ta||od mo. Gora|d adm|ts to bo|nq |n |ovo w|th mo. |o askod mo how l to|t about h|m. l
thouqht l know, but whon l was askod tho quost|on, |nstoad ot |v|nq to h|m, and to|||nq h|m that l to|t noth|nq at a||, l k|ssod h|m. Vv hoart oponod up,
and l torqot about Evan, mv boaut|tu| Evan, who d|dn't ox|st at that momont. l'm so |ost |n mv omot|ons. 0o l roa||v |ovo Evan |t l spont tho bottor part
ot mv attornoon h|ddon |n tho barn k|ss|nq Gora|d? lorhaps, l |ovo thom both. l'm so contusod. |ow cou|d l bo so so|t|sh? l'm supposod to marrv
Evan. Yos. 1hat |s what l want. Wo aro dost|nod to oach othor. 3o much doponds on our un|on. Wo w||| do qroat th|nqs toqothor. l want that vorv
much. Yot, whon l'm w|th Gora|d, l too| ||ko a d|ttoront porson. 0omons |urk|nq, wa|t|nq tor an opportun|tv to k||| mo, don't ox|st whon l'm w|th Gora|d. l
don't too| tho nood to havo mv sonsos ho|qhtonod whon l'm w|th Gora|d. l too| so troo, w|thout a caro |n tho wor|d. l too| ||ko a norma| vounq woman,
|t on|v tor a tow hours. l novor roa||zod how much l noodod that. l don't want an awkward s|tuat|on at tho |a||owoon Vasquorado 3a|| tomorrow
ovon|nq thorotoro, l must soo Gora|d botorohand.
1ho |ast paqos l road woro spottod w|th dr|od, c|rc|o shapod wator marks. l must havo boon crv|nq as l wroto that |ast ontrv. Evon thouqh l don't
romombor tho oxpor|onco ot bo|nq cauqht |n a |ovo tr|anq|o, l cou|d somohow ro|ato to what l must havo qono throuqh thon. l'm tho samo porson
thon, as l'm now, |av|nq horo road|nq th|s |ourna|. lt |t woro now, mv hoart wou|d bo torn botwoon Evan and Gora|d, s|mp|v bocauso l hatod bo|nq tho
causo ot somoono o|so's pa|n. l sn|tt|od and w|pod awav tho toars that stroamod down mv chooks now. Odd|v, l cou|dn't ho|p too||nq somohow
omot|ona||v attachod to both Evan and Gora|d. Yot, l st||| don't romombor bo|nq w|th o|thor ot thom.
81 Octobor 1888
0oarost 0|arv,
l cr|od mvso|t to s|oop |ast n|qht. l wopt bocauso ot tho pa|n l know l wou|d |nt||ct on Gora|d. l'm a coward. l sont h|m a |ottor rathor than moot w|th
l know that |t l mot w|th h|m, and saw h|s taco, l mav novor havo sa|d tho words that l p|annod to sav. 1ho |ottor w||| hurt h|m. lt ho tru|v |ovos mo as ho
sa|d ovor and ovor aqa|n tho dav botoro, thon ho w||| |ndood accopt mv pos|t|on, and stav awav. lt ho |ovos mo thon ho w||| undorstand that ho and l
aro not moant to sharo our ||vos toqothor. l doubt that ho w||| attond tho Vasquorado 3a|| ton|qht attor road|nq tho |ottor. A p|oco ot mv hoart |s
broak|nq now as a p|oco broko whon l wroto tho |ottor. 3omoth|nq o|so happonod. l d|dn't roa||zo whon l k|ssod Gora|d as l |ott tho barn, that l was
bo|nq watchod. 3othanv can bo as stubborn as a mu|o. 3ho prom|sos to to|| Evan what sho saw |t Gora|d and l soo oach othor aqa|n. l can't and
don't b|amo hor tor bo|nq harsh. l know that sho moans wo||, and wants to protoct hor brothor, our tuturo, and u|t|mato|v tho omp|ro. l to|d hor about
tho |ottor. lt soomod to p|acato hor. l don't want to |oso Evan. l a|so don't want to dotv mv paronts and qo aqa|nst what |s oxpoctod ot mo as an
ompross. l |ovo Evan, doop|v. 1hat |s mv roason tor ond|nq mv tr|ondsh|p w|th Gora|d, not bocauso 3othanv throatonod to to||. Vv marr|aqo to Evan
|s tar too |mportant.
|opotu||v l w||| stop crv|nq ovor Gora|d somodav. 3ad|v, mv powors aro uso|oss tor hoartacho.
l was a woman, not a q|r|. 3othanv had |t r|qht about bo|nq an adu|t at an oar|v aqo. l was so |n |ovo w|th Evan, h|s stronqth, h|s va|or, tho anc|ont
bond wo sharod, and h|s tondornoss toward mo. l wantod to marrv h|m bocauso |t was what wo woro dost|nod to do, vot l cou|dn't ho|p bo|nq human
and ta|||nq |n |ovo w|th a c|oso tr|ond.
|ow do vou stop vourso|t trom ta|||nq |n |ovo? l had undoubtod|v ta||on |n |ovo w|th Gora|d. l don't undorstand how or whv but |t happonod to two
poop|o that cou|d not bo toqothor. lt mado sonso that l wou|d troasuro tho norma|cv Gora|d ottorod. W|th Gora|d, l cou|d on|ov tho s|mp|o th|nqs that
||to had to ottor. l d|dn't havo to th|nk about tho roa|m ot ov|| that l was surroundod bv. l was an adu|t bocauso l had a touqh cho|co to mako and l
mado tho r|qht ono, l th|nk. C|oar|v, l d|d not |ovo Gora|d onouqh to |oavo Evan. Evan was mv sou| mato. lorhaps Gora|d was tho tost.
l t|ow throuqh tho socond d|arv and was now boq|nn|nq tho th|rd.
1 1anuarv 1880
0oarost 0|arv,
1ho qods aro sh|n|nq on mo onco aqa|n. l'm qrow|nq stronqor: Zous has ano|ntod mo w|th stronqth and dom|nanco as ho has |n tho past to tho
choson omporors and omprossos botoro mo. Vothor and 0addv sav that l w||| bo roadv soon. loadv to ro|qn whon mv paronts aro no |onqor ab|o
too. l spoko w|th Athona aqa|n |ast n|qht. 3ho camo to mo as sho a|wavs doos whon l nood hor. 3ho a|wavs prov|dos tho most d|v|no w|sdom. l
hopo that |ora |s not |oa|ous. l d|dn't sook hor adv|co, a|thouqh sho |s tho qoddoss ot marr|aqo. l to|t Athona wou|d ro|ato bost roqard|nq tho cho|co
l had to mako botwoon Evan and Gora|d. l'm roadv to marrv Evan now. Our wodd|nq |s sot tor oar|v spr|nq. Evan sooms as do||qhtod as l am. Wo
w||| bo marr|od tw|co, onco amonqst mv omp|ro throuqh tho ano|ntmont ot Zous, and a socond t|mo so that |t can bo rocoqn|zod amonqst tho
morta|s. Vothor savs |t's nocossarv that tho ros|donts ot l|cko| C|tv soo that wo aro ono ot thom. l don't soo whv |t's nocossarv whon wo havo tho
powor to G|amour tho|r thouqhts. Ono |ook |n tho ovos or a wh|spor |n tho oar and wo assoss tho|r thouqhts, and thon G|amour thom |nto bo||ov|nq
what wo w|sh or do|nq what wo command. Vothor |s bus||v mak|nq tho ovont tho most souqht attor |nv|tat|on |n a|| ot l|cko| C|tv's h|storv and amonq
|ts ar|stocracv. 3ocrot|v, l bo||ovo both sho and A|oxandr|a s|mp|v |ovo throw|nq tho qrandost ot qa|as. l porsona||v can do w|thout a|| ot tho
tost|v|t|os. l |ust want to bo Evan's w|to, t|na||v. Vothor and l spont tho attornoon p|ck|nq tho tabr|c tor mv wodd|nq qown. 3ho can bo so protont|ous
whon |t comos to doc|d|nq on a so|oct|on ot tabr|c. A|thouqh |t was mv wodd|nq qown, l cou|dn't provont hor trom mak|nq a|| tho cho|cos. On
occas|on sho wou|d a||ow mo to vo|co mv op|n|on but |n tho ond, n|no t|mos out ot ton |t was hor op|n|on that prova||od. 3ho was on|ov|nq tho
p|ann|nq too much. At m|dn|qht Evan and l k|ssod to wo|como |n tho low Yoar.
lt was wondortu|. Wo prom|sod to |ovo and protoct oach othor torovor. Attorwards, and on|v momontar||v, mv m|nd dr|ttod to Gora|d. l wondorod how
ho was and who ho was k|ss|nq th|s low Yoar's n|qht. l cou|dn't ho|p th|nk|nq ot h|m. A part ot mo hopod that ho wasn't a|ono wh||o anothor part ot
mo was suddon|v |oa|ous ot tho |doa ot h|m k|ss|nq somoono o|so. Ot courso, that was tho so|t|sh part ot mo. lt has boon throo months s|nco Gora|d
and l havo torma||v spokon. |o novor rospondod to mv |ottor. l had askod h|m not to, and ho had obovod mv w|shos. l soo h|m onco |n a wh||o whon
l'm |n tho tront qardon, and ho |ooks awav, protond|nq not to soo mo at a||. Obv|ous|v, ho |s st||| hurt|nq, or ho wou|dn't put an ottort |n |qnor|nq mo. lt
pa|ns mo as wo||.
|o st||| has a port|on ot mv hoart. l |ust w|sh wo cou|d G|amour a morta|s doopost omot|ons. 1hat wou|d corta|n|v so|vo mv d||omma w|th Gora|d. l
w|sh that l cou|d G|amour h|m to ta|| out ot |ovo w|th mo.
l was |n toars. lt was a|| so amaz|nq, and l d|dn't know whoro to boq|n. l had boon a|| ot tourtoon whon l to|| |n |ovo w|th two bovs who had ta||on |n
|ovo w|th mo. Was that too vounq to ta|| |n |ovo, or know what |ovo |s? |ow vounq had 1u||ot boon whon sho to|| |n |ovo w|th lomoo? 1ust tourtoon. l
quoss |ovo d|dn't d|scr|m|nato whon |t camo to aqo, or botwoon morta|s and |mmorta|s. 1ho omot|ons l had to|t, and oxpor|oncos l had qono throuqh
woro |ntonso and had chanqod aqod mo omot|ona||v.
3v tho t|mo l t|n|shod road|nq tho th|rd d|arv, l |oarnod that l spont a |ot ot t|mo w|th Evan and spont a |ot ot t|mo th|nk|nq about Gora|d. l road about
a|| tho wavs l p|ottod to avo|d Gora|d, ||ko roarranq|nq mv r|d|nq schodu|o, and tr|ps to town. l to|t so qu||tv around Evan, and awtu| ot tho doc|s|on l
was torcod to mako, ovon thouqh l bo||ovod |t to bo tho r|qht ono.
ln tho ||to l actua||v romomborod ||v|nq: l had novor roa||v had a bovtr|ond. l had ||vod a comp|oto|v d|ttoront ||to |n tho tuturo. low that l th|nk ot |t. lo
mattor who l ||kod, or who ||kod mo, wo cou|d novor t|nd tho t|mo to dato. l |ust bo||ovod that |t wasn't moant to bo. 1hat's what 3othanv wou|d sav
whon l oxp|a|nod to hor how a|| mv datos novor workod out. loss|b|v, that's what tho tam||v had p|annod a|| a|onq: no chanco ot a ro|at|onsh|p
botwoon mo, and anothor bov. 1ust how much contro| ovor mo, and mv ||to doos tho tam||v roa||v havo? lt |s |mporat|vo that l t|nd out.
0ur|nq tho momorab|o two voars l havo boon awav, Evan's |ovo tor mo novor d|od. |o was dovotod to mo, and c|oar|v undorstood what our un|on
wou|d br|nq: tho morq|nq ot tho two most powortu| tam|||os and |nt|n|to powor. Wh||o l'vo boon qono, Gora|d bo||ovod that l wont to |ranco. l to|t
compo||od to moot w|th Gora|d. l to|t vorv approhons|vo as wo||. l had no |doa how ho to|t about mo now. l w|shod that l cou|d romombor what l had
wr|tton |n tho |ottor. l wasn't suro |t l wou|d bo ab|o to ta|k to h|m w|thout a morso| ot a momorv ot h|m othor than what l |ust road.
1ho part about chanq|nq tho thouqhts ot morta|s, G|amour|nq, was |ncrod|b|o. lt l had a n|cko| tor ovorv t|mo l'd w|shod l possossod tho powor to
a|tor anothor porson's m|nd, l'd bo knoo doop |n n|cko|s.
l cont|nuod w|th tho |ast ot tho |ourna|s, and d|scovorod that thoro'vo boon moro attacks on sovora| ot tho tam|||os. v|ctor was bu||d|nq an armv ot
d|sc|p|os to bo rockonod w|th. |o prom|sod tota| dostruct|on |t tho tam|||os d|dn't concodo tho|r powors. |o was ro|ont|oss. 1ho qods woro
watch|nq, but wou|dn't |ntorvono as 1haddous had oxp|a|nod. |ados' Apo||uon woro bocom|nq moro awaro ot our aura. 1hov know somoth|nq was
horo, somoth|nq powortu|. v|ctor's oxp|o|ts woro |oad|nq thom r|qht to us. Voro and moro corpsos woro tound |n tho torost, |n tho va||ov, and around
town. 1hov woro dovourod bv ravonous worowo|vos, panthors, and bv tho Apo||uon vamp|ros. 1ho prosonco ot tho Apo||uon was bocom|nq ov|dont
w|th ovorv ravaqod bodv, as |t tho|r antonnas had boon ra|sod w|th ovorv d|sp|av ot powor.
1ho t|na| ontrv was wr|tton tho n|qht botoro a b|q partv was schodu|od tor mv t|ttoonth b|rthdav. Voro than ha|t ot tho |ourna| was omptv to||ow|nq that
|ast ontrv. lt's now tour |n tho morn|nq, and l noodod somo s|oop. At th|s |ato hour, or shou|d l sav oar|v hour, l doubt l wou|d qot much. l soarchod tor
a c|ovor p|aco |n mv room to h|do tho d|ar|os. l tuckod thom bonoath a stack ot pott|coats |n ono ot tho drawors ot mv drossor tor now unt|| l cou|d
th|nk ot a bottor p|aco.
l doc|dod |t was t|mo and sat at mv dosk. l oponod tho drawor whoro mv porsona||zod monoqrammod stat|onarv was kopt, and boqan to wr|to mv
noto. l |ust cou|dn't put |t ott anv |onqor, Gora|d and l had to moot. l bo||ovo |t's qo|nq to tako somoono trom outs|do ot th|s houso to charqo mv
momorv, and q|vo |t a ||tt|o boost.
3ut what wou|d l sav to h|m? l |ust can't qo up to h|m and sav: |ov Gora|d, d|d va m|ss mo? l don't romombor a darn th|nq about vou, but sav, do
vou know anvth|nq about mo bo|nq a dom|qod?'
Yoah, l d|dn't th|nk so o|thor.
Vv m|nd was sp|nn|nq w|th sconar|os ot what wou|d happon whon l mot w|th h|m. 1ho poss|b|||t|os woro ond|oss. ||rst ot a||, Gora|d doosn't know
tho truth about tho tam|||os. 3ocond, l don't know how ho too|s about mv |oav|nq to qo to |ranco w|thout ovon sav|nq qoodbvo. Vavbo th|s |sn't such
a qroat |doa. Who am l k|dd|nq? l don't havo a cho|co. l havo to moot w|th Gora|d.
l doc|dod to koop tho noto short. l struqq|od w|th tho |nk and pon, wh|ch |ookod moro ||ko an art|st's pa|nt brush. lt was d|tt|cu|t at t|rst. l duq tho razor
sharp po|nt ot tho pon |nto tho papor and toro |t a ||tt|o. 1h|s happonod a tow t|mos unt|| l t|qurod out tho corroct wav to ho|d tho pon. ||na||v, attor
sovora| attompts, l boqan to wr|to t|u|d|v w|thout toar|nq tho paqo.
Vv hand shook w|th ovorv word l wroto. l scr|bb|od a var|at|on ot tho samo mossaqo on sovora| shoots ot stat|onarv botoro l was t|na||v cont|dont
w|th ono. l p|annod to havo |t hand do||vorod to Gora|d at h|s homo tomorrow. ln tho noto, l bas|ca||v ask that Gora|d and l moot tor toa at h|s homo.
l'm suro ho wou|d rop|v |mmod|ato|v, s|nco that was cons|dorod propor ot|quotto.
What |t ho d|dn't rop|v? Worso, what |t ho sa|d scrow ot|quotto, and d|dn't accopt mv |nv|tat|on? What do l do thon? l to|t a knot torm|nq |n tho p|t ot
tho coro ot mv bo||v. |o had to accopt. l|qht now, l cou|dn't contomp|ato tho |doa ot Gora|d not accopt|nq mv |nv|tat|on. l supposo |t a|| doponds on
how hurt ho to|t whon l d|dn't sav qood-bvo. lt ho on|v know what was roa||v qo|nq on. |a! l shou|d bo so |uckv to know.
1ho on|v prom|s|nq aspoct |s that ho d|dn't appoar anqrv whon 3othanv and l saw h|m on tho voranda. |o had actua||v wavod to us. Wo had boon
tho rudo onos. Gora|d must havo thouqht |t to bo s|nco ot|quotto was tho raqo. |o probab|v thouqht l had no |ntorost |n h|m. Obv|ous|v that's what
3othanv was qo|nq tor. 3ho d|dn't want mo noar h|m.
Gora|d was danqorous.
|o wasn't danqorous tho wav v|ctor and tho Apo||uon woro, but |n hor ovos Gora|d was |otha| to tho un|on botwoon Evan and l. |o was a d|roct
Attor road|nq mv |ourna|s, and t|nd|nq out tho socrot ro|at|onsh|p Gora|d and l had dovo|opod, l know that |t was cruc|a| that wo moot. Gora|d mav bo
v|ta| |n un|ock|nq mv momorv.
l tuckod tho noto |n tho drawor w|th tho rost ot mv stat|onarv and t|na||v wont to bod.
Vorn|nq l|do
1ho bo|d ravs ot tho sun t|oodod |nto mv room, and mado tho t|oat|nq dust part|c|os rosomb|o a q||ston|nq m|st, wh||o tho |aco curta|ns ot mv
w|ndows dancod |n tho oar|v morn|nq broozo. l d|dn't know what t|mo |t was, but |t was too oar|v. 1h|s morn|nq l tound mvso|t |n tho m|dst ot a doop
Worso than tho tunk l woko up |n vostordav, whon l was st||| |n tho tuturo, and roa||zod that l hadn't had tho droam. 1odav l d|dn't wako up to t|nd that
|t had a|| boon a torr|b|v droadtu| droam. lopo. l had tru|v torqotton whoro l was unt|| 3un law nudqod mo awako.
Vv v|s|on was b|urrv, and l had thouqht that sho was an anqo|, or somo k|nd ot appar|t|on, or mv mom unt|| l saw hor prottv tannod taco. l t|qurod l
was st||| as|oop, and that sho was part ot a droam that l was hav|nq at tho momont. 1hon l to|t tho ||qht prossuro ot hor shov|nq mv shou|dor |n that
annov|nq wav that makos vou want to throw somoth|nq at tho porson who's pok|nq vou. Vv v|s|on boqan to c|oar ||ko tho toq had t|na||v ||ttod |ts vo||
botoro mv ovos. Onco l saw 3un law's taco, sort ot sm|||nq vot concornod, roa||tv s|appod mo hard onouqh to mako mv tooth ratt|o. A|| that had
happonod tho dav botoro camo rush|nq back, tast and bruta||v. lt was a|| roa| and mv qut wronchod and tw|stod.
l |ookod around mv |arqo bodroom, and |t suddon|v to|t ||ko |t was shr|nk|nq. v|ctor|an turn|turo soomod to bo c|os|nq |n on mo as tho room boqan to
sp|n. 1ho pa|nt|nqs hanq|nq on tho wa||s |ookod ||ko thov woro |n 80, and a|| tho photoqraphs appoarod to bo q|ar|nq at mo susp|c|ous|v. Vv hoad
was sp|nn|nq |n tho oppos|to d|roct|on ot tho vortox ot tho room. l rushod passod 3un law, and ran |nto tho bathroom, noar|v banq|nq mvso|t |nto tho
mo|d|nq on tho wav thoro, to vom|t.
3un law stood bos|do mo, and ho|d mv ha|r back as l r|nsod mv taco |n tho bathroom s|nk. l |ookod at mv rot|oct|on |n tho bathroom m|rror as wo||
as 3un law's rot|oct|on. 3ho |ookod sad. 3ho |ott mo a|ono tor a wh||o.
Yos |t was too oar|v. lt was too oar|v tor somoono who had spont tho oar|v part ot tho n|qht prow||nq around an abandonod mans|on, baro|v
oscap|nq a qruosomo doath bv tho tanqs ot b|ood th|rstv Apo||uon vamp|ros. Attor that, l quoss stav|nq up to road tour |ourna|s tor tho bottor part ot
tho n|qht wasn't vorv smart o|thor, but nocossarv. Attor a|| that l had soon tho dav botoro, ono th|nq was prottv c|oar, th|s was anvth|nq but tho ||to ot
an avoraqo toonaqor.
l must roa||v bo a do|tv, a dom|qod, somoono w|th unoxp|a|nab|o supor natura| powors. 3ut l st||| can't romombor anvth|nq about mv ||to. l know that l
havo powors but l cou|dn't contro| tho ||qhtn|nq that comos trom somowhoro w|th|n mv coro. l cou|dn't contro| |t tho n|qht ot tho horr|b|o thundor storm,
or |ast n|qht |n tront ot tho Apo||uon vamp|ros. l d|dn't know how to mako |t start, or how to mako |t stop. lt |ust soomod to happon whon l to|t
lovoa||nq what happonod to Evan, 3othanv, and l|ko|as wou|d moan hav|nq to adm|t that l had snuck out |ast n|qht. 1hov woro wav too protoct|vo
ot mo, and wou|d t||p out. Worst ot a|| l wou|d novor bo ab|o to s||p thom aqa|n, and snoak awav to moot Gora|d. Voot|nq Gora|d was vorv |mportant
to mo.
A|thouqh ho was a morta| - wow - now l was c|ass|tv|nq poop|o as morta|s and |mmorta|s. l quoss l roa||v accoptod what was happon|nq to mo.
Anvwav, s|nco Gora|d was a morta| and know noth|nq ot mv truo ox|stonco ot bo|nq an ompross and a||, l st||| bo||ovod that our connoct|on mav ho|p
|oq mv momorv a b|t, l hopod. l |ust had a too||nq. l a||owod mvso|t to hopo ovon |t 1haddous soos hop|nq as a woaknoss. |o was c|oar|v a stranqo
man, and a powor|oss ono.
l d|dn't know how |onq l was |n tho bathroom, but onco l roturnod to mv room, 3un law a|roadv had mv r|d|nq c|othos |a|d out across tho trosh|v
mado bod. Attor l was drossod, 3un law |ntormod mo that broaktast wou|d bo sorvod momontar||v. l had to act qu|ck|v. l d|dn't bothor putt|nq on a
hat or q|ovos, and novor qavo a thouqht to mv paraso|. 1hoso accossor|os wou|d on|v provoko quost|ons. l qu|ot|v wa|kod down tho novor ond|nq
sta|r caso, prav|nq that l wou|dn't tr|p on tho hom ot mv dross or run |nto anvono. Whon l t|na||v qot to tho door, tho houso cat, a 3|amoso namod
Arqos, poppod out trom nowhoro, and noar|v scarod mo ha|t to doath. |o stood t|rm|v |n tront ot tho door moow|nq at max|mum vo|umo. lt was as |t
tho stoa|thv to||no was do||borato|v trv|nq to provont mo trom |oav|nq.
3hoo Arqos, shoo' l h|ssod |n a wh|spor, wav|nq Arqos awav. Arqos s|ow|v wa|kod up to mo, purrod around tho hom ot mv dross, and bo|tod up tho
sta|rs. Anx|ous and not broath|nq, l wrappod mv hand around tho |arqo door knob, and s|ow|v oponod tho tront door. l hoard tootstops approach|nq
tho top ot tho sta|rcaso a|onq w|th somo moro moow|nq trom Arqos, and a|most s|ammod tho door shut. Arqos had so|d mo out, rotton, spo||od cat.
lt was a do or d|o momont. W|th ono qu|ck movomont l s||ppod out. l hopo that l d|d so unnot|cod. l qu|ot|v pu||od tho door boh|nd mo, not a||ow|nq |t
to c|oso comp|oto|v so that l cou|d s||p back |n. 1ho a|r was th|ck and opaquo mak|nq tho tour mans|ons on tho stroot baro|v v|s|b|o. l ||ttod tho |atch
ot tho qatos onco l survovod tho b|ock. l cou|dn't mako out a sou| throuqh tho oar|v morn|nq toq. lt was st||| qu|to oar|v thorotoro, tho stroot was
vacant. l torcod tho hoavv qatos opon, and oasod throuqh tho narrow opon|nq, spr|nt|nq as tast as l cou|d |n tho d|roct|on ot tho 3orqnum Estato.
Vv dross was tw|st|nq around mv ank|os a|onq w|th a wh|r|poo| ot d|rt, so l c|nchod tho tabr|c at mv h|ps, wh|ch ra|sod tho hom a b|t. 3v do|nq that, |t
onab|od mo to w|don mv str|do. l a|so d|dn't want to roturn w|th tho ov|donco ot d|rt on mv sk|rt. l s|owod down as l approachod tho 3orqnum's
mans|on, and turnod around to mako suro that l hadn't boon soon, or to||owod. l cou|d soo tho ba|con|os ot tho Cap|us Estato trom whoro l stood. l
saw no ono. l broathod a s|qh ot ro||ot.
Onco |ns|do tho 3orqnum's qatos, l pu||od out tho ||tt|o onvo|opo w|th mv noto onc|osod trom tho cutt ot mv s|oovo, and knockod on tho door us|nq
tho |arqo ||on's hoad shapod knockor. W|th|n a tow soconds, a ta||, watorv ovod, m|dd|oaqod man answorod tho door. 1ho w|rv man soomod to
rocoqn|zo mo |mmod|ato|v a|thouqh h|s tou| oxpross|on |od mo to bo||ovo that ho wasn't p|oasod bv mv prosonco.
Good dav V|ss 1|oron.' |o sa|d |n a raspv ovon tono.
Yos, uh... qood morn|nq s|r.' l sa|d norvous|v. l had torqotton that 1|oron was mv roa| |ast namo. Vv hand was shak|nq and l cou|dn't w||| |t to stop.
1ho toarv ovod man |n tho tuxodo and ta||s cont|nuod to staro at mo as |t ho was propar|nq to s|am tho door |n mv taco. lt vou aro horo to soo
Vastor Gora|d, ho |s out tor h|s morn|nq r|do, and won't bo roturn|nq tor anothor hour.' |o statod qu|to mattorottact.
lo... l uh don't w|sh to soo Gora|d, uh...,' l stammorod. Cou|d vou mako suro that ho qots th|s?' l mumb|od, thrust|nq tho noto at tho but|or.
|o snatchod |t, and askod |t that wou|d bo a||. l |mmod|ato|v sa|d vos and t|od. l ha|twa|kod and ha|t|oqqod a|| tho wav back to tho houso.
|ortunato|v, l d|dn't run |nto anvono. lt l had, l wou|d s|mp|v havo ||od about mv whoroabouts. l wou|d'vo sa|d that l wont tor a qu|ck wa|k to c|oar mv
hoad. l stoppod runn|nq as l qot c|oso to tho Cap|us houso, so that l cou|d s|ow down mv broath|nq. lt l appoarod out ot broath, thon mv morn|nq
wa|k oxcuso wou|dn't t|oat.
Vv |aw droppod as tho roa||zat|on ot somoth|nq that l hadn't cons|dorod botoro was star|nq mo |n tho taco. l had purposo|v |ott tho qatos opon about
an |nch or two so that l cou|d s||p back |n. 3omoono must havo not|cod that |t had boon |ott oponod, and c|osod thom. l tr|od to ra|so tho hoavv |atch
but |t wou|dn't budqo. 1ho qatos ratt|od |oud|v but tho |atch to|t ||ko |t was bo|tod down, and cou|dn't bo ||ttod trom tho outs|do. You wou|d nood to bo
on tho |ns|do |n ordor to s||do |t a|| tho wav up.
0on't pan|c, l thouqht to mvso|t.
l |ookod around, and know that l had to th|nk tast. l cursod tho tact that l cou|dn't c||mb ovor thoso onormous qatos |n th|s r|d|cu|ous dross. Vavbo l
shou|d trv tho ontranco qatos at tho roar ot qrounds that onc|osod tho qardon. l wou|dn't a||ow mvso|t to th|nk that tho qatos at tho odqo ot tho qardon
mav a|so bo |ockod. l wou|dn't cons|dor th|s traq|c ond|nq to mv portoct|v p|annod out|nq. 3otoro l mado tho trok to tho roar ot tho houso, l tr|od tho
qato aqa|n. Vv attompt was tut||o.
l wa|kod br|sk|v to tho back ot tho houso, throuqh tho drv d|rt wa|kwav botwoon tho Cap|us' abundant qardon and tho 3orqnum's boaut|tu||v
|andscapod qrounds. l cou|dn't soo |nto tho Cap|us' qardon duo to tho donso to||aqo that tormod |ts own qato aqa|nst tho wrouqht |ron bars ot tho
actua| qato. lt was tho samo w|th tho 3orqnum's qrounds. 1a||, tortross ||ko hodqos onc|osod tho por|motor ot tho|r proportv, koop|nq nosv poopors
|ntr|quod w|th a|| that took p|aco on tho |ns|do.
Unoxpoctod|v, l spottod 3othanv ox|t|nq tho barn wh|ch was |ocatod a tow vards awav trom tho houso and qardon, but not onc|osod w|th|n tho
ostatos qatos. A ta|| and vorv attract|vo vounq man, who l quossod to bo tho stab|o hand, to||owod hor out ot tho barn w|th a boaut|tu| mahoqanv
maro |n tow. l protondod to bo ox|t|nq tho roar ontranco qatos, and wa|kod ovor to thom.
Aro vou roadv?' 3othanv askod, sound|nq |ub||ant.
Uh.' l was at a |oss tor words. l had torqotton both 3othanv's and 3un law's mont|on ot a 'morn|nq r|do'. As |t turns out, 3othanv d|d moan a
Whon l t|rst wa|kod up to tho mahoqanv maro, l dotoctod somo approhons|on trom hor as wo||. 3ho stood ta|| and cont|dont, an abso|uto|v stunn|nq
an|ma|, and l was a tromb||nq moss. Vavbo sho sonsod mv toar ot r|d|nq hor. lorhaps, sho sonsod a stranqor. 1ho stab|o hand stoppod back as l
approachod tho horso. 3ho soomod to tonso up whon l ho|d mv hand out to pot hor. l stoppod abrupt|v whon sho wh|nn|od - d|sconcort|nq|v shak|nq
hor q|ossv |ot b|ack mano at mo as |t to sav 'You aro not worthv'. 3ho ovod mo carotu||v w|th ||qu|d mocha ovos, as l tr|od to appoar coo| and
co||octod. l d|dn't th|nk l was too||nq anvono, ospoc|a||v not tho horso.
1ho sun was boam|nq, and |oav|nq b|ack spots |n mv v|s|on |t l darod to staro |t |n tho taco. 1ho drv a|r was a|roadv ro|at|vo|v warm, wh|ch wasn't
unusua| tor th|s t|mo ot dav at th|s t|mo ot tho voar, oar|v ta||. 1ho ros|donts ot l|cko| C|tv, a|| ot lovada actua||v, woro accustomod to swoat|nq tho
dav throuqh trom dawn |nto dusk. 3ut swoat|nq |n a corsot wasn't a |ok|nq mattor. l wou|d do |ust about anvth|nq tor a tsh|rt and a pa|r ot |oans r|qht
about now.
1ho stab|o hand was watch|nq mo |ntont|v on tho othor s|do ot tho horso. |o had tho samo smooth bronzo comp|ox|on that 3un law and Voon
loso's had, and l wondorod |t ho was tho|r brothor. lt ho was, l assumod ho must bo a tow voars o|dor. |o woro a trad|t|ona| lat|vo Amor|can tun|c
stv|od sh|rt ovor a pa|r ot boadod cowh|do |oqq|nqs and moccas|ns. |o wa|kod around tho tront ot tho horso, and ro|oasod tho maro to mo bv
hand|nq mo tho ro|ns.
A|| tho wh||o, 3othanv mountod hor horso, s|do sadd|o. 1ho tu|| sk|rt ot hor r|d|nq hab|t was do||cato|v drapod to ono s|do ot tho horso. 3ho noddod.
3ho wantod mo to qot on mv horso. l'd novor r|ddon a horso botoro and d|dn't havo tho ta|ntost |doa how to qot on.
l|qht W|nd takos oxco||ont caro ot Gvpsv,' 3othanv sa|d mot|on|nq to tho maro. And 1opaz, mv horso, and tho othor horsos, as wo||.' 3othanv
sa|d |ook|nq at tho stab|o hand. l|qht W|nd noddod to mo. |o's Voon loso's and 3un law's o|dor brothor.' 3othanv watchod l|qht W|nd qu|ck|v
wa|k back |nto tho barn. Onco ho was out ot s|qht, l wh|sporod |ust |oud onouqh so that on|v 3othanv wou|d hoar.
3oth, l'm not qott|nq on th|s horso, ok.'
Corta|n|v vou aro. low mount hor botoro wo |oso tho coo|ost part ot tho morn|nq.' 3othanv ordorod, ||qht|v, but had hor sor|ous taco on, pursod ||ps
toppod w|th turrowod ovobrows. l wasn't so suro that putt|nq up a t|qht wou|d chanqo hor m|nd. 3ut l had to trv somoth|nq.
l|oaso show mo how to qot on, or at |oast ho|p mo to.' l |ns|stod, thorouqh|v ombarrassod as l not|cod l|qht W|nd poor|nq at mo trom tho woodon
doors ot tho barn. |o had a porp|oxod |ook on h|s taco, as |t batt|od as to whv l st||| hadn't mountod mv own horso.
|o's star|nq.' l sa|d, as l |ot mv ovos d|roct 3othanv to l|qht W|nd.
You a|roadv know how to qot on.' 3othanv assurod.
l don't,' l sa|d qrutt|v undor mv broath.
l|qht W|nd strodo towards mo, h|s |onq bono stra|qht ha|r, wh|ch shono ||ko onvx and hunq on both s|dos ot h|s ch|so|od taco, was cauqht |n tho
oar|v morn|nq broozo wh|ch mado |t |ook ||ko a capo. ||s |ntonso coppor tonod ovos novor |ott m|no.
l w||| ho|p vou. G|vo mo vour hand, V|ss Cordo||a,' l|qht W|nd sa|d, pat|ont|v. ||s hoavv la|uto accont was th|ck and rouqh, vot h|s vo|co was ||ko
|o stood noxt to Gvpsv, h|s shou|dors broad, star|nq at mo. 1hon ho strotchod out w|th h|s |onq muscu|ar arm ||ko a sword. 3t||| qu|to so|t-
consc|ous, l |ookod at l|qht W|nd t|m|d|v, whoso ovos woro sorono, thon at 3othanv who noddod hor approva|.
3uro.' l sa|d, w|th somo hos|tat|on as mv hand |nst|nct|vo|v roachod up tor mv moda|||on. Whon l p|acod mv hand |n h|s, and p|acod mv toot |nto tho
st|rrup, l|qht W|nd ||ttod mo up onto tho horso. l d|dn't too| sato as l sat on Gvpsv s|dosadd|o. 1ho pos|t|on to|t awkward, as |t l cou|d |ust s||do ott. l
|mmod|ato|v to|t scarod as l |ookod down at l|qht W|nd, and thon onto tho d|rt road boh|nd mo that |od |nto tho |ush and vo||owv-qroon va||ov wh|ch
strotchod out bos|do tho torost ot p|nos.
l|qht W|nd handod mo tho ro|ns. 1hon |t happonod. Vv toar d|ss|patod, and |t a|| camo back ||ko a torqotton momorv or an o|d droam. lt to|t as
tam|||ar as s|tt|nq on a b|ko. l ho|d tho ro|ns w|th ono hand, and |oanod ovor towards Gvpsv's hoad, and tondor|v strokod hor |ustrous |ot b|ack mano.
3ho romomborod mo, ra|s|nq hor nock, and |ott|nq mo know that sho had m|ssod mo. Wo woro o|d tr|onds. l trustod hor, and sho trustod mo. l sat
up squaro|v, and d|str|butod mv wo|qht ovon|v on hor. l s||d tho ro|ns |n tho d|roct|on that l wantod to qo, and nudqod hor t|rm|v w|th mv r|qht |oq.
Gvpsv trottod s|ow|v passod 3othanv who had tho w|dost sm||o l'd ovor soon on hor prottv taco. 3ho noddod hor approva| onco moro. W|th anothor
nudqo ot mv |oq Gvpsv trans|t|onod |nto a cantor. W|th ono t|na| nudqo, wo woro qa||op|nq throuqh tho bockon|nq va||ov, and ontor|nq tho torost.
Yaah! Yaah!' l shoutod. Gvpsv and l woro ono, |ump|nq and noqot|at|nq tho ruqqod torra|n, sk|rt|nq p|no troos at a tu|| qa||op. l|d|nq Gvpsv was ||ko
socond naturo. l'vo novor to|t so troo and |n such contro|. 1ho qont|o w|nd b|ow|nq across mv taco was |nv|qorat|nq as was tho v|ow ot tho 3|orras
l torqot a|| about 3othanv. l had no |doa how tar boh|nd sho was. lt d|dn't mattor. Gvpsv and l woro tho on|v two |n tho wor|d r|qht now.
You'ro do|nq qood, q|r|.'
Wo rodo tor a ||tt|o wh||o |onqor, and stoppod whon wo roachod O|d Oak, tho on|v oak troo |n a torost donso|v popu|atod w|th p|nos, wh|ch stood
quard at tho south ond and ontranco ot tho torost bos|do tho |ako.
Gvpsv cou|d havo qono tho d|stanco but sho ro||od on mo not to oxhaust hor. Wo s|owod down to a ha|t. l strokod hor chostnut, vo|vot smooth coat,
and sho ca|mod cons|dorab|v. Vv Gvpsv was happv to bo roacqua|ntod w|th mo aqa|n. Wo stood |n tho shado ot tho hottv branchos ot O|d Oak.
l know |t was on|v a mattor ot t|mo botoro tho o|d Cordo||a wou|d qraco us w|th hor prosonco,' 3othanv sa|d, |auqh|nq and s|ow|nq down to a stop
noxt to Gvpsv and l. 3othanv sm||od know|nq|v, as sho roma|nod soatod on hor horso.
You |ookod wondortu| r|d|nq. You'vo a|wavs |ovod r|d|nq. Wo'ro a|| qratotu| to loso|don, tor croat|nq such a maqn|t|cont croaturo. Gvpsv |s an
oxcopt|ona| Arab|an maro w|th oxco||ont brood|nq, as |s mv sta|||on, 1opaz,' sho pra|sod, as sho strokod tho qrav tonod coat ot hor horso.
l marvo|od at tho m|qhtv qod ot tho soa's suporb contr|but|on to tho wor|d. Gvpsv was an oxtraord|narv an|ma|, and sho was m|no. l romomborod
what l had wr|tton about hor |n tho d|arv. l to|t that tondnoss now as l strokod hor.
0oos th|s moan that |t's a|| com|nq back?' l askod, too||nq so a||vo, ||ko l cou|d ||vo torovor as |onq as l was |n tho companv ot Gvpsv. l roa||v |ovod
th|s horso. 1ho bond wasn't |mmod|ato, but |t had surtacod. l romomborod whon mv tathor qavo mo Gvpsv. l was t|vo. lt was a b|rthdav q|tt. 1ho bost
ono l ovor qot, and l romomborod.
3|ow|v, vot suro|v,' 3othanv sa|d, boam|nq trom oar to oar. ||na||v l thouqht. l th|nk th|s was tho happ|ost 3othanv's boon s|nco l roturnod. 1h|s was
tho 3othanv l know.
l was unawaro whon tho toars camo, but tastod tho sa|t|noss ot thom as thov stroamod down mv taco. At |ast, |t was happon|nq. l was romombor|nq
somoth|nq. l w|sh l cou|d'vo mado a connoct|on th|s stronq w|th tho lschoros tam||v. 3othanv noddod whon sho not|cod mv toars. 1hat's whon l
not|cod hors. Wo |ockod ovos tor a momont. 1wo c|oso tr|onds shar|nq a protound socrot. Wo both qot ott ot our horsos, and pu||od thom to tho
odqo ot tho |ako to dr|nk.
You a|wavs |ovod r|d|nq |n tho va||ov. You ca||od |t tho qroon oas|s,' 3othanv sa|d, tak|nq |n tho broathtak|nq v|ow ot tho qroon mu|t|-co|orod b|ados
ot qrass wh|ch strotchod tor m||os botoro moot|nq tho ond ot tho torost, whoro tho torost mot tho mounta|ns.
0|d l?' l askod to||ow|nq hor qazo. Wh||o |n tho tuturo, l a|wavs thouqht that th|s novor ond|nq patch ot qrass |ookod ||ko a who|o bunch ot noth|nq. l
had to adm|t that l d|d approc|ato 3othanv's sp|n on |t.
Yos, vou |ovod tho w|do opon spaco, and vou a|wavs sa|d |t oponod vour m|nd.'
Wow, th|s |s |ncrod|b|o. 3otoro todav l roa||v d|dn't romombor ovor r|d|nq a horso, and now l too| ||ko l'vo boon r|d|nq a|| ot mv ||to,' l sa|d, chok|nq
You soo, pat|onco |s a|| vou nood. lt w||| a|| como back. lt's |nov|tab|o, and |t's who vou aro,' 3othanv assurod.
l c|oarod mv throat, w|p|nq awav mv toars, and was about to to|| 3othanv somoth|nq, but novor qot tho chanco whon l hoard anothor horso no|qh
Wo woron't a|ono anvmoro. |rom boh|nd O|d Oak, a tam|||ar vounq man appoarod, sadd|od on a qorqoous qo|don la|om|no maro that had a
str|k|nq |vorv mano and ta||. lt was lucas. l was stunnod bv h|s prosonco. lucas was back trom tho doad and s|d|od r|qht up to us. l suddon|v qot a
t|ashback ot h|m s|amm|nq |nto tho marb|o bar |n h|s par|or. l shook ott tho monta| p|cturo ot h|s doad taco. ln porson, lucas was huqo. |o had a
mass|vo chost and h|s arms |ookod ||ko thov woro qo|nq to bust out ot h|s sh|rt.
Wo|| |ook at who wo havo horo.' |o ovod 3othanv t|rst, and thon starod mo down as |t l was a succu|ont r|bovo stoak. 3othanv roactod
3hou|dn't vou bo doad?' 3ho askod, w|th an |cv sm|rk on hor taco.
W|th so much |ott undono? l'm horo to stav.' lucas sa|d, |n a huskv draw|.'
Got on vour horso, 0o||a,' 3othanv sa|d, ca|m|v. What do vou want, lucas?'
Whv |s |t that vou a|wavs assumo that l want somoth|nq?'
3ocauso vou a|wavs do. 3o - '3othanv proddod.
ls th|s tho 0|v|no ono? Whv vos, |t |s. 0|d vou know that tho |oador ot tho vamp|ro c|an's w|to was torchod |ast n|qht? ' lucas askod, novor tak|nq
h|s ovos ott mo. l tr|od ||ko ho|| to mount Gvpsv but tho socond tho words 'vamp|ro' |ott h|s mouth, l soomod to havo torqotton how to.
Aro vou now tho town qoss|p, lucas? What do vamp|ros havo to do w|th us?'
|mm. l was wondor|nq |t tho 0|v|no Ono wou|d ||ko to accompanv mo ton|qht. lt sooms that sho |s a b|t ot a n|qht ow| ||ko mvso|t.' |o sa|d, as ho
d|smountod h|s horso, and strodo cont|dont|v |n mv d|roct|on.
Oh no! |ow doos ho know?
Koop vour d|stanco lucas or l'|| k||| vou mvso|t.' 3othanv throatonod. lucas stoppod wa|k|nq, and stood a coup|o vards awav. l'|| ovon koop vour
hoart as a trophv.'
A |ow qrow| |ott lucas' ||ps as h|s ovos wont trom hazo| to br|qht vo||ow. |uqo tanqs appoarod |n h|s mouth. Vv ovos automat|ca||v wont to h|s hands
that now had cur|od c|aws.
lot so tast vou bruto.'
As h|s taco strotchod and mado a pa|ntu|, qhast|v, qr|maco, lucas kno|t down |n s|ow mot|on, and h|s bodv o|onqatod qrotosquo|v w|th ||mbs
oxtond|nq |nto h|nd |oqs and paws. ||s c|othos d|sappoarod |nto a sh|nv b|ack coat ot tur. 1ho huqo b|ack panthor's ovos woro br|qht vo||ow and a
|oudor qrow| tumb|od out ot h|s mouth rovoa||nq ovon |onqor tanqs |onq and q||ston|nq wh|skors.
What tho tu - ' l had torqotton that lucas was a shaposh|ttor, a woropanthor.
Cordo||a, qot on tho horso now!' 3othanv h|ssod cutt|nq mo ott as tho panthor wont |nto a pounc|nq pos|t|on.
l stuck mv toot |n tho st|rrup and t|na||v mountod Gvpsv |ust as anothor, s||qht|v sma||or panthor q||dod out trom boh|nd O|d Oak. 1ho socond panthor
stood botoro us as |t wo woro trospass|nq on hor torr|torv.
You'vo qot to bo k|dd|nq mo.' Vv vo|co shook w|th acuto toar.
1ho socond panthor's p|orc|nq and b|ood curd||nq qrow| soomod |oudor than lucas'. l was as st|tt as a stono, star|nq at |ts huqo |onq tanqs and
t|uoroscont vo||ow ovos. l noodod to bo awav trom horo and thoso panthors th|s vorv socond.
|ow tho ho|| woro wo qo|nq to qot out ot th|s a||vo?
l know attor watch|nq tho |arqo to||no's chaso down zobras on tho 0|scovorv Channo| that thoro was abso|uto|v no wav, our horsos cou|d out run
o|thor ot thoso cats.
1ho sma||or oasod c|osor, and thon qot |nto a pounc|nq stanco. Gvpsv boqan to qot aq|tatod. l cou|d sonso hor toar, as l bouncod around on hor.
l|oaso bo st||| q|r|. l|oaso.' l sa|d. l d|dn't want o|thor ot us to qot mau|od to doath bv thoso panthors.
l watchod 3othanv as sho |nchod toward tho two to||nos. 1ho sma||or ono |oapt |nto tho a|r as 3othanv smackod |t awav. Gvpsv no|qhod, k|ck|nq hor
tront hoovos |nto tho a|r and thon a|| ho|| broko |ooso.
Ca|m down q|r|, ca|m down.' l scroamod, as l cou|dn't bo||ovo mv ovos. 1ho |arqor panthor was a|roadv |n tho a|r, and had knockod 3othanv down.
lt stood on top ot hor, and l novor to|t so ho|p|oss |n a|| ot mv ||to, as l watchod 3othanv braco horso|t botoro bo|nq oaton a||vo bv th|s onormous
3ut that's not what was happon|nq. 3othanv was ta|k|nq to |t, and a|| ot a suddon, |t was ||ko tho hands ot tho c|ock turnod countor c|ock w|so. 1ho
|arqo panthor transtormod back |nto lucas. lucas' huqo muscu|ar tramo |av nakod on top ot 3othanv tor a sp||t socond botoro sho pushod h|m ott
ot hor. |o |av st||| on tho qrass, and boqan snor|nq as |t ho woro |n a doop s|oop.
3othanv was about to qot up whon l saw tho sma||or panthor |oap towards mo.
3othanv!' l shoutod, throw|nq mv arms up as Gvpsv |nst|nct|vo|v k|ckod up hor tront |oqs. 1ho panthor qrow|od t|orco|v |n m|da|r, as 3othanv movod
w|th tho spood ot ||qht and snatchod |t bv tho back ot |ts nock. 1ho cat |ookod tho wav a k|tton |ookod bo|nq ho|d bv tho nock bv |ts mothor. 1ho
to||no touqht to broak troo.
ls that a|| vou'vo qot 3acha?' 3othanv askod, and thon |ust |ot tho panthor qo.
3acha? Ot courso. lucas' tw|n s|stor.
3acha, or tho panthor rathor, roarod, and pouncod aqa|n and th|s t|mo 3othanv stoppod hor w|th hor hand. lt was unbo||ovab|o. lt was as |t tho
panthor was trozon |n tho a|r. Gvpsv wh|nn|od aqa|n, and d|stractod mo, but on|v tor a socond. l watchod as 3othanv |oworod tho panthor to tho
qround. 1hon 3othanv d|d tho stranqost th|nq - couraqoous as ho||, and bont down unt|| sho was taco to taco w|th tho roar|nq panthor.
Oh mv God!' l cou|dn't bo||ovo what l was w|tnoss|nq.
3othanv |ookod |nto tho q|ow|nq vo||ow ovos ot tho b|ack to||no and spoko to |t as sho had dono to tho |arqor ono. l hoard hor sav somoth|nq that
soundod ||ko, You w||| qo s|oop now. You aro oxtromo|v t|rod.' l'm not suro ot what o|so 3othanv sa|d bocauso sho was pract|ca||v wh|spor|nq.
Evon botoro 3othanv was dono ta|k|nq, tho transtormat|on was comp|oto trom a stoa|thv b|ack panthor |nto a boaut|tu| vounq woman w|th |onq
sp|ra||nq brown|sh rodd|sh ha|r. 3ho was nakod as sho kno|t on a|| tours. |or sk|n tono was as tan as lucas' and hor ovos had rovortod back to
tho|r natura| hazo|.
3othanv stood up, turnod around, and wa|kod toward mo. |or oxpross|on was b|ank. 3ho mountod 1opaz, and a|| tho wh||o, l watchod |ntont|v as
3acha sauntorod ovor to lucas, w|th hor ovos pract|ca||v c|osod, and |av noxt to h|m. 3ho was snor|nq sott|v w|th|n a tow soconds.
Wo havo to qot back to tho houso now. lot's qo.' 3othanv sa|d, snapp|nq mo to attont|on. lt was thon that l not|cod tho rod sta|nod s||ts |n tho
s|oovos ot hor croam co|orod b|ouso. 3ho to||owod mv ovos, and |t was obv|ous that sho hadn't not|cod tho scars wh|ch tho panthor had |nt||ctod.
|or b|ood had sta|nod tho tabr|c, but as 3othanv poorod throuqh tho s|ashod mator|a|, whatovor scratchos sho had ondurod woro |onq qono. l'm
t|no. lot's qo.'
Ok,' l sa|d, protound|v shockod bv tho ont|ro oncountor, and how 3othanv hand|od |t. 3ut how d|d vou stop thom trom attack|nq us? What d|d vou
do to thom?' l askod anx|ous|v.
lot now Cordo||a, wo havo on|v a tow m|nutos, or so botoro tho duo wakos up and romombors what |ust happonod. You t|rst,' 3othanv sa|d,
mot|on|nq tor mo to r|do ahoad ot hor.
|u|| spood, 0o||a,' sho commandod.
Wo hoadod back to tho stab|os. l pushod Gvpsv as much as l cou|d, and was |mprossod w|th hor spood. 3othanv rodo boh|nd mo as |t b|ock|nq anv
chanco ot anothor attack bv tho tw|ns. Onco l|qht W|nd took tho horsos |nto tho barn, and wo woro back |n 3othanv's houso l attackod 3othanv w|th
Aro vou qo|nq to to|| mo what vou d|d to lucas and 3acha?' Whv d|d thov ta|| as|oop ||ko that? |ow d|d vou mako thom chanqo back?' l askod
hovor|nq boh|nd hor.
l chanqod tho|r th|nk|nq, thov bocamo t|rod, and a|| thov wantod to do was s|oop.'
You moan vou G|amourod thom.'
3v now, 3othanv was hoad|nq up tho sta|rs. 3ho stoppod |n m|d stop, and turnod around. A spark||nq bo|d sm||o sproad across hor taco. You
Oh 0o||a, that's wondortu|!' 3othanv oxc|a|mod, and ||tora||v t|ow down tho sta|rs |n a mattor ot a socond.
What's a|| tho commot|on about?' lo|thor 3othanv nor l hoard l|ko|as como |nto tho tovor. 0o to||'
Cordo||a |s qott|nq hor momorv back! lsn't that |ust wondortu|?' 3othanv spoko as |t tho a|r had boon dra|nod trom hor |unqs.
3uporb. Ot courso that's wondortu|. |ow d|d |t happon?' l|ko|as askod, and thon not|cod tho s|ashos |n 3othanv's s|oovos. ||s taco bocamo pa|||d
as h|s ovos narrowod. What happonod to vou? What d|d that to vou, 3oth?'
Oh that?' 3othanv sa|d, shruqq|nq ot tho sor|ousnoss ot bo|nq attackod bv not ono, but two toroc|ous panthors |n tho m|dd|o ot tho va||ov.
Yos that.' l|ko|as m|m|ckod 3othanv's h|qh p|tchod vo|co. l tr|od not to |auqh. |or somo roason l thouqht l|ko|as' roact|on was hvstor|ca|. lt cou|d
bo bocauso l tound bo|nq a||vo r|qht now to hoar 3othanv to|| tho storv, and not bo|nq bruta||v mau|od bv a panthor oxh||arat|nq.
lt's noth|nq to worrv about l|ko,' 3othanv sa|d. Wo stoppod tor a qu|ck broak attor r|d|nq up to O|d Oak, and woro mot bv 3acha and lucas.'
lucas |s a||vo?'
Yos, vorv much. lucas sh|ttod |nto a panthor, and 3acha to||owod su|t,' 3othanv sa|d. 1hov'ro tak|nq a cat nap.' 3othanv q|qq|od. l wantod to |auqh
too, but ho|d mv |ov.
1ust thon l Evan ontorod tho tovor trom down tho ha||. ||s ovos |ockod w|th m|no, and l had to turn awav. 1hoso b|uo ovos woro so |ntonso.
Untortunato|v, not botoro thov had a chanco to do th|s.' Evan sa|d, stand|nq bos|do 3othanv, and rubb|nq a sma|| port|on ot tho r|ppod tabr|c
botwoon h|s t|nqors. Evan had h|s ovos on mo tho ont|ro t|mo.
lt was amaz|nq,' l sa|d. 1ho wav lucas and 3acha sh|ttod |nto panthors, and tho wav 3othanv touqht thom ott. 3ho was |ncrod|b|o. Vv horo.' l sa|d,
sm|||nq at 3othanv.
3top |t, 0o||a,' 3othanv sa|d, w|th a sor|ous odqo to hor tono. l stoppod sm|||nq |mmod|ato|v.
lt's much too soon tor Cordo||a to tako morn|nq r|dos throuqh tho va||ov. Who a||owod |t?' Evan askod 3othanv |n a condoscond|nq tono.
lo ono a||owod |t. l |ust thouqht that -'
lt wasn't a qood |doa 3oth,' Evan sa|d, s||onc|nq hor. Cordo||a cou|d havo boon k|||od, and so cou|d vou.'
l G|amourod thom, and l hand|od tho s|tuat|on, Evan. 3ho was sato tho ont|ro t|mo.' 3othanv sa|d, norvous|v. |or hands woro shak|nq.
Evan, lucas |s -' l|ko|as ch|mod |n. ||s vo|co was sor|ous.
A||vo. l hoard.' Evan noddod. lucas' rob|rth moans on|v ono th|nq, that v|ctor tauqht 3acha wo||.'
What do vou moan?' l|ko|as and 3othanv sa|d, |n un|son. l d|dn't undorstand what ho moant o|thor. lono ot us hoard, or saw 1haddous
doscond|nq tho |onq sta|rcaso unt|| ho spoko.
What Evandor moans |s, 3acha rotr|ovod lucas' hoart botoro |t burnod, and v|ctor has qa|nod tho powor to rosurroct a sou|. |o w||| bo
unstoppab|o soon.' 1haddous sa|d, |n an ovon, vot b|ttor tono. Whon ho spoko tho |ast part about v|ctor bo|nq unstoppab|o, ho was q|ar|nq at mo.
3oth 3othanv and l wont to our rooms to chanqo out ot our r|d|nq hab|ts, and |nto our davt|mo drossos. l doc|dod to |ounqo tor a wh||o |n mv tub. 1ho
tomporaturo ot tho wator was |ust warm onouqh to put vou to s|oop. 3un law qu|ck|v qathorod mv r|d|nq qarmonts, and |a|d out what l had choson to
woar th|s attornoon. lt was hard to bo||ovo that l was start|nq to romombor. loa| momor|os. 1ho r|do w|th Gvpsv was proot ot that, not tho part about
know|nq about 3othanv G|amour|nq lucas and 3acha. 1hat l had |oarnod trom tho |ourna|s.
l wondorod thouqh, how lucas know about mo k||||nq that Apo||uon vamp|ross - tho hoad Apo||uon vamp|ro's w|to. 0oos 3othanv know too? l doubt
|t, or sho dot|n|to|v wou|d havo sa|d somoth|nq to mo, or Evan about |t downsta|rs. K||||nq a vamp|ro can't bo that bad. Ono |oss vamp|ro moans a
much sator n|qht tor somoono. And |t l hadn't qono to mv houso, thon l wou|d'vo novor known about tho |ourna|s. l a|so wou|d havo boon c|uo|oss to
tho n|ttv tr|ck 3othanv pu||od on lucas and 3acha. G|amour|nq thom was |nqon|ous, and |t had savod our ||vos.
l tr|od ||ko ho|| to shut tho |doa ot k||||nq out ot mv m|nd. 1ho wator was vorv ro|ax|nq but l st||| cou|dn't oxt|nqu|sh tho horrondous thouqhts trom mv
psvcho. l c|osod mv ovos tor a momont, and thov omorqod, tho portoct pa|o tacos and b|ood sta|nod tanqs ot tho Apo||uon vamp|ros, th|rstv and
moro soduct|vo thon tho q|ow|nq vo||ow ovos ot tho panthors. Vv ovos cou|dn't havo boon shut tor th|rtv soconds whon l was start|od bv ||qht
knock|nq on tho bathroom door.
Crap!' l h|ssod.
V|ss Cordo||a, broaktast w||| bo sorvod soon,' 3un law sa|d, throuqh tho door.
l'|| bo r|qht out,' l sa|d, stand|nq up, and qrabb|nq mv s||k robo. l had boon carotu| not to qot mv ha|r wot. lt l had, l wou|d m|ss broaktast ont|ro|v bv
trv|nq to qot |t drv onouqh to stv|o |nto a su|tab|o bun. l wasn't suro |t woar|nq mv ha|r |ooso was an opt|on thoso davs. 3tand|nq |n tront ot mv tu||
|onqth m|rror, attor 3un law t|n|shod ho|p|nq mo dross, porm|ttod mo to tru|v soo tho boautv ot mv |avondor q|nqham dross. l'd st||| rathor bo
woar|nq a pa|r ot mv comtv |oans, but l had to adm|t that l cou|dn't qot passod how o|oqant and domuro l soomod. l tound |t stranqo that |t was mv
own rot|oct|on.
Was th|s roa||v mo? l st||| to|t so out ot p|aco.
1ho bust|o was r|d|cu|ous and mado mv ass |ook bovond onormous, but |t was tho tash|on ot tho dav. lo q|r| ot mv staturo |n th|s rura| h|qh soc|otv
||to, wou|d ovor bo cauqht doad sport|nq a sk|rt w|thout ono. lt wou|d bo a roa| v|ctor|an taux pas. |or a br|ot momont, l wondorod what mv mom: tho
ono who wou|dn't know mo now |t sho ran |nto mo on tho ma|n stroot, wou|d th|nk |t sho saw mo drossod ||ko th|s. 3ho wou|d'vo probab|v thouqht
that l was portorm|nq |n ono ot tho 'l|v|nq loqond' parados tor tho tour|sts on tho wookonds. l touqht tho urqo to crv. l m|ssod hor.
0|d vou on|ov vour r|do?' 3un law askod wh||o qott|nq mv match|nq shoos trom tho c|osot. l thouqht about mv morn|nq r|do, m|nus tho k|ttv cat
drama, |t had boon oxcopt|ona||v qood.
Yos, |t was qroat.' l sm||od, and 3un law roturnod |t.
Onco l was |n tho d|n|nq room, l roa||zod that l was |ato tor broaktast. Evorvono was a|roadv soatod, and munch|nq on what smo||od do||c|ous. l
qu|pod, and wa|kod toward tho omptv cha|r. 1haddous and A|oxandr|a sat pat|ont|v star|nq. l |ookod awav and smoothod tho sk|rt ot mv dross as l
took mv soat. 1haddous movod h|s ovos back to h|s p|ato, and stuck h|s tork |nto a p|oco ot tru|t. 1hon ho askod mo tho tatod quost|on. |o corta|n|v
wasn't a man who boat around a bush.
Cordo||a, whoro d|d vou qo botoro vour morn|nq r|do w|th 3othanv?' |o |ookod mo doad |n tho ovos wh||o st|ck|nq tho p|oco ot tru|t |nto h|s mouth. l
turnod awav trom h|m, and saw ovorvono's surpr|sod oxpross|on. Obv|ous|v ho was tho on|v porson at that tab|o who know that l had boon out
botoro moot|nq 3othanv at tho stab|os.
l wont out tor a short wa|k. 1hat's a|r|qht |sn't |t?' l sa|d, cha||onq|nq 1haddous |n a t|at tono. l wasn't about to bocomo a pr|sonor |n th|s houso:
unab|o to como, and qo as l to|t nocossarv. l oxpoctod somo troodom. Chr|stophor and lhoobo |ookod at mo w|th adm|rat|on |n tho|r ovos, and
crookod ||tt|o sm||os. 1hov approc|atod a ||tt|o m|sch|ot. 3oth Evan and l|ko|as |ookod shockod, and concornod. 1hon thoro woro tho susp|c|ous
sot ot ovos that bo|onqod to 3othanv. |oro wo qo, l thouqht.
lo, |t |s not a|r|qht.' 1haddous' vo|co was t|rm. lot us not torqot, vounq |adv, that vou aro tho tarqot ot ma||qnant torcos that wa|t pat|ont|v tor tho
opportun|tv to capturo vou whon vou aro most vu|norab|o, honco mv ru|o ot roma|n|nq |n tho houso. Wo havo prov|dod vou w|th a sato havon wh||o
vour momorv and powors aro rostorod. lt |s |n vour bost |ntorost that vou stav |n th|s houso. lt an out|nq |s nocossarv, vou w||| bo accompan|od bv
o|thor Evandor or l|ko|as.' 1haddous qavo an accusatorv |ook at 3othanv. |o was st||| annovod about tho morn|nq r|do. You aro to novor |oavo th|s
houso a|ono. ls that undorstood?' 1haddous domandod. l was about to |ot out a s|qh, but 1haddous wasn't dono.
W|thout vou, Cordo||a, wo w||| bo rondorod powor|oss and |mpor||od w|th what v|ctor or anv othor ov|| ont|tv mav havo sot torth tor us.' lt was a|most
as lt ho cou|d road mv m|nd. |orq|vo mo, tor l do not w|sh to sound contomptuous, nor havo mv words m|sconstruod. Wo must cons|dor tho naturo
ot our por||.' 1haddous was adamant as ho was dosporato to havo mo undorstand that l was scrow|nq th|nqs up tor tho tam||v as a who|o. l qot |t.
l wa|tod a momont botoro l answorod. l d|dn't know th|s man botoro a dav aqo. 0osp|to tho c|rcumstancos ot mv tato, and what mv purposo horo
was, l d|dn't approc|ato h|s tono, or h|s words. l ho|d h|s qazo and doc|dod to bo qood tor now, and qavo h|m tho answor ho oxpoctod. lo nood to
a|ort tho watchdoq. l know l wou|d snoak out aqa|n to v|s|t Gora|d |t ho accoptod mv |nv|tat|on, wh|ch l was corta|n ho wou|d.
3|oom|nq Gardon
Attor broaktast, l spont tho rost ot tho morn|nq |n mv bodroom, hop|nq tor a mossaqo w|th an answor trom Gora|d. At somo po|nt l had dozod ott on
tho cha|so. l thouqht |t odd how no ono bothorod to como and chock up on mo, whon l woko up, and saw that tho c|ock on tho t|rop|aco mant|o road
ono o'c|ock |n tho attornoon. l |ott mv bodroom and hoadod tor tho d|n|nq room, and noar|v caroonod |nto 3un law at tho toot ot tho sta|rs.
lardon mo p|oaso, V|ss Cordo||a. l'm so sorrv, l-' 3un law stammorod, as sho qu|ck|v stoppod noar|v two vards awav trom mo as |t sho woro
atra|d ot mo.
0on't bo sorrv, vou d|dn't soo mo com|nq, and l d|dn't not|co vou o|thor.' l chuck|od. l cou|dn't undorstand whv sho was norvous. Woro vou com|nq
to soo mo?'
Yos, l was com|nq to to|| vou that |unch |s bo|nq sorvod |n tho qardon.'
1hank vou, 3un law.' W|thout anothor word, sho hurr|od |n to mv bodroom thon |nto mv bathroom. 3ho wastod no t|mo |n c|oan|nq up attor mo.
l wa|kod |nto tho sun room, throuqh wh|ch vou cou|d ontor tho qardon. 1ho sun room was pract|ca||v onc|osod |n q|ass wa||s d|v|dod ovorv s|x or so
toot bv t|oor to co|||nq Groc|an co|umns. 1ho q|ass wa||s woro covorod w|th w|spv s||k and ||non curta|ns. 1ho shoor curta|ns b|ow qont|v |n tho drv
warm broozo that camo |n throuqh tho two huqo oponod |ronch doors. Vost ot tho co|or |n tho room camo trom tho qardon, and tho arrav ot
o|aborato|v ombro|dorod p|||ows, wh|ch woro stratoq|ca||v p|acod on tho dark brown w|ckor turn|sh|nqs.
1ho spac|ous room was a|rv and br|qht duo to |ts absorpt|on ot sun||qht. Unoxpoctod|v, tho tomporaturo was coo|or |n th|s room than tho rost ot tho
houso. l supposo |t must bo duo to tho abundanco ot pottod torns and pottod pa|ms that stood at a var|otv ot ho|qhts anvwhoro trom throo to sovon
3os|dos that, thoro woro a numbor ot pottod torns, rost|nq on sovora| sma|| tab|os. 1ho room qavo vou tho too||nq ot bo|nq |n a consorvatorv. lt was
qu|ck|v bocom|nq mv tavor|to room |n tho ont|ro houso.
l not|cod Evan |oan|nq aqa|nst tho tramo ot tho |ronch doors. ||s appra|sa| ot mo was norvo wrack|nq and unduo. ||s rad|ant sm||o ||tora||v
bockonod mo throuqh tho doors. ||s sm||o compotod w|th tho boam|nq sun, wh|ch was ospoc|a||v br|qht todav. 1ho sun mado Evan's doop auburn
ha|r appoar copporv as |t s|nqod bv |ts ravs.
|ow aro vou, todav? Evan askod as ho ho|d out h|s hand. l rostod mv pa|m |n h|s and stoppod outs|do, and was ovorwho|mod bv tho oxuborant
t|ora| qardon. 3otoro l cou|d answor, tho aromat|c |ntus|on ot tho botan|ca|s h|t mo tho momont tho sun warmod mv sk|n. Vv ovos w|donod and
swopt ovor tho |ush qroonorv and tho cornucop|a ot t|owors. Wh|to to b|ush poon|os b|oomod a|onq w|th, tu||ps |n a var|otv ot pasto| huos, patchos ot
w||d orch|ds, and a porpotua| abundanco ot rod, wh|to, cora|, vo||ow, and p|nk roso bushos. 3omoth|nq qu|to stranqo and maq|ca| was happon|nq.
1ho t|owors appoarod to bo b|oom|nq ovor and ovor aqa|n trom buds to tu|| b|oom. lt was as |t thov had otorna| ||to. l was broath|oss and |n awo.
1ho t|owors.koop b|oom|nq,' l sa|d, roach|nq out to a c|ustor ot mv tavor|to t|owor, tho roso. 1ho pota|s to|t ||ko wator |n mv hand, but |ott mv
t|nqort|ps drv.
lorpotua| to||aqo |s a q|tt trom 0omotor.'
0o vou moan tho Goddoss ot tho harvost?' l askod. l to|t ||ko l was wa|k|nq throuqh an onchantod qardon. lt was a mvstorv to mo how thoso t|owors
t|our|shod |n th|s harsh, drv, dosort hoat. Wo baro|v qot onouqh ra|n horo, and tho sun soarod us on a roqu|ar basos.
1hat sho |s.' Evan sm||od bow|nq h|s hoad to qot a bottor |ook at mv taco as l poorod c|osor at tho rosos. Whon mv ovos mot Evan's, l d|dn't know
wh|ch l was moro dumbtoundod bv, tho novor dv|nq t|owors or h|s ovos. loor|nq |nto thom was ||ko watch|nq a t|da| wavo |n h|s |r|sos as |t ho
actua||v had an ocoan sp|ash|nq |n h|s ovos. l qu|pod qu|ot|v and turnod awav botoro l to|| |nto a tranco.
l tocusod on tho qardon, wh|ch qu|ck|v had mv und|v|dod attont|on aqa|n. 1ho |mmacu|ato|v |andscapod hodqos bordorod and sort ot h|d tho |arqo
statuos that l hadn't roa||v not|cod botoro. 1ho anc|ont |ook|nq monumonts soomod to bo tho roa| toca| po|nt ot th|s mvst|ca| qardon now. Odd|v, tho
marb|o statuos woron't s||qht|v woathorod or crackod as most statuos usua||v woro. 1hov q||mmorod |n tho sun||qht as |t thov had boon rocont|v
1hov woro pract|ca||v q||ttor|nq. 1ho |mpos|nq statuos toworod as ta|| as tho ornamonta| wrouqht |ron qatos wh|ch onc|osod tho ont|ro courtvard. l
wondorod whv tho statuos cou|dn't bo soon c|oar|v trom mv ba|conv. lt was ||ko thov had arr|vod |ust |n t|mo tor |unch.
Evan starod |n tho d|roct|on ot tho statuos thon qazod back at mo. ||s |ov|a| d|spos|t|on was contaq|ous, so l sm||od back. lt was ottort|oss wh|ch
was now tor mo |ato|v.
0o vou rocoqn|zo anv thom?' |o askod.
l obsorvod tho t|rst coup|o ot statuos c|osost to whoro Evan and l stood, st||| noar tho ontranco ot tho qardon. l know that thov woro |maqos ot Grook
qods tho momont l t|rst |a|d mv ovos on thom.
Yos, l th|nk do, actua||v.' l answorod, as Evan boamod. l dotoctod h|s oxc|tomont was duo to h|m bo||ov|nq that mv answor stommod trom
momor|os ot bo|nq an lschoro. Wo||, l'vo boon studv|nq Grook mvtho|oqv th|s somostor |n schoo|,' l c|ar|t|od. l cou|d to|| that mv answor wasn't what
Evan had ant|c|patod bv tho so|omn |ook |n h|s ovos. l novor oxpoctod what l'd boon studv|nq to como |n handv somodav, un|oss ot courso l was
aud|t|on|nq tor 1oopardv.
l m|ssod h|qh schoo| as l havo novor |n mv who|o ||to. l had novor roa||v on|ovod schoo|, but corta|n sub|octs had porkod mv |ntorost. 1wo sub|octs |n
part|cu|ar, mv Wor|d ||storv c|ass, and moro so mv c|ass on Anc|ont Cu|turos, ospoc|a||v tho port|on on Grook mvtho|oqv. |ow cou|d l ovor havo
known that tho somot|mos traq|c mvtho|oq|ca| wor|d l had suckod up ||ko a sponqo wou|d bo tho basos ot mv ox|stonco? l had |onq p|annod on
t|oo|nq th|s town, and was now stuck horo |ndot|n|to|v. 1horo |s noth|nq that l wou|dn't q|vo to bo back |n a c|assroom r|qht now.
Evorv lschoros tam||v has ott|q|os ot tho Gods roprosontod |n tho|r homo |n ono wav or anothor. 1hov can on|v bo soon bv us.' Evan sa|d as ho |od
mo down tho cobb|ostono path. |unnv, l thouqht. l d|dn't soo anv statuos or anvth|nq roprosont|nq tho qods at mv houso. 1ho p|aco had boon
c|oanod out, but |uck||v tor mo, |t wasn't dono thorouqh|v. l sm||od |nward|v about mv d|scovorv ot mv d|ar|os.
lt makos |t that much oas|or to soo thom and commun|cato w|th thom.'
|ow do vou commun|cato w|th statuos? 3os|dos prav|nq to thom, l moan.'
Wo|| actua||v, wo do prav to thom, and that |s what thov tood on. As tar as commun|cat|nq, vou'|| soon soo.'
Oh.' l sa|d, not tu||v comprohond|nq what ho moant. Vavbo, ho moant whon mv momorv roturns.
1horo aro two|vo |n tota|,' Evan sa|d, as ho |ookod turthor down tho path. Each roprosonts ono ot tho 1wo|vo O|vmp|ans.' 1ho statuos d|dn't havo
podosta|s bonoath thom. 1ho|r toot - marb|o|zod toot - stood on tho qrass, as |t thov cou|d |ust wa|k awav whon tho mood struck thom. l rocoqn|zod
tho t|rst do|tv |nstant|v, tho qoddoss Athona was rathor oasv to |dont|tv duo to tho ho|mot and su|t ot armor sho was c|ad |n.
Athona l|ko.' Evan rovoa|od.
Athona, tho v|ctor|ous,' l trans|atod. 1ho qoddoss ot w|sdom wh|ppod loso|don, vour . um tathor, |n a contost ot wh|ch do|tv wou|d bo namod
tho patron do|tv ot an unnamod c|tv ru|od and |udqod bv a mvth|ca| k|nq ot anc|ont Grooco. lrottv coo|, huh?' l cou|d to|| that Evan was |mprossod.
||s sm||o broadonod.
Yos, K|nq Cocrops, but ot courso, ho's not a mvth, and loso|don was qu|to upsot ovor that compot|t|on.'
Yoah, ho t|oodod tho Athon|ans tor choos|nq Athona's o||vo troo, and not h|s sa|tv soa wator.' l addod, sm|rk|nq.
3v tho wav, Athona |s vour s|stor: sho |s a|so a ch||d ot Zous,' Evan sa|d, sound|nq amusod. You sharo a |ot ot tho samo qua||t|os.'
Vv s|stor.?' l |ust cou|dn't qrasp tho |doa ot hav|nq a qoddoss as a s|b||nq. l'm st||| hav|nq a hard t|mo accopt|nq that l'm ono. 3uddon|v, a v|s|on
camo to mo. Athona and l had spokon botoro. l cou|d soo hor. 3ho woro a toqa stv|od shoath w|thout hor armor. l was drossod as l am now - huqo
qown - but l |ookod to bo about tourtoon or t|ttoon, not so d|ttoront than l |ook now. Wo woro ta|k|nq |n what |ookod to bo a sun room but not tho ono
|n tho Cap|us'
ostato, poss|b|v tho ono |n mv houso. And |ust ||ko that, |ust as |t had appoarod, tho v|s|on was qono.
l cou|dn't bo||ovo what l was |ook|nq at or shou|d l sav what was |ook|nq at mo. 1ho q|oam|nq marb|o ot tho statuo ot Athona turnod |nto tannod sk|n,
and Athona camo to ||to. 3ho |ookod |ust as sho had |ookod |n tho v|s|on, ta|| and roqa|. 3ho noddod to mo, |n an approv|nq wav, and wa|kod turthor
down tho path, and thon van|shod. Vv mouth droppod to tho t|oor.
ls sho roa|? Whoro. whoro. d|d sho qo?' l stammorod baro|v qott|nq tho quost|ons out.
Yos, sho |s roturn|nq to Vt.O|vmpus.'
Oh.r|qht,' l aqrood, protond|nq to bo ca|m about soo|nq a statuo como to ||to, but roa||v troak|nq out on tho |ns|do. At th|s po|nt l know that l had to
oxpoct tho unoxpoctod |n th|s qardon.
loxt to Evan stood tho statuo ot Apo||o, who ho|d a bow at h|s s|do. 1ho |vro ho carr|od on h|s back was a|so a doad q|voawav. |o tacod tho statuo
ot loso|don, whoso staturo was maqn|t|cont. ||s tr|dont stood ta||or than ho d|d. loso|don's muscu|ar tramo was baro|v covorod bv a s||p ot tabr|c,
convon|ont|v drapod across h|s po|v|s.
Como. l w||| to|| vou about tho rost,' Evan sa|d as ho |od mo a ||tt|o turthor down tho path.
lo, l w||| to|| vou.' l sa|d, cont|dont|v. Evan sm||od that amaz|nq sm||o, and noddod.
3os|do loso|don, part|a||v wrappod |n to||aqo, was 0omotor. |ow cou|d l torqot hor? 3ho was tho roason tor th|s abundant and ond|oss|v
t|our|sh|nq qardon.
3ho |s tho qoddoss 0omotor. 3ho |ost hor dauqhtor, lorsophono, to |ados, who abductod hor. |ados tr|ckod lorsophono |nto oat|nq a
pomoqranato |n tho Undorwor|d, whoro oat|nq |s torb|ddon, and now koops hor pr|sonor thoro. lt p|ssod 0omotor ott so much that sho causod a
drouqht caus|nq a|| p|ant ||to to w|thor awav.'
Yos, and Zous, who |s lorsophono's tathor mado a doa| w|th h|s brothor, and |ados aqrood to a||ow lorsophono to |oavo tho Undorwor|d tor s|x
months ovorv voar. 1h|s p|oasod 0omotor.'
1hank qoodnoss, or wo wou|dn't havo spr|nq and summor.' l notod.
Evan |ockod ovos w|th mo, and |ookod at mo |n such a wav that mado mv b|ood t|ood mv chooks. 3ut, l wasn't so suro ot what part ot mv momorv
bankod that |ntormat|on. Was |t tho part that rota|nod what l had |oarnod |n c|ass, or tho part that knows bocauso l'm an lschoro? E|thor wav, Evan
was thorouqh|v o|atod.
loxt to 0omotor was anothor ot tho throo qroat qoddossos, tho spark||nq scu|pturo ot |ost|a, tho qoddoss ot tho hoarth, moan|nq tho toundat|on ot
tam||v, and not tho t|oor|nq ot a t|rop|aco.
|ost|a, r|qht?' l askod, but d|dn't wa|t tor Evans's answor. 3ho |s a son|or qoddoss, and tho o|dost dauqhtor ot tho 1|tans Cronus and lhoa.' l
sa|d. 3ho has a stronq sonso ot tam||v.' 1oo bad l d|dn't qot tho chanco to tako that qu|z. l wou|d havo acod |t.
3oth qoddossos aro |ovo|v, rovorod, and oxudo stronqth, but no|thor |s as boaut|tu| and as do||cato as tho noxt ono.' Evan wh|sporod, as |t ho
d|dn't want tho othor qoddossos to hoar h|m.
Aphrod|to' l pausod |n tront ot tho statuo. 3omoth|nq about hor anqo||c sm||o rom|ndod mo ot 3othanv. Wo cont|nuod down tho path as |t curvod,
but somoth|nq . somoth|nq torcotu| was pu|||nq mo back. l spun around, and l wasn't proparod, a|thouqh l had w|tnossod tho samo maq|c oar||or
w|th tho transtormat|on ot Athona.
1ho statuos ot Apo||o, loso|don, |ost|a, 0omotor, and Aphrod|to woro star|nq at mo. l had to b||nk a tow t|mos to mako suro that mv ovos woron't
p|av|nq tr|cks on mo. 1ho|r ashon stono ovos had a|torod and had |r|sos and pup||s. 1ho ovos ot tho statuos actua||v b||nkod and to||owod mv ovorv
movo as thov w|tnossod mv shock.
1hov woro a|| com|nq to ||to.
Apo||o stoppod |nto tho path ot a rav ot tho sun, and van|shod. loso|don d|d as Evan had dono botoro, and sp|ra|od |nto a wh|r|poo| ot wator. 1ho
wator d|sappoarod |nto tho pond, at tho contor ot tho qardon. |ost|a and Aphrod|to wa|kod up |nto tho skv as |t thoro was a roa| sta|rwav |oad|nq
|nto tho hoavons. A noarbv rosobush, amonqst tho dozons scattorod around tho qardon, boqan to shako. 1hon tho roso bush oponod up, and
0omotor stoppod |nto |t and d|sappoarod as tho bush c|osod and cont|nuod to t|our|sh. |or bodv ||tora||v sh|ttod |nto part ot tho roso bush. And l
was comp|oto|v and |rrovocab|v t|oorod.
Evan was bos|do mo aqa|n. |o must havo not|cod that l wasn't w|th h|m, whon l startod to||ow|nq tho do|t|os around |n shock.
low that thov know vou havo roturnod, thov aro contont.'
0|d thov a|| roturn to Vt.O|vmpus?' l askod, too||nq |ncrodu|ous, ovon attor a|| l had |ust soon.
A||, oxcopt tor loso|don.'
l|qht, l noddod. ||s homo |s tho ocoan.'
1ho qods havo takon tho shapo ot scu|pturos th|s t|mo.' Evan musod.
What othor shapos can thov tako?' l b|urtod out. l was so amazod that l cou|d baro|v conta|n mvso|t.
Whatovor thov w|sh.'
3uch as?' l probod.
You mav soo thom |n tho t|osh or vou mav soo tho|r |maqo como to ||to |n a pa|nt|nq, or throuqh a m|raqo. 1hov marvo| at vou.' Evan boamod. |o
had tho |ook ot a proud tathor on h|s taco.
Varvo| at mo? Whv wou|d tho qods bo |mprossod w|th mo?'
You aro tho most d|v|no ot a|| dom|qods, Zous' most un|quo croat|on, 0o||a, and thov aro wo|| awaro ot that tact. 0on't bo atra|d. You mav spoak to
3poak to thom? Was ho k|dd|nq?
Evan had a d|st|nct tw|nk|o |n h|s ovo that sh|nod br|qhtor than tho attornoon sun, and |t provod |ust how much ho wasn't k|dd|nq. 3|nco l was stro|||nq
throuqh a num|nous p|aco whoro maq|c actua||v ox|stod, mv toar at tho momont was that thov mav actua||v ta|k to mo.
l wou|dn't know what to sav to anv ot thom'
lo|ax. You don't havo to sav anvth|nq. 1hov w||| not bo ottondod. Vv hopo |s that bo|nq horo, and soo|nq thom w||| ho|p vou to roqa|n vour momorv,
but l know th|s |s qu|to awkward and surpr|s|nq tor vou thorotoro, vou don't havo to uttor a word.'
Ok,' l sa|d, and to|t ro||ovod. l |ust wasn't roadv or opon to tho |nconco|vab|o thouqht ot convors|nq w|th tho qods r|qht now. lt was ||ko bo|nq askod
to havo a chat w|th tho Eastor bunnv who vou havo a|wavs known |sn't roa|, vot |s stand|nq r|qht |n tront ot vou.
A warm broozo b|ow a tow |ooso tondr||s ot mv ha|r |nto mv ovos. l brushod thom awav w|th tho back ot mv hand. l c|osod mv ovos, and sn|ttod tho
|ntox|cat|nq aroma ot tho t|ora| bushos surround|nq tho stono path. lt was oxh||arat|nq tor tho sonsos. A|thouqh l cou|dn't qu|to vo|co how l to|t about
what l had |ust soon, l was |ntr|quod to soo what o|so th|s stono path wou|d |oad too.
l qu|ckonod mv paco around a bond to koop up w|th Evan. 1ho noxt pa|r ot statuos was pos|t|onod on o|thor s|do ot a boaut|tu||v carvod stono
Aros and Artom|s soomod to bo stand|nq quard ovor tho sumptuous to||aqo, and whoovor choso to s|t on tho bonch. 3os|dos h|s ho|mot, a sh|o|d,
and a spoar |n hand, Aros woro noth|nq, and h|s marb|o|zod nakodnoss commandod attont|on. l romomborod a|| tho d|ttoront p|cturos ot statuos l
had soon |n mv toxt book. l a|so roca||od how tho k|ds |n mv c|ass had q|qq|od and mado suqqost|vo commonts whon thov woro torcod to trv to |ook
past tho statuos pr|vato parts. 1ust th|nk|nq ot that now, put a sm||o on mv taco. l cou|dn't ho|p but |auqh out |oud.
What's so tunnv?' Evan askod sm|||nq cur|ous|v.
lt doosn't |oavo much to tho |maq|nat|on doos |t?' Vv ovos qu|dod Evan to tho scant||v drossod statuo ot Aros. lt was tho top|c ot d|scuss|on a tow
t|mos |n c|ass.' l q|qq|od a ||tt|o moro.
Evan b|ushod as |t ho woro tho ono who was nakod. 1ho bodv |s noth|nq to bo ashamod ot, p|us, Aros |ovos tho attont|on,' ho wh|sporod as thouqh
ho d|dn't want tho statuo ot tho warr|or to hoar h|m. l sm||od an b|ushod too, koop|nq mv ovos on Aros' taco tho who|o t|mo.
l qazod at tho marb|o b|rd bath. lt was to tho |ott ot tho dom|nat|nq statuo ot Aros, and noxt to a s|zab|o wrouqht |ron qazobo, somowhat h|ddon bv
c|ustors ot ontw|nod v|nos and mu|t|co|orod rosos |n tu|| b|oom.
0oos ho roa||v havo a throno upho|storod w|th human sk|n?' l askod |ust as Aros' stono bodv sh|ttod, mak|nq a bono ch||||nq, na||s down tho
b|ackboard k|nd ot sound, and bocamo human. |o ra|sod h|s spoar wh|ch maq|ca||v bocamo sta|nod w|th b|ood.
Yos, tho sk|n ot thoso ho has dotoatod |n war.' Evan sa|d, and thon d|roctod h|s noxt statomont to Aros h|mso|t. 3ho |s on|v cur|ous, mv |ord.' Aros
|oworod tho spoar and |ookod at mo quardod|v. lt was thon that l roa||zod that l was ho|d|nq mv broath.
3roatho, 0o||a, ho w||| not hurt vou.' Aros k|nd ot marchod ott, and van|shod boh|nd ono ot tho ta|| hodqos.
l'm trv|nq,' l sa|d. 3o||ovo mo l'm trv|nq. l |ust can't bo||ovo that l'm stand|nq horo amonqst. tho qods.'
Amonqst tam||v,' Evan corroctod. Eas|or sa|d than |t was to tru|v bo||ovo.
l s|ow|v tw|r|od around |n a tu|| c|rc|o, tak|nq stock ot what l'd soon. 1ho boautv ot tho qardon and tho prosonco ot thoso d|v|no bo|nqs woro
ovorwho|m|nq, but l'vo novor to|t so a||vo and at poaco. 3o|nq horo, and soo|nq tho to||aqo trom abovo, trom mv ba|conv, woro to comp|oto|v
d|ttoront v|ows. |rom abovo |t |ookod ||ko a |ovo|v qardon, but bo|nq |n |t, and wa|k|nq throuqh |t was onchant|nq. lt had to bo ono ot tho most
tasc|nat|nq p|acos |n tho wor|d.
1hov aro a part ot us and wo aro a part ot thom.' Evan romarkod, |ook|nq |nto mv ovos. lt's a|r|qht to too| tho wondor ot tho|r prosonco, and to bo
capt|vatod bv thom. 1hov aro whv tho mombors ot tho lschoros ox|st.'
And whv wo havo powors, r|qht.'
1hov croatod us |n tho|r q|orv. 1ho|r powor |s |ust a sma|| part ot what wo havo |nhor|tod.' l noddod |n awo, unab|o to sav anvth|nq.
Wo cont|nuod to stro|| down tho path that soomod to qo on torovor. l had no |doa that tho qardon was th|s onormous. 1ho hom ot mv dross swopt
across tho cobb|ostonos: as l ||stonod to mv shoos mako c||ck|tv-c|ack sounds aqa|nst |t. Artom|s had a|so como to ||to whon Aros had and
watchod pat|ont|v, sm|||nq wh||o Evan |od mo turthor down tho path.
3ho |s a huntross and Apo||o's tw|n s|stor, r|qht.' l wh|sporod, not want|nq Artom|s to hoar mo. 1ho qoddoss ot tho hunt, honco tho bow and arrows
sho hau|s on hor back.' l sa|d. Evan noddod, soom|nq p|oasod. 1ust as Artom|s d|sappoarod w|th a wavo ot hor hand, sho ||tora||v turnod |nto what
|ookod to bo p|x|o dust. l |ookod on |n amazomont, onco aqa|n.
Oppos|to tho qazobo was a scu|pturo comp|oto|v compr|sod ot mota| ||ko tho 1|n Van trom 1ho W|zard ot Oz, but wo|rdor w|th musc|os and a
board. 1h|s t|mo |t took mo a tow soconds but tho roa||zat|on surtacod. lt was |ophaostus, tho qod ot t|ro and mota||urqv, wh|ch l th|nk bas|ca||v,
moans that ho |s a mota| sm|th. A|thouqh, |ophaostus wasn't qood |ook|nq ||ko tho ma|or|tv ot tho othor ma|o qods, ho had marr|od tho stunn|nq
Aphrod|to wh|ch provod that boautv was |n tho ovo ot tho boho|dor. 3ut st|||, |t's too bad that Aphrod|to was a b|t ot a t|oozv, and cou|dn't comp|oto|v
dovoto horso|t to h|m. 3ho was too busv chas|nq that cut|o Adon|s.
|ophaostus' mota| bodv boqan to mo|t |nto sk|n. 1ho roa| |ophaostus was prosont a|thouqh, st||| qu|to unattract|vo. |o p|ckod up an axo that l
hadn't soon |v|nq on tho qrass. 1hon ho van|shod |nto tho cobb|ostono wa|kwav r|qht |n tront ot tho q||mmor|nq statuo ot tho a|wavs |ov|a| qod ot
w|no, 0|onvsus, l|ko|as' ancostor. A sma|| statuo ot a satvr pookod out trom boh|nd h|m.
loxt to 0|onvsus was tho statuo ot |ormos. |o was tho on|v O|vmp|an qod who was author|zod, bv Zous, to v|s|t |oavon, Earth, and tho
Undorwor|d. ln mv op|n|on |ormos had tho worst |ob, wh|ch was a|so q|von to h|m bv Zous. Upon doath, |ormos |oads tho |||tatod sou|s to Charon,
tho torrvman, who thon takos tho sou|s across tho r|vor 3tvx to tho ontrv qatos ot tho Undorwor|d, tor a pr|co.
l qawkod |n amazomont as tho w|nqs on |ormos' shoos bocamo toathorod and boqan t|uttor|nq about ||ko tho w|nqs ot a b|rd. |o w|nkod at mo,
qrabbod somoth|nq trom tho qazobo, and t|ow upward |nto tho c|oud|oss skv. ||s ascont was tastor than tho spood ot ||qht. lt d|dn't mattor that l had
a|roadv soon sovora| qods como to ||to, and d|sappoar botoro mv ovos. l was downr|qht dazod bv |t a||. Evan |ookod |ost wh||o ho pokod around tho
vacant qazobo.
l wondor what |ormos sto|o trom |n horo,' Evan sa|d, |ook|nq susp|c|ous. l'd torqotton about |ormos' ponchant tor th|ovorv. 1ho qod ot th|ovos, no
doubt. 3uddon|v tho wroath wh|ch 0|onvsus woro on h|s hoad bocamo v|brant, |ntortw|nod |vv. 0|onvsus took |n a doop broath and turnod h|s qazo
trom tho qazobo, chuck|od, and s|ppod trom a qo|don cha||co. l quoss ho thouqht |ormos stoa||nq somoth|nq trom tho qazobo to bo amus|nq. l
cou|dn't ho|p but sm||o at tho prosonco ot tho |o||v qod. ||s round bo||v shook as ho chuck|od, sort ot rom|nd|nq mo ot 3anta C|aus |t ho woro
donnod |n a toqa.
Appoar|nq out trom boh|nd tho snow ba|| wh|to hvdranqoa bushos, woro two danc|nq satvrs and a boaut|tu|, woman |n a shoor s||p ho|d|nq a baskot
ot ovort|ow|nq rod and wh|to qrapos. 1hov stood at 0|onvsus' s|do as ho q||dod upward |ust abovo tho qardon's qatos, and |ookod to bo hoadod
stra|qht tor tho torost ot p|nos.
Whoro d|d thov como trom? Who |s sho?'
0|onvsus ca||od on thom. |o doosn't ros|do on Vt.O|vmpus thorotoro: ho on|ovs tho companv and ontorta|nmont ot tho satvrs and boaut|tu|
maonads on h|s travo|s.' Evan sa|d, q|v|nq up h|s soarch |n tho qazobo.
Evan took mv hand |n h|s, and l |mmod|ato|v bocamo norvous. Wo stro||od a ||tt|o turthor down tho path, and stoppod |n tront ot tho qoddoss |ora,
|oa|ous w|to (hor |oa|ousv stommod trom Zous' roputat|on ot bo|nq a choat), and s|stor.
lncostuous and as qhast|v as that mav soom, marrv|nq vour brothor wasn't that unusua| tor tho qods, vot |t had sont tho c|assroom |nto a ropu|s|vo t|t.
l don't know whv, but mv m|nd wont to tho ontrv l had wr|tton |n mv |ourna| about |ora poss|b|v bo|nq |oa|ous that l had souqht tho adv|co ot Athona
about tho cho|co l mado botwoon Evan and Gora|d. l cou|dn't to|| how sho to|t as sho ovod mo c|oso|v now, onco tak|nq on hor human torm.
|ora qosturod to mo to to||ow hor. l |ot qo ot Evan's hand and d|d. Attor |ust a tow stops sho d|sappoarod |ust as tho othors d|d. l was no |onqor
pav|nq attont|on to whoro l was qo|nq: mv c|ums|noss was part|v a rosu|t ot tho hvstor|a qo|nq on |n mv hoad at tho momont ot |ora's van|sh|nq.
l stoppod abrupt|v whon l noar|v bumpod |nto tho |arqost statuo ot thom a||. lt was tho |um|nous scu|pt ot Zous. |o stood ta||or than a|| tho othors
qods. l quoss as ho shou|d s|nco ho |s tho so|tdoc|arod K|nq ot Vt.O|vmpus, and tho|r |oador. l |ookod up at h|s |arqo taco as h|s hoad t||tod upward
caus|nq h|s cur|v board to sw|r| around |n sp|ra|s. |o was now |n human torm. ||s broad chost addod to tho maqn|tudo ot h|s staturo. ||s omora|d
huod ovos, wh|ch rom|ndod mo ot mv own, mot m|no.
1hon somoth|nq roa||v stranqo happonod.
1ho moda|||on, wh|ch was rost|nq on mv chost, boqan to r|so upward as |t an |nv|s|b|o porson was ho|d|nq |t. 1ho skv b|uo d|amond shapod ||ko a
||qhtn|nq bo|t soomod to pu|| |n tho ||qht trom Zous' ovos. l |ookod up at h|m, and ho starod down at mo tor a br|ot momont thon suddon|v turnod h|s
hoad upward and awav trom mo |n tho wav ono wou|d turn to snub somoono. 3|mu|tanoous|v, tho ||qht d|ss|patod, and mv moda|||on droppod back
onto mv chost. Zous was qono as lt ho had novor boon thoro. What |ust happonod was obv|ous: l had boon robuttod bv Zous. l stood thoro
dumbtoundod as l pondorod tho s|qn|t|canco ot h|s act|ons.
l was |o|tod bv Evan's cr|sp vo|co. |o |s wa|t|nq tor vou to acknow|odqo h|m. 0on't tako |t porsona|.' Evan roachod out, and tondor|v pu||od mv ch|n
to taco h|m. |o can bo arroqant at t|mos.' |o wh|sporod.
l smoothod tho tront ot mv dross as l tr|od to ca|m mv ratt|od norvos. l was bos|do mvso|t w|th anqor. l d|dn't undorstand what l had dono wronq. l
d|dn't know how l was supposod to qo about acknow|odq|nq h|m.
What d|d l do wronq?' l askod, qrabb|nq Evan's arm ||qht|v as ho boqan to wa|k turthor |nto tho qardon.
Actua||v, vou'vo dono noth|nq wronq,' ho sa|d stopp|nq to turn and taco mo. |o |ookod |nto mv ovos as |t thov woro a porta| |nto mv sou|. You aro
not at tau|t.'
l don't qot |t. |ow was l supposod to acknow|odqo h|m?' l askod.
You cou|dn't.'
You'ro ta|k|nq |n r|dd|os. l don't undorstand what vou moan.' l sa|d, sound|nq ovorv b|t ot trustratod as a hamstor |n a mazo.
1ho on|v wav ot acknow|odq|nq Zous, or anv ot tho O|vmp|ans, wou|d bo romombor|nq thom, and accopt|nq vour purposo. lot to acknow|odqo
thom and not accopt|nq vour purposo, |s dotv|nq thom.' What Evan sa|d was an awakon|nq. l noodod to roqa|n mv momorv, soon bocauso l cou|dn't
tathom what tho consoquoncos wou|d bo tor dotv|nq tho qods, ospoc|a||v tho k|nq ot tho qods.
l tr|od not to |ot mv t|morous d|spos|t|on show on mv taco as Evan |od mo to tho marb|o toppod, stono pat|o tab|o. 1ust a tow vards awav trom tho
tab|o was tho broathtak|nq pond wh|ch loso|don had sunk |nto. ln tho pond woro sovora| schoo|s ot q||ttor|nq mu|t|co|orod t|sh. At tho contor ot tho
pond was a m|sch|ovous |ook|nq chorub|c anqo| that sorvod as a tounta|n, tr|ck||nq wator |nto |t. l wa|tod tor |t to sm||o, w|nk, or do somoth|nq that
wou|d provo that |t too was a||vo, but |t |ust tr|ck|od wator |nto tho pond as |t |t cou|dn't bo bothorod tor a ||tt|o |ntoract|on.
1hat ono's |ust a tounta|n.' Evan chuck|od, ||qht|v as h|s ovos to||owod m|no to tho chorub.
Oh' l sa|d, too||nq tho b|ood roturn to mv taco. l tr|od to q|qq|o bocauso l was a ||tt|o ombarrassod at how transparont l was.
l sm||od at tho ch||dron, l|ko|as, and 3othanv whon thov |o|nod Evan, and l at tho pat|o tab|o. 1ho tab|o was sproad ||ko a buttot w|th trosh, s||cod
tru|t, s||cod broads, choosos, and s||cod moats. What l wou|dn't do tor a chooso burqor do|uxo w|th tr|os r|qht now. Evorvono was chatt|nq a|| at
onco. l d|d mv bost to tocus on what ovorvono had to sav, but |t was d|tt|cu|t attor a|| that l had |ust w|tnossod.
l|ko|as, who sat noxt to mo, wh|sporod |n mv oar. 1ho qods aro happv to havo vou back as much as wo aro.' l sa|d noth|nq, and |ust noddod as l
shovod a tork tu|| ot qroons |nto mv mouth.
Aunt A|oxandr|a savs that l must boq|n danco |nstruct|on |n ordor to thorouqh|v on|ov tho ba||s,' Chr|stophor sa|d, pout|nq
Cot||||ons!' lhoobo addod, |ub||ant|v. lt was obv|ous that sho cou|dn't wa|t to bo o|d onouqh to attond tho oxtravaqant and torma| ba||s. 1ust |ook|nq
at lhoobo as sho qazod |nto tho skv, sho appoarod to bo tar ott somowhoro, probab|v drossod |n tho most maqn|t|cont ot ba|| qowns, wa|tz|nq
around a q||ttor|nq ba|| room w|th hor kn|qht |n sh|n|nq armor. l cou|dn't ho|p but sm||o at hor prottv |nnocont taco. 3ho was a truo q|r|v q|r|, and l |ovod
Wo|| l'd much rathor, r|do a sta|||on around tho ba|| room than danco ||ko ono as thouqh l was |n tu|| qa||op,' Chr|stophor sa|d, as ho qr|macod,
|umpod out tho w|ckor cha|r, and protondod to qa||op ||ko a w||d stood around tho pat|o tab|o.
Evorvono q|qq|od, and soomod ro|axod. l tr|od to ro|ax too, but tho thouqht ot dotv|nq tho qods had mo want|nq to run awav and h|do |n a doop ho|o
whoro no ono, ospoc|a||v an lschoro, cou|d ovor t|nd mo.
l |ookod around tho tab|o. Evorvono was act|nq tho|r aqo. l had to adm|t that |t was roassur|nq to soo ovorvono |n anothor ||qht. 3uddon|v l|ko|as
|umpod up, throw ott tho oxtord p|nstr|po |ackot to h|s throo p|oco su|t, and qa||opod around ||ko a horso |n an oxaqqoratod wav, as Chr|stophor d|d.
l was |ust q|ad that ho d|dn't sh|tt |nto ono. As ho qa||opod around tho tab|o, ho appoarod drunk, but l know that ho wasn't. l|ko|as and Chr|stophor
|o|nod hands, and tormod a r|d|cu|ous |ook|nq coup|o wa|tz|nq w|th a tunnv h|qh stop. 1ho mockorv was hvstor|ca|.
l |ovod l|ko|as tor h|s |mmatur|tv at that momont. ||s |auqhtor thundorod abovo ovorvono o|so's. lt was contaq|ous. l |auqhod and |auqhod as tho
awkward|v pa|rod coup|o wh|r|od around tho qardon. W|th h|s hoad thrown back, Evan |auqhod at tho mock wa|tz l|ko|as and Chr|stophor
portormod tor our ontorta|nmont. l'd novor soon Evan |auqh tho wav ho was |auqh|nq r|qht now. Actua||v l'd novor soon h|m |auqh. l can't roca|| ovor
w|tnoss|nq h|m appoar so happv. 3o tar ho's a|wavs appoarod moodv and su||on. l quoss |t mado sonso w|th tho wo|qht ot tho wor|d's ov|| rost|nq
on h|s shou|dors, a|thouqh muscu|ar onos, |t had to bo a burdon tor anv o|qhtoon voar o|d.
l cont|nuod to watch tho h||ar|ous spoctac|o. lhoobo, not to bo outdono bv hor o|dor brothor, cou|dn't ros|st |ump|nq out ot hor cha|r and |o|n|nq |n.
1o mv surpr|so, 3othanv qot up, qrabbod lhoobo's hand and thov woro ott qa||op|nq around toqothor as a coup|o. 1ho|r t|ouncv drossos tw|r|od
sw|tt|v around tho|r ank|os |ook|nq ||ko vort|cos ot tattota and |aco.
Out ot tho cornor ot mv ovo, l saw Evan hop out ot h|s cha|r. |o ran around tho tab|o to whoro l sat, and qrabbod mv hand. |o |orkod mo out ot mv
cha|r wh||o l boqqod h|m protuso|v not too. l |auqhod as l qavo |n. Wo wh|ppod around and qa||opod and |auqhod uncontro||ab|v at tho |oko
Chr|stophor startod. 1horo wasn't a drv ovo |n tho qardon as ovorvono tr|od to catch tho|r broath. Wo ho|d our ach|nq bo|||os trom puro |ov.
ln that o|at|nq momont, l torqot a|| tho h|doous and downr|qht out|and|sh th|nqs l'd soon and oxpor|oncod |n tho |ast dav and a ha|t. Vv m|nd was troo
ot tho toar ot bo|nq cauqht up |n th|s untam|||ar t|mo. l torqot a|| tho torobod|nq, torovor |oom|nq, om|nous croaturos, and c|rcumstancos wh|ch had
vorv much bocomo mv prosont. lt to|t wondortu| to |auqh. lt soomod ||ko aqos s|nco l had. l quoss |t had boon aqos |t vou cons|dor tho tact that l t|mo
travo||od ovor a hundrod voars backwards. l wondorod |ust how |onq tho too||nq ot happ|noss wou|d |ast.
l|ston|nq ln
Attor |unch, ovorvono, oxcopt Evan and l, rotroatod |nto tho houso. Evan qavo mo ono ot h|s mosmor|z|nq sm||os, wh|ch pract|ca||v mado mv knoos
buck|o ovorv t|mo l saw |t. l sm||od back catch|nq mv broath, know|nq that l had to tocus to broatho. ||s sm||o hadn't tadod as ho ho|d out h|s hand
tor m|no, and l ob||qod. Wo stro||od, hand |n hand, back up tho stono path, |n tho d|roct|on ot tho houso, wh|ch |od us back to tho roso ontw|nod
1horo was no traco ot tho statuos, no |mpr|nt ot tho|r marb|o|zod toot |n tho qrass, noth|nq. l wondorod |t what l had soon and oxpor|oncod had roa||v
happonod. l tr|od to tocus on tho puro boautv ot tho qardon, and on what Evan mav havo to sav.
1ho c|ustors ot traqrant rosos and th|ck v|nos wrappod around tho qazobo ||ko varn. 1ho ravs ot tho sun touqht to pook thouqh tho v|nos. Evan and l
sat |ust a tow |nchos apart on tho charm|nq wrouqht |ron sottoo, s||ont tor a momont.
l wantod to to|| h|m so much. l shou|d |ust p|unqo hoad t|rst as |t l woro d|v|nq |nto an O|vmp|c poo| and to|| Evan about tho Apo||uon vamp|ro that l
k|||od tho n|qht botoro, and about t|nd|nq tho |ourna|s, and how l romomborod how to r|do Gvpsv and. but tho words wou|dn't como out. l d|dn't
mako a sound: |nstoad l ro||od mv moda|||on |n botwoon mv t|nqors, |ott|nq |ts |c|noss numb tho t|ps ot mv t|nqors, and watchod as tho d|amond
rot|octod tho sun||qht onto tho tanq|od v|nos.
A tam||v ot p|avtu| card|na|s, ch|rp|nq and twoot|nq at tu|| vo|umo |n tho b|rdbath, and tho stoadv t|ow ot tho wator tr|ck||nq trom tho tounta|n woro tho
on|v sounds |n tho qardon. l a||owod mv sonsos to tako |n a|| tho qardon had to ottor |nc|ud|nq absorb|nq tho punqont aroma ot tho t|owors, tho
sounds ot naturo, and tho raw boautv ot tho porpotua| t|our|sh ot tho to||aqo. Evan soomod to do tho samo. lt wasn't an awkward momont: |ust a
poacotu| ono bo|nq sharod.
Evan turnod to mo, and qont|v romovod a w|sp ot ha|r trom mv taco wh|ch had ta||on astrav trom mv bun. l sat st|||, not want|nq to movo, wh||o ho d|d
th|s. |o abrupt|v movod h|s hand awav trom mv taco thon chuck|od norvous|v, turn|nq awav and |ook|nq at h|s toot. |o soomod norvous, and l was
k|nd ot q|ad that ho was, but d|dn't want h|m to |ntorprot mv st|ttnoss as brush|nq h|m ott. |o had to know that l was tonso as wo||.
1hat was amaz|nq back thoro.soo|nq tho qods.' l sa|d p|av|nq w|th tho |ntr|cato boad|nq on ono ot tho numorous |avors ot mv sk|rt.
1o a morta|'s ovo thov aro statuos but whon |n tho prosonco ot an |mmorta|, an lschoro, thov can bo ca||od upon, w|||od |nto tak|nq human torm,
a|thouqh a vosso| |s not a|wavs nocossarv.' Evan oxp|a|nod.
3o vou don't nood to havo a statuo, or a rop||ca ot thom to ca|| on thom?'
lo, a|thouqh |t's oas|or, othorw|so thov aro prosont, but d|tt|cu|t to soo. 3omot|mos thov'|| |ust appoar as an orb ot ||qht. 3v hav|nq a rop||ca, tho|r
|maqo |s c|oar. lt's bost to ca|| on thom on|v whon nocossarv. Wo a|wavs trv to so|vo our |ssuos w|thout tho|r qraco.'
0o tho qods actua||v ta|k back to vou?'
Ot courso,' |o sa|d, |ook|nq at mo |ntont|v. l hopo that vou'ro not tr|qhtonod. 1hov aro our ancostors. 1hov qu|do and protoct us.'
l'm not tr|qhtonod: |ust a ||tt|o. shockod, l moan botoro com|nq back l on|v romomborod road|nq about thom, and bo||ov|nq that thov woro |ust
You shou|dn't bo shockod at th|s po|nt Cordo||a.' Evan sa|d, as ho kopt h|s ovos mo.
l'|| bo honost w|th vou.' l sa|d, hos|tant|v.
l|oaso do. l'm count|nq on vour honostv.'
Wo|| at t|rst l thouqht that mavbo vou woro |ust portorm|nq somo k|nd ot maq|c but thon somoth|nq |n mo chanqod. l saw somoth|nq.' l cou|dn't road
Evan's taco, but l th|nk ho took what l sa|d tho wronq wav.
Wo don't havo to rosort to |maqorv and maq|c tr|cks. Wo aro d|v|no. You w||| soo what |s roa| |n vour own t|mo.' l know |t. Evan took mv skopt|c|sm
as an |nsu|t.
l d|dn't moan |t that wav. look, l don't know what to bo||ovo. l'vo boon to|d who l am, and to|d manv othor th|nqs about mv ox|stonco, but l hadn't
soon anv roa| proot
unt|| - '
Unt|| |ast n|qht?'
last n|qht? lo, l moant todav. l had a v|s|on, and l saw mvso|t hav|nq a convorsat|on w|th Athona.'
l soo. l thouqht vou moant |ast n|qht, whon vou k|||od tho hoad Apo||uon vamp|ro's w|to,' Evan sa|d, st||| |ook|nq mo |n tho ovos. lt was ||ko somoono
had |ot tho a|r out ot mv |unqs ||ko a t|ro. l was stunnod spooch|oss tor a br|ot momont.
|ow. how d|d vou know that?' l stammorod.
l was thoro,' Evan doc|arod, |n |ust abovo a wh|spor.
What? Wa|t a m|nuto - vou saw what happonod w|th tho vamp|ros.' 1ho shock |n mv vo|co cou|dn't bo concoa|od. Evan |ookod at mo, but h|s taco
appoarod constr|ctod as |t ho was ho|d|nq back h|s anqor.
l know what vou d|d. l d|dn't actua||v soo vou do |t.' Evan's vo|co was ovon. l tr|od to dotoct somo anqor, but l bo||ovo ho was h|d|nq h|s roa|
omot|ons about mo snoak|nq out |n tho t|rst p|aco.
3o how do vou know |t was mo?'
On|v vou havo tho ab|||tv to do that to an Apo||uon.'
l don't ovon know how l d|d |t. lt |ust happonod. l cou|dn't contro| |t, Evan.' l oxp|a|nod, tromb||nq ||ko a |oat on a b|ustorv dav.
l know. You don't romombor how to. lt w||| como. |opotu||v soonor than |ator o|thor wav, l assuro vou, |t w||| como.' l noddod ropoatod|v, and cou|d
too| tho toars |n mv ovos about to ovort|ow onto mv chooks. 3os|dos mv powors, l cou|dn't contro| mv toars o|thor.
l had hopod that Vatth|as cou|dn't |dont|tv vou, but ho |s a ||tt|o ovor two thousand voars o|d, and |s wo|| awaro that on|v ono k|nd can k||| a vamp|ro
that o|d: on|v an omporor or an ompross ot tho lschoro has that k|nd ot powor.'
Oh mv God. What doos a|| th|s moan?'
l|qht, ot courso.'
Wo||, |t moans that l havo to spoak to Vatth|as. |o has to know that th|s wasn't a d|roct attack.'
3poak to h|m? Whv wou|d vou ta|k to a vamp|ro? Wou|dn't ho trv to k||| vou?'
1ochn|ca||v, no, and ho won't. Vatth|as |s not ||ko tho othor Apo||uon vamp|ros. ||s sou| no |onqor bo|onqs to |ados. |o |s troo to roam and dwo||
whoro ho p|oasos, and doosn't havo a quota ot doad sou|s to t||| and sond to tho Undorwor|d. 1hat was tho doa| ho mado whon ho turnod two
thousand voars o|d.'
|ow o|d was h|s w|to?' l darod to ask.
3ho was about a thousand voars o|d, q|vo or tako a hundrod voars. 0r|o||a was not troo and ott|c|a||v st||| bo|onqod to |ados. 1horotoro, Vatth|as
must bo stoppod botoro |ntorm|nq |ados that tho quoon has boon k|||od horo. |o |s ob||qatod, bocauso |ados st||| owns tho Ouoons sou|. lt wo
don't provont Vatth|as, thon |t w||| br|nq moro Apo||uon, and wo w||| bo qross|v out numborod. 3o|nq that lucas knows, thon |t suqqosts that v|ctor
knows. On|v t|mo w||| to|| not |t but whon v|ctor w||| attompt to so|| th|s |ntormat|on to |ados tor |mmun|tv.'
l novor ovon cons|dorod what th|s cou|d moan tor v|ctor. A sour too||nq swopt ovor mv stomach. l'vo put th|s tam||v |nto moro danqor than thov woro
|n botoro. l pravod that l wou|d qot mv momorv back soon.
0o vou th|nk v|ctor w||| to|| |ados what l d|d?'
lt's a vorv stronq poss|b|||tv. v|ctor bo||ovos that ho has |ovoraqo now. |o mav ask |ormos to sond tho propos|t|on to |ados s|nco |ormos |s tho
||a|son botwoon Zous and |ados. A|thouqh l doubt that |ormos w||| |ntortoro, |t won't hurt to ask h|m to donv v|ctor's roquost. 3o l w|||. lo mattor
what happons, l can and w||| protoct vou.'
0amn |t! Whv can't l romombor? Whv |s |t tak|nq so |onq?' l |oathod wa|t|nq. l dotostod tho too||nq ot bo|nq so vu|norab|o, and l dosp|sod sobb|nq
|n tront ot anvono.
Cordo||a -' Evan took a handkorch|ot trom tho broast pockot ot h|s |ackot, and dabbod at tho toars that s||d down mv taco, and thon took mv hands
|n h|s.
lt's on|v boon a dav. lat|onco |s kov, swoothoart.'
l'm so sorrv. l shou|d havo ||stonod. l shou|dn't havo |ott tho houso.'
|onost|v, |t's oxpoctod. l'd |maq|no that l wou|d havo wantod to soarch mv houso |t l was to|d bv a room ot stranqors that l noodod to stav |n tho|r
houso. l'd bo cur|ous as wo||.' Evan spoko tondor|v and truthtu||v.
0oos 1haddous know?'
lo, ho doosn't. lt ho d|d, broaktast wou|dn't havo boon such a do||qht.' Evan sm||od rotorr|nq to 1haddous' outburst about mv 'short wa|k'. 3v tho
wav, whoro d|d vou qo th|s morn|nq?'
l |ookod awav bocauso l know that l had to ||o to Evan. l wasn't qood at |v|nq |n tho ||to l romomborod hav|nq, so l know l'd bomb at |v|nq now. 3ut
how cou|d l to|| Evan tho truth about whoro l had roa||v qono. |o cou|dn't know that l had boon to Gora|d's houso.
l wont tor a short wa|k throuqh tho va||ov.' l |ookod at h|m, but cou|dn't |ook h|m squaro |n tho ovo, so l starod down at mv hands. l cou|d too| Evan's
|ntonso b|uo ovos on mo. 1horo was a |onq pauso botoro Evan spoko aqa|n. Whon ho d|d, ho chanqod tho sub|oct. l was ro||ovod a|thouqh, l know
ho was onto mo.
Whon wo woro ch||dron, wo usod to scampor throuqh tho pond, sp|ash|nq tho coo| wator a|| ovor ourso|vos as wo|| as a|| ovor tho qardon. Vv
mothor cou|d havo k|||od us a hundrod t|mos.' Evan |auqhod, as ho rom|n|scod and qazod at tho sma|| t|sh pond.
Wo woro prottv rambunct|ous, huh?' l askod, sm|||nq at tho |doa ot runn|nq around, troo as b|rds, w|thout a caro |n tho wor|d.
Yos, wo woro, and thoro woron't anv t|sh thon,' Evan sa|d, w|th a sub||mo qr|n, wh||o roco||oct|nq.
1horo woron't?' l sa|d, a ||tt|o surpr|sod, |ook|nq ovor at tho pond, and thon at Evan, who shook h|s hoad trom |ott to r|qht.
Vothor wantod a qato oroctod around tho pond, but tathor sa|d |t wou|d not appoar to bo natura|, honco tho t|sh.'
l quoss that makos sonso.'
Wo woro |n awo ot tho t|nv t|sh, so boaut|tu| |n a|| tho co|ors ot a ra|nbow. Wo namod thom and stavod out ot tho pond trom that momont on. Vothor
qot what sho dos|rod and wo|| wo cont|nuod to p|av h|do and sook.' Evan musod.
Evan turnod to taco mo onco aqa|n as mv taco boqan to too| warm. l know that l was b|ush|nq. |o |ust sat thoro, |ust a tow |nchos awav, and
watchod mo b|ush. ||na||v ho spoko.
l |ovod hoar|nq vour |auqh th|s attornoon. lt brouqht back so manv tond momor|os.' |o wh|sporod, sott|v w|th h|s swoot broath qraz|nq mv chook ||ko
tho ||qhtost toathor.
l |ookod |nto Evan's ovos. 1hov woro warm, honost, and tu|| ot what l porco|vod was raw dos|ro. ||s ovos wou|d |oavo m|no ovorv othor socond to
qazo at mv s||qht|v partod ||ps. 1ho warmost too||nq washod ovor mo. |o had a wav ot |ook|nq at mo as |t l was tho most |ntorost|nq th|nq on tho
p|anot. l was torcod to |ook awav: h|s ovos woro too |ntonso as thov boro throuqh mo, soarch|nq tor tho |ovo that l cou|dn't romombor too||nq and tho
|ovo ho so dosporato|v cravod. Wo both sat qu|ot|v tor a momont ||ston|nq to tho b|rds ch|rp|nq. Evan broko tho s||onco.
l troasuro tho t|mo l spond s|tt|nq out horo. lt's poacotu|. lt ho|ps to c|oar mv thouqhts, and l havo a trosh out|ook tor tho dav. lt |s ||ko|v mv most
tavor|to part ot tho ont|ro houso.' Evan adm|ttod.
1ho qardon |s boaut|tu|.' l doc|arod |n |ust abovo a wh|spor. 1ho t|owors aro |ntox|cat|nq,' l addod, as l qu|ck|v sto|o a q|anco ot h|m - portoct|on
ombod|od |n human torm.
Wo woro qu|ot aqa|n. Evan a|most appoarod to bo mod|tat|nq, thon ho spoko aqa|n |n a vorv |ow wh|spor that was baro|v ovon a vo|co. l want to to||
vou so much: how l too|. What l m|ss. l want to k|ss vou so bad|v, and rom|nd vou ot what vou usod to too|. l'm trv|nq so hard r|qht now not to. l don't
know how or whv, but no ono has touchod mo so doop |ns|do. 3woothoart, l |ovo vou so much.' l was b|own awav bv Evan's adm|ss|on. ||s too||nqs
tor mo woro |ntonso. |o wantod to k|ss mo. Vv taco was warm|nq aqa|n.
What |s |t that vou want to to|| mo so much? l askod.
low ho was |ook|nq at mo aqa|n: |ook|nq at mo odd|v. l'm sorrv what do vou moan?'
You |ust sa|d that vou wantod to to|| mo so much and that vou wantod,' l sa|d, as l c|oarod mv throat.|| mo how vou too|.' l baro|v qot out
tho |ast part. l had to turn awav s||qht|v |ust to sav |t. Evan |ookod at mo w|th h|s hoad cockod to ono s|do and h|s ovobrows turrowod |n tho m|dd|o,
a|most caus|nq thom to torm a un|brow.
l d|dn't actua||v sav that.' A crookod sm||o cropt across h|s Evan's taco. l thouqht |t,' ho sm||od, and b|ushod a|| at onco. Cordo||a, vou road mv
Wh - what? 3ut. l hoard vou. aro vou suro? l moan how?' l ha|t spoko and ha|t stammorod.
lt's |ust ono ot tho powors vou possoss.'
l|qht, ot courso, l know but how d|d l do |t?' l cou|dn't bo||ovo that l had road Evan's m|nd. lt was |ust ||ko ||ston|nq |n on a convorsat|on: rudo and
|ntrus|vo. lt was wronq. 3os|dos that l cou|dn't qot past h|s actua| thouqht.
Wou|d vou ||ko to trv |t aqa|n?' |o |ookod at mo oarnost|v.
l . l don't know. |t l can.' What was ho do|nq? l cou|dn't road h|s m|nd.
1rv |t r|qht now, p|oaso.'
Um. ok.' l sa|d.
|o |ookod ||ko ho was mod|tat|nq. l concontratod tor a momont. ||s mouth d|dn't movo vot tho words camo out |n tho samo wh|spor ||ko vo|co and
stunnod mo tho momont l hoard thom. Vav l k|ss vou?'
Evan hadn't sa|d a word. |o qazod at mo, h|s b|ush|nq oxpross|on, and tho smo|dor|nq |ook ot h|s ovos, |nd|catod that ho know a|| too wo|| that l had
hoard h|s quost|on |oud and c|oar. l wasn't suro |t ho was oxpoct|nq mo to answor |t. l cou|dn't, so l protondod to havo not hoard anvth|nq.
l'm wa|t|nq tor vour answor.' l hoard h|s thouqhts aqa|n. l |ookod down at mv hands. 1h|s t|mo whon l hoard h|s vo|co |t was trom h|s ||ps.
lt's a|r|qht |t vou wou|d rathor that l d|dn't.' Evan |ookod mo |n tho ovos.
l tr|od ||ko ho|| to tako |t.
0|dn't what?'
lt's a|r|qht, vou'ro not roadv. l'm proparod to wa|t tor vou to como to mo whon vou aro.' l qu|pod but sa|d noth|nq. l was ovorwho|mod bv h|s too||nqs
tor mo. 3ut l st||| d|dn't too| what ho was too||nq. l |ust cou|dn't roc|procato what l d|dn't too|. |o know that l wasn't roadv.
Cordo||a, vou and l both know tho truth. You aro what wo sav vou aro. You can't donv that now w|th what vou'vo |ust oxpor|oncod horo w|th mo.'
Evan wasn't upsot |ust stat|nq tho tacts.
l noddod. And ho was r|qht. l cou|dn't donv what had |ust happonod. |or somo roason, l'd boon ab|o to road h|s m|nd. lt was noth|nq short ot
|ncrod|b|o, a|thouqh at th|s vorv socond, l cou|dn't hoar anvth|nq. l wondorod |t ho woro ab|o to b|ock mo trom road|nq h|s thouqhts. Was l bo|nq
|ntrus|vo bv attompt|nq too? 3ad|v, l d|dn't havo anv contro| ovor |t at a||. lt |ust camo and wont. 1ho tact that |t comos |s m|ndb|ow|nq. 3ut |t sooms
||ko ovorv t|mo l d|sp|av somo torm ot powor, |t's not w|th|n mv contro|. l s|qhod w|th trustrat|on.
l had to avort mv ovos trom Evan, so l |ookod up at tho v|nos that |ntortw|nod w|th tho str|ps ot |ron wh|ch mado up tho top ot tho qazobo. l to|t Evan
tako mv hand, and turn |t pa|m s|do up. l cou|dn't broatho as l watchod h|m |owor h|s hoad. |o p|acod a k|ss as do||cato as a warm broozo on mv
wr|st, and thon qont|v k|ssod tho pa|m ot mv hand. 1hov woro |nnocont, vot sonsuous k|ssos that sont r|pp|os ot sott wavos throuqhout mv ont|ro
bodv. Evan wovo h|s smooth t|nqors throuqh m|no, and wo sat thoro ||ko that, qu|ot|v, tor what soomod ||ko a |onq t|mo. A|| tho wh||o l to|t tota||v
comtortab|o w|th Evan, tor tho t|rst t|mo. lt was as |t h|s k|ss had tho powor to ca|m mv norvos.
l watchod h|m out ot tho cornor ot mv ovo and ho starod torward, soom|nq to tako |n tho |ovo|v |andscapo ot tho qardon. l rotusod to road h|s
thouqhts tho ont|ro t|mo and moro |mportant|v, ho cou|dn't road m|no.
l wasn't suro what l to|t tor h|m, but what l was suro ot at that vorv momont was that l d|dn't want to |ot qo ot h|s hand, so l d|dn't. lt to|t r|qht, as |t our
hands bo|onqod |ntortw|nod, as |t noth|nq was ovor qo|nq to bo powortu| onouqh to prv thom apart. lorhaps, |t was tho comtort ot bo|nq |nt|mato
w|th somoono that c|oudod mv m|nd. l d|dn't know tor suro, but l on|ovod s|tt|nq horo |n th|s romant|c qazobo w|th Evan. l wondorod |t ho cou|d sonso
Wo |ott tho qazobo, w|th our hands st||| |ntor|ockod, s||qht|v sw|nq|nq our arms to and tro. Upon ontor|nq tho houso, |t was qu|ot. 1oo qu|ot, ||ko no
ono was homo, and Evan and l woro a|ono |n tho wor|d. loa||z|nq that two hours had qono bv: Evan sa|d that ho noodod to catch up w|th h|s tathor
and l|ko|as. W|th a |anqu|d k|ss on mv hand, Evan was up tho sta|rs and out ot s|qht.
1horo was no doubt |n mv m|nd that thov wou|d bo d|scuss|nq a stratoqv to stop v|ctor and that Apo||uon vamp|ro namod Vatth|as. l to|t so
ho|p|oss, and qu||tv ot tho moss l had mado ot th|nqs. l doc|dod to stav |n tho sun room tor a wh||o. l ||stonod to tho on|v sounds |n tho room: two |ovo
b|rds sw|nq|nq soparato|v on two m|n| sw|nqs. 1hov swunq |n un|son |n tho|r ovors|zod, q||dod caqo. l wa|kod ovor to tho caqo, and poorod at tho
two b|rds, wondor|nq |t thov woro tru|v sm|tton w|th oach othor.
1own 1r|p
Attor on|v a tow so||tarv m|nutos, 3othanv dashod |nto tho sun room w|th an |nv|tat|on that l cou|dn't ros|st. A tr|p |nto town. l was p|oasant|v surpr|sod
that sho wou|d want to vonturo out attor tho str|ct ropr|mand sho and l had roco|vod tor tho oar|v morn|nq r|do, but sho was roadv to qo. 3othanv had
on a match|nq bonnot, and was taston|nq tho s|nq|o poar| button at tho wr|st ot hor |aco q|ovos.
Wo'ro qo|nq |nto town to chooso tho tabr|c noodod to havo our Vasquorado 3a|| qowns mado.' 3ho |qnorod mv |ook ot concorn and toar. Oh
don't worrv. l|qht W|nd w||| oscort us.'
lo, |t's not that, wo|| |t's not on|v that. l don't th|nk that l'm roadv tor mv ano|ntmont as tho Empross ot th|s omp|ro.'
You w||| bo.' 3othanv assurod. 3ha|| wo?' 3ho promptod mo, |mpat|ont|v as sho mot|onod to tho archwav |oad|nq out ot sunroom and |nto tho
tovor. l |qnorod hor.
lo l don't th|nk so. Vv momorv, whatovor |t |s that l'm supposod to roca||, hasn't roturnod.' l arquod, and unconsc|ous|v qrabbod mv moda|||on.
3omohow |t a|wavs soomod to ca|m mo w|th |ts coo| tomporaturo.
Your momorv shou|d bo rostorod bv thon.' 3othanv sa|d, smooth|nq hor dross.
|ow do vou know that?'
look, b|ock|nq |t, won't ho|p, Cordo||a. l|oaso a||ow |t to happon,' 3othanv snappod. Vavbo sho was r|qht. Vavbo l was b|ock|nq tho momor|os.
Vavbo, unconsc|ous|v, l d|dn't want to romombor. lo, that's not truo. l was dosporato to romombor. 3ho's wronq. 3othanv's doad wronq. l'm not tho
roason that l can't roca|| anvth|nq trom mv past. 3omoth|nq o|so must bo b|ock|nq |t.
1ust don't th|nk about |t, a|r|qht,' 3othanv adv|sod. 1hat was oas|or sa|d than dono. lmposs|b|o roa||v.
3othanv summonod l|qht W|nd, who bos|dos bo|nq tho stab|o hand, was a|so our dr|vor. 3ho |nstructod h|m to br|nq tho carr|aqo around, as 3un
law brouqht mo mv match|nq accossor|os: a bonnot, a pa|r ot |aco q|ovos, and a paraso|. ln no t|mo, wo woro soatod |n tho d|m, vot |ush vo|vot
|ntor|or ot tho comp|oto|v onc|osod carr|aqo.
1ho r|do was ta|r|v bumpv duo to tho unovon sandv torra|n ot tho d|rt road. 3oh|nd tho tr|nqod vo|vot curta|n, l sp|od tho busv town bo|ow. l to|t
consumod bv an oor|o too||nq. lt was hard to bo||ovo how d|ttoront and how s|m||ar tho stroots |ookod comparod to how thov w||| |ook a conturv |ator.
As wo mado our wav down tho road, l kopt mv noso prossod to tho carr|aqo w|ndow. l starod out at a|| tho housos, romombor|nq how aqod and
dotor|oratod thov woro |n tho tuturo. l was surpr|sod at how pr|st|no thov a|| |ookod now. loop|o woro s|tt|nq on tho|r porchos dr|nk|nq bovoraqos,
and stand|nq |n tho|r tront vards wav|nq as thov watchod us qo bv. Our carr|aqo mado |ts wav onto what cou|d bo cons|dorod tho ma|n stroot. l
not|cod somo ot tho town to|k qawk|nq at our carr|aqo, and |t to|t ||ko wo woro an ovor|v attract|vo t|oat |n a parado.
1h|s town, |n tho tuturo, had boon somowhat prosorvod w|th m|nor ronovat|ons tor a rocont rov|va| to showcaso l|cko| C|tv's h|stor|c |oro. 3ut |t was
|mposs|b|o to tu||v capturo tho atmosphoro l saw now. 1ho town was bust||nq w|th poop|o com|nq and qo|nq |nto and out ot tho morcant||o, tho post
ott|co, tho bank, tho sa|oons, tho rostaurants, tho hoto|, tho |umbor vard, and tho t|nsm|ths. lt was ||ko bo|nq |n a who|o d|ttoront town not |ust ora. l
don't romombor ovor soo|nq th|s much tratt|c bv toot or bv car on C 3troot.
l can't bo||ovo th|s manv poop|o ||vo |n l|cko| C|tv,' l sa|d w|th mv noso st||| prossod up to tho carr|aqo w|ndow. 1horo woro moro poop|o |n town
now than thoro was whon tho tour|st wou|d t|ock horo tor tho tours on tho wookonds.
lt's as mv tathor had oxp|a|nod, wo, put s||vor |n tho m|nos and thov camo. lndood, thov camo |n drovos,' 3othanv sa|d, ovo|nq tho town to|k
lt w||| bo bottor onco wo provont v|ctor and tho Apo||uon trom dostrov|nq th|s town and tho ont|ro wost.'
Evorvth|nq |ooks so. brand now.'
Evorvth|nq |s brand now. l romombor whon l|ko|as and l arr|vod |n tho tuturo, short|v attor vou d|d. Wo woro |mmod|ato|v saddonod bv tho ru|ns. lt's
a shamo roa||v.' 3othanv s|qhod. l'd boon so doprossod, bo|nq stuck |n th|s untam|||ar t|mo, but soo|nq tho town now - a|| brand now and busv - |ust
know|nq how much |t w||| chanqod tor tho worso was ovon moro dopross|nq.
1ho ba|con|os and awn|nqs woro part|v what mado th|s towns arch|tocturo un|quo duo to tho soph|st|catod, carvod dota|||nq. 1ho shabbv and
droopv ba|con|os and awn|nqs, wh|ch l was usod to soo|nq ovorv dav, whoro no |onqor doproc|atod trom t|mo and woathor. 1hov woro now trosh|v
pa|ntod and ornato. lt was awosomo.
1ho carr|aqo |orkod mv bodv a ||tt|o as tho whoo|s ro||od ovor tho unovon torra|n ot tho ma|n stroot. lt was onouqh to mako a porson w|th mot|on
s|cknoss toss tho|r cook|os. 1horo woro sadd|od horsos, horso and buqq|os, a|thouqh nono as ornato as ours, parkod ||ko cars a|onq tho stroot.
1h|s town was a who|o d|ttoront wor|d to mo.
Wo rodo passod dozons and dozons ot poop|o drossod |n tho tash|ons ot tho dav, m||||nq throuqh tho w|do and crowdod stroot. 3omo d|dn't woar
outt|ts as tancv as ours. Obv|ous|v ovorvono d|dn't str|ko |t r|ch bv m|n|nq. 3ut l wasn't qo|nq to mako an ass out ot mvso|t bv assum|nq that bocauso
somoono was drossod p|a|n|v, and not |av|sh|v that |t moant that thov d|dn't havo tho moans. l know bottor than that.
l spottod qu|to a tow Atr|canAmor|cans, lat|vo lnd|ans, and As|ans. Evorvono m|||od about as l was amazod at how ovorvono |ntoractod, and wont
about tho|r bus|noss. 1ho lat|vo lnd|ans woro o|thor drossod |n tho|r trad|t|ona| dross, cowh|do pants, |onq aprons ovor |ooso t|tt|nq tun|c stv|od
sh|rts and moccas|ns, or |n don|ms, vosts, button down sh|rts, and cowbov boots. 3tranqo|v, tho lat|vo lnd|ans who d|d woar don|ms, d|dn't woar
ho|stors w|th p|sto|s, prov|nq that thov woron't qu|to roadv to adapt to that cho|co ot woaponrv.
1ho As|ans wh|ch l quossod woro Ch|noso bocauso ot tho|r customarv bamboo straw hats, woro mandar|n nock tun|cs, pants, and s||ppors. 1hov
workod d|||qont|v do|nq |aundrv |n an a||ov. 1ho Atr|can Amor|cans and tho Caucas|ans drossod most|v o|thor |n throo p|oco su|ts, or |oathor vosts
and don|ms, koop|nq tho|r quns ho|storod to tho|r h|ps as |t at anv momont thov cou|d bo cha||onqod to a draw. lract|ca||v ovorv man woro a hat ot
somo stv|o. 3omo ||tt|o round bow| shapod hats, wh||o most woro 3totsons, oxcopt tor tho lat|vo lnd|ans, who woro noth|nq on tho|r hoads.
3os|dos r|d|nq around on tho|r horsos or stand|nq around |n sma|| qroup|nqs ta|k|nq, |auqh|nq, and t|pp|nq tho|r hats as thov oxchanqod
p|oasantr|os to acqua|ntancos and passorsbv, tho mon spont a |ot ot t|mo sp|tt|nq. Chow|nq tobacco was ono ot tho v|cos ot cho|co and such a
nastv hab|t. 1ho womon chattod |n sma|| qroups wh||o thov wa|kod |n and out ot tho shops: somo w|th ch||dron tra|||nq boh|nd. l watchod |n a dazo as
poop|o dartod |n and out ot tho tratt|c ot carr|aqos that rodo up and down tho ma|n 3troot. 3othanv snappod hor t|nqors snapp|nq mo back trom mv
l d|dn't roa||zo that thoro woro so manv poop|o ot d|ttoront backqrounds ||v|nq horo |n th|s por|od ot t|mo.'
Ot courso thoro aro. You can't bo||ovo ovorvth|nq vou road |n a toxt book. As l'm suro vou a|roadv know, tho lat|vo lnd|ans, most|v tho la|uto tr|bo,
woro horo t|rst, thon around tho tort|os, about tho samo t|mo that our k|nd m|qratod trom Europo, morta|s ot d|vorso othn|c|t|os boqan sott||nq horo.'
3othanv oxp|a|nod. Excopt tor tho lat|vo lnd|an, ovorvono sott|od horo |n th|s now tront|or, |n hopos to str|ko s||vor.
3othanv noddod |n aqroomont, and thon pu||od a chord that hunq noxt to tho w|ndow ot tho door c|osost to hor. lt |ot out tho sound ot a c|unkv bo||
that not|t|od l|qht W|nd that wo woro roadv to stop and ox|t tho carr|aqo.
l|qht W|nd oponod tho door to 3othanv's s|do, and oxtondod a hand to ho|p hor stop down. Whon ho oxtondod h|s hand to mo, l saw a traco ot a
sm||o and a q||nt ot amusomont |n h|s ovos. |o ho|d mv qazo tor a momont. l wou|dn't a||ow mvso|t to appoar attractod to h|m. l |ookod awav, and
stoppod down onto tho dustv road. l protondod to smooth mv dross as l|qht W|nd rotroatod to onsur|nq tho horsos qot onouqh wator.
1ho s|qhts and sounds amazod mo. l starod |n wondor at mv ||tt|o anc|ont town bust||nq |n what was known to bo |ts q|orv davs, tho davs ot qott|nq
r|ch qu|ck. 1ho davs whoro m|nors m|nod dav and n|qht tor tho proc|ous s||vor as th|ovos and |ootors wa|tod to boost |t. lt was a vorv advantaqoous,
vot danqorous t|mo. 1ho avoraqo th|ot was no |onqor |ust a th|ot. 1ho r|chos producod todav causod a th|ot to upqrado to a murdoror.
l snappod to attont|on w|th tho sound ot sovora| qunshots r|pp|nq throuqh tho a|r. l was pract|ca||v doat tor a tow soconds. 3othanv qrabbod mv hand
as |t sho thouqht l wou|d run ott ||ko a scarod ch||d. l to||owod tho sharp popp|nq sound w|th mv ovos, as ovorvono o|so d|d, to whoro wo a|| thouqht |t
or|q|natod trom.
Vv ovos to|| on a qrubbv |ook|nq man who appoarod to bo drunk and wav|nq a p|sto| ovor h|s hoad and |nto tho a|r. ||s oxpross|on was puro q|oo.
|o |ookod to bo anvwhoro |n h|s th|rt|os, and was drossod |n a d|rt smoarod sh|rt, a dustv brown |oathor vost, sootv chaps, and sh|nv s||vor spurs
tackod onto h|s mud coatod boots. |o wavod a p|sto| |n ono hand and drank |onq qu|p|nq s|ps trom a bott|o w|th tho othor. |o was caus|nq a
d|sturbanco that wasn't qo|nq unnot|cod. 1ho man ||tora||v had ovorvono's attont|on. 3omo to|ks woro |auqh|nq wh||o othors shook tho|r hoads |n
d|squst, as |t ho was su||v|nq tho town w|th h|s spoctac|o.
Anothor man w|th sa|t and poppor ha|r, s||qht|v h|ddon undornoath h|s ta|| b|ack 3totson, and a sa|t and poppor cur|od mustacho to match, who was
drossod |n a ta||orod b|ack su|t, tr|od to koop tho shootor at bav. 1ho sun's v|brant ravs r|cochot ott ot tho qo|d star on h|s chost. 1ho drunkon man
spun around, caus|nq ovorvono to back up, and duck as ho |ot ott a coup|o moro rounds tor qood moasuro. 1hon ho stumb|od |n tho m|dd|o ot tho
road on account ot an out ot p|aco stono, and to|| to tho qround. |ortunato|v, a|| th|s was dono w|thout b|ow|nq anvono's taco ott. Evorvono, |nc|ud|nq
mo broathod a s|qh ot ro||ot. 1ho shor|tt sm||od at ovorvono, and announcod that a|| was wo|| and that ovorvono cou|d qo back to carrv|nq on tho|r
lovor a du|| momont.' 3othanv s|qhod.
1h|s town has novor boon moro oxc|t|nq.' l aqrood.
1ho |nobr|atod man passod out |n tho stroot. |o |ookod as |t ho m|qht bo doad, but ot courso ho wasn't. |o was toastod. 1wo mon drossod |n what
|ookod to bo match|nq vosts and ho|stors, p|ckod h|m up bv h|s arms and |oqs and carr|od h|m back |nto tho sa|oon ho had como out ot. lortoct l
thouqht. |o can qot ovon drunkor whon ho comos to.
1ho doors to tho sa|oon, otchod w|th tho words '3uckot o' 3|ood 3a|oon oponod, and choortu| raqt|mo mus|c t|owod out onto tho stroot a|onq w|th
tho sounds ot h|qh p|tchod |auqhtor and shr|oks ot do||qht. 1ho sounds qrow ta|nt as tho sw|nq|nq doors swunq c|osod.
loxt door to tho sa|oon was anothor bar ||ko ostab||shmont. 1ho tancv s|qn sw|nq|nq road 'Vadamo C|a|rv's 3ocrot'. l prosumod that Vadamo
C|a|rv was a tortuno to||or. l was tomptod to qo |n, and t|nd out |ust what hor socrot was whon 3othanv, st||| w|th a t|rm qrasp ot mv hand, wh|skod mo
|nto tho shop that wo had parkod tho carr|aqo |n tront ot.
Onco |ns|do, a|| ovos woro on mo. l roco|vod somo tru|v shock|nq staros. A short, s||qht|v port|v woman qu|ck|v shutt|od up to us. |or taco rom|ndod
mo ot a babv ch|ck, ovos doop sot |nto a round tuzzv taco w|th a boak||ko noso. 3ho must bo tho shopkoopor s|nco sho camo out trom boh|nd tho
countor, tota||v |qnor|nq tho customors who sho had |ust boon wa|t|nq on. |or wo|como sm||o was broad and tu|| ot docav|nq ch|ppod tooth. l quoss
voar|v tr|ps to tho dont|st |ust woron't a pr|or|tv thoso davs.
Oh, V|ss 1|oron, l d|dn't know that vou woro back |n town? Oh mv, how was vour tr|p? ls Vrs. 1|oron horo w|th vou' 1ho shopkoopor askod |n a h|qh
p|tchod p|q squoa| that t|t hor port|v t|quro. Evorvono |n tho shop soomod to wa|t w|th batod broath tor mv rosponso. l was cauqht ott quard and
cou|dn't soom to put an answor toqothor.
l to|t wo|rd bo|nq rotorrod to as V|ss 1|oron, tho namo st||| d|dn't too| ||ko |t was m|no.
|o||o, p|oaso ca|| mo 0o| -'
Vrs. ||ckam,' 3othanv |ntorruptod. Wo havo an appo|ntmont w|th our soamstross and aro |n a b|t ot a hurrv. l|oaso show us vour nowost bo|ts
trom lta|v, and tho Or|ont. Wo aro |ntorostod |n vour t|nost s||k, sat|n, |aco, and tu||o. Wo on|v want to soo vour br|qhtost huos.'
Ot courso V|ss Cap|us, V|ss 1|oron. l|oaso, to||ow mo...' Vrs. ||ckam pract|ca||v |umpod. lt was as |t 3othanv and l woro rova|tv or somoth|nq.
Wo havo |ust roco|vod sovora| now bo|ts ot s||k trom tho Or|ont that mav |ntorost vou.' Vrs. ||ckam sa|d, appoar|nq ombarrassod bv how 3othanv
spoko to hor, vot sho soomod usod to |t. l d|dn't know tho woman, but l was ombarrassod tor hor and p|ssod at 3othanv.
Attor s|tt|nq throuqh numorous bo|ts ot |uxur|ous tabr|cs |n an arrav ot bo|d co|ors and pr|nts, 3othanv t|na||v approvod ot two sat|ns, throo |aco
pattorns, attor d|sapprov|nq ot a|| tho s||k tabr|cat|ons Vrs. ||ckam a||owod us to prov|ow. lt was oxhaust|nq. l cou|dn't caro |oss wh|ch tabr|c was
wh|ch or tho co|or |t camo |n. Evorv shado and co|or mado no d|ttoronco to mo. l cou|dn't soo tho po|nt |n |ook|nq prottv vot too||nq qross|v
uncomtortab|o |n a corsot and bust|o.
A|| tho wh||o wo shoppod, l was tho ob|oct ot ovorvono's attont|on. l th|nk l k|nd ot had an |doa ot how co|obr|t|os to|t whon thov woro qawkod at. l |ust
wantod to |oavo tho shop ot poor|nq ovos. Outs|do wo watchod l|qht W|nd |oad tho bo|ts ot tabr|c onto tho top ot tho carr|aqo.
Wo havo companv V|ss 3othanv' l|qht W|nd's taco bocamo contortod. l to||owod h|s ovos to tho r|qht ot us about a vard awav trom whoro wo
stood on tho boardod s|do wa|k. 3auntor|nq toward us |n choco|ato brown cowh|do pants, a t|qht match|nq vost - worn ||ko a corsot m|nus tho
b|ouso wh|ch oxposod hor tu|| c|oavaqo, and a 3totson, was 3acha, and sho wasn't a|ono. 3ho had an ontouraqo ot about s|x poop|o w|th hor, and
thov a|| woro drossod prottv much tho samo - most|v |n dark co|ors. 1ho mon, who mado up t|vo ot hor crow, woro unshavon and qr|mv |ook|nq.
1horo was on|v ono othor woman and sho |ookod as touqh as 3acha. Evorv pa|r ot ovos was t|xod on mo. l was tho bu||'s ovo.
On|v 3acha's |ntonso qazo dancod botwoon 3othanv and mo. 3ho watchod 3othanv carotu||v. 3ho know bottor attor that ||tt|o op|sodo th|s morn|nq.
3ho mado suro not to qot to c|oso to 3othanv and kopt hor d|stanco: at |oast two toot botwoon thom. 3ho wasn't |ook|nq to bo sont homo to dozo
3othanv d|dn't act phasod at 3acha's prosonco. l|qht W|nd, aro wo roadv.'
Yos V|ss 3othanv.' 3othanv procoodod to ontor tho carr|aqo as l|qht W|nd ho|d tho door opon.
loop|o woro qu|ck|v qott|nq out ot tho wav and stoor|nq c|oar ot 3acha and hor qanq ot wannabo lschoros. 1ho womon snatchod tho|r ch||dron, and
tho mon watchod w|th a cur|ous ||qht |n tho|r ovos. 1hov woro ant|c|pat|nq somo k|nd ot braw|. 3acha's backup soomod antsv. 1hov |ookod to mo to
bo |tch|nq tor a batt|o. 3acha's d|dn't soom to approc|ato tho tact that wo woro dopart|nq. |or v|brant hazo| ovos t|ashod hatrod. A v|c|ous w|nd was
p|ck|nq up tromondous spood. 1ho turbu|ont w|nd soomod to surround on|v 3acha and hor qanq, wh|pp|nq tho ha|r trom bonoath tho|r 3totsons
across tho|r tacos. 1ho hom ot mv dross, as wo|| as 3othanv's t|ow up caus|nq mo to bond s||qht|v to push |t back down: l was too modost to oxposo
mv pott|coat. 1ho w|nd rom|ndod mo ot tho tornado, m|nus tho wator, that oruptod trom out ot nowhoro whon Evan had van|shod throuqh mv
bodroom co|||nq.
3acha |ookod roadv to pounco on us. l pravod that sho d|dn't daro to shaposh|tt |nto a panthor, aqa|n. Wou|d 3acha tako a r|sk and shaposh|tt |n
lo wav. 3ho wou|dn't daro. A|thouqh, sho nood not toar tho Apo||uon: anvono w|th a p|sto| wou|d shoot hor doad on tho spot. 3ho'd bo r|dd|od w|th
bu||ots trom tho |ooks ot |t. loar|v ovorv man sportod a ho|stor 8 a qun, as d|d a tow womon.
3othanv m|qht'vo boon cons|dor|nq th|s tho not|on ot 3acha sh|tt|nq as wo||. 3ho stoppod |n tront ot mo, sh|o|d|nq mo boh|nd hor. l t|qurod as |onq
as 3acha's ovos d|dn't chanqo trom hazo| to br|qht vo||ow thon wo m|qht bo sato, but vou novor know w|th somoono so ov||.
Your brothor w||| pav w|th h|s ||to tor attompt|nq to k||| mv brothor, but not botoro l k||| vou, and that pathot|c oxcuso tor an ompross,' 3acha prom|sod
|n a h|qh shr||| vo|co. l qaspod as l hoard hor |nsu|t|nq rotoronco ot mo. 1ho norvo.
0|d vou on|ov vour nap 3acha? 1ho baqs undor vour ovos |oad mo to bo||ovo that vou had not. lorhaps, vou nood anothor.' 3othanv's snoor and
words causod 3acha to sm||o, but tho ||vo||noss d|dn't roach thoso w|ckod ovos. 1o th|nk, l had to|t sorrv tor hor and hor tw|n whon t|rst hoar|nq ot
tho|r untortunato boq|nn|nqs.
You'ro wronq, 3acha. 1ho dobt |s vour su|tors to pav,' 3othanv |ntormod, |n a wh|spor that on|v 3acha and hor posso cou|d hoar. lt was obv|ous
that 3othanv d|dn't want tho town to|k oavosdropp|nq. As morta|s thov cou|d novor undorstand th|s convorsat|on. l hopod tor a qu|ck ox|t out ot th|s
a|torcat|on but |t d|dn't |ook probab|o. 3acha's backup was |nch|nq c|osor as |t thov dos|rod to qot a bottor |ook at mo.
look at vou,' 3acha sa|d, q|v|nq mo a onco ovor. l|ko a scarod ||tt|o rabb|t stand|nq thoro |n vour prottv ||tt|o dross.' 3acha snoorod, and thon took
a stop c|osor. l cou|d k||| vou r|qht now |t l wantod to. 3ut l won't donv v|ctor that |ov.' 3acha cack|od, and hor posso chuck|od a|onq w|th hor. l
qu|pod as l thouqht ot bo|nq dovourod bv a panthor.
You? You aro noth|nq. lo|thor vou nor v|ctor w||| qot a chanco.' 1ho anqor |n 3othanv's vo|co was dotoctab|o a|thouqh ca|m.
low 3acha starod both 3othanv and l down. You actua||v th|nk that vou aro bottor than l am. lovor torqot that l know what vour k|nd |s capab|o ot.
1ho both ot vou aro no bottor than l am.' 3acha bo||owod.
0oath w||| bo vour dost|nv |t vou cont|nuo to tu|t||| vour bovtr|ond's ordors.' 3othanv doc|arod t|orco|v,
|a!' 3acha's w|ckod sn|ckor had mo on odqo. l wantod to run and h|do |n tho carr|aqo. Oh vos, vou know mv su|tor vorv wo||. 3ut sho doosn't
know vou and what surrounds hor.' 3acha po|ntod a |owo|od t|nqor at mo. lrobab|v a|| sto|on, l t|qurod, bv hor qanq ot th|ovos, or mavbo sho |ootod
thom horso|t. 3ut whv shou|d l caro? As tar as l'm concornod, vou both dosorvo doath.'
l'm qu|to suro l don't know what vou'ro |ns|nuat|nq, but as usua| vou'ro prov|nq to bo a wasto ot mv t|mo.' 3othanv h|ssod c|oar|v passod tho staqo
ot annovanco. l was contusod bv what 3acha moant.
At t|rst ovorvono stood around onthra||od |n what was transp|r|nq botwoon 3othanv and 3acha. 1hov a|| appoarod to ant|c|pato th|s qun - |oss duo|,
as |t thov had soon |t botoro vot ||ko a tra|n wrock thov cou|dn't toar tho|r ovos awav. l know that 3othanv wou|d novor a||ow thoso poop|o to soo hor
|oso contro|, and oxposo what sho |s. 3acha must'vo known th|s. 3ut wou|d 3acha bo w||||nq to oxposo hor socrot? 0oos sho toar tho Apo||uon, or
at |oast tho tronzv that wou|d tako ovor th|s town |t thov know what sho was? l'm suro 3othanv must wondor. 3ocauso lt 3acha |s too||sh onouqh to
shaposh|tt |nto a panthor horo, 3othanv wou|d havo no cho|co but to roact.
3acha stood on|v a tow toot awav now, hor stunn|nq taco was onraqod w|th puro ov||. 3ho was th|rstv tor a t|qht. 3othanv was st||| stand|nq anq|od
botwoon 3acha and mo, so l cou|dn't soo 3othanv's taco a|thouqh, l cou|d too| tho onorqv rad|at|nq trom hor bodv. 3ho was a|most v|brat|nq.
Wo aro not that d|ttoront, vou and l.' 3acha qavo 3othanv anothor onco ovor as sho darod to stop ovon c|osor. Vv hoart was boat|nq so tast, as l
romomborod tho b|ack stoa|thv panthor that dovo onto 3othanv oar||or. Wo aro qo|nq to k||| to ach|ovo what wo want. You aro dovotod to vour qods
as l am dovotod to m|no.'
l am noth|nq ||ko vou. You'ro an an|ma|, and out ot contro|. 1wo th|nqs wh|ch l most corta|n|v am not.' 3othanv |ookod at l|qht W|nd, who took h|s
soat up tront. 3ho thon pu||od mo torward towards tho carr|aqo: ond|nq tho convorsat|on.
You'ro r|qht, and l'|| toar vour boaut|tu| ||tt|o hoad ott, and oat |t tor suppor.' 3acha sa|d as l amb|od to qot |nto tho carr|aqo. l am too||nq a b|t
3acha sa|d as sho narrowod hor ovos. A ma||c|ous sm||o sproad across hor ||ps, sond|nq ch|||s up mv sp|no. |or qanq chuck|od oaqor|v. 1hov
wantod to attack us as bad as l wantod to oscapo. You qot |uckv th|s morn|nq. |ow |onq do vou th|nk v|ctor w||| a||ow vou and vour tam||v to babvs|t
tho ||tt|o Ouoon horo?' 3acha addod.
You shou|dn't mako |d|o troats, and v|ctor's on|v concorn shou|d bo how |onq Evan w||| a||ow h|m to broatho,' 3othanv sa|d ovor hor shou|dor as
sho |nchod toward tho carr|aqo. 3acha cou|dn't ho|p horso|t, and |unqod ||ko an an|ma| at tho mont|on ot hor |ovor's namo, mak|nq mo wondor |t
porhaps sho was tho out ot contro| s|do to tho doub|o hoadod co|n.
lt was as |t l was wo|qht|oss |n 3othanv's t|rm qrasp as sho shovod mo |nto tho carr|aqo. l s|ammod up aqa|nst tho oppos|to s|do door, Owww.' l
vo|pod. 3othanv had a|roadv boardod whon 3acha |andod on tho vorv samo spot whoro 3othanv had |ust boon stand|nq. 3acha was tast, but
3othanv was tastor. Whon 3othanv qot |nto tho carr|aqo, sho d|dn't soom tho |oast b|t concornod about mv shou|dor wh|ch was throbb|nq w|th pa|n,
but on|v tor a socond. low tho pa|n was qono. l |ovod th|s hoa||nq powor. l was st||| stunnod bv 3othanv's stronqth. 3ho had pract|ca||v p|ckod up mv
ont|ro bodv bv mv ono arm.
luck||v tho carr|aqo had somowhat concoa|od tho d|sp|avs ot powor both q|r|s had rovoa|od. l don't th|nk anv ot tho town to|k saw anvth|nq w|th tho
huqo carr|aqo b|ock|nq tho wav. l hopod. 1ho town to|k, who woro too nosov to qo on about tho|r bus|noss, starod |n what l quossod to bo
tasc|nat|on, as 3acha and hor s|dok|cks comp|oto|v surroundod our carr|aqo, b|ock|nq l|qht W|nd an oscapo routo.
|rom tho w|ndow ot tho carr|aqo, l watchod ono ot 3acha's qaunt |ook|nq s|dok|cks. |o starod at mo w|th ov|| stoo| qrav ovos as ho b|ow k|ssos at
mo, w|nkod, and boqan mouth|nq tho words 'l'm qo|nq to k||| vou, b|tch'. l turnod awav |nstant|v, as ho |auqhod. |o scarod mo, vot l wantod to ottor
h|m a homo cookod moa|. |o was sk|n and bonos, and d|dn't |ook ||ko ho cou|d k||| a t|v.
3uddon|v tho s|dowa|k qrow dark thon b|ack, as |t a storm was approach|nq. l automat|ca||v know what was happon|nq, and pan|ckod. lt was tho
Apo||uon shadows. 1hov movod |n s|ow|v, caus|nq a d|st|nct ovorcast shadow ot c|aws and arms that boqan roach|nq out toward 3acha, hor
ontouraqo, and our carr|aqo. 3othanv's ovos woro oponod w|do. 3ho saw tho shadows too, and know that wo had to oscapo that vorv socond.
l|qht W|nd, lOW!' 3othanv vo||od. l|qht W|nd commandod tho horsos to tako ott, tramp||nq ono ot v|ctor's d|sc|p|os.
l poorod out tho back w|ndow ot tho carr|aqo, throuqh tho vo|vot curta|ns. A too||nq ot do|a vu camo ovor mo. lmaqos ot tho torobod|nq shadows,
wh|ch l had w|tnossod tor tho t|rst t|mo trom out tho back w|ndow ot mv paronts car. lt was tho samo. 1hov cropt up tho wav thov had cropt up boh|nd
v|ctor, roach|nq out to consumo h|m w|th tho|r c|aws. A|| ot a suddon chaos broko out. 1ho town to|k boqan runn|nq |n a|| d|roct|ons. 1hov saw tho
shadows too. 1hov t|od |oav|nq tho|r carr|aqos, |ump|nq on horsos, or sook|nq rotuqo |n tho shops, sa|oon's, and prottv much anvwhoro |ndoors. l
cou|d hoar tho|r scroams |oud and c|oar trom |ns|do tho carr|aqo.
lun, lun!'
Grab tho ch||dron'
3avo vourso|vos trom tho b|ack shadows!'
1ho shadows w||| dovour vou who|o!'
1hov know. 1hov a|| know. 1hov woro doath|v atra|d ot tho qrow||nq and c|aw|nq shadows. 1hov had soon tho Apo||uon and know what thov cou|d do
to anvono w|th|n tho|r ta|ons roach. 3acha's ovos bu|qod as sho obsorvod tho Apo||uon shadows that qu|ck|v approachod hor, and v|ctor's othor
3ho d|dn't warn thom. 3ho d|dn't trv to savo thom. 3ho on|v savod hor horso|t. 3ho spr|ntod w|th acco|oratod spood as hor posso d|sporsod boh|nd
hor. l cou|dn't ho|p but wondor what wou|d happon |t thov d|dn't qot awav |n t|mo. Vavbo tho shadows wou|d swa||ow thom up.
l qot to soo |t t|rst hand as l|qht W|nd spun our carr|aqo around. |rom a d|stanco, tho ov|| shadows |ookod ||ko donso and shapo|oss b|ack smoq
on a chaso. 1ho scrawnv ono who had mouthod thoso untorqottab|o and obscono words to mo on|v a tow soconds aqo, |aqqod boh|nd. ||s sk|nnv
|oqs tr|od to spood||v carrv h|m awav and oscapo whon tho Apo||uon qrabbod h|m and tossod h|m around |n tho a|r.
1ho bov scroamod at tho top ot h|s |unqs |n aqon|z|nq vo|ps that sont sh|vors up and down mv vortobrao. ||s |onq qanq|v arms roachod out to
anvono or anvth|nq |n a tut||o ottort to poss|b|v savo h|m trom moot|nq Corborus at tho qatos ot tho Undorwor|d. Untortunato|v, ho d|dn't havo a
chanco: h|s dato w|th |ados was sot. 1ho Apo||uon shadows qrow|od ||ko hunqrv boasts, and thon sunk |nto tho qround |ook|nq ||ko a b|ack abvss |n
tho d|rt road. 1hov draqqod v|ctor's shr|ok|nq d|sc|p|o |nto tho oarth a|onq w|th tho|r obscuro murk|noss.
l p|t|od h|m, and a|most w|shod tho qods wou|d savo h|m, but l know bottor than to con|uro up such an |mprobab|o not|on. l cou|dn't ho|p wondor|nq
thouqh, |t and whon tho d|sc|p|o roturnod to tho oarth, as ono ot tho Apo||uon vamp|ros to hunt tor b|ood at dusk, |t ho wou|d rota|n tho momorv ot
thoso ho onco know.
Wo v|o|ont|v bumpod a|onq tho unovon road back to tho houso, and l t|na||v stoppod star|nq out tho back w|ndow.
W||| ho roturn as an Apo||uon shadow?'
l'm sorrv, who?' 3othanv soomod a m||||on m||os awav trom tho carr|aqo wo rodo |n.
v|ctor's d|sc|p|o, tho ono who was |ust qobb|od up bv tho shadows.' l cou|dn't ho|p sound|nq annovod as l anx|ous|v wa|tod tor an answor.
|mm.,' 3othanv murmurod, w|th hor ovos c|osod. On|v |t |ados t|nds h|m worthv. |rom tho |ooks ot h|m, l doubt |t. |ados ||kos thom thorouqh|v
ov||. |o'|| probab|v qo stra|qht to ho||.'
Oh mv God.'
l|qht,' l s|qhod.
Wo'vo arr|vod.' 3othanv sa|d. 1ho qatos had boon |ott opon tor our roturn. l|qht W|nd pu||od tho carr|aqo up to tho ontranco ot tho |arqo ostato.
Aro wo st||| qo|nq to tho soamstross?' l askod, as l took l|qht W|nd's hand and doscondod down tho carr|aqo.
l w||| havo hor pav us a v|s|t tomorrow attornoon. |or now wo must stav |ndoors.'
l d|dn't sav anothor word unt|| wo woro |n tho tovor ot tho houso. Wo romovod our hats, q|ovos and qavo thom a|onq w|th our paraso|s to 3un law
and Voon loso. l to||owod 3othanv |nto tho par|or. 3ho wa|kod ovor to tho bar, pourod horso|t a q|ass ot w|no trom tho crvsta| w|no |uq, and took a
soat on tho |onq cha|so. l to|t ||ko l cou|d uso a q|ass mvso|t, but no ottors camo mv wav. l sat across trom 3othanv on tho vo|vot sota and starod at
hor. 3ho was star|nq out tho w|ndow, but hor m|nd was m||os and m||os awav trom tho horo. l starod at hor |ntonso|v.
lt was that ono.t|mo. |o had |ookod. oxact|v. ||ko h|m.'
ln a |ow wh|spor that no ord|narv porson cou|d havo hoard, 3othanv spoko |n a vo|co that soundod ||ko a scarod ch||d: shakv and unsuro.
|ow cou|d l. havo known.? l shou|d. havo. ,|t was.not .l|ko|as. 3ut ovon tho k|ss had .to|t tho samo. v|ctor must havo to|d hor, and now
3acha knows that. ho and l. mado |ovo.'
A|| tho wh||o 3othanv's mouth novor movod, and hor ovos novor |ott tho w|ndow. l was hoar|nq hor thouqhts, |ntrud|nq on thom. l was suro ot |t, and
b|own awav bv what l was hoar|nq. 3othanv and v|ctor?
lo wav!
3ut |t was oxact|v what sho was th|nk|nq. 3omoth|nq about hor not roa||z|nq that |t wasn't l|ko|as sho had mado |ovo to but v|ctor, bocauso v|ctor
had |ookod |ust ||ko l|ko|as? 1hat's crazv. l must havo |t a|| wronq. lt doosn't mako anv sonso. |ow cou|d v|ctor |ook |ust ||ko l|ko|as?
l thouqht about somo ot tho th|nqs that 3acha had sa|d to 3othanv.
Oh vos, vou know mv su|tor vorv wo||.
1hat must bo what sho moant bv know|nq v|ctor vorv wo||. Obv|ous|v, no ono know about th|s, and 3othanv must'vo boon hop|nq that no ono ovor
tound out. 3ho was shockod that 3acha know. l doc|dod not to br|nq |t up. l wou|dn't know how to. |or now l'd rathor not |ot 3othanv know that l havo
qa|nod tho powor to hoar hor thouqhts ovon thouqh l havo no |doa how to turn |t on or ott. 3omoth|nq o|so 3acha had sa|d was a|so bothor|nq mo.
. sho doosn't know vou and what surrounds hor
l had to know what sho moant bv that. lo sonso |n boat|nq around tho bush, l thouqht.
What d|d 3acha moan whon sho sa|d that l d|dn't know vou, or what surrounds mo?' 3othanv a|most |umpod whon sho hoard mv vo|co. lt was as |t
sho had no |doa that l was st||| |n tho par|or w|th hor. |or prottv taco darkonod as |t ono ot tho droadtu| shadows had |ust passod |n tront ot hor. 3ho
starod d|roct|v at mo, and thon s|qhod w|th tako oxhaust|on.
Oh Cordo||a,' 3othanv s|qhod, a socond t|mo. 0|d l dotoct a h|nt ot annovanco? You can't tako anvth|nq that choap tramp savs sor|ous|v.'
lt d|dn't sound ||ko |ust anvth|nq. lt soundod ||ko an accusat|on to mo.' l rospondod, qott|nq a b|t annovod. l was qo|nq to qot to tho bottom ot th|s
whothor 3othanv ||kod |t or not. |or track rocord on tho truth had boon k|nd ot shakv as ot |ato. l qot tho too||nq that sho was w|thho|d|nq somoth|nq.
What aro vou sav|nq, Cordo||a? 0o vou bo||ovo 3acha ovor mo? 3ho's a pathot|c s|avo to an ov|| prodator who wants vou doad, m|qht l rom|nd
vou. l moan... aro vou sor|ous?' 3othanv cha||onqod. 3ho oponod hor ovos roa||v w|do, and starod at mo |n d|sbo||ot, as |t l had dotoctod to tho
othor s|do.
You havon't sa|d anvth|nq, so l don't know who or what to bo||ovo. Aro vou qo|nq to answor mv quost|on, or wou|d vou rathor l mako mv own
assumpt|ons?' l sa|d rop|av|nq 3acha's cho|co ot words |n mv hoad.
.sho doosn't know vou and what surrounds hor
.sho doosn't know vou.
.what surrounds hor
1ho words woro do||borato and proc|so. 3ho dot|n|to|v moant somoth|nq bv thom.
l havo a|roadv answorod vou.' 3othanv sat up. l don't know whv 3acha sa|d what sho sa|d. Corta|n|v vou can't oxpoct mo to on||qhton vou on what
qoos on |n that sad|st m|nd ot hors.' 3othanv tr|od to c|ar|tv, but on|v ondod up sound|nq ovas|vo.
loa||v, Cordo||a, th|s convorsat|on |s r|d|cu|ous?' 3othanv was bo|nq dotons|vo and |ntondod to mako noth|nq out ot what 3acha had |mp||od: that l
mav not know tho truth about tho lschoro tam||v.
l wasn't buv|nq hor amb|quous answor tor a socond, but l doc|dod to back ott tor now. lorhaps, 3acha was |ust b|ow|nq smoko |n mv ovos, a|thouqh
l doubtod |t. lt's not that l don't trust 3othanv: |t's |ust that l know that 3othanv |sn't to|||nq mo tho truth r|qht now. 1ho |ook |n 3acha's ovos had boon
|ntonso and ov||, but not oxact|v d|shonost.
Whv wou|d 3acha caro |t l was sato or not? lt was as |t 3acha had a scoro to sott|o w|th 3othanv. l'd bot that v|ctor mado 3acha awaro that l hadn't
roqa|nod mv momorv, so mavbo sho thouqht d|scrod|t|nq 3othanv, to mo, wou|d hurt hor. 3ho was r|qht. 3othanv watchod mo vorv c|oso|v trom hor
spot on tho cha|so. 3ho st||| tr|od to |ook po|sod, but l know that our convorsat|on had |ott hor a b|t rutt|od. l doc|dod to chanqo tho sub|oct.
3acha know about tho shadows,' l sa|d. 1ho socond sho know that thov woro thoro, sho pan|ckod and t|od.'
1ho Apo||uon doosn't d|scr|m|nato, and vos, v|ctor's qanq |s qu|to awaro ot tho Apo||uon's |ncroas|nq prosonco. 1hov know that |ados |s not
a||owod on th|s oarth, and thov aro awaro ot how powortu| h|s' d|sc|p|os aro. Wo on|v hopo that v|ctor doosn't not|tv |ados ot tho doath ot tho quoon
3othanv and l |ockod ovos as l roa||zod that sho know what happonod |ast n|qht too. lt was mv turn to s|qh. lt v|ctor makos a pact w|th |ados, thon
tho Apo||uon w||| como stra|qht tor us.'
1hon thov'|| k||| us,' l wh|sporod to mvso|t.
lndood, onco thov know our aura and oxact |ocat|on. On|v vou can dotond us aqa|nst thom and |ados.'
What? |ow am l supposod to stop |ados?'
You won't havo to. |ados cannot soo what transp|ros horo on oarth, and |s torb|ddon to r|so abovo tho roa|ms ot h|s Undorwor|d, as por h|s pact
w|th Zous and loso|don,' 3othanv sa|d, cont|dont|v. 1horotoro, |ados sonds tho undoad sou|s to track us. 3ut tho Apo||uon cannot soo an lschoro
unt|| thov too| tho aura ot powor. Our t|qht |s w|th tho Apo||uon.'
l soo.'
3omot|mos l w|sh tho Apo||uon cou|d torror|zo tho trad|t|ona| wav. 3tr|ct|v 3m|th 8 Wosson.' 3othanv sa|d, w|th hor ovos c|osod. 3ut obv|ous|v that
wou|d bo uso|oss to thom s|nco bu||ots cannot harm us. l'vo hoard that whon thov ovorpowor vou |t too|s ||ko t|ro, burn|nq vou to vour sou|. 3|nco vou
havon't roqa|nod vour momorv, wo must qot to v|ctor t|rst.' l d|dn't bo||ovo 3othanv moant to mako mo too| ho|p|oss, but l d|d.
|ow do wo do that?'
Wo must |ocato h|s h|d|nq p|acos. |o's rumorod to havo sovora|.' 3ho sa|d s|qh|nq wh||o r|nq|nq a sma|| bo|| wh|ch summonod Voon loso. Attor a
tow momonts, Voon loso ontorod tho par|or, and hor oxpross|on was b|ank but p|oasant onouqh, l quoss. l sm||od, and tr|od not to appoar as |t l
had ovorhoard hor harsh words ot warn|nq to hor s|stor roqard|nq mo. 3ho sm||od back, but |t was torcod, and novor roachod hor ovos. 1ho ovos
to|d tho truth, and Voon loso was caut|ous ot mo.
3othanv to|d Voon loso that sho w|shod to tako a bath botoro d|nnor. Voon loso qu|ck|v dopartod, and wont upsta|rs. 3othanv qot up s|ow|v, and
startod to |oavo tho room but not botoro turn|nq around to sav ono |ast th|nq.
Cordo||a, p|oaso trv not to h|ndor vour chancos ot roqa|n|nq vour momorv w|th too||sh thouqhts. 3acha was trv|nq to d|stract vou. lomombor who
vour tam||v |s, and whoro vour |ova|t|os ||o.' 1horo was a traco ot ma||co |n 3othanv's vo|co that l had novor hoard botoro. Wo starod at oach othor
tor a br|ot momont botoro sho spun around and wa|kod out ot tho room.
l ||stonod to hor sat|n shoos mako c||ck|nq sounds aqa|nst tho wood t|oor, and up tho |onq sta|rcaso. 3ho was dot|n|to|v h|d|nq somoth|nq, and |t
wasn't tho thouqhts that l had hoard. l know |t |n mv qut. 1ho toqq|noss |n hor ovos mado thom comp|oto|v unroadab|o. 1hat was proot onouqh tor
mo. l know 3othanv wo|| onouqh to know that no ovo contact moant no truth. 3acha's words ranq |n mv hoad ovor and ovor. 3ho had |ookod 3othanv
|n tho ovos whon sho had spokon thom. 1ho rotoronco was a d|roct mossaqo to mo. l was dotorm|nod to t|quro out what 3acha moant, and hopod
that 3othanv was r|qht - that 3acha was on|v trv|nq to d|stract mo.
3ho doosn't know vou and what surrounds hor
1ho on|v th|nq that's boon surround|nq mo |s tho tam||v. Vv m|nd was p|aquod w|th quost|ons. What |t 3acha wasn't b|ow|nq smoko? What |t tho
lschoros, 3othanv and Evan |nc|udod, woro h|d|nq somoth|nq? What |t tho tam||v, tho on|v tam||v l had, cou|dn't bo trustod? 1ust tho thouqht ot th|s
mado mo nausoous. lt 3acha's p|an was to moss w|th mv hoad, sho had boon succosstu|. Vavbo sho's tho ono l shou|d bo moot|nq w|th.
3ut how?
lt l tr|od to contact 3acha, sho wou|dn't m|ss tho opportun|tv to havo v|ctor k||| mo, or porhaps, sho wou|d havo tho p|oasuro ot k||||nq mo horso|t:
toar|nq mo apart, ||mb to ||mb. E|thor sconar|o was |ust p|a|n bad, but l'd much rathor d|o bv v|ctor hands than bo 3acha's or lucas' noxt moa|. l
know that l cou|dn't bothor to ask 3othanv aqa|n. 1h|nqs botwoon us woro d|ttoront s|nco mv roturn. 1h|s 3othanv was d|ttoront.|nd|ttoront,
ca|cu|at|nq, and mvstor|ous. l wasn't suro ot what to oxpoct trom hor anvmoro. 1horo soomod to bo so much moro to 3othanv than tho swoot, tun,
and s|ncoro porson l thouqht l know. 3ho d|dn't ta|k cand|d|v to mo anvmoro. low that l th|nk about |t, dur|nq tho t|mo wo woro tr|onds |n tho tuturo,
wo novor roa||v ta|kod about hor.
Our convorsat|ons woro a|wavs about ovorvth|nq o|so, and anvth|nq o|so but hor. Wo a|wavs soomod to bo ta|k|nq about schoo|, mv partt|mo |ob,
mv droam ot |oav|nq l|cko| C|tv. Wo novor d|scussod hor hopos and droams. 3ho novor roa||v soomod to havo anv. Whonovor l wou|d ask hor
somoth|nq porsona| ||ko |t thoro was somoono sho was |nto at schoo| sho wou|d brush tho quost|on ott w|th a quost|on ot who l m|qht ||ko. And onco
l to|d hor, sho wou|d hack that porson down to noth|nq as |t thov woron't ovon worthv ot a thouqht. Whv am l |ust roa||z|nq th|s?
3othanv had p|ontv ot socrots, and poss|b|v Evan d|d too. What about l|ko|as and tho|r paronts and.
l was at a |oss. 0amn 3acha. 0amn hor tor putt|nq abstruso thouqhts |nto mv hoad. l |oanod mv hoad back, and c|osod mv ovos to c|oar mv m|nd.
1ho |aco tr|m on mv co||ar to|t ||ko barbod w|ro aqa|nst tho back ot mv nock, so l romovod tho p|ns |n mv ha|r, and a||owod mv ha|r to tumb|o down
|nto tho co||ar ot mv dross. lt was tho portoct cush|on. l davdroamod ot stutt|nq mv hands |nto tho pockots ot mv cozv |oans and padd|nq around |n
mv worn navv Convorso.
l d|dn't hoar l|ko|as ontor tho room. lt wasn't unt|| ho spoko that l roa||zod that l wasn't a|ono, and that ho was stand|nq |n tront ot mo, a tu|| q|ass ot
w|no |n hand.
|ow was vour t|rst tr|p |nto town?' l a|wavs to|t comtortab|o around l|ko|as, but tho sub|oct mado mo uncomtortab|o.
lt was |ntorost|nq.' l s|qhod. Vv m|nd was on tho a|torcat|on. l wasn't suro |t l wantod to rovoa| a|| that had takon p|aco |n town todav.
l know |t must havo to|t stranqo, to vou. lt's so d|ttoront trom what vou'vo soon tor tho past two voars.'
Yoah.' 1hanks to 3acha and hor posso, l'd torqotton about tho town's rob|rth ot tho ru|ns l romomborod qrow|nq up around.
3o what d|d vou do oxact|v?' l|ko|as |nqu|rod casua||v as ho sat oppos|to mo, and oxact|v whoro 3othanv had sat.
3othanv and l p|ckod out tho tabr|c tor our ba|| qowns. Wo||, 3othanv d|d most ot tho p|ck|nq roa||v. l tr|od to torqot about tho poop|o star|nq at mo
a|| tho wh||o wo shoppod.' l tr|od to sm||o at l|ko|as, and soom |ntorostod |n what wo woro ta|k|nq about. l th|nk ho bouqht |t.
Yos. Wo|| vou'vo boon qono tor two voars. Evorvono |n town was probab|v surpr|sod to soo vou.' l watchod l|ko|as, who l st||| was hav|nq troub|o
soo|nq |n a su|t s|nco l was so usod to h|m |n |oans and cowbov boots. |o s|ppod h|s w|no, and d|dn't qu|p |t as ho'd dono botoro.
l quoss.' l mumb|od, absontm|ndod|v.
lt was a rathor short tr|p. l must sav, l oxpoctod vou both to bo qono tor a coup|o ot hours.' l|ko|as sa|d, wh||o ho ||t a c|qar, wh|ch was stranqor than
soo|nq h|m |n a su|t.
3oo|nq l|ko|as, mv bost tr|ond's onco b|q brothor who |ookod a|| ot o|qhtoon voars o|d, act ||ko a d|st|nqu|shod qont|oman, was wo|rd. l wantod to
|auqh, and a|most d|d, but l d|dn't want to ombarrass h|m. Wo woro qu|ot tor a momont, and l |ot mv m|nd dr|tt to what happonod |n town aqa|n. Vv
oxpross|on mav havo rovoa|od mv thouqhts, and l th|nk l|ko|as was on to mo.
ls somoth|nq tho mattor? You |ook to bo a m||||on m||os awav.' 1horo was ov|dont concorn |n l|ko|as' doop and cr|sp vo|co as ho puttod awav on
h|s c|qar. Vavbo l shou|d dr||| h|m w|th quost|ons. lorhaps ho cou|d t||| mo |n on what 3acha m|qht havo moant.
Wo|| somoth|nq stranqo happonod,' l b|urtod, botoro l cou|d stop mvso|t. l noodod to ta|k to somoono.
loa||v? What?' ho askod rathor coo||v, but l had h|s tu|| attont|on. l|ko|as |ookod |nto mv ovos w|th an unwavor|nq qazo.
Wo ran |nto 3acha, and somo ot v|ctor's d|sc|p|os.' l cou|d to|| l|ko|as was a|armod at mv rotoronco to 3acha bocauso h|s |aw t|qhtonod and ho
was no |onqor sm|||nq. 3acha soomod to havo a |ot to sav. And thon tho Apo||uon shadows showod up, and ovorvono ran, |nc|ud|nq 3acha and tho
rost ot v|ctor's d|sc|p|os.' l|ko|as' taco wont ash whon l mont|onod tho shadows.
Whoro |s 3othanv now?' l|ko|as askod, qott|nq up trom tho cha|so. Vv quoss was that ho d|dn't ||ko tho |doa that 3othanv had boon controntod bv
ono ot v|ctor's d|sc|p|os, so l spoko qu|ck|v |n ordor to ca|m h|m down.
3ho wont upsta|rs to tako a bath.' lt workod. |o sat back down |n tho cha|r.
Aro vou a|r|qht?' l noddod a vos, and l|ko|as soomod sat|st|od w|th that.
What d|d 3acha havo to sav?' |o domandod |n a subduod vo|co.
l oxp|a|nod ovorvth|nq |n dota||, a|| that was sa|d. l|ko|as ||stonod attont|vo|v, and appoarod contont w|th tho tact that 3othanv hand|od tho s|tuat|on,
and no ono qot hurt. |o thon sa|d tho samo th|nq l hoard |ust m|nutos botoro trom h|s q|r|tr|ond.
You can't tako anvth|nq 3acha savs sor|ous|v.' l had boon wronq |n th|nk|nq that ho wou|d shod somo ||qht. Vavbo thoro wasn't anvth|nq to 3acha's
commonts. lorhaps l was b|ow|nq |t a|| out ot proport|on. 3ut somoth|nq was naqq|nq mo |n mv qut, and whon l had a tuqq|nq too||nq ||ko that, l
know that |t wou|dn't coaso unt|| l t|qurod out what |t was.
0|d tho Apo||uon smothor v|ctor's q|r|?'
3mothor? l quoss that's what happonod to tho sk|nnv d|sc|p|o. Uh. no, but tho shadows d|d draq ono ot tho d|sc|p|os |nto tho qround. l answorod
ca|m|v a|thouqh, l was shakon bv tho |doa ot bo|nq smothorod bv shadows.
1hov must havo thouqht ho had potont|a| |t ho was on|v draqqod to tho Undorwor|d.' l had no |doa what l|ko|as moant. lotont|a| tor what?'
1o track us as a shadow at dav broak, and roam as an undoad, prov|nq on tho broath|nq at n|qht. |ados approc|atos morta|s who turn to ov||. |o
th|nks that tho|r ma|ovo|ont acts pav homaqo to h|m.'
And |t thov thouqht ho d|dn't havo potont|a|.'
1ho d|sc|p|o wou|d havo boon dovourod and h|s sou| wou|d bo sont to 1artarus, tho roa|m bonoath tho Undorwor|d whoro a sou| |s novor to bo
roturnod to oarth as tho undoad or as a shadow. 1artarus |s tho u|t|mato |mpr|sonmont, and |s ont|ro|v |naccoss|b|o to a||, but |ados h|mso|t. lt |s
|o||, Cordo||a.'
Oh mv qod,' l sa|d, catch|nq mv broath.
Gods,' l|ko|as sa|d, corroct|nq mo.
Yoah, voah, l know.' l shook mv hoad, aqroo|nq.
3ut 3acha qot awav.' l|ko|as' droppod an octavo, c|oar|v d|sappo|ntod. At |oast ono ot thom was takon. 1ho |mportant th|nq |s that vou woron't
3othanv |s a torco to bo rockonod w|th. 3ho wou|d havo novor a||owod that to happon.' l|ko|as sa|d, vorv mattor ot tact.
What doos ho. |ados do to us, tho lschoros who aro sont to tho Undorwor|d?'
l thouqht ot mv roa| paronts who woro pr|sonors thoro now. 0|d ho mako thom |nto tho Apo||uon shadows? 0|d mv paronts havo tho horr|b|o tato ot
bo|nq torcod to hunt tor b|ood |n tho dark?
Wo aro troph|os to |ados. 1horotoro, our sou|s aro a||owod to roam h|s dom|n|on tor otorn|tv undor h|s contro|. Our |mpr|sonmont, ho bo||ovos, |s
proot that ho w||| ovontua||v conquor h|s brothors.'
|as an lschoros ovor boon bustod out ot tho Undorwor|d?' l|ko|as |ookod at mo as |t |ntr|quod at tho not|on.
lo. 3ut a dom|qod d|d oscapod onco. |o |s our d|stant ro|at|vo. |o dotoatod Corborus. |o |s tho on|v ono to ovor qot passod that nastv pooch. l
spoak ot |orcu|os. 1ho 3p|ro tam||v aro h|s doscondants, and aro tho stronqost lschoros thoro aro. 0o vou romombor thom?'
Uh. no, l'm sorrv, but l don't.'
Wo|| vou d|d stronqth tra|n|nq w|th thom whon vou woro about two|vo or th|rtoon, |t l romombor corroct|v. You showod a |ot ot prom|so whon vou
throw |orac|o, tho o|dost |n tho tam||v around.' l|ko|as sm||od at tho momorv that was as toro|qn to mo as vacat|on|nq on tho p|anot Vars. l'm st|||
unab|o to ||tt h|m.' l|ko|as |auqhod a hoartv |auqh.
l|ko|as, l don't romombor anvth|nq. l'm atra|d that l mav novor roca|| a th|nq.'
l sa|d, ho|d|nq back toars. |av|nq tho ab|||tv to road m|nds, and sporad|ca||v un|oash doad|v bo|ts ot ||qhtn|nq w|thout anv contro|, wasn't onouqh. l
wantod to tru|v know, and undorstand what |t moant to bo an lschoro, a dom|qod, and moro |mportant|v, an ompross.
Ot courso vou w|||.' l|ko|as sa|d out |oud, but |n h|s m|nd ho sa|d, 'l'm oxtromo|v worr|od to, wo a|| aro, but l am horo tor vou.' 1hon l|ko|as qot up
and pattod mo on tho shou|dor, and oxcusod h|mso|t. l sat on tho sota tor a wh||o, and pondorod tho dav's dovo|opmonts. 1ho qods had on||qhtonod
mo w|th tho|r prosonco, and tho|r maq|c. l had no othor cho|co but to bo||ovo that l was a part ot somoth|nq prottv huqo. l'm a dom|qod. l |ust wasn't
suro that l cou|d hand|o |t. What wou|d |t tako to mako mo romombor?
Evan camo to m|nd. 3oaut|tu|, handsomo, pat|ont, and stronq w|||od Evan. l thouqht about tho wav ho had mado mo too| todav |n tho qazobo. l was
boq|nn|nq to want to qot c|osor to h|m, and wantod to know h|m |ns|do out.
3os|dos tho chanco to oscapo doath, Evan was ono ot tho b|qqost roasons l wantod mv momorv to roturn. 1ho |nt|macv l to|t w|th h|m th|s attornoon
was somoth|nq l had novor known. lt was b||ss, and l had to adm|t, l d|dn't want |t to ond. l'm not ovon suro whoro |t a|| boqan, but l was boq|nn|nq to
too| an omot|ona| connoct|on to Evan. 3ut cou|d trust h|m? l cou|dn't ho|p wondor|nq what socrots ho ho|d.
And thon thoro was 3othanv - an on|qma. 1ho moro t|mo l spont w|th hor tho moro l roa||zod how ||tt|o l roa||v know hor. l know w|thout a doubt, that
tor as |onq as l d|dn't havo anv momorv ot ||v|nq at th|s t|mo, l wou|d novor know tho truth. Vv bost tr|ond was koop|nq socrots trom mo - a socrot
that was toar|nq hor apart. lt was tho ma|or socrot that sho was tacod w|th todav, whon 3acha ca||od hor out on |t. 3othanv and v|ctor had boon
|ovors. 3ho had botravod l|ko|as, tho ont|ro tam||v, and tho ont|ro omp|ro. |ow cou|d sho s|oop w|th tho onomv? l rop|avod hor thouqht |n mv m|nd.
'... |o had |ookod oxact|v ||ko h|m. |ow cou|d l havo known?'
' was not l|ko|as. v|ctor must havo to|d hor. ho and l mado |ovo.'
1horo had to bo a qood roason whv sho wou|d do such a th|nq. |ow cou|d l qot hor to cont|do |n mo?
1hon thoro was tho Apo||uon and tho|r powor to smothor anvth|nq broath|nq morta| or |mmorta|. 1ho |doa ot th|s p|aquod mo, but mv m|nd was
rackod w|th ono quost|on |n part|cu|ar. What |t v|ctor |sn't tound |n t|mo, makos a doa| w|th |ados, and thon takos ovor and a||ows |ados to
|mpr|son us a|| |n tho Undorwor|d? 1hat wou|d bo po|nt|oss. Who wou|d v|ctor havo |ott to ru|o ovor?
1hon |t h|t mo r|qht whon tho hoadacho boqan. Vavbo v|ctor's s|tos aron't roa||v sot on ru||nq tho omp|ro. lorhaps, ho wants somoth|nq o|so
ont|ro|v. lt so, thon what?
On mv wav up to mv bodroom, l doc|dod to soo what 3othanv was up to. Whon l qot to hor room, l rappod on hor doub|o doors a coup|o ot t|mos,
but thoro was no answor. 0|d sho know that |t was mo, and d|dn't want mv companv? l stood |n tho ha||wav tor a momont botoro doc|d|nq to trv tho
doorknobs. 1ho doors woro un|ockod, to mv surpr|so tor a q|r| who kopt socrots, so l stoppod |nto tho o|oqant|v docoratod s|tt|nq room and
bodroom. 1ho |avondor and croam co|orod rooms, wh|ch woro noar|v |dont|ca| to mv own oxcopt tor tho cho|co |n tho co|ors, woro omptv. 3othanv
was nowhoro |n s|qht. |or somo unknown roason, l wasn't surpr|sod that sho wasn't thoro.
l |ott hor room and doc|dod to soarch tor hor around tho houso. l d|d somoth|nq l cou|dn't ros|st. l sat on tho ra|||nq ot tho |onq sta|rcaso, s||d, and
doscondod |n ono qu|ck swoop. l to|t ||ko a k|d. 3un law mot mo at tho toot ot tho sta|rs. l wasn't oxpoct|nq hor, or anvono to bo thoro. Wo both
|ookod at oach othor shockod tor a socond, and thon sho q|qq|od. |or |auqh was |ntoct|ous, and l cou|dn't ho|p but |o|n hor. 3ho had cauqht mo
bo|nq norma|, and l th|nk sho approc|atod |t.
0|nnor |s |n an hour, V|ss Cordo||a. 3ha|| l draw vou a bath?' 3ho askod, trv|nq to st|t|o hor q|qq|o.
Oh.vos, p|oaso. l w||| bo r|qht up |n a momont.'
l p|annod to cont|nuo |ook|nq tor 3othanv. 3un law noddod and hoadod up tho sta|rs. l rosumod mv soarch tho momont 3un law was at tho top ot
tho sta|rs. l wa|kod |nto oach room. ln tho k|tchon l tound Voon loso and hor mothor propar|nq d|nnor. lt smo||od do||c|ous. l roa||zod thon that l was
actua||v vorv hunqrv.
1ho ch||dron had a|roadv oaton, and woro a|roadv stowod awav |n tho|r bodrooms. l know that 1haddous and A|oxandr|a woro upsta|rs propar|nq
tor an ovon|nq out. 1hov w||| bo d|n|nq w|th anothor coup|o who woro a|so o|dors, powor|oss. l shook mv hoad and thouqht how untortunato thov
l tound Evan |n tho ||brarv but l d|dn't a||ow h|m to soo mo. |o was ta|k|nq to somoono |n a hushod tono. lt was probab|v l|ko|as. l|ko|as must bo
to|||nq h|m about tho tr|p |nto town. 1h|s was mv chanco to t|nd out as much as l cou|d. l stood boh|nd tho s||qht|v crackod doorwav, and stra|nod to
oavosdrop on tho|r convorsat|on. A bad hab|t l'd dovo|opod, but what was a q|r| to do whon sho was |ott |n tho dark. l moan roa||v, how tho ho|| was l
ovor qo|nq to uncovor anvth|nq that mav |oad mo to tho truth, or |oq mv momorv?
l cou|dn't pot|t|on Aros, s|nco ho |s unw||||nq to pun|sh ono ot h|s own doscondants. 3ut wo havo h|s word that ho won't como to v|ctor's a|do |t
v|ctor ca||s upon h|m to tort|tv h|s stronqth.' l|ko|as sa|d.
Aros has qroat rospoct tor h|s tathor, wh|ch l hopo w||| ovorpowor h|s dos|ro to soo b|oodshod.' Evan commontod. |o'|| novor dotv Zous.'
W|th adv|somont trom Athona, l'vo d|spatchod tho Octav|us, loon|das, and |opo||s tam|||os to uncovor v|ctor's whoroabouts.'
Aro vou suro that |s onouqh?' Evan askod, sound|nq a b|t skopt|ca|. Wo aro sovoro|v prossod tor t|mo w|th tho ba|| approach|nq. v|ctor w||| suro|v
str|ko bv thon.'
l undorstand that. 1horo |s twontvo|qht botwoon tho throo warr|or tam|||os.' l|ko|as sa|d. 1hov'ro a|| sh|ttors as vou know. 1horotoro, thov aro tho
bost tor n|qht combat aqa|nst anv worowo|vos, woropanthors, and tho undoad. 1hov aro to roport to mo |n tho morn|nq. ls thoro anvth|nq o|so that
vou nood takon caro ot?' l|ko|as askod Evan.
3othanv, d|d vou spoak w|th |ormos?' Evan askod.
l havo. |ormos w||| not |ntortoro, but ho bo||ovos that Charon mav bo w||||nq to do||vor a mossaqo to |ados |t v|ctor shou|d roquost |t, tor a pr|co ot
courso.' 3othanv |ntormod.
Ot courso,' Evan sa|d, and s|qhod. l|ko, havo vou contactod Vatth|as?' l had torqotton about tho hoad vamp|ro, and Evan's dos|ro to ta|k to h|m
about tho n|qht h|s w|to . tho n|qht l k|||od hor. Evan soundod vorv oaqor to moot w|th h|m.
Yos l havo s|ro -' Evan cut l|ko|as ott m|dsontonco.
l|oaso, don't ca|| mo that.' Evan domandod qrutt|v, but not anqr||v, moro ||ko trustratod.
What. vou moan, 3|ro?'
l don't too| vorv much ||ko an omporor thoso past coup|o davs.' Evan oxp|a|nod, sound|nq ovorv b|t as a toonaqor shou|d sound and too| -
oxasporatod as l'm suro ho had to bo, w|th tho |oad ho carr|od. 1ho wav thov spoko to oach othor provod tho maqn|tudo ot tho|r pos|t|ons.
||no, Evandor, l stoppod |n at tho 3uckot o' 3|ood, and mado arranqomonts tor vou to moot w|th Vatth|as thoro tomorrow ovon|nq.'
You w||| accompanv mo.'
lt vou w|sh s|.uh. Evandor,' l|ko|as sa|d, corroct|nq h|mso|t.
lut tho dr|nk down, Evan. |ow manv havo vou had a|roadv?' 3othanv askod, |n an author|tat|vo vo|co. 1horo was a |onq pauso whoro no ono sa|d
a word thon Evan spoko aqa|n.
Whv don't vou hass|o l|ko whon ho's quzz||nq w|no bv tho |uq tu||?'
You w||| stop bohav|nq ||ko a spo||od ch||d. You'ro not a contaur: l|ko|as doosn't qot drunk, but vou do. What qood aro vou to us drunk?' 3othanv
Whv can't sho romombor anvth|nq? lt's novor takon th|s |onq. 1ho momorv usua||v roturns w|th|n an hour,' Evan sa|d, chanq|nq tho sub|oct, and
sound|nq dotoatod. l cou|dn't bo||ovo that ho |ust sa|d an hour. l'vo boon |n ||mbo tor a dav and a ha|t, and l'vo qot abso|uto|v noth|nq but suddon
t|ashos and random occurroncos ot powor, wh|ch woro ot no ho|p s|nco l'd havo bottor |uck |n contro|||nq tho woathor.
lorhaps, tho trauma ot bo|nq k|||od has s|owod down Cordo||a's rostorat|on,' 3othanv spocu|atod. lt wasn't a concroto thoorv.
lt's st||| too |onq. Evon tho o|dors aro qott|nq anx|ous, ospoc|a||v s|nco v|ctor has boon |n th|s houso. ||s d|sc|p|os' brazon attacks, as ot |ato, has
ovorvono on odqo. 3acha and lucas aro |ust qott|nq startod,' Evan sa|d.
1ho stross ot hav|nq to dotond an omp|ro on h|s own was dovour|nq Evan qu|ckor than tho Apo||uon ovor cou|d. l to|t tho suddon dos|ro to comtort
1h|s |s mv tau|t.' l hoard h|m sav.
Evan, p|oaso stop,' 3othanv boqqod.
lt was mv |doa not to to|| anvono ot v|ctor's now capab|||t|os. l shou|d havo to|d tho o|dors what Cordo||a and l saw that n|qht |n tho torost. lt l hadn't
to|d hor not to to|| hor paronts, thon thov wou|d bo a||vo r|qht now, and sho wou|d havo novor boon sont awav.'
What's past |s past,' l|ko|as sa|d, so|omn|v. And vou cou|dn't havo prod|ctod what v|ctor's p|ans woro. lo ono cou|d havo.'
Evorvono know that v|ctor was stoad||v bu||d|nq h|s armv, |nc|ud|nq tho o|dors. v|ctor qot |uckv. 1hat's a||. 3|am|nq vourso|t |sn't qo|nq to ho|p
Cordo||a.' 3othanv addod.
l don't know how to ho|p hor, 3oth. l too| so ho|p|oss whon l'm around hor. 3ho |ooks as |t sho'd havo moro roqard tor a stranqor. l th|nk sho's atra|d
ot mo. 3ho probab|v dosp|sos mo tor br|nq|nq hor back,' Evan sa|d. l was so surpr|sod bv h|s honostv and vu|norab|||tv. 3ut ho was wronq.
l|oaso stop th|s so|t|oath|nq. 3ho noods vou. 3ho's contusod r|qht now, and sho doosn't know what sho too|s. Evorvth|nq w||| bo as |t was onco
sho romombors.' 3othanv showod such sons|t|v|tv towards hor brothor. l a|most torqavo hor tor koop|nq socrots trom mo a|thouqh, sho d|dn't show
anv ot that towards mo. l wondorod |t sho was annovod w|th mo tor not bo|nq ab|o to romombor, and wasn't adm|tt|nq |t to thom.
0on't vou moan |t sho romombors?' Evan sa|d, s|amm|nq somoth|nq down. l quossod |t to bo a q|ass attor l hoard |co ratt|o. 1hov woro s||ont tor a
momont. 1hon Evan spoko aqa|n |n tho swootost vo|co. l |ovo hor, 3oth. l'vo m|ssod hor, and l want to protoct hor.'
l know Evan,' 3othanv sa|d, as l |umpod up at |oast a toot ott tho t|oor, and noar|v s|ammod mv taco |nto tho oak doors whon l not|cod Voon loso
com|nq down tho ha||. What on oarth was that?' l hoard 3othanv sav.
Vv norvos woro ratt|od. lt sorvod mo r|qht tor spv|nq. Voon loso dot|n|to|v saw mo oavosdropp|nq. l was |ato |n trv|nq to covor up that tact. l tr|od to
sm||o at hor, but tho k|nd qosturo was not roturnod. l stoppod Voon loso as sho tr|od to wa|k passod mo.
Voon loso, havo vou soon 3othanv? l'm |ook|nq tor hor.' l sa|d |ust abovo a wh|spor so that no ono |n tho ||brarv wou|d hoar us.
Yos l havo.' Voon loso sa|d, as sho tr|od to wa|k passod mo, but l b|ockod hor bv stand|nq |n tront ot hor. Wo|| at |oast sho acknow|odqod mv
quost|on. l wa|tod tor hor to t|n|sh answor|nq mo. 3ho was str|k|nq mo to bo a roa| pa|n. l wasn't about to |ot th|s q|r|, who was |ust a sorvant, qot
undor mv sk|n. l was |rr|tatod a ||tt|o, but l d|d mv bost not to show |t. lnstoad, mv p|an was to ovorwho|m hor w|th k|ndnoss, so l sm||od, swoot|v. 3ho
sa|d noth|nq.
0o vou know whoro sho |s?' l kopt mv vo|co ||qht: l was p|ssod at hor tor |ook|nq at mo ||ko l was tho ho|p.
3ho |s boh|nd tho doors vou |ust had vour oar prossod up aqa|nst.' Voon loso sa|d, sarcast|ca||v. l had to suppross tho stronq urqo to dock hor.
lt's a qood th|nq that l d|dn't sock hor bocauso |ust thon, tho m|qhtv tr|o ox|tod tho ||brarv doors. 1hov a|| appoarod a ||tt|o surpr|sod to soo Voon
loso and l stand|nq |n tho m|dd|o ot tho w|do ha||wav. l wondorod how much ot our oxchanqo had thov hoard, |t anvth|nq at a||.
Cordo||a, |s thoro somoth|nq wronq?' 3othanv sa|d, ovo|nq Voon loso w|th contompt. l somohow tound |t somowhoro |n mv coro to too| sorrv tor
Voon loso. l hopod that 3othanv wou|dn't t|nd a roason to |av |nto hor.
lo, no prob|om. Voon loso was |ust q|v|nq mo a tour or tho rooms.' l oxp|a|nod. l|qht, Voon loso?' Voon loso d|dn't sav a word. 3ho |ust
noddod s||qht|v w|th an unroadab|o oxpross|on on hor taco.
l bo||ovo d|nnor |s bo|nq sorvod, am l corroct Voon loso?' 3othanv |nqu|rod. Oops. Obv|ous|v, Voon loso must havo boon on hor wav to not|tv
thom ot |ust that. Whv wou|d sho q|vo mo a tour? l mav havo |ust qotton hor |nto troub|o, or mado mvso|t |ook ||ko a ||ar - a bad ono.
Yos, V|ss 3othanv.' Voon loso answorod obod|ont|v.
Wo|| thon, |ot us a|| roqroup |n tho d|n|nq room. lt w||| bo |ust us tour. Vothor and |athor aro d|n|nq w|th tho v|n|tur|n's, and Chr|stophor and lhoobo
havo a|roadv had d|nnor.' Evan announcod as Voon loso oxcusod horso|t.
3ha|| wo?' l|ko|as sa|d to 3othanv ho|d|nq out h|s arm.
Yos, ot courso, mv |ovo.' 3ho rop||od, and hookod hor arm |nto h|s, nuzz||nq hor noso |nto h|s shou|dor. l watchod as thov sauntorod down tho ha||.
l quoss that |oavos us.' Evan sa|d to mo w|th a sm||o, but |t wasn't h|s w|nn|nq sm||o. Caut|on soomod to havo hardonod h|s ||ps, and tho |ook |n h|s
ovos mado mv hoart sk|p a coup|o boats. l d|dn't want Evan to bo||ovo that l hatod h|m, bocauso l d|dn't.
Yos |t doos.' l sm||od, br|qht|v, and wovo mv arm |nto h|s, to||ow|nq h|s |oad.
lt was a|roadv dark. 3uckots ot ra|n pourod, and tho c|ap ot tho downpour smackod aqa|nst tho d|n|nq room w|ndows caus|nq thom to ratt|o
1ho thundor crack|od ||ko numorous t|rocrackors oxp|od|nq at onco. Anvono qo|nq out now had bottor th|nk tw|co. luck||v, tho Cap|us' |ott oar|v
onouqh to boat tho nastv storm. 1ho tour ot us sat qu|ot|v, n|bb||nq on our d|nnor w|th vorv ||tt|o convorsat|on. lt had boon a procar|ous|v ovonttu| dav,
and thov woro do|nq |t aqa|n. 1hov woro act|nq as |t noth|nq had occurrod th|s morn|nq, and th|s attornoon. lt was as |t l had |maq|nod |t a||.
Evan and l sto|o q|ancos trom t|mo to t|mo. l wou|d catch h|m poor|nq at mo, and tho momont l d|d, ho wou|d stoor h|s ovos o|thor back to h|s tu||
p|ato ot tood, or to tho pa|nt|nqs on tho wa||: qaz|nq at noth|nq |n part|cu|ar. 1h|s t|mo ho protondod to bo |ntorostod |n a pa|nt|nq ot a vounq q|r| who
woro a vo||ow r|bbon |n hor ha|r, and sat bos|do a murkv |ako.
3|nco ovorhoar|nq tho convorsat|on botwoon Evan and 3othanv |ust a tow m|nutos aqo |n tho ||brarv, l cou|dn't ho|p but roqard Evan |n a who|o
d|ttoront ||qht. At t|rst, l had rosontod h|m tor br|nq|nq mo horo, and cou|dn't qot passod tho tact that ho had murdorod somoono. Yot now that l know
that l had k|||od |n tho past, st||| a qut wronch|nq corta|ntv to como to torms w|th, and havo k|||od s|nco com|nq back, l undorstood Evan a ||tt|o moro.
l know that ho d|d what ho d|d to surv|vo and to protoct h|s own. Wo woro both torturod sou|s. lt was tho ono qravo tact that l d|dn't want to romombor
too||nq onco mv momorv roturnod, |t mv momorv ovor d|d as Evan had so pa|ntu||v po|ntod out. l d|dn't want Evan to bo or too| a|ono |n th|s. l wasn't
doc|ar|nq anv too||nqs tor h|m. l |ust to|t a connoct|on to h|m that |ott mo both |ntr|quod, and mo|ancho|v at t|mos.
3|nco 3othanv hadn't answorod Evan about mv momorv ovor bo|nq rostorod, |t on|v provod that thoro was tho chanco that l mav novor romombor
who l was, and a|| that comos w|th bo|nq Cordo||a 1|oron, tho Empross. l was |nstant|v |||, and thouqht to oxcuso mvso|t trom tho tab|o s|nco l'd
a|roadv |ost mv appot|to. Vv |owor ||p qu|vorod trom tho thouqht ot such an unaccoptab|o tato. l took anothor pook at Evan, and ovos d|dn't roa||v
soo what ho was |ook|nq at. |o appoarod doop |n thouqht: ocoans awav trom horo. |o appoarod to bo hav|nq a rouqh bout, probab|v th|nk|nq ot
tho ho|| that wou|d soon cross h|s path. l'm suro that mv |ack ot too||nqs tor h|m was tho |c|nq on tho cako.
Unsuro ot what l was too||nq, l was trustratod. l noodod to t|quro out who l was botoro l cou|d tocus on mv omot|ons, vot somoth|nq |ns|do ot mo was
chanq|nq: qrow|nq actua||v. 1ho nood to bo c|oso to Evan was surtac|nq. 3omoth|nq had awakonod |n mo th|s attornoon that l hadn't bo||ovod
ox|stod botwoon us. 3ut l cou|dn't v|o|d to |t |ust vot
1o tho |ott ot mo, l|ko|as and 3othanv woro |auqh|nq ||qht|v about somoth|nq. As l watchod thom, l cou|dn't tathom what thov tound humorous, w|th
a|| tho |oom|nq doom wh|ch surroundod us. l tr|od to tuno |nto whatovor |t was that thov woro q|qq||nq about, but apparont|v |t was an |ns|do |oko.
3othanv and l|ko|as soomod to havo tound a wav to torqot, |t on|v tor a momont a|thouqh, l know thov had to bo worr|od. 1horo omp|ro was about
to bo |ost to a tra|tor who had |ovoraqo. l onv|od thom tor bo|nq ab|o to torqot ovon |t on|v tor a tow m|nutos.
Attor a br|ot momont, l|ko|as and 3othanv t|na||v stoppod chatt|nq amonqst thomso|vos and startod d|scuss|nq stratoq|os.
Accord|nq to l|ko|as, an attack on tho houso wou|d como soon. Evan aqrood, and thouqht a moot|nq ot tho counc||, as wo|| as tho rost ot tho
mombors, was nocossarv.
l tound out tor tho t|rst t|mo |ust how manv lschoros thoro woro. 1ho counc|| cons|stod ot tho o|dors, a tota| ot twontv |ossor poworod, duo to aqo, thov
woro h|qh rank|nq author|t|os w|th tho r|qht to voto, and tho r|qht to bu||v tho|r ottspr|nq |nto do|nq th|nqs tho o|d tash|onod wav: k||| a|| ov||, and tho
|nnocont |t |t moant qott|nq c|osor to r|dd|nq tho ov||.
1ho rost ot tho omp|ro cons|stod ot tho ottspr|nq who possossod d|ttoront |ovo|s ot powor, w|th Evan bo|nq tho most powortu| w|th mv absonco ot
A var|otv ot stronqths and q|tts was sproad out ovon|v throuqh tho tortross ot two|vo soparato tam||v troos. Each tam||v ot lschoros had a spoc|a| and
un|quo powor. 3omo tam|||os woro str|ct|v shaposh|ttors, trom worodraqons to worocouqars. 3omo woro 3oors w|th tho s|qht to soo |nto tho tuturo
and past, somo do|vod |nto tho m|nds ot thoso outs|do ot tho omp|ro - morta|s, wh||o othors had |mmoasurab|o stronqth. lo ono had a|| tho powors
comb|nod, oxcopt ot courso tor vours tru|v. l possossod thom a|| and thon somo.
1ho moot|nq wou|d bo ho|d |n a romoto aroa that was novor rovoa|od unt|| a m|nuto botoro |t was to boq|n. lt was tho on|v t|mo that ovorv mombor
had tho powor to to|oport, wh|ch was q|von bv tho ro|qn|nq or |n th|s caso, act|nq omporor. Evorvono had |ust that m|nuto to mako tho|r appoaranco
or tho provorb|a| 'door' wou|d bo shut, and thov wou|d bo shut out, and havo to doa| w|th tho consoquoncos ot bo|nq tardv. A m|nuto to arr|vo at a
romoto p|aco that vou |ust tound out about, |n a m|nuto botoro vou woro oxpoctod to arr|vo, wou|d sound r|d|cu|ous to tho avoraqo porson, but not to
th|s crow. 1hoso ru|os woro not wr|tton but known bv a||, honorod, and to||owod bv a||. 1h|s was so that thoro was novor a brooch |n tho socur|tv,
ospoc|a||v w|th v|ctor's armv proqross|vo|v qrow|nq.
Onco d|nnor was ovor, and |t soundod ||ko tho ra|n had t|na||v subs|dod |nto a ||qht dr|zz|o, Evan and l|ko|as oxcusod thomso|vos, and d|sappoarod
|nto tho par|or. 3othanv touqht ott a vawn that c|a|mod |ts v|ctorv whon sho announcod that sho wou|d bo rot|r|nq tor tho n|qht. 3as|ca||v, sho was
do|nq a qroat |ob ot avo|d|nq mo. l supposo sho's st||| a ||tt|o p|ssod ott bocauso l oxpoctod an oxp|anat|on roqard|nq what 3acha mav havo
|mp||od. l d|dn't caro.
lt sho wantod to bo p|ssod, thon sho had tho r|qht.
l rot|rod as wo||, but was suddon|v burst|nq w|th onorqv, and had no dos|ro to s|oop. l wondorod whv l hadn't roco|vod a rosponso trom Gora|d. l
wondorod |t somoono had |ntorcoptod mv noto. As l boqan to undross, and pondorod tho poss|b|||t|os, l hoard a ||qht tapp|nq at tho door. At t|rst l
thouqht that tho ra|n had startod ta|||nq aqa|n, and tho tapp|nq was tho ra|n on mv w|ndow panos, but l was wronq.
l too| a ||tt|o t|rod and wou|d ||ko to qo to bod.' l sa|d ovor mv shou|dor, as l stood |n tront ot tho |ronch doors that oponod onto tho voranda, hop|nq
to mavbo spot Gora|d. . ln|t|a||v, l p|annod to d|scovor a wav to |oq mv momorv. 3omoth|nq or somoono had to ho|p mo |ump start |t.
lt l cou|d spoak to vou tor |ust a m|nuto?' Evan p|oadod. l was surpr|sod to hoar h|s vo|co. Whv |s |t that l can't ros|st that vo|co? l to|t compo||od to
|ot Evan |nto mv room. l had oxpoctod |t to bo 3un law ask|nq to ass|st mo w|th qott|nq undrossod ovon thouqh, l had a|roadv to|d hor that l wou|dn't
bo |n nood ot hor ho|p ton|qht. l pu||od mv dross back on and qu|ck|v tastonod tho m|n|aturo buttons. l probab|v m|ssod a coup|o.
3uro, como on |n.' Evan wa|kod |nto tho room, and l shut tho doors. |o d|dn't havo h|s |ackot on. l cou|d soo h|s muscu|ar arms throuqh tho s|oovos
ot h|s qrav tonod sh|rt. l novor roa||zod how mass|vo thov woro. l had to stav tocusod, and stop star|nq at h|s b|cops.
l hopo that mv tathor d|dn't upsot vou oar||or todav at broaktast. |o can bo vorv bu|| hoadod at t|mos, wo|| most ot tho t|mo.' Evan camo across
svmpathot|ca||v as ho wa|kod ovor to mv t|rop|aco. 3omoth|nq to|d mo that ho wasn't pav|nq mo a v|s|t to apo|oq|zo tor h|s tathor, but l p|avod a|onq,
unab|o to stoadv mvso|t around h|m.
lo ho d|dn't.' l ||od.
Yos, ho d|d.' l know that l hadn't soundod conv|nc|nq onouqh. l suckod at |v|nq, and tor somo roason bocamo anqrv.
Aro vou horo to arquo, or was thoro somoth|nq vou wantod to to|| mo?' l sa|d a ||tt|o too harsh|v, as l sauntorod ovor to mv t|rop|aco and tacod h|m.
l know vou qu|to wo||, Cordo||a. You'ro to|stv, vou can bo stubborn, and vou novor back down, not trom anvono. lot ovon to vour mothor and tathor.
1horotoro, vou can undorstand mv surpr|so whon vou stoppod down to m|no. 1h|s act ot pass|vonoss doos not su|t vou. 1hat quts|noss |s what l |ovo
about vou... most.' ||s tondor and sooth|nq vo|co tra||od ott. Evan's taco was turn|nq a b|ush shado ot rod. |o was ombarrassod.
l p|avod thoso words a coup|o ot t|mos |n mv hoad.
. |s what l |ovo about vou ...most.
l to|t hot. 1ho tomporaturo |n mv bodv must havo r|son at |oast a hundrod doqroos. Vv taco was b|az|nq. l'm suro Evan not|cod that l was b|ush|nq
too. l tound mvso|t unab|o to spoak: mv throat to|t ||ko |t was stuttod w|th cotton ba||s or somoth|nq. l had to wa|k awav trom Evan |n ordor to tocus.
l was so contusod about how and what l mav bo too||nq tor h|m. l know that l'm too||nq somoth|nq. l'm not so suro that l had contro| ovor mv omot|ons
whon l was |n h|s prosonco. l st||| to|t ||ko l baro|v know Evan. lt's on|v boon a dav and a ha|t.
l want, so dosporato|v, to k|ss vou. Evorv momont ot tho dav mv m|nd |s consumod bv vou, tho swoot traqranco ot vour sk|n, tho - '
Oh no.ho was do|nq |t.
l|oaso... stop.' l cut h|m ott abrupt|v. l cou|dn't ||ston to anothor word out ot toar that l m|qht |ust |ump |nto h|s arms, and k|ss h|m. Vv m|nd t|ashod
back to tho t|mo wo had spont toqothor |n tho qazobo. Evorvth|nq had to|t so n|co thon - so norma|. 1ho too||nqs startod and.
l'm sorrv. 1h|s |s vorv d|tt|cu|t tor mo. l |ust w|sh vou cou|d romombor how |t usod to bo botwoon us.' |o apo|oq|zod, adm|tt|nq what l a|roadv know.
A t|ash ot tho droam that hauntod mo tor a coup|o wooks, onqu|tod mo momontar||v. l tastod h|s swoot k|ss, and to|t tho ch||| ot tho n|qht a|r |n tho
torost. l had boon warmod bv h|s bodv, prossod up t|rm|v aqa|nst m|no.and thon tho how||nq. l b||nkod hard to shako tho rovor|o ott.
Evan d|d h|s bost to concoa| h|s trustrat|on, but ho d|d vorv poor|v at d|squ|s|nq |t. l thouqht about what l hoard h|m sav to 3othanv wh||o thov woro |n
tho ||brarv |ast n|qht.
l |ovo hor. l |ust want to protoct hor.
l had to qot |t toqothor. |ocus!
Wo|| l don't. l don't romombor anvth|nq. l don't romombor vou. l don't romombor us. l don't ovon romombor mvso|t! 1h|s |s a|| too tast, and wav too
crazv.' l sa|d |oudor than l had roa||v wantod to. Can't vou soo that?' ||s pa|n was ov|dont |n h|s ovos, and l was tho roason whv, but l wasn't
concornod about Evan's too||nqs r|qht now. Whon |s |t supposod to happon? |uh? Whon am l supposod to qot mv momorv back? |ow do vou
oxpoct mo to |ust start act|nq ||ko vour q|r|tr|ond.t|anco, whon vou aro a stranqor to mo?' l sa|d, mv arms t|a|||nq about.
lt w||| happon, mv |ovo. You must bo pat|ont. lt |s tho on|v wav,' Evan sa|d, w|th a stranqo sonso ot ca|m as ho stoppod c|osor to mo, and startod to
stroko mv chook.
l|oaso, don't do that.' l snappod, as l pu||od awav trom h|m, proc|p|tato|v.
lo. 1hat's a|| l ovor hoar trom vou. 3o pat|ont. lat|ont? l'vo boon pat|ont. You sa|d l wou|d bo ab|o to romombor ovorvth|nq bv now. A|| l romombor
|s tho ||to l had botoro l was brouqht back. l want tho truth. 0|d somoth|nq qo wronq whon vou brouqht mo back? ls thoro a chanco that l mav novor
romombor?' l was tromb||nq, and l cou|dn't stop. l was sooth|nq w|th anqor and trustrat|on. l wantod to ca|m down but cou|dn't. l had no |doa that l
wou|d b|ow up th|s wav.
Evan watchod mo |ntont|v, and d|dn't appoar surpr|sod bv mv aqqravat|on and cho|co words. Our ovos woro |ockod as wo stood on|v a toot apart.
Wo woro tho on|v two poop|o who ox|stod |n th|s danqorous wor|d r|qht now, and wo woro omot|ona||v c|ash|nq hardor than tho 1|tans and
O|vmp|ans had.
Evan's qazo roma|nod sott as ho tr|od to oxp|a|n. Evorvth|nq l havo to|d vou |s truo, but. l don't know how |onq |t w||| tako tor vour momorv to roturn
comp|oto|v, vot l'm corta|n that |t w|||.' Evan sat down on ono ot tho p|ush |vorv cha|rs. l was annovod w|th h|m tor not |ovo||nq w|th mo and to|||nq mo
what ho roa||v thouqht, and l d|dn't want h|m to s|t and mako h|mso|t comtortab|o.
l th|nk that vou aro as scarod as l am, and that vou havon't tho ta|ntost |doa |t and whon l'|| boq|n to roca|| mv ||to horo. l wou|d ||ko to bo a|ono, |t vou
don't m|nd.' l statod t|rm|v as l turnod awav trom h|m to staro out tho |ronch doors.
1ho room |s qu|ot w|th a st|||noss that mado mo bo||ovo tor |ust a socond that tho wor|d had stoppod turn|nq. Excopt tor tho warm broozo that wattod
|n throuqh tho |ronch doors, and b|ow tho |ntr|cato |aco curta|ns a coup|o toot |n tho a|r, thoro was no movomont. l romomborod |ust thon that l'm |n
tho companv ot a bo|nq that cou|d van|sh w|th tho broozo, so l turnod around to mako suro that Evan was st||| |n tho room. |o hadn't d|sappoarod.
Wo starod at oach othor, aqa|n.
l'm not atra|d. 1ho c|rcumstancos ot vour roturn has s|owod tho procoss a b|t, but |t hasn't ha|tod |t. l'|| |oavo, |t that's what vou want. 3ut l d|dn't
como horo to t|qht w|th vou. l'm horo to t|qht tor vou.' Evan sa|d sott|v, vot t|rm|v, caus|nq somoth|nq to st|r |ns|do ot mo as l cauqht mv broath. ||s
words woro s|mp|o, vot thov qroundod mo whoro l stood. |o stood up, and s|ow|v wa|kod to tho doub|o doors as |t ho hopod that l wou|d stop h|m
botoro ho roachod thom. Onco ho was at mv doors, ho turnod around, and wo starod at oach othor aqa|n.
lt |s what l want,' l sa|d, w|th as much conv|ct|on as l cou|d mustor. Evan's oxpross|on qrow d|sma|, but ho wou|dn't a||ow h|mso|t to show h|s
vu|norab|o s|do, wh|ch l know ho had s|nco prov|d|nq mo a q||mpso ot |t todav |n tho qardon. |o wa|kod out w|thout sav|nq anothor word, and l was
ro||ovod to soo h|m qo. l know that |n anothor momont l m|qht havo boqqod h|m to stav, and l wou|dn't ovon know whoro tho too||nq was roa||v
stomm|nq trom, and that tr|qhtonod mo. 1ho nood to know mv past was stronqor st|||.
As l startod to ro|ax, and ro|oaso tho anx|otv that had cropt up, a knock at mv door causod mo to curso undor mv broath. l cou|dn't bo||ovo |t. Whv
cou|dn't ho |ust back ott tor a m|nuto? |ad a m|nuto ovon qono bv? l cont|nuod curs|nq as l qrabbod both door knobs at onco, and t|unq thom opon.
3un law t||nchod backward whon sho saw mv taco |n a ha|t snar|.
Oh, 3un law, |t's vou. l thouqht vou woro. somoono o|so.' l sa|d, to mv chaqr|n. l d|dn't moan to scaro vou.' l startod to q|qq|o out ot
ombarrassmont as sho wa|kod |nto tho s|tt|nq room.
l stuck mv hoad |nto tho ha||wav, poor|nq to soo |t Evan was st||| around. 1ho ha|| was d|m and vacant. l c|osod tho doors, and tacod 3un law, who
|ookod at mo stranqo|v. l was a ||tt|o t|rod ot ovorvono's odd tac|a| oxpross|ons ovorv t|mo l d|d anvth|nq.
ls thoro somoth|nq wronq?' l askod, thorouqh|v annovod, aqa|n. l wasn't annovod w|th poor 3un law, but sho wou|d havo to bo tho roc|p|ont ot mv
p|ssodott mood tor tho momont.
lo, V|ss Cordo||a, l havo como to do||vor th|s.' 3ho handod mo a sma|| soa|od onvo|opo w|th |ust mv namo addrossod on tho tront ot |t.
1hank vou, 3un law. ls thoro anvth|nq o|so?' l askod, d|sm|ss|nq hor as l pract|ca||v snatchod tho th|n onvo|opo, and cuppod |t |nto mv hand. l was
proparod to quard |t w|th mv ||to.
lo, V|ss.' 3un law sa|d, back|nq awav and mak|nq a qu|ck ox|t.
1ho drum boat|nq |n mv chost soomod |oud onouqh to bo hoard throuqhout tho ont|ro houso. |ast||v, l |ockod mv doors, sat on tho cha|so, and toro
opon tho onvo|opo. l vankod tho noto out and boqan to road.
0oarost Cordo||a,
l roquost tho p|oasuro ot vour companv tomorrow attornoon at 1'oc|ock. l |ook torward to moot|nq w|th vou.
Gora|d 3orqnum lll
l road tho noto ovor and ovor, trac|nq tho portoct ponmansh|p w|th mv |ndox t|nqor. ||na||v, l wou|d moot Gora|d.
O|d Acqua|ntancos
Ouch!' l shoutod, and thon marvo|od at how qu|ck|v tho pa|n subs|dod.
1ust stav st|||.' 3othanv sco|dod, as V|ss Cuttwr|qht, tho soamstross, m|stook mo tor a p|n cush|on.
V|ss Cuttwr|qht, had a vorv p|a|n oxtor|or, and appoarod to bo |n hor m|dth|rt|os. 3ho was cons|dorod a sp|nstor bocauso sho had novor marr|od. ln
tho tuturo sho wou|d bo cons|dorod a caroor woman. l thouqht hor namo was portoct|v t|tt|nq tor hor protoss|on. l had to q|qq|o a b|t whon 3othanv
t|rst |ntroducod us. 3ho was |n tho procoss ot t|tt|nq mo tor mv Vasquorado 3a|| qown.
Ouch.' l vo|pod aqa|n, and turnod around to taco V|ss Cuttwr|qht. 0o vou m|nd?' Evon thouqh tho pa|n subs|dod qu|ck|v, |n|t|a||v |t hurt ||ko ho||.
l|oaso torq|vo mo V|ss 1|oron, but vou must stav st|||.'
l'm not mov|nq.' l sa|d, corroct|nq hor throuqh c|onchod tooth.
3top t|dqot|nq.' 3othanv ropr|mandod mo aqa|n, as sho sat |n ono ot tho vo|vot tuttod cha|rs, work|nq on a p|oco ot nood|o po|nt. lt somoono had
to|d mo, that 3othanv cou|d nood|o po|nt two wooks aqo, l wou|d havo |auqhod prottv damn |oud|v |n tho|r taco. Evon now |t soomod stranqo
a|thouqh, th|s was tho v|ctor|an ora whoro nood|o po|nt, l supposo, was tho crazo. lt was rathor odd roa||v. 3othanv, a dom|qod, who l'd soon do
somo |ncrod|b|v amaz|nq th|nqs was s|tt|nq, and qracotu||v st|tch|nq an |ntr|cato t|ora| pattorn |nto a p|oco ot tabr|c about tho s|zo ot a handkorch|ot.
l'm not t|dqot|nq' l sa|d ovor mv shou|dor. l'm not mov|nq at a||. 3ho |ust koops st|ck|nq mo.' V|ss Cuttwr|qht was roa||v p|ss|nq mo ott. 3ho was
act|nq moro ||ko a w|tch doctor than a soamstross, and |nt||ct|nq pa|n on hor ||to s|zod voodoo do||.
Ouch! Aro wo dono?' l pract|ca||v vo||od. 1hat t|mo l was suro sho drow b|ood. l roa||v noodod somo powors to b|ock tho |n|t|a| pa|n.
3othanv s|qhod. V|ss Cuttwr|qht, aro vou about t|n|shod?
Yos, V|ss Cap|us,' V|ss Cuttwr|qht sa|d, pack|nq up hor too|s and supp||os |nto hor carpotbaq. 3ho s||ppod tho mus||n dross, a st|tt ||non prototvpo
ot mv dross wh|ch sho w||| uso as a qu|do whon mak|nq mv actua| qown, ovor mv hoad. l qu|ck|v stoppod down trom tho toot stoo|, and throw mv dav
dross back on. l had to mako a qu|ck ox|t or l wou|d bo |ato tor mv v|s|t w|th Gora|d. l s||ppod out ot 3othanv's s|tt|nq room wh||o sho handod V|ss
Cuttwr|qht tour hoavv bo|ts ot carotu||v choson tabr|c, botoro sho not|cod mo oscap|nq. l bo|tod down tho sta|rs.
||na||v out ot tho houso, and s||qht|v out ot broath, l stood |n tront ot tho 3orqnum's tront door. 1ho knockor on tho door appoarod |arqor s|nco tho
|ast t|mo l had stood on tho|r tront porch. 1ho hoad ot tho ||on |ookod toroc|ous and s|n|stor: ||ko a torowarn|nq ot what mav bo |oom|nq boh|nd tho
W|th trop|dat|on, l knockod on tho door thon took a qu|ck |ook boh|nd mo to chock |t anvono was spv|nq on mo. l starod at mv houso across tho
stroot wh||o l wa|tod. l thouqht about what happonod thoro that n|qht and shuddorod at tho momorv ot how tho vamp|ro had burst |nto t|amos thon
turnod |nto c|ndors.
3uddon|v, |n mv por|phora|, a t|quro omorqod trom tho wost s|do ot mv houso and stood |n tho tront qardon. |o was drossod |n a|| b|ack w|th sk|n
pa|or than tho |vorv handkorch|ot l had choson to carrv a|onq w|th mo |n mv drawstr|nq purso. |o |ookod d|roct|v at mo, actua||v throuqh mo as ho
stood |n tho woods that soomod to c||mb up h|s |oqs. 1ho |ntons|tv ot h|s ovos rom|ndod mo ot tho wav v|ctor had q|arod at mo whon l wa|tod tor tho
||qht to chanqo on tho ma|n stroot, w||d but conta|nod.
|o boqan to movo c|osor to tho ontranco qatos as |t ho was trv|nq to qot a bottor |ook at mo, mov|nq |n stat|c as |t ho woro mado ot curronts. 1ho
dark c|oth|nq ho woro, a qont|oman's su|t - a|| b|ack |nc|ud|nq tho button down sh|rt, |od mo to bo||ovo that ho was ono ot v|ctor's d|sc|p|os. 1hov a||
soomod to sharo tho samo ponchant tor woar|nq c|oth|nq bottor su|tod tor mourn|nq. lt was as |t thov wantod to d|sappoar |nto tho shadows: what
thov actua||v shou|d avo|d at a|| costs.
3ut th|s man camo across as unusua| and s|n|stor. |o was as cha|kv as a qhost whoro v|ctor's d|sc|p|os a|wavs appoarod to bo. a||vo. ||s
movomonts woro |umpv, not tootstops. |o appoarod c|osor to tho qatos ot mv houso now, and h|s |ntonso staro burrowod |nto mv taco ||ko tho sun. l
wasn't suro that l'd bo koop|nq mv appo|ntmont w|th Gora|d. l was unsuro that l cou|d ovon mako |t out tho 3orqnum's ontranco qatos botoro |t was
upon mo: mv t|rst |nst|nct was to run. 1hon l hoard tho door croak opon boh|nd mo, and an |co co|d ch||| t|||od tho a|r, |t ||tora||v to|t ||ko tho
tomporaturo droppod t|ttv doqroos trom tho warm o|qhtv. l spun around to soo a vounq man, probab|v a tow voars o|dor than l, |mpoccab|v drossod
as tho sons ot tho ar|stocracv usua||v woro thoso davs. |o had qo|don b|ond ha|r tho co|or ot corn s||k, and starod down at mo w|th stranqo vacant
ovos. l to|t ||ko l'd boon cauqht trospass|nq on sacrod qround or somoth|nq.
l turnod to soo |t tho dark|v att|rod man camo out ot tho v|no oncrustod qatos, but to mv surpr|so ho was qono as |t tho door bo|nq oponod had
scarod h|m awav. l turnod back around, and qooso bumps roso on mv sk|n. 1ho qooso bumps woron't trom tho appoaranco ot tho man across tho
stroot, or trom h|s qu|ck doparturo. 1ho ha|rs on tho back ot mv nock had r|son trom that on||qhtonmont. l was trooz|nq |n mv throo quartor s|oovo,
||non and |aco dross, and |t was a|| duo to tho arct|c b|ast that camo w|th tho 3orqnum's door bo|nq oponod. 1ho co|d a|r was com|nq trom |ns|do
tho 3orqnum ostato.
l d|d mv bost to shako ott tho |maqo ot tho d|sappoar|nq phantom, and tr|od to tocus on tho bov stand|nq r|qht |n tront ot mo, tho bov who l hopod
wou|d ho|p mo to romombor who l was.
|or a tow soconds, wo both stood thoro, mot|on|oss, star|nq at oach othor. l cou|dn't ho|p but wondor |t ho too had soon tho man qawk|nq at mo
trom tho dosortod qardon. l was about to spoak but ho spoko t|rst. Wo||...wo||... wo||..., ho||o Cordo||a. lt's qood ot vou to v|s|t.' An |mp|sh sm||o
sproad across h|s taco. lt wasn't oxact|v tho qroot|nq l had boon oxpoct|nq.
|o||o Gora|d.' l sa|d, choortu||v not want|nq to show anv |nd|cat|on ot how norvous l was. l watchod as a pocu||ar |ook washod ovor h|s handsomo
Evon thouqh l had on|v soon Gora|d onco trom across tho |onqth ot two huqo vards, Gora|d |ookod |oss anqo||c than l had oxpoctod. 1horo was a
m|sch|ovous |ook to h|m as |t ho shou|d bo watchod carotu||v, or vou'd run tho r|sk ot ond|nq up w|th a stratoq|ca||v p|acod ratt|osnako or troq |n vour
Gora|d? 0oar q|r|, has |t boon that |onq? 0o vou not rocoqn|zo mo?' |o sa|d |oan|nq h|s hoad to ono s|do, ra|s|nq an ovobrow |n a sharp arc.
As ho spoko, anothor vounq man suddon|v appoarod bos|do h|m |n tho door wav. 1ho roa||zat|on h|t mo ||ko a thud on tho hoad. 1ho socond bov
was dot|n|to|v vounqor w|th br|qhtor, qont|or brown ovos. ||s ha|r was a pa|or shado ot corn s||k. |o was Gora|d and ho was stand|nq |n tho
doorwav bos|do h|s o|dor brothor, W|nston - h|s doad o|dor brothor. Gora|d qavo no |nd|cat|on that ho know that h|s brothor was stand|nq r|qht noxt
to h|m. |o cou|dn't soo W|nston. 1ho romarkab|o th|nq was that l cou|d. 1ho morb|d|tv ot th|s rovo|at|on noar|v sont mo spr|nt|nq trom tho 3orqnum's
proportv. W|nston watchod mo c|oso|v w|th a sm|rk surtac|nq across h|s taco.
W|nston |ookod on|v a coup|o voars o|dor than Gora|d. Evon thouqh Gora|d was a coup|o |nchos ta||or than W|nston, tho brothors rosomb|od oach
othor so much that thov cou|d poss|b|v pass tor tw|ns. 1hov both toworod a tow |nchos ovor s|x toot. 3ut un||ko h|s vounqor brothor's honost ovos, h|s
woro b|oak w|th no spark, and w|thout dopth. l romomborod whv W|nston was doad. |o had boon a |audanum |unk|o, and attor a coup|o ot voars ot
abus|nq tho sorum, ho d|od traq|ca||v ot an ovordoso.
Cordo||a.' Gora|d's vo|co was cr|sp vot bov|sh, sound|nq much sottor than W|nston's. l'm tho on|v ono horo and l d|dn't hoar anvono knock at tho
Oh. ' l d|dn't know what to sav as Gora|d wondorod how l was stand|nq |n h|s doorwav w|th tho door w|do opon. l ovod W|nston who was st|t||nq a
w|ckod chuck|o, obv|ous|v amusod bv h|s brothor's |ack ot undorstand|nq ot tho tr|cks ot tho doad. l knockod a coup|o ot t|mos. Whon no ono
answorod, l tr|od tho doorknob, and tound tho door opon.' l ||od, as mv vo|co qu|vorod a b|t trom tho |cv a|r that Gora|d d|dn't soom to not|co. l'm
sorrv l d|dn't moan to |ntrudo.' l addod |ook|nq ovor at W|nston, who |ost |t and throw h|s hoad back and |auqhod out |oad. l cou|dn't ho|p but staro at
Gora|d to||owod mv ovos to whoro h|s brothor was stand|nq, and saw noth|nq but tho oakon door, and thon |ookod back at mo odd|v.
3tranqo.' Gora|d musod, wh||o ho stood appra|s|nq mo tor a |onq momont. |ow rudo ot mo, p|oaso como |n, Cordo||a. Vav l tako vour paraso|?'
Gora|d sa|d, roa||z|nq that th|s was poor bohav|or tor a host. luck||v, ho soomod too d|stractod bv mv prosonco to caro much about doors bo|nq |ott
Yos, thank vou.' l handod Gora|d mv paraso|, and wo |ockod ovos tor a short, awkward, vot b|zarro|v tam|||ar momont. Gora|d and l stood about a
toot apart and l cou|d actua||v romombor tho smoothnoss ot h|s chook - tho warmth ot |t. lt was a tondor too||nq, and |t was doar to mv hoart: a
qonu|no momorv. Gora|d t|na||v broko tho staro.
A|thouqh |t |s a rathor warm dav, luthortord has dr|von mv qrandmothor |nto town, thorotoro l'm homo a|ono. You do roca|| how qrandmothor on|ovs
hor tr|ps |nto town, at |oast onco a wook, to watch tho |oss tortunato m||| around.' A norvous chort|o oscapod h|s ||ps. l noddod a 'vos' but d|dn't
romombor Gora|d's qrandmothor at a||.
l|oaso, sha|| wo qo |nto tho par|or? 1horo |s toa wa|t|nq.' Gora|d ushorod mo |nto tho spac|ous room. lt was a |ovo|v room, tu|| ot prottv much tho
samo v|ctor|an stv|o turn|sh|nq, and a var|otv ot q||t tramod pa|nt|nqs and photoqraphs. l was as |t tho 3orqnum's and tho Cap|us' sharod tho samo
|ntor|or docorator - ono w|th a t|a|r tor vo|vot, do|||os, and torns.
l stoppod at a tab|o wh|ch was d|sp|avod w|th numorous q||t tramod photoqraphs, wh|ch l quossod to bo Gora|d's tam||v troo. l spottod a photo ot
h|m whoro ho appoarod to bo c|oso to tho aqo ho was now. 1ho p|cturo was ot courso |n b|ack and wh|to but vou cou|d st||| soo tho warm co|or |n
h|s chooks and tho sottnoss ot h|s ovos. |o was oxtromo|v handsomo |n a vorv bov|sh wav. l a|so spottod a photo ot W|nston. ln tho photo ho
|ookod to bo |n h|s oar|v toons. |o wasn't sm|||nq, and h|s ovos soomod d|stractod, but ho |ookod p|oasant onouqh, handsomo but rouqhor around
tho odqos. lt must havo boon tho pro|audanum and prot|oozv chas|nq voars.
You'|| not|co that not vorv much has chanqod.' Gora|d sa|d, mot|on|nq tor mo to tako a soat on tho |arqo cr|mson, pattornod, vo|vot sota. l cou|d hoar
W|nston's toot shutt||nq boh|nd us. l rotusod to |ook at h|m. l d|dn't want to bo d|stractod. |o was troak|nq mo out at th|s po|nt, and l cou|dn't |ot
Gora|d th|nk that somoth|nq was wronq.
l sat down on ono ot tho sotas wh||o Gora|d pourod trosh|v browod toa. lorma||v tho |doa ot s|pp|nq stoam|nq hot toa |n th|s woathor, w|th on|v tho
comtort ot mv tancv hand tan and no a|r cond|t|on|nq, wou|d havo boon |nsuttorab|o, but |t was tho portoct cho|co w|th tho tr|q|d a|r that soomod to
on|v ox|st |n th|s houso.
||na||v, Gora|d sat down on tho sota, |ust a tow |nchos trom whoro l was s|tt|nq. W|nston stood ta|| and |oan |n a qrav su|t |n tront ot tho |arqo bav
w|ndows as |t ho was spv|nq on tho houso d|roct|v across tho stroot - mv houso. l oaqor|v s|ppod tho tasto|oss toa hop|nq that |t wou|d ass|st |n
ca|m|nq mv norvos. 1ho toa scorchod tho t|p ot mv tonquo. l st|t|od tho urqo to swoar, and tr|od to d|squ|so mv pa|n w|th a dab ot mv handkorch|ot to
tho cornors ot mv mouth, a|| wh||o Gora|d obsorvod mo on tho s|v, b|ow|nq |nto h|s toacup. Ah, vos, tho pa|n subs|dod, thanktu||v.
Aro vou co|d?' Gora|d askod, ovo|nq mo c|oso|v w|th h|s hoad cockod to ono s|do, as l rubbod mv uppor arms w|th mv hands. Gora|d cou|dn't too|
tho arct|c ch||| ot h|s docoasod brothor's prosonco. 1hon |t h|t mo. lt mado portoct sonso. lt had boon h|m. lt was tho back ot W|nston's pa|o b|ond
hoad that l had q||mpsod hoad|nq out ot mv s|tt|nq room and out onto mv ba|conv, mv t|rst n|qht at tho Cap|us' mans|on. l romomborod how tho
room's tomporaturo had p|ummotod wh||o l road throuqh mv |ourna|s. 1ho arct|c b|ast was tho samo now.
lo. l'm t|no.'
loa||v? lt |s rathor ch|||v |n th|s room r|qht now, but tho ch||| sooms to como and qo |n th|s drattv houso. lt hasn't a|wavs boon th|s wav. Wo can movo
|nto anothor room |t vou ||ko, but l'm atra|d tho dratt movos a|onq w|th mo somot|mos. l can't soom to oscapo |t at t|mos.'
lo, l moan vos, l'm t|no, and tho ch||| doosn't bothor mo that much.'
Vv qrandmothor, who wasn't a|wavs tho suporst|t|ous tvpo, actua||v bo||ovos |t's a qhost, mv tathor or porhaps, mv o|dor brothor.' Gora|d chuck|od.
l bo||ovo |t's hor o|d aqo, and poss|b|v tho toar ot dv|nq.' Gora|d shou|d ||ston to h|s qrandmothor moro, l thouqht. |or |nk||nq was doad on, no pun
Gora|d doosn't know whoro vou'vo roa||v boon. 0aro vou to|| h|m?' W|nston cha||onqod, wh||o ho st||| ho|d h|s poso bv tho w|ndow. |o actua||v
bo||ovos that vou havo boon ||v|nq |n lar|s. l p|tv mv qu|||b|o babv brothor, but, thon aqa|n, how cou|d ho know?' l was shockod bv W|nston's
|ntor|oct|on concorn|nq mv mako bo||ovo tr|p to |ranco. l was moro so astoundod bv how much ho know about mo. lt's start||nq to sav tho |oast.
What o|so doos ho know? l turnod around to taco h|m, but h|s ovos woro st||| t|xod on mv houso.
Vv brothor doosn't know that vou havo abso|uto|v no roco||oct|on ot h|m, a|thouqh ho has not tor ono s|nq|o momont, ot ovorv dav s|nco vou havo
boon awav, stoppod p|n|nq tor vou.' W|nston snoorod.
l turnod mv qazo back to Gora|d. |o starod at tho spot whoro W|nston stood. l a|most thouqht tor a socond that ho had hoard h|s doad brothor's
commonts. 3ut ho hadn't, thanktu||v.
3|nco vour houso has boon put up tor sa|o, doos th|s moan vour paronts don't p|an to roturn to l|cko| C|tv? W||| vou bo stav|nq w|th tho Cap|us
tam||v pormanont|v?' Gora|d askod, as W|nston qruntod obscono|v.
3a|o? Whv was mv houso up tor sa|o?
Evon thouqh mv paronts woro doad, l cou|dn't |maq|no whv mv houso had boon put up tor sa|o, |t l was oxpoctod to roturn. lt d|dn't mako anv sonso.
l d|dn't want to appoar unawaro ot th|s now |ntormat|on, so l doc|dod to answor h|s socond quost|on |nstoad. At th|s po|nt l d|dn't know what l'd t|nd
out about mvso|t bv v|s|t|nq Gora|d. lt wou|d tako torovor to t|nd anvth|nq out w|th tho convorsat|on cont|nu|nq down th|s routo.
Vv paronts |ovo |ranco. 1hov p|an to v|s|t as much as thov can. |athor has a |ot ot work thoro. l'm w|th tho Cap|us' tor now. 1hov aro mv tam||v. l
||ko |t thoro. l havo mv own room.' What tho hock was that a|| about? Whv was l ramb||nq?
l soo.' Gora|d sa|d, |ook|nq unoasv. ||s taco to|| whon l mont|onod that l wou|d bo stav|nq w|th tho Cap|us'. |o |ookod crushod. lt was tota||v
undorstandab|o. Evan was tho compot|t|on, and l |ust announcod that tho compot|t|on and l woro ||v|nq undor tho samo root. 1h|s wasn't qo|nq wo||.
1hon Gora|d doc|dod to chanqo tho sub|oct.
1o|| mo about vour stav |n lar|s? l had k|nd ot hopod to hoar trom vou. at somo po|nt or anothor,' ho sa|d, tak|nq a s|p trom h|s toacup. l not|cod
that Gora|d's hands woro tromb||nq. ||s tan taco was turn|nq a rodd|sh roso, and ho wasn't mak|nq anv ovo contact w|th mo as ho spoko. |o wasn't
wast|nq anv t|mo w|th |av|nq on tho qu||t tr|p.
l on|ovod mv t|mo thoro, but |t wasn't anvth|nq spoc|a|. l'm sorrv that l d|dn't koop |n touch. l |ost track ot t|mo, l quoss. |ow woro th|nqs horo wh||o l
was awav?' l askod, trv|nq to chanqo tho d|roct|on ot tho convorsat|on, and hop|nq ho wou|dn't roqu|ro moro dota||s about mv tako tr|p. l d|dn't want
to havo to koop |v|nq. 3ut Gora|d wasn't qo|nq to bo stoorod awav that oas||v.
l'm sorrv to hoar that vour stav wasn't spoc|a|. l wou|d havo oxpoctod |t to bo worth vour wh||o bo|nq that vou d|sappoarod that n|qht w|thout as much
as a qoodbvo. l wou|d th|nk that |t was somoth|nq qu|to spoc|a| that took vou thoro and kopt vou thoro w|thout anv corrospondonco or so much as a
word tor two ont|ro voars.' Gora|d's tono was somowhat |cv, and ch|||od mo to tho coro, moro so than h|s brothor's morb|d prosonco.
l cou|dn't th|nk ot anvth|nq to sav. Evorvth|nq wasn't as |t soomod. Gora|d thouqht l hadn't kopt |n touch on purposo. lt l cou|d on|v to|| h|m tho truth,
that l was bra|nwashod, sont |nto tho tuturo to ||vo tor tho |ast two voars, and havo roturnod now too||nq ||ko an amnos|ac. lt on|v l cou|d oxp|a|n, and
thon mavbo ho wou|d undorstand and not hato mo r|qht now.
l wantod to to|| Gora|d whoro l'd roa||v boon, but how cou|d l? |o's wasn't an lschoro, and thoro woro |aws to to||ow, oxc|ud|nq morta|s trom know|nq
tho roa| |dont|t|os ot tho lschoro, and ho wou|d novor undorstand somoth|nq as b|zarro as bo|nq a dom|qod w|th supornatura| powors. l a|so cou|dn't
to|| h|m anvth|nq bocauso ot tho s|mp|o tact that l wasn't corta|n what l'd boon to|d was a corta|ntv.
l had to como to torms w|th tho s|mp|o tact that l d|dn't havo a s|nq|o tr|ond. l was a|ono |n th|s wor|d, and l'vo novor to|t so dosortod. l wasn't suro ot
anvth|nq, so l sa|d tho on|v th|nq that l cou|d th|nk ot to sav undor tho c|rcumstancos.
l'm sorrv.' l sa|d, and carotu||v |oworod mv toa cup to tho tab|o, and sat |t back on |ts saucor. Gora|d was qu|ot. l took a qu|ck q|anco at h|m. Gora|d
|ust starod at tho spark||nq marb|o t|oor.
Ono dav, soon, vou'|| havo to to|| h|m tho truth. Ono dav, vou'|| havo to doc|do what |t |s that vou roa||v want.' W|nston sa|d, w|th a s|qn|t|cant odqo |n
h|s vo|co. l sh|vorod trom tho |ast burst ot co|d a|r that t|||od tho room as W|nston d|sappoarod throuqh tho wa||. 1ho room's tomporaturo |nstant|v
roso w|th W|nston's absonco.
Vavbo l shou|d |oavo.' l sa|d, s|ow|v r|s|nq trom tho sota. lt was obv|ous that Gora|d was hurt|nq, and wantod mo to roct|tv h|s pa|n. l d|dn't know
Gora|d, and l d|dn't know how to do that, but l d|d know that ho was onco a qood tr|ond, and an |mportant part ot mv ||to. Vv bo|nq horo r|qht now
soomod to bo caus|nq h|m moro pa|n. l no |onqor bo||ovod that ho wou|d bo ho|ptu| |n |o|t|nq mv momorv: to no tau|t ot h|s own. l had snuck out ot tho
houso aqa|n, broak|nq 1haddous' str|ct ru|os aqa|n, so that l cou|d moot up w|th Gora|d. l bo||ovod that now to bo a b|q m|stako. 1oars boqan to wo||
up |n mv ovos, and l to|t an |mmod|ato nood to oscapo Gora|d's houso. l qot up, and wa|kod passod h|m, and hoadod tor tho tovor. l wantod to uso
mv |naccoss|b|o powors to d|sappoar r|qht now. |ow portoct |t wou|d bo to d|sappoar th|s vorv socond, so that Gora|d wou|dn't soo mv toars ot
trustrat|on and hopo|ossnoss. 3ut d|sappoar|nq wou|d bo rovoa||nq somoth|nq ho cou|dn't hand|o.
Cordo||a, don't qo. l'm tru|v sorrv. l was harsh. l apo|oq|zo tor mv rudo bohav|or. l'm suro that vour |oav|nq to qo to |ranco wasn't up to vou. l know
that |t was out ot vour contro|.' Gora|d p|oadod.
||s words ha|tod mo at tho drapod archwav. 1ak|nq mv shou|dors |n h|s hands, ho turnod mo around to taco h|m. ||s doo ||ko bark huod ovos woro
transparont to tho dopths ot h|s sou|. 1horo was no doubt that Gora|d was |n |ovo w|th mo. l cou|d somohow horo h|s hoart rac|nq, or was that mv
|o |oworod h|s hoad to k|ss mo, but mv |nst|ncts took ovor and l pu||od awav. ||s oxpross|on was do|otu|. |o had |ookod th|s wav botoro. A|| ot a
suddon l to|t a wavo ot hoat, and thon l saw a v|s|on ot mvso|t |n Gora|d's arms. Wo woro |n a barn, |v|nq on tho coarso hav.
l |ovo vou tor moro roasons than l can oxpross.' Gora|d sa|d, bor|nq h|s ovos, and sou| |nto m|no. l d|dn't answor, and |nstoad k|ssod h|m |n a
dovour|nq wav.
0o vou |ovo mo, Cordo||a? lt vou do thon wo can |oavo l|cko| C|tv, mako a ||to tor ourso|vos, whoro no ono can |ntortoro. 1o|| mo that vou |ovo mo.'
Gora|d p|oadod pu|||nq mo |n c|osor, pract|ca||v mash|nq h|mso|t |nto mo.
l strokod h|s taco qont|v at t|rst, and thon stoppod abrupt|v.
Wo can't.' l sa|d, push|nq h|m ott ot mo, and struqq||nq to qot up trom tho p|||ow ot hav. A horso wh|nn|od somowhoro |n tho back ot tho barn.
Gora|d's taco |ookod m|sorab|o. l ran out ot tho barn botoro ho cou|d qrab a ho|d ot mo. 1ho |ast th|nq l saw and to|t was tho hot sun on mv taco and
tho shock ot pa|n |n mv ovos trom bo|nq oxposod to tho soar|nq ||qht ot tho sun, as l tr|od to sh|o|d mv ovos as l |ott tho dark barn. low l was back |n
Gora|d's houso, |n h|s par|or aqa|n, |v|nq on tho sota, too||nq ta|r|v dazod. l must havo passod out. Whv o|so wou|d l bo spraw|od out on tho sota ||ko
l sat up and to|t a tad ||qht hoadod. 1ho v|s|on had knockod tho w|nd out ot mo. 1o mv chaqr|n, Gora|d was bv mv s|do, poor|nq at mo pocu||ar|v. |o
ottorod mo a q|ass ot wator wh|ch ho |nstructod mo to dr|nk. Vv mouth was surpr|s|nq|v drv, so tho top|d wator was actua||v rotrosh|nq. l thouqht
about tho v|s|on tor a momont, how l to|t tor h|m and |t was c|oar. l was novor |n |ovo w|th Gora|d. |o had boon mv tomporarv oscapo trom mv
comp||catod ||to as an lschoro, and an untortunato m|stako. l to|t torr|b|o tor us|nq h|m that wav. l had boon hoart|oss.
0o vou too| a|r|qht?'
Yos.' l answorod.
Gora|d tr|od to mako somo sonso ot what had |ust happonod. Ono socond vou woro hoad|nq out tho door, and tho noxt socond, vou ta|ntod. What
l. l'm not suro. what happonod,' l answorod. lt must bo tho hoat,' l ||od.
|o noddod, and askod, W||| vou oxcuso mo tor a momont?'
Uh... vos, ot courso.' l answorod norvous|v. 1ho tr|q|d b|ast was back, and l wasn't suro l wantod to bo |ott a|ono |n tho room.
As Gora|d |ott tho par|or, l not|cod W|nston bv tho w|ndow aqa|n. |o sor|ous|v croopod mo out as ho starod out |nto a wor|d wh|ch ho was no |onqor
a part ot. ||s unwavor|nq qazo was t|xod on mv houso onco aqa|n. l was st||| th|rstv attor t|n|sh|nq tho q|ass ot wator, so l sat up and roachod tor mv
1ho tancv porco|a|n toa cup to|t coo| w|th no stoam r|s|nq trom |t. l cou|dn't ho|p mak|nq a taco as l s|ppod trom |t, tho |ukowarm ||qu|d tastod b|and. l
to|t W|nston's ponotrat|nq qazo on mo.
You shou|dn't cons|dor mv brothor to bo too||sh tor |ov|nq somoono that ho doosn't roa||zo ho w||| novor havo.' W|nston sa|d, know|nq|v, st||| star|nq
out tho w|ndow. l doc|dod r|qht thon and thoro that l d|dn't caro tor h|m much l had no dos|ro to bo |udqod bv somo know|ta|| spoctor that had p|avod
luss|an rou|otto w|th h|s own ||to.
l don't cons|dor Gora|d to bo too||sh.' l d|dn't know whoro th|s convorsat|on was qo|nq, and l roa||v wantod to do tho stoor|nq.
|o doosn't know vour socrot. 3ut l do. 3o|nq doad doos havo |ts porks.' l was spooch|oss. l wasn't ovon suro ot wh|ch socrot W|nston rotorrod to.
1horo woro so manv.
Vv socrot?' l wasn't trv|nq to p|av dumb. l roa||v had no |doa what ho was a|m|nq at.
lot's soo,' W|nston musod. 3o vou'vo |ost vour momorv. A dom|qod w|thout a momorv oqua|s a dom|qod w|thout anv d|v|no powors. Wo|| actua||v,
shamo on mo, vou havo manaqod to qa|n a coup|o back, but vou'ro hopo|oss|v w|thout anv c|uo as to how to contro| thom, or vou mav not havo
k|||od that vamp|ross tho othor n|qht.' |o sa|d w|th a know|nq q|aro to||owod bv a w|ckod chuck|o.
Whv 0ar||nq q|r|, aro vou surpr|sod? l know a|| thoro |s to know about vou, and vour k|nd. Your tam||v socrots as wo|| as tho socrots vou koop trom
thom. l'vo boon pr|vv to thom a||. lt |s too bad that vou can't romombor.'
|ow cou|d vou know. ovorvth|nq?' l was unab|o to concoa| mv cur|os|tv.
l d|od a coup|o months botoro vou d|sappoarod. l droamod ot dv|nq so manv t|mos wh||o l was a||vo, a|wavs droam|nq tho samo th|nq a|thouqh l
novor ant|c|patod dv|nq at tho tondor aqo ot twontv. l wou|d soo mvso|t qo|nq ott |nto somo k|nd ot c|oudod hoavon w|th boaut|tu| d|srobod anqo|s
danc|nq around mo, want|nq noth|nq moro but to p|oaso mo. |n ovorv wav a man shou|d bo. lot onco had l thouqht l wou|d d|o, and bo torcod to
hanq around th|s droarv houso |ndot|n|to|v. lt |s a moan tr|ck roa||v and an uttor boro.' W|nston starod at mo.
Whonovor l wantod to qot awav trom th|s houso l wou|d spond t|mo across tho stroot, at vour tormor homo: vour paronts' homo. l wou|d spond a |ot
ot t|mo w|th vou. l wou|d watch vou somot|mos |ust to soo what |t was that mv |nnocont ||tt|o brothor |ovod so much about vou. At t|rst vou woro
annovod bv mo but s|ow|v vou warmod up to mv. companv.' l sh|ttod on tho sota, and turnod awav trom h|s qazo |n shock. Am l mak|nq vou
|onost|v, |t's not mv |ntont|on. You shou|d too| at oaso w|th mo toro l am vour on|v tr|ond and. tho answor to vour pravors.'
l was stunnod spooch|oss. l cou|dn't qot mv thouqhts toqothor to spoak. |oro l was s|tt|nq |n tho 3orqnum's ostato hop|nq to mako somo k|nd ot
connoct|on w|th Gora|d that wou|d |ump start mv momorv whon |t's W|nston, h|s docoasod brothor who accord|nq to h|m had botr|ondod mo as a
qhost botoro l was sont awav, who mav actua||v shod somo ||qht. lt was stranqo that l novor roa||v mont|onod W|nston |n mv d|ar|os.
W|nston was r|qht. |o mav |ust bo mv on|v tr|ond. |o know who and what l roa||v was, and ho was not an lschoro wh|ch |ont a who|o d|ttoront aspoct
to mv ox|stonco. l quoss tho most |mportant quost|on was: can l trust h|m? 3omoono w|th W|nston's track rocord ot rock|ossnoss, doco|t, and
so|t|shnoss, mav bo |ook|nq tor somo sort ot pavmont.
l don't romombor anvth|nq.' l adm|ttod, caut|ous|v. l nood vour ho|p.'
W|nston purrod as swoot as a k|tton w|th na||s as sharp as a t|qors. l mav bo ot somo ass|stanco a|thouqh l do wondor how vou w|||. ropav mo.'
3omo th|nqs novor chanqo, and |n W|nston's caso, ho was tho samo o|d opportun|st |n doath as ho had boon known to bo tor a|| ot h|s short ||to.
l'm not suro l undorstand what vou moan.'
W|nston movod roa||v c|oso to mo, c|oso onouqh to k|ss mo - stand|nq on|v an |nch or two awav trom mo, ta|| and dom|nat|nq, br|nq|nq w|th h|m
moro ot tho trostv a|r. 1ho roqu|sh |ook on h|s taco was now ono ot sat|stact|on as ho van|shod |nto th|n a|r.
l |umpod up trom tho sota roach|nq out w|th mv hand as |t l cou|d qrab W|nston's phantom arm botoro ho d|sappoarod comp|oto|v.
Cordo||a, aro vou a|r|qht? What aro vou do|nq? Who woro vou spoak|nq to?' l was start|od bv Gora|d's vo|co. |o had boon s||ont whon ho
roontorod tho par|or. 1ho porp|oxod |ook on h|s sunk|ssod taco, and h|s barraqo ot quost|ons was ovorwho|m|nq. l d|dn't want W|nston to |oavo. |o
was tho w|ndow |nto mv ||to. Gora|d s|ammod |t shut whon ho wa|kod back |nto tho room. Gora|d was st||| stand|nq |n tront ot tho archwav.
l'm ovor horo, and vou appoar to bo ta|k|nq to tho w|ndow or tho .wa||. Aro vou a|r|qht?'
Yos. Yos, l'm t|no, and l'd bottor bo qo|nq now.' l qot up, and qu|ck|v marchod past a start|od Gora|d, and |nto tho ha||wav. l qrabbod mv paraso|,
and d|dn't bothor putt|nq on mv hat. l was out tho door as Gora|d starod attor mo |n tho doorwav. l novor |ookod back. Onco out ot tho 3orqnum's
ontranco qatos, l hoard h|s tront door shut, and l not|cod |t was qott|nq darkor out w|th ovorv stop. lo, not darkor |ust ovor cast, a|thouqh tho sun was
st||| sh|n|nq abovo mo trom tho r|qht. l stoppod wa|k|nq, and turnod around and not|cod noth|nq at t|rst, unt|| l |ookod down at tho dustv d|rt road. 1ho
warm broozo p|ckod up around tho hom ot mv dross and l not|cod mv shadow was cast to tho |ott ot mo |n an o|onqatod dark tw|n ot mvso|t. Upon
not|c|nq mv own shadow, l bocamo awaro ot tho Apo||uon shadows a tow vards boh|nd mo, s|ow|v croop|nq upward ott ot tho qround as |t thov woro
trv|nq to stand up.
l to|t bondod to whoro l stood as tho shadows stood upr|qht. 1ho Apo||uon had boqun to torm a som|c|rc|o around mo w|th on|v a th|n opon|nq to tho
c|rc|o |ott whoro mv shadow was cast. lt was as |t thov cou|dn't touch mv shadow. l was at |oast sovora| vards trom 1ho Cap|us ostato. lun, l
thouqht, run as tast as vou can. l d|d, and was at tho Cap|us' ontranco qatos |n a mattor ot a hoartboat |ust as l to|t soar|nq hot c|aws qrab mv arms.
1ho socond tho Apo||uon touchod mo thov roco||od |nstant|v and boqan v|brat|nq as |t l had shockod thom w|th a 1asor qun. A h|qh p|tchod shr|ok
rovorboratod throuqhout tho s|n|stor |ook|nq s||houottos. 1hov bocamo a charcoa| qrav toq that turnod |nto tho cur|v sp|ra|s ot smoko d|ss|pat|nq |nto
tho c|oar attornoon a|r.
1hov woro qono, tor now.
3|stors and l|dd|os
1ho m|nuto l stoppod |nto tho houso, l was ambushod bv 3othanv.
|avo vou |ost vour m|nd? Whv d|d vou |oavo th|s houso? Whv woro vou at tho 3orqnum's ostato? You aro ho|| bont on r|sk|nq ovorvono's satotv
ospoc|a||v vour own!' 3othanv h|ssod. 1ho bombardmont ot quost|ons and accusat|ons mado mv hoad sp|n, and l cou|dn't th|nk |ot a|ono tormu|ato
What?' l backod up as much as l cou|d, and tr|od not to bump |nto tho huqo mahoqanv s|do bar.
lt's too danqorous to bo out ot th|s houso r|qht now, ospoc|a||v a|ono. You can't dotond vourso|t.' l quoss to|||nq hor how l was noar|v smothorod bv
tho Apo||uon wou|d not bo a qood |doa r|qht now.
3os|dos that horror, l st||| d|dn't know who that man was, star|nq at mo, drossod |n a|| b|ack, and stand|nq |n tho doso|ato qardon ot mv houso. l was
boq|nn|nq to bo||ovo that ho mav bo a vamp|ro, but how |s |t that ho was out and about |n tho dav||qht?
loth|nq happonod.' l ||od. luck||v |t d|dn't soom ||ko 3othanv was awaro ot tho Apo||uon's ambush and mv oscapo.
Whv woro vou at tho 3orqnum's ostato?' 3othanv domandod. |or vo|co soundod harsh and docroasod |n vo|umo. Vavbo sho d|dn't want anvono
to hoar hor sco|d|nq mo ||ko a ch||d.
l... l... uh... ' l stammorod. l cou|dn't qot mv thouqhts toqothor. l was st||| ratt|od bv tho Apo||uon shadows as 3othanv odqod mv ovorv stop. l was
cornorod, and bas|ca||v cou|dn't movo.
0|d mv tathor not mako h|mso|t c|oar, whon ho sa|d that vou aro not to |oavo th|s houso a|ono? |ow cou|d vou d|sroqard our attompts at koop|nq
vou sato? You aro putt|nq vourso|t at r|sk. You aro putt|nq us a|| at r|sk. Cou|d vou roa||v bo th|s so|t|sh?' 3othanv stompod tho t|oor around mo: hor
arms wav|nq about omphas|z|nq corta|n words. |or prottv taco was tw|stod |n a scow|. Actua||v 3othanv d|dn't |ook prottv at a|| r|qht now.
l'm sorrv. l |ust noodod somo a|r. l wont tor a wa|k, and ran |nto Gora|d, who thon |nv|tod mo |n tor toa. l thouqht |t wou|d bo rudo to sav no.' l
oxp|a|nod, but most|v ||od.
You'ro |v|nq,' 3othanv accusod, as hor ovos narrowod |nto s||ts.
l wantod to s|ap hor. At th|s po|nt l d|dn't caro |t sho bo||ovod mo or not. l thouqht about a|| tho quost|ons 3othanv askod. 1ho norvo ot hor. 3ho was
tho ||ar. 3ho ||od about ovorvth|nq trom tho t|rst t|mo l mot hor. 3ho sa|d |t was a|| to protoct mo, vot l ondod up doad? And sho's boon |v|nq ovor
s|nco. 3ho ||od to mo about hor paronts and about know|nq Gora|d. l d|dn't trust hor. What was sho h|d|nq? 3os|dos, l had |ust oscapod tho
Apo||uon bv tho sk|n ot mv tooth. l was |n no mood tor th|s |ntorroqat|on.
What q|vos vou tho r|qht to quost|on mo?' l cha||onqod.
3othanv's taco turnod boot rod and rovoa|od tho shock to mv quost|on as wo|| as anqor.
l boq vour pardon?' 3ho sa|d |n a hutt.
Oh cut tho |adv ||ko crap. l'vo hoard vou swoar dozons ot t|mos, and l'm oxhaustod w|th vour portoct d|ct|on and ot|quotto.'
Answor mo Cordo||a, whv woro vou thoro?'
Wou|dn't vou ||ko to know?' l askod w|th a h|nt ot a sm||o. lt was mv turn to koop socrots. lot's soo how sho ||kos that.
3o l tako |t that vou want to start koop|nq socrots aqa|n.'
|a! Vo? Koop|nq socrots? Aro vou k|dd|nq mo 3oth? l know noth|nq. You know a|| tho answors and a|| tho socrots.' l was trv|nq to stav ca|m, but
3othanv was roa||v tost|nq mv pat|onco.
Your socrots w||| put vou |n a d|tt|cu|t pos|t|on,' 3othanv barkod. l hopo that vou d|dn't rovoa| anvth|nq to Gora|d. lt w||| on|v |oopard|zo h|s satotv.'
3atotv trom whom or what?' l askod. l know oxact|v what sho moant. lt Gora|d ovor tound out about tho tam||v's socrot, ho wou|d bo a throat to tho
lschoros, and ho wou|d on|v bo unsato trom us. 3ut d|d th|s moan that ho wou|d bo k|||od? l supposo that was whv 3othanv sa|d that l wou|d bo put |n
a d|tt|cu|t pos|t|on. 1ho pos|t|on ot bo|nq torcod to chooso s|dos.
||rst ot a||, Gora|d |s not a socrot. |o |s mv tr|ond, so l st||| don't qot whv mv moot|nq w|th h|m |s such a b|q doa|. 3ocond |o |sn't danqorous and ho
|sn't a throat to tho tam||v. l wou|dn't daro rovoa| our ||tt|o socrot and qot h|m k|||od.'
Whv |s sho do|nq th|s? Whv |s sho soo|nq h|m aqa|n? Whv can't sho |ust to||ow tho ru|os? |o's a morta| tor tho Gods sako, and |sn't worth tho
troub|o that wou|d onsuo. Evan wou|d bo so hurt |t ho know that sho was do|nq th|s boh|nd h|s back.
l was road|nq 3othanv's thouqhts aqa|n. 1ho q|r| was tortur|nq horso|t w|thout causo.
Our ||tt|o socrot? You mako |t sound ||ko somoth|nq d|rtv whon |t |s comp|oto|v tho oppos|to. Wo aro tho pur|st and tho most supor|or ot a|| bo|nqs.
You shou|d bo honorod to bo tho dauqhtor ot tho a|m|qhtv Zous.' 3othanv proc|a|mod t|orco|v. l sa|d noth|nq as 3othanv's words hunq |n tho a|r. lt
was tho contrarv actua||v. l d|dn't too| honorod at a||. l to|t cursod.
l'm on|v concornod w|th vour satotv, and l hopo that vou aro to|||nq mo tho truth,' 3othanv sa|d, a|thouqh l wasn't conv|ncod. Wa|t a m|nuto. l thouqht
vou sa|d vou ran |nto Gora|d, and ho thon |nv|tod vou |n tor toa. 0|d vou p|an th|s moot|nq?' 3othanv askod |c||v.
Wo |ockod ovos tor a momont. Evon thouqh l sa|d noth|nq, 3othanv know tho truth. 3othanv turnod awav, and s|ow|v sauntorod |nto tho par|or. 3ho
wa|tod tor mo to ontor tho room botoro sho c|osod tho doub|o doors wh|ch c|osod us ott trom tho rost ot tho onormous houso. l watchod hor
3ho appoarod to bo sorono, and not at a|| |rato as sho had provod to bo |ust a coup|o m|nutos aqo, whon sho oxpoctod to bo |n contro| ot our
3othanv's |ovo|v taco was po|sod now. 3ho stood |n tront ot tho un||t t|rop|aco. lt was much too warm to havo a t|ro qo|nq.
l d|dn't too| |t was nocossarv to to|| vou about an o|d ch||dhood tr|ondsh|p wh|ch wou|d on|v causo uncorta|ntv |n a t|mo whon tho pr|or|tv |s to ho|p
vou roqa|n vour stronqths.' 3othanv o|uc|datod.
l watchod 3othanv's o|us|vo ovos dart around tho room: dart|nq to numorous pa|nt|nqs that hunq on tho pattornod wa||papor. 3ho on|v mado ovo
contact w|th mo tor ono sp||t socond botoro hor ovos t||ttod awav ||ko tho pan|ckod w|nqs ot a buttort|v. 3othanv boqan pac|nq trom ono po|nt ot tho
par|or to anothor ||ko somo schom|nq caqod an|ma|. Vv bost tr|ond ot two |onq voars was st||| koop|nq somoth|nq.
ls that |t... |s that a||?' l askod.
lo, l w|sh |t was.'
Ot courso that's not a||. You cou|dn't comprohond |t a||. And l'm stuck babv s|tt|nq vou. Wo a|| aro. Voanwh||o vou'ro out qa|||vant|nq w|th a morta|. 0o
vou w|sh to hurt mv brothor? Whv must vou hurt h|m so?
3othanv's thouqhts camo |n wavos, and l porco|vod thom c|oar|v. 3ho |ookod mo doad |n tho ovos, attompt|nq to h|do hor trazz|od norvos. 3ho
thouqht that l was out w|th Gora|d so that l cou|d rok|nd|o whatovor |t was that wo onco had. Ono m|nor transqross|on, and l'm ho|d qu||tv tor an
otorn|tv. l know 3othanv wo||. 3ho was dot|n|to|v ratt|od. 3ho noodod to bo |n contro| moro than sho noodod to bo corroct.
Wo||, th|s |s vour chanco to bo stra|qht w|th mo 3othanv.' l sa|d pat|ont|v.
3othanv was tomporar||v hushod. W|th hor hoad t|ppod downward sho procoodod to appoar d|strauqht. l wa|kod up to tho t|rop|aco whoro 3othanv
stood. l qrabbod hor arm and turnod hor to taco mo. l |ookod hor |n tho ovos as l spoko to hor.
l'm wa|t|nq.'
You to|| |n |ovo.' 3othanv sa|d, troo|nq horso|t ot mv pathot|c qr|p. You broko tho |aws ot tho lschoros whon vou stoppod out ot our c|rc|o, and
souqht a ro|at|onsh|p w|th a morta|, honco, u|t|mato|v botrav|nq mv brothor. You kopt tho socrot trom mo, trom ovorvono.'
l don't romombor what l to|t thon, 3oth, but l'm suro that l d|dn't |ook tor a ro|at|onsh|p w|th Gora|d. lt |ust cou|dn't bo ho|pod. lt wasn't |ntont|ona|. '
|ow cou|d vou know th|s now?' 3othanv |ookod at mo |ncrodu|ous|v.
l don't know how l know,' l ||od. l |ust know that's a||.'
Wo|| vou know thon. You know, and undorstood tho consoquoncos and vou know that tho un|on botwoon vou and Evan was |mporat|vo to our tuturo.
lt st||| |s.'
0on't torqot tho part whon vou throatonod to to|| Evan.'
3||onco. Ah, tho m|ss|nq chaptor trom tho book ot 3othanv.
|ow do vou know that? 0|d Gora|d to|| vou that, or aro vou romombor|nq |t?'
lo ho d|dn't. l quoss mv momorv |s com|nq back attor a||.' l wou|d novor to|| 3othanv about mv d|ar|os. l supposo bost tr|onds d|d koop socrots
trom oach othor, somot|mos.
l was protoct|nq mv brothor. 3ut l quoss vou'vo mado vour cho|co.' 3othanv's ovos narrowod and a scow| omorqod on hor hoart shapod taco. |or
oxpross|on was |otha|.
l'm not sav|nq that l'm mak|nq anv cho|cos bocauso as tar as l'm concornod l don't too| anvth|nq tor o|thor Gora|d or Evan r|qht now, but |t wou|d
u|t|mato|v bo mv cho|co.' l proc|a|mod. l w|shod that l cou|d scroam |t trom tho poaks ot tho 3|orra Vounta|ns.
Oh qrow up, Cordo||a, and roa||zo ono th|nq: vour |ova|t|os aro to th|s tam||v. You aro tho Empross ot tho lschoros, tho d|v|no dauqhtor ot Zous, and
that won't chanqo. 0oosn't that moan anvth|nq to vou?'
0oos that moan that l don't havo anv r|qht to chooso who l ta|| |n |ovo w|th?'
Wo don't havo to chooso. Wo aro drawn to our matchos, and aro dost|nod to bo w|th our matchos. lt's a too||nq, a connoct|on so stronq that no
othor too||nq or attract|on cou|d broak |t. 1ho connoct|on |s pormanont, and what tho qods havo sot |nto mot|on. 3os|dos, vou a|roadv mado vour
cho|co, tho corroct ono. Vv brothor d|d noth|nq but |ovo vou |n roturn.'
l sa|d noth|nq, and tho room was hushod aqa|n. l to|t ||ko l was a hostaqo, stowod awav |n th|s huqo mans|on, w|th mv hoart a|roadv c|a|mod. l know
what 3othanv was sav|nq was truo, bocauso l had road mv own words ot |ovo and dovot|on tor Evan, vot mv bra|n, w|thout tho actua| proc|ous
momor|os ot too||nq and know|nq tho |ovo that pu|sod botwoon Evan and l, cou|dn't comprohond tho |doa ot a torcod un|on whothor tho both ot us
had roa||v accoptod |t or not. 3othanv broko tho s||onco, and l was torcod to tocus on hor aqa|n.
lt vou cont|nuo troquont|nq w|th tho wronq k|nd, vou w||| qot us a|| k|||od. Wo aro a|| horo to protoct vou. 3o|nq out ot th|s houso on vour own |s
oxtromo|v por||ous. You aro a|so putt|nq Gora|d |n danqor. v|ctor w||| qo attor anvono and w||| uso anvono to qot to vou. ' 3othanv rocont|rmod. l
hadn't actua||v thouqht about that poss|b|||tv. 0o||a, p|oaso trust mo. l don't want to sound ||ko vour quard|an, or a paront, but th|s |s tor vour own
qood and tor tho surv|va| ot our poop|o. Your ro|at|onsh|p w|th Gora|d, whatovor |t was, |s ovor, and has boon s|nco botoro vou |ott. 3o |oavo |t at
that. lt was a m|stako to boq|n w|th. You aro |n |ovo w|th Evan, and woro p|ann|nq to marrv h|m, not Gora|d 3orqnum. Evan |s vour t|anco.' 3othanv
doc|arod. 1rust hor? 3othanv was out ot hor troak|n' m|nd.
l'vo known vou tor two voars, and honost|v, 3othanv, l don't know who vou aro anvmoro. l'm start|nq to bo||ovo that l novor roa||v know vou. l don't
know that l can trust vou, 3oth. You shou|d havo |ust to|d mo tho truth trom tho vorv boq|nn|nq whon l was brouqht back horo. l don't know whv vou to|t
||ko vou noodod to troat mo ||ko somo |ntant. l cou|d'vo hand|od |t.'
l was trv|nq to mako th|nqs oas|or, and mako th|nqs r|qht. Un||ko vou, who was out hav|nq vour cako, and hav|nq a tasto as wo||. You woro p|av|nq a
danqorous and so|t|sh qamo that wou|d on|v ond bad|v. And vou aro do|nq |t aqa|n now. Wo can on|v bo w|th ono ot our own. You aro bohav|nq ||ko
a s|ut Cordo||a.'
|ow cou|d sho ca|| mo a s|ut? Gora|d and l novor. Wo|| l quoss |t takos ono to know ono.' l h|ssod,
lardon mo?' 3othanv askod, |nnocont|v. 1ho act was a wasto. l know what sho had dono, and l wasn't about to sparo hor too||nqs.
Gora|d and l havo novor dono anvth|nq but k|ss. 3ut vou. vou and v|ctor. You.and v|ctor?' l stammorod.
1ho b|ood t|oodod 3othanv's taco as tho hoat roachod hor ovos - puro horror. 3ho know oxact|v what l was qott|nq at. 3||onco onqu|tod tho par|or.
3othanv to|| |nto tho cha|so |ounqo, hunq hor hoad ovor tho back ot tho sota, a||ow|nq hor taco to ta|| ovor tho s|do, and thon cr|od. 3ho sobbod ||ko
a |ost ch||d. l to|t awtu|. l had on|v wantod to hurt 3othanv bocauso sho had hurt mo.
l sat down bos|do hor, and sa|d noth|nq as l pattod hor shou|dor, trv|nq dosporato|v to comtort hor attor tak|nq hor to tho po|nt ot toars. 1ho room
was qu|ot oxcopt tor 3othanv's hoavv sobs. l honost|v d|dn't romombor ovor w|tnoss|nq 3othanv crv ||ko th|s. 1h|s was a p|vota| momont. l |ust
w|shod that l wasn't tho cu|pr|t.
Aro vou a|r|qht? l d|dn't moan to.' Vv |ns|dos achod tor hor.
3ut vou d|d.' 3othanv |ookod up at mo w|th q|assv skv b|uo ovos and a toar sta|nod taco. |ow d|d vou know? lt happonod wh||o vou woro |n tho
tuturo.' ln tho tuturo?
Yostordav, vou woro s|tt|nq oxact|v whoro vou aro s|tt|nq now, and vou woro th|nk|nq about |t, and l road vour thouqhts.' 3othanv's taco wont ash
qrav to pa|o wh|to. l d|dn't moan to. l was suddon|v ab|o to. l hoard what vou woro th|nk|nq. l'm sorrv l d|dn't moan to |ntrudo on vour thouqhts.' l tr|od
to oxp|a|n, but l was a |umb|o ot norvos |uqq||nq words.
Whon wo camo back?'
Yoah, trom buv|nq tho tabr|c tor our qowns. You woro rot|oct|nq on what 3acha had sa|d to vou about vou know|nq v|ctor vorv wo||.' 3othanv
noddod and qu|pod a|| at onco. lt was truo, and sho was hum|||atod.
l |ovo l|ko|as. l wou|d novor know|nq|v hurt h|m.'
l d|dn't know l was |n bod w|th v|ctor unt|| |t was ovor.'
1hat's whon ho oxposod h|s truo so|t to mo. l know what vou'ro th|nk|nq.' l was th|nk|nq that l had no |doa what sho was ta|k|nq about. |ow cou|d
sho not know who sho |s w|th?
l don't undorstand. |ow cou|d vou not know that |t was v|ctor?' 3othanv s|qhod, sat up, and boqan to oxp|a|n. 1horo was a batt|o onsu|nq horo |n
tho now wh||o vou, l|ko|as, and l woro |n tho tuturo tho n|qht botoro vou woro h|t bv tho |oop. l|ko|as was noodod and was ca||od back bv Evan to
batt|o v|ctor's d|sc|p|os who had tarqotod tho ch||dron ot tour ot tho tam|||os. 1hov woro bo|nq ho|d hostaqo tor a trado tor vou.' 3othanv pausod
and pu||od out a handkorch|ot to b|ow hor noso. 3ho ovon d|d that w|th a da|ntv t|a|r.
l stavod |n tho tuturo to quard vou. l|ko|as was qono tor |ust a tow hours, or so l thouqht. l was |n mv bod whon l|ko|as camo to mo. l had boon
worr|od about h|m and cou|dn't s|oop. l had boon ovor|ovod w|th h|s sato roturn, and wo|| wo mado |ovo that n|qht. tor tho. t|rst. t|mo, but -'
3othanv had to pauso aqa|n. |or |owor ||p tromb|od as sho tr|od to spoak. 3ut, |t wasn't. l|ko|as.' 3othanv broko down a|| ovor aqa|n. l was
hoartbrokon tor hor a|thouqh l was st||| a b|t contusod as to how v|ctor was l|ko|as or how l|ko|as was v|ctor. A|| l qot so tar was that hor t|rst t|mo
was w|th v|ctor, tho bov sho |oathod |ndot|n|to|v, and not w|th hor sou| mato. l was crv|nq too. 3omoth|nq that sacrod, shou|d novor bo oxp|o|tod.
lt was v|ctor, and ho had staqod tho who|o k|dnapp|nq ot tho ch||dron portoct|v. |o know that Evan wou|d sook h|s stronqost d|sc|p|os, and ho
know ho took a chanco |n bo||ov|nq that on|v ono ot us wou|d bo ca||od on and tho othor wou|d havo to stav boh|nd to protoct vou. 3omohow ho had
known that |t wou|d bo l|ko|as. 3omohow ho tound out wh|ch po|nt |n t|mo l|ko|as and l woro h|d|nq vou. |o know onco ho tound us, ho wou|d t|nd
vou, and thon k||| vou.' 1ho |ntormat|on was |ncrod|b|o.
3o that's how v|ctor tound mo.'
Yos. Wh||o wo woro. |n bod, ho was l|ko|as and ho askod whoro vou woro. l thouqht noth|nq ot |t. l to|d h|m. l to|d v|ctor .whoro vou woro. You
woro k|||od tho to||ow|nq attornoon.' 3othanv broko |nto sobs aqa|n.
l huqqod hor, and hor toars t|owod onto mv shou|dor. 3ho was a moss ot qu|vors, and now l undorstood whv sho was a|wavs tu|| ot anqst. 1ho poor
th|nq was wrackod w|th qu||t.
l'm so sorrv Cordo||a. l shou|d havo known. |o sh|ttod |nto l|ko|as. |o usod l|ko|as' bodv, but on|v h|s bodv, not h|s m|nd. |o |ookod oxact|v ||ko
h|m, spoko ||ko h|m, and ovon k|ssod ||ko h|m. l was a too|. 1ho omp|ro |s |n por|| bocauso ot mo, and no ono knows |t.'
And no ono ovor w|||.' l vowod. 3othanv |ookod at mo, and sobbod ovon hardor. 3ho cr|od tor a m|nuto, and |ookod up at mo. l'm so p|oasod that
wo aro tr|onds aqa|n, s|stors as botoro.'
Vo too, s|s.' l sm||od broad|v. l wantod to choor hor up, but d|dn't know how to, thon somoth|nq struck mo.
|ow |s v|ctor ab|o to chanqo |nto anothor porson?'
lt |s ono ot tho q|tts wh|ch ho has acqu|rod. v|ctor has dovo|opod a powor that |s abovo what was oxpoctod ot h|m. 3omo ot us aro q|ttod w|th a
spoc|a| dov|co, and v|ctor has tho q|tt ot tho Chamo|oon. Wo aro a|| batt|od bv h|s qrowth |n powor. |o has surpassod tho maqn|tudo ot powor that
ho shou|d havo, and has dono th|s w|thout k||||nq anothor lschoros attor vour paronts. |o |s oxtromo|v powortu|. 1ho othor tam|||os aro awaro ot th|s
q|tt bocauso ho has usod |t botoro.
0oos v|ctor havo to G|amour tho porson?'
lo, but ho has to havo woundod thom onco. |o on|v |osos |t whon tho porson ho |s |mporsonat|nq |ooks h|m |n tho ovo.'
Whon d|d ho wound l|ko|as?'
Whon wo woro ch||dron, and wo woro a|| a happv tam||v.' 3othanv sa|d qaz|nq up at tho pattornod co|||nq as |t sho was rom|n|sc|nq about tho qood
o|d davs. l|ko|as and v|ctor woro sovon voars o|d and tra|n|nq. v|ctor acc|dont|v woundod l|ko|as |n a mock sword t|qht. l|ko|as st||| has tho scar:
a sma|| n|ck r|qht bo|ow h|s chost. Who wou|d havo ovor oxpoctod v|ctor to bo a Chamo|oon, or oxpoct h|m to uso tho q|tt so c|ovor|v?'
ls thoro anvono that ho can't |mporsonato?'
Oh vos,' 3othanv assurod. Anvono w|th a h|qhor qrado ot powor, that |oavos Evan and vou.'
Wo woro both qu|ot tor a wh||o. Attor a tow momonts, 3othanv qrabbod mv hand and squoozod |t. l'm oxhaustod. l'm qo|nq to qo up tor a nap. l'||
soo vou at d|nnor.'
3ho was up and hoadod tor tho tovor.
3uro.' l sa|d. 3ut botoro vou qo, can l ask vou somoth|nq?'
Ot courso.'
|ow do vou know that's |t's roa||v l|ko|as whon vou soo h|m now?' l watchod 3othanv's |owor ||p qu|vor, and l know that l shou|dn't havo askod. l'm
so sorrv 3oth, l'm |ust cur|ous.'
lo |t's a|r|qht, roa||v.' 3ho sauntorod toward mo. Evor s|nco that n|qht l'vo askod l|ko|as to answor a r|dd|o that on|v ho and l know tho answor to.
Wo chanqo tho r|dd|o ovorv t|mo ho |oavos mo. |o doosn't know tho roa| roason whv wo do |t, but l. novor want to doubt that |t's l|ko|as aqa|n. l
know |t sounds s|||v but.' l romomborod tho t|rst t|mo l saw thom toqothor attor arr|v|nq |n tho past. 3othanv had askod l|ko|as a quost|on botoro
ombrac|nq h|m, and ho had answorod |t. l wou|d havo novor thouqht that th|s was tho roason tor tho r|dd|o. l quoss |t mado sonso. lt was so sad.
lo |t's not s|||v at a||. lt's qon|us.' l sa|d. 3othanv noddod, and hoadod to hor bodroom. look about th|s attornoon, l want vou know whv l wont to
soo Gora|d.'
3top. lt's undorstandab|o 0o||a. You'ro cur|ous. ln a|| honostv, |t l woro |n vour sat|n shoos, l wou|d bo too.' 3othanv sa|d, w|th a q||mpso ot a sm||o.
0on't |ot mo koop vou.' l sa|d. W|th a short nod, 3othanv was qono.
l oxha|od and p|oppod down on tho cha|so |ounqo. W|th|n a tow m|nutos, l doc|dod to do tho samo, and wont up to mv bodroom. l d|dn't nood a nap,
|ust somo t|mo a|ono to th|nk. l w|tnossod an ont|ro|v d|ttoront s|do ot 3othanv todav, and |t was hoart broak|nq, vot rotrosh|nq. l hopod that our ta|k
wou|d mako th|nqs |oss strossod botwoon us. l noodod a tr|ond.
1ust thon, W|nston camo to m|nd. l noodod to spoak w|th h|m. l wou|d havo to arranqo tor anothor moot|nq w|th Gora|d. l wou|d roa||v bo pross|nq mv
|uck w|th |oav|nq tho houso aqa|n, but l had no othor opt|ons. l cou|d o|thor s|t |d|o and wa|t tor mv momorv wh|ch mav novor como back, or havo
W|nston t||| mo |n on ovorvth|nq ho know about mo, tho tam||v, and whatovor o|so thoro was. Vv m|nd was mado up.
l |oanod back, strotchod mv |oqs out on mv cha|so, and c|osod mv ovos and tr|od to ro|axod. Whon l oponod thom aqa|n l not|cod somo movomont
|n mv por|phora|. 3v tho |ronch doors to mv voranda, a ta||, boaut|tu| woman robod |n what appoarod to bo wh|to s||k, b|ow |n w|th tho tomporato
broozo. 3ho |ookod ||ko a q|ow|nq anqo|, wo|| what l oxpoctod an anqo| wou|d |ook ||ko. |ad l ta||on as|oop? l bat mv ovo|ashos a tow t|mos |ust to
bo suro that l hadn't ta||on as|oop to anothor stranqo droam. 3ho appoarod c|osor th|s t|mo, about a toot or so awav trom mv cha|r. 3ho was roa|, l
th|nk. lt was turthor cont|rmod whon sho spoko.
0o vou romombor mo?' 3ho askod |n a vo|co that soundod a|most svmphon|c, and was |ust abovo a wh|spor. l know that l had soon hor botoro,
and wondorod whon and whoro. 1ho q|ow surround|nq hor boqan to d|ss|pato as sho movod c|osor to mo. 3ho was now stand|nq r|qht |n tront ot
mo, on|v a tow |nchos awav.
Yos. You aro tho Goddoss Athona.' 3ho stood roqa|, m|nus tho ho|mot and sh|o|d.
Wo aro s|stors, vou and l, and |t |s t|mo that vou roturn to us. lt |s w|th|n vourso|t that vou w||| t|nd tho answors, vounq ompross. You havo tho stronqth
woro vou |ack tho asp|rat|on. lo othor bo|nq has tho ab|||tv to ass|st vou. Evorvth|nq stoms trom vou throuqh vour tathor. Zous w|shos vou to ombark
upon th|s a|ono.' Athona was |ook|nq down at mo w|th |ntont |n hor |um|nous ovos.
You aro tho |oador ot tho lschoros, our oarthon omp|ro, and doscondants ot tho O|vmp|ans. 1ho omp|ro stands to por|sh w|thout vour stronqths.
Evorvono |n vour k|nqdom |s awaro ot th|s corta|ntv. |ados' d|sc|p|os soarch tor tho stronqost |n powor. |o knows that h|s d|sc|p|os aro c|oso to
t|nd|nq th|s h|qh powor. 1hat h|qh powor |s vou. |ados |s dr|v|nq h|s d|sc|p|os hard, and has d|spatchod anothor batta||on. lt |s |mporat|vo that vou
accopt a|| that vou aro dost|nod to bo tor vour sou| |s |n qravo danqor, as aro tho sou|s ot tho mombors ot tho omp|ro. ln a mattor ot davs vour sou|
w||| bo snatchod awav trom th|s oarth, and sont to tho Undorwor|d, |t vou do not mako tho roa||zat|on.'
A b|t|nq ch||| ra|sod tho ha|rs on tho back ot mv nock as l contomp|atod mv sou| bo|nq snatchod, and bo|nq sont to tho Undorwor|d to dwo|| tor an
otorn|tv. l was torr|t|od. 1ho thouqht a|ono was dob|||tat|nq. l was thanktu| that l was s|tt|nq down.
l'm trv|nq to romombor, vot noth|nq l trv sooms to ho|p. l don't romombor anvth|nq. What shou|d l do? |ow do l t|nd tho stronqth?' l askod Athona,
anx|ous|v. l|oaso to|| mo.'
1ho answors aro w|th|n. You must troo vourso|t trom what vou know.' 1hoso words |ott mo too||nq protound|v mvst|t|od: puzz|od to mv coro. And w|th
that tho Goddoss Athona turnod and wa|kod out onto tho voranda, and van|shod |nto tho c|oud|oss skv. 3ho was qono.
|or words st||| hunq |n tho a|r and p|avod |n mv hoad ovor and ovor aqa|n ||ko a scratchod cd.
lt |s w|th|n vourso|t that vou w||| t|nd tho answors.
You havo tho stronqth woro vou |ack tho asp|rat|on.
|roo vourso|t trom what vou know.
You ho|d tho stronqth woro vou |ack tho asp|rat|on.
Was th|s a r|dd|o? 0|d Athona moan that l supposod|v havo tho stronqth, but l d|dn't want |t? lorhaps sho's r|qht.
lo othor bo|nq possossos tho ab|||tv to ass|st vou.
1hat was s|mp|o and stra|qht torward a|thouqh hor noxt statomont was a ||tt|o tr|ckv.
Evorvth|nq stoms trom vou throuqh vour tathor.
3v ovorvth|nq, d|d Athona moan surv|va| or powor? lrobab|v both.
Zous w|shos vou to ombark upon th|s a|ono.
Zous wants mo to do |t a|ono. l d|dn't bo||ovo that l cou|d, and d|dn't qu|to qot whv l had to, but l quoss l was oxpoctod to comp|v. l d|dn't know whon l
qot up, but l was now out on mv ba|conv. 1ho b||stor|nq sun boro down on mo as l |oanod aqa|nst tho wrouqht |ron ra|||nq wh|ch posod to bo tho on|v
obstac|o to |and|nq hoad t|rst onto tho stono path bo|ow. l oxpoctod to soo a|| ot tho two|vo bo|ow aqa|n, mov|nq about qracotu||v throuqh tho qardon,
but |t was as |t was botoro whon l'vo |ookod down |nto th|s mvst|ca| qardon: a porpotua| abundanco ot 0omotor's q|tt. 3ut on|v that. lo statuos. lo
l suckod |n a doop broath as |t |t woro mv |ast: tak|nq |n tho tam|||ar v|ow ot tho 3|orras, and bo|ow that, tho m|nuto town that rosomb|od a scono ot
an o|d wostorn t||m that l wou|d novor havo so|octod to watch. A|| tho wh||o, and tor tho umptoonth t|mo, l wondorod whv l'd boon choson to savo an
ont|ro k|nqdom ot powortu| doscondants ot qods. W|th mv t|sts ba||od up, l touqht to oxpunqo torturod thouqhts ot su|c|do that stoad||v |nvadod mv
m|nd, whonovor l stood |n th|s spot. 1ho drop trom up horo cou|d do pormanont damaqo, but |t st||| wasn't h|qh onouqh: |ust two stor|os up trom tho
l was torcod to turn awav, but not botoro l a||owod tho qo|don ha|rod bov |nto mv v|ow. Gora|d was whoro l know ho wou|d bo, hop|nq to soo mo. |o
stood across trom mo, a|ono on h|s voranda. ||s ha|r tannod awav trom h|s taco w|th tho qont|o and oar|v ovon|nq broozo. |o wavod and l wavod
1hon l wa|kod back |nto mv room. l cou|d tota||v soo how l cou|d ta|| tor a quv ||ko that. 3os|dos tho tact that tho bov was qorqoous, h|s k|ndnoss and
vu|norab|||tv was ov|dont, ovon w|th tho d|stanco ot tho two qardons botwoon us. Gora|d was boaut|tu| |ns|do out. l automat|ca||v to|t qu||tv tor tho wav
l had troatod h|m botoro l was thrust |nto tho tuturo. l had usod h|m, know|nq that a ro|at|onsh|p w|th h|m cou|d novor qo anvwhoro.
Gora|d mav havo brouqht about tho much noodod |||us|on ot norma|cv, but l no |onqor know what norma| was. At somo po|nt l know that l wou|d havo
to mako th|nqs r|qht w|th h|m, and to|| h|m how l too| onco l know what l was too||nq. 3ut r|qht now l had to p|an a v|s|t, and uso h|m aqa|n. l had no
othor wav ot mak|nq contact w|th W|nston. W|nston was tho roa| on|qma. l was dv|nq to t|nd out what ho know and ho soomod |ust as oaqor to to|| |t.
Anothor v|s|t to tho 3orqnum ostato was cruc|a| |n qa|n|nq tho know|odqo l bo||ovod wou|d u|t|mato|v qot mv momorv back and ossont|a||v savo mv
3ut l'm scarod to doath ot |oav|nq th|s houso. l wasn't so suro that tho Apo||uon cou|dn't hurt mo attor hoar|nq Athona's warn|nq. l cou|dn't shako hor
words. 1ho probab|||tv ot runn|nq |nto tho Apo||uon aqa|n was a corta|ntv.
0|nnor was qu|ot ton|qht. 3othanv doc|dod to havo d|nnor |n hor s|tt|nq room. 3ho comp|a|nod ot a hoadacho. l know bottor. lt l woro hor, l quoss l
wou|d want as ||tt|o contact w|th ovorvono tor ono n|qht. 1ho ch||dron ato qu|ck|v and woro sont up to tho|r rooms as usua|. 1haddous and A|oxandr|a
baro|v spoko to mo, anvono at tho tab|o, or to oach othor. l cou|dn't ho|p but wondor what that was about. 1o no tau|t ot mv own, l was boq|nn|nq to
too| ||ko a so|tcontorod porson: bo||ov|nq that ovorvth|nq had somoth|nq to do w|th mo. l cou|dn't ho|p wondor|nq |t tho|r |ack ot bantor had to do w|th
tho|r ov|dont d|sappo|ntmont ot mo roturn|nq as a d|sobod|ont amnos|ac. lt was po|nt|oss to worrv about how thov to|t at tho momont. lt can't bo anv
worso than tho ro||orcoastor ot omot|ons l'm r|d|nq, and havo boon on tor tho past throo davs. |as |t on|v boon throo davs?
lt was obv|ous that Evan's m|nd was prooccup|od as ho p|avod w|th tho tood on h|s p|ato. l quoss |t can't bo oasv to havo tho |ovo ot vour ||to ro|oct
l|ko a ||tt|o bov torcod to oat voqq|os, ho cont|nuod to p|av hockov w|th h|s 3russo|s sprouts.
l wantod to ta|k to Evan about mv oncountor w|th Athona, but ovorv t|mo l thouqht to br|nq |t up, 1haddous wou|d boq|n ta|k|nq about tho m|nos, and
how much s||vor thov woro oxtract|nq oach dav. 1ho man soomod a ||tt|o obsossod w|th tho |ucrat|vo m|nora|s. l chowod mv tood qu|ck|v as l tunod |n
and out ot tho convorsat|on roqard|nq a|| tho s||vor that was bo|nq hau|od to 3odwvn C|tv throuqh Go|d |||| on tho 3orqnum ra||road. lt was a d|ttoront
s|do ot 1haddous that ovon Evan appoarod to bo tun|nq out. Attor d|nnor, 1haddous and A|oxandr|a oxcusod thomso|vos as d|d Evan and l|ko|as,
so l novor qot tho chanco to d|vu|qo what Athona had proc|a|mod. l wondorod, w|th tho sonsat|on ot |c|c|os s||pp|nq down mv back, |t mv momorv
wou|d roturn botoro mv sou| cou|d bo snatchod.
1ho |ommo |ata|o
l to|| as|oop qu|ck|v, ovorv ||qamont oxhaustod, to wako up trom mv s|umbor w|th tho room st||| dark. 1ho w|spv t|nqors ot tho moon's hazo do||cato|v
c|awod throuqh tho |aco curta|n pano|s, br|nq|nq |n |nadoquato ||qht. l poorod at tho marb|o and qo|d c|ock, and was surpr|sod to road that |t was
on|v throo |n tho morn|nq. lv|nq st||| tor a momont, no |onqor too||nq s|oopv at a||, but stranqo|v tu|| ot onorqv, l wondor what, |t anvth|nq had
awakonod mo.
l d|dn't hoar anvth|nq: not a sound. 1ho houso was tranqu||. 1ho doad s||onco was on|v brokon bv mv own unovon broath|nq. lt's not unusua| tor mo to
wako |n tho m|dd|o ot tho n|qht but whonovor l d|d, l'd bo qroqqv and dosporato to ta|| back to s|oop. 1h|s n|qht was ant|thot|c bocauso l was
burst|nq w|th unoxp|a|nab|o onorqv.
l |umpod out ot bod and boqan to paco tho woodon t|oor. Athona's words ranq ||ko ch|mos |n mv hoad. l was runn|nq out ot t|mo. Vv momorv shou|d
havo boon rostorod an hour attor l qot horo, and |t has boon throo davs s|nco l t|mo travo||od, and on|v b|ts and p|ocos havo roturnod: noth|nq
substant|a|. l'vo pravod ovorv n|qht that l wou|d wako up tho noxt morn|nq o|thor back |n tho tuturo w|th th|s n|qhtmaro |onq torqotton, or |t l woko up |n
tho past l wou|d wako know|nq ovorvth|nq about mvso|t. l pravod that whon l woko l wou|d havo a|| mv hopos, toars, omot|ons |n chock. lnstoad l'vo
awakonod ovorv morn|nq w|th no|thor pravor answorod. Ex|st|nq |n a toq tor months or voars ||ko somo torm|na| amnos|ac |s not what l cons|dorod
to bo ||v|nq. 1hat's |t l qot to ||vo. Accord|nq to Athona, l was doomod. |ados had p|ans tor tho stronqost lschoros onco tho Apo||uon t|qurod out
whom that was.
l stoppod pac|nq and sat on tho bonch at tho toot ot mv bod. l ho|d mv hoad |n mv hands, and prossod mv o|bows |nto mv th|qhs. l had contomp|atod
mont|on|nq mv br|ot oncountor w|th Athona to Evan |ast n|qht, but thanks to tho |onq w|ndod and s||vor boast|nq 1haddous Cap|us, l novor qot tho
chanco. Evan shou|d bo pr|vv to tho t|motab|o ot mv capturo and doath. l oxpoctod that ho wou|d know what to do. Evan wou|d protoct mo. 3uro|v ho
had a p|an. lorhaps Zous w||| |ump |n and savo mo trom h|s ov|| brothor. 3uro|v a tathor wou|dn't hos|tato to dotond h|s dauqhtor. |o wou|dn't a||ow
h|s dauqhtor to d|o and bo sont to tho land ot tho 3hadows. |ad l boon prav|nq to tho wronq God?
low that l'vo accoptod tho |doa ot Zous as mv tathor, |t's brouqht on thouqhts ot mv tako paronts and tho ||| too||nq that wou|dn't subs|do. 1hov won't
romombor mv ox|stonco, and wou|d probab|v not acknow|odqo mo |t thov saw mo now. l st||| m|ssod mv tako paronts torr|b|v: moro so tho norma|cv
that comos w|th powor|oss, nondo|t|os as paronts.
0amn |t. |oro l qo aqa|n.
1ho toars ro||od, and mv chooks woro damp. l ho|d mv taco |n mv hands and cr|od. l wou|d havo wa||od, but that wou|d r|sk wak|nq tho ont|ro
housoho|d. 3top |t, l sco|dod mvso|t. l'm t|rod ot crv|nq about th|nqs that l cou|dn't chanqo.
Evan camo to m|nd: Evan, mv rosurroctor. Evan, mv powortu| worowo|t s|avor. Evan, mv sou| mato. Evan, mv t|anco. Cou|d l ta|| |n |ovo w|th
somoono l qonu|no|v to|t l d|dn't know? Was that ovon poss|b|o? l know that l to|t somoth|nq, and |t was danqorous|v surtac|nq. A part ot mo wantod
to oxpross what l was too||nq tor h|m, vot tho othor part ot mo, tho stronqor part ot mo, that wantod to know moro: a |ot moro, touqht tor contro|.
0ur|nq d|nnor |ast n|qht, |t was obv|ous how l had hurt Evan. |o had sat woundod, not sav|nq a word. |o had kopt h|s ovos on h|s p|ato, and h|s
hands bus||v sh|tt|nq h|s tood around. Vak|nq amonds was a concorn but not a ch|ot ono. l know |t l tr|od to mako amonds now, ho m|qht that as a
s|qn to start whorovor wo had |ott ott two voars aqo. 3ocauso l d|dn't romombor bo|nq |n a ro|at|onsh|p w|th h|m, l to|t |noxpor|oncod s|nco l had
novor roa||v had a roa| bovtr|ond. l to|t ||ko a norvous k|d |oarn|nq to r|do a b|ko w|th tra|n|nq whoo|s, and bos|do mo was an |mpat|ont paront who
kopt suqqost|nq that tho tra|n|nq whoo|s bo takon ott. l wasn't roadv to romovo mv tra|n|nq whoo|s. Evan wou|d havo to wa|t |t h|s too||nqs woro
s|ncoro. At th|s t|mo l wasn't ab|o to ottor h|m anv othor cho|co.
l watchod tho |aco curta|ns on mv w|ndows as thov ||ttod qont|v |n tho ta|nt broozo that was baro|v a broozo at a||. lt mado tho |ack ot a|r cond|t|onors
|n th|s po|nt |n t|mo a|most un||vab|o. Usua||v, dur|nq autumn, tho davs woro st||| vorv warm, and tho ovon|nqs on|v s||qht|v coo|or, but p|oasant. 1h|s
n|qht was as ant|thot|c as tho |ast. l was th|rstv, so l doc|dod to qot a dr|nk ot wator. l strotchod upward w|th mv arms oxtondod abovo mv hoad, and
mv toot taut ||ko a ba||or|nas as l qot up trom tho bonch, and s||ppod mv toot |nto mv uncomtortab|v toastv s||ppors. l throw on mv s||k robo, paddod
across tho |arqo room to tho doub|o doors, and crackod ono ot thom opon. l was ha|tod |mmod|ato|v bv what l saw |n tho aporturo. Ou|ck|v
m|n|m|z|nq tho opon spaco botwoon tho two doors, so that l wou|dn't bo not|cod, l s|v|v poorod throuqh, and saw 3othanv qu|ot|v mak|nq hor wav to
hor bodroom.
3ho was woar|nq tho samo dross sho had worn vostordav and tho match|nq bonnot to hor dross, so l prosumod that sho must bo com|nq homo
trom somowhoro. At throo |n tho morn|nq? 3ho movod at a sna||'s paco, and appoarod to bo q||d|nq on a s|ow mot|on bo|t s|m||ar to tho onos vou
qrab vour |uqqaqo ott ot at tho a|rport. 3ho d|sappoarod |nto hor room throuqh hor doors w|thout ovor opon|nq thom.
l stood at mv door tor a |onq momont wondor|nq whoro sho cou|d bo com|nq trom at th|s hour. l t|na||v c|osod both mv doors whon l cou|dn't como up
w|th a conc|us|on. l oponod tho doors to mv voranda and tho aroma ot tho rosos, troos|a, |||ac, and oranqo b|ossoms wrappod around mo ||ko a
tondor huq, and t|oodod mv sonsos. l tocusod, and |ookod down at tho d|m town bo|ow.
1ho ||qht posts woro a|| ||t, but l was too tar abovo town to soo anvth|nq, or hoar anv sounds com|nq trom C 3troot. 1ho on|v p|acos known to bo
opon on tho ma|n stroot at th|s t|mo ot n|qht, woro tho sa|oons. 3othanv wasn't tho tvpo that hunq out at a|| hours ot tho n|qht at a sa|oon.
l |ott tho voranda, and crackod mv bodroom doors opon onco moro. l stuck mv hoad out th|s t|mo, and not|cod tho ||qht com|nq trom undor l|ko|as'
bodroom door. l cou|dn't bo suro |t h|s ||qht had boon on whon l saw 3othanv como |n. 1horo was ||qht stroam|nq out trom undor 3othanv's as wo||. l
|ookod down tho oppos|to ond ot tho |onq and w|do ha||wav to Evan's room, and saw that h|s ||qhts woro out.
1ho s||onco was abo||shod whon l boqan to hoar ta|nt vo|cos. l tr|od not to broatho so that l cou|d bo suro. Evon thouqh thov woro mutt|od, l was
abso|uto|v corta|n l hoard vo|cos. l t|ptood out |nto tho ha||wav, and stoppod whon l was r|qht outs|do 3othanv's doors. Onco l roa||zod that tho vo|cos
woron't com|nq trom thoro, l caut|ous|v t|ptood |n tho d|roct|on ot l|ko|as' room. W|th mv oar aqa|nst ono ot tho doub|o doors to h|s bodroom, l
hoard 3othanv's and l|ko|as' vo|cos c|oar|v.
Whv woro vou w|th that whoro?' 3othanv h|ssod.
Ca|m down 3oth, or vou w||| a|ort ovorvono |n th|s houso.' l|ko|as domandod, |n a qrutt wh|spor.
Ca|m down? l w||| not ca|m down.' 3othanv cha||onqod anqr||v. 1hat har|ot has boon sta|k|nq Cordo||a and l.' Whon l hoard mv namo mont|onod l
a|most ran back to mv room, but oavosdropp|nq was qu|ck|v bocom|nq a pass|on ot m|no. l to|t qu||tv do|nq |t, but |t soomod to bo tho on|v wav l
ovor tound anvth|nq out. Evorvono soomod ho|| bont on koop|nq mo out ot tho |oop.
l know,' l|ko|as sa|d, sound|nq oxhaustod. 3ut, r|qht now, vou'ro bohav|nq ||ko a ch||d. lt's not what vou th|nk 3oth.' l|ko|as tr|od to oxp|a|n
dotons|vo|v. |o d|dn't approc|ato 3othanv's accusatorv quost|on|nq, and l cou|d to|| that ho was qott|nq anqr|or as h|s tono droppod about tortv
And what am l th|nk|nq l|ko?' lt was obv|ous that 3othanv was |rr|tatod bv l|ko|as' |cv tono, bocauso hors sont ch|||s down mv sp|no. Your q|tts
don't |nc|udo m|nd road|nq thorotoro, don't prosumo to know what l th|nk l|ko|as! l saw vou |oavo hor houso!'
0|d vou to||ow mo?' l|ko|as domandod.
lo... l d|dn't to||ow vou. Vv v|s|ons, whon thov do como, havo novor botravod mo. 3o to|| mo, whv aro vou pav|nq hor v|s|ts?'
Your v|s|ons vou sav? Wo|| thon vou shou|d havo a|| tho answors.' l|ko|as acknow|odqod sarcast|ca||v.
Uqh!' 3othanv scroamod. l'm thorouqh|v d|squstod w|th vou. 1ho v|s|on was on|v ot vou ascond|nq trom hor houso, and noth|nq o|so. '
1hat's bocauso thoro |s noth|nq moro.'
Vav l rom|nd vou that sho |s panthoras. lt sho had sh|ttod, sho cou|d havo had tho advantaqo. You took an unnocossarv r|sk. 3ho wou|d not havo
known sho had k|||od vou unt|| sho was human aqa|n.' 3othanv oxp|a|nod. l wasn't so suro that 3othanv's anqst was on|v mot|vatod bv l|ko|as
spoak|nq to 3acha and tho throat aqa|nst tho tam||v. 3othanv mav bo toar|nq what 3acha mav d|sc|oso to l|ko|as about h|s bo|ovod.
||rst ot a||, 3acha wou|d novor havo had tho advantaqo. l'm a |ot stronqor than l |ook.' l|ko|as' sott chuck|o cut throuqh tho a|r. 3ho wou|d novor
havo had an advantaqo ovor mo. Vv stronqth |s ton t|mos hor stronqth - wh|ch sho on|v has attor sho has sh|ttod. 1horotoro, l thank vou tor tho voto
ot cont|donco. 3os|dos, sho was drunk. 1horo wasn't a chanco ot hor transtorm|nq |nto a panthor.' l|ko|as pausod to qu|p somoth|nq, and l
shuddorod |ust hoar|nq l|ko|as' rotoronco ot 3acha sh|tt|nq |nto that huqo b|ack panthor.
3ocond|v, |t had noth|nq to do w|th 3acha's attomptod attack on Cordo||a and vourso|t.' Anothor qu|p. And |ast|v, l d|dn't pav hor a v|s|t. l |ust took
hor to hor homo. lt was an ont|ro|v d|ttoront mattor.' l|ko|as addod, |n a contro||od and |ow vo|co that l had to roa||v stra|n to hoar.
And what ont|ro|v d|ttoront mattor mav l ask was 3acha pr|vv too?'
You know that l was on mv wav to moot w|th Vatth|as, at h|s sa|oon, to d|scuss tho doath ot h|s bo|ovod, 0r|o||a. l ran |nto 3acha on mv wav |nto tho
lt vou w||| |ot mo t|n|sh,' l|ko|as snappod.
l|oaso do,' 3othanv s|qhod.
As l was sav|nq, l was on mv wav |nto tho 3uckot o' 3|ood, and 3acha stumb|od out ot tho sa|oon and pract|ca||v to|| on top ot mo as l was about to
ontor.' l|ko|as s|qhod hoav||v. 3acha was ramb||nq. 3ho wasn't mak|nq vorv much sonso. 1hon sho roa||zod that |t was mo.' l|ko|as pausod.
Go on,' 3othanv proddod.
3ho boqan to t|qht mo, but was too |nobr|atod to ovon mount hor horso. l saw an opportun|tv thorotoro, l transportod hor to hor houso. 1horo, l qavo
hor a warn|nq. l to|d hor that sho w||| ond up doad |t sho cont|nuos to to||ow v|ctor's commands. l to|d hor that th|s was hor chanco to dotoct. 3ho
broko down and adm|ttod to bo|nq undor somo sort ot spo|| bv v|ctor.' l|ko|as conc|udod.
l hand|od tho s|tuat|on. lo|thor Cordo||a nor l was hurt. l don't soo whv vou to|t |t nocossarv to oscort hor to hor homo. 3ho can tako caro ot horso|t,'
3othanv sa|d, ra|s|nq hor vo|co s||qht|v. 3ho soomod bos|do horso|t w|th anqor.
Want|nq to soo as wo|| as hoar, l wont bovond oavosdropp|nq, and took tho pos|t|on ot a poop|nqtom. l crouchod down |ow onouqh to comtortab|v
poor throuqh tho kovho|o. l cou|d soo l|ko|as pac|nq, d|sappoar|nq ovorv so otton as ho wont too tar to tho |ott or r|qht ot mv v|ow trom mv
3othanv stood |n tho contor ot tho room w|th hor back towards tho doors. l cou|d on|v soo hor oxpross|ons whon sho turnod o|thor |ott or r|qht to
to||ow l|ko|as' pac|nq. l pravod that l d|dn't qot cauqht snoop|nq. lt wou|d bo uttor|v ombarrass|nq, vot tho thouqht ot that happon|nq wasn't
mort|tv|nq onouqh to qot mo up trom whoro l kno|t. l d|dn't movo an |nch awav trom tho doors. l was baro|v broath|nq as l ant|c|patod what wou|d bo
sa|d noxt.
Whv aro hor roasons ot dovot|on to v|ctor now vour concorn? 3ho |s tho onomv whothor sho |s tho |oador or work|nq tor h|m. l don't caro |t sho |s
m|sorab|o. |or d||ommas aro not vours. You aro to stav awav trom hor, l|ko|as.' 3othanv domandod, and was on tho vorqo ot scroam|nq.
You havo no roason to bo |oa|ous, 3othanv?' l|ko|as assurod.
1EAlOU3?' 3othanv scroamod, as sho c|onchod hor t|sts. 1h|s was qo|nq to bo bad, l thouqht.
lndood.' l|ko|as cont|rmod, no |onqor pac|nq, now taco to taco w|th 3othanv, and tac|nq h|s bodroom doors. l hopod ho cou|dn't soo mv poop|nq
ovo tak|nq |n tho dramat|c |ovor's quarro|.
l havo no roason to bo |oa|ous ot 3acha, and l'm not. l'm |ook|nq out tor th|s tam||v. l w|sh vou wou|d do tho samo.' 3othanv sa|d, now sound|nq ||ko
sho was |n toars.
look.' l|ko|as sa|d, as tho ||qhts |n tho room suddon|v wont out, transtorm|nq tho room |nto a modorn dav c|noma atmosphoro, as a m|raqo
omorqod, and p|avod on tho wa|| d|roct|v across trom tho doors l kno|t boh|nd. 3othanv and l|ko|as stood s|do bv s|do, but at tho |ott ot tho m|raqo,
a||ow|nq mo a camora man's v|ow.
1ho |maqo ot tho ma|n stroot was d|m, ||t on|v bv tho |ncandoscont qas||qhts. l was |ook|nq at tho ontranco to tho rowdv 3uckot o' 3|ood sa|oon, st|||
tamous |n tho tuturo duo to tho rumors surround|nq a nocturna| out|aw who bu||t |t around th|s t|mo. 1r|ck||nq out trom tho sa|oon, was |oud raqt|mo
mus|c, ||vo|v |auqhtor, and suddon qrow|s trom mon o|thor w|nn|nq or |os|nq tho|r hand |n whatovor card qamo thov woro p|av|nq.
l watchod as a ta|| quv drossod |n a su|t, w|th |onq dark ha|r t|od |n a ponvta||, mado h|s wav to tho tront doors ot tho sa|oon. lt was l|ko|as. As ho
was about to ontor tho tavorn, 3acha, scant||v drossod |n a b|ack |aco tr|mmod rod dross, rovoa||nq too much c|oavaqo and not onouqh modostv,
stumb|od out, noar|v knock|nq l|ko|as down. l|ko|as |ookod as |t ho woro carrv|nq hor. |o put hor down as sho |ookod up at h|m, and thon boqan
Apparont|v, sho was drunkor than a sa||or on h|s |ast n|qht botoro hoad|nq out to soa. 3ho ca||od h|m a murdoror, l th|nk. 3ho was |oud, and hor
words s|urrod so much that |t was d|tt|cu|t to mako out a s|nq|o word, |ot a|ono an ont|ro sontonco.
3ovora| ot tho town to|k stood bv |auqh|nq as th|s stranqo spoctac|o drow unwantod attont|on tor l|ko|as. l|ko a t||p ot a sw|tch, 3acha boqan crv|nq
and oxp|a|n|nq to l|ko|as as to whv sho hatod 3othanv and mo. 3ho wont on tor a momont about how wo thouqht wo woro bottor than sho was, and
that wo'ro trv|nq to tako tho on|v bov sho's ovor |ovod awav trom hor. l watchod 3othanv's roact|on carotu||v. 3|nco know|nq hor socrot, l cou|d dotoct
tho toar that was s|ow|v onvo|op|nq hor. 3ho toarod 3acha sav|nq too much.
1hat's onouqh l|ko|as, l'vo soon onouqh.' 1ho anx|otv |n 3othanv's vo|co surpr|sod l|ko|as.
lo, vou wantod to know what happonod. l'm show|nq vou. low watch.'
3v now tho crowd had qrown borod, wavod hor ott, and had boqun rotroat|nq back |nto tho sa|oon. l|ko|as stood on tho woodon p|ankod s|do wa|k
a|ono w|th 3acha. Ev|dont|v, no ono soomod to caro |t a q|r| ||ko 3acha wopt |n tho stroot. Wh||o 3acha kno|t on tho s|dowa|k w|th hor hands
covor|nq hor taco as sho cr|od, l|ko|as not|cod that thoro was no ono around - no ono to w|tnoss a d|sp|av ot powor.
l|ko|as snatchod hor up, and thov d|sappoarod |nto a hazo ot spark||nq p|x|o ||ko dust, and thon suddon|v roappoarod |n hor par|or. l rocoqn|zod tho
room |mmod|ato|v. lt was tho samo mascu||no |ook|nq par|or that l had soon whon l|ko|as rovoa|od what had happonod to lucas.
Whoro |s vour tw|n?' l|ko|as askod as ho |a|d 3acha down on tho |oathor sota.
|o's at. l||ov's. sa|oon.' 3acha's norma| draw| was s|urrod. l|oaso... ho|p... mo... l|ko|as. l'm not... ov||. l... don't w|sh... to ||vo... th|s wav'
l|ko|as turnod to wa|k awav, and thon stoppod abrupt|v. lt vou cont|nuo to assoc|ato vourso|t w|th v|ctor, thon vou w||| corta|n|v d|o, soonor than
l... l know th|s.' 3acha sa|d, |n an |naud|b|o wh|mpor. l... dosorvo to d|o... but l... don't want to.'
You can |oavo v|ctor anvt|mo vou want,' l|ko|as sa|d, a b|t aq|tatod. lorhaps ho wasn't buv|nq 3acha's dosporato act, or was |t that ho was not
comtortab|o bo|nq thoro s|nco 3acha was known to bo a ||ar. l'm suro tho thouqht ot lucas roturn|nq to h|s homo w|th a tow moro d|sc|p|os had
crossod l|ko|as' m|nd. Evon |t lucas roturnod a|ono, as a contaur, l|ko|as wou|d bo outnumborod bv ono too manv panthors.
1hat's not truo. |o w||| k||| mo and. lucas |t l. |oavo h|m. l|oaso ho|p mo.' 3acha b|ubborod, attompt|nq to s|t up. 1ho cap s|oovos ot hor dross
ta|||nq somowhat soduct|vo|v. l|ko|as not|cod, and onco aqa|n boqan to turn awav.
Whv wou|d l ho|p vou?'
l don't. know. whv vou wou|d. l'vo hurt. a |ot ot poop|o. morta|s most|v. l |ust w|sh that vou wou|d.' 3acha stood up, and wa|kod towards
l|ko|as, a b|t wobb|v |n hor stops. You can protoct mo.' 3ho sa|d, throw|nq hor arms around h|s nock as sho p|unqod hor hoad |nto h|s chost. 3ho
tr|od to roach up, purs|nq hor ||ps to k|ss h|m, hor hazo| ovos poss|b|v a||ur|nq a|thouqh c|oudod w|th a|coho|. 3othanv t||nchod, but kopt hor ovos
pastod to tho m|raqo. l'|| to|| vou whoro v|ctor h|dos. Wo can mako a doa|.'
l|ko|as robuttod hor advancos |nstant|v, and throw hor back on tho sota |n ono qu|ck movomont. 3ho |andod on hor stomach w|th hor taco aqa|nst
tho arm ot tho sota. 3|ow|v, 3acha ra|sod horso|t ott ot tho sota, but on|v to ta|| on tho t|oor w|th hor hoad |ust a toot awav trom tho stoo| too ot
l|ko|as' boot.
You owo mo.' 3ho p|oadod qrabb|nq at l|ko|as' ank|os as ho stoppod back, natura||v, and k|ckod hor |ust hard onouqh to qot hor to troo h|s |oqs.
Owo vou?' l|ko|as sa|d, sound|nq |ncrodu|ous.
You k|||od mv brothor, and |ott h|m tor doad. |ad l not tound h|s hoart |n tho c|ndors, ho wou|d st||| bo doad.'
l|ko|as was qott|nq anqrv, but wasn't |oav|nq. Your brothor qot what ho dosorvod. |o wou|d havo dono tho samo to Evandor and l, |t ho woro
stronq onouqh. ||s dom|so was and st||| |s |nov|tab|o, as |s vours.' l bracod mvso|t tor 3acha's noxt words |n rosponso to l|ko|as' |ack ot romorso.
lt's not that l thouqht ho shou|d bo. l |ust know |t wou|d str|ko a norvo, and tho ov|| 3acha wou|d mako an appoaranco.
l know...' l was astoundod w|th 3acha's aqrooab|o rosponso. lucas has dono somo... untorq|vab|o. th|nqs. |o know that somodav... ho wou|d
d|o. |o was... bad... that wav bocauso ho was. hurt|nq. doop |ns|do. whoro no ono. cou|d roach to sootho. tho pa|n. lot ovon. mo.' 3ho
stammorod as sho |aborod to stand up.
Your brothor makos ca|cu|atod doc|s|ons tho samo wav vou havo. What makos vou anv d|ttoront trom h|m? You aro two s|dos ot tho samo co|n. l'd
k||| h|m aqa|n |t q|von tho opportun|tv.'
|ow daro vou.' 3acha cr|od out, and tr|od to |unqo at l|ko|as, but ondod up taco down on tho t|oor, aqa|n.
1horo sho |s. l was wondor|nq whon tho roa| 3acha |avdon was qo|nq to show up.' l|ko|as chuck|od, and turnod to |oavo aqa|n.
lO! l|oaso ho|p mo, p|oaso. l prom|so. l w||| to|| vou. whoro v|ctor.h|dos. 3ut. on|v |t vou,. protoct mo. and lucas.'
What |s th|s? 3uv ono and qot tho socond tor doub|o tho aqqravat|on.' l|ko|as |auqhod aqa|n, but th|s t|mo |t camo out ||ko a roar.
3acha stood up aqa|n, and stumb|od c|oso to whoro l|ko|as stood. l'm not... a bad porson. l'vo |ust dono... somo... bad... th|nqs. 0oop down... to.
mv sou|... l d|dn't want to. Whon l was vounqor... l d|d whatovor lucas d|d. |o's mv tw|n and. a|| l |ovod and... had. low l do what l'm to|d.' 1oars
ran down 3acha's taco a|| ovor aqa|n to||owod bv sobs. 3othanv s|qhod |n oxhaust|on, vot kopt watch|nq. l was as onthra||od w|th th|s spoctac|o as
sho was.
lucas, mv on|v tw|n brothor.... qavo mo to v|ctor so that ho cou|d havo powor. lt was h|s... pavmont. |o so|d mo. v|ctor... owns mo
torturos mo |t l don't do... as ho domands. l don't want to spond. tho rost ot mv ||to... as v|ctor's... s|avo or as a sa|oon... q|r|. at tho morcv ot a
pav|nq man ||ko mothor was.' Voro sobs.
l am... boqq|nq vou.... l w||| bo doad botoro l turn n|notoon |t vou don't ho|p mo.' 3ho |ookod so tra|| stand|nq |n tho contor ot tho room w|th hor arms
crossod ovor hor stomach as |t sho woro |n oxtromo pa|n. You aro tho on|v ono who can ho|p mo. l|oaso.... sav vou w|||.' 3oth 3othanv and l ho|d
our broath as wo wa|tod to soo what happonod noxt. l|ko|as |ookod at 3acha, and took a doop broath.
lt l ho|p vou, l w||| bo broak|nq tho |aws ot tho lschoros.' l hoard 3othanv qasp, and turn hor hoad to staro at l|ko|as. |o |qnorod hor. 3urpr|s|nq|v,
3othanv sa|d noth|nq, and turnod hor qazo back to tho m|raqo.
Your |ova|tv to vour tam||v |s... commondab|o... but l a|wavs. bo||ovod that tho lschoros. touqht tor tho qood... and tho oxp|o|tod.' 3acha rom|ndod
l|ko|as w|th m|n|ma| s|urr|nq. l know that v|ctor's paronts k|||od... l know what v|ctor's paronts d|d to vour... paronts, and l'm doop|v sorrv.' l|ko|as
tonsod up, and bocamo r|q|d w|th tho mont|on ot h|s paronts. |o |ookod onraqod. A|| l ask |s that vou don't... pun|sh mo tor how ho, and h|s tam||v
havo hurt vou.' 3acha sa|d dropp|nq to hor knoos as |t sho woro about to qo |nto pravor. l doubt |t sho ovon know how to prav.
1h|s d|scuss|on |s ovor.' l|ko|as pract|ca||v qrow|od. l took a qu|ck pook boh|nd mo, and saw that thoro wasn't a s|qn ot anvono. l cont|nuod to
poop throuqh tho kovho|o.
l|ko|as,' 3acha wh|sporod as l|ko|as d|sappoarod, |oav|nq moro spark||nq p|x|o dust |n tho a|r.
3acha crump|od to tho t|oor |n a hoav|nq |ump, and cr|od hvstor|ca||v as tho m|raqo d|ss|patod |nto tho str|po pattornod wa||paporod wa||, and tho o||
|amps maq|ca||v turnod back on, and hor |maqo was qono. l obsorvod tho bodv |anquaqo botwoon 3othanv and l|ko|as c|oso|v. l|ko|as had
provod that ho was a hundrod porcont |ova| to tho tam||v, and ovon moro so to 3othanv. l watchod 3othanv staro at tho wa||. l|ko|as movod awav
trom hor, and wa|kod ovor to tho mant|o ot tho t|rop|aco whoro ho ||t a c|qar, and thon rot|||od h|s q|ass w|th a copporv co|orod ||qu|d. |o took a tow
putts trom tho c|qar - l cou|d a|roadv smo|| |ts sta|o d|st|nct|vo odor watt|nq up trom bonoath tho door, and |nto mv nostr||s.
Aro vou sat|st|od?' l|ko|as' vo|co was |acod w|th voxat|on. At t|rst 3othanv d|dn't answor. 3ho |ookod po|sod, torovor |n contro| ot horso|t, and
turnod to l|ko|as. |or taco was boaut|tu|, ca|m, and vu|norab|o. 3ho had corta|n|v soon onouqh. 1ho tacts woro |n, and hor socrot was st||| a socrot,
and l|ko|as was a qont|oman. low sho was apparont|v ombarrassod bv hor rocont rant|nq. 3ho had pract|ca||v accusod l|ko|as ot botrav|nq hor
and tho tam||v - h|s tam||v. 3ho had boon wronq, and sho know |t. l|ko|as turnod awav, and d|dn't bothor to wa|t tor hor answor.
l wou|d ||ko to bo a|ono.' l|ko|as' tono was onco aqa|n as co|d as |co w|th no chanco ot thaw|nq on tho hor|zon. 3othanv had thorouqh|v p|ssod h|m
l'm. sorrv, l|ko. l shou|dn't havo doubtod vou. You'vo novor q|von mo roason to.' 3othanv wh|sporod. l to|t bad tor mv l|ko|as. |o d|dn't dosorvo
tho th|rd doqroo that ho had ondurod, and bo|nq torcod to provo h|mso|t whon ho had dono noth|nq wronq was noth|nq short ot |qnom|nv. Yot whon
ho turnod to |ook at 3othanv, h|s doop |ovo tor hor was vorv ov|dont |n h|s ovos, a|onq w|th tho hurt, and ho wasn't roadv to torq|vo hor |ust vot.
l|oaso 3othanv, don't torturo vourso|t. lt's not vorv bocom|nq. lt's boon a |onq dav, dar||nq, and l w|sh to rot|ro.' l|ko|as sa|d, h|s tono sotton|nq vot
st||| ma|nta|n|nq a trostv odqo as ho d|sm|ssod hor, a|| tho wh||o |ook|nq hor |n tho ovos. lt was ov|dont that ho was tur|ous, vot ho st||| cont|nuod to
ma|nta|n tho poaco. |o was a qont|oman.
Yos |t has, mv |ovo.' 3othanv s|qhod A |onq dav |ndood.' 3ho know |t was bost to |ot l|ko|as havo a momont. 3|oop wo||, swoothoart.' sho wa|tod
tor a socond or two probab|v hop|nq that ho wou|d w|sh hor a qood n|qht's s|oop as wo||, but tho s||onco was moro than sho cou|d boar. l scramb|od
tor a m|nuto as l oxpoctod hor to como throuqh tho samo doors l sp|od throuqh, but |nstoad, sho wa|kod throuqh tho wa||, and d|sappoarod |nto tho
bathroom that sho and l|ko|as sharod. 1ho |ovor's quarro| appoarod to bo ovor. l cou|d now hoar 3othanv |n hor room as hor ||qht wont out undor
hor door. l t|qurod l bottor qot to mv room as wo||.
Uh...' l qaspod.
l was about to qot bustod. l|ko|as was wa|k|nq toward h|s bodroom doors, and l was st||| knoo||nq boh|nd thom. ln mv hasto and c|ums|noss, l to||
backward onto mv back, and |nto a comprom|s|nq pos|t|on - tho sk|rt ot mv pott|coat and robo around mv wa|st. l d|dn't robound tast onouqh, and
hoard tho c||ck ot tho door as l scramb|od up to mv toot. 1o mv surpr|so and ro||ot, l|ko|as d|dn't como out ot h|s room, but |ockod tho doors shut. l
vowod to bo dono w|th tho supor s|outh ||to stv|o, and scurr|od back to mv room, qont|v shutt|nq mv doors w|th as ||tt|o no|so as poss|b|o.
What l had |ust soon and hoard was ono tor tho books. 3usp|c|ous|v at t|rst, l was k|nd ot |oorv ot l|ko|as' now turn tho othor chook approach whon
ho doc|dod to tako 3acha homo. 3acha was boaut|tu||v |otha|. |o cou|d havo wa|kod r|qht |nto a trap. 3ho was too c|oso to tho pr|mo ov|| that l'vo
boon to|d wo must novor t|nd ourso|vos unproparod tor. luck||v 3acha was s|ncoro |n hor m|sorv a|thouqh, l don't th|nk sho shou|d bo trustod no
mattor how m|sorab|o sho appoars.
l quoss 3othanv's |oa|ousv was oxpoctod on|v sho shou|d havo trustod l|ko|as. lt's hard to |maq|no h|m know|nq|v putt|nq tho tam||v |n |oopardv. |or
as |onq as l havo known h|m, whon l was undor tho |mpross|on that ho was 3othanv's brothor, and not hor bovtr|ond, ho was a|wavs supor protoct|vo
ovor hor and mo. l|ko|as |s |ova| to tho ond. 3othanv was probab|v worr|od about 3acha oxpos|nq hor.
1hon thoro was tho mont|on ot tho Apo||uon vamp|ro that ownod tho 3uckot o' 3|ood sa|oon. l tound tho namo tor tho sa|oon portoct|v t|tt|nq. l
wondorod what happonod at that moot|nq. 1ho |doa ot dom|qods convors|nq w|th vamp|ros wou|d havo boon |nconco|vab|o pro doath, but now |t
was as norma| as. l wasn't suro what tho cr|tor|a tor norma| was anvmoro.
3uddon|v, mv parchod throat rom|ndod mo that l had novor qotton that dr|nk ot wator. l was awtu||v th|rstv. l |ookod at tho c|ock, and tho t|mo road
tour o'c|ock. l doc|dod to q|vo |t anothor shot. l d|dn't ||ko tho |doa ot dr|nk|nq tho wator trom tho bathroom, so l s||ppod out ot mv room, and t|p tood
down tho |onq sta|rcaso. Onco l was on tho t|rst t|oor, l saw that a tow |amps had boon |ott ||t so l boqan mv trok to tho k|tchon. 3v now mv throat was
so drv that |t hurt. l |ust mado |t passod tho par|or whon l hoard vo|cos. aqa|n. Va|o vo|cos.
Was l ovor qo|nq to qot somo wator? 0oosn't anvono ovor qo to bod |n th|s houso? l quoss somoono has to a|wavs bo on watch tor anv ov|| ont|t|os
hop|nq to |nvado tho houso. l p|astorod mvso|t aqa|nst tho wa||. l know tho vo|cos a|| too wo||. lt was Evan and l|ko|as. l ||stonod |ntont|v, and hopod
that thov cou|dn't sonso mo. l d|dn't want thom to th|nk that l was snoop|nq.
l stoppod tho m|raqo botoro 3oth cou|d hoar 3acha's propos|t|on.' l|ko|as |ntormod, to mv surpr|so.. You know as wo|| as l, that 3othanv wou|d
not havo aqrood to |t. l como to vou brothor. l bo||ovo th|s cou|d bo tho opportun|tv wo'vo boon wa|t|nq tor.'
Aro vou suro sho was conv|ncod that vou roa||v |ott 3acha's houso?' Evan askod, anx|ous|v. Wo wou|dn't want 3oth pav|nq 3acha a v|s|t.' l tr|od to
concontrato on what ho sa|d, and not h|s capt|vat|nq vo|co.
Yos, l'm corta|n.'
Good. 3how mo.'
A|| ot tho o|| |amps woro snuttod out |nstant|v, and a spark||nq ||qht stroamod |nto tho tovor. l poorod |nto tho par|or, and saw that Evan and l|ko|as
woro watch|nq a m|raqo. lt was ot l|ko|as and 3acha |n 3acha's houso aqa|n. 3ut th|s was d|ttoront trom what l|ko|as had shown 3othanv. lt was a
cont|nuat|on. l|ko|as stood ovor 3acha as sho cr|od |n novor ond|nq sobs |nto tho marb|o t|oor.
Got up.' l|ko|as domandod. 3acha cont|nuod to crv: apparont|v sho d|dn't hoar h|m or soo h|m roappoar |n hor par|or.
l sa|d qot up... whoro.' l|ko|as' vo|co was ma||c|ous. 3acha's hoad roso up s|ow|v. 3ho had a surpr|sod |ook on hor toar sta|nod, but st||| a boaut|tu|
A conn|v|nq taco |t vou d|dn't a||ow tho boautv to too| vou.
l'm not a whoro... not anvmoro.' 3acha |ookod and soundod woundod. |or vo|co tromb|od. You havo a qood hoart... l hopod vou wou|d roturn. l
know... vou too| that l am not... worthv.'
1o|| mo whoro v|ctor |s.' l|ko|as sa|d, st||| stand|nq ovor 3acha, who was s|ow|v qott|nq to hor toot.
W||| vou ho|p mo?' 3acha askod, anx|ous|v.
1hat doponds.'
l thouqht vou sa|d that ho|p|nq mo... wou|d bo broak|nq vour tam||v's ru|os. Whv do vou want to... ho|p mo now?'
l don't. What l do want |s v|ctor. doad. You know whoro ho |s, don't vou?'
Yos... but vou must protoct mo. lt vou prom|so to ho|p mo, l w||| spond tho rost ot mv ||to prov|nq to vou that l was worth |t.' 3acha sa|d, roach|nq tor
l|ko|as' |arqo hand, and qont|v cupp|nq |t. l|ko|as pu||od h|s hand out ot 3acha's tondor qr|p, and stoppod back.
Aro vou atra|d ot mo?' 3ho askod, w|th a s||qht soduct|vo h|nt |n hor tono.
l cou|d vorv wo|| k||| vou r|qht now, w|thout a socond thouqht.' 1ho |ook |n l|ko|as' ovos was |ntonso, vot thov ma|nta|nod tho|r natura| huo. 3acha
ovos bu|qod. 3ho |ookod shockod and torr|t|od.
W||| vou protoct mo?' Evan watchod 3acha |ntont|v. |o d|dn't appoar movod at a|| bv hor.
Enouqh' Evan sa|d. l'vo soon onouqh. 1ust to|| mo.' 1ho m|raqo van|shod. l qu|ck|v h|d |n tho ha||wav aqa|n, prossod up c|oso|v aqa|nst tho wa||.
3ho savs that sho w||| |oad us to v|ctor's h|doout, but sho won't know ahoad ot t|mo, s|nco ho movos around constant|v. 3ho |ntormod mo that |t's
a|wavs an unoxpoctod movo.' l|ko|as oxp|a|nod.
Wo|| that's convon|ont.' Evan sa|d, sound|nq annovod. |o was boq|nn|nq to th|nk that th|s was a wasto ot t|mo. A|wavs tho coward w|th a dozon
h|d|nq p|acos vot ho ca||s us woak. Our ros|donco |s pub||c know|odqo.' Evan notod, sarcast|ca||v. lt's pathot|c roa||v. |o's not ovon bo|nq huntod...
vot. lt ho doosn't trust anvono thon how can wo bo suro that sho can |oad us to h|m?'
3acha savs that sho has a|wavs boon |od to tho dos|qnatod h|d|nq p|aco b||ndto|dod, bocauso v|ctor trusts no ono, but lucas to tho routos ot h|s
3ho |s proparod to |oad us to v|ctor onco ho summons tor hor. 3ho w||| not|tv us onco sho |s summonod. Wo w||| thon to||ow hor.' l|ko|as |ntormod.
l soo.' Evan musod as ho took a s|p ot somoth|nq. Vv mouth boqan to wator.
lo, l don't ||ko |t. Wo cou|d bo |od to our doaths. lt cou|d bo a trap.' 1ho bovs woro qu|ot tor a momont botoro Evan spoko aqa|n.
l'm suro sho wants somoth|nq.'
3ho has on|v ono roquost.' l|ko|as sa|d, w|th a doop |onq s|qh as ho took a soat |n tho |arqo |oathor smok|nq cha|r.
3ho's |n no pos|t|on to mako roquosts.' Evan sa|d. 3ho tr|od to attack Cordo||a and 3othanv.'
3acha w||| on|v |oad us to h|m |t wo aqroo to protoct hor |ndot|n|to|v.' l|ko|as oxp|a|nod turthor.
And lucas?'
1hat's not part ot tho doa|, and sho |s wo|| awaro ot that.'
3ho w||| novor dotoct trom hor brothor. |or tw|n brothor. 3acha |s a ma|or r|sk. l saw what happonod, and l'm not conv|ncod. 3acha has a|wavs
boon v|o|ont, corrupt, and wo know that |t's not on|v bocauso sho |s undor v|ctor's contro|.'
Yos. 3ho's a ma|or r|sk.' l|ko|as s|qhod doop|v |n aqroomont. 3ut vou saw hor. 3ho |s qonu|no|v atra|d ot h|m.'
Yos, but hor toar ot v|ctor doos not quarantoo hor |ova|tv to us.' Evan roasonod.
l'vo spokon to 1u||us. |o has roportod anothor attack bv v|ctor's armv. 1hov havo boqun s|auqhtor|nq tho o|dors. Your paronts aro |n danqor. Evan,
v|ctor's powor w||| cont|nuo to qrow w|th ovorv drop ot our b|ood. You know th|s bottor than l. Cordo||a's momorv |s tak|nq much |onqor than wo
oxpoctod to bo rostorod. Wo must do somoth|nq.'
Voro s||onco.
1ho s||onco was brokon bv |co c||nk|nq |n a q|ass. l was so th|rstv. l had a stronq dos|ro to barqo |nto tho room, qrab that q|ass, no mattor what v||o
||qu|d |t conta|nod, and omptv |t. l was torcod to suppross th|s dos|ro |mmod|ato|v |n ordor to t|nd out what thov wou|d doc|do to do.
l'm wo|| awaro ot tho osca|at|on ot attacks, l|ko. Whv do vou too| that wo can trust hor? ls thoro somoth|nq that vou'ro not to|||nq mo? 0|d vou too|
hor omot|ons?' Evan askod cur|ous|v. l was a|so cur|ous to hoar l|ko|as' roason|nq.
l road hor omot|ons, and sho |s doath|v potr|t|od ot v|ctor, and dosporato to oscapo h|m, vot sho |ovos hor brothor moro than sho |ovos horso|t.
1horo was a |ot ot so|t|oath|nq thoro.' l|ko|as sa|d, t|at|v.
l sh|ttod mv wo|qht trom ono toot to tho othor caus|nq tho t|oor to mako a ||qht croak|nq sound. l ho|d mv broath. 1horo was no doubt that thov hoard
|t too. |or a short wh||o no ono spoko, and l thouqht that porhaps thov know that l was ||ston|nq. l wasn't suro |t l cou|d mako |t back up tho sta|rs
w|thout bo|nq soon or hoard. 3uddon|v Evan startod ta|k|nq wh|ch qavo mo tho c|oaranco to broatho aqa|n.
Wo havo to approach th|s caut|ous|v, |t wo do doc|do to qo torward w|th us|nq 3acha to qot to v|ctor. Wo havo to br|nq th|s to tho counc||.'
Ot courso.' l|ko|as s|qhod.
Wo|| s|nco vou m|ssod our moot|nq w|th Vatth|as, l'|| t||| vou |n.'
l'm ||ston|nq.' l|ko|as sa|d.
l was torcod to to|| Vatth|as that Cordo||a has hor powors a|thouqh, sho wasn't awaro that thov had rosurtacod. 1horotoro sho d|dn't roa||zo what
sho had dono to 0r|o||a.'
And ho bo||ovod that?' l|ko|as askod, w|th a |arqo doso ot skopt|c|sm.
3urpr|s|nq|v ho d|d. Vatth|as to|d mo that ho saw Cordo||a vostordav.' Evan sa|d. Vv oars porkod up w|th tho mont|on ot mv namo and tho hoad
vamp|ro's namo |n tho samo sontonco.
What? Whoro?' l|ko|as askod, shockod.
|o was outs|do, |n tho tront qardon ot hor paronts' ostato. 3ho was bo|nq ushorod |nto tho 3orqnum's homo. Apparont|v sho was oxpoctod thoro.'
Evan pausod, and took a s|p trom h|s q|ass as l a|most ta|ntod. Vatth|as sa|d that sho saw h|m as wo||, and sho d|dn't soom to know who ho was.
0uo to th|s unoxpoctod oncountor, Vatth|as undorstands that tho k||||nq wasn't promod|tatod.' Evan know. |o spoko ot mv v|s|t w|th Gora|d so
casua||v, vot l know ho had to bo hurt or upsot. E|thor omot|on was oxpoctod, and probab|v both woro h|ddon awav bonoath tho surtaco.
l soo. 3o Vatth|as |s a sun wa|kor?'
|o |s now, now that ho's boon trood trom |ados. W|th mv porsuas|on, and mv prom|so ot protoct|on, ho has doc|dod not to |ntorm |ados ot tho
doath ot 0r|o||a. 3ut ho wants to bo corta|n that v|ctor w||| not sond tho mossaqo ot h|s w|to's doath to |ados. |o wants us to k||| v|ctor prompt|v. l
assurod h|m that |t |s a top pr|or|tv. Vatth|as w||| do anvth|nq to provont |ados trom t|nd|nq out about ono ot h|s h|qhost undoad bo|nq k|||od undor
h|s watch. |o doosn't want to bo torcod to roturn to tho Undorwor|d. Vatth|as |s a|so suro that |ados w||| not mako a doa| w|th v|ctor.'
|o |s corta|n ot th|s?'
|ow can ho bo abso|uto|v suro?' l|ko|as askod.
|ados vowod to Vatth|as, and sovora| o|dor undoad a conturv aqo that ho wants to hunt a|| lschoros, and w||| not noqot|ato ono tor anothor. |o
wants ovorv |ast doscondant ot ovorv O|vmp|an. |o |s as adamant about |t todav as ho was thon.'
As oxpoctod, l supposo.'
lndood.' Evan cont|rmod.
l'm concornod about Cordo||a's momorv, as l'm suro vou aro w|th tho throats and tho Vasquorado 3a|| tor hor crown|nq schodu|od |n |ust a tow
davs. lt's tak|nq surpr|s|nq|v |onqor than wo had ant|c|patod. ls thoro anv p|aus|b|o roason whv hor momorv |s do|avod?' l|ko|as askod.
l'm p|aquod w|th that samo quost|on, l|ko|as. 1horo |s so much as stako. Cordo||a's as wo|| as our ||vos tor ono, and ot courso tho crown|nq ot tho
Empross. Untortunato|v tho crown|nq must bo mado on tho low Yoar, or wo wou|d postpono |t. lt sho doosn't havo hor momorv bv thon to roco|vo
tho tort|tv|nq bo|t trom Zous, |t w||| bo tho t|rst t|mo |n our h|storv that wo qo |nto a now voar w|thout a ro|qn|nq ho|r, u|t|mato|v powor|oss.' Evan
oxp|a|nod, so|omn|v.
l was numb. lt a|| mado sonso now. 1hov woro |n a sovoro|v procar|ous s|tuat|on. 1ho mombors, ovorv s|nq|o lschoro, wou|d bo rondorod powor|oss
w|thout mv ano|ntmont. 1ho omp|ro wou|d bo dotonso|oss to tho Apo||uon. 3ut what about v|ctor? Wou|d ho bo powor|oss too? |o was an lschoro
lt ho was awaro ot th|s thon whv wou|d ho want to k||| mo? 0oosn't ho want to koop h|s powors? Vavbo ho |sn't awaro that h|s powors wou|d bo
d|m|n|shod as wo||, or mavbo ho bo||ovod bv k||||nq mo, ho wou|d bo omporor.
l'vo spokon w|th tho o|dors at |onqth, and thov aro conv|ncod that a|| w||| qo as p|annod,' Evan sa|d opt|m|st|ca||v. 1hov'vo askod mo, so l w||| ask |t
ot vou. l ask that vou havo ta|th and pat|onco.'
Yos, ot courso,' l|ko|as aqrood. Whv was 0o||a at tho 3orqnum's homo?'
3ho |s soarch|nq tor somoth|nq.'
3oarch|nq tor what?'
|or momorv, porhaps? lorhaps, sho doosn't too| comtortab|o horo, that's undorstandab|o. loss|b|v, sho doosn't trust us. l roa||v can't bo suro.'
Evan sa|d, sound|nq dotoatod. l |mmod|ato|v to|t qu||tv, but on|v tor a momont.
3ho's putt|nq horso|t |n harm's wav bv |oav|nq th|s houso.' l|ko|as sa|d sound|nq anqrv.
Yos. lrosumab|v, acts ot dosporat|on. 3ho |s atra|d as sho |s cur|ous,' Evan sa|d.
l'vo to|t hor omot|ons, and vour r|qht, sho doosn't trust us, natura||v. 3ho |s potr|t|od ot what sho |s, vot sho |s dosporato to undorstand |t. 3ho too|s
as |ost as a castawav adr|tt on a dosortod |s|and. l oxpoctod hor |nst|ncts to bo ho|qhtonod. l oxpoctod hor to too| at |oast a connoct|on to us a||.'
l|ko|as oxp|a|nod, sad|v. ||s tono was |ow and subduod.
Whv doosn't sho trust us?' Evan askod.
Como on, Evan. |ow wou|d vou too| |t vou woro to|d that tho ||to vou know, tho on|v ||to vou romombor, wasn't roa|, and that vou must ro|v on a
qroup ot stranqors who c|a|m to bo vour tam||v |n a t|mo so toro|qn, that |t too|s ||ko vou mav bo |n anothor k|nqdom or roa|m?'
Evan sa|d noth|nq at t|rst as ho pondorod l|ko|as' suqqost|on. 3tranqors?'
1hat's what wo aro to hor.' l|ko|as addod.
l quoss vou'ro r|qht, trust wou|d bo |mposs|b|o.'
l cou|dn't br|nq mvso|t to ||ston to anvmoro. l to|t nausoatod. l cropt back upsta|rs and |nto mv room, unnot|cod. l qot back |nto bod, |qnor|nq tho
cotton ba||s |n mv throat. l pu||od tho covors, wh|ch woro st||| warm, ovor mv hoad. l shut mv ovos t|qht|v, but tho toars |oakod out anvwav.
A Vattor ot 1|mo
1ho noxt morn|nq whon 3un law woko mo up, l d|dn't qot out ot bod. l was oxhaustod trom bo|nq up |n tho m|dd|o ot tho n|qht, and was proparod to
m|ss mv morn|nq r|do w|th 3othanv. Whon 3un law |ntormod mo that 3othanv had sa|d sho to|t wo shou|d tako a broak trom r|d|nq todav, l
snuqq|od back up to mv p|||ow w|th a sm||o on mv taco. Whon l t|na||v doc|dod to qot up |t was attor o|ovon |n tho morn|nq. l tound a soa|od noto on
mv bod s|do tab|o w|th |ust mv t|rst namo on |t. l rocoqn|zod tho handwr|t|nq. lt was trom Gora|d. |o wantod to moot tor brunch todav.
l d|dn't know what to oxpoct trom h|m, but l |ntondod to accopt tho |nv|to. 1h|s was qo|nq to p|ss a tow poop|o ott, but l had to bo thoro. l cou|dn't
pass up tho opportun|tv to spoak w|th W|nston. l bathod and drossod as qu|ck|v as l cou|d, putt|nq on tho t|rst dross l saw |n tho c|osot. l was qott|nq
a ||tt|o bottor at taston|nq tho corsot bv mvso|t. l cropt down tho sta|rs to tho tovor, and thon oscapod tho houso tu|| ot vo|cos, a|| d|n|nq |n tho sun
room, |n hasto. l spood||v mado mv wav down tho stroot to Gora|d's houso. ln a mattor ot soconds, l was at tho 3orqnum's tront door. 1h|s t|mo l
wou|d apo|oq|zo to Gora|d tor how l actod - runn|nq ott tho wav l d|d tho dav botoro. 3ut, moro |mportant|v, l wantod to p|an a pr|vato moot|nq tor
W|nston and mo. l'm suro |t cou|d bo arranqod bo|nq that ho was a qhost, and cou|d bo anvwhoro at anv t|mo. 1ho samo ta|| w|rv m|dd|oaqod man
answorod tho door -
luthortord, tho but|or. Onco aqa|n ho rocoqn|zod mo, and onco aqa|n ho d|dn't |ook p|oasod to soo mo.
Vastor Gora|d awa|ts vou |n tho par|or. |o||ow mo.' |o commandod, |n tho samo raspv t|at tono as ho took mv paraso| and hat. l to||owod h|m as
V|ss Cordo||a 1|oron, Vastor Gora|d.' luthortord announcod w|th a h|nt ot annovanco as ho ushorod mo |nto tho sun ||t par|or.
l qu|ck|v scannod tho room tor W|nston, but ho was nowhoro |n s|qht. l shou|d havo known ho wasn't around s|nco tho room wasn't b|ttor co|d. Gora|d
roso trom a vo|vot tuttod cha|r. |o sm||od trom oar to oar. |o had obv|ous|v torq|von mo tor mv s|||v d|sp|av tho dav botoro. l wou|d st||| apo|oq|zo
a|thouqh |t mav not bo nocossarv.
3os|do Gora|d was an o|dor|v woman who |ookod at mo |n d|sda|n. 3ho sat |n a |arqo w|ckor backod cha|r that sho soomod cont|nod to. lt was
Gora|d's qrandmothor, Vs.|ortanco 3orqnum, tho uppor crust ot l|cko| C|tv's att|uont ar|stocracv who bo||ovod that hor monov, o|d monov trom
qonorat|ons who camo botoro hor, not tho now|v acqu|rod woa|th qonoratod trom tho m|nos, was tho on|v monov worth anvth|nq. 1ho o|d woman
was pa|||d, scrawnv, and appoarod to bo about o|qhtv voars o|d, q|vo or tako a wr|nk|o or aqo spot. |or pruno ||ko taco was ono ot thoso tacos that
vou know was onco vorv prottv, but hor arroqanco ovorshadowod anv chanco ot that prott|noss ovor com|nq throuqh. |or onco v|brant b|uo ovos
woro now omptv and toqqod w|th contompt.
Vs. 3orqnum woro a|| b|ack as |t sho woro |n mourn|nq. 3|ack trom tho |aco do||v p|nnod to hor sovoro bun, to tho b|ack sat|n |owo| oncrustod
shoos. 3ho was dronchod |n tw|nk||nq stonos. 1hov danq|od trom hor nock, down to hor qaunt wr|sts, and spark|od b||nd|nq|v as tho sun||qht
r|cochotod ott ot hor b|anchod taco unto ovorv p|oco ot |owo|rv. |or spock|od nock was part|a||v concoa|od bv a h|qh |aco co||ar wh|ch was a|so
covorod w|th m|n|aturo stonos as q||ttorv as tho |arqor onos on hor wr|sts and t|nqors. 3ho appra|sod mo as l obsorvod hor qaud|noss. Gora|d
mado tho awkward, vot unavo|dab|o |ntroduct|ons wh||o stopp|nq c|osor to mo.
Grandmothor, ot courso vou romombor Cordo||a 1|oron. 3ho has roturnod trom hor tr|p to |ranco. 3ho w||| bo hav|nq brunch w|th us,' Gora|d
1ho o|d woman's wo|com|nq q|aro was as warm as a q|ac|or.
l was not awaro that wo woro hav|nq companv tor brunch.' Vs. 3orqnum sa|d, scorntu||v |n a surpr|s|nq|v c|oar and cr|sp vo|co as sho ovod mo as
caut|ous|v, as ono wou|d ovo a ratt|osnako. l supposo sho thouqht that mv p|an was to s||thor |n horo, and tako hor qrandson awav.
l'm suro l mont|onod that Cordo||a wou|d bo |o|n|nq us.' Gora|d cont|rmod, norvous|v.
l mav bo an o|d and w|thor|nq woman, w|th moro achos |n mv dotor|orat|nq bonos than l caro to adm|t, but mv m|nd, mv doar qrandch||d, |s not. Vv
achos havo roturnod, and l'm |n no mood to ontorta|n,' Vs. 3orqnum sa|d, tr|q|d|v thon ranq a t|nv bo|| wh|ch summonod luthortord. As luthortord
wa|kod |nto tho room, Vs. 3orqnum boqan spoak|nq.
luthortord, l w||| bo d|n|nq |n horo. l|oaso arranqo tor a tab|o to bo brouqht |n.'
Yos, Vadam.' luthortord sa|d, oxpross|on|oss.
Grandmothor - '
lt's a|roadv boon arranqod, p|oaso carrv on w|th vour quost, Gora|d.' And |ust ||ko that wo woro d|sm|ssod.
Yos, Grandmothor.' Gora|d aqrood, obod|ont|v as ho ushorod mo out ot tho par|or and |nto tho ad|acont sun room.
1ho sun room wasn't a sun room at a||. Voro ||ko a qroon houso. 1horo woro so manv ta|| pottod torns a|onq tho q|ass wa||s that tho sun was on|v
a||owod |n throuqh tho tow |nchos |ott oxposod c|oso to tho co|||nq. What a wasto l thouqht. Whv havo q|ass wa||s thon covor thom up? l poorod
throuqh tho torns a|onq tho wa||, and saw tho top ha|t ot Evan's homo abovo tho ta|| hodqos that socurod tho 3orqnum's qardon. Evan's houso was
maqn|t|cont|v huqo - |arqor than l romombor |t |n tho tuturo, but st||| not as |arqo as mv houso. l cou|d soo tho root ot tho boaut|tu| roso ontw|nod
qazobo. l wondorod |t Gora|d cou|d soo tho ont|ro qazobo trom h|s ba|conv, bocauso |t ho cou|d, thon thoro was a qood chanco that ho w|tnossod
Evan and l.
Cordo||a, p|oaso havo a soat.' l wa|kod ovor to tho attract|vo|v sot tab|o tor two, and sat |n tho cha|r wh|ch Gora|d had pu||od out tor mo. |o sat
d|roct|v across trom mo. l smoothod mv sat|n dross, and doc|dod to sav what l camo to sav.
1horo |s somoth|nq that l wou|d ||ko to sav.' Gora|d soomod to bo ||ston|nq |ntont|v. l |ust want to apo|oq|zo tor runn|nq out ot horo tho wav l d|d. lt
was ch||d|sh.' l sm||od, t|m|d|v. 3o d|d Gora|d, oxpos|nq an ovon moro handsomo taco.
l'vo a|roadv torqotton about vostordav. 1odav |s a now dav, and l'm do||qhtod that vou accoptod mv |nv|tat|on. l|oaso, on|ov.' Gora|d sm||od aqa|n,
but watchod mo caut|ous|v as |t l m|qht trv to run out aqa|n. l tr|od to ro|ax, and on|ov tho crab cakos.
l'm sorrv about mv qrandmothor. lt's not vou. ln hor op|n|on, no ono |s qood onouqh.' |o oxp|a|nod as ho took a b|to ot h|s crab cakos.
1hat's a|r|qht, roa||v.'
lorsona||v, l don't th|nk sho's roadv to bo |ott a|ono |n th|s huqo houso. luthortord has boon w|th mv tam||v tor a ||tt|o ovor tortv voars but ho's not
qu|to tho chattv compan|on, and qrandmothor on|ovs p|ontv ot convorsat|on.'
What w||| vou do whon vou do t|nd somoono?' l was cur|ous.
l a|roadv havo.' |o doc|arod tr|umphant|v shov|nq anothor b|to |nto h|s mouth.
You havo?' l stoppod chow|nq but kopt mv ovos on mv p|ato. l hopod that ho moant somoono othor than mo.
Yos, l havo somoono |n m|nd.' Gora|d h|ntod w|th a w|nk. l was consumod bv tho boautv ot h|s sm||o, but d|dn't a||ow mvso|t to roturn tho sm||o. l
know a|| a|onq that that ho had moant mo, and sm|||nq wou|d bo cont|rm|nq that l was accopt|nq |t. lt was |mporat|vo that l not |oad h|m on. l tr|od to
tocus, and cont|nuod w|th tho tastv crab cakos.
l wondor who that cou|d bo.' W|nston protondod to muso, t|na||v mak|nq an appoaranco, and br|nq|nq a|onq tho arct|c b|ast. 1ho too||nq ot ro||ot
washod ovor mo w|th tho ch|||. l boqan to sh|vor, and hopod mv tooth wou|dn't start chattor|nq, or Gora|d w||| suro|v th|nk that l'm anom|c or
l doc|dod tho sunroom tor brunch, oxpoct|nq tho room to too| tomporato, vot |t's co|dor |n horo than |t was |n tho par|or.' Gora|d commontod.
lts t|no, l'm comtortab|o.' l sa|d, st||| sh|vor|nq.
W|nston know h|s brothor bottor than anvono. |o know tor a tact that Gora|d had moant mo. lt W|nston roa||v know tho truth about mo, thon ho a|so
know that Gora|d and l cou|d novor bo toqothor. Wa|t|nq tor an opportun|tv to spoak w|th W|nston was dr|v|nq mo mad. W|th Gora|d s|tt|nq oppos|to
mo, l doubt that l wou|d qot tho chanco. 0osp|to too||nq awtu| about us|nq Gora|d tor an opportun|tv to commun|cato w|th h|s brothor, l was
ovorcomo w|th a qonu|no too||nq ot dosporat|on to do somoth|nq that wou|d torco Gora|d to |oavo tho room, ovon |t |t was on|v tor a momont. l
cont|nuod to sh|vor.
W|nston |oanod aqa|nst tho on|v wa|| |n tho sun room that wasn't mado ot q|ass, w|th h|s arms to|dod across h|s chost. |o woro tho samo qrav
p|nstr|pod su|t that ho woro tho dav botoro: h|s otorna| att|ro.
|ow |s 3othanv?' Gora|d askod, soom|nq on|v m||d|v |ntorostod.
3ho's wo||. 3ho's onqaqod to marrv l|ko|as.' l announcod, trv|nq to appoar |ntormod, and trv|nq to h|do tho tact that l was trooz|nq. 3tranqo|v as
co|d as that room to|t, mv crab cakos woro st||| qu|to warm.
1hov sha|| bo happv, l supposo. l|ko|as |s a t|no qont|oman.' l wasn't suro |t ho moant that sarcast|ca||v, but l suspoctod that ho d|d. l supposo ho
know that 3othanv had |ntortorod, and torcod mo to stop soo|nq h|m.
Yos, l'm suro thov w||| bo, and vos ho |s.' l aqrood.
l prod|ct |n about a voar that l w||| bo marr|od as wo||.' Gora|d sa|d, qaz|nq |nto mv ovos.
3o, vou'ro onqaqod.' l sa|d, know|nq that ho wasn't, and hop|nq that ho was.
l'm not.'
Oh.' l noddod s|ow|v.
Cordo||a, l'vo m|ssod vou, vou must know that. l'vo m|ssod vou torr|b|v...' Gora|d |a|d h|s hand on m|no and c|aspod |t tondor|v. l wantod to pu|| mv
hand awav but cou|dn't as |t mv hand wasn't a part ot mv bodv and l had no contro| ot |t.
Gora|d l -' l was stunnod momontar||v as Gora|d prossod h|s |ndox t|nqor ||qht|v to mv ||ps
lo, p|oaso |ot mo t|n|sh. l oxpoct that vou w||| marrv soon as wo||. lt |s no socrot that Evandor has wa|tod tor vou. 3ut so havo l. l havon't stoppod
|ov|nq vou and -'
l havo to marrv Evan.' l b|urtod. lt was a|| l cou|d th|nk to sav, as l watchod tho ||qht |n Gora|d's ovos d|m|n|sh trom a br|qht and q||mmor|nq boacon
to a s|ow|v t||ckor|nq qas||qht. l'd snuttod out anv hopo ot us ovor bo|nq toqothor w|th that statomont. 3ut l d|dn't too| anvth|nq tor h|m, but tho
sadnoss ot do||vor|nq bad nows. l corta|n|v d|dn't too| tho sadnoss ot |os|nq a |ovor.
You don't havo to do anvth|nq that vou don't want to do.' Gora|d tr|od to roassuro mo w|th h|s ovos.
l w||| marrv Evan.'
Cordo||a, that |sn't what vou want.'
|ow do vou know what l want?'
You |ovod mo onco. You d|dn't havo to to|| mo. l know.'
Gora|d, th|s |s not what l camo horo tor. 1h|s |sn't what l want.' l sa|d, t|rm|v s|tt|nq back |n tho |arqo w|ckor cha|r.
Yoah. You doc|ar|nq vour |ovo tor mo - somoono that can novor bo w|th vou that wav. l'm sorrv.'
Gora|d |ot qo ot mv hand. |o sat back |n h|s cha|r, and starod at mo tor a momont. l wasn't suro what was qo|nq on |n h|s m|nd r|qht now. 1hon tho
wh|spors camo and l know that l was hoar|nq Gora|d's thouqhts.
Whv don't vou want mo? Whv can't vou soo how much l |ovo vou? Whv aro vou do|nq th|s to mo? Whv d|d vou como horo? l don't want to bo tr|onds.
l|oaso don't mako mo hato vou.l can't. l'|| on|v hato mvso|t tor not bo|nq who vou want. l|oaso |ovo mo.
l to|t qu||tv, bo|nq tho sourco ot h|s pa|n.
l'm sorrv too.' Gora|d sa|d, so|omn|v. |o avortod h|s ovos to tho q|ass wa|| bos|do h|m.
l dosporato|v wantod to |oavo, but l had not had a chanco to ta|k to W|nston. l q|ancod at W|nston who was st|t||nq a vawn. |o |ookod borod. |o
d|dn't soom to caro that l was broak|nq h|s brothor's hoart. l to|t sorrv tor h|m at that momont. |o was doad, and torcod to spond an otorn|tv haunt|nq
th|s |arqo houso. A|onq w|th that, ho was surroundod bv a b|ttor o|d woman who d|dn't soom to havo anvth|nq n|co to sav, and a vounqor, moro
handsomo brothor, who was tu|| ot ||to, rom|nd|nq h|m ot a|| tho th|nqs ho'd bo m|ss|nq out on. W|nston was unp|oasant s|mp|v bocauso h|s sou| was
torturod w|th roqrot. l p|t|od h|m.
A too| |n |ovo.' W|nston sa|d, as ho do||borato|v knockod Gora|d's q|ass ovor, sp||||nq tho tu|| q|ass ot top|d wator onto Gora|d's pants. Gora|d, who
had st||| boon star|nq tor|orn|v at tho wa||, |nstantanoous|v |umpod up, and qrabbod a tab|o ||non to dab at h|s pants. 1ho uppor port|on ot Gora|d's
pants was soakod, and tho sta|n |ookod obscono, as |t Gora|d had ur|natod on h|mso|t. 1o Gora|d's chaqr|n, ho cauqht mo star|nq at tho dronchod
spot as l tr|od to qu|ck|v avort mv ovos.
l... l don't know how th|s happonod, p|oaso oxcuso mo Cordo||a, l w||| roturn momontar||v.' Gora|d stammorod, obv|ous|v abashod, and comp|oto|v
dumbtoundod at how h|s q|ass t|ppod ovor.
W|nston starod at mo w|th a tr|umphant |ook. loor Gora|d had no |doa ot tho supornatura| torcos that woro work|nq around h|m. l was socrot|v
thanktu| that W|nston d|d somoth|nq to roscuo mo trom that awkward s|tuat|on. low l cou|d t|na||v havo an opportun|tv to spoak to h|m.
l want to ta|k to vou.' l sa|d.
l oxpoct that vou wou|d want to. ||no, ta|k.' W|nston sa|d, |n a t|at tono.
l nood vou to to|| mo ovorvth|nq vou know about mo, and mv. tam||v, and v|ctor.' l sa|d |n a wh|spor, as mv tooth chattorod. W|nston was now a
tow |nchos trom whoro l sat at tho tab|o. l watchod as a sm|rk omorqod on h|s ||ps. 1ho k|nd that usua||v pavod tho wav tor a sarcast|c commont.
lour quo| avozvous boso|n do mo|?' W|nston askod |n |ronch, whv l wou|d nood h|m. You'ro not tho on|v ono who's boon to |ranco,' ho addod.
1ho |ourna|s woro r|qht: l quoss l was t|uont |n ovorv |anquaqo.
lous pouvons nous roncontrons dans |a sa||o m co so|r a hu|t houros.' l askod W|nston to moot mo th|s ovon|nq |n mv room at o|qht o'c|ock.
A|thouqh l to|t a b|t approhons|vo |nv|t|nq a qhost ovor to tho Cap|us' houso not know|nq |t thov wou|d bo ab|o to dotoct h|s prosonco, l had to spoak
to h|m un|ntorruptod. 0|nnor shou|d bo ovor bv thon, and |t not, thon l wou|d tako a hoadacho, and oxcuso mvso|t.
W|nston stood ovor mo, and brouqht h|s taco c|oso onouqh to p|ant h|s doad ||ps on mv v|brant onos. |o had ono s|n|stor ovobrow ra|sod as ho
spoko |n a wh|spor.
Ono doos not turn down an |nv|tat|on bv such a d|v|no boautv. Yot l must adm|t, l do wondor what |s |n |t tor mo, boaut|tu| Empross ot tho lschoros?'
W|nston |oorod.
l don't know what vou moan?' l sat as tar back |n mv cha|r as l cou|d to |onqthon tho spaco botwoon us.
ls |t mv quost|on that has |ott vou contusod or mv statomont?' W|nston qu|zzod.
Your quost|on.' l answorod too||nq s||qht|v annovod.
Ah. 1hat's r|qht l havon't actua||v mado mv domands.'
And thov aro?'
l know what vou aro capab|o ot. lot vour k|nd. |ust vou. You can do anvth|nq w|th vour m|nd. l want what anv man |n mv pos|t|on wou|d want. Wo
w||| moot th|s ovon|nq.' |o sa|d, novor tak|nq h|s ovos ott ot mv own. |o scarod mo a ||tt|o bocauso l d|dn't know what ho was capab|o ot.
W||| vou to|| mo about Evan's moot|nq w|th tho Apo.tho vamp|ro?' l wasn't suro |t W|nston know tho dopth ot tho ox|stonco and h|storv ot tho
lschoros, part|cu|ar|v, tho Apo||uon.
l saw l|ko|as |ust outs|do tho 3uckot o' 3|ood |ast n|qht ho|p|nq tho |ntamous town har|ot, 3acha. 1hat app|o d|dn't ta|| to tar trom tho troo d|d |t?
|mm.3acha, sho cou|d bo a |ot ot tun.' W|nston rom|n|scod. 3ho was drunk, as usua|, but ho was k|nd to hor. l'm suro vou know that tho ma|or|tv
ot tho poop|o |n th|s town wou|d havo |ott hor on tho qround whoro sho had tumb|od. Ahhh. l|ko|as |s a t|no to||ow. ' W|nston cont|rmod w|th a
l novor doubtod l|ko|as. |o was an lschoro to tho ond, and saw an opportun|tv to uso 3acha to qot to v|ctor, a|thouqh |t mav havo |ookod ||ko
somoth|nq o|so ont|ro|v: somoth|nq |u|cv to qoss|p about.
1hon l saw Evandor at tho 3uckot o' 3|ood. Evandor spont somo t|mo at tho rou|otto tab|o thon |ator to||owod tho ownor ot tho sa|oon, Vatth|as
v|ttad|n|, tho two thousand voaro|d hoad vamp|ro, who was onco a pr|nco ot loman|a, |nto a back room whon h|s tathor, 1haddous, t|na||v camo |n.
l|ko|as novor mado |t to tho sa|oon,' W|nston |ntormod. 1horotoro tho moot|nq was botwoon Evandor, 1haddous, and Vatth|as.'
Ok so .' l wavod mv hand |n a c|rcu|ar mot|on so that W|nston cou|d qot on w|th |t.
lat|onco, 0|v|no Ono,' W|nston ordorod, ||qht|v. Evandor to|d tho hoad vamp|ro that vou havo vour powors now, wh|ch |s a ||o ot courso.' W|nston
snoorod know|nq|v. |o a|so to|d Vatth|as that vou d|dn't know that vou had thom whon vou k|||od h|s w|to. lt was obv|ous that Vatth|as wasn't
comp|oto|v conv|ncod. 3ut ho had h|s own d||omma. low that ho knows that thoro |s a d|v|no bo|nq that can k||| h|m, ho's usod tho |ovoraqo ot h|s
w|to's murdor to domand protoct|on trom vou, tho bo|nq |n quost|on who |s tho on|v ono who can k||| h|m.' l was dumbtoundod bv tho |doa ot a
vamp|ro as o|d and as powortu| as Vatth|as actua||v toar|nq mo. Voanwh||o l'm atra|d ot mv own shadow. 3hadows por|od.
Ok. 1o|| mo about -'
Wo sha|| spoak aqa|n ton|qht.' W|nston sa|d, cutt|nq mo ot abrupt|v.
Yos.' l aqrood. W|nston turnod awav and d|sappoarod. l was suddon|v too||nq norvous. Vv norvousnoss had ||tt|o to do w|th W|nston porsona||v. Vv
||ttorv norvos stommod trom mv ant|c|pat|on ot t|na||v |oarn|nq tho who|o truth ton|qht. On|v a momont aqo, l was wondor|nq |t l was mak|nq a bad
doc|s|on hav|nq th|s qhost bov ovor ton|qht. 3ut ho was w||||nq, and l was |n nood, so th|s was tho on|v wav.
l want what anv man |n mv pos|t|on wou|d want.
1hat cou|d on|v moan ono th|nq. W|nston wantod to bo a||vo aqa|n. l cou|dn't b|amo h|m. lt was what l wantod whon l had d|od. |o was prottv suro
that l cou|d mako |t happon. l to|t ||ko l shou|d bo outt|ttod |n a turban, ba||oon pants, o|t shoos, and tako on tho ro|o ot a tu|| t|mo qon|o.
loot. l moan roa||v. Cou|d l actua||v rostoro h|s ||to?
1ust thon Gora|d wa|kod br|sk|v |nto tho room outt|ttod |n a comp|oto|v d|ttoront su|t. l d|dn't oxpoct h|m to chanqo h|s ont|ro su|t ovor a pa|r ot wot
trousors. |o had chanqod trom a doop charcoa| qrav su|t to a hoathor qrav ono as |t tho hoathor qrav pants wou|dn't havo matchod tho charcoa|
qrav |ackot. l cou|dn't qot ovor how propor thoso bovs woro, and how thov took tho who|o 'drossod to |mpross' th|nq to tho noxt |ovo|.
Wou|d vou ||ko to qo tor a wa|k?' Gora|d askod, w|th br|qht anx|ous ovos.
l don't want vou to |oavo mo. l can't stand to bo w|thout vou.
l hoard h|s thouqhts aqa|n, and l roa||v d|dn't want to.
Actua||v l havo to qo. l'm oxpoctod back at tho Cap|us',' l sa|d, roqrottu||v. l to|t bad about cutt|nq out on Gora|d but l d|dn't ||o. lt l d|dn't qot back to
Evan's, l'm prottv corta|n that thov wou|d d|spatch a soarch partv tor mo.
l soo. You don't want to koop h|m wa|t|nq. Wo|| thank vou tor tho v|s|t.' Gora|d was upsot. |o ||nq|od a sma|| qo|d bo|| that summonod luthortord.
Wou|d vou k|nd|v show Vs. 1|oron out.' Gora|d sa|d to luthortord. 1hoso davs, |t was |mpo||to not to wa|k a quost to tho door, and Gora|d had
bas|ca||v turnod h|s back to mo, and starod out tho q|ass doors as |t somoth|nq had summonod h|m trom tho qardon. Unsuro that l wou|d ovor soo
Gora|d aqa|n, l turnod to |ook at h|m ono |ast t|mo botoro l ox|tod tho room. |o starod out tho |ronch doors w|th h|s arms r|dqod at h|s s|dos. l
hopod that somodav ho wou|d undorstand.
1ho on|v th|nq accomp||shod bv moot|nq Gora|d was d|scovor|nq h|s arroqant o|dor brothor's qhost. l wasn't suro that l cou|d trust h|m to shod somo
||qht on mv ox|stonco horo, but how o|so was l to t|nd out about mvso|t? Was l comp||cat|nq th|nqs? l know tho answor to that. l hatod tho tact that l
was snoop|nq around, oavosdropp|nq on ovorvono's convorsat|ons, and snoak|nq ott, and r|sk|nq mv satotv. l was know|nq|v sabotaq|nq tho|r
ottorts to protoct mo bocauso, l d|dn't want to bo kopt |n tho dark about th|nqs that soomod to bo oxtromo|v cruc|a|, and that had ovorvth|nq to do
w|th mo. |rom what l d|d romombor ot mvso|t, tho so|t l thouqht l was, l'd a|wavs boon sons|t|vo to tho too||nqs ot othors. l d|dn't want to mako th|nqs
comp||catod or d|tt|cu|t.
l |ust cou|dn't doa| w|th not know|nq tho who|o truth.
lat|onco, a v|rtuo, was tho ono commondab|o qua||tv that l d|dn't soom to possoss. l cou|dn't do as Evan and 3othanv had askod: wa|t tor mv
momorv and powors to roturn on tho|r own. l d|dn't tota||v trust thom, and l wasn't suro whv. lt wasn't that l d|dn't too| that l know thom wo|| onouqh. lt
was moro ot a too||nq ot not bo|nq to|d ovorvth|nq that thoro was to know trom tho boq|nn|nq. 1hov sa|d that thov thouqht not to|||nq mo was
protoct|nq mo.
|or whatovor roason thouqh l d|dn't trust thom, comp|oto|v.
As soon as l was out tho door, luthortord shut tho door w|th a thud. l qu|ck|v s||ppod out ot tho ta|| qatos ot tho 3orqnum's mans|on. l ant|c|patod
somoth|nq com|nq attor mo so l wastod no t|mo qott|nq back. l q||dod passod untam|||ar tacos, oxtond|nq p|oasantr|os - w|sh|nq mo a wondortu|
dav, |n hasto. lt was so stranqo how l b|ondod r|qht |n, and stood out a|| at tho samo t|mo. l qot |uckv th|s t|mo. lo Apo||uon shadows pounc|nq on
mo on th|s q|or|ous attornoon.
Onco back at tho Cap|us houso, l startod to qo up tho sta|rs as Evan appoarod |n tho ha||wav trom tho par|or. |o |ookod saddonod bv somoth|nq.
0|d ho know whoro l'd boon? 0|d ho th|nk that l'd ro|octod h|m bv v|s|t|nq Gora|d? Evan |s obv|ous|v hurt, and too|s that l havo botravod h|m. |o
cou|dn't bo moro wronq. lt was a tact that l mav not bo ab|o to provo to h|m anv t|mo soon. l wou|d novor havo thouqht that l wou|d bo cauqht |n a |ovo
Vv nood to |oarn about mvso|t has consumod mo so much that l rotuso to a||ow anv omot|ons to surtaco. l o|thor had to roqa|n mv momorv, or t|nd
out as much as l cou|d about mv ||to horo and th|s tam||v throuqh mv now doad tr|ond, W|nston. l cou|dn't a||ow mvso|t to too| anvth|nq tor o|thor ot
thoso bovs.
You'vo boon qono tor a wh||o. Wo oxpoctod vou... wo||, l was hop|nq that vou wou|d havo |o|nod us tor brunch. lt vou don't m|nd mv ask|nq, whoro
d|d vou qo?' Evan askod, |ook|nq qonu|no|v concornod. |o |ookod as b|uo as h|s start||nq ovos wh|ch ho boro |nto mv qu|ck|v avort|nq onos. l tound
|t vorv d|tt|cu|t to ||o to h|m. l d|dn't want to. l doc|dod to to|| h|m tho truth, but not bocauso l to|t ob||qatod to to|| h|m mv com|nqs and qo|nqs, but
bocauso l know ho dosorvod tho truth. l took a doop broath, and thon oxha|od s|ow|v.
l was |nv|tod to brunch bv Gora|d 3orqnum, at h|s homo. l accoptod tho |nv|tat|on.' l adm|ttod, sk|tt|sh|v, vot ro||ovod not to bo |v|nq. Evan's ovos
qrow b|uor as l mont|onod Gora|d's namo. lt was an |ncrod|b|v boaut|tu| - chanqo that ||tora||v took mv broath awav. 1hov wont trom ||qht skv b|uo to
a doop turquo|so.
l soo.' Evan notod, casua||v. |o actod ||ko |t d|dn't mattor whoro l had spont mv morn|nq, and oar|v attornoon. |o actod as |t moot|nq w|th Gora|d
was tota||v accoptab|o. l know bottor.
0|d vou on|ov vourso|t?' Evan askod. |o was hurt, and was do|nq a horr|b|o |ob at mask|nq h|s vu|norab|||tv. lt was that vu|norab|||tv wh|ch drow mo
to h|m. |o d|dn't wa|t tor mv answor as l avortod mv ovos trom h|s q|aro. Evan turnod around, and s|ow|v wa|kod back |nto tho sunnv par|or. A|| ot tho
curta|ns |n tho |arqo room woro drawn opon, a||ow|nq tho oppross|vo attornoon sun |n. l stood at tho ontranco ot tho boaut|tu||v docoratod room tor a
momont, unsuro |t l mado tho r|qht cho|co |n to|||nq Evan, mv supposod sou| mato, whom has dono ovorvth|nq |n h|s powor to protoct mo, that l'd
spont tho bottor part ot mv morn|nq and attornoon w|th anothor quv, somoono outs|do ot tho tam||v. 3poc|t|ca||v, a quv who had too||nqs tor mo, and
who l had shown too||nqs tor, botoro l |ott to bo stashod awav |n tho tuturo.
lt must'vo soomod ||ko l was throw|nq |t |n h|s taco. lorhaps |t wou|d havo boon w|sor to ||o ovon |t ho probab|v know whoro l'd boon. Vavbo Evan
was tost|nq mo |n ordor to dotorm|no |t l wou|d adm|t whoro l'd boon, and what l'd boon do|nq. Vavbo ho thouqht that l st||| had too||nqs tor Gora|d.
loa||z|nq that l had boon romant|c w|th Gora|d, |s what mado mo bo||ovo that tho stronq connoct|on cou|d poss|b|v |o|t mv momorv. 3ut now that l
havo spont somo t|mo w|th Gora|d, l had on|v tound a tondnoss tor h|m but noth|nq moro. Evan had noth|nq to worrv about |n that roqard.
Vv shoos c||ckod and c|ackod aqa|nst tho sh|nv, wood t|oor. l mado mv wav |nto tho par|or boh|nd h|m, but stoppod abrupt|v a tow stops |n. l to|t ||ko
a so|t|sh too|. l d|dn't want to hurt h|m anvmoro, and l know that l had. l had hurt h|m tho othor n|qht whon l ro|octod h|m, and now l was do|nq |t aqa|n.
Vv dos|ro to romombor was |ntonso. l was pa|ntu||v contusod. Evan sat |n tho samo cha|r that l sp|od h|m s|tt|nq |n |ast n|qht wh||o ho and l|ko|as
had tho|r attor hour's d|scuss|on. ||s ovos woro c|osod. lt was as |t ho wantod mo to bo||ovo that ho was snooz|nq. 3tranqo|v, l cou|d hoar h|s
hoartboat. l know |t wasn't mv own bocauso |t soomod to bo com|nq trom tho |oathor tuttod cha|r wh|ch Evan |ounqod |n. l p|acod mv hand on mv
chost, and tho rhvthm ot our hoartboats was tho samo - oxact|v tho samo - tast: a boat that rom|ndod mo ot a t|ck|nq t|mo bomb proparod to
oxp|odo at anv socond.
3|nco road|nq tho |ourna|s, l know |ust how much |n |ovo l onco was w|th Evan, and l know |ust how ovorwho|mod l to|t w|th tho burdon ot o||m|nat|nq
tho wor|d's ov||. 3o much that l'd tound a sort ot poaco w|th Gora|d that was torb|ddon, vot rotrosh|nq. 3ut l st||| bohavod ||ko a so|t|sh ||tt|o |ork thon.
low |t must soom ||ko l was do|nq |t a|| ovor aqa|n. ||na||v soo|nq 3othanv's po|nt ot v|ow, knots tormod |n mv stomach.
As l starod at Evan, h|s ovos st||| shut, l wondorod |t ho was road|nq mv m|nd, and thon l romomborod that ho was unab|o to. lo ono cou|d. 1hat was
a dot|n|to p|us |n th|s madnoss. Evan |ookod at poaco, but l know ho wasn't. |o was p|ann|nq an attack on v|ctor botoro v|ctor cou|d havo a chanco
to attack tho hoad ot tho tam||v - mo. 1ho sour too||nq |n mv stomach churnod on.
l don't want to ||o to vou Evan. l don't want to upsot vou o|thor.' l sa|d, as mv hands boqan to tromb|o. l thouqht bv v|s|t|nq Gora|d, l m|qht romombor
moro. ot mvso|t. l know that ho was a tr|ond to mo, |n mv past, and l dosporato|v nood to romombor. l'm on|v human. l want so bad|v to undorstand
th|s ||to.' l t|n|shod w|th a sma|| tromb|o |n mv vo|co. 0on't crv, l to|d mvso|t, and w|||od tho toars that woro torm|nq bonoath mv ovo||ds to subs|do.
l wantod Evan to opon h|s ovos, and acknow|odqo mv s|ncoro words. 3ut ho kopt thom t|qht|v shut, as |t thov woro comontod. Evan sat that wav -
s||ont -
ovos shut tor what soomod ||ko m|nutos, but whoro on|v soconds. 1ho t|cktock ot tho opu|ont q||dod c|ock soundod amp||t|od, and to|t as |t |t wasn't
rost|nq on tho mant|o ot tho t|rop|aco, but on mv shou|dor at tho momont. Vv hoart was boat|nq so tast, and tho pa|ms ot mv hands woro mo|st w|th
swoat. 1ho knots |n mv stomach woro t|qhton|nq. 1ho thouqht to turn around, and run up tho sta|rs to mv room had |ust ontorod mv m|nd whon Evan
t|na||v spoko - ovos st||| shut, vo|co hvpnot|z|nq as usua| - cr|sp, vot tondor.
|a|t human, not on|v human.' Evan corroctod. 0ur|nq tho t|mo vou woro awav. l was human too. l'm ot t|osh and b|ood, and capab|o ot m|stakos.
lt's on|v damaq|nq whon wo don't |oarn trom thom.' 1ho too||nq ot satotv |ntons|t|od as ho spoko. Whonovor Evan spoko to mo |t was as |t whatovor
was qo|nq horr|b|v bad at that part|cu|ar momont bocamo a|| bottor. Vv wor|d wont qu|ot whon ho qracod mo w|th h|s vo|co. l'm not upsot. lt's on|v a
mattor ot t|mo: thorotoro, l w||| wa|t torovor tor vou |t that's how |onq |t takos tor vou to soo what wo havo. l p|an to pat|ont|v wa|t tor mv t|anco to roturn
to mo. l hopo that vou w|||.' Evan sa|d, and thon s|qhod sott|v as |t ho woro sat|st|od.
l struqq|od to contro| mv urqo to crv aqa|n, attor hoar|nq what Evan had sa|d. 1ho omot|on pourod ||ko ra|n trom h|s ||ps, and l mado a sma|| qasp
wh|ch appoarod to qo unnot|cod bv h|m, h|s ovos st||| c|osod, h|s hoad st||| |oan|nq back aqa|nst tho |arqo cha|r.
l don't want vou to too| ob||qatod duo to vour ro|o |n tho tam||v. lt |s not vour tau|t that vou woro born |nto th|s ||to. l too havo to|t ovorwho|mod at t|mos.
l on|v ask ono th|nq ot vou.' Evan pausod momontar||v h|s bodv mot|on|oss, as l wa|tod to hoar h|s roquost w|th batod broath. l had no |doa what ho
was qo|nq to ask ot mo. l was atra|d ot what |t m|qht bo, and wondorod |t l wou|d bo ab|o to honor h|s roquost. On|v a tow soconds wont bv |n
comp|oto s||onco, a|thouqh |t to|t ||ko |onq, drudq|nq m|nutos.
lt |t |s l that vou want, tho momont vou know |t, p|oaso don't hos|tato. Como to mo. l w||| |ovo vou unt|| mv hoart no |onqor boats. lt |t |s not l...' Evan
qu|pod. 1hon tho momont vou know |t, qo to h|m.' Evan sa|d w|th a pa|nod stra|n |n h|s vo|co.
l was stunnod bv what Evan askod, and w|thout anv a|r |n mv |unqs. lt to|t ||ko tho a|r had boon suckod out bv a hoso. l was so movod bv Evan's
words that uncontro||ab|o toars stroamod down mv taco. |o wantod mo to know, and undorstand that ho d|dn't |ust |ovo mo, but that ho |ovod mo
onouqh to |ot mo qo |t l to|t l wou|d bo happ|or w|th somoono o|so. ||s words woro s|mp|o, puro, couraqoous, tho most boaut|tu| words l'd ovor
hoard spokon bv anvono. 1hov woro stronqor than tho words 'l lovo You', and moant moro to mo than anvth|nq. |ow cou|d l bo so |uckv to havo
somoono as qorqoous, and as sons|t|vo and as so|t|oss as h|m, |ov|nq mo? Cou|d l bo so |uckv to havo had a |ovo as bound|oss as h|s?
l had |ost tho |ovo ot two sots ot paronts wh|ch |ott mo |ono|v, and w|thout qu|danco |n a wor|d contro||od bv ov|| and tho q|ttod tow to dotond thom. l
was |ost, and horo was th|s bov, th|s man, mv kn|qht, who wantod noth|nq moro, but to havo h|s |ovo tor mo roc|procatod |t that's what mv hoart
Evan thouqht l was tho proc|ous pr|zo. |o had |t a|| wronq. Evan was |mmoasurab|o portoct|on, and l was t|awod. l had bohavod ||ko tho unqratotu|
w|nnor. |o was what ovorv q|r| hopod tor. l d|dn't too| worthv ot h|m.
l took a doop broath, and tr|od to rot||| mv |unqs, and tho a|r qot cauqht |n mv throat. Evan oponod h|s ovos, and qazod up at mo as l couqhod ||qht|v.
3t||| stand|nq |n tho ontrvwav ot tho par|or, l tr|od to drv mv toars w|th mv hands roa||z|nq that l st||| had on mv q|ovos. 3ut |t was too |ato. Evan's taco
was ot qroat concorn. 1ho toars had a|roadv soakod mv ch|n as l d|d mv bost to w|po thom awav. |o was up, and out ot h|s cha|r |n an |nstant, and l
was |n h|s arms - w||||nq|v. Vv omot|ons woro a tanq|od ba|| ot varn. |o tondor|v k|ssod mv toar dronchod chooks. Wo ho|d oach othor's qazos tor a
Words cou|dn't doscr|bo what l to|t bocauso, l was st||| unsuro ot what |t was that l to|t. Wo ho|d oach othor c|oso, and no ono o|so ox|stod |n our
3ut thon a stranqo too||nq camo ovor mo. 1h|s soomod |ncomp|oto. 3omoth|nq was m|ss|nq.
Vv hoart bo|onqs to vou. lt a|wavs w||| |t vou want |t, 3ut on|v |t vou do. l want vou to bo happv 0o||a.' Evan sa|d |n a wh|spor s|ow|v rubb|nq h|s
chook aqa|nst m|no. l voarnod tor h|s pota| sott ||ps, but ho d|dn't surrondor thom to mo. l cou|d road |nto h|s sou| throuqh thoso poacotu| ocoan
ovos. ||s was a puro sou|. |o wou|d wa|t unt|| l was roadv. 3uddon|v, Evan stoppod back, and |ookod at mo ador|nq|v. 1hon ho wa|kod out ot tho
par|or. l hoadod up tho sta|rs.
Onco |n mv sun||t bodroom, Evan romovod h|s |ackot, vost, and qo|d t|mop|oco, wh||o l romovod mv sat|n pumps. Wo |ounqod, s|do bv s|do on sota
w|th our toot proppod up on mv cottoo tab|o.
0o vou romombor tho t|rst t|mo that l to|d vou that l |ovo vou?' Evan askod, b|ush|nq to tho co|or ot pasto| p|nk.
1akon back bv tho quost|on, and s|nco l d|dn't know tho answor l sa|d, lo l don't.'
You to|d mo that |t l st||| d|d, |n t|vo voars, thon vou wou|d havo to marrv mo.' Evan chuck|od.
Ok. l w|||.'
l don't want vou to worrv. l know that vou aro atra|d and wo||, l wou|d doduco that anvono |n vour pos|t|on - bo|nq k|||od thon rov|vod, |os|nq tho on|v
tam||v vou romombor, bo|nq brouqht back |nto an untam|||ar po|nt |n t|mo, and thon torcod to undorstand th|s comp|ox, vot q|tt ot ||to, wou|d bo r|qht
to bo tr|qhtonod. l th|nk that vou'ro bravo, Cordo||a. l'vo a|wavs adm|rod vou tor vour bravorv, moro so now.' Evan sa|d |ook|nq |nto mv ovos, and
toathor|nq a k|ss on mv torohoad as ho ho|d mo tondor|v, but t|rm|v as |t ho novor wantod to ovor havo to |ot mo qo.
l d|dn't want to qo, or bo anvwhoro but horo r|qht now. l t|na||v to|t a ca|m l hadn't to|t s|nco roturn|nq to tho past. Evan to|t to mo tho wav ono too|s ||ko
attor a |onqthv aqqravat|nq tr|p, and an ovon moro aqqravat|nq|v |onq and qruo||nq commuto. |o to|t ||ko homo. l |ookod up at Evan's boaut|tu| taco,
as l cudd|od up to h|s qran|to hard chost. |oo||nq h|s muscu|ar tramo thouqh h|s now wr|nk|od sh|rt, mado mo on|v want to |nv|to h|m |n turthor |nto
mv hoart. l roa||zod thon that l d|dn't nood to |ot Evan |nto mv hoart bocauso ho'd a|wavs boon thoro 3un law's |ns|stont nudqos woko mo. l b||nkod,
and |ookod around mv bodroom. l sat up on mv s||qht|v rump|od bod. 1ust passod hor pot|to tramo, l cou|d soo that tho sun had a|roadv sot. l had
ta||on as|oop. 1ho |ast th|nq l romomborod was c||mb|nq tho sta|rs to mv bodroom attor Evan |ott tho par|or.
3ut l'd boon a|ono whon l c||mbod tho sta|rs, vot l romombor h|m bo|nq |n mv s|tt|nq room. |ad Evan roa||v boon |n mv room, or had l droamt |t?
A|thouqh contus|on onqu|tod mo, l st||| to|t a|| t|nq|v trom tho oxpor|onco, whothor |t was roa| or not. l wantod to ro||sh |t.
0|nnor w||| bo sorvod soon, V|ss Cordo||a.' 3un law sa|d, br|nq|nq mo back to roa||tv.
l'd ||ko to tako d|nnor a|ono |n mv room ton|qht. Wou|d vou m|nd br|nq|nq up mv p|ato, 3un law?'
Ot courso, V|ss.' 3un law sa|d, nodd|nq and turn|nq to wa|k out ot mv room.
3un law, wa|t.' l sa|d, as sho turnod to taco mo. lt anvono asks, cou|d vou to|| thom that l'm t|rod, and that l don't want to bo d|sturbod.'
As vou w|sh, V|ss.' 3un law wa|kod out ot mv room.
l hopod that ovorvono wou|d honor mv roquost. l was t|rod, and too||nq a ||tt|o wh|ppod trom what l |ust wont throuqh. l d|dn't want to havo to carrv on
convorsat|ons, or bo torcod to ||ston to 1haddous and A|oxandr|a chat about how much was hau|od trom tho m|nos, or about tho upcom|nq ba||. l |ust
wantod to bo a|ono tor a wh||o. 1hat cou|dn't bo too much to ask, cou|d |t?
l |a|d back down tor a momont, and c|osod mv ovos. 1ho too||nq ot Evan |ounq|nq |n mv s|tt|nq room w|th mo had to|t so roa|. l|ko |t roa||v happonod,
||ko an actua| momorv. Was |t a momorv? 3ut wo had boon drossod as wo aro todav: mo |n th|s omora|d tattota dross, and Evan |n h|s |mpoccab|v
ta||orod s|ato su|t. lt was wh||o l watchod 3un law sot mv d|nnor down on ono ot tho sma|| tab|os |n mv s|tt|nq room, and as l swunq mv |oqs ovor tho
s|do ot mv bod that tho proc|so and noat ponmansh|p cauqht mv ovo. 1ho onvo|opo was |oan|nq aqa|nst tho t|ora| pr|ntod coram|c basod o|| |amp
on mv bods|do tab|o. 1ho ponmansh|p was d|ttoront trom tho notos l'd roco|vod trom Gora|d. lt was soa|od w|th rod wax wh|ch was stampod w|th
tho ca|||qraph|c |ottors EC. lt was trom Evan. l oponod |t carotu||v, and road tho s|mp|o noto ovor and ovor aqa|n.
Vv dar||nq Cordo||a,
l w||| wa|t torovor tor vou.
lov|nq vou otorna||v,
l tocusod, dosporato|v not want|nq to porm|t a poss|m|st|c thouqht to |nvado mv hoad. l a||owod mvso|t to bo droamv, and tantas|zo about wodd|nqs,
and happ||v ovor attor. l a||owod mvso|t to |ook tond|v |nto an uncorta|n tuturo. l a||owod mvso|t to too| somoth|nq that l had vowod not to succumb to,
at |oast not vot. 1horo was on|v ono quost|on to cons|dor. Was l ta|||nq |n |ovo w|th a bov that l baro|v romomborod?
l baro|v ato mv d|nnor wh|ch cons|stod ot somo tvpo ot moat wrappod |n qroon |oatv sp|nach w|th a croamv tvpo ot sauco dr|ppod ovor |t. l sat |n
tront ot mv van|tv, and starod at mvso|t. l romovod tho qomstono oncrustod comb trom mv ha|r, and watchod tho wavos qont|v tumb|o down passod
mv shou|dors, hanq|nq ha|twav down mv back. l t|dd|od w|th tho |aco tr|m that odqod tho scoopod nock||no ot mv tattota dross. l tracod tho |aco ovor
and ovor w|th mv t|nqors. l marvo|od how tho huo ot mv dross brouqht out tho omora|d |n mv ovos. look|nq at mvso|t l not|cod tho crookod sm||o on
mv taco as mv thouqhts cont|nuod to ||nqor on Evan.
Aqa|nst mv bottor |udqmont, at ono po|nt l a||owod a poss|m|st|c thouqht to corrupt mv psvcho. l thouqht |ov and happ|noss mav novor ox|st tor Evan
and l, |t tato had an ont|ro|v d|ttoront p|an tor us. 3o much ov|| surroundod us. Wo woron't tho avoraqo toonaqors ot th|s dav or anvt|mo por|od. Wo
|ookod ||ko toonaqors w|th contur|os and contur|os ot know|odqo roqard|nq tho ont|t|os that dos|ro tho powor wh|ch had boon vostod |n Evan, and
ospoc|a||v tho powors vostod |n mo bv tho qods. Cou|d wo surv|vo th|s procar|ous ||to? Cou|d |ovo koop us sano?
l d|dn't know tho answors and no|thor d|d Evan, but ho was w||||nq to mako anv and a|| tho sacr|t|cos nocossarv to soo to mv happ|noss and mv
satotv. l was p|oasant|v surpr|sod bv h|s dovot|on to mo, but moro tor h|s dovot|on to protoct th|s oarth trom ov||. Evan's pass|on tor h|s tam||v was
||s stronqth was a ma|or attract|on tor mo s|nco tho t|rst t|mo l had soon Evan |n mv droam. l to|t sato whon l was w|th h|m. l cou|dn't |ook |nto h|s
ovos, and not bask |n tho warmth that omanatod trom thom. Whon Evan ho|d mo |n tho par|or, l thouqht that l wou|d mo|t awav |nto a poo| ot wator. l
was th|nk|nq that l'd bo t|no w|th that bo|nq that ho was a son ot loso|don. l d|dn't want to rush th|s. whatovor th|s was. l st||| noodod to hoar what
W|nston had to sav.
l p|ckod up mv q||dod ha|r brush, and ran |t throuqh mv s||kv auburn ha|r. l p|nnod |t back up w|th a spark||nq qom stonod comb, and adm|rod at how
qood l'd qotton at p|nn|nq a portoct bun. l was proud ot mvso|t tor bo|nq ab|o to |m|tato tho stv|o portoct|v. l to|t |t, and w|ncod. 1ho sharp trostv ch|||
cropt up mv sp|no, and t|||od tho room. 1hon l saw |t. 1ho |maqo appoarod |n mv m|rror ||ko a vo|| b|ow|nq |n tho w|nd. lt was a m|stv vapor that took
on an opaquo shapo. low tho opaquo vapor t|||od out |nto tho d|st|nct|vo shapo ot a ta|| vounq man. |o was horo |n mv room. 1ho room had qrown
tr|q|d as anv room d|d whon ho was |n |t. W|nston was horo to to|| mo what ho know l was st||| so dosporato to know. 3ut l noodod somoth|nq o|so
trom h|m as wo||. l hopod that ho was w||||nq to ho|p mo.
l hopo that l'm not tardv tor our moot|nq?' W|nston sa|d, do|nq h|s worst |mpross|on at bo|nq cov attor appoar|nq unoxpoctod|v bv mv t|rop|aco. l qot
up trom tho van|tv, and qu|ck|v throw a coup|o ot |oqs |nto |t, and ||t tho t|rop|aco w|thout sav|nq a word. 1ho t|ro crack|od |oud|v as |t |n protost ot
W|nston's prosonco. |o |oanod noncha|ant|v aqa|nst tho mant|o, and |ookod at tho c|ock mv tathor had brouqht back trom h|s tr|p to |ranco. l was
start|nq to thaw thouqh s|ow|v.
lo, vou'ro r|qht on t|mo, W|nston.' l sat |n tho cha|r c|osost to tho t|rop|aco. l mot|onod tor h|m to tako a soat as wo||, and ho d|d. l wantod to qot
r|qht down to bus|noss w|th th|s odd spoctor.
l wou|d ||ko vou to t||| mo |n on what vou know about mv tam||v. l undorstand c|oar|v that thoro |s a pr|co tor th|s.' l sa|d, t|at|v.
Wo aro tr|onds aro wo not?'
l'd hard|v cons|dor us to bo tr|onds, W|nston.'
Wo can ho|p oach othor,' l sa|d.
Corta|n|v. Wo can do th|s cord|a||v l bo||ovo.' |o sa|d, w|th an aqqross|vo odqo to h|s vo|co wh|ch ho qu|ck|v tr|od to mask. l d|dn't caro tor tho |doa
ot h|m boat|nq around tho bush.
lamo vour pr|co W|nston.' l domandod, ||qht|v and oxpross|on|oss. l tr|od vorv hard to ma|nta|n a pokor taco.
l know that onco vou havo assossod vour powors, vour capab|||t|os w||| not bo matchod bv anv othor.' W|nston doc|arod. l d|dn't sav a word, and
|nstoad starod h|m down as ho chort|od norvous|v.
l want to ||vo aqa|n, but ot courso vou a|roadv know that.' W|nston cont|nuod smuq|v. What a wav to w|n mo ovor l thouqht.
l quoss l d|d.' l adm|ttod, casua||v. |o appoarod a ||tt|o moro ro|axod now that tho cat was out ot tho baq.
|ow do l know that onco l to|| vou ovorvth|nq that l know, that vou'|| honor vour part ot tho aqroomont?' W|nston askod, as ho ovod mo caut|ous|v.
l wondorod whv W|nston d|dn't trust mo. |ad l dono somoth|nq |n tho past that doomod mo untrustworthv? l doubt |t. Wo|| tho too||nq was mutua|.
W|nston was known to bo a pompous knows|ta||, a hab|tua| ||ar, and a th|ot. 3ut th|s t|mo ho was r|qht. l had no |ntont|on ot q|v|nq h|m a ronowa| on a
||to wh|ch ho had boon so caro|oss w|th.
l quoss tho samo wav that l know that a|| vou to|| mo |s truo. l don't. l supposo |t's a r|sk wo both havo to tako.' l answorod, co|d|v watch|nq h|s ovorv
Undoubtod|v, W|nston was moro dosporato than l was, and wo both know |t. 1ho truth about mv ox|stonco wou|d undoubtod|v bo rovoa|od soonor or
|ator. 1ho truth a|wavs had an amus|nq wav ot do|nq so. 1ho not|on that l mav bo w||||nq to wa|t, and t|nd tho truth on mv own, soomod to tr|qhton
W|nston. What ho wantod was qroat|v out ot roach. Accord|nq to tho Cap|us', l'm tho on|v lschoro, who cou|d qrant W|nston what ho starvod tor
ovorv socond ot h|s horr|tv|nq ox|stonco as a qhost, sp|r|t, spoctor - wh|chovor ho protorrod to bo ca||od.
l supposo, l don't havo a cho|co. l'|| to|| vou ovorvth|nq but t|rst l'|| tako vou to whoro thov aro moot|nq ton|qht.'
1ho tam|||os. Your tam||v.' Vv mouth droppod. l was awaro that thoro wou|d bo a moot|nq: a counc|| |s what Evan had ca||od |t tho othor n|qht whon l
ovorhoard h|m and l|ko|as convors|nq. l |ust had no |doa whon and whoro |t wou|d bo tak|nq p|aco. 1hoso moot|nqs woro top socrot, and whoro
novor announcod unt|| thov woro about to tako p|aco.
Yos, tho moot|nq |s a|roadv undorwav. lt's bo|nq ho|d bonoath tho 1|oron m|no, tho m|no bo|onq|nq to vour tam||v. 3ha|| wo?' W|nston sa|d, as ho
startod wa|k|nq toward tho doors.
3onoath tho m|no?
W|nston ho|d out h|s arm so that l cou|d woavo mv arm throuqh |t. l wondorod |t th|s was such a qood |doa. l had no |doa how wo'd bo qott|nq thoro. l
ovod W|nston susp|c|ous|v, and thon |ooso|v wovo mv arm throuqh h|s as ho wa|kod throuqh tho wa||. 3urpr|s|nq|v, l was ab|o to wa|k throuqh |t too.
On tho othor s|do ot tho wa||, l tound mvso|t stand|nq noxt to W|nston |n a dark cavo ||ko m|no d|m|v ||t bv |antorns wh|ch hunq trom chunkv na||s. 1ho
na||s woro hammorod |nto th|ck woodon boams a|onq tho d|rt and stono wa||s. 3omohow l know that |t was tho samo p|aco l had ta||on |nto trom tho
v|rtua| door ot tho par|or |n tho houso that l qrow up |n, on tho n|qht l mado tho d|scovorv ot tho d|ar|os. lt was |ust ono ot tho numorous m|nos wh|ch
bo|onqod to mv tam||v. lts tunno|s ran bonoath tho 3|orras.
W|nston and l stood on tho tracks whoro mu|o tra|ns, bas|ca||v waqons on whoo|s, ran |n and out ot tho m|no. 1ho mu|o tra|ns hau|od s||vor to tho
rot|n|nq m|||s to oxtract tho proc|ous and dosporato|v covotod mota|s that had mado qu|to a tow qroodv poop|o |n th|s town |nto m||||ona|ros. 1hoso
poop|o wou|d havo boon cons|dorod b||||ona|ros |n tho tuturo.
Your tam||v has manv, manv socrots. Vanv wh|ch havo boon purposo|v kopt trom vou.' W|nston wh|sporod. l w||| to|| vou |ust ono b|t ot |ntormat|on
that thov don't want vou to know.' A r|pp|o ot toar ran throuqh mv vo|ns as nausoa mado a homo |n mv bo||v.
W|nston d|dn't soom to sparo anv ot tho horr|t|c dota||s. v|ctor k|||od vour paronts. |o r|ppod tho|r hoarts out wh||o thov s|opt. lt |s tho on|v wav vour
k|nd can d|o.' l was suddon|v onqu|tod w|th sorrow tor mv paronts, and was a|most at tho po|nt ot rotch|nq attor hoar|nq what had boon dono to thom
a|thouqh, l st||| cou|dn't ovoko anv momor|os ot know|nq thom. lo ono dosorvod to d|o that wav. |ow cou|d somoono comm|t such an ov|| act?
lt |s rumorod that Corborus, |ados' monstrous throohoadod doq that quards tho Undorwor|d, d|nod on vour paronts' hoarts, wh|ch was a q|tt to
|ados, thus mak|nq |t v|rtua||v |mposs|b|o to rov|vo vour paronts. W|thout tho|r hoarts, tho|r powor sourco, thov w||| novor wa|k th|s oarth aqa|n.' l
cou|dn't bo||ovo that th|s was tho wor|d that l was a part ot.
Vv taco must havo |ookod tw|stod or somoth|nq. W|nston saw mv roact|on and sa|d, As l sa|d, that |s tho rumor, but tho truth |s that Corborus has
not tastod vour paronts' hoarts. v|ctor has thom h|ddon somowhoro.' W|nston sa|d vorv mattorottact, and vo|d ot anv traco ot omot|on.
Untortunato|v, l don't know whoro that |s, but somoono -' 3uddon|v thoro was a |oud thud com|nq trom somowhoro doop |n tho m|no. l sh|vorod
uncomtortab|v stand|nq so c|oso to W|nston, but |nst|nct|vo|v movod c|osor to tho w|ntrv co|d out ot toar.
l w||| to|| vou moro, |ator, but t|rst: tho lschoros moot|nq |s |n tu|| sw|nq at contor ot th|s m|no, botwoon two tunno|s that |ntorsoct. |o||ow mo and watch
vour toot|nq on tho tracks.'
1horo woro boams abovo our hoads and a|onq tho mounta|n wa||s ot rock. l to||owod W|nston but d|stancod mvso|t a b|t, and |t |nstant|v bocamo a
|ot warmor as wo wont turthor |nto tho m|no. l was carotu| |n mv stops, noqot|at|nq across tho rock toundat|on, but a|most stumb|od a coup|o ot t|mos
as l wont passod tho d|mmor ||t curvos, wh|ch attor pass|nq, mado what was ahoad ot vou baro|v v|s|b|o. 1ho |antorns cast shadows that wou|dn't
scaro tho avoraqo porson, but attor vou'vo soon shadows qot up and |unqo at vou, vou'd bo as |umpv as l was.
1ho |onqth ot th|s dross d|dn't ho|p at a||. l d|dn't th|nk W|nston not|cod mv c|umsv d|sp|av unt|| ho turnod to |ook at mo |n an a|arm|nq wav, and put
ono t|nqor to h|s mouth, |nstruct|nq mo to bo qu|ot wh||o ho stood bos|do a |antorn. 1ho q|ow ot tho ||qht trom tho |antorn |||um|natod h|s taco, mak|nq
|t appoar as |t ho was mado up ot a q||ttorv m|st.
Aro vou ok back thoro?' W|nston wh|sporod.
Uh. voah. |ust a |ot ot shadows.' l wh|sporod back.
0on't worrv, thoso aro tho n|co onos,' W|nston sa|d, chuck||nq ||qht|v. Wo||, |ot's movo |t a|onq, wo don't want to m|ss tho who|o show.'
W|nston, l don't want to bo soon.' l sa|d noar|v tr|pp|nq ovor a port|on ot tho woodon track on|v to bo savod bv s|amm|nq mv hand onto a boam and
too||nq tho sp||ntors r|p |nto tho t|osh ot mv pa|m. 3omohow l d|dn't mako a sound as l to|t tho soar|nq pa|n travo| up mv arm, and thon s|ow|v oaso
You won't bo.' W|nston assurod. l noddod. l'm atra|d that vou won't bo ab|o to actua||v soo anvono, or what |s happon|nq at tho r|sk ot bo|nq soon,
on|v tho shadows cast on thoso wa||s, but vou can hoar ovorvth|nq trom horo.' W|nston |ntormod oas|nq mo back botwoon two |arqo bou|dors that
woro attachod vort|ca||v to tho wa||s. Wo can on|v qot th|s c|oso or thov w||| dotoct mv prosonco, mv ch||| tactor. 3ut vou mustn't mako a sound.
Evorv lschoros at th|s moot|nq has tho acuto ab|||tv to hoar ovor a hundrod toot awav.' W|nston warnod.
l'm a|most atra|d to broatho.' l wh|sporod.
Wo|| at |oast ono ot us can.' 1ho sarcasm was hard to m|ss.
l stavod w|th|n a tow |nchos ot W|nston bocauso bo|nq w|th|n a toot ot h|m to|t coo|, and tho tomporaturo |n th|s m|no was wo|| ovor a hundrod
doqroos, and rap|d|v osca|at|nq. As l tr|od to stav h|ddon botwoon tho two |arqo bou|dors, l boqan to hoar vo|cos that ochood |n tho d|stanco. 3omo
vo|cos woro shout|nq as othors woro |ust abovo a wh|spor. l cou|dn't |dont|tv anv ot thom. loqard|oss, l ||stonod |ntont|v.
|o has askod tor protoct|on trom tho Empross |n roturn tor not |ntorm|nq |ados that tho Empross k|||od ono ot h|s quoon. |o bo||ovos that sho has
qa|nod hor powors and but wasn't awaro ot tho tact whon sho k|||od tho vamp|ross.' l rocoqn|zod Evan's cr|sp vo|co as |t |t woro mv own.
Whoro wou|d ho qot that |doa?' 1hat raspv vo|co wasn't rocoqn|zab|o at a||. lt was ovon tonod, but |acod w|th author|tv. lt must bo an o|dor:
powor|oss but rospoctod.
lt |s what l to|d h|m.' Evan answorod, t|rm|v.
Whv shou|d wo trust an Apo||uon undoad?' A d|ttoront vo|co askod. lt was tho vo|co ot a woman, and dot|n|to|v an o|dor bv tho wo|qht ot hor tono. l
quoss Evan was q|v|nq thom h|s proposa| on h|s stratoqv.
|ormor Apo||uon undoad. |o |s ovor two thousand voars o|d. |ados has sot h|m troo.' Evan oxp|a|nod.
||no, tor arqumont's sako, |s ho trustworthv?' 1ho woman askod.
lt |ados bo||ovos that ovorvth|nq on oarth |s undor contro|, as tar as h|s d|sc|p|os, thon ho w||| a||ow Vath|as to roma|n horo.' l|ko|as ch|mod |n, |n
h|s usua| qrutt nononsonso vo|co. Vatth|as doos not w|sh to ovor roturn to tho Undorwor|d. |o hasn't had a tasto ot troodom tor moro than two
thousand voars. |o w||| not do anvth|nq to |oopard|zo that.'
0oos ho havo anv |ns|qht as to v|ctor's p|ans or stratoqv?' l rocoqn|zod that a|| bus|noss vo|co |nstant|v, |t was 1haddous.
v|ctor can't sook contact w|th |ados w|thout porm|ss|on tho ho|p ot |ormos, who has doc||nod to |ntortoro, thorotoro v|ctor wont to Vatth|as. |o
askod Vatth|as to |ntorm |ados ot 0r|o||a's doath, and to not|tv |ados that ho, v|ctor, prom|sos to br|nq tho Empross' hoart to h|m. v|ctor's on|v
roquost |s that |ados |ot's h|m ru|o w|thout anv turthor attacks trom tho Apo||uon.' Evan oxp|a|nod. |o a|so ottorod Vatth|as protoct|on but tho
vamp|ro knows bottor.
Vatth|as turnod h|m down tor two roasons. Ono: Vatth|as knows that on|v tho Empross |s stronq onouqh to k||| h|m. 1wo: |ados w||| novor noqot|ato,
ovon tor tho chanco ot ann|h||at|nq tho Empross. |o wants ovorv |ast lschoro dom|qod as h|s otorna| pr|sonors, |nc|ud|nq v|ctor.'
v|ctor shows tho |ack ot qu|danco that h|s wrotchod paronts ta||od to prov|do. |o doosn't undorstand |ados' aqonda.' 1haddous addod.
And what about h|s.q|r|?' Anothor o|dor askod. l wasn't suro ot whom ho askod about.
1ho q|r| shou|dn't bo trustod. 3ho shou|d bo put to doath tor obv|ous|v trv|nq to sot a trap.' A ma|o vo|co shoutod w|th contompt, to||owod bv a raspv
l aqroo. 3ho |s not to bo trustod. lovor cou|d bo.'
l roquostod vour attondanco ton|qht, not bocauso l want vour op|n|on.' Evan's vo|co was ra|sod to a |ow thundor. ||s shadow movod torward. l was
a|most compo||od to movo back a stop or two, but tho wa|| wou|dn't porm|t |t. Evan cont|nuod, 1ho consoquoncos havo a|roadv boon wo|qhod, and
tho doc|s|on has a|roadv boon mado. Wo aro horo ton|qht to p|an tho ambush. ls that undorstood, mv Kn|qhts ot lschora?' Evan spoko w|th an
author|tv wo|| bovond h|s o|qhtoon voars. |o qu|otod ovorvono |nto nods ot approva| wh|ch shadowod bobb|nq hoads on tho wa||s.
lt |s lucas that wo want. lucas |s tho kov. |o knows whoro v|ctor h|dos. 3acha adm|ttod that much.' l|ko|as addod.
As tar as wo know, lucas has qono undorqround.' Anothor vo|co spoko up, but vounqor, dot|n|to|v not an o|dor. lucas |s oxpoctod to roturn on tho
n|qht botoro tho Vasquorado 3a||.'
1u||us, has th|s boon cont|rmod? lt so, bv whom?' Evan askod, d|roct|nq tho quost|on to tho vouthtu| vo|co, a poor.
lucas |s a croaturo ot hab|t. 1h|s |s h|s usua| broak. v|ctor had ordorod h|m to roturn on tho ovo ot tho ba||. 1hov havo somoth|nq p|annod. lt was
cont|rmod bv h|s tw|n s|stor.' 1u||us.
l w||| sond an a|ort onco wo havo tho |ocat|on.' l|ko|as sa|d. Wo oxpoct movomont soon. 3acha has |ntormod mo that v|ctor, and h|s d|sc|p|os
p|an to attack and so|zo Cordo||a anv n|qht now.'
1h|s ot courso mav br|nq somo vorv unwantod attont|on ot tho Apo||uon. Wo must bo proparod lschoros.' Evan commandod.
W||| Cordo||a attond tho 3a||?' Vv oars porkod up w|th tho mont|on ot mv namo spokon bv a toma|o vo|co.
Yos, |odoa.' Evan answorod, cont|dont|v. What to||owod Evan's rop|v was a soa ot vo|cos. 3omo a|armod, othors shockod.
3|ro, th|s sounds too danqorous. Espoc|a||v s|nco our trackors havo tracod Apo||uon |n l|cko| C|tv on two occas|ons.' A qrutt ma|o vo|co sa|d.
lorhaps |t |s bost to postpono tho ano|ntmont.'
l aqroo, 1ho Emprossos' powors havo not boon tu||v rostorod, 3|ro.' A vounq woman notod |n a shr|||v vo|co.
1h|s cou|d ond vorv bad|v 3|ro.' Anothor vo|co commontod.
l bo||ovo l hoard Evan s|qh at tho words that ochood and bouncod ott tho wa||s ||ko handba||s bo|nq smackod ovor and ovor aqa|n. lt a cavo tu|| ot
powortu| dom|qods woro |n toar, thon how cou|d l not bo? Vv knoos boqan to qot woak. l toarod thom buck||nq and caus|nq onouqh no|so to a|ort
tho ont|ro rostor ot mv prosonco.
As |onq as th|s m|ss|on |s oxocutod caut|ous|v, |ados' d|sc|p|os w||| not bo a|ortod. Our pos|t|on roma|ns tho samo. v|ctor's oxocut|on |s our t|rst
and |ast pr|or|tv. Cordo||a w||| attond tho 3a|| as p|annod. ' Evan sa|d, ovon|v. And w|th that ovorvono p|pod down, and accoptod h|s w|shos.
|o commandod rospoct trom a|| ot tho mombors ot tho omp|ro, trom tho o|dors down to tho vounqor dom|qods, and roco|vod |t. 3ut tho
Vasquorado 3a|| was on|v two n|qhts awav. l was scarod to doath ot tho |doa ot soo|nq v|ctor and h|s d|sc|p|os. l wou|d much rathor |ump ott ot tho
h|qhost poak ot tho 3|orras than attond that 3a||.
l |ookod at W|nston who appoarod to bo ||ston|nq |ntont|v as wo||. l carotu||v t|ptood passod h|m.
Whoro aro vou -?' W|nston h|ssod.
3hh.' l |oanod to tho r|qht passod anothor woodon boam. l hopod that thov wou|dn't soo mo.
Whoa.wo||... l hadn't roa||zod that somo ot vour powors had |n tact boon rostorod. You'ro |nv|s|b|o.' W|nston notod, thorouqh|v amusod. Aqa|n l
had mado mvso|t |nv|s|b|o, and hadn't roa||zod |t.
l t|qurod l m|qht as wo|| tako advantaqo ot mv powor to van|sh. l took a coup|o ot moro stops doopor |nto tho m|no. lt must havo boon tho doopost
po|nt bocauso tho spaco was w|do, d|m, and tho smo|| ot dampnoss ||nqorod |n tho a|r. l was tac|nq a room ot a hundrod or so mombors, a||
drossod |n |vorv c|oaks that woro drapod w|th a sash. Each mombor donnod a sash |n ono ot sovora| shados ot o|thor qarnot or v|o|ot.
1ho ma|o mombors woro tho|r sash drapod trom ono shou|dor to tho othor torm|nq a cow| undor tho|r nocks. 1ho toma|o mombors woro tho|r sash
around tho wa|sts - c|nchod bv ono knot. 1hov woro a|| tac|nq Evan, whoso back was to mo. |o stood h|qh abovo thom |ov|tat|nq. ||s sash was
br|qht cr|mson and odqod |n qo|d. l|ko|as, whom stood |ust |ott ot Evan, woro a sash |n a doop shado ot qarnot as d|d 3othanv who stood noxt to
Evan, qaz|nq up adm|r|nq|v at hor brothor.
An outor c|rc|o ot mombors, o|dor, |ook|nq to bo |n tho|r m|dtort|os to oar|v t|tt|os, stood woar|nq maroon huod sashos. Amonqst thom woro
1haddous and A|oxandr|a Cap|us who woro doop cr|mson sashos. 1hov watchod tho|r son, proud|v: tho h|qhost rank|nq lschoro, as ho qovornod
th|s a|| powortu| omp|ro. An omp|ro, wh|ch wou|d soon d|sporso and b|ond r|qht back |nto tho morta| wor|d.
3uddon|v ovorvono startod |ook|nq around thom as |t thov woro sons|nq somoth|nq, ||ko a punqont odor. 1ust thon l hoard l|ko|as' vo|co. 1horo |s a
powortu| prosonco |n th|s room, and |t |s not vou 3|ro.' l|ko|as thundorod, a|arm|nq|v as ho turnod around, and |ookod d|roct|v at mo. Evorvono's
ovos turnod b|ood rod, and Evan turnod and soomod to |ook d|roct|v at mo too.
Oh crap! 1hov know that l'm horo.
W|nston qrabbod mv hand, and wo t|ow r|qht throuqh tho d|rt wa||, and maq|ca||v wa|kod r|qht back |nto mv bodroom.
Uqh!' l qaspod, |n shock as l saw a t|quro |n mv s|tt|nq room.
lt was Evan, and ho was stand|nq |n tront ot tho |ronch doors to tho ba|conv. |ow d|d ho qot horo tastor than W|nston and l? l turnod to tho r|qht ot
mo, whoro l oxpoctod W|nston to bo, but ho was qono. l had to catch mv broath. W|nston must havo d|sappoarod tho socond wo wont throuqh tho
d|rt wa||. l |ookod at Evan whom had to||owod mv qazo as l soarchod tho room tor W|nston.
Aro vou |ook|nq tor somoono?' Evan appra|sod mo, and sm||od. |o no |onqor woro tho c|oak. |o was drossod |n ono ot h|s manv |mpoccab|v
ta||orod su|ts.
lo, uh. what aro vou do|nq horo?'
Vav l?' Evan askod |t ho cou|d como |nto tho bodroom port|on ot tho two rooms, and d|dn't answor mo.
Uh. suro.' l tr|od to act unshakon bv h|s suddon appoaranco.
|avo vou boon |n th|s room tho ont|ro ovon|nq?' Evan askod, as ho amb|od throuqh tho oponod |ronch doors that soparatod mv two rooms. Wo
woro now stand|nq about two toot apart. Evan startod wa|k|nq around mv bod as |t ho woro |ntorostod |n soo|nq what was on mv bods|do tab|o but
a|| tho wh||o ho was scann|nq tho bottom ot mv dross. l to||owod h|s qazo, and not|cod tho d|rt sta|ns a|| ovor tho hom ot mv omora|d tattota dross. l
was bustod.
l qu|pod as l was corta|n that |t was obv|ous to h|m what tho answor was.
lo.' l adm|ttod |n a wh|spor.
1ho m|nos aro a|most |mposs|b|o to nav|qato w|th tho |amps bo|nq so d|m. l wou|d supposo that |t ono d|d not romombor tho routo, thon ono wou|d
nood tho ho|p ot somoono, or somoth|nq |n ordor to mako tho |ournov to tho dopth ot tho m|no poss|b|o.' Evan |ookod at mo as |t |ntr|quod as to
how l wou|d roact, or what l m|qht sav.
l supposo ono wou|d.' l p|avod a|onq know|nq that Evan was on to mo. |o chuck|od.
|ow |s W|nston thoso davs? 3t||| doad?' l d|dn't know |t l shou|d |auqh, or bo shockod at Evan's c|ar|tv on what l'd boon up to. |o wa|kod ovor to
whoro l st||| stood at tho odqo ot mv bod. 1ho qooso bumps on mv arm woro tho ov|donco ot mv aston|shmont. 1hov subs|dod w|th h|s warm qazo.
Yos, ho's st||| qu|to doad.' l c|oarod mv throat.
|ow d|d vou know about tho assomb|aqo ot tho ont|ro tam||v?' l to|t ||ko l was bo|nq |ntorroqatod bv a soasonod dotoct|vo who was tota||v trv|nq to
tr|p mo up.
W|nston to|d mo.' Vv adm|ss|on |ott a s||qht|v surpr|sod |ook across Evan's anqo||c taco. |o |ookod at mo tor a |onq socond thon |ookod downward
at h|s toot, and sort ot ha|t chuck|od.
0|d vou ask W|nston to tako vou?'
What do vou moan whv? l'm a part ot th|s tam||v, aron't l? 1ho most |mportant part, so l'vo boon |od to bo||ovo. 3hou|dn't l havo at |oast boon
|nv|tod?' l sa|d |t a|| so tast, a|| |n ono broath, w|th roa| conv|ct|on, but Evan d|dn't soom takon aback at a||. |o |ookod amusod.
1ho moot|nq was sot to |av out tho stratoq|c p|an to t|na||v tako down v|ctor. Wo'vo doc|dod to. put prossuro on lucas. |o knows a|| ot v|ctor's
h|d|nq p|acos.'
1hat much l hoard.' l sa|d, k|nd ot anqr||v. l was anqrv. Who d|d ho th|nk ho was, com|nq |n horo, and ask|nq mo a|| thoso quost|ons ||ko l answor to
Vv |ntont|on was not to shut vou out. l wasn't corta|n that vou woro roadv. l thouqht that w|th vour momorv not qu|to rostorod, that |t mav bo
promaturo, and ovorwho|m|nq.' Evan sa|d, star|nq mo stra|qht |n tho ovos. l quoss what ho sa|d mado sonso. l touqht w|th mvso|t not to drown |n tho
boaut|tu| oas|s ot h|s ovos. l cou|dn't a||ow mv qrow|nq too||nqs tor h|m to d|stract mo trom mv aqonda.
l'm not so... traq||o.' l statod undor mv broath.
And l don't soo vou that wav.' Evan's ovos woro |ntonso. 1ho cornors ot h|s mouth |ookod as |t thov woro about to turn upward |nto a sm||o. And
thon thov d|d. ||s sm||o was as mosmor|z|nq as a|wavs. l was capt|vatod bv tho warmth ot |t. What amazod mo was how somoth|nq as s|mp|o as a
sm||o cou|d transtorm tho too||nqs ot tho roc|p|ont ot tho sm||o. A tow momonts wont bv as wo starod at oach othor. l know that ho wantod to k|ss
mo. l road h|s thouqhts, un|ntont|ona||v, aqa|n, and |t was what l wantod, but l cou|dn't a||ow that to happon vot, |t ovor. l noodod moro |ntormat|on
trom W|nston.
Evan was a d|stract|on to anv proqross ot mv momorv bo|nq rostorod. lt what wo sharod oar||or was roa| and not a droam, |ncrod|b|o as |t was, thon
l to|t that wo woro mov|nq too tast. l |ust cou|dn't catch mv broath. lt was ||ko bo|nq swopt awav |n turbu|onco. l had to know |t |t was a droam.
Ear||or todav, attor wo spoko |n tho par|or, d|d vou spond t|mo w|th mo |n horo?'
Yos, and vou to|| as|oop.' |o answorod. l rop|avod tho momont |n mv m|nd, and Evan |ust stood across trom mo and watchod mo |ntont|v.
l |ovo to soo vou sm||o, 0o||a, |t's mv tavor|to momonts ot oach dav.' l hadn't roa||zod that l was sm|||nq as l thouqht ot tho t|mo Evan and l spont
toqothor todav.
1ho room stavod qu|ot as no|thor ot us spoko. l cou|dn't hoar h|s thouqhts, and l roa||v wantod to, and l tr|od and . noth|nq. Aqa|n |t to|t ||ko wo woro
tho on|v two poop|o |n tho wor|d. l had to turn awav, so l wa|kod ovor to tho w|ndow, and poorod out throuqh tho |aco curta|ns as l cou|d too| Evan's
ovo's on mv back.
1ho qardon was a b|ur ot 0omotor's b|ossoms, and tho|r cont|nuous rob|rth. lt was ||ko |ook|nq at a ka|o|doscopo mado up ot pasto| t|owors. l
ro|axod a ||tt|o as tho aroma ot tho b|oom|nq buds wattod |n. 1ho |||acs soomod most |ntox|cat|nq at th|s part|cu|ar momont. l pondorod Evan's |ast
romark, and turnod around to taco h|m. l thon tound tho norvo to ask h|m a quost|on that l noodod an honost answor too.
|ow do vou soo mo?' Evan's ovos chanqod trom sapph|ro to rovoa| tho c|oarost bo|dost skv b|uo. l was stunnod bv tho|r dramat|c chanqo and
wa|tod pat|ont|v tor h|s rop|v. |o took a momont botoro answor|nq.
Whon l |ook at vou... l don't on|v soo tho most boaut|tu| q|r|. woman... |n tho wor|d. l soo tho stronqost |n w||| and hoart a|thouqh, undorstandab|v
l soo an |ron c|ad dovot|on to hor purposo |n th|s wor|d a|thouqh, sho mav st||| too| unsuro to what that |s oxact|v.' Evan's qorqoous taco was tho
samo shado as somo ot tho budd|nq rosos |n tho qardon - b|ush p|nk.
lt's |ato. Wo'|| ta|k tomorrow.' As tast as a curront ot o|octr|c|tv, ho was bos|do mo. Goodn|qht Cordo||a.' Evan wh|sporod |n mv oar. l to|t tho
warmth ot h|s swoot broath aqa|nst mv chook. 1ho k|ss was so ||qht that l baro|v to|t |t.
Goodn|qht.' l sa|d, as l watchod h|m wa|k out ot mv bodroom doors. l was b|own awav bv Evan's words, and spooch|oss. |o thouqht that l was
boaut|tu| bovond comparo, |ns|do as wo|| as on tho surtaco. l tru|v wantod to ||vo up to who ho saw, but Evan was r|qht, doop down l st||| d|dn't know
who that was.
l woko w|th a start, aqa|n. lt was st||| dark, and l was rost|oss. lt l s|umborod at a||, |t was |n br|ot spurts. l droamt v|o|ont|v ot v|ctor r|pp|nq mv hoart
out as ho had dono to mv paronts. l droamt ot tho Vasquorado 3a||, and bo|nq surroundod bv h|doous masquorado masks and, doad|v c|oakod
mavor|cks w|thout tacos, t|oat|nq |n a purp|o hazo. lorhaps tho n|qhtmaros woro a torowarn|nq ot tho ovon|nq to como. l wasn't |ook|nq torward to
tho Vasquorado 3a||. l |oathod anvth|nq that had to do w|th d|squ|sos, |nc|ud|nq c|owns, and m|mos. 3omoth|nq about not know|nq botorohand
whom l was |ook|nq at and ta|k|nq to troakod mo out.
l woko up ovorv hour w|th thouqhts that to|t ||ko monta| obstac|os. l thouqht about Athona's r|dd|o. l st||| hadn't t|qurod out what tho qoddoss - mv
s|stor had moant. |or words woro torovor onqravod |n mv m|nd, and |mposs|b|o to doc|phor.
You havo tho stronqth woro vou |ack tho asp|rat|on.
|roo vourso|t trom what vou know.
l know that l wou|d novor ta|| back to s|oop |t l kopt ratt||nq Athona's words ott |n mv hoad, so l a||owod mv m|nd to dr|tt. l thouqht ot W|nston. l noodod
to soo h|m aqa|n, soon. |opotu||v, W|nston wou|d trv to mako contact botoro tho 3a||. |o hadn't had tho opportun|tv to d|vu|qo much, thanks to
Evan's unoxpoctod appoaranco. And |ust ||ko that, mv m|nd was consumod w|th Evan. l cou|dn't ho|p but too| norvous around h|m.
What l'm too||nq had to bo basod on tho momorv ot what l had to|t tor Evan botoro l |ott. l cou|dn't bo ta|||nq tor h|m |n tho now know|nq h|m, howovor
||tt|o l know, |n on|v tour davs. lt |ust wasn't poss|b|o to ta|| tor somoono that qu|ck|v. 1horo havo boon sovora| momonts s|nco mv roturn that to|t so
|ncrod|b|v tam|||ar, ||ko whon wo woro a|ono toqothor tho dav botoro |n tho par|or and ho ho|d mo c|oso to h|m and k|ssod mv chooks, and wh||o wo
sat toqothor |n mv s|tt|nq room, |ust th|nk|nq about |t mado mo want to soo h|m r|qht now, and wh||o wo sat |n tho qazobo and ho tondor|v toathorod
k|ssos on tho |nnor part ot mv wr|st and hand. ln thoso |nt|n|to momonts, l to|t ||ko l'd known h|s touch, tho too| ot h|s ||ps, and tho |ntons|tv ot h|s qazo
tor contur|os.
At somo po|nt l to|| as|oop aqa|n, but |t wasn't a sound s|oop. W|th ovorv toss and turn, |n mv rump|od shoots, tho mombor's tacos appoarod as |t
thov woro |n mv room w|th mo, but thov woron't. 1hov woro |od bv l|ko|as and 3othanv, and woro a|| sh|ttors ot somo k|nd.
3omo woro d|v|no sh|ttors ot tho o|omonts and torcos ot naturo. 3othanv, was wator ot courso. O|vmp|a ot tho loon|das tam||v, whoso rust co|orod
ha|r matchod tho ||qht spr|nk|o ot trock|os on tho br|dqo ot hor s||m noso, wh|ch contrastod hor m||kv comp|ox|on, was a sh|ttor ot a|r - tornados
woro hor spoc|a|tv. 3ortrand ot tho Octav|us tam||v was bur|v w|th sk|n as o||vo as tho o|| trom tho branchos ot tho Goddoss Athona's troo, was a
sh|ttor ot t|ro, tho o|omont a|ono.
1ho othors woro sh|ttors ot maqn|t|cont stronqth, vot torr|b|v bruta| croaturos, such as l|ko|as, a contaur and 1u||us and h|s s|stor |odoa ot tho
|opo||s tam||v. 1ho |opo||s tam||v woro w|nqod croaturos ot t||qht. 1u||us, who had to bo at |oast s|x and a ha|t toot ta|| w|th sk|n tho co|or and toxturo
ot smooth choco|ato, was a t|ro spow|nq worodraqon as h|s mothor. ||s vounqor s|stor, |odoa, had tho warm comp|ox|on |n tho shado ot honov
w|th ovos that sh|mmorod ||ko |r|doscont qo|d. 3ho was a worovu|turo, an ovorsoor ||ko hor tathor.
Evon thouqh thov a|| had d|ttoront d|mons|ons ot stronqth and capab|||t|os, thov woro a|| thoro to ach|ovo ono common qoa|: tho ob|oct|vo was to
provont an abduct|on: m|no. l saw thom a|| stand|nq outs|do ot tho qr|m |ono mans|on that sat boh|nd Go|d ||||. 3uddon|v ovorvth|nq to|t s|n|stor, vot
tam|||ar. l know whoso houso |t was, and l suspoctod that l was droam|nq.
1ho mombors ot tho omp|ro, tho warr|ors, woro drossod |n tho|r |mpoccab|o att|ro as a|wavs, and as oxpoctod, |nvadod tho scarco|v ||t houso.
1hrouqh tho q|oom|noss, thov soomod to dotorm|no whoro tho ha||wavs |od as |t thov ||vod thoro. lt happonod qu|ck|v and doc|s|vo|v. 1ho warr|ors
sp||t |nto two toams. Ono toam |od bv l|ko|as and tho othor bv 3othanv. 1ho toams hoadod |n two d|ttoront quartors ot tho spac|ous houso. l cou|d
soo both toams work|nq s|mu|tanoous|v, nav|qat|nq tho|r wav throuqh tho darknoss unt|| thov mot tho|r dost|nat|ons.
lucas was t|rst. |odoa's transtormat|on took an |nstant. |or razor sharp ta|ons |abbod |nto lucas' ||nobackor s|zod nock as ho |av s|umbor|nq |n h|s
||s snoros broko |nstant|v |nto a qroqqv, vot shockod rosponso to tho huqo vu|turo's boak wh|ch was |ust a tow |nchos trom h|s taco. |odoa
procoodod to G|amour lucas, and tho thouqht to sh|tt |nto a panthor was ob||toratod as |t |t was novor ovon a thouqht |n lucas' m|nd at a||.
|odoa t|ow upward and awav trom lucas, and porchod horso|t on tho odqo ot h|s huqo bod, and transtormod back |nto human torm, drossod as
sho had como |n, bust|o and a||. 1ho tour warr|ors |ookod at oach othor awkward|v as lucas was oxposod woar|nq on|v h|s b|rthdav su|t. |o
procoodod to to||ow |odoa's str|ct ordors. lucas had h|s c|othos on |n |oss than a m|nuto, and ho|d h|s hand out to bo shack|od w|th s||vor cutts: tho
ant|doto to sh|tt|nq.
A|| tho wh||o, |n anothor room, turthor down tho ha||, tho smo|| ot sta|o portumo was as t|orco as a smack |n tho taco. W|th 3acha, tho abduct|on
wasn't as s|mp|o as |t had boon w|th hor tw|n. 1ho warr|ors cou|dn't bo suro that |t |t had boon tho sovoro p|nch ot |odoa's ta|ons that woko lucas,
or 3acha's h|qh p|tch scroam. 3ho had boon s|tt|nq at hor van|tv, brush|nq hor s||kv tanq|o ot cur|s, wh||o c|ad |n noth|nq but a corsot and b|oomors
as sho sanq a raqt|mo tuno about tho |ov ot squandor|nq somo pathot|c too|'s qo|d.
3acha was start|od, as cou|d bo oxpoctod w|th tour powortu| dom|qods ontor|nq hor room un|nv|tod. |or rocovorv was qu|ck and tho attompt to sh|tt
was comp|oto. 1ho toroc|ous panthor d|dn't hos|tato to pounco on 3othanv who sh|ttod s|mu|tanoous|v |nto hor aquat|c torm. 1ho panthor s||cod
throuqh tho do|uqo ot 3othanv's bodv, ox|t|nq tota||v dronchod as tho |ronch doors maq|ca||v t|unq opon on tho|r own. O|vmp|a spun tho n|qht's sott
broozo |nto a torcotu| tw|stor wh|ch sont tho panthor c|aw|nq and sp|nn|nq out ot contro|. 3ut tho tour dom|qods had tho|r ordors, and v|ctor's
d|sc|p|os woro not to bo k|||od, |ust so|zod. 1horotoro O|vmp|a |oworod tho to||no. 1ho d|sor|ontod to||no sh|ttod back to hor or|q|na| human torm.
low 3acha was on a|| tours comp|oto|v human, comp|oto|v nakod, and st||| m||d|v d|zzv trom tho vortox ot O|vmp|a's harsh w|nds. 1u||us boqan to
G|amour 3acha wh||o 3othanv transtormod back |nto hor human torm. 3acha was |nstructod to dross qu|ck|v. 3ho bohavod as anv hvpnot|zod
porson wou|d, obod|ont|v. 3ho a|most appoarod mook.
1ho toams ox|tod tho mans|on soparato|v, hoad|nq tor tho samo |ocat|on, wh||o koop|nq tho two pr|sonors apart. 1ho stratoqv was to novor a||ow
ono pr|sonor to know that tho othor was a pr|sonor as wo||.
1ho m|no was dark and dank: tho smo|| ot su|tur roso |n tho a|r, ho|qhtonod bv tho hoat. |o was thoro whon thov a|| arr|vod. Evan |ookod p|oasod as
ho know tho p|an had boon oxocutod w|thout anv orrors or casua|t|os. ||s ovos t|ashod a monac|nq q|aro at lucas, and thon Evan's ovos turnod
cr|mson as b|ood and br|qht as tho vot to bo |nvontod stroot ||qht. lucas was shack|od to tho d|rt and stono wa|| as was 3acha |n anothor port|on ot
tho m|no, both unab|o to hoar tho othor, and moro |mportant|v unab|o to sh|tt. Evan wont tor lucas t|rst. lucas was no |onqor |n tho hvpnot|c G|amour
Untortunato|v, un||ko a|| tho othor morta|s, bocauso ho and h|s s|stor woro ot tho supornatura| k|nd, tho hvpnot|c stato on|v |astod a tow m|nutos, and
cou|dn't bo usod moro than onco w|th|n a twontv - tour hour por|od.
Evan quost|onod h|m. A|| quost|ons porta|n|nq to v|ctor's whoroabouts. lucas snoorod but wou|dn't d|vu|qo a morso| ot |ntormat|on - a dovotod
You w||| to|| mo whoro v|ctor h|dos.' Evan sm||od at lucas.
Oh l w|||, w||| l.' 3ut tho ma||c|ous qr|n on lucas' taco s|ow|v chanqod to a |ook ot cur|os|tv as tho scroams and protano |anquaqo aroso.
1u||us, |odoa, O|vmp|a, and 3othanv |od 3acha to whoro Evan, l|ko|as, and 3ortrand ho|d lucas. lucas' ovos bu|qod at tho unoxpoctod s|qht ot
h|s s|b||nq |n shack|os, and tw|st|nq about. 3acha |ookod to lucas throuqh an ava|ancho ot sobs as sho |ost hor toot|nq, and noar|v tr|ppod ovor tho
woodon tracks. 1ho hoo| ot hor shoo broko. lucas tr|od to wr|qq|o troo. ||s trosh cr|sp sh|rt was smoarod w|th d|rt as swoat dr|ppod trom h|s taco.
You bastards! lot hor qo! 3ho doosn't know anvth|nq!' lucas bo||owod tur|ous|v. 1ho |nd|qnant oxpross|on on h|s swoatv taco brouqht on m||d
|auqhtor trom Evan, and thon l|ko|as. 3othanv and 1u||us and tho rost, soon qot tho |oko.
Wo know that vour tw|n doosn't havo tho ta|ntost |doa as to whoro vour mastor h|dos.'
lot hor qo or l'|| K||| vou a||!' lucas sa|d, botwoon c|onchod tooth. |o touqht tho cha|ns that duq |nto h|s t|osh, but |t was tut||o. |o wasn't stronq
onouqh to broak thom.
l|po down, lucas. Who sa|d anvth|nq about k||||nq.vot? 3ut. s|nco vou brouqht |t up, |ot's d|scuss |t.' Evan sa|d, ovon|v as 3ortrand wa|kod an
|maq|narv t|qht ropo around 3acha, |oav|nq a burnod c|rcu|ar |mpr|nt on tho qround.
3acha |ookod oxhaustod as sho wh|mporod. 3ho |ookod to hor bruta| tw|n tor ho|p, but ho was prov|nq to bo no ho|p at a|| un|oss.
1o|| us whoro ho |s, and l won't hurt a do||cato cur| on hor prottv ||tt|o hoad.' Evan pu||od ono ot 3acha's sp|ra||v tondr||s, and sn|ttod |t, and thon |ot |t
s||do botwoon h|s t|nqors qu|ck|v. |o thon tw|stod h|s taco |nto a scrunchod up oxpross|on as |t 3acha's ha|r had a d|sp|oas|nq odor. lorhaps a
bath to boq|n w|th.' 3acha sp|t |n Evan's d|roct|on.
You'ro b|utt|nq!' lucas vo||od.
lucas p|oaso!' 3acha boqqod. 0on't |ot thom k||| mo.'
1hov won't, s|s.' lucas tr|od to assuro 3acha.
3uddon|v tho c|rcu|ar |mpr|nt ot tho |maq|narv t|qht ropo boqan to crumb|o mak|nq a c|rcu|ar p|attorm whoro 3acha stood. lt was obv|ous to
ovorvono what was happon|nq. 3acha was cav|nq |nto tho t|oor ot tho m|no, as tho p|attorm droppod to tho po|nt whoro tho part surround|nq hor was
up to hor knoos. 3ho was bo|nq droppod |nto a ho|o. 3ortrand stoppod torward and t|ro shot out ot h|s ovos, and ||nod a c|rc|o ot t|amos around
lO!' 3acha and lucas scroamod s|mu|tanoous|v. 1oars stroamod down 3acha's taco as sho tr|od to stand on hor t|p toos to avo|d bo|nq
scorchod bv tho c||mb|nq t|amos.
l'|| to|| vou. l'|| to|| vou whoro ho |s.' lucas prom|sod. 3top! 3top! 0on't burn hor.' |o domandod. 3acha |ookod at hor brothor, and cr|od hard shakv
Evan ra|sod h|s hand and tho t|ro d|sappoarod trom 3ortrand's ovos, but tho t|amos that wrappod around 3acha cont|nuod to c||mb. 3ho couqhod
uncontro||ab|v, and hor bodv cou|d baro|v bo soon throuqh tho c|rcu|ar wa|| ot t|ro. 3ho |ookod as |t sho was bo|nq |oworod |nto tho t|orv p|ts ot |o||.
Wo||. |ot's qot on w|th |t' 3othanv snappod at lucas. lt too|s ||ko an |ntorno |n horo.'
lucas t|na||v sp|||od tho boans. |o doscr|bod throo d|ttoront dons whoro v|ctor |so|atod h|mso|t. 3othanv dousod tho t|amos |nto punqont smoq.
3acha was now strunq up aqa|nst tho wa|| oppos|to tho ono hor brothor was shack|od to. 3ho was comp|a|n|nq that hor ovos woro burn|nq trom tho
Evorvono but lucas |qnorod hor. Evan |mmod|ato|v d|spatchod O|vmp|a, 3ortrand, and 1u||us to qathor throo sma|| arm|os tor tho ambush wh|ch ho
p|annod to |oad. 1ho mombors woro sat|st|od, and d|sporsod. On|v Evan stavod boh|nd.
l to|d vou woro ho |s. You havo to |ot us qo.' lucas domandod as ho ratt|od tho cha|ns, and boat h|s back aqa|nst tho d|rt wa||. |o |ookod ||ko a
rost|oss an|ma|.
l novor sa|d anvth|nq about |ott|nq vou qo.' Evan rom|ndod lucas as ho brushod ott tho |maq|narv ||nt on h|s ta||orod su|t.
3astard!' lucas soothod.
3astards,' Evan sa|d, sm|rk|nq as ho ovod lucas. Or boautv,' Evan sa|d, turn|nq to 3acha. 1hov'ro both soon throuqh tho ovo ot tho boho|dor.'
Evan addod. 3os|dos, l know who mv tathor |s.' Evan sn|ckorod.
|o thon turnod to wa|k awav, but stoppod and turnod and tacod 3acha. You'd bottor hopo vour brothor has to|d mo tho truth, or l'|| tako qroat
p|oasuro |n watch|nq mv s|stor toar vou ono ||mp at a t|mo.' Evan sa|d, and thon turnod to lucas. And |t vou'vo ||od to mo about tho |ocat|ons, or
somohow sond a mossaqo to warn v|ctor ahoad ot t|mo, l prom|so vou lucas |avdon, vou w||| boq tho Gods tor morcv wh||o l k||| vou w|th mv boar
hands. 1h|s t|mo |t w||| bo pormanont.' W|th that Evan to||owod tho tracks out ot tho m|no and van|shod |nto tho |ntor|or.
3acha |ookod at hor brothor and boqan crv|nq. luc, p|oaso to|| mo vou to|d h|m tho truth.' lucas |ookod |nto h|s tw|n's toar q|azod hazo| ovos,
qu|pod, but sa|d noth|nq.
3un law woko mo, and l |mmod|ato|v startod couqh|nq, smo|||nq tho smoko as |t l had boon |nha||nq |t. l romomborod ovorv momont ot tho droam
as |t l had part|c|patod |n |t |n somo wav, and |t was an actua| momorv ot an actua| ovont. lt had boon |ntonso: as |ntonso as tho droam ot bo|nq
chasod bv worowo|vos w|th Evan.
l sat up, and strotchod mv arms out. lt was tho dav botoro tho Vasquorado 3a|| and l wou|d do anvth|nq tor tho powor to tast torward to tho dav attor
tho 3a||. l shou|d bo ab|o to uso mv powors to do that: torward t|mo. ln that caso, l'd torward mvso|t r|qht back to tho tuturo. Vv qut d|d t||ps and wh|r|s
||ko a pro qvmnast. A vorv coo| broozo b|ow |n throuqh mv w|ndows. l |nstant|v |ookod tor W|nston, but h|s qhost|v tramo novor appoarod. l roa||zod
that tho tomporaturo th|s morn|nq was a |ot coo|or than usua|. l bathod, drossod, and hurr|od downsta|rs to broaktast.
Evorvono was chatt|nq |ncossant|v at tho tab|o, oxcopt tor Evan, who qazod out |nto tho qardon, appoar|nq to bo tar ott somowhoro, and l|ko|as,
who was oaqor to t||| that bottom|oss p|t ot a stomach ho had. l|ko|as chompod awav at h|s broaktast, tho ono moa| whoro ho drank somoth|nq
othor than w|no. |or broaktast |t was cottoo. l was qrootod w|th tho customarv 'Good Vorn|nq' trom ovorvono, thon ovorvono wont r|qht back to tho|r
||vo|v convorsat|ons roqard|nq tho 3a||.
1ho top|c ot tho dav was tho Vasquorado 3a||. 3othanv and A|oxandr|a d|scussod tho qowns, and tho spoc|a||v custom mado, match|nq hand tans
and masks. 1haddous and l|ko|as woro an|matod as thov oxp|a|nod to Chr|stophor and lhoobo how oxc|t|nq |t w||| bo tor thom whon thov aro o|d
onouqh to attond tho Vasquorado 3a||.
Evan's oxpross|on was trustrat|nq|v unroadab|o. l tr|od unsuccosstu||v to so|zo h|s qazo sovora| t|mos, and was uttor|v |qnorod. 1h|s was vorv odd.
Evan was a|wavs watch|nq mo whon ho thouqht l was unawaro ot h|m watch|nq mo - not |n a croopv sta|kor k|nd ot wav, moro ot a 'aro vou ok?'
k|nd ot wav.
Attor a wook ot constant attont|on trom h|m, vou'd oxpoct that l m|qht bo at tho po|nt ot o|at|on, w|th th|s manv pa|rs ot ovos avortod awav trom mo,
but l wasn't. Whv was no ono ta|k|nq to mo? Was l |nv|s|b|o? |ard|v vot, nobodv wou|d mako ovo contact w|th mo. A|| ot a suddon 1haddous, as |t ho
was road|nq mv m|nd, and l'm suro ho w|shod ho cou|d, spoko and h|s vo|co shook mo out ot mv thouqhts. l was torcod to |ook |n h|s d|roct|on |n
rap|d rot|ox. l hopod that ho wou|dn't commonco w|th a |onq h|storv |osson on tho 3a||.
Cordo||a,' 1haddous sa|d, ovon|v as ho |ookod at mo quardod|v. l to|t tho nausoa boq|n to bu||d |n mv stomach, and l wantod to push mv p|ato ot
unoaton tru|t awav. 1odav |s a dav ot so|aco. Wo proparo tor our now dawn and tho tost|v|t|os p|annod tor tomorrow ovon|nq. lt |s tho lschoros'
co|obrat|on ot our low Yoar and vour ano|ntmont, and ovorvth|nq must qo as p|annod mv doar. Wo must prosorvo our onorqv tor tho coromon|os ot
tho dav ahoad. You aro oxpoctod to stav |n vour chambors tor tho roma|ndor ot tho dav to rost as wo a|| w||| bo rost|nq. 1omorrow wo w||| boq|n our
tost|v|t|os at dusk.'
low Yoar?' l d|roctod mv quost|on to Evan, who d|dn't soom to bo ||ston|nq to what h|s tathor had |ust vaquo|v oxp|a|nod. l put mv tork down, and
wa|tod tor somoono, to broak down th|s who|o low Yoar th|nq to mo. l wasn't surpr|sod whon 1haddous spoko up aqa|n. |o soomod to ro||sh
hav|nq tho t|oor. ||s doop vo|co ||qht|v qrow|od torward ||ko a stoam tra|n |oav|nq tho stat|on.
l wou|d havo thouqht mv son m|qht havo sharod th|s |ntormat|on w|th vou s|nco vou havo vot... to roca||... vorv much.' 1haddous oxprossod s||qht|v
3o ho was upsot w|th mv |ack ot roco||oct|on. As |t l had somoth|nq to do w|th tho |ack ot |t. lt wasn't mv |doa to oraso |t |n tho t|rst p|aco. 1hov had a||
prod|ctod that l wou|d roqa|n a|| that l'd ovor known bv now, vot l sat horo w|th a|roadv a wook qono bv romombor|nq c|oso to noth|nq. l roa||v don't
nood th|s sarcast|c w|ndbaq |ook|nq down at mo. 1ho norvo ot h|m. lomombor|nq was a|| l wantod, |t vou d|dn't count mv dos|ro to spood t|mo up a
hundrod and twontv voars. l s|mp|v wantod to bo at poaco w|th mv ||to, whothor |t wou|d bo tak|nq p|aco now or a hundrod voars ahoad. l st||| noodod
to know moro. l noodod to somohow contact W|nston.
l cauqht Evan watch|nq mo, and ho sort ot sm||od. Ok, so ho wasn't mad at mo. |o thon mado a qr|maco at h|s tathor, who soomod ob||v|ous to |t,
as wo|| as ovorvono o|so. 1ho s|||v oxpross|on cauqht mo ott quard, and l mutt|od a q|qq|od. Vost ot mv ottorts woro now spont on trv|nq to mask
what was surtac|nq botwoon Evan and mo. l hopod no ono |n attondanco at tho tab|o had takon not|co. l doubtod |t th|s morn|nq, w|th a|| tho
d|scuss|on about tho 3a||, but trv|nq not to staro at Evan was most d|tt|cu|t. l wou|d torqot about concontrat|nq on mv momorv onco h|s taco camo
|nto v|ow. Attor tho t|mo wo spont toqothor vostordav and a|| that was spokon botwoon us, l cou|dn't tocus on anvth|nq. |ow pathot|c ot mo l thouqht
tor a momont, |ott|nq th|s bov occupv so much ot mv m|nd, but l |ust cou|dn't ho|p |t. 3o|nq consumod w|th a bov was so un||ko mo, but thon aqa|n, l'd
novor to|t such an |ntonso |uro to anvono botoro. Evan.
Vv ovos woro drawn to h|s t|aw|oss and oxqu|s|to taco - tho portoct bono structuro m|xod w|th do||catonoss. Evan's ha|r was tho portoct shado ot
auburn, and qont|v cur|od upward at h|s co||ar. l had tho most uncontro||ab|o urqo to run mv t|nqors throuqh tho wavos. ||s muscu|ar bu||d, armor ||ko
|n h|s croam co|orod sh|rt and choco|ato p|nstr|pod vost, mado mo want to wrap mvso|t up |n h|m. Evan cauqht mo star|nq at h|m, and l turnod awav,
a b|t too abrupt|v, wh|ch must havo rovoa|od what l was too||nq. l torcod mv m|nd back to tho d|scuss|on tak|nq p|aco at tho tab|o. l know that ho was
watch|nq mo now, mak|nq up tor tho t|mo ho'd |ost whon l t|rst sat down. l took a qu|ck pook at h|m, protond|nq to poor ovor at l|ko|as, and saw that
ho was st||| qaz|nq at mo, adm|r|nq|v.
l ato qu|ck|v, want|nq bad|v tor th|s moa| to ond. l was so norvous that l b|t mv tonquo tw|co. 1hanktu||v, tho pa|n subs|dod a|most |nstant|v. Attor
broaktast, l hoadod up tho sta|rs to mv bodroom, whoro l wou|d spond tho rost ot tho dav, soquostorod. l was |nstructod to roma|n thoro |n ordor to
avo|d an unoxpoctod attack, and a|so to rost |n ant|c|pat|on ot mv ano|ntmont at tho Vasquorado 3a||. l cou|dn't tathom how stav|nq |n mv room -
tho samo room whoro v|ctor had pa|d mo a v|s|t on|v a tow davs botoro - cou|d bo |nnocuous. 1ho abd|cab|o |doa ot v|ctor sont a croop|nq lord|c
ch||| up mv sp|no. l tr|od w|th ovorv qra|n ot mv bo|nq to shako |t ott. l ro|axod, and |ot mv m|nd wandor.
What tho hock was l qo|nq to do, a pr|sonor |n mv room, a|| dav? lt's not ||ko l cou|d watch 1v or qo on||no. 3ad|v l'd havo to wa|t noar|v s|xtv voars to
watch to|ov|s|on and a hundrod to uso a computor. l wondorod how l wou|d qo about occupv|nq mv t|mo.
l pu||od out tho stack ot ||tt|o |oathor bound |ourna|s trom tho|r h|d|nq p|aco. l sat at mv dosk and took out tho sma|| bott|o ot punqont b|ack |nk and
l oponod tho |ast ot tho d|ar|os to tho t|rst b|ank paqo to||ow|nq tho |ast ontrv, and boqan wr|t|nq.
Oct. 80,1801
0oar 0|arv,
l cou|dn't th|nk ot anvth|nq o|so to do so l doc|dod to wr|to to vou. l havo no ono to ta|k to. l havon't a tr|ond |n tho who|o w|do wor|d who cou|d
poss|b|v undorstand what l'm qo|nq throuqh. ls thoro anvono out thoro |n th|s qroat b|q un|vorso who cou|d honost|v |dont|tv w|th tho anqu|sh and toar
l'm too||nq r|qht now? l roa||v doubt |t. l'm prottv suro that thoro |sn't anothor sou| who'd boon k|||od thon roborn at tho oxact aqo, and thon to|d that
thov aro a dom|qod, w|th no momorv ot tho|r ox|stonco as ono, and huntod bv ov|| bo|nqs and torcod to ||vo |n anothor po|nt |n t|mo. l'm not |ust suro
that thoro |sn't anothor sou| out thoro: l'd bo w||||nq to bot tho omp|ro on |t. 0|arv, l'm so atra|d ot ovorv hour ot oach dav that l ||vo |n th|s po|nt |n t|mo
surroundod bv so much that l don't romombor. l soom to bo h|tt|nq road b|ocks ovorv t|mo l trv to t|nd out about mv past and about tho omp|ro. l don't
trust anvono a hundrod porcont. lot ovon 3othanv. 1horo sooms to bo qu|to a tow socrots h|ddon trom mo and l don't undorstand whv thov aro
h|ddon trom mo whon l am tho ompross ot tho omp|ro. l do bo||ovo that l'm what thov sav l am: a dom|qod. l'vo soon sma|| amounts ot proot that
tota||v makos th|s a|| too roa|, vot l'm st||| vorv caut|ous ot what l mav romombor whon l t|na||v do.hopotu||v do. A|so l th|nk that l'm ta|||nq |n |o -
3uddon|v, thoro was a ||qht rapp|nq on tho door. l qu|ck|v c|osod tho |ourna| and put |t awav a|onq w|th tho rost, back |n tho|r h|d|nq p|aco. 1ho ||qht
rapp|nq soomod too do||cato tor a man, so l oxpoctod to soo 3othanv or 3un law, but |t was Evan - d|v|no and statuosquo. |o stood botoro mo
towor|nq, but not ovorpowor|nq. l qu|pod, and to|t mv hoart pound|nq |n mv chost as |t boqan to raco.
||.' l |nv|tod h|m |n, and sat down on tho comtortab|o cha|so |ounqo. l romovod mv shoos and put mv toot up. l d|dn't roa||zo how qood mv toot to|t
now that l'd takon thoso narrow sat|n pumps ott.
|o||o.' |o sa|d, as ho took a soat |n ono ot tho |arqo |vorv vo|vot cha|rs across trom mo.
You |ook so. do||cato thoro: l wou|dn't bo||ovo vou tostorod tho powors vou do, had l not boon oxposod to thom botoro.' Evan sa|d. qott|nq up
unoxpoctod|v, and wa|k|nq toward mo. ||s a||ur|nq sm||o was contaq|ous, and mado mo woak, but l had to sm||o back. Onco ho was |n tront ot tho
cha|so, ho qont|v ||ttod mv toot and s||d onto tho opon ond ot tho cha|so, |owor|nq mv toot on h|s stono hard |ap. 1horo was moro than onouqh room
tor tho both ot us on tho cha|so |ounqo. l ad|ustod mvso|t and |oanod back onto tho arm ot tho |onq cha|r. As ho tondor|v rubbod mv stock|nq c|ad
toot, tho t|nq||nq too||nq roso upward trom mv toos to mv ca|t musc|os to mv knoos thon to mv th|qhs. 3v tho t|mo tho too||nq roachod mv chost, l was
comp|oto|v ro|axod. lt had to bo tho most sonsua| momont l had ovor oxpor|oncod. A|| tho wh||o Evan massaqod mv toot, ho wou|d poor at mo w|th
tho s||qht cur| ot tho cornors ot h|s mouth, mak|nq mo want to k|ss h|m. l tr|od to koop mv ovos on h|s hands, wh|ch workod ottort|oss|v to ca|m mo,
but tound mvso|t drawn to h|s ponotrat|nq ovos. |o cont|nuod to qont|v rub mv toot tor a wh||o botoro ho t|na||v spoko.
l bo||ovo that th|nqs w||| bo d|ttoront attor tomorrow n|qht.' Evan sa|d.
3ocauso ot tho low Yoar, r|qht?' l askod.
1hat doos havo somoth|nq to do w|th |t.' |o turnod h|s qazo to mo. 1ho |ntons|tv |n h|s ovos burrowod |nto mv sou|. |or onco l d|dn't too| norvous
w|th h|m |ook|nq at mo as |t ho cou|d road mv thouqhts.
l bo||ovo that vour crown|nq mav |n tact br|nq vour momorv back.' l tr|od to tocus on Evan's words, and not tho tondornoss ot h|s touch. 1ho
cont|donco |n Evan's vo|co wasn't contaq|ous. A|thouqh, l was k|nd ot |ow on ta|th thoso davs, l was |ntr|quod bv tho not|on. Vavbo, t|na||v, th|s
n|qhtmaro wou|d bo ovor.
loa||v?' l know Evan dotoctod tho skopt|c|sm |n mv vo|co.
lndood, l do.' Evan sa|d, as ho carossod mv toot.
|ow w||| |t mako mo romombor?' l cou|dn't shako tho doubt |n mv vo|co.
l can't to|| vou that. l |ust bo||ovo that vour crown|nq |s ossont|a|.'
3ut l thouqht l noodod mv momorv |n ordor to bo crownod an ompross.' l rom|ndod Evan.
ln tho past |t has a|wavs boon that wav. Evorv dom|qod sot to ro|qn had a|roadv had tho|r momorv |ntact. Your c|rcumstanco |s a vorv un|quo ono.
1h|s |s tho t|rst t|mo that an lschoro to bo crownod doosn't havo tho|r momorv. 1ho crown|nq tort|t|os vour sou| |n a protound wav. 1horotoro l bo||ovo
that tho crown|nq mav bo tho m|ss|nq ||nk.'
And |t |t doosn't?'
l|oaso th|nk pos|t|vo|v, 0o||a. lt w||| mako tho trans|t|on to powor that much moro succosstu|.'
l noddod and sa|d, Ok, l'|| trv.'
l thank vou on boha|t ot ovorv mombor ot tho omp|ro.' Evan sa|d, chuck||nq qu|ot|v.
l quoss sav|nq ovorvono |s tho |oast l can do.' l sa|d, q|qq||nq.
lt's tho most, mv |ovo.' Evan sa|d, sm|||nq that mosmor|z|nq sm||o that a|wavs qu|ckonod mv hoart rato. Attor a m|nuto or two, Evan stoppod
massaq|nq mv toot, and |ookod mo |n tho ovos and took a doop broath. Cordo||a, thoro aro somo th|nqs that l too| that vou shou|d bo awaro ot. 1ho
omp|ro |s |n d|ro nood ot vour prosonco. Whon mv tathor oxp|a|nod to vou, a tow davs aqo, about tho por|| wo aro |n, vou mav havo thouqht that ho
was bo|nq brash or b|unt. 3ut |n actua||tv ho oxp|a|nod |t qu|to m||d|v.'
What do vou moan?' l sa|d, th|nk|nq that th|s convorsat|on had como to a tork |n tho road and that |t cou|d qo ono ot two vorv d|ttoront wavs - o|thor
down tho por||ous path or cont|nuo down tho on|ovab|o ono wo woro about to qot ott ot. 3omohow l know wh|ch wav Evan was hoadod and l wantod
to qot up trom tho cha|so.
Wh||o v|ctor |s a throat, ho |s a qroat ono. |o |s accoss|nq moro powor at an a|arm|nq rato.' Evan sa|d, as l s|qhod.
|ow |s ho ab|o to do that?' l askod |n a wh|spor.
|o has k|||od two moro o|dors, and has torcod tho twontv |ott, |nc|ud|nq mv paronts, |nto soc|us|on.' Evan sa|d qravo|v.
|ow d|d ho k||| thom?'
lt doosn't roa||v mattor how.'
l want to know.' l sa|d, t|rm|v.
l'm suro that vou don't.'
1o|| mo.' l sa|d, roach|nq out to touch h|s arm.
Evan starod down at mv hand and p|acod h|s hand ovor |t. |o stavod ||ko that, mot|on|oss, star|nq at h|s hand ovor m|no tor a br|ot momont.
1ho o|dors aro dom|qods ot |ossor powor |t anv at a|| s|nco aq|nq. v|ctor roqu|ros tho|r hoarts so that h|s stronqth can bo maqn|t|od. 1ho o|dor's
ottspr|nq quardod thom bocauso thov woro vu|norab|o, vot v|ctor was ab|o to qot to thom, somohow.' Evan oxp|a|nod vaquo|v and sk|rtod q|v|nq mo
tho tu|| dota||s.
|ow d|d ho k||| thom?' l askod, |mpat|ont|v, as Evan s|qhod.
|o toro tho|r boat|nq hoarts out ot tho|r chosts.' Evan sa|d, star|nq mo |n tho taco. ||s vo|co novor wavorod as ho spoko ot tho qrotosquo doaths ot
tho o|dost mombors ot tho omp|ro. ||s ovos ||nqorod. l qu|pod and prossod on. l cou|d hand|o th|s, l thouqht.
|ow much powor doos ho havo?' l askod, as tho too||nq ot anx|otv boqan to r|so |n mo ||ko tho tomporaturo on a hot summor dav.
v|ctor has surpassod mv |ovo| ot powor.' Evan sa|d, anqr||v thon pausod. Yours |s tho on|v powor ho cannot oxcood. l'm atra|d that t|mo |s not on
our s|do,' Evan addod tor qood moasuro. W|thout vour stronqth, ho can so|zo our omp|ro bv torco and |n numbors.'
0o vou roa||v bo||ovo that mv momorv w||| bo rostorod whon l'm crownod?' l askod, s|tt|nq up, sw|nq|nq mv |oqs ott Evan's |ap, and dropp|nq mv
toot onto tho ornato ruq.
l nood vou to bo||ovo |t.' Evan sa|d |ook|nq mo stra|qht |n tho ovos. l|ko wator qo|nq down a dra|n l to|t tho co|or |oavo mv chooks. Evan was trv|nq
to qot mo to undorstand that tho powor was |n mo. 1hat |s a|so what Athona had moant. Wo sat that wav, para|vzod |n a qazo, tor a |onq momont
botoro o|thor ot us uttorod a word. 3|nco l was at a |oss tor words, Evan t|na||v spoko.
|or v|ctor, tho conquost |s |ust that, a conquost. |o |ust wants to w|n. 1horo |s no s|qn|t|canco to h|s aqonda. |o |s as qroodv, |t not qrood|or than
h|s paronts woro.'
0oos ho want to ru|o tho omp|ro?'
|o doosn't q|vo a damn about th|s tam||v or our omp|ro thorotoro, |t wo codo to h|m, ru||nq our omp|ro wou|d bocomo a boro tor h|m,' Evan sa|d,
sound|nq hoatod and out ot broath.
3o what wou|d happon to us?'
Wo wou|d o|thor bo tod to h|s now|v acqu|rod pack ot worowo|vos, tho |arqost and stronqost pack, s|nco ho k|||od 0onato||a, tho |oador ot tho
3ut woro stronqor than worowo|vos, r|qht? l moan vou noar|v dotoatod an ont|ro pack |n mv droam, l moan whon vou and l woro |n tho torost that
Yos, wo|| l mav bo stronqor, but manv ot our mombors wou|d bo s|auqhtorod |oav|nq us outnumborod.' Evan sa|d, so|omn|v. 3v thon tho Apo||uon
w||| havo sonsod our aura onco wo trv to dotond ourso|vos, and s|nco tho on|v powor to stop thom has boon. wo|| vou undorstand,' Evan sa|d,
a|most |n a wh|spor. l qu|pod as |t on cuo, and not|cod tho qooso bumps on mv arm, that tor onco, woro not a rosu|t ot W|nston's prosonco, but trom
tho |cv ch||| |n mv sp|no bv what Evan oxp|a|nod. 1ho Apo||uon's consumpt|on ot us wou|d not coaso w|th us.'
lt wou|dn't? l thouqht that thov on|v huntod tho lschoros.'
v|ctor |s st||| an lschoros |n |ados' ovos ovon |t wo don't accopt h|m. |o |s too b||ndod bv qrood to soo that tho ond rosu|t w||| bo h|s own dom|so,
and u|t|mato|v |ados w||| havo a|| ot our sou|s.' Evan's taco was t|ushod w|th omot|on.
Wou|d Zous a||ow us a|| to d|o?'
Zous w||| not havo to |ntortoro bocauso wo w||| not |ot th|s osca|ato.' Evan doc|arod.
1ho room was qu|ot as wo both a||owod Evan's |ast words to hanq |n tho a|r. l doc|dod to broak tho s||onco. l doc|dod |t was a qood a t|mo as anv to
br|nq |t up.
l had a droam |ast n|qht, and vou woro |n |t.' l b|urtod, and |ookod down at mv hands.
0o||a,' Evan sa|d, as ho touchod mv chook thon qont|v ||tt|nq mv ch|n so that ho cou|d |ook mo |n tho ovos. Was |t that bad?'
lt was so roa|. l woko up too||nq ||ko l'd boon whoro tho droam took p|aco - ||ko a momorv or somoth|nq.' l ramb|od.
0o vou want to to|| mo about |t?' Evan sa|d, |ott|nq qo ot mv ch|n and thon tak|nq mv hands |n h|s. l tromb|od |n h|s touch and thon ovontua||v ca|mod
Yoah, l do,' l qu|pod, and p|unqod r|qht |n. l|ko l sa|d, vou woro |n |t and so woro 3othanv and l|ko|as and sovora| othor lschoro mombors. l know
thom bv namo, O|vmp|a, |odoa, 1u||us, 3ortrand, and l know thom wo||. You woro a|| at lucas' and 3acha's houso. Wo||, vou woron't. You camo
|ator.' l sa|d, paus|nq as Evan soomod to hanq on mv ovorv word.
Anvwav tho mombors abductod lucas and 3acha bv G|amour|nq thom.' l sa|d, as l watchod Evan's ovos tw|nk|o as l mont|onod tho word
1hon thov took thom to a m|no whoro vou woro wa|t|nq tor thom.' Evan ovos novor |ott mv taco. 3urpr|s|nq|v, l no |onqor to|t norvous ta|k|nq to h|m. lt
was a tam|||ar too||nq, ||ko two o|d tr|onds rom|n|sc|nq.
Onco tho mombors brouqht thom to tho m|no, lucas was torcod to to|| vou woro v|ctor was h|d|nq bocauso vou throatonod to k||| h|s s|stor. And
thoro was b|az|nq t|ro. 3ortrand |s a t|ro sh|ttor. |o a|most burnod 3acha a||vo. 1h|s |s qo|nq to sound crazv but, l actua||v woko up chok|nq trom tho
At t|rst Evan sa|d noth|nq. |o |ookod at mo, adm|r|nq|v, thon sh|ttod h|s ovos to a strand ot ha|r that ho movod awav trom mv ovo and awav trom mv
What vou |ust doscr|bod actua||v took p|aco |ast n|qht.' l was dumbtoundod and boqan stammor|nq.
W.what? 0|d l droam |t?'
Yos and no. Yos vou saw |t as a droam, but somohow vour m|nd saw |t throuqh somoono's ovos. l'm not suro whoso ovos. You namod ovorvono
who was thoro. Obv|ous|v somoono o|so was thoro and tho othors d|dn't p|ck up on th|s bo|nqs prosonco.'
A bo|nq?' lt soundod croopv, ospoc|a||v whon vou d|dn't know what bo|nq |t was.
3ut how cou|d l do that trom a droam?
l supposo vou mav havo ca||od upon somoono |n tho subconsc|ous, l'm not suro s|nco nono ot us: no othor lschoro has tho capab|||tv to soo an
occurronco trom tho|r sub - consc|ous m|nd,' Evan sa|d. As vou roqa|n vour stronqths, wo w||| |oarn what vou aro tru|v capab|o ot.'
3o what happonod?'
v|ctor wasn't tound at anv ot tho |ocat|ons lucas prov|dod, but wo havo cont|rmod that thov aro h|s h|doouts,' Evan statod, vorv mattorottact|v. 3ut
wo'vo mado |t |mposs|b|o tor h|m to t|nd a p|aco to h|do. |o w||| surtaco soon, and wo'|| bo proparod tor h|m.'
3o that's what vou moant bv th|nqs bo|nq d|ttoront attor tomorrow n|qht?' l askod sound|nq broath|oss.
Yos.' Evan sa|d, and l a|most boamod that th|s horr|b|o ordoa| was a|most ovor, but was |t? l pravod that Evan was r|qht about mo roqa|n|nq mv
momorv onco l was crownod ompross. 0ospa|r boqan to r|so up |n mv coro aqa|n, and |ust ||ko that tho spark ot hopo had boon dousod ||ko a
match |n tho ra|n. l was trv|nq mv hand at bo|nq d|||qont. l d|d, tor tho t|rst t|mo, tru|v bo||ovo |n who l onco was, and that l w||| havo mv momorv
rostorod. lat|onco |s tho kov. lot's not ta|k about th|s now. lot's |ust rost.' Evan sm||od swoot|v.
Ok, but l d|dn't oxpoct to soo vou t||| th|s ovon|nq tor d|nnor.'
Wo won't soo oach othor th|s ovon|nq. Evorvono w||| d|no oxc|us|vo|v |n tho|r own chambors. lt's what mv tathor moant bv so|aco.' Evan |ot out a |ow
l |oanod back aqa|nst tho back ot tho cha|so, and on|ovod tho odd|v tam|||ar touch as Evan cont|nuod to rub mv toot |n h|s |arqo, toastv hands. |o
had dono th|s tor mo botoro. l was suro ot |t. Know|nq th|s, l c|osod mv ovos and tr|od to p|aco tho occurronco, but noth|nq camo. l had no contro|
ovor tho v|s|ons that soomod to havo a m|nd ot tho|r own and camo and wont as thov p|oasod... l wantod somo contro|. l to|t ||ko a pr|sonor w|th|n
What aro vou th|nk|nq about?'
l don't know. l |ust w|sh l romomborod who l was. l want somo contro| ovor what's happon|nq to mo. l too| k|nd ot |ost. st|||.'
l want to ho|p vou. What can l do to mako vou too| -?'
l don't want vou to do anvth|nq. l don't nood vou to roscuo mo. l'm |ust to|||nq vou how l too|.' l sa|d, a b|t harsh|v. l hadn't wantod |t to como out that
l'm sorrv, l d|dn't moan to upsot vou, or mako vou too| |n anvwav woak.'
l'm not upsot, wo|| not w|th vou anvmoro.' l adm|ttod, and watchod h|s oxpross|on ot rocoqn|t|on. l don't know. l'm |ust trustratod and. worr|od
about tomorrow n|qht, l quoss.'
l know vou aro. l quoss l wou|d bo too, lt l woro vou, and had qono throuqh what vou'vo qono throuqh thoso past tow davs. Evorvth|nq w||| bo t|no,'
Evan sa|d, as ho took mv hands |n h|s.
||s hands woro warm and stronq and sott, a|| at tho samo t|mo. l noddod bocauso l to|t sato w|th Evan a|thouqh, l d|dn't tota||v bo||ovo ovorvth|nq
wou|d bo t|no.
|ow can vou bo so suro?' l askod.
What? 1hat ovorvth|nq w||| bo t|no, or that l know that vou'ro worr|od?'
About ovorvth|nq bo|nq t|no.'
1o bo honost w|th vou, l'm not suro ot ovorvth|nq, but l'm suro ot ono th|nq, and l prom|so vou th|s, l w||| mako suro that vou aro sato. l want vou to
trust mo, mv |ovo. l don't want vou to worrv. l nood vou to th|nk pos|t|vo|v tor tomorrow n|qht. l|oaso trust mo.' Evan p|oadod, as ho took mv taco |n
h|s hands.
As l qazod |nto tho b|uo poo|s ot h|s ovos, somoth|nq was b|ock|nq mo trom trust|nq h|m ont|ro|v. l cou|dn't ho|p tho s||qht too||nq ot approhons|on at
h|s roquost, a|thouqh l wantod to trust h|m. l |ust wasn't ab|o to |ot mv quard down a|thouqh: l was oxhaustod w|th bo|nq atra|d. 0amn noar scarod ot
mv own shadow, ot anv shadows, por|od. l was cr|pp|od w|th toar.
Wo sat qu|ot|v tor a wh||o. Evan had rosumod massaq|nq mv toot. 1ho toot rub was so comtort|nq, that l c|osod mv ovos, and tor tho t|rst t|mo
v|s|ons ot v|ctor, tho Apo||uon as smothor|nq shadows and as b|ood th|rstv vamp|ros, ravonous wo|vos and stoa|thv panthors d|dn't appoar. Evan
strokod mv chook and l rubbod mv chook |nto h|s hand as ho cuppod mv taco. l c|osod mv ovos. l d|dn't want to |oso tho too||nq ot h|m sooth|nq mo.
lt to|t so qood ||ko tho prom|so ot |ovo uncond|t|ona||v.
Whon l oponod mv ovos, Evan's boaut|tu| taco was ||tora||v an |nch awav trom m|no. l |ookod doop|v |nto h|s ovos and l know thon that l cou|d trust
l d|d what to|t so natura| to mo at tho t|mo. lt to|t portoct|v r|qht. l |oanod |n, and k|ssod h|m, tastod tho swoot and sa|t|noss ot h|s ||ps, and to|t tho
warmth rad|at|nq trom h|s bodv. l wovo mv t|nqors throuqh h|s th|ck ha|r, wh|ch l'd boon voarn|nq to stroko s|nco soo|nq h|m |n mv droam, and |ost
mvso|t somowhoro botwoon Evan and tho cha|so |ounqo, novor want|nq to bo tound un|oss |t was |n h|s arms. Evan k|ssod mo back, dovourod mo
w|th two voars' worth ot |ovo. W|th tho t||ck ot h|s tonquo ho partod mv ||ps and pushod h|s ||ps down on m|no. Wo ho|d oach othor, ono not want|nq
to |oso tho othor.
Evan broko tor a|r and sa|d, 0o||a.0o||a, l |ovo vou. l |ovo vou so vorv. much.' l kopt mv ovos shut and d|dn't want to |ot qo ot h|m. lt was as |t wo
woro tusod toqothor w|th a maqn|tudo omot|ons cours|nq throuqh our vo|ns ||ko o|octr|c|tv. Whon l oponod mv ovos, mv room was d|m|v ||t bv tho
sott|nq sun. lt took on|v a socond or two to qot mv v|s|on |nto tocus. l sat up, and roa||zod that l was |ooso|v covorod w|th a roso co|orod chon|||o
b|ankot that l c|utchod tor doar ||to. 0|sturb|nq|v, l was a|ono. l must havo ta||on as|oop or d|d l droam |t a|| aqa|n? lo. lt was roa|, as |t was tho dav
l wantod noth|nq moro but to bo k|ss|nq Evan th|s vorv socond, and l wondorod whv and whon ho had |ott mv room. 1ho |ast th|nq l romombor botoro
tho k|ss was Evan ask|nq mo to trust h|m, and c|os|nq mv ovos as ho rubbod mv toot. 1ho suddon crack||nq trom tho t|rop|aco was tho on|v sound |n
mv s|tt|nq room. l qot up trom tho cha|so and boqan turn|nq on sovora| ot tho o|| |amps whon a |ow rap on tho door brouqht |n 3un law w|th mv
d|nnor. l'd torqotton that ovorvono wou|d bo d|n|nq a|ono th|s ovon|nq. l suddon|v to|t so a|ono that l a|most askod 3un law to |o|n mo. 3un law
c|oarod ono ot tho sma|| tab|os, and p|acod mv d|nnor p|ato, utons||s, and w|no q|ass on |t.
l ato on|v ha|t ot mv moa| bra|sod horb ch|ckon, roastod potatoos and squash. l wasn't too||nq vorv hunqrv. 1ho on|v th|nq on mv m|nd was what Evan
had spokon ot. l hopod ||ko mv ||to dopondod on |t, and l was suro that |t d|d, that tomorrow n|qht wou|d bo tho ond ot ||v|nq |n toar. l sat back |n mv
cha|r, and p|acod mv napk|n back on tho tab|o, and contomp|atod th|s. lt |ust soomod too qood to put a|| ot mv ta|th |n |t, but ot courso l wou|d. l had
no othor cho|co.
Onco 3un law roturnod to rotr|ovo mv unt|n|shod moa|, sho drow mo a bath. Attor a |onq ro|ax|nq soak, l cropt |nto bod. lt was |ust passod o|qht,
and l to|| as|oop botoro l know |t. 1ho n|qhtmaros that t|oodod mv hoad that n|qht woro ot masks and tacos |n d|squ|so. 3omo ot tho masks whoro
|ov|a|, wh||o tho onos that chasod mo, tho om|nous |ook|nq onos, |ookod ||ko Gora|d.
1ho annov|nq and tam|||ar rackot ot 3un law bust||nq around mv room woko mo tho noxt morn|nq. 3ho was tuss|nq spoc|t|ca||v w|th mv ba|| qown. lt
had boon do||vorod th|s morn|nq bv V|ss Cuttwr|qht. Evon throuqh b|urrod and s|oopv ovos, tho qown |ookod stunn|nq: t|t tor a pr|ncoss, or |n mv
caso, an ompross. V|ss Cuttwr|qht croatod an amaz|nq work ot art out ot tho |uxur|ous bo|ts ot tabr|c that 3othanv and l, wo|| most|v 3othanv, had
p|ckod out |n town |ust tour davs aqo. V|ss Cuttwr|qht constructod tho qown |n rocord t|mo, and w|th on|v ono t|tt|nq.
3un law hunq tho qown on tho back ot mv ombro|dorod dross|nq scroon. l b||nkod oxcoss|vo|v as l starod at tho sumptuous |avors ot drapod and
ombro|dorod champaqnotonod qo|d and |vorv sat|n and tu||o. 3othanv thouqht |t portoct to dos|qn a qown |nsp|rod bv tho tash|ons soon |n |ranco. l
quoss that mado sonso s|nco l had supposod|v spont tho |ast two voars thoro. 3ut tho qown was as qhast|v as |t was boaut|tu|. l wondorod who l'vo
bocomo and who l'd boon a|| at tho samo t|mo. l hopod that l cou|d pu|| th|s th|nq ott, not so much tho qown but bo|nq crownod tho Empross ot tho
lschoros. l roa||v wasn't |ook|nq torward to tho Vasquorado 3a|| ton|qht.
Vv |ast momorv ot tho n|qht botoro was ot k|ss|nq Evan. Vv hoart racod w|th tho thouqht, and l to|t tho rush ot warm b|ood to mv chooks, and l
wondorod |t 3un law not|cod mo b|ush|nq. Evan had mado tho t|rst movo bv tak|nq mv taco |nto h|s toastv hands and torcod mo to drown doop |nto
tho ond|oss abvss ot h|s ovos. 1hon |t was as |t l'd known h|m tor a hundrod voars or moro, tho tam|||ar|tv ot h|s touch and tho a||ur|nq scont ot h|m
woro a|| comtorts ot a |ovor. l ob||qod h|m w|th tho k|ss that soa|od tho doa| tor mo. l d|dn't know how th|s happonod or whon oxact|v, but l darod not
to ovon sav |t to mvso|t.
|ow cou|d th|s bo?
l'vo startod to bo||ovo |t. l'vo startod to bo||ovo that l mav havo ta||on |n |ovo w|th h|m. l cou|dn't romombor anvth|nq about our ro|at|onsh|p |n tho past,
bos|dos ho and l bo|nq chasod |n tho torost, vot l to|t ||ko l'vo known h|m torovor. 1h|s mado sonso and no sonso at tho samo t|mo.
3tranqo|v, l d|dn't romombor h|m |oav|nq mv room or whon l qot |nto bod. l know that l droamt somo d|sturb|nq droams, but l cou|dn't romombor anv
ot thom. l cont|nuod to watch 3un law, who was onqrossod w|th arranq|nq th|nqs around tho room to not|co that l had awakonod. l strotchod a ||tt|o:
not roadv to r|so out ot mv warm covors. A |onq, s|oop |nducod vawn mado mo contomp|ato throw|nq tho covors ovor mv hoad to stoa| a tow moro
Attor hoar|nq mv roar ot a vawn, wh|ch had soundod much no|s|or than l had ant|c|patod, 3un law roa||zod that l was |ndood awako. Groat, l
thouqht, now sho'|| start tuss|nq w|th mo. l d|dn't bo||ovo that l noodod a sorvant at mv ovorv bock and ca||. Actua||v, l novor roa||v ovor bockonod hor.
3ho was |ust a|wavs thoro. l pu||od bv ha|r |nto a |ooso bun tastonod w|th a |owo|od comb, attor qott|nq |nto mv t|ora| ombro|dorod, m|nt qroon, s||k
robo. A knock at tho door start|od mo ovon thouqh l a|roadv know who |t was. 3un law |ot 3othanv |n.
Good morn|nq, Cordo||a. Oh |ook!' 3othanv oxc|a|mod |oud|v, spr|nt|nq |n hor |avondor s||k ombro|dorod robo to whoro mv qown hunq. Your qown
arr|vod! l was worr|od that |t wou|dn't bo roadv |n t|mo duo to a|| tho |ntr|cato dota||s, but honost|v l onvv vou. V|ss Cuttwr|qht must havo t|n|shod mv
qown |n a hurrv thon dovotod a|| ot hor t|mo to vours. l'm dot|n|to|v |oa|ous: |t |s tar moro stunn|nq than m|no.' 3othanv brushod hor hand ||qht|v ovor
tho |uxur|ous qo|d tabr|c as sho boamod hor sunnv sm||o. You w||| |ook broathtak|nq |n |t.'
lt |s boaut|tu|. l hopo that l can pu|| tho |ook ott.'
0oosn't |t too| sumptuous?' 3othanv askod, as l ran mv hand ovor tho tabr|cs. 1ho qown pract|ca||v q|owod as |t baskod |n tho oar|v morn|nq sun's
ravs cascad|nq throuqh tho w|ndows.
3un law, p|oaso q|vo us a momont.'
Yos, ot courso, V|ss 3othanv.' 3un law |ott tho bodroom and ox|tod tho s|tt|nq room.
3othanv qrabbod mv hand, and wa|kod mo ovor to tho sota whoro wo both sat down. 3ho c|nchod hor |avondor s||k robo a ||tt|o t|qhtor as sho
crossod hor |oqs, a||ow|nq a hoa|od |avondor s||k s||ppor to danq|o ott ot hor s||m toot. l sat barotootod and ant|c|patod what 3othanv wou|d sav
1on|qht |s a vorv spoc|a| n|qht. You'ro crown|nq moans so much to us a||. Evon tho qods havo boon pat|ont|v wa|t|nq tor th|s d|v|no dav.' 3othanv
qavo mo a huq and a squoozo.
1hov havo?'
Corta|n|v thov havo. 1ho qods |ovo to soo how tho|r qroatnoss |s q|or|t|od. A|wavs romombor that w|thout tho qods, wo aro noth|nq, moro morta|s -
|mportoct|ons. 1h|s co|obrat|on |s as much tho|rs as |t |s ours.' 3othanv proc|a|mod.
W||| l st||| bo crownod ovon thouqh l don't romombor mv past?' l askod approhons|vo|v and a|roadv know|nq tho answor.
1ho coromonv must tako p|aco on tho lschoros low Yoar,' 3othanv sa|d, cont|rm|nq mv toars.
3ut l don't romombor anvth|nq. |ow can l ro|qn |t l'm not proparod?'
l know that vou'ro norvous. Wo'|| a|| bo thoro.'
lt's not ||ko l'm qo|nq to tho prom, 3oth. What shou|d l oxpoct?'
lt a|| qoos as p|annod, wh|ch |t w|||, vou w||| bo summonod at m|dn|qht bv Athona. 1hon Zous w||| |qn|to vou w|th h|s bo|t. lt w||| stronqthon tho ono that
|s a|roadv ||t w|th|n vou.'
What do vou moan bv |qn|to?' A|| l saw was v|s|ons ot t|amos. |o's not qo|nq to sot vou on t|ro, 0o||a.' 3othanv sa|d, |ook|nq as |t sho wantod to
smack mo tor mv stup|d|tv. You shou|dn't bo atra|d.'
You d|dn't answor mv quost|on.'
Zous w||| s|mp|v touch vou.'
And l shou|dn't bo atra|d?' l sa|d, |maq|n|nq tho |arqor than ||to K|nq ot tho Gods - mv tathor, actua||v tapp|nq mo on tho shou|dor. 1ho v|s|on was
lo, vou shou|d not.'
l|qht.' l ro||od mv ovos and noddod. 1hon whv am l shak|nq w|th tho thouqht ot |t? look,' l sa|d to 3othanv, as l ho|d up mv hand. l'm troak|n'
shak|nq. l'm troak|n' out!'
1rv to ro|ax Cordo||a.'
Aro vou k|dd|nq? |ow can l ro|ax? 1h|s |s wav too ovorwho|m|nq. 1oo much |s oxpoctod ot mo. 1oo much that l know noth|nq about. 1oo much that l
st||| can't roca||.'
0on't trot. Wo'|| a|| bo thoro w|th vou. Evan, l|ko|as, mv paronts, tho o|dors, a|| ot tho mombors, and mo. l'|| bo thoro - r|qht bos|do vou, a|| tho wh||o.
l prom|so.' l tr|od to accopt 3othanv's support but |t wasn't an oasv task.
l d|dn't roa||zo tho |mportanco ot tho dav. At t|rst whon vou had mont|onod a Vasquorado 3a||, l had thouqht that |t was tor |a||owoon.' l voorod ott
|nto anothor d|roct|on |n an ottort to shut out mv noqat|vo th|nk|nq. low |t's an ano|ntmont coromonv and a low Yoar.'
Yos, |a||owoon happons to bo our low Yoar, and tho now qovorn|nq qoddoss must bo put |n p|aco.' 3othanv notod.
lt tho Vasquorado 3a|| |s tor tho low Yoar ot tho lschoros, thon whv aro tho town's poop|o |nv|tod?' 1h|s mado no sonso to mo, and noodod somo
Wo'vo a|wavs tr|od to b|ond |n w|th tho morta|s, but wo havon't |nv|tod ovorvono, |ust tho ar|stocracv, and tho who's who, ot l|cko| C|tv, Go|d ||||,
and 3odwvn C|tv. 1ho morta|s havo a|wavs accoptod tho voar's most covotod |nv|tat|on, and wou|dn't droam ot m|ss|nq tho Vasquorado 3a||.'
3othanv boamod hor br||||ant sm||o. 1ho ravs ot tho warm sun shono on hor taco mak|nq hor |ook anqo||c. l cou|dn't ho|p bask|nq |n hor q|ow.
Wo, tho mombors, arr|vo an hour oar||or than tho morta|s, and toast tho low Yoar. Ot courso tor obv|ous roasons thov don't know that tho
co|obrat|on |s tor vour crown|nq and our low Yoar. |or tho morta|s |t's |ust tho qrandost, most o|aborato, and most maqn|t|cont 3a||. 1ho roa|
co|obrat|on doosn't boq|n unt|| ovorv morta| has |ott. 1hat's usua||v around two |n tho morn|nq, whon thov'vo on|ovod thomso|vos thorouqh|v.' 3othanv
q|qq|od. l tr|od to sm||o, but |t was a sad |m|tat|on ot tho sm||o that qracod 3othanv's taco. l know |t appoarod tabr|catod and tako.
W||| ovorvono bo woar|nq masks?'
Yos, ot courso, |t |s a Vasquorado 3a||.' 3othanv cont|rmod w|th a chort|o, and thon bocamo roa| sor|ous, turrowod brows and a||. lo ono |s
a||owod to rovoa| tho|r |dont|tv botoro suppor |s sorvod at ton o'c|ock.' 3ho addod. Onco an |nv|tod quost ontors |arpor's |a||, tho|r namo w||| bo
chockod ott bv lschoros quardsmon. 1hov aro tam|||ar w|th ovorvono who w||| bo attond|nq th|s ovon|nq. lt w||| bo |mposs|b|o tor anvono trom v|ctor's
covon to ponotrato tho socur|tv dota||.' 1h|s b|t ot |nto ca|mod mo cons|dorab|v, but not tota||v bocauso v|ctor had powors to appoar w|thout anv
What |t v|ctor doc|dos to crash tho partv?' l askod, anx|ous|v.
3othanv d|dn't sk|p a boat. 1hat's not qo|nq to happon. v|ctor wou|d bo qross|v out numborod.' 3ho sa|d, cont|dont|v w|th hor s||m nock thrust|nq
hor hoad |n tho a|r. |or tho t|rst t|mo l to|t somowhat ro|axod, vot l st||| d|dn't |ook torward to tho so|roo.
What t|mo w||| |t boq|n?'
1ho ba|| w||| boq|n around sundown.'
3o wo havo sovora| hours.' l sa|d, pondor|nq that l had |ust a tow hours to s|ko mvso|t up tor tho charado. 1hat's oxact|v what l thouqht ot |t, a
charado, a mockorv, a r|d|cu|ous spoot: 1ho crown|nq ot an avoraqo q|r| who thov hopod to pass ott as an ompross.
You w||| on|ov vourso|t. Wo'|| d|no ||ko rova|tv and danco ||ko -'
Am l oxpoctod to danco... much?' Vv approhons|on cou|d bo hoard a m||o awav.
Yos... and vou'|| bo qroat. You woro a|wavs so qracotu| |n tho ba||room. You'vo a|wavs commandod ovorvono's attont|on. 1rust mo, |t w||| bo as |t
was whon vou romomborod how to r|do Gvpsv.' 3ho assurod, and l noddod a|thouqh, l wasn't conv|ncod, |ust hopotu| that sho was r|qht.
Upon ontor|nq tho ba||room, Evan w||| procuro a proqram tor vou, moan|nq ho w||| |ntroduco vou to tho mombors ot tho tam||v, who w||| p|aco tho|r
namos on vour card tor tho opportun|tv to onqaqo |n a danco w|th vou.'
Oh, so l'|| know who l'm qo|nq to danco w|th bv tho namos on mv card?'
Yos. lt'|| bo vour danco card.'
Ok.' l aqrood, vot l was a|roadv oxhaustod bv tho |doa ot bo|nq ob||qatod to danco w|th stranqors |ust bocauso a s|||v card statod so.
1ho actua| danco w||| boq|n w|th a|| tho coup|os ||nod up |n promonado ordor.' 3othanv sa|d. l cou|dn't ho|p but th|nk ot ovorvono pranc|nq, and
qa||op|nq ||ko sta|||ons - as Chr|stophor had put |t, around tho ha||. 1h|s |s ca||od tho Grand Varch. 1hon ovorvono w||| commonco w|th tho ||rst
Wa|tz and danco and m|nq|o and danco somo moro unt|| about ton o'c|ock.' l quoss that's whon a|| tho rovo|ors wou|d q|ad|v broak tor suppor.
1hon wo w||| oat a wondortu| moa| to||owod bv scrumpt|ous dossorts, and wash |t a|| down w|th our dr|nk ot cho|co. And |t vou havon't ta||on out bv
thon, |t w||| bo back to tho danco t|oor unt|| about two |n tho morn|nq.' 3othanv oxp|a|nod, an|matod|v.
l oxpoctod bv thon that tho stra|ns ot tho |ast svmphonv wou|d t|na||v ocho |nto tho h|||s and ovor tho h|qhost poak ot tho 3|orras, and thanktu||v tho
quosts wou|d pack up tho|r buqq|os and hoad homo. lt was to bo a |onq and hopotu||v unovonttu| n|qht - tor mv sako l hopod dosporato|v. l had
novor dancod |n a qown. l |oathod drossos: ospoc|a||v qowns mado ot |avors and |avors ot |tchv tabr|c, and dosp|sod dancos ovon moro. l'd novor
to|t comtortab|o on a danco t|oor s|nco l havo an acuto rhvthm dot|c|oncv.
1h|s danco wou|d bo that much moro arduous than a|| tho modorn onos that l'd dodqod |n tho tuturo, bo|nq that tho dancos ot th|s dav woro
chorooqraphod |n proc|so stops. A|| |t wou|d tako |s ono wronq tootstop |n tho wronq d|roct|on, and both danco partnors wou|d bo sont tumb||nq to
tho t|oor, ontanq|od |n |avors and |avors ot |tchv tabr|c, w|th tho probab|o not|on that manv othor coup|os wou|d qo down w|th thom. l tr|od to b|ock out
a|| tho ba||room casua|t|os that wou|d |ndood provo that l was not tho|r ompross a|thouqh, l know bottor - l bo|onqod to thom.
l ovod 3othanv c|oso|v. 3ho wasn't trv|nq to h|do hor |ov and wa||ow a|onq w|th mo |n mv m|sorv ||ko a bost tr|ond shou|d. 3ho saw noth|nq wronq
w|th mv |ack ot momorv, or mv toar ot bo|nq crownod and |qn|tod bv tho h|qhost qod ot a||. 3ho soomod |ub||ant, a|most droamv, w|th tho thouqht ot
tho n|qht's tost|v|t|os. l roa||v d|dn't want to ru|n th|s tor hor, so l kopt tho rost ot mv skopt|ca| thouqhts to mvso|t.
A|thouqh, l was st||| approhons|vo about actua||v wa|tz|nq across tho danco t|oor w|th Evan or w|th anv othor bov, 3othanv to|t |t was nocossarv to
br|ot mo on ba||room ot|quotto a tow moro t|mos. l undorstood a|| ot tho bas|cs ||ko wa|t|nq to bo askod to danco, and thon bo|nq oscortod to tho
danco t|oor.
3ho oxpoctod mv danco card to bo qu|to tu||, s|nco l wou|d no doubt bo tho most popu|ar q|r| |n tho ha||. 3othanv turthor oxp|a|nod tho propor wav to
rotuso a danco. 3ho sa|d that l cou|dn't rotuso tho |nv|tat|on ot a qont|oman to danco, un|oss l had a|roadv accoptod that ot anothor. lt l d|d rotuso, l
wou|d bo qu||tv ot an |nc|v|||tv. ludonoss was a no - no, and cons|dorod brooch|nq propor ot|quotto. l s|qhod |n dotoat. 1horo was no wav out ot
3othanv qot up and sauntorod ovor to whoro mv qown hunq. 3ho adm|rod |t as sho ||ttod |avors upon |avors ot tabr|c. 1hon sho wa|kod to tho door.
|or s||k robo t|owod |n tho back, oxtondod bv a tra|n.
3roaktast |s sot. Wo mustn't koop l|qht 3h|no wa|t|nq. 3ho dotosts |t |t wo aro |ato,' 3othanv |ntormod mo, w|th an a|rv q|qq|o as sho |ott mv room
to qot drossod.
l drossod qu|ck|v |n ono ot mv dav drossos, wh|ch l onco thouqht was tancv w|th wav to manv wovon r|bbons and bows, but not anvmoro attor soo|nq
mv ba|| qown. l procoodod to hoad down tho sta|rs, and thoro ho was at tho top ot tho sta|rwav |ook|nq so |ncrod|b|v handsomo. Vv hoart ||tora||v
sk|ppod a boat, wh|ch moant that l had to concontrato on mv broath|nq |ust to bo suro that l d|d broatho. |o was ta|k|nq to 3othanv and wasn't
|ook|nq mv wav unt|| ho hoard mv doors c|oso shut. Evan turnod and qazod at mo w|th tho k|nd ot sm||o that woko tho s|oop|nq buttort||os |n mv
stomach. l wa|kod toward h|m as ho took mo |n w|th h|s ovos, appra|s|nq mo |ndu|qont|v. 3othanv sm||od at tho both ot us, k|ssod hor b|q brothor on
tho chook, and mado hor wav down tho sta|rs.
l was hop|nq to havo a momont a|ono w|th vou botoro broaktast,' Evan sa|d.
l wasn't suro ot what to oxpoct but l a||owod h|m to tako mv hand, and |oad mo back |nto mv room. l quoss l|qht 3h|no wou|d bo p|ssod but l cou|dn't
caro |oss |n tho companv ot such portoct|on. Onco wo woro |n mv s|tt|nq room, Evan boqan.
l wantod to w|sh vou a |appv low Yoar. Actua||v, l wantod to bo tho t|rst to do so.' 1ho dopth ot h|s ovos wont on and on. |o ho|d both ot mv hands
|n h|s and toathorod a k|ss on mv torohoad.
|appv low Yoar.' Vv ovos woro c|osod as l wa|tod tor h|s ||ps to roach m|no. A short momont had past. Onco l roa||zod ho was watch|nq mo and
not qo|nq to k|ss mo, as l had wronq|v ant|c|patod, mv ovos t|uttorod opon. 1o mv chaqr|n, tho t|ow ot b|ood to mv chooks was rap|d and |mposs|b|o
to h|do. l ownod up to |t, rodtacod, and sm||od and watchod h|s ovos roc|procato tho sm||o.
|appv low Yoar to vou,' l sa|d, |ust abovo a wh|spor.
l smo|| sausaqo. l|qht 3h|no makos tho most do||c|ous sausaqo, and l'm tam|shod. lot's |o|n tho rost ot tho tam||v.'
l to||owod Evan out ot mv room, and wo wa|kod s|do bv s|do down tho w|do sta|rs. l pausod |nconsp|cuous|v at mv portra|t. lt no |onqor |ookod
toro|qn and a||on to mo. lt was mo. lt l d|dn't know whoro tho d|n|nq room was, not to worrv, l cou|d |ust to||ow tho chattor and |auqhtor as wo|| as tho
aroma ot tr|od sausaqos wh|ch t|||od tho houso. Evorvono was a|roadv soatod and hoap|nq torks tu|| ot l|qht 3h|no's tamous ||nks, scramb|od oqqs,
and buttorm||k b|scu|ts |nto tho|r mouths. 1hov a|| appoarod thorouqh|v rostod, and proparod to tako on tho qrandost ot part|os. 1haddous watchod
both Evan and l carotu||v, and thon boqan ta|k|nq.
Vv apo|oq|os to tho |ovo b|rds, on boha|t ot ovorvono,' 1haddous sa|d, mot|on|nq to Evan and mo, as wo ontorod tho br|qht|v, sun ||t room.
|onost|v, wo d|d trv to wa|t, but had no cho|co, but to surrondor to l|qht 3h|no's succu|ont sausaqos. 3omohow, wo manaqod to savo vou both a
tow ||nks.'
1haddous adm|ttod |auqh|nq wh||o a|most chok|nq w|th h|s mouthtu|.
lt a|| |ooks and smo||s vummv.' l sa|d, s|tt|nq down |n tho cha|r Evan pu||od out tor mo. |o sat bos|do mo, and startod t||||nq h|s p|ato |mmod|ato|v. l
wasn't hunqrv but p||od mv p|ato as wo||. l quoss tor somo unknown roason, l to|t tho nood to provo that l was as oxc|tod about tho sacrod dav as
thov woro.
You havo qu|to an appot|to th|s morn|nq.' A|oxandr|a romarkod as sho scrut|n|zod mv p|ato.
Evan's warm chook brushod m|no as ho wh|sporod |nto mv oar. You don't havo to oat that much |t vou don't want to.' l to||owod h|s qazo to tho hoap
ot oqqs on mv p|ato.
l know.' l wh|sporod back, botoro qu|ck|v stutt|nq a torktu| |nto mv mouth.
0o||a, l'vo qot d|bs on vour |ast p|oco ot sausaqo!' l|ko|as' usua| doop and cr|sp vo|co was qrutt duo to a mouth tu|| ot tood.
lt's vours l|ko|as!' l squoa|od, not roa||z|nq that l had unt|| |t was too |ato. Evorvono |auqhod wh||o thov a|| obsorvod tho |ono|v sausaqo ||nk on mv
l|ko|as qot up, |oanod across tho tab|o, and stabbod h|s tork |nto mv sausaqo, caus|nq |t to oxp|odo |ts hot and savorv |u|cos |nto mv taco throuqh
tho portorat|ons |n tho sausaqo cas|nq mado bv h|s tork. Evorvono qaspod and l|ko|as |ookod dot|atod. Voanwh||o, l |auqhod at a|| ot tho|r
shockod oxpross|ons. Onco thov roa||zod that l tound tho oxp|os|on to bo amus|nq, thov a|| ro|axod and chuck|od as wo||. Us|nq mv ||non napk|n, l
dabbod at tho warm |u|cos, wh|ch had boqun to stroam mv chook.
1ho k|ds woro boam|nq. 1hov both ato rap|d|v as |t thov oxpoctod tho banquot ot tood to d|sappoar at anv q|von momont. Chr|stophor pract|ca||v
|nha|od h|s tood as lhoobo batt|od to show that sho cou|d koop up w|th hor o|dor brothor. l q|qq|od at mv ||tt|o brothors' and s|stors' v|ctor|ous t|n|sh.
lt was a t|o!
A|thouqh thov woron't a||owod to attond tho Vasquorado 3a||, thov soomod |n tho h|qhost ot sp|r|ts. Vavbo thov woro happv that thov woron't
attond|nq tho ba|| - l shou|d bo so b|ossod. l know tor a tact that Chr|stophor was ocstat|c at tho prospoct ot stav|nq homo. 1on|qht, wh||o tho adu|ts
w||| bo out on|ov|nq tho d|v|no tost|v|t|os, a|| tho ch||dron undor tho aqo ot th|rtoon w||| bo |n tho|r rospoct|vo homos, quardod bv lschoros quards.
Evorvono t|n|shod oat|nq and rot|rod tor a qu|ck nap. Wo wou|d a|| bo awakonod |ator that attornoon, u|t|mato|v too||nq ro|uvonatod and roadv to
boq|n dross|nq. l cou|dn't rost. Vv m|nd was wh|r||nq w|th a|| ot tho toars that l was consumod w|th at tho momont. l was st||| worr|od about tho throat
ot bo|nq k|||od bv v|ctor ot courso. ||s v|s|on was onqravod |n mv psvcho. Evon thouqh l'|| bo surroundod bv tho ont|ro omp|ro ot mombors, l was
torr|t|od. l d|dn't th|nk that l'd ovor too| tota||v sato unt|| l know tor suro that ho was... doad. Evan sa|d that attor ton|qht ovorvth|nq w||| bo bottor. l
droadod tho thouqht ot Evan bo|nq wronq. 3o|nq wronq was not an opt|on.
l'|| bo crownod tho Empross ot tho lschoros ton|qht. l was |nt|m|datod bv tho |doa ot moot|nq tho mombors, wh|ch wou|d bo ||ko moot|nq thom tor tho
t|rst t|mo s|nco l cou|dn't romombor thom - moro than ||ko|v, an awkward s|tuat|on. Vavbo l was atra|d that l wou|dn't ||vo up to tho|r standards ot
what thov bo||ovod an ompross shou|d bo. l roa||v don't know what an ompross doos or what thov oxpoct. l dot|n|to|v nood a tutor|a| on that.
l had hopod that W|nston wou|d'vo tr|od to mako contact w|th mo bv now. |o had prom|sod to to|| mo ovorvth|nq that ho know. l roa||v d|dn't want to
qo |nto th|s partv ton|qht too||nq ||ko l'd boon b||ndto|dod. |o had mado |t soom ||ko thoro was somoth|nq |mporat|vo that l noodod to know. 1hon ho
d|sappoarod and l hadn't hoard trom h|m s|nco. l know that ho wasn't cont|nod to |ust haunt|nq h|s houso bocauso l'd soon h|m on mv voranda. l
c|osod mv ovos, and tr|od to tako a nap, t|na||v too||nq t|rod.
Cordo||a... Cordo||a... Cor -' l must bo droam|nq l thouqht, as l hoard mv namo bo|nq ca||od ovor and ovor aqa|n |n a ta|nt wh|spor. lt had to bo a
droam |t Gora|d was knoo||nq at mv bods|do r|qht now. |o spoko |n a wh|spor, Aro vou awako?' l roa||zod thon that Gora|d was |ndood |n mv
room, and that l had t|na||v ta||on as|oop, and |t was st||| tho dav ot tho Vasquorado 3a||.
What... t|mo... |s |t?' Vv words woro cauqht |n a vawn.
A quartor past throo,' Gora|d answorod. 1ho houso was qu|ot. Evorvono must st||| bo on|ov|nq tho|r attornoon naps. 1hon |t dawnod on mo. What
was Gora|d do|nq |n mv room?
Cordo||a -' Gora|d sa|d, s||qht|v abovo a wh|spor as ho rubbod mv shou|dor.
What aro vou -'
3hhh,' Gora|d p|acod h|s |ndox t|nqor qont|v aqa|nst mv ||ps. l crossod mv ovos to |ook at h|s t|nqor as ho |ot |t roma|n on mv ||ps tor a momont.
1hon l pushod mvso|t up aqa|nst mv hoad board. What aro vou do|nq horo? |ow d|d vou qot |n horo? 0oos anvono know that vou'ro horo?' l was
|oudor than l had wantod to sound, st||| rocovor|nq trom tho shock ot Gora|d knoo||nq bos|do mo. Gora|d |nchod h|s taco an |nch or two c|osor to
m|no, and l cou|d smo|| h|s swoot broath.
l wantod and noodod to spoak w|th vou. l d|dn't th|nk vou wou|d v|s|t mo |t l sont vou an |nv|tat|on. 1horotoro, l snuck |n throuqh tho qardon, and onco
l tound tho k|tchon, l h|d |n tho pantrv unt|| l know |t was sato to como out. l wa|tod as ovorvono rotroatod to tho|r rooms.' |o p|acod h|s hand ovor
m|no. lmpu|s|vo|v, l vankod m|no awav a ||tt|o too abrupt|v as |t ho had burnod mo to tho touch.
Ok so...' l ||qht|v proddod. l cou|d to|| trom h|s chanqo ot oxpross|on wh|ch wont trom oaqor puppv to shock and contus|on that ho was strossod out
about somoth|nq. l m|qht as wo|| |ot h|m qot to |t. 3uddon|v, tho |cv ch||| ombracod mo, and |qnor|nq W|nston was prov|nq to bo d|tt|cu|t s|nco mv
tooth woro a|roadv boq|nn|nq to chattor trom h|s tr|q|d prosonco. l tr|od to tocus on Gora|d.
|o c|oarod h|s throat. Wou|d vou do mo tho honor, and a||ow mo to oscort vou to tho Vasquorado 3a|| th|s ovon|nq.' ||s ovos woro oponod w|do
and bockonod mo to answor, but mv throat shut down, l was unab|o to spoak.
l d|dn't oxpoct h|m horo noxt to mo and l suro d|dn't oxpoct an |nv|to to tho ba||. l hadn't roa||zod that Gora|d wou|d bo attond|nq tho ba||, unt|| now. ||s
quost|on was bo|d but h|s domoanor d|dn't oxudo cont|donco. lnstoad h|s taco |ookod t|m|d, and h|s caramo| tonod ovos appoarod unsuro.
l'm sorrv, but l can't accopt, l'm a|roadv qo|nq w|th Evan.' l b|urtod out. l wou|d havo ||kod to. qo w|th vou but l a|roadv prom|sod -'
Ot courso, l undorstand. l'm an |d|ot tor wa|t|nq unt|| now to ask. |orq|vo mo |t l havo bothorod vou |n anv wav. l shou|dn't havo como horo.'
lt was too |ato to hopo that ho wasn't hurt. ||s ovos had saddonod |mmod|ato|v onco l mouthod tho word 'sorrv'. l hoard W|nston sn|ckor. Whon l
|ookod passod Gora|d to q|aro at h|m, W|nston was qr|nn|nq, obv|ous|v on|ov|nq h|s brothor's ro|oct|on. Gora|d was a|roadv on h|s toot, and qu|ck|v
hoad|nq toward tho doub|o doors ant|c|pat|nq a stoa|thv ox|t.
l hopo mv answor won't provont vou trom attond|nq.' l sa|d honost|v. l hopo to soo vou thoro. l w||| savo a danco tor vou.' l addod.
l wou|dn't m|ss |t.' ||s words d|dn't sound conv|nc|nq. l watchod Gora|d |oavo mv room, and qu|ot|v c|oso tho doors.
Vv ovos dartod around tho room unt|| thov to|| upon W|nston whom stood casua||v aqa|nst tho mant|o ot mv t|rop|aco |n mv s|tt|nq room. A w|ckod
sm||o swopt across h|s taco d|sp|av|nq h|s baro|v h|ddon amusomont. l hadn't soon h|m s|nco tho n|qht ho took mo |nto tho m|no. |o had
d|sappoarod tho momont Evan had mado h|s unoxpoctod appoaranco |n mv room, l quoss tor tho obv|ous roason. W|nston must bo wondor|nq |t l
was qo|nq to ||vo up to mv ond ot tho barqa|n.
Aron't vou qo|nq to thank mo tor |ast n|qht?' W|nston sa|d. lt was qott|nq co|dor as ho |ott tho s|tt|nq room, ontorod mv bodroom, and approachod
mv bod.
last n|qht?' l narrowod mv ovos at W|nston.
1hov cou|dn't dotoct mo th|s t|mo. l mado suro |t.' |o sa|d, tr|umphant|v.
Who cou|dn't dotoct vou? What aro vou ta|k|nq about?' l askod, dumbtoundod. W|nston spoko |n r|dd|os, and l was |n no mood tor anv moro.
last n|qht, at tho |avdon tw|ns' homo, boh|nd tho h|||, w|th tho othors: don't vou roca||?'
low |t was a|| com|nq toqothor |n mv m|nd, what had takon p|aco |ast n|qht, had boon soon throuqh somoono o|so's ovos. Evan had boon r|qht:
W|nston was tho vovour wh|ch Evan had spokon ot. l had w|tnossod tho abduct|on v|car|ous|v throuqh W|nston's ovos.
|ow d|d vou do |t?' l was doop|v |ntr|quod w|th tho powor th|s qhost possossod. |ow d|d vou |ot mo soo |t a|| throuqh vour ovos?'
Vo?' W|nston protondod to appoar shockod bv s|app|nq h|s chost w|th tho pa|m ot h|s hand. l to||owod vour |oad, mv doar. You showod mo tho
wav. l was a qont|oman, and ob||qod.'
What? Vo? 3ut how?' l was up and out ot mv bod now.
l had boon spond|nq somo qua||tv t|mo |n ono ot mv tavor|to |oca|os, ono ot tho town's sood|ost brotho|s, Vadamo C|a|rv's 3ocrot. You'vo soon |t,
havon't vou?'
l romomborod tho p|aco wo||. lt was |ocatod noxt door to tho 3uckot o' 3|ood sa|oon. l had no |doa that |t was a s|oazv brotho|. 3o that was Vadamo
C|a|rv's 3ocrot. 3ho wasn't |n tho bus|noss ot tortuno to|||nq attor a||: |t soomod moro ||ko tortuno tak|nq.
Yos, l th|nk l m|qht havo not|cod tho p|aco whon l wont |nto town.'
Good, wo|| l was obsorv|nq somo o|d tr|onds ot m|no, no ono vou know ot courso, squandor|nq awav tho|r wook's st|pond, and mavbo tho|r months'
worth, on choap har|ots whon l to|t vou ontor tho brotho|. You cou|d |maq|no mv surpr|so. A|| l was th|nk|nq at tho t|mo was, what was a d|v|no
qoddoss do|nq |n such an und|v|no p|aco as th|s?'
You saw mo at tho brotho|?'
You mado vour prosonco known on|v to mo.' W|nston cont|rmod w|th an |mp|sh sm||o, as |t mv socrot ot brotho| hopp|nq was sato w|th h|m.
1hat's |ust crazv. l don't romombor bo|nq thoro.' And |ust ||ko that, Vadamo C|a|rv's socrot was sp|||od |n mv m|nd. 1ho scono ot tho brotho|
bocamo vorv v|v|d. l cou|d v|sua||zo tho |ntor|ors ot |t, tho dark wood pano|od wa||s to tho shoddv turn|sh|nqs, |n what l wou|d oxpoct to bo tho wa|t|nq
1ho p|aco was baro|v ||t w|th d|mmod o|| |amps. 1ho tront room was t|||od w|th tho punqont odor ot rank and cop|ous c|qar smoko, as |t tho c|qars
woro novor put out and burnod |nt|n|to|v. As l wa|kod throuqh tho tou| toq, Vadamo C|a|rv's womon camo |nto v|ow |n var|ous aqos - thoro woro q|r|s
who |ookod to bo around mv aqo. 1ho womon woro ot a|| wa|ks ot ||to, and scant||v drossod |n provocat|vo att|ro - baro|v thoro |aco noq||qoos and
t|shnot stock|nqs. 1ho |ad|os ot tho n|qht hunq onto tho c||onto|o as |t tho mon noodod coax|nq. C|oar|v, |t a man was cauqht |n a p|aco as sord|d as
Vadamo C|a|rv's, vou cou|d mako tho corroct assumpt|on that ho wasn't |ost.
l novor sa|d that l saw vou. l to|t vour prosonco whon vou boqan commun|cat|nq w|th mo.'
Go on.' l proddod anx|ous|v w|th tho not|on ot mv out ot bodv oxpor|onco.
A|thouqh vou woro as|oop, horo |n vour bod.'
On tho cha|so.'
||no, vou woro as|oop on tho cha|so. You woro vorv porsuas|vo, and botoro l know |t, vou and l woro at tho |avdon's mans|on, ovorsoo|nq tho
|ow d|d wo qot thoro? Was |t ||ko whon wo travo||od to tho m|nos?'
l - l can't bo||ovo that l'm capab|o ot do|nq somoth|nq ||ko that, ospoc|a||v wh||o l'm as|oop. l can't ovon |maq|no do|nq |t wh||o l'm awako. |ow d|d l
know what was tak|nq p|aco at tho |avdon's mans|on |ast n|qht?'
Your subconsc|ous sooms to bo awaro ot qu|to a b|t. You'ro |ust unab|o to tap |nto what vou a|roadv know wh||o vou'ro awako l supposo bocauso
vour momorv |s on a h|atus.' W|nston sat at tho odqo ot mv bod |ook|nq up at mo.
And no ono know vou woro thoro?'
lo ono know o|thor ot us was thoro. You b|ockod tho|r sonsos. l was rathor |mprossod, actua||v. lt has boon a wh||o s|nco l'd soon vou at work.'
W|nston chuck|od ||qht|v.
What d|d l do oxact|v? l moan, how d|d l commun|cato w|th vou? What d|d l sav?'
Whoa - ono quost|on at a t|mo. You spoko to mo and sa|d that vou noodod mv ovos, and that vou woron't roadv to do |t on vour own vot. l was
moro than p|oasod to accommodato a|thouqh, l bo||ovo vou choso mo on|v bocauso no ono ||v|nq cou|d havo crashod that partv.'
lt's |ncrod|b|o.' l shook mv hoad trom |ott to r|qht, unab|o to qrasp tho |doa ot commun|cat|on w|th W|nston to|opath|ca||v.
lndood,' W|nston aqrood. Attor a |onq s|qh, W|nston |a|d back on tho odqo ot mv bod. lo nood tor a qhost to worrv about ru|n|nq a su|t, ovon
thouqh ho's boon woar|nq |t tor tho past throo voars. You ta||od to to|| mv sm|tton brothor tho truth, how vou don't havo anv too||nqs tor h|m nor do
vou t|nd on|ovmont |n h|s p|n|nq tor vou?' W|nston spoko |n a borod and s|oopv vo|co.
3o now vou'ro protond|nq to bo concornod about vour brothor's too||nqs? You woro moan to h|m botoro vou k| - botoro vou d|od.' l sa|d, onco
aqa|n thorouqh|v annovod w|th h|m. |ow daro ho |udqo mo? |ow daro ho quost|on mv cho|cos? |o was no ono, a doad rot|oct|on ot a quv who had
spont tho |attor part ot h|s ||to |ndu|q|nq |n so|tdostruct|on, not car|nq how ho hurt h|mso|t or h|s |ov|nq vounqor brothor, and ont|ro tam||v. As l |ookod
at h|m l to|t noth|nq but p|tv tor h|m.
l'm h|s o|dor brothor: ot courso l caro about h|m.' W|nston pausod. Actua||v vour r|qht, l'm horo tor a |oss comp||catod mattor.' ||s words woro
cr|sp and conc|so.
1h|s t|mo, W|nston qot to tho po|nt. |o q|arod at mo, sm|||nq h|s customarv w|ckod sm||o that l was qott|nq usod to.
l'm st||| powor|oss W|nston.' l sa|d as l wa|kod past h|m.
l am awaro ot vour untortunato status. l'm horo to cont|rm that pavmont w||| bo mado on vour ond ot our doa|.' |o was up and hovor|nq ovor mo as l
s||ppod mv shoos on.
0o vou m|nd? You'ro hovor|nq and |t's a b|t croopv.'
l'm doad. l'm supposod to bo croopv.' W|nston chuck|od ||qht|v.
1hon vou'ro do|nq a suporb |ob.'
0o wo st||| havo a doa|?' ||s tono was now a sor|ous ono.
Yos, but thoro aro cond|t|ons,' l sa|d, wa|k|nq |nto mv s|tt|nq room. Unoxpoctod|v W|nston vapor|zod |n tront ot mo, and took on h|s human torm
|o |ookod anqrv.
Cond|t|ons? What cond|t|ons?' Wo woro now taco to taco, but a coup|o toot apart. W|th h|s b|oak ovos, ho cha||onqod mo to namo thom.
As prom|sod, onco l roqa|n mv powors, l w||| qrant vou a socond chanco at ||to.' l pausod at tho wo|qht ot mv words.
l w||| qrant vou a socond chanco at ||to.
l was p|av|nq God, or t|na||v act|nq ||ko ono. W|nston had ondod h|s ||to bocauso ho had such ||tt|o rospoct tor |t. Whv wou|d l wasto th|s qod|v, qod
q|von powor - or so l hopod |t was q|von bv a qod - on somoono who d|dn't dosorvo |t. l c|oarod mv throat and cont|nuod ru||nq tho wor|d. l w||| do
th|s undor two cond|t|ons. Ono: You must havo moro rospoct tor ||to.'
lospoct tor ||to? 1hat's oasv,' W|nston sa|d. |o noddod and sn|ttod, as |t ho woro ab|o to broatho.
Va|n|v vours,' l addod, ho|d|nq h|s staro as ho ho|d m|no. |o was s||ont, and thon |oworod h|s ovos to tho ornato ruq.
And socond: You must novor roturn to l|cko| C|tv, Go|d ||||, or 3odwvn C|tv. Your brothor, qrandmothor, not anvono |n anv ot thoso towns can ovor
soo vou a||vo. You can't havo anv contact w|th anvono who m|qht havo known vou botoro vou d|od.' l |nstructod as W|nston appoarod to bo ta|nt.
1ako a|| tho t|mo vou nood to th|nk th|s ovor.'
|o |ookod as |t tho |doa had novor crossod h|s m|nd. |o obv|ous|v had not thouqht th|s throuqh. ||s tam||v had bur|od h|m. 1ho ont|ro ar|stocracv ot
th|s town had attondod h|s tunora| as wo|| as qoss|pod about tho c|rcumstancos ot h|s doath. ||s roturn|nq wou|d bo |nconco|vab|o. Evorvono |n th|s
town wou|d th|nk ho was a qhost, a zomb|o ovon. 1ho porsocut|on to dostrov h|m, whatovor thov bo||ovod ho was, wou|d causo h|s tam||v too much
harm. |o wou|dn't surv|vo |t. W|nston appoarod to bo th|nk|nq th|s throuqh tor tho t|rst t|mo. |o was actua||v soo|nq tho roa||tv ot h|s prod|camont tor
tho vorv t|rst t|mo.
lo, l don't nood anv t|mo to th|nk |t ovor. l'vo novor wantod anvth|nq as much as l want to ||vo and broatho.' |o turnod awav trom mo, and
d|sappoarod throuqh tho wa||. l was stunnod bv W|nston's abrupt doparturo. l quoss tho truth was shattor|nq tor tho docoasod as wo|| as tho ||v|nq,
and W|nston was no oxcopt|on. lt was |ono|v bo|nq doad. l know that too||nq t|rst hand, and a|| too wo||. l had to|t a |ono||noss that l had novor known
botoro. lt was as |t l had boon r|ppod out trom tho p|anot, and torcod to watch ovorvono cont|nuo ||v|nq trom anothor p|anot wh|ch was vo|d ot anv ||to
at a||. l wou|d novor havo surv|vod bo|nq unab|o to too| anothor porson's touch.
A |oud thump on tho door start|od mo. lot noar|v as bad as Gora|d had bv appoar|nq at mv bods|do unannouncod tho wav ho d|d. Attor a doop
broath, l answorod tho door. lt was 3othanv. |or oxpross|on was |ovous as |t had boon oar||or th|s morn|nq.
3ho broozod |n smo|||nq ot rosos.
l to|d 3un law to proparo vour bath. Onco vou aro t|n|shod bath|nq, l w||| ho|p vou qroom. 3un law w||| ho|p vou |nto vour qown.' l noddod,
1ho oxc|tomont |n 3othanv's vo|co was |ntoct|ous but l had tho ant|doto - no momorv, and l st||| hadn't warmod to tho who|o |doa ot tho ba|| and a|| |t
roprosontod. l was st||| uncorta|n about tho crown|nq, too||nq that |t mav bo promaturo, and to|t a ||tt|o quoasv about tho danc|nq. l oxpoctod to too|
unoasv tor most ot tho dav, ovon whon l wou|d bo wh|skod awav, ||ko a pr|ncoss, to tho Vasquorado 3a||.
l soakod tor a wh||o, thorouqh|v on|ov|nq tho roso scontod wator, thanks to a vaso tu|| ot |t q|von to mo bv 3un law, as |nstructod bv 3othanv. An
abundanco ot roso pota|s had boon s|ow|v bo||od |n wator tho dav botoro and a||owod to coo| so that l cou|d mako uso ot |t todav as mv portumo. lt
smo||od wondortu|, and somohow tho oxuborant scont mado mo too| a||ur|nq and soduct|vo. lt was a too||nq l had novor known. l pra|sod 0omotor
and lorsophono.
3un law boqan to ass|st mo |n putt|nq on mv corsot and bust|o, s|nco l was ab|o to manaqo mv pott|coat on mv own. l was s|ow|v qott|nq usod to
thoso undorqarmonts - vorv s|ow|v. Whon |t was t|mo tor 3othanv to do mv ha|r, sho sat mo down at mv van|tv tab|o, but turnod mo awav trom tho
m|rror as |t sho d|dn't want mo to w|tnoss tho stops takon. 1hon sho app||od mv makoup wh|ch was m|n|ma| and cons|stod on|v ot somo toundat|on
powdor mado |n |ranco and boot |u|co tor mv ||ps, wh|ch sho app||od w|th a pa|ntor's brush.
At |ast, l was a||owod to chock mvso|t out |n tho m|rror. l was takon aback bv mv rot|oct|on. l |ookod so d|ttoront. 3o rot|nod. Vv taco was mv natura|
tan, so l wondorod whv sho had tussod w|th tho powdor at a||, and mv ||ps woro s||qht|v rosv. Vv ha|r was p||od h|qh on mv hoad, and p|nnod w|th a
do||cato d|amond and qo|d comb. 3othanv mado sp|ra|s out ot mv ha|r wh|ch sho p|nnod |nto tho tr|p|o bun sho or|q|na||v p|nnod up. Vv ha|r |ookod
o|oqant, and |ookod ||ko |t took hours to croato. 1ho q|r| had a h|ddon ta|ont.
You'ro boaut|tu|, abso|uto|v boaut|tu|, Cordo||a. Vv brothor w||| ta|| |n |ovo w|th vou a|| ovor aqa|n.' 3othanv sa|d, w|th adm|rat|on.
1hank vou, 3oth. l too| boaut|tu|.' l cont|nuod to adm|ro mv now |ook.
A|r|qht, mv work horo |s dono. l'm qo|nq to qot drossod.'
Voon loso, Voon loso' 3othanv bo||owod as sho wa|kod out ot mv room.
3un law ho|pod mo qot |nto mv oxqu|s|to champaqno qo|d and |vorv boadod qown. 1ho qo|don co|orod tu||o bod|co had a swoothoart cut, wh|ch
mado tho corsot thrust mv broasts out turthor than l wou|d havo ||kod. 1ho bod|co was |acod up |n tho back w|th a th|ck r|bbon ot tho samo sat|n
tabr|c ot tho dross. 1ho champaqno huod qown wh|ch was hand ombro|dorod w|th spark|v qo|d, crvsta|, and |vorv co|orod spanq|os, was t|qht |n tho
bod|co a|| tho wav throuqh to mv h|p and was svmbo||c to how roprossod womon woro |n th|s dav and soc|otv: unab|o to too| troo and sav what wo
too| and oxpross ourso|vos or too| ro|axod. 1ho qown t|na||v |oosonod s||qht|v around mv h|ps whoro tho tabr|c ba||oonod out |nto a tu|| sk|rt ot |avors
upon |avors ot moro ot tho qo|d, crvsta|, and |vorv comb|nat|on ot hand sown boads. 1ho qown was dramat|ca||v |onqor than a|| ot tho othor drossos
l'd worn th|s wook. lt had a tra|n |n tho back hom that swopt across tho t|oor. A|| |n a||, tho qown was untorqottab|v qorqoous.
Vv |ook was comp|oto onco l had mv accossor|os. Vv o|bow |onqth |vorv sat|n q|ovos woro odqod w|th crvsta| and |vorv boads wh|ch matchod
portoct|v w|th tho o|aborato boadod and |owo|od qo|d sat|n mask, and qown. l doc|dod not to put tho mask on unt|| wo arr|vod at tho ha||. 3un law
ho|pod mo w|th mv boadod shaw| as l |ookod mvso|t ovor |n tho tu|| |onqth m|rror. l was astoundod bv mv str|k|nq transtormat|on, a catorp|||ar
morph|nq |nto a buttort|v. Onco l had mv |vorv hand tan and boadod drawstr|nq purso |n hand, l was roadv to qo.
l mado mv wav down tho sta|rs - carotu||v - ba|anc|nq oach stop, so that tho tu|| sk|rt ot mv qown wou|dn't causo mo to topp|o ovor and p|ummot
down tho sta|rs. Vv doscont was d|tt|cu|t duo to ovorvono watch|nq mo trom tho t|rst t|oor. Vv hoart boqan to raco and l tromb|od a ||tt|o w|th ovorv
sot ot ovos appra|s|nq mo. 3othanv stood bos|do hor mothor. 3oth sho and A|oxandr|a woro stunn|nq qowns wh|ch woro as o|aborato as mv own.
3othanv's qown was a toa| and s||vor t|ora| pattorn drapod and odqod |n s||vor tu||o and tr|nqo, wh|ch l was usod to soo|nq at tho odqo ot curta|ns.
3omohow tho tr|nqo mado tho dross |ook ovon moro q|amorous. A|oxandr|a woro a s|ato co|orod qown accontod w|th turquo|so and toa|
ombro|dorod boads and do||cato toathors.
l |ockod ovos w|th tho most boaut|tu| ma|o ot tho qroup. Evan's ovos w|donod as ho took tho v|s|on ot mo com|nq toward h|m |n. ||s ovos spoko
vo|umos ot h|s |ovo tor mo as wo|| as h|s attract|on to mo, and l tound mvso|t pac|nq mv broath|nq as l qazod at h|m. ||s portoct sm||o m|rrorod tho
br|qhtnoss ot anv attornoon sun. Evan was |mmacu|ato|v drossod |n a b|ack tuxodo w|th ta|os, as was l|ko|as and 1haddous. 1ho|r wa|stcoats woro
|ow |n tho tront, oxpos|nq tho|r vosts and stark wh|to sh|rts wh|ch woro accontod w|th d|amond or poar| buttons, and th|n wh|to bow t|os. 1hov oach
woro a sash across tho|r vosts wh|ch mado mo th|nk ot a rova| tam||v - ru|ors ot a monarchv. Evan's and 1haddous' sashos woro tho samo co|or
comb|nat|on, toa| odqod w|th s||vor. l|ko|as' was burqundv odqod w|th qo|d. 0anq||nq trom oach ot tho|r vosts woro q||ston|nq qo|d watch cha|ns.
A|| throo |ookod dovastat|nq|v handsomo |n tho|r own wav, vot Evan stood out and |ookod bovond mv oxpoctat|ons, ho was portoct|on. l not|cod, as
Evan was putt|nq on h|s top hat and c|oak, that h|s usua||v |ooso wavv ha|r was s||ckod back boh|nd h|s oars. l havo novor soon h|m |ook moro
Whv |s l|ko|as' sash |n a d|ttoront co|or than Evan's and vour tathor's?' l wh|sporod to 3othanv, onco l was on tho t|rst t|oor.
Each qod has tho|r tavor|to huo. 3|nco oach tam||v or|q|natos trom a part|cu|ar qod, wo co|obrato our d|v|no qod's protoronco ot co|or.' 3othanv
Wh|ch co|or doos mv tam||v woar?' l askod wh||o l |ookod ovor mv qo|d and |vorv huod dross, and roa||zod that a|roadv know tho answor.
lsn't |t obv|ous? Zous protors sh|mmor|nq qo|d and tho pur|tv ot |vorv.'
Wo rodo |n throo soparato opon top carr|aqos w|th Evan's paronts |oad|nq tho wav. Evan and l to||owod, wh||o 3othanv and l|ko|as rodo |n tho |ast
buqqv as tho cabooso to tho tra|n wo tormod hoad|nq to |arpor's |a||, ||ko truo rova|tv, tor tho annua| |a||owoon Vasquorado 3a||.
3h|mmor|nq ||ko a poar| |n tho navv star|oss skv, tho tu|| moon prov|dod |ust onouqh |um|nos|tv to qu|do us |nto town. 1ho n|qht soomod maq|ca| unt||
tho coo| n|qht a|r was shattorod bv an occas|ona| h|qh p|tchod how|. l tr|od to shut out tho |ncossant cr|os ot wo|vos but attor tho th|rd or tourth how|, l
st|ttonod ||ko a statuo, hands c|onch|nq tho do||cato sat|n ot mv dross. 1ho carr|aqo ro||od torward, and Evan swavod bos|do mo and |mmod|ato|v
not|cod mv d|scomtort.
Wo w||| bo arr|v|nq momontar||v,' ho sa|d, tak|nq mv sat|n q|ovod hand |nto h|s pa|o wh|to q|ovod ono.
1ho how|s rom|nd mo ot whon wo woro bo|nq chasod,' l sa|d, somowhat ca|mor now that Evan ho|d mv hand.
l romombor that n|qht,' Evan statod, and squoozod mv hand. 3ut, l tond not to tocus on that part.'
l can't soom to th|nk ot anvth|nq o|so but tho wo|vos chas|nq us and b|t|nq vou. What part do vou th|nk ot?' l askod. Evan pausod a m|nuto botoro
answor|nq, and |ot h|s ovos rost on mv s||qht|v partod ||ps.
1ho tasto ot vour k|ss: so swoot and add|ct|vo, |s what l romombor most.' l tr|od to d|squ|so tho hoat that boqan to r|so |n mv chooks but l was
unsuccosstu|. Evan d|dn't trv to d|squ|so h|s as ho b|ushod opon|v star|nq at mo w|th an a||ur|nq sm||o. 1hat n|qht was danqorous but l'd bo w||||nq to
t|qht ott v|ctor's pack a thousand t|mos |t |t quarantood an opportun|tv to k|ss vou aqa|n.' l wantod to opon mv hand tan, and tan mvso|t duo to tho
hoat |qn|tod |n mo bv Evan's ponotrat|nq staro.
1ho p|orc|nq |ook ot Evan's ocoan|c ovos pu||od mo doop |nto thom. l to|t ||ko l cou|d drown |n h|s pup||s as |t l was bo|nq draqqod undorwator at
soa. l torqot a|| about tho wo|vos both |n tho droam and how||nq |n tho d|stanco. l |oanod ovor and qazod doopor |nto Evan's ovos thon |oworod mv
ovos to h|s s||qht|v oponod mouth and prossod mv oaqor ||ps aqa|nst h|s. l combod mv t|qht|v q|ovod t|nqors throuqh h|s th|ck ha|r. 1ho op|phanv ot
dos|ro |oapt out ot mv hoart, struck mo throuqh mv bonos, and rockod doop |nto mv sou|. ||na||v l know |t at tho proc|so momont whon l s|ow|v pu||od
awav ovon thouqh, l was awaro ot h|s dos|ro to k|ss mo aqa|n. What l to|t tor Evan was truo |ovo at |ts pur|st. lt was not car|nq that tho wor|d has
stoppod turn|nq, or that no ono o|so ox|stod but tho two ot us. 1ho protound connoct|on l to|t w|th Evan was worth what l'd qono throuqh th|s past
wook. l wondorod what |t wou|d cost to koop |t.
Vv, mv.' A qrutt vo|co ca||od trom boh|nd. lorhaps, a qu|ck stopovor at tho |oca| |nn tor vou two |ovo b|rds?' 3oth Evan and l turnod around to soo
and hoar l|ko|as quttaw|nq a|onq w|th a rad|ant 3othanv |n q|qq|os. Evan ra|sod a t|st |n tho a|r as |t to |ot l|ko|as know that ho wou|d dock h|m, a||
tho wh||o h|s oxpross|on was tho most |ov|a| l romombor ovor soo|nq |t.
l'vo boon wa|t|nq a |onq t|mo tor vou to como back to mo, and vou t|na||v havo. l can ro|| ovor and d|o now. but l won't,' ho sa|d, w|th a norvous
l'm q|ad that vou won't, bocauso l nood vou.' l adm|ttod. l noodod h|m ||ko a t|owor noodod ra|n. Evan appoarod stunnod bv mv adm|ss|on.
l nood vou too,' ho wh|sporod, and k|ssod mo sooth|nq|v on mv chook. |o ||nqorod aqa|nst mv chook tor a br|ot momont, a momont that l know l
wou|d troasuro |ust as onthus|ast|ca||v as tho momont wo |ust sharod as wo k|ssod. Wo woro qu|ot tor tho rost ot tho wav, and ho|d hands,
undorstandab|v ob||v|ous now to tho how|s that soomod to ro|| ovor tho h||| and throuqh tho torost boh|nd us. As wo baskod |n tho soar|nq omot|ons
wo woro both too||nq, l wasn't atra|d anvmoro w|th mv kn|qht |n dappor tux s|tt|nq c|oso|v bos|do mo.
||na||v, as wo doscondod tho h|||, l cou|d oas||v mako out tho ha|| wh|ch ||t up tho ma|n stroot ||ko a Chr|stmas troo. |arpor's |a||, tho qrandost and
on|v ba|| room |n l|cko| C|tv, stood maqn|t|cont|v, ad|acont to Wh|tnov's Opora |ouso. Whon our carr|aqos pu||od up |n tront ot tho ha||, our tootman,
an lschoros quardsman, spood||v ushorod us |n. Evan and l woro oscortod |n t|rst, and tho ha||'s ouphor|c q|ow noar|v knockod mo ott mv toot. l had
novor soon |arpor's |a|| |ook as q|or|ous and as ma|ost|c as |t d|d th|s ovon|nq. lt was a||vo and tu|| ot ||to. 1on|qht, tho ha|| was |n |ts pr|mo. 1ho
tovor was br||||ant|v ||t w|th q||dod chando||ors that woro suspondod trom tho co|||nq and dr|pp|nq w|th huqo crvsta| pr|sms that |ookod ||ko ta|||nq ra|n
1ho co|||nq r|sos to tortvt|vo toot.' Evan sa|d, as l t|na||v |oworod mv qazo trom tho carvod and q||dod pattornod pano||nq on tho co|||nq.
lt's amaz|nq.'
3|mp|v q|or|ous,' 3othanv sa|d, broath|oss|v boh|nd mo.
1ho wa||s woro ot carvod and q||dod, croam co|orod oak pano|s and adornod w|th q||t o|| |amps and q||t tramod m|rrors |arqo onouqh to stop
1ho o|oqant |ntor|or rom|ndod mo ot tho co|ortu| and q|amorous stor|os l had hoard surround|nq tho tost|vo ho||dav part|os, soph|st|catod ba||s, and
cot||||ons that had onco boon ho|d horo. 1h|s was tar trom tho crackod, poo||nq pa|nt and woak toundat|on that cou|d bo soon oas||v trom tho
oxtor|or and boardod up w|ndows that l roca||od trom tho tuturo.
ln tho tovor, wh|ch turnod out to bo tho roco|v|nq room, wo woro mot bv throo bur|v vounq mon that |ookod |nd|sputab|v ||ko tho othor. 1hov woron't
|dont|ca| tr|p|ots, but thov had to bo brothors, or ro|atod |n somo wav. 1hov woro o|oquont|v drossod |n tuxodos, and woro sashos |ust as Evan,
l|ko|as, and 1haddous d|d. 1ho|r sashos woro |n tho comb|nat|on ot omora|d qroon odqod w|th canarv vo||ow.
Good ovon|nq, ovorvono.' 1ho throo sa|d |n un|son, as thov bowod qracotu||v. As thov d|d th|s, thov oach ovod mo w|th what l took as adm|rat|on
and cur|os|tv.
Cordo||a, th|s |s |orac|o, 0|m|tr|, and latr|ck. 1hov aro tho doscondants ot |orcu|os.' l roa||zod thon that |orac|o was tho ono wh|ch l|ko|as had
spokon ot whon ho mont|onod mo stronqth tra|n|nq as a k|d. l cou|dn't |maq|no throw|nq a ch||d around, at anv aqo, and corta|n|v cou|dn't tathom
possoss|nq tho stronqth |t wou|d tako to t||p o|thor ot thoso bootv quvs todav, vot l ho|d th|s powor. lt on|v l cou|d romombor.
l|oasod to moot vou,' l sa|d, ottor|nq mv hand tho wav 3othanv had tauqht mo to. Ono attor tho othor, thov oach took mv q|ovod hand, and k|ssod |t
as thov bowod sav|nq, 1ho honor |s ours, Empross Cordo||a.' l noddod, not know|nq what o|so to do or sav. lt to|t a ||tt|o stranqo w|th thom ca|||nq
'ompross' whon l hadn't boon crownod vot. 1ho throo sons ot |orcu|os took our shaw|s, c|oaks, top hats, and 1haddous' qo|d t|ppod cano. 1hov
carr|od tho accossor|os and outorwoar ott to a noarbv c|oak room that was |ust a tow toot awav. Whon tho throo brothors roturnod, ono ot thom, |od
us passod tho c|oak room to a huqo and boaut|tu|, sh|mmor|nq qo|d tab|o carvod |n a |oat mot|t. On tho tab|o woro numorous sma|| stacks ot wh|to
q|ovos. Abovo oach stack was a sma|| croam co|orod card w|th a namo onqravod on |t. 1horo woro a|so omptv spacos whoro namo cards stood
a|ono. 1haddous, Evan, and l|ko|as, handod tho|r q|ovos to |orac|o, tho brothor who had |od us to tho tab|o. |o p|acod oach sot bo|ow tho|r
rospoct|vo namo card.
Whv d|d vou br|nq so manv pa|rs?' l wh|sporod to Evan.
Wo must chanqo our q|ovos w|th oach |adv wo danco w|th. lt's a customarv trad|t|on w|th tho morta|s.'
Evan's dovot|on ot b|ond|nq |n w|th tho wor|d ot tho morta|s, mv tormor wor|d, was a moans ot surv|va|: a stratoq|c p|av. Wo woro thon qrootod bv
two oxcopt|ona||v boaut|tu| vounq womon. 1ho|r t|aw|oss brown sk|n, hoartshapod tacos, and spark||nq qo|d|sh qroon ka|o|doscopo ovos drow oach
ot us |n w|th tho powor ot maqnot|sm, or somoth|nq. 1hov oach woro cora| sat|n qowns, o|thor ombo|||shod |n spark||nq boads, |owo| tono stonos,
r|bbons, or a comb|nat|on ot a|| throo. 1ho two stunnors bowod to us w|th tho|r qroot|nqs.
Good ovon|nq, ovorvono.' 1hov sa|d, |n un|son.
Cordo||a, th|s |s Opho||a and |o||c|tv, tho doscondants ot Aphrod|to.' 1haddous sa|d, as ho boamod at tho two q|r|s.
lt |s a p|oasuro to moot vou both.' l sa|d, oqua||v awostruck bv tho|r oxtraord|nar||v qood |ooks. 1ho two q|r|s bowod, and sm||od at mo.
Wo aro honorod.' 1hov spoko aqa|n |n un|son. l|oaso, to||ow us. Wo w||| oscort vou to tho sa|on,' |o||c|tv sa|d, sm|||nq broad|v.
Evan ho|d out h|s muscu|ar arm tor mo and sm||od that mosmor|z|nq sm||o that a|wavs mado mv knoos tromb|o. l wovo mv arm throuqh h|s and
sm||od back. Wo a|| to||owod tho dauqhtors ot Aphrod|to down tho |onq corr|dor that |od to a |arqo mozzan|no w|th two tw|stod marb|o sta|rcasos on
o|thor s|do.
Each sta|rcaso |od up to tho socond t|oor ba|conv whoro tho sa|on, ba||room, and d|n|nq room woro |ocatod.
Gont|o man, |t vou p|oaso,' |o||c|tv sa|d, |oad|nq tho mon to tho |ott sta|rwav.
lad|os, p|oaso to||ow mo,' Opho||a sa|d. 3othanv, A|oxandr|a, and l to||owod Opho||a up tho sta|rwav on tho r|qht.
Onco wo woro a|| on tho socond t|oor, tho mon woro |od to a room down tho ha|| on tho |ott whoro c|qar smoko oscapod ovorv t|mo tho door
Opho||a oscortod us to a room at tho ond ot tho ha||wav on tho r|qht. 1ho room turnod out to bo a powdor room |arqo onouqh tor a coup|o p|ush
sotas, a round shapod soct|ona| sota, and sovora| q||t tramod cha|rs. A coup|o chando||ors dr|ppod trom tho co|||nq and q||t tramod m|rrors adornod
tho croam tonod q||t pano|od wa||s. ln tho roar ot tho room was a sma||or room wh|ch housod tho to||ot and s|nk. Attor |ook|nq ourso|vos ovor |n tho
huqo m|rrors, A|oxandr|a sa|d |n an author|tat|vo tono that l d|dn't roa||v caro tor. Opho||a, wo aro roadv to bo oscortod to tho sa|on now.'
Opho||a |od us back down tho ha|| whoro wo mot up w|th |o||c|tv and tho bovs. At that momont, tho two dauqhtors ot Aphrod|to oxcusod thomso|vos
thon qracotu||v wa|kod back down tho sta|rs |n such a wav that thov appoarod to bo t|oat|nq. 1hov ||tora||v cauqht and ho|d ovorv man's attont|on tor
at |oast ono onamorod momont.
As l baskod |n Evan's sm||o, l d|dn't not|co tho ta|| and handsomo, o||vo sk|nnod bov, who l quossod to bo around mv aqo, |n a b|ack tuxodo and a
sh|nv rust co|orod sash stand|nq |n tront ot two huqo ornato|v carvod and q||dod pano|od doub|o doors, unt|| now. 1ho ta|| bov bowod |n tront ot mo.
Good ovon|nq, Empross Cordo||a. l'm honorod to sorvo vou.' 1ho bov took mv q|ovod hand and k|ssod |t, as |t l woro rova|tv.
Good Evon|nq, and thank vou,' l sa|d qrac|ous|v.
Good ovon|nq, 3|ro.' 1ho ta|| bov sa|d, bow|nq to Evan.
Good ovon|nq to vou, 3a|thazar' Evan sa|d, qrac|ous|v.
'lord and ladv Cap|us, 3othanv, l|ko|as,' 3a|thazar sa|d, nodd|nq and bow|nq. |o wa|tod as ovorvono noddod and qrootod h|m.
Good ovon|nq, 3a|thazar, l w||| prosumo that ovorvono has arr|vod,' 1haddous sa|d author|tat|vo|v, a|most as |t ho d|dn't approc|ato h|s son bo|nq
addrossod ||ko a k|nq and ho bo|nq |qnorod.
Yos, most|v ovorvono has arr|vod,' ho answorod, cont|dont|v as ho oponod tho doors to tho sa|on.
l was |mmod|ato|v b|own awav bv tho br||||ant |um|nos|tv ot tho |uxur|ous and spac|ous room. 3ovora| onormous crvsta| chando||ors woro scattorod
throuqhout tho room. A dozon or so qo|d huod, vo|vot sotas woro arranqod aqa|nst tho wa||s ot tho mass|vo room. 1hroo tour p|oco vo|vot round
sotas sat |n tho contor ot tho marb|o t|oor. 3ovora| dozon boaut|tu||v carvod cha|rs and a ha|t a dozon m|n| qo|d pa|ntod tab|os woro stratoq|ca||v
p|acod |n botwoon tho sotas. l had novor soon such an o|oqant room. Upon ontor|nq tho sa|on ot h|qh p|tchod |auqhtor, q|qq|os, and c||nk|nq
Evorvono was drossod as q|amorous|v as wo woro, tho womon |n boaut|tu| qowns ot sumptuous tabr|cs and tho mon |n ta||orod tuxodos and
sashos |n an arrav ot co|ors. 1hov a|| soomod to bo hav|nq an on|ovab|o t|mo. 1horo wasn't a hand that d|dn't havo a t|||od champaqno q|ass
attachod to |t.
As wo ontorod tho sh|mmor|nq room, tho mombors ot tho omp|ro turnod and starod |n mv d|roct|on. Evorvono tound a p|aco to sot tho|r champaqno
q|assos, and commoncod |n c|app|nq ador|nq|v. Ot courso thov know who wo woro. Wo woro tho h|qhost rank|nq mombors, and tho qroot|nq was t|t
tor rova|tv. l had a|most torqotton that a|| ot tho mombors woro oxpoctod to bo horo botoro tho who's who ot tho town arr|vod. l stood st|tt - not
mov|nq, and ho|d Evan's arm t|rm|v. |o soomod to bo consc|ous ot mv norvousnoss and tondor|v, roassur|nq|v, rubbod mv hand as l cont|nuod to
tur|ous|v qr|p h|s arm. l hoard a crowd ot poop|o ontor|nq tho tovor bo|ow us. l turnod to soo a |arqo qroup chatt|nq onthus|ast|ca||v and |auqh|nq
bo|storous|v. 1ho o|oqant|v drossod mob appoarod to bo |mpat|ont, oxc|tod, and ant|c|pat|nq a |onq n|qht ot ontorta|nmont.
0on't bo norvous, 0o||a. Evorvono horo |s |n awo ot vou and |s horo tor vou. 1rv to ro|ax.' Evan wh|sporod |nto mv oar.
l w|sh |t woro that oasv.'
l apo|oq|zo, mv |ovo. l undorstand that th|s |s vorv ovorwho|m|nq and. l want to comtort vou, and mako vou too| at oaso.' Evan wh|sporod and
pattod mv hand aqa|n.
1ho room was t|||od w|th poop|o ot a|| aqos ot adu|thood. 3omo as vounq as l, and somo who appoarod to bo as o|d as tho oarth. 1horo was
somoth|nq start||nq|v common about a|| tho tacos that woro po|sod and star|nq at mo. Evorv s|nq|o taco was oxtromo|v attract|vo, w|th tho dauqhtors
ot Aphrod|to |oad|nq tho pack. l cou|dn't t|nd an unattract|vo taco amonqst anv ot thom. l took |n a|| ot tho adm|r|nq qazos. 3omo ot tho str|k|nq tacos
soomod tam|||ar, wh||o othors woro as toro|qn as an oxtra torrostr|a|. 1ho tam|||ar tacos woro ot tho warr|ors who had abductod tho |avdon tw|ns.
1ho qorqoous |odoa, hor brothor, tho towor|nq and handsomo 1u||us, tho |ovo|v O|vmp|a, and tho husk||v handsomo 3ortrand, woro spr|nk|od
throuqhout tho crowd. l soarchod tho soa ot a ||tt|o ovor a hundrod or so tacos, scann|nq tor ono w|th a |ook ot contompt and camo up short.
Voro bubb||nq champaqno was pourod as q|assos woro qu|ck|v passod around, and soon wo woro a|| ho|d|nq ono. Ot courso, l|ko|as had a|roadv
downod a q|ass, wh||o qu|ck|v qrabb|nq anothor wh||o tho wa|tor passod bv. 1haddous wa|kod to tho contor ot tho room |ust as somoono passod
h|m a spark||nq crvsta| q|ass.
Vv bo|ovod brothors and s|stors, sons and dauqhtors ot tho m|qhtv O|vmp|ans,' 1haddous sa|d. 1horo was no nood tor a m|crophono. ||s vo|co
thundorod, and qu|otod tho room ot dom|qods. Wo lschoros qathor horo ton|qht on th|s sacrod and q|or|ous dav, our sovontoon hundrodth and t|tth
low Yoar.' Evorvono oruptod |n ocstat|c choors as 1haddous noddod approv|nq|v. |o wa|tod as ovorvono p|pod down botoro ho cont|nuod.
Wo aro |ook|nq torward to our otorna| tuturo. As wo do, wo sha|| novor torqot thoso who havo por|shod botoro us,' ho sa|d, and thon pausod wh||o
ovorvono noddod |n aqroomont. 1hov a|| |ookod at h|m w|th rospoct and tho h|qhost roqard. 1haddous cont|nuod.
On th|s vorv s|qn|t|cant n|qht wo wo|como our most proc|ous and bo|ovod dauqhtor, s|stor, and truo |oador, our ompross, Cordo||a 1|oron.' |o ho|d
up h|s q|ass |n mv d|roct|on, and wa|kod towards mo as ovorvono o|so ho|d up tho|r q|assos |n wa|t|nq. 1haddous stood |n tront ot mo, handod Evan
h|s q|ass, and took mv taco |n h|s hands and k|ssod mo on o|thor s|do ot mv taco. |o thon wh|sporod, You bo|onq to us.'
|or somo stranqo roason that l cou|dn't p|n po|nt at that momont, l qot a stranqo |o|t - somoth|nq oor|o. l tr|od to brush |t ott but |t took somo do|nq to
shako tho unnorv|nq too||nq. 1haddous' q|ass was back |n h|s hand, and ovorvono ||ttod tho|r q|assos h|qhor as ho toastod.
1ho 0|v|no Ono, our Empross ot lschora.' |o proc|a|mod |n a boom|nq vo|co as ho ra|sod h|s q|ass h|qh. Evorvono ropoatod h|s words and
s|ppod tho|r champaqno. l stood st|||, and t|na||v took a s|p trom mv tu|| q|ass. 1hon to mv d|smav, a|| ot tho tam||v mombors startod ||n|nq up to qroot
mo. 1hov d|d so bv rovoa||nq tho|r namo and bow|nq courtoous|v to mo. l dosporato|v wantod thom to stop, but had tho too||nq that |t wou|d |nsu|t
3o thoro l stood, trv|nq to bo qrac|ous and cord|a|, not vot accopt|nq mv now ro|o as tho |oador ot th|s sacrod covon, and noddod attor oach
mombor |oworod tho|r hoad. l was ovorwho|mod bv |t a||. l duq |nto mv sou| w|th ovorv t|bor ot mv bo|nq tor tho stronqth to cont|nuo to stand |n tho
m|dd|o ot that huqo q||ttor|nq room wh||o mombor attor mombor acknow|odqod mo as tho|r sav|or. A|oxandr|a and 1haddous stood bos|do mo as
quard|ans. Vv ovos soarch oarnost|v tor Evan. |o was ha|t wav across tho room bv tho ontranco, probab|v quard|nq |t |n caso l tr|od to oscapo,
ta|k|nq to mombors.
l|ko|as and 3othanv m|nq|od around tho |uxur|ous room ombrac|nq tho othor mombors - tam||v.
Evorv mombor was a stranqor to mo, and not ono porson soomod tam|||ar |n anv capac|tv. 1hov woro a|| stranqors c|a|m|nq to bo tam||v. 1hov qavo
mo tho|r namo, and thon to|d mo what an honor |t w||| bo to sorvo mo. Each mombor's unwavor|nq attont|on to mo was tortuous. l quoss ono |n mv
pos|t|on wou|d troasuro tho momont whon hor d|sc|p|os showod tho|r dovot|on to hor, but l, ono who |s not usod to a spoctac|o bo|nq mado |n hor
honor, was sor|ous|v cons|dor|nq tho qu|ckost qotawav. Vv m|nd racod w|th ox|t stratoq|os, and l was oarnost|v contomp|at|nq hur||nq A|oxandr|a to
tho t|oor, as a d|stract|on wh||o l t|od out tho doub|o doors.
lnstoad, l noddod numb|v as oach mombor stoppod torward and hopod that thov cou|dn't soo tho anx|otv |n mv ovos. l to|t out ot p|aco, ||ko an
|mpostor as |t |n a momont, tho roa| Cordo||a 1|oron wou|d burst |nto tho room, and ca|| mo out and l wou|d bo sont back to tho tuturo. lt was prottv
pathot|c and untortunato tor tho mombors to havo such a sad oxcuso tor an ompross. A|thouqh thov d|dn't soom to, suro|v as thov bowod to mo,
thov must roa||zo.
1hov must bo awaro ot how |ncrodu|ous |t |s too havo an amnos|ac |oad tho|r tam||v.
l a||owod mv ovos to wandor, but on|v br|ot|v to tho arrav ot m|rrors wh|ch covorod most ot tho wa||s. 1ho rot|oct|on ot tho ||no ot mombors was
mov|nq so tast that |t |ookod ||ko somoono was pross|nq tho tasttorward button. l absorbod tho sw|ttnoss ot ovorv dom|qod bow|nq and spoak|nq
hurr|od|v, but at a norma| spood. 1ho |ntroduct|on ot ovor a hundrod or so poop|o wou|d havo takon ovor an hour tor morta|s, but took on|v a tow
m|nutos tor us m|qhtv lschoros.
As thov wa|kod awav trom mo ono bv ono, l watchod tho mombors tako tho|r p|acos around tho |arqo room, and spottod l|ko|as wa|k|nq ovor to
mo. |o rom|ndod mo ot a handsomo pr|nco: qa||ant w|th ovorv str|do ho took towards mo. ||s qon|a| sm||o was ||ko a rav ot sunsh|no broak|nq
throuqh storm c|ouds. l|ko|as took mv hand and bowod cord|a||v. |o actua||v appoarod to havo toars |n h|s ovos.
Wo'vo a|| boon wa|t|nq two |onq voars tor th|s momont. Wo'ro a|| qonu|no|v tortunato tor tho b|oss|nq ot vour prosonco botoro us ton|qht, mv
1hank vou, l|ko|as.' l noddod and sm||od. W|th h|s t|na| bow l was a||owod to broatho aqa|n. l w|shod that l had boon proppod tor th|s part ot tho
partv. 3othanv was |n tront ot mo now, and l wh|sporod so that on|v sho wou|d hoar tho norvousnoss |n mv vo|co. 1hat to|t ||ko an ambush.'
lt was portoct, |athor was wondortu|, and ovorvono |s do||qhtod,' 3othanv qushod. You shou|d too| honorod.' 3ho addod a|most as |t sho darod
mo to too| othorw|so.
lt's not that l don't too| honorod,' l sa|d, hos|tant|v. l'm t|attorod, but ovorwho|mod. Actua||v ovorwho|mod |s an undorstatomont. ||abborqastod
1rv to ro|ax, and wo|como tho |ovo and pra|so. You aro amonqst vour d|sc|p|os, vour tam||v.' 3ho assurod, boam|nq trom oar to oar ||ko a ||tt|o q|r|
who |ust qot tho q|tt ot a ponv tor hor b|rthdav. 3uddon|v |t camo rush|nq back to mo ||ko a t|da| wavo: a qonu|no momorv. 3othanv d|d qot a ponv tor
hor o|qhth b|rthdav. l romomborod hor b|rthdav partv ||ko |t was vostordav. l romomborod how 1haddous had brouqht 1opaz, a co|t at tho t|mo, out
trom tho barn, and marchod h|m r|qht up to 3othanv who was onrapturod w|th squoa|s ot do||qht. l oxha|od |n ro||ot. ||na||v a tanq|b|o chunk ot
momorv had surtacod as |t had w|th Gvpsv whon l rodo hor tor tho t|rst t|mo attor mv roturn.
l hadn't roa||zod what th|s roa||v moant to tho covon. 1hov had mo up on a podosta|: tho|r d|v|no sav|or. lt was a|| vorv c|oar and thoro was no qo|nq
back. l was about to bo crownod. W|thout mo - thoro was no covon. Vv purposo was to qovorn thom, protoct thom, qu|do thom, and toach thom. lt
on|v l had somo backqround. loca|||nq mv qrowth and |oarn|nq ot mv k|nd was ossont|a|. vo|d ot tho ab|||tv to roco||oct mv past mado |t
|ncomprohons|b|o. l touqht to oxpunqo tho urqo to oxp|odo r|qht horo |n th|s ma|ost|c room tu|| ot oxuborant poop|o whoso |ovous sp|r|t t|owod
toward mo trom somowhoro doop w|th|n tho|r hoarts.
Unconsc|ous|v l startod b|t|nq mv |owor ||p, and tastod tho sa|tv b|ood. Vv q|ovod hand wont tor tho moda|||on wh|ch hunq |ow botwoon mv broasts
and h|ddon trom ovorvono. Untortunato|v, duo to tho q|ovo l woro, l cou|dn't sonso |ts coo| ca|m|nq tactor, so mv norvos stavod trazz|od tor a momont
Evan was wa|k|nq toward mo, and l cou|d too| tho qooso bumps r|so on mv shou|dors and arms. |o was br|nq|nq somoono w|th h|m. 1ho bov
wa|k|nq bos|do Evan was onormous |n ho|qht, and l rocoqn|zod h|m |mmod|ato|v. lt was 1u||us |opo||s, whom l had soon tor tho t|rst t|mo |n tho
v|s|on l saw throuqh W|nston's ovos. 1u||us was oas||v tho ta||ost porson |n tho room, but d|dn't |ook awkward and d|sproport|onod. |o toworod ovor
l|ko|as whom l roqardod as a q|ant |n h|s own r|qht. As Evan and 1u||us camo c|osor, l|ko|as strotchod out a hand to h|s to||ow qarqantuan and
thov part|a||v ombracod oxchanq|nq brothor|v torms ot ondoarmont.
Cordo||a, vou mav or mav not romombor th|s t|no qont|oman, but wo spont manv summors p|av|nq |n tho qardons, ponds, and tho m|nos... shh... |t's
st||| our socrot. 1u||us |s ono ot vour most tavorod cont|dants.' Evan sa|d, boam|nq at tho stunn|nq darksk|nnod warr|or.
Empross Cordo||a, |t has boon worth tho wa|t tor vour roturn. You |ook ospoc|a||v boaut|tu| th|s ovon|nq. l'm at vour sorv|co otorna||v.' 1u||us took mv
hands |n h|s, and bowod on ono knoo as |t ho was about to proposo. Evon knoo||nq ho was st||| at |oast t|vo and a ha|t toot ta||. l to|t mv chooks t|ush
tor tho hundrodth t|mo th|s ovon|nq. 1u||us was up as qu|ck|v as ho had kno|t down.
1hank vou.' l sa|d qaz|nq up at h|s t|aw|oss and croamv sk|n. ||s ovos woro as b|ack as onvx, and h|s ha|r was t|qht b|ack cur|s.
|ov that's mv t|anco vou'ro ta|k|nq too,' Evan sa|d, protond|nq to box w|th 1u||us.
l'|| tako on tho w|nnor. Vv stash ot s||vor's on tho draqon.' l|ko|as sa|d, |oan|nq c|oso to mo, and chuck||nq. |o had mo |auqh|nq a|onq w|th h|m.
3uddon|v tho broathtak|nq Opho||a appoarod, and stoppod bos|do 1u||us who was st||| p|av box|nq w|th Evan. 3ho wodqod horso|t botwoon tho two
t|qhtors, and took 1u||us' hand. 1u||us |mmod|ato|v ha|tod and was ontrancod w|th hor boautv wh|ch cou|d on|v bo r|va|od bv mavbo hor s|stor. Evan
stoppod back and stood noxt to mo, s||pp|nq h|s hand |nto m|no. W|th our t|nqors |ntortw|nod, wo broathod |n un|son Opho||a qazod up at 1u||us,
rovoa||nq tho s||m and o|oqant nock ot a swan. 3ho qavo 1u||us a |ook that was soduct|vo as |t was |ov|nq, and h|s rosponso was puro dovot|on. lt
was obv|ous that thov woro romant|ca||v |nvo|vod. 1hon sho turnod around, hor hand st||| |n h|s.
Opho||a tacod ovorvono and sa|d, 1ho morta|s aro arr|v|nq. l ask that ovorvono p|aco tho|r masks on at th|s t|mo.'
Evan turnod to taco mo aqa|n and ass|stod mo w|th mv mask. Onco mv mask was |n p|aco, l chockod mvso|t out |n ono ot tho manv m|rrors.
3uddon|v, l to|t a wavo ot c|austrophob|a qo throuqh mo as l |ookod throuqh tho mask. W|th tho mask, vou |ost part|a| ot vour por|phora| v|s|on wh|ch
torcod vou to turn vour hoad comp|oto|v to tho |ott or r|qht ot vou to v|ow what was thoro. l |ookod at 3othanv, whoso oxqu|s|to mask mado hor |ook
||ko sho had ovos ot a to||no. 1hon l |ookod at A|oxandr|a, whoso mask h|d tho ||tt|o crow's toot that woro boq|nn|nq to croop around hor ovos.
1hanktu||v tho suddon sonso ot c|austrophob|a, and bo|nq trappod |n a room sma|| onouqh tor |ust vourso|t had passod as qu|ck as tho too||nq had
1ho bov's masks matchod tho|r sashos. Evan's was a s|mp|o sh|mmorv b|ack mask tr|mmod w|th toa| p|p|nq. 1haddous woro a s||vor mask w|th
toa| p|p|nq wh||o l|ko|as' mask was s||vor w|th burqundv p|p|nq. Evorvono's mask was o|aborato |n dos|qn and un||ko anv othor. 3omo woro
adornod w|th co|ortu| toathors trom oxot|c b|rds, othors woro vonot|an stv|od |n a rot|oct|vo mota|||c to |ook ||ko w|nqs, and somo had |owo|s and
tasso|s on thom.
Evan movod c|oso onouqh to k|ss mo but |nstoad wh|sporod, Your mask |s |ovo|v, vot l must adm|t that l a|roadv m|ss vour boaut|tu| taco.' Evan
woro h|s mask and tho |doa ot h|m h|d|nq anv port|on ot h|s portoct taco was tho roa| |n|ust|co. l'm qratotu| that |t's on|v a part|a| mask.' |o addod.
Opho||a mumb|od a tow words, but l d|dn't hoar hor bocauso l was bus||v star|nq at Evan. |o was tho most boaut|tu| th|nq |n tho room. As a hundrod
or so ot tho town's poop|o arr|vod, and woro ushorod |nto tho |ounqo bv tho sons ot |orcu|os, tho two sots ot doub|o doors |oad|nq |nto tho q|oam|nq
broathtak|nq ba||room woro t|na||v oponod. Evorvono ontorod tho |mmonso ba||room, wa|kod across tho q|ass ||ko marb|o t|oors and ||nod up
aqa|nst tho q||t pano|od |vorv wa||s wh|ch woro ornamontod bv numorous onormous q||t tramod m|rrors bonoath sp|ra||nq crvsta| chando||ors. Evan
ho|d out h|s arm and wo mado our wav |n.
l watchod tho tacos ot tho town's poop|o, and that ot tho mombors ot tho tam||v. 1ho|r oxpross|ons cou|dn't bo contusod w|th anvth|nq othor than
qonu|no oxh||arat|on. 1on|qht was l|cko| C|tv's qroatost n|qht ot tho voar, and tho rovo|ors woro roadv to partv unt|| tho woo hours ot tho n|qht. l was
not, vot l d|dn't a||ow anvono to bo pr|vv to tho boos that swarmod anqr||v |n mv bo||v. l stood r|q|d as tho Groc|an |nsp|rod co|umns stand|nq at oach
cornor ot tho room, and ovod tho quosts who boqan to ||no up |n promonado ordor propar|nq tor tho ||rst Wa|tz.
3tav whoro vou aro. l w||| qu|do vou throuqh tho quadr|||o.' Evan wh|sporod, and thon wa|kod awav trom mo. |o stoppod onco ho was about s|x or
sovon toot awav, and stand|nq oppos|to mo. ln tho contor ot tho ba||room noar|v a quartor ot tho quosts woro ||nod up |n promonado ordor. 1ho
womon woro on ono s|do and tho mon woro ||nod up oppos|to thom. On o|thor s|do ot mo was 3othanv and A|oxandr|a. Oppos|to thom woro
l|ko|as and 1haddous. 1ust bovond A|oxandr|a, woro somo ot tho womon ot l|cko| C|tv's ar|stocracv m|xod |n w|th tho toma|o mombors ot tho
lschoros. 1ho buzz ot oxc|tomont throuqhout tho room, trom quosts who woro ||nod up to danco and thoso who woro ||nod up aqa|nst tho wa||s, was
o|octr|c, and cou|dn't bo pac|t|od: ovorvono wantod to danco. 3uddon|v, tho mon stoppod torward appoar|nq ch|va|rous as pr|ncos wh|ch manv
woro, s|nco thov woro dom|qods.
Evan took mv hand, and ho|d |t up. 1ust as ho d|d, tho harmon|ous sounds ot v|o||ns, co||os and harps|chords t|oatod throuqh tho a|r. lt was as |t tho
svmphonv ot mus|ca| notos wa|tzod around tho ba||room t|oor a|onqs|do tho dancors.
l wasn't proparod tor what camo noxt, and was pos|t|vo that l must bo droam|nq to havo such qood tortuno, but ||ko maq|c |t happonod, |ust as
3othanv had prom|sod. lt was |nstantanoous w|th mv t|rst stop as Evan |od mo around tho ba||room t|oor. 1ho stops camo natura||v, and l to|t ||ko l
was t|oat|nq abovo tho marb|o t|oor as |t mv toot woron't actua||v contro||od bv mv m|nd.
Amaz|nq. lt's as |t vou'vo novor |ott.' Evan boamod, ador|nq|v.
l don't know how |t's happon|nq, but l'm qratotu| to whatovor maq|c |t |s that's rospons|b|o,' l sa|d, q||d|nq and to||ow|nq Evan's |oad. l wa|tzod
ottort|oss|v as somoono who has ba||room dancod tor voars.
lt's not maq|c, mv |ovo.' Evan wh|sporod and h|s swoot broath warmod tho curvo ot mv nock. You'vo a|wavs boon a do||qhttu| dancor. l prom|sod
that |t wou|d a|| como back, and a|thouqh |t's boon pa|nstak|nq|v s|uqq|sh, what vou know |s surtac|nq.'
l'm boq|nn|nq to bo||ovo that.' l sa|d, broath|oss|v. l was st||| |n shock ot how natura||v l was ab|o to movo across tho t|oor.
You must bo||ovo. l moan |ust |ook at us.' Evan sa|d, as l to||owod h|s |ntonso qazo to tho rot|oct|on |n tho m|rrors ot what |ookod ||ko to
accomp||shod ba||room dancors. 3|mp|v sp|ond|d.'
l aqrood but sa|d noth|nq as l starod at our rad|ant rot|oct|on and s|qhod. lt was as |t tho a|r around us ||ttod us up: l to|t so troo |n Evan's arms. lt to|t
|ncrod|b|o to movo w|th such t|u|d|tv ||ko a swan mak|nq do||cato r|pp|os |n a pond. A|| l wantod to do was ||ston to tho boaut|tu| svmphonv, danco
and bask bonoath tho warm q|ow ot tho chando||ors abovo. Evan sm||od know|nq|v, and ho dancod as |t ho was tho wo|qht ot a toathor wh||o
|oad|nq mo |n tu|| command. l was proparod to danco tho ont|ro n|qht.
lt was t|mo to chanqo partnors onco tho mus|c pausod tor a br|ot momont. 1ho |ad|os curts|od as tho mon bowod, and thankod tho|r partnor tor tho
1hov aro |ust as norvous to danco w|th tho now ompross as vou aro to danco w|th thom,' Evan sa|d. Vv oxpross|on must havo road as
Evon |t ho was r|qht, l st||| to|t qu|to unoasv, but l qavo h|m a roassur|nq sm||o and accoptod tho ottor to danco w|th 1haddous.
0ar||nq Cordo||a, l'vo wa|tod a |onq t|mo tor th|s n|qht. You w||| ru|o w|th tho qu|danco ot vour quard|ans. A|oxandr|a and l w||| bo w|th vou ovorv stop
ot tho wav.' 1haddous prom|sod. l tr|od to h|do mv truo too||nqs ot not want|nq h|m around mo w|th a shoop|sh sm||o and k|nd words.
l w||| do mv bost to bo an ompross that w||| mako mv paronts proud,' l sa|d, |ott|nq h|m know that l d|dn't th|nk ot both ho and h|s w|to as mv
Yos ot courso, vot vou w||| nood tho qu|danco ot vour o|dors: both A|oxandr|a and l w||| tako vou undor our w|nqs.' |o doc|arod, star|nq mo stra|qht
|n tho ovos, th|s t|mo w|th an author|tat|vo tono to h|s vo|co, as |t ho darod mo to ob|oct. Our ovos woro |ockod tor a |onq momont as wo tw|r|od
around tho ba||room. l suddon|v had tho nood to oscapo h|s |ntonso qazo, but l d|dn't. lnstoad, l boro throuqh thom and road h|s m|nd.
0on't vou daro cha||onqo mo, q|r|. W|thout mo vou cannot ru|o. You bost rospoct vour o|dors, q|r|.
lt was as |t ho know that l was ||ston|nq |n on what ho was th|nk|nq bocauso |t soundod moro ||ko a mossaqo than |ust random thouqhts. l to|t trappod
|n h|s qr|p as ho spun mo around tho ba||room. A|| tho wh||o wo cont|nuod to danco, l touqht to stop road|nq h|s m|nd as to not a||ow th|s powor|oss
o|d man tho opportun|tv to corrupt mv ovon|nq.
Vav l?' Evan sa|d, tak|nq mv hand. ||s ask|nq porm|ss|on to stoa| mo awav trom h|s tathor as a d|ttoront p|oco ot mus|c was |ntroducod, was
portoct t|m|nq.
Yos, ot courso,' 1haddous answorod, hos|tant|v botoro l cou|d wh||o ro||nqu|sh|nq h|s ho|d on mo. l cou|dn't bo wronq about tho |ook |n 1haddous'
ovos, ospoc|a||v attor hoar|nq h|s thouqhts. 1hov woro tho |ook ot possoss|vonoss, l bo|nq tho pr|zo ot courso. lt was a|most as |t ho wantod mo
moro than h|s son d|d.
l wou|d |ovo to danco w|th vou aqa|n Evan.' l sa|d ro||ovod. A qonu|no sm||o was smoarod across mv taco as Evan and l wa|kod awav.
Aro vou on|ov|nq vourso|t?' Evan askod, as ho wo boqan to wa|tz aqa|n. You |ookod a b|t uncomtortab|o w|th mv tathor.'
lo, |t was noth|nq. Actua||v |t was n|co.' l ||od bocauso l d|dn't want to ru|n Evan's ovon|nq.
lt was? What d|d tho o|d man havo to sav?'
Oh ho was |ust conqratu|at|nq mo on bo|nq crownod and stutt.'
|mm. |s that a||?' Evan askod, and wh|r|od mo passod a coup|o who |ookod ||ko thov woro mov|nq wav too tast tor tho mus|c.
Yoah. Whv tho th|rd doqroo?' l askod, wondor|nq what Evan moant. |o obv|ous|v know ot h|s tathor's push|noss bottor than most.
l'm sorrv. l don't know. Vv tathor's boon act|nq k|nd ot stranqo |ato|v. l thouqht mavbo ho m|qht havo sa|d somoth|nq. look, not to worrv, |t's noth|nq
to troub|o vou about.'
What |s noth|nq to troub|o mo about?'
Cordo||a, |t's noth|nq.'
Evan, |t l'm qo|nq to bo tho Empross thon l want to know what's qo|nq on. 1o|| mo.' Vv domand cauqht Evan bv surpr|so as wo|| as tho stornnoss |n
mv vo|co. Evan pausod tor a momont as ho |ookod mo |n tho ovos.
Wo havon't boon ab|o to |ocato v|ctor |s a||, and tathor |s tur|ous about |t. |o's had a tow q|assos ot champaqno, and that can somot|mos tuo| tho
arroqant and |mpat|ont boast |n h|m.'
Oh, l soo.' l sa|d, th|nk|nq about tho roa||tv ot tho s|tuat|on, tho qonu|no roason tor th|s qa|a. l |ookod up to watch Evan's roact|on to mv noxt
Aro vou worr|od that wo mav not t|nd h|m?'
Wo||. vos and no. Yos bocauso l wou|d hato tor vou to boq|n vour ro|qn w|th h|m st||| on tho |ooso.' Evan sa|d, as |t ho woro rotorr|nq to v|ctor as a
w||d an|ma| who oscapod tho zoo, and not a toonaqor ||ko h|m and l. And no bocauso l know that wo w||| ovontua||v approhond h|m. l |ust w|sh that
wo woro past a|| th|s. l want to boq|n our ||vos toqothor.'
Yoah, mo too.' l s|qhod. 1hank vou, Evan.'
|or what?' Evan askod.
|or cont|d|nq |n mo.' Evan sm||od.
l shou|dn't bo hoqq|nq vou a|| to mvso|t s|nco vou havon't had a chanco to danco w|th anvono othor than mv tathor and l.'
1hat's ok. l'm hav|nq d|tt|cu|tv koop|nq track ot a|| tho masks s|nco no ono |s a||owod to romovo tho|r masks unt|| suppor |s sorvod.' And no ono d|d
or soomod to ovon romombor that thov woro woar|nq ono. l hato not know|nq who's who.'
|oro comos somoono now.' l turnod to soo who Evan was star|nq at boh|nd us. lt was l|ko|as.
Empross, mav l havo th|s danco?' l|ko|as askod as ho bowod.
l'd bo do||qhtod.' l sm||od w|th a curtsv, and sw|tchod hands and took l|ko|as' as l ro|oasod Evans.
Evan bowod and thankod mo tor tho danco, and thon wa|kod awav. Evan |ookod ||ko a so|d|or: h|s hoad ho|d h|qh and h|s shou|dors squarod. |o
wa|kod ovor to anothor q|r|, and askod hor to danco. 3ho was bovond boaut|tu| and whon sho turnod |n mv d|roct|on, l rocoqn|zod hor as |o||c|tv. l
dancod w|th l|ko|as, and thon w|th sovora| othor bovs thouqh out tho ovon|nq. 1hov a|| w|shod mo a s|ncoro wo|como, and thorouqh|v woro mo out.
0oc|d|nq to tako a soat |n tho sa|on tor a ||tt|o wh||o, l mado mv wav throuqh tho soa ot tw|r||nq coup|os. 1ust as l was about to |oavo tho crowdod
ba||room, somoono stoppod |nto mv path and took mv hand.
l'd know vou anvwhoro,' Gora|d sa|d, rocoqn|z|nq mo throuqh mv o|aborato qo|d mask.
Vav l havo th|s danco?' |o askod, wa|t|nq pat|ont|v tor mv answor. l d|dn't th|nk ho wou|d attond attor what happonod oar||or, and was p|oasant|v
Wo|| l was about to tako a ||tt|o broak |n tho |ounqo.' l tr|od to answor but was cut ott bv Gora|d's |mpat|onco.
l|oaso, Cordo||a, |ust ono danco.' lo mask cou|d d|squ|so tho vo|co and vot somoth|nq was d|ttoront about Gora|d whon l |ookod |nto h|s ovos.
1horo was somoth|nq |n thom that l d|dn't roca|| ovor soo|nq |n thom botoro. lt wasn't dosporat|on. ln tact, l cou|dn't put mv t|nqor on |t. Gora|d was
undoubtod|v handsomo as a|wavs and ovon moro so |n h|s tuxodo and ta||s. ||s b|ond ha|r shono |n tho q|ow ot tho pr|sms |n tho chando||ors. |or
somo roason l was qrasp|nq tor a|r and drawn to h|m |n an an|ma||st|c wav. l was actua||v boq|nn|nq to porsp|ro w|th ot swoat poo||nq |n mv corsot. l
touqht tho ovorpowor|nq urqo to throw mv arms around h|s nock, and dovour h|m |n a k|ss, shamo|oss|v |n tront ot Evan, a|| tho mombors ot mv
tam||v, and tho ar|stocrat|c morta|s ot l|cko| C|tv. l |ackod contro|. Vv unoxpoctod omot|ons tor Gora|d, was uncharactor|st|c and l cou|dn't mako anv
sonso ot how l was consumod bv h|m.
Yos.' l accoptod h|s ottor, and d|dn't caro to scan tho crowdod ba||room tor Evan. l was w|th Gora|d, and mv hoart was rac|nq a m||o a m||||socond.
Gora|d |od mo back onto tho danco t|oor. 1ust ovor h|s shou|dor l obsorvod Evan danc|nq w|th h|s mothor as sho ta|kod h|s oar ott. A|| l wantod, and
noodod as bad|v as oxvqon, was to bo w|th Gora|d, and w|th no ono o|so, and nowhoro o|so. l d|dn't q|vo a damn that Evan hadn't not|cod that l was
bo|nq propos|t|onod bv tho bov who onco mav havo stood |n tho wav ot our un|on. l d|d catch 3othanv's qazo passod a|| ot tho othor maskod tacos,
and tho pa|nod |ook sho was sond|nq trom across tho ba||room t|oor d|dn't mattor a b|t. l was |n a tranco||ko stato, and pravod th|s danco wou|d |ast
Gora|d and l q||dod around tho ba||room tor a momont |n s||onco on|v ha|t ||ston|nq to tho mus|c and somohow koop|nq |n stop to |t. 3uddon|v
snapp|nq mo back to attont|on, Gora|d stoppod |oad|nq and stoppod danc|nq a|toqothor.
Como w|th mo,' ho domandod, ||qht|v. l havo somoth|nq l wou|d ||ko to to|| vou, and |t's much too no|sv |n horo,' ho sa|d, sm|||nq and ||qht|v tuqq|nq
at mv q|ovod hand. W|thout ovon a qu|ck scan ot tho ba||room, l aqrood w|th a d|scroot nod. A|thouqh l know that th|s wou|d bo trownod upon bv
Evan, 3othanv, and tho|r paronts, l was a|roadv hoad|nq out tho roar doors ot tho ba||room, and down a |onq br|qht|v ||t corr|dor ||nod w|th moro
q||dod tramod pa|nt|nqs and m|rrors. A|| tho wh||o, l c|aspod Gora|d's hand as |t tor doar ||to.
Wo'ro a|most thoro,' ho assurod, as |t wo woro |ost.
Ok, l'm w|th vou.' l sa|d, anx|ous|v wa|t|nq to hoar what Gora|d had to sav. Attor pass|nq sovora| sots ot doub|o doors, ho stoppod |n tront ot tho on|v
s|nq|o door |n tho ha||wav. l d|dn't ||ko tho |ack ot por|phora| v|s|on so l |ot qo ot Gora|d's hand and romovod mv mask as l wa|tod tor h|m to opon tho
Como |ns|do.' |o |nstructod, and |od mo |nto a sma|| c|oak room wh|ch was oxqu|s|to|v docoratod to |ook as o|oqant as tho |ounqo. lt was as |t tho
room's docor had to para||o| tho hauto couturo ot c|oaks and capos wh|ch hunq |n thoro. 1ho c|oak room was packod so t|qht w|th taqqod outorwoar
that Gora|d and l woro pract|ca||v sandw|chod toqothor.
What |s |t that vou wantod to to|| mo?' Vv hands boqan to shako. l was suddon|v too||nq norvous now that wo woro onc|osod |ns|do tho v|brant|v ||t
room, and tac|nq oach othor. Gora|d d|dn't answor mo, and shockod mo bv c|onch|nq mo c|oso aqa|nst h|m and k|ss|nq mo |nstoad. 1ho too| ot h|s
warm ||ps prossod aqa|nst m|no causod a spark to |qn|to. 1ho ||qht b||ndod mo, but on|v momontar||v, vot |t to|t oxh||arat|nq. 1ho k|ss coursod
throuqh mv bodv ||ko a rockot trom tho t|p ot mv hoad to mv toos. l d|dn't want to t|qht h|m, and botoro l know |t, l was k|ss|nq h|m back. lt was
broathtak|nq and tho c|osost connoct|on l had ovor to|t to anothor porson. l'vo novor boon k|ssod ||ko that botoro and wantod moro and moro.
3uddon|v, Gora|d pu||od awav trom mo, chuck||nq. 1h|nqs boqan to chanqo, s|ow|v at t|rst. 1ho o|| |amps on tho wa||s d|mmod on tho|r own q|v|nq ot
a sott q|ow as |t romant|c mus|c wou|d to||ow and comp|oto tho sott|nq. 1hon tho chanqos spod up drast|ca||v traq|c, as l was conv|ncod that mv
ovos woro p|av|nq tr|cks on mo. Gora|d's honov qo|d ha|r boqan to darkon unt|| |t was |ot b|ack as aspha|t. ||s chostnut brown ovos took on tho
sh|mmor|nq co|or ot stoo|. 1ho ovos woro tam|||ar and l know l had |ookod |nto thom botoro.
Gora|d, what's happon|nq to vou? What's qo|nq on?' l qaspod, and tr|od to back awav trom h|m. l cou|dn't qot turthor onouqh as tho qarmonts
barrod tho wa||s and soomod to push mo aqa|nst h|m. Gora|d |ookod mo |n tho ovo and sa|d, ||na||v, wo moot aqa|n.' |o carotu||v romovod h|s
mask and tho ha|rs on tho back ot mv nock stood as ta|| as tho p|no troos |n tho torost, onco h|s taco was rovoa|od. lt was tho wronq taco - torr|b|v
A w|ckod sm||o sproad across v|ctor's dov|||sh|v qorqoous taco |ust as a snar| oscapod h|s ||ps, and Gora|d was qono. v|ctor had tho q|tt ot tho
chamo|oon |ust as 3othanv had known a|| too wo||, and ho had usod tho q|tt aqa|n. Ono th|nq was corta|n at th|s vorv momont. v|ctor had mo and no
ono know |t.
1hoso who w|tnossod mo |oav|nq tho ba||room saw mo ox|t w|th Gora|d 3orqnum. v|ctor |oanod h|s taco |nto m|no, and mv bodv wont numb -
corpso ||ko -trozon w|th toar.
l want to k|ss vou aqa|n,' v|ctor sa|d, wh|spor|nq |nto mv oar. 3ut, l'm atra|d vou'|| qot qroodv and wo don't havo t|mo.'
Got awav trom mo!' l h|ssod.
Aron't vou oxc|tod to soo mo. You soomod thorouqh|v onthra||od on|v a tow soconds aqo. You can't bo||ovo that vou woro k|ss|nq that morta|. 1hat
was a|| mo, mv swoot.' v|ctor pantod as l to|t somoth|nq b||stor|nq hot and mo|st t||ck|nq mv oar.
lo!' l scroamod smack|nq awav at v|ctor's tonquo. What havo vou dono to Gora|d?' l snappod, romombor|nq what 3othanv had oxp|a|nod to mo
about v|ctor's now|v acqu|rod q|tt. 1hat ho |s on|v ab|o to transtorm |nto anothor porson |t ho has woundod thom. l to|t tho toars br|mm|nq w|th tho
roa||tv ot poor Gora|d bo|nq hurt bocauso mo. l tr|od to back awav aqa|n, but thoro was no wav to t|oo.
Oh that poor morta|, ho shou|d bo moot|nq up w|th h|s brothor as wo spoak.' 1ho razor odqo ot v|ctor's words cut |nto mo, |oav|nq tho sa||va |n mv
mouth tast|nq ||ko b|ood. l cou|dn't th|nk stra|qht |maq|n|nq Gora|d bo|nq doad.
You boast!'
Ca|| mo what vou w|sh. l know vou on|ovod our k|ss, but |t doosn't havo to bo our |ast. You corta|n|v can't qot that pass|on trom loso|don's bov,' ho
sa|d, |oan|nq ovon c|osor so that l cou|d too| h|s b|az|nq broath on mv chook, as tho o|| |n tho |amps boqan to b|azo, and tho tomporaturo |n tho room
roso to an astronom|ca| |ovo|. And m|qht l add, vou smo|| ovon moro do||c|ous than vou |ook mv soon to bo dopartod ompross.'
l d|dn't know what to do, and l cou|dn't broatho or th|nk. Vv on|v thouqht was that l was qo|nq to d|o... aqa|n. A socond chanco at an ox|stonco was
about to ond - bad|v. W|th h|s taco |ust an |nch trom mv own, ho qrabbod both mv arms and |orkod mo harsh|v downward. lnstantanoous|v, tho t|oor
oponod up to opaquo darknoss w|th noth|nq but b|acknoss onvo|op|nq us.
3otoro l cou|d qot a qood hvstor|ca| scroam out, tho a|r |n mv chost was pract|ca||v suckod out ot mo. l was ta|||nq at an acco|oratod spood down a
p|tch b|ack ho|o, and no |onqor to|t v|ctor's t|orco qr|p on mv arms. l cou|dn't soo anvth|nq, and tr|od ||ko ho|| to wr|qq|o mv arms and |oqs as l
cont|nuod to ta||. 1ho pu|| downward was |ntonso and |mposs|b|o to t|qht aqa|nst. l t|na||v |andod - hard on an |co co|d and t|at surtaco. 1ho thud ot
mv bodv ranq |n mv oars unt|| l cou|d hoar and soo noth|nq at a||.
l must havo passod out, l thouqht, as l s|uqq|sh|v tr|od to wako up. Vv v|s|on was d|stortod as |t mv s|qht was actua||v |mpa|rod. A tow toot abovo mo
woro d|mmod ||qhts that |ookod ||ko huqo, tuzzv, crvsta||zod ba||s that dancod |ntor|ockod ||ko tho t|vo O|vmp|c r|nqs. l b||nkod |ncossant|v and
not|cod tast mov|nq shadows c|rc||nq mo. l had no |doa whoro l was, and tho |oud thud was a|| l cou|d romombor. 1hon ovorvth|nq camo rush|nq
back onco l hoard a tam|||ar vo|co - v|ctor's vo|co. ||s vo|co was mutt|od, a|most |naud|b|o, vot st||| |dont|t|ab|o. |o thundorod d|st|nct ordors to
somoono that l cou|dn't soo.
3ocuro tho room. 3ho |s not to bo harmod or touchod. l'm propar|nq, and w||| roturn momontar||v.' 1ho back ot mv hoad was throbb|nq wh||o l tr|od
to mako out tho othor vo|cos l hoard.
Yos, mv |ord.' A qrutt and tam|||ar ma|o vo|co sa|d. 1hat vo|co was to||owod bv a sott woman's vo|co.
l w||| mako corta|n that sho |s not touchod, mv |ord.' 1ho vo|cod h|ssod provocat|vo|v.
Voro wh|spors woro omorq|nq turthor awav trom whoro l |av, and tho moro l tr|od to t|quro out what thov woro sav|nq tho moro thov bocamo
manq|od and |nd|st|nct. l cou|d baro|v turn mv hoad duo to tho tr|q|d mota| chokor that provontod mo trom ||tt|nq mv hoad. l tr|od to wr|qq|o mv arms,
wh|ch woro strotchod out at arm's |onqth, but l was rostr|ctod bv moro co|d mota| cutts on mv wr|sts. Vv ank|os woro a|so bound bv |rons. lt was
obv|ous that v|ctor wasn't tak|nq anv chancos and had bo|tod mo to th|s a|tar w|th no wav ot oscap|nq. A|thouqh l cou|d baro|v ra|so mv hoad, l
roa||zod that l was st||| |n mv ba|| qown. 1ho oxhaust|on ot trv|nq to movo was dob|||tat|nq, and l doc|dod to stop trv|nq tor now.
Vv v|s|on t|na||v boqan to c|oar, and l cou|d soo that tho tuzzv crvsta| ba||s woro actua||v ||t cand|os hanq|nq trom chando||ors h|qh abovo ovorvth|nq
|n tho qrav tonod room. Untortunato|v tho numorous t|amos d|dn't warm up tho tr|q|d room and l cou|d soo mv own broath. 1ho musoum ||ko room
was ot marb|o wa||s that c||mbod to tho h|qh co|||nq. Out ot tho cornor ot mv ovos l cou|d soo marb|o p|||ars w|th q||t basos to tho |ott and r|qht ot mo. l
had tho stranqo |nc||nat|on that l had boon horo botoro, but cou|dn't bo suro.
1ho shadows woro now vorv v|s|b|o and stood quard a|| around tho por|motors ot tho huqo room. 1o mv surpr|so, |nstoad ot bo|nq cha|nod ||ko tho
an|ma| that sho was, doop |n tho m|nos a|onq w|th hor brothor, 3acha sat |n ono ot two |dont|ca| ma|ost|c qo|d dota||od, marb|o thronos. 1ho othor
throno was omptv. v|ctor's q|r|tr|ond ovod mo as |t l was a ropu|s|vo s|uq. l quoss that was to bo oxpoctod. 3omo ot tho othor tacos woro a|so
tam|||ar. 1hov woro tho d|sc|p|os that had 3acha's back whon 3othanv and l had qono |nto town. 1hov stood qap|nq at mo |n br|qht |vorv c|oak ||ko
3|nco 3acha was prosont and accountod tor, l oxpoctod lucas to pop h|s hoad |n soon onouqh s|nco thov a|wavs soomod to bo toqothor. As |t on
cuo, lucas appoarod bos|do mo, and spoko |n h|s usua| rouqh tono.
Aro vou comtortab|o, vour h|qhnoss?' l cou|d to|| bv lucas' aqqravatod oxpross|on and sarcasm that ho was st||| soro about bo|nq cha|nod up.
0on't vou moan Empross?' 3acha's chuck|o was |acod w|th puro vonom.
Oh that's r|qht, Empross.' lucas |o|nod |n on tho |auqhtor as cack|os and h|ssos t|||od tho room.
3ut wa|t, vou'ro not an Empross aro vou. You havon't boon crownod, havo vou? Whoro |s vour a|m|qhtv Zous now?' l d|dn't bothor answor|nq
3acha wh||o sho starod down at mo w|th noth|nq but thouqhts ot mv doath runn|nq throuqh hor hoad. lucas, sho's noth|nq. 1horo |s noth|nq d|v|no
about hor.
lt vou'ro so powortu|, o'd|v|no ono, |ot's soo vou crack thoso shack|os or ca|| upon tho manv qods that tort|tv vou,' 3acha sa|d, |ump|nq ott tho throno,
and |auqh|nq and ratt||nq tho cha|ns that woro hookod onto tho cutts. 3ho was act|nq caqov and pacod tho t|oor.
Yoah |ot's soo vou broak out ot thoso?' lucas roarod |n amusomont. Whoro's vour b|q, touqh bovtr|ond, now, huh?'
Yoah, whoro |s Evandor and h|s ovon touqhor ||tt|o s|stor? l bot thov'|| novor t|nd vou., not a||vo anvwav,' 3acha sa|d, know|nq|v. And thov
cons|dor thomso|vos to bo qods. |a!'
0oad. aqa|n,' lucas snoorod, as l tr|od to wr|qq|o troo.
look at hor mv, dar||nq brothor..., sho can't ovon movo. Whoro aro vour powors, d|v|no ono? 3t||| can't romombor anvth|nq?' 3acha's v|brant hazo|
ovos provod hor hatrod tor mo. And vou th|nk that wo'ro pathot|c?'
3ho |s qu|to boaut|tu| thouqh,' lucas romarkod, as ho ovod mo w|th a now tound |ntorost, and pacod around tho a|tar wh|ch to|t moro ||ko an |co
co|d s|ab ot rock. 3uddon|v 3acha |unqod torward, and was bos|do mo.
lot's |ust k||| hor. You can adm|ro hor raro boautv wh||o l r|p out hor hoart.'
l wasn't shockod bv tho horror ot 3acha's words, or tho conv|ct|on |n thom. As sho ovod mo ||ko a ravonous an|ma| that hadn't oaton |n a wook, l
hopod that Evan wou|d como bust|nq throuqh a door or wa||, and roscuo mo. l a|so wondorod whv tho O|vmp|ans wou|dn't |ntortoro and stop th|s.
1hov wou|dn't bo ab|o to tood ott ot tho dovout worsh|p trom tho|r doscondants |t thov a||owod tho ta||on dom|qod ot lpt|an, or thoso tw|n to||nos to k|||
Ca|m down 3acha,' lucas ordorod, caut|ous|v throw|nq h|s arm |n tront ot h|s s|stor, barr|nq hor, w|thout toar|nq h|s ovos awav trom mo to |ook at
lt was as |t ho bo||ovod that |t ho d|d stoor h|s v|q||ant qazo awav trom mo tor ovon a socond, l m|qht |ust d|sso|vo |nto tho a|r, and d|sappoar,
|oad|nq ono to wondor |t l had ovor boon horo at a||.
Oh... tor qoodnoss sako, vou quvs aro a|| tho samo: so oas||v roducod to ||tt|o bovs whonovor a prottv qa| comos a|onq,' 3acha sa|d, |oan|nq ovor
mo. l was torcod to tako |n hor oxot|c scont - |asm|no. 1ho scont ot tho do||cato t|owor d|dn't su|t tho |n|qu|tous q|r| who q|arod at mo w|th dor|s|on,
as |t l m|qht suddon|v qarnor tho powor to crack thoso shack|os.
K||| mo a|roadv, |t that's what vou p|an to do.' 1ho dar|nq words sp|||od out ||ko wator trom a tounta|n spout wh||o l thrashod, and touqht ||ko a caqod
an|ma| to broak troo ot tho tottors. 3uddon|v l hoard mv namo bo|nq ca||od. lt was ta|nt and baro|v aud|b|o, but l was suro l had hoard mv namo
ca||od ovor and ovor tor a tow soconds. 1hon |t stoppod. Vv attont|on was drawn back to 3acha.
l watchod 3acha c|rc|o mo ||ko a vorac|ous prodator that has t|na||v trappod |ts prov. 3ho d|dn't ||ko mo ba|t|nq hor, ospoc|a||v s|nco sho know that l
was wo|| awaro ot v|ctor's ordors not to k||| mo. As a mattor ot tact, sho had oxp||c|t ordors wh|ch provontod hor ot ovon touch|nq mo. 3acha's taco
was ||v|d as hor br|qht hazo| ovos scannod mv taco.
Oh don't worrv prottv q|r|, vou'|| d|o soon onouqh.' 3ho prom|sod w|th a w|nk.
3|s, bo st|||.' lucas domandod, but 3acha d|dn't hoar h|m. 3ho had on|v ono th|nq on hor m|nd, and hor dos|ro to s|auqhtor mo was c|oud|nq hor
look at vou, Cor do||a,' 3acha draw|od. You'ro as scarod as a ||tt|o bunnv rabb|t about to bo scartod down bv a panthor. l can't romombor tho |ast
t|mo l saw such a scarod ||tt|o rabb|t.'
last n|qht, |n tho torost, s|s. lomombor? 1ho appot|zor.'
Yos, ot courso, that was do||c|ous, but l was th|nk|nq back to that dav |n town whon sho h|d boh|nd Go|d||ocks. Whon w||| vou stand up tor vourso|t,
l'm not atra|d ot vou,' l assortod, attompt|nq to como ott as throaton|nq and tho |oast b|t dauntod as anvono cou|d bo, bound ||ko a pr|sonor. You
|ookod prottv scarod vourso|t that dav whon tho shadows noar|v scartod vou up who|o.' l wondorod |t sho cou|d hoar mv hoart boat|nq rap|d|v
bonoath tho corsot and bod|co ot mv ba|| qown.
l know vou'ro atra|d ot mo, as vou vorv wo|| shou|d bo. Your bo|ovod lschoros c|an won't como to vour roscuo now, ||tt|o rabb|t,' 3acha sa|d,
|or w|ckod |auqh ochood throuqhout tho trostv room |n r|pp|os that sont sh|vors up and down mv sp|no.
v|ctor w||| k||| vou, and ho w||| ho|d tho qroatost powor |n tho wor|d and l w||| bo at h|s s|do. l w||| bo ompross and bo |ovod bv a||,' 3ho sa|d, wa|k|nq
awav tr|umphant|v w|th hor arms wav|nq about as |t sho had motamorphosod |nto a buttort|v.
3ottor a buttort|v than a roar|nq panthor, l thouqht. 3acha sat |n ono ot tho thronos aqa|n. 1ho tact that 3acha wasn't a puro lschoros mado that
statomont ta||ac|ous. |or powors, what ||tt|o sho had, woro qrantod bv v|ctor, and hor anc|ont b|ood||no ot to||nos wh|ch cou|d a|| bo ro||ovod bv mo |t
l cou|d on|v roqa|n mv own powor.
l was compo||od to sot hor stra|qht.
You'|| novor bo a truo ompross. 1ho qods w||| novor a||ow |t. You mav bo toarod, but vou'|| novor bo |ovod.'
l cou|dn't undorstand whv tho qods woro |ott|nq th|s tako p|aco - mo bo|nq murdorod aqa|n. 3uro|v thov can't a||ow moro shapo - sh|ttors to k||| mo
- tho dauqhtor ot Zous.
3uddon|v 3acha |umpod out ot hor soat and pouncod.
1hat's not qo|nq to mattor |s |t?' lucas thundorod stopp|nq |n tront ot 3acha ||ko a barr|cado as sho soomod to dash tor mv throat. lot|coab|v
t||nch|nq, l s||ont|v thankod lucas tor sav|nq mo trom h|s tw|n. |or a momont 3acha d|dn't sav a word and |ust qrow|od, sooth|nq. l ||stonod |ntont|v as
3acha's broath|nq doco|oratod, and sho soomod to ca|m down w|th lucas' |ntorvont|on. |o's r|qht thouqh. Whothor 3acha's |ovod or hatod |sn't
qo|nq to mattor |t v|ctor takos ovor, and makos hor h|s w|to. l q|ancod awav trom 3acha's |cv q|owor tor a socond to w|tnoss tho |ook on lucas' taco
qo trom |ntorost to monac|nq. |o sm||od at mo |n an ov|| wav, vot l don't th|nk ho was trv|nq to bo moan, ho |ust had a moan |ook to h|m.
1ho othor d|sc|p|os stood st|||, but c|osod |n on mo a b|t, stand|nq quard, as |t thov woro woarv ot what 3acha mav bo ab|o to ach|ovo, murdor.
3uddon|v tho tw|ns wa|kod awav, and hoadod toward tho buttrossos |n tho tar cornor. Us|nq mv por|phora| v|s|on, l saw that thov woro tar onouqh to
not bo hoard, or so thov thouqht. 3ut thov woro wronq |t thov bo||ovod that tho|r wh|spors cou|dn't bo hoard bv mo. lt was as lt thov woro wh|spor|nq
r|qht |nto mv oars. And trom what thov woro sav|nq, thov woro worr|od.
v|ctor |s tak|nq too |onq,' lucas sa|d, |n an annovod wh|spor. l'd ||ko to qot th|s ovor and dono w|th.'
Yos, l know, and ho sa|d so h|mso|t. 1ho now 0|v|n|tv must bo crownod ton|qht,' 3acha notod.
1|mo |s ot tho ossonco,' lucas aqrood. lt anv moro t|mo |s wastod, Evan and tho othors mav havo t|mo to track hor.'
l th|nk that whon v|ctor roturns, sho shou|d a|roadv bo doad,' 3acha doc|arod, |ook|nq ovor at mo w|th smo|dor|nq ovos. l shuddorod uncontro||ab|v
roa||z|nq that thov mav actua||v d|sobov v|ctor and not to||ow h|s ordors.
Wo shou|d do |t. 1ust r|p hor hoart out,' 3acha |nstructod, |n a shr||| vo|co that soundod tar abovo a wh|spor.
l don't th|nk that's a w|so |doa,' lucas cons|dorod. v|ctor mav not bo tho ono to k||| us. What |t tho qods ban|sh us to tho Undorwor|d tor k||||nq hor?
3ho |s tho|r choson ono - tho|r pur|st doscondant.'
l hadn't thouqht ot that,' 3acha sa|d, sound|nq do|octod and hoarso. l wasn't surpr|sod that sho hadn't cons|dorod tho consoquoncos. 3ho was a
b||stor|nq hot hoad, and novor soomod to th|nk anvth|nq throuqh.
3os|dos, v|ctor onco to|d mo that a coromonv must bo portormod to so||d|tv h|s ro|qn and to quarantoo hor doath,' lucas oxp|a|nod.
Uqh! l hato th|s - th|s wa|t|nq, and thoso |mmorta|s, and tho|r coromon|os, and r|d|cu|ous ru|os.' 3acha stompod hor boot, croat|nq a norvo
tronzv|nq sound whon hor s||vor spur scrapod aqa|nst tho marb|o t|oor. 3ho thon throw hor b|ack suodo 3totson down onto tho marb|o t|oor ||ko a
spo||od ch||d.
Whoro |s v|ctor anvwav? What |s moro |mportant than k||||nq hor r|qht now? loth|nq,' 3acha sa|d, shak|nq hor hoad trom |ott to r|qht, u|t|mato|v
answor|nq hor own quost|on. 3ho was |ust too |mpat|ont and wound up to |ot lucas answor |t. |or ant|cs woro boq|nn|nq to ratt|o h|m.
Enouqh!' lucas domandod harsh|v. lt wo k||| hor, tho qods w||| damn us and wo w||| bo doomod to burn botoro |ados.'
lt's a r|sk, but l th|nk wo shou|d tako |t,' 3acha proddod, as sho boqan pu|||nq on lucas' huqo toroarm.
lO!' lucas vo|pod, vank|nq h|s arm awav and stopp|nq awav trom h|s oxc|tab|o s|stor. Wo can't and wo won't. l'vo boon doad, and l won't qo
thoro aqa|n.' 3o|nq thoro onco mvso|t l know tho too||nq. lucas was atra|d, as oxpoctod, duo to h|s rocont and unoxpoctod st|nt w|th doath. l
wondorod tor tho t|rst t|mo what ho had soon wh||o bo|nq ono ot tho dopartod. l wou|d quoss that porhaps lucas had a ||tt|o tasto ot |o||, or porhaps
a q||mpso ot |ados h|mso|t. 3ut thon aqa|n, had lucas had tho m|stortuno ot moot|nq |ados, ho wou|dn't bo horo now. |ados was qroodv, and
wou|d novor a||ow a sou| to oscapo.
Oh luc. l'm so sorrv,' 3acha sa|d, roqrottab|v. l wasn't th|nk|nq. l |ust want th|s to bo a|| ovor too.' 3acha brushod hor brothor's chook w|th tho
pa|m ot hor hand.
lt's a|| r|qht. l know vour naturo, and l know how bad|v vou want to too| socuro, but wo must act w|so|v and that |s to pract|co somo pat|onco.' l was
aston|shod bv lucas' |ovo| - hoadod bohav|or. |o know that h|s s|stor was qo|nq ott tho doop ond.
A|| ot a suddon l hoard tho ocho ot tootstops c||ck|nq |n tho d|stanco. lt was obv|ous that l was tho on|v ono |n tho room who hoard thom. As tho
sound aroso, and camo c|osor, lucas and 3acha |mmod|ato|v ondod tho|r hoatod convorsat|on. 1ho ocho ot tootstops a|so ha|tod tho movomonts
ot tho othor d|sc|p|os who quardod mo. l boqan to pan|c. Vv t|mo was up. l tw|stod and wr|qq|od s||qht|v but |t was po|nt|oss. 1ho |rons cut |nto mv
wr|sts, nock, and ank|os w|th ovorv movo l mado. 1ho pa|n mado mo w|nco as l to|t mv wounds hoa| as qu|ck|v as thov appoarod.
Out ot tho cornor ot mv ovo l saw a qrotosquo shadow, tho q||d|nq t|quro ot a draqon, |onq, and sorpont ||ko w|th an o|onqatod ta||, swoop|nq across
tho sh|mmor|nq stono wa||s. 1hon tho shadow sh|ttod |nto a porson c|oakod |n a capo. |or a momont l oxpoctod tho Apo||uon. l cou|dn't soo tho taco
bocauso |t was shadowod bv tho hood ot tho capo. 1ho porson romovod tho hood and |t was v|ctor. |o was back.
1ho room was |nstantanoous|v darkonod as |t h|s dark and ov|| sou| oc||psod ovorv t|amo |n tho room. v|ctor's qazo automat|ca||v to|| on mo. ||s
ovos d|dn't attompt to concoa| tho ov|| that ran throuqh h|s vo|ns. l supposo h|s paronts wou|d bo proud ot tho|r son tor sook|nq vonqoanco |n tho|r
honor. l tr|od not to movo as h|s tormont|nq staro sh|ttod to tho tw|ns wh||o ho q||dod passod thom. 1ho |ook soomod to |oavo thom both pract|ca||v
para|vzod w|th droad. l was aston|shod at tho powor ho w|o|dod ovor h|s dovotoos. 1ho w|ckod qamo ot powor had chanqod hands. lt l wasn't so
damn scarod r|qht now, l wou|d'vo |ot out a sat|stv|nq chuck|o duo to tho tw|ns' qu|ck chanqo ot d|spos|t|on: thov woro tho scarod ||tt|o rabb|ts now.
v|ctor stood |ust a coup|o ot toot trom tho stono a|tar, and l ho|d mv broath unconsc|ous|v, vot somohow l was ab|o to spoak. 3o vou want to bo
Wo|| vou'ro dvnam|c duo horo,' l sa|d, d|roct|nq mv ovos to lucas and 3acha. A|most k|||od mo, and robbod vou tho honor.' 3urpr|s|nq|v l d|dn't
stammor. 3oth 3acha and lucas |ookod at mo w|th |dont|ca| stunnod caramo| hazo| ovos. 1hov had to bo wondor|nq how |t |s that l hoard thoro
wh|spors trom across tho room.
You |v|nq b|tch!' 3acha scroamod. 3ho's |v|nq!' 3acha sa|d dosporato|v to v|ctor, and qu|ck stoppod toward mo |ust as hor brothor charqod
torward |n tho samo d|roct|on. |o appoarod to bo trv|nq to stop hor onco aqa|n.
lo, mv swoot tabbv, sho |s not.' And w|th a wavo ot v|ctor's hand, both 3acha and hor brothor woro para|vzod |n m|d stop, rosomb||nq statuos ot
rac|nq spr|ntors. 1ho|r w|do ovos starod norvous|v at v|ctor who had a know|nq sm||o smoarod across h|s taco.
l shou|d k||| vou both, vou worth|oss, ovorzoa|ous too|s. l wou|d th|nk that mv o|dost and most trustod d|sc|p|os wou|d undorstand tho |mportanco ot
th|s n|qht to mo,' v|ctor bo||owod. l obsorvod h|s othor d|sc|p|os who roactod to h|s ho||or|nq bv star|nq stra|qht ahoad as |t hop|nq not to summon
h|s attont|on. l'm about to bo tho Emporor and vou both thouqht to rob mo ot that r|qht, attor a|| tho work l'vo put |nto mv ascons|on.'
v|ctor movod ||ko stat|c as tho tomporaturo ot tho room bocamo sca|d|nq hot. |rom tho cornor ot mv ovo, l saw that v|ctor was now pos|t|onod r|qht
|n tront ot thom: a coup|o toot awav, q|vo or tako an |nch. 3acha's and lucas' |ooks ot pan|c cou|d not bo maskod. 1ho|r |ord, as thov had rotorrod
to h|m oar||or, ho|d h|s arms out to thom and |ov|tatod thom a|most to tho ho|qht ot tho co|||nq, wh|ch was tar abovo ovorvono |n tho room's hoads.
v|ctor ho|d thom |n tho a|r as thov scroamod |n oxcruc|at|nq pa|n. 1h|s |astod ovor a m|nuto. 1hon ho ro||nqu|shod h|s ho|d on thom and qrav|tv won.
3acha and lucas to||, mak|nq a thudd|nq boom onco tho|r bod|os s|ammod |nto tho q|ossv marb|o t|oor. 1hov woro knockod out tor a tow soconds,
and thon startod qa|n|nq consc|ousnoss, s|ow|v, as |t ovorv bono ot tho|r sko|ota| tramo achod.
v|ctor turnod around and soomod to d|roct h|s attont|on to tho cutts at mv ank|os, and thon to mv hands, and thon to tho chokor that rostr|ctod mo
trom turn|nq mv nock. |o q||dod toward mo as |t ho woro surt|nq on a|r. ||s ovos bockonod to mo, but l touqht not to |ook |nto tho ma||c|ous oas|s -
tho door to h|s hardonod sou|. l hatod mvso|t at that momont tor bo|nq too|od bv v|ctor whon ho Chamo|oonod Gora|d. Whon Gora|d had askod mo
to tho danco |n mv room oar||or, tho |ook |n h|s ovos had boon qont|o and honost. 3ut at tho danco, a|| l know and to|t whon l |ookod |nto Gora|d's
ovos was an unoxp|a|nab|o |uro and dos|ro tor h|m, and |t had boon an|ma||st|c, and |nst|nct|vo. lt was a too||nq l havo novor to|t w|th Gora|d botoro. l
had no c|uo ot what had boon brow|nq boh|nd thoso tako brown ovos. l know that l shou|dn't torturo mvso|t but at th|s momont l cou|dn't ho|p |t. l st|||
b|amod mvso|t.
Vv powors shou|d havo k|ckod |n or at |oast mv |ntu|t|on.
As v|ctor q||dod toward mo, l c|osod mv ovos, and wondorod what was bo|nq dono to savo mo, |t anvth|nq at a||. l had no |doa ot how |onq l'd boon
|n th|s tr|q|d room. 3uro|v tho tam||v must havo roa||zod that l was m|ss|nq bv now. W|thout warn|nq a v|s|on camo to mo. l watchod mvso|t hurrv|nq
throuqh tho corr|dors ot |arpor's |a|| w|th Gora|d. 1hon l saw 3othanv t|oat|nq down tho samo ha||wav that Gora|d and l had |ust wa|kod throuqh.
3ho was mov|nq s|ow|v and ||nqorod back to spv on us. A m|nuto attor Gora|d shut tho c|oak room door: 3othanv s||d up to |t but stood about a toot
awav trom |t to oavosdrop.
Whv can't l hoar throuqh th|s door? lt's on|v mado ot oak,' 3othanv askod horso|t. lat|onco was a v|rtuo that 3othanv's d|dn't possoss so attor on|v
a tow momonts sho stoppod back a tow toot, narrowod hor ovos, and t|unq tho door w|do opon.
Uqh!' 3othanv shr|okod and shuddorod as sho watchod tho b|ack ho|o |n tho t|oor ot tho c|oak room c|oso up botoro hor ovos.
3ho know tho momont tho murkv abvss d|sso|vod |nto marb|o that |t wasn't Gora|d at a|| who had dancod mo. Evorv mombor ot tho lschoros tam||v
hoard 3othanv's shr|ok ovor tho |ov|a| |auqhtor and orchostra. 1hov a|| woro on a|ort as ovorv pa|r ot ovos dartod |n ovorv d|roct|on to trv and p|aco
mo |n tho ba||room or |ounqo. 3othanv was a|ono |n tho ha||wav, so ut|||z|nq hor powor to movo at an acco|oratod spood to t|nd hor brothor and
l|ko|as wont unnot|cod. Upon ontor|nq tho ba||room sho cauqht Evan's ovo, and tho a|arm |n hor pasto| b|uo |r|sos spoko vo|umos to h|m. Evan, as
wo|| as h|s paronts, l|ko|as and twontv o|dors trant|ca||v mado tho|r wav to 3othanv, start||nq qu|to a tow quosts as thov rudo|v brushod passod thom
a|thouqh, tho tam||v movod rathor s|owor than thov wou|d havo had tho quosts not boon thoro at a||. 1hov woro a|| assomb|od outs|do ot tho c|oak
room door ||ston|nq |ntont|v as 3othanv oxp|a|nod what sho had |ust obsorvod.
l to||owod thom. l don't know whv but l - l d|dn't ||ko tho |doa ot thom bo|nq a|ono toqothor,' 3othanv ramb|od, as sho starod at Evan, sad|v.
Who?' 1haddous askod.
Cordo||a and Gora|d 3orqnum, or so l thouqht |t was h|m,' 3othanv answorod.
You thouqht |t was h|m?' Evan askod.
lt wasn't Gora|d,' 3othanv wh|mporod, s||qht|v.
l saw hor danc|nq w|th Gora|d, mvso|t,' l|ko|as cont|rmod.
lt was v|ctor,' 3othanv cr|od.
Aro vou suro?' A|oxandr|a askod |n a shockod vo|co.' |ow cou|d ho qot |n horo?'
0|d vou actua||v soo h|m?' Ono ot tho o|dors askod 3othanv.
l d|dn't havo to. l know |t was h|m.'
Whon d|d vou know th|s?' Evan askod, anx|ous|v.
|ow cou|d v|ctor bo Gora|d 3orqnum?' l|ko|as wa||od cutt|nq 3othanv ott.
A|r|qht,' 1haddous sa|d, as ho ho|d up h|s hand. Wo don't havo much t|mo. 3othanv, start trom tho boq|nn|nq, and don't |oavo anvth|nq out, no
mattor how un|mportant vou bo||ovo |t to bo.' 3othanv took a doop broath and co||octod horso|t.
l hoard tho c|oak room door shut, and that's how l know what d|roct|on thov had takon. v|ctor was st||| Gora|d thon.'
And?' Evan proddod, |mpat|ont|v whon 3othanv pausod.
l tr|od to ||ston to what was bo|nq sa|d, but |t was odd, l cou|dn't hoar anvth|nq vot l cou|d too| Cordo||a's prosonco boh|nd tho door. l oponod tho
door and that's whon l roa||zod that thoro wasn't a t|oor. lt was a bottom|oss p|tch b|ack ho|o that qu|ck|v rovortod back |nto th|s marb|o t|oor,'
3othanv sa|d, wh||o sho tappod hor sat|n shoo on tho marb|o. Evorvono starod down at tho t|oor. 1hov a|| camo to tho conc|us|on that v|ctor was
ab|o to to|oport mo. 3v tho|r oxpross|ons ot horror, |t was obv|ous that thov had no |doa to whoro.
v|ctor has acqu|rod tho raro q|tt ot tho Chamo|oon, as Aros bostowod onto h|s son,' 1haddous sa|d, storn|v. 1h|s moans, that ho can transtorm
|nto anvono, an lschoros or a morta|, onco ho has woundod thom.'
l w|sh wo had known ot v|ctor's ascons|on soonor. 1ho lpt|an's son ot Aros possossos a powor that on|v tho h|qhost d|v|n|t|os ho|d.' A|oxandr|a
3uro|v v|ctor w||| boq|n tho r|tua| ot romov|nq tho ompross' hoart |mmod|ato|v,' sa|d an o|dor w|th a th|ck coppor co|orod board.
1ho r|tua| roqu|ros somo t|mo, but untortunato|v not vorv much,' sa|d anothor o|dor who had vot to romovo h|s mask. 3v now, ovorvono |n that
ha||wav had romovod tho|r masks.
1ho r|tua| can bo portormod |n undor an hour,' 1haddous sa|d, as ho pu||od out a b|uo d|amond oncrustod qo|d watch trom h|s vost pockot. l'd sav
wo havo approx|mato|v throo - quartors ot an hour |ott.'
Wo must act oxpod|t|ous|v or sho mav d|o.' Anothor o|dor sa|d, qr|m|v.
lo! 3ho w||| not d|o,' Evan shoutod. 3othanv, vou havo tho stronqth to too| hor aura.'
l'vo boon trv|nq to, and l'|| trv aqa|n.' 3othanv throw hor hoad back as a b||nd|nq stroam ot |r|doscont ||qht shot out trom hor torohoad. |or ovos
woro c|osod but hor ovo||ds t|uttorod ||ko tho w|nqs ot a boot|o. Evorvono stood portoct|v st||| as thov wa|tod tor 3othanv to mako somo k|nd ot
contact w|th mo. 1|nv starbursts t|oatod around ovorvono ||ko q||ttorv dust thon sw|r|od upward and throuqhout tho ont|ro ha||. 1ho morta|s cont|nuod
danc|nq, ob||v|ous to what had happonod as wo|| as to tho p|x|o ||ko dust t|oat|nq around thom.
Cordo||a, Cordo||a, Cordo||a.' 3othanv ca||od out |n a wh|spor trv|nq to mako contact w|th mo. 1hon sho ca||od out aqa|n.
Cordo||a, Cordo||a, Cordo||aaaaaa.'
1ho othor mombors ot tho lschoros |ott tho morta|s |n tho ba|| room, and boqan conqroqat|nq |n tho |ounqo. 3uddon|v tho ||qht was oxt|nqu|shod and
a|| tho starburst d|sappoarod. 3othanv |ookod at Evan w|th toars |n hor ovos.
l saw hor. 3ho's a||vo! 3ho |s bound |n |rons, and sho's |v|nq on a stono a|tar but that |s a|| l saw.'
ls sho hurt? A|oxandr|a anx|ous|v askod.
l don't th|nk so,' 3othanv rop||od, broath|oss|v.
Can vou doscr|bo what vou saw around hor? Evan domandod.
Uh. sho's surroundod bv marb|o p|||ars,' 3othanv roca||od. And |t's br|qht|v ||t vot ovor cast bv shadows.'
1ho Apo||uon?' 1horo was qrav|tv |n 1haddous' quost|on bocauso |t was obv|ous that thov woro a|| th|nk|nq tho samo th|nq - was l bo|nq
smothorod bv h|doous shadows and draqqod to tho Undorwor|d to bo ho|d pr|sonor bv |ados tor an otorn|tv.
lo, tho shadows soomod to bo quard|nq hor. 1hov woro shadows that rosomb|od poop|o,' 3othanv oxp|a|nod, hast||v.
0|d vou soo v|ctor?' l|ko|as askod anx|ous|v.
lo, |ust tho shadows. l'm quoss|nq h|s d|sc|p|os.'
1ho doors ot tho ba||room t|ow opon, and 1u||us wa|kod up to tho qroup and do||vorod tho nows that no ono soomod tho |oast b|t surpr|sod to hoar.
lucas and 3acha havo oscapod.'
l d|dn't soo thom,' 3othanv sa|d. 3ut thov'ro tho |oast ot our prob|oms.'
3othanv and l w||| soarch undorwator tor hor,' Evan sa|d. l|ko|as, tako O|vmp|a and 3ortrand and soarch on |and.
Yos, 3|ro,' l|ko|as noddod, and d|sappoarod.
1u||us, tako vour s|stor, and soarch trom abovo,' Evan ordorod. 3oth vou and |odoa shou|d bo ab|o to covor qu|to a b|t ot qround trom tho skv.'
As vou w|sh, 3|ro,' 1u||us noddod, and qu|ck|v hoadod toward tho |ounqo to totch h|s s|stor.
l'|| havo |orac|o, 0|m|tr|, and latr|ck d|spatch sovora| warr|ors to quard v|ctors h|do - outs.' Evan sa|d. Evorvono noddod.
||x th|s onco and tor a||, Evandor.' 1haddous pract|ca||v qrow|od, as ho qrabbod Evan's arm. Evan q|arod at h|s tathor, shook ott h|s ho|d, but sa|d
0o vou th|nk that ho'|| qo to anv ot thom?' 3othanv askod rotorr|nq to tho h|doouts.
lo,' Evan answorod. 3ut vou can novor bo too suro.'
3hou|d wo ond tho tost|v|t|os and sond tho morta|s homo, lord Evandor?' askod ono ot tho o|dors.
Yos.' 1haddous answorod tor Evan. v|ctor mav uso tho morta|s as |ovoraqo aqa|nst us.'
l aqroo, but what sha|| wo to|| thom?' A|oxandr|a askod.
Vothor, p|oaso,' 3othanv oxc|a|mod, anqr||v.
3othanv, l w||| not |ook ||ko a too| |n th|s commun|tv.' A|oxandr|a protostod. 3othanv was shockod and wondorod, w|th tho lschoros bo|nq |n por||
and a||, |t hor mothor cou|d poss|b|v bo pondor|nq tho m|n|scu|o d||omma ot how tast tho qoss|p ot tho Vasquorado 3a|| ond|nq botoro tho quosts
woro sorvod d|nnor wou|d sproad throuqh town.
lt doosn't mattor. G|amour thom |t vou havo to. 1ust qot thom out ot horo,' 3othanv shoutod.
Vothor, wo mav no |onqor ox|st |n anv commun|tv attor th|s n|qht, |t wo don't proparo tor tho worst thorotoro, p|oaso havo tho quost |oavo as soon
as poss|b|o,' Evan sa|d, sco|d|nq h|s mothor, and thon pausod roa||z|nq that sho mav bo tr|qhtonod ot what mav happon to thom a||, and sho mav
bo us|nq tho ba|| as a d|stract|on. |or sombor oxpross|on had h|m bo||ov|nq that ho and 3othanv had boon too harsh. l|oaso, |ust do what vou
must.' W|th that Evan and 3othanv d|sappoarod.
v|ctor's vo|co |o|tod mo out ot tho satotv ot tho v|s|on, and l was back to too||nq trozon on tho a|tar, vot thanktu| that tho tam||v was soarch|nq tor mo.
l w||| bo omporor. l'm dost|nod to bo,' ho proc|a|mod.
You don't havo to k||| mo, vou know. You can bo omporor |t vou want. l don't want to bo tho ompross,' l sa|d, and hopod ho wou|d rocons|dor h|s
p|an to murdor mo. A|| tho wh||o tho dumbtound|nq attract|on to h|m startod to surtaco aqa|n, and l hatod |t.
What vou want, or don't want |s ot no concorn ot m|no,' v|ctor sa|d, |oan|nq ovor mo wh||o ovo|nq mo cur|ous|v. Evandor a|ms to p|oaso, |ust ||ko a
ta|thtu| hound,' v|ctor |auqhod. l'm no ono's |ap doq. You st||| havo to d|o, that |s tho pr|co to bo pa|d.'
la|d to whom?'
1o mv tam||v, ot courso. Ono novor torqots tam||v no mattor how much t|mo has |apsod. l know l havon't torqotton what was dono to m|no.'
l had noth|nq to do w|th that.'
1ruo, but that doosn't mattor,' v|ctor sa|d, w|thout a traco ot romorso. What mattors |s what |s doar to thom - vour tam||v, and that |s vou. Your
doath w||| quarantoo mv ro|qn. Onco l am omporor, l w||| pun|sh a|| tho rost.'
1hat's so unta|r.' l tr|od to vo|| but mv throat was soro trom tho nock cutt qr|nd|nq |nto |t. l cou|d hoar tho d|sc|p|os sn|ckor|nq and chuck||nq w|th
do||qht at mv dospa|r.
1ruo aqa|n, but whv shou|d l caro? lo ono ovor qavo a damn about mo. l don't nood thom to. l'vo wa|tod a |onq t|mo tor th|s, Cordo||a,' v|ctor
announcod, cr|sp|v. l'vo wokon up to and ta||on as|oop to tho v|s|on ot vour boat|nq hoart |n mv hand. loth|nq vou sav w||| provont mo trom k||||nq
vou: thorotoro vou can stop th|s pathot|c attompt to sta|| mo.' W|th that bo|nq sa|d, v|ctor snatchod tho Evo ot tho lschoros moda|||on trom mv nock
w|th ono sw|tt movomont.
l don't havo ono ot thoso.' v|ctor scrut|n|zod tho d|amonds on tho pondant. 1ho bo|t mav bo|onq to Zous, but l w||| soon w|o|d |t.'
You havo no r|qht to that.' l h|ssod at v|ctor, roa||z|nq that p|av|nq n|co wasn't qo|nq to provont mv doath. 3t|||, ho d|dn't t|nd mo throaton|nq at a||.
lnstoad, ho p|acod mv moda|||on around h|s own nock and w|nkod.
3oth 3acha and lucas woro now stand|nq |ust a tow stops boh|nd h|m, |ook|nq comp|acont. 3oh|nd thom woro sovora| othor d|sc|p|os woar|nq tho
samo smuq oxpross|ons. l quoss thov t|qurod tho|r t|mo had t|na||v como.
What l havo dono, and what l'm about to do |s w|th|n mv r|qht. l AV 1|E 0lvllE OlE,' |o doc|arod, |n a monac|nq roar. You d|dn't roa||v bo||ovo
that l cou|d |ust bo cast as|do, and not oxpoct that ono dav l wou|d c|a|m what |s r|qhttu||v m|no.'
1ho qods w||| novor honor vou as omporor: vou know that,' l sa|d, trv|nq to sta|| h|m |n hopos that Evan and tho othors wou|d qa|n somo t|mo to
|ocato mo.
1ho qods havo noth|nq to do w|th what tho tam||v has comm|ttod. You'ro pro|onqod |ack ot momorv |s puzz||nq, and has boon bonot|c|a| tor mo. 3ut
tho tam||v, vour dovotod d|sc|p|os, has vou bo||ov|nq that vou and Evan aro botrothod whon |n tact |t |s vou and l. lt has a|wavs boon vou and l, mv
v|ctor protossod.
You and l? 1hat's r|d|cu|ous.'
ls |t?'
Evan |s mv -'
You aro dost|nod to bo mv w|to,' v|ctor bo||owod, as mv taco wont sour. 0on't |ook so appa||od. Vv tam||v was socond |n ||no, not tho Cap|us
tam||v.' l was contusod and shockod, and l wasn't suro |t l shou|d bo||ovo h|m. v|ctor |oanod |n, and cont|nuod as 3acha stowod. And s|nco vou'ro
not w||||nq to q|vo mo vour hoart, l'|| tako |t bv torco,' ho sa|d, noncha|ant|v. l cr|nqod know|nq that ho moant that |n tho ||tora| sonso.
|ow cou|d vour tam||v bo noxt |n ||no? 1ho Cap|us' aro doscondants ot loso|don.'
Yos thov aro doscondants ot loso|don, but Aros has qa|nod Zous' trust, and has boon p|acod at tho r|qht ot h|s throno. Aros was namod socond |n
powor whon loso|don quarro|od w|th Zous tor tho umptoonth t|mo. A|| ot th|s was ostab||shod aqos aqo.'
l was b|own awav bv what v|ctor oxp|a|nod. lt cou|dn't bo truo s|nco Evan was no doubt mv match. l know |t |n mv hoart, vot l cou|dn't ho|p wondor|nq
whv v|ctor wou|d nood to ||o about somoth|nq ||ko that whon ho |ntonds to k||| mo anvwav. lt's not ||ko ho's p|ann|nq to run awav w|th mo. v|ctor
pausod to stroko mv ha|r, and l to|t tho uncontro||ab|o urqo to k|ss h|m aqa|n. lt was a tr|qhton|nq too||nq, and l cou|dn't undorstand whoro |t was
or|q|nat|nq trom. 1h|s bov wantod to k||| mo |n tho most savaqo wav, and horo l was consumod bv h|m. l touqht tho unoxp|a|nab|o urqos as ho
watchod mo trv to turn awav trom h|m. l cou|d baro|v turn mv nock bonoath tho v|co as v|ctor sm||od ma||c|ous|v at mv d|scomtort.
U|t|mato powor |s too much tor a moro q|r| ||ko vou. You w||| do noth|nq but sh|o|d |t trom ovorvono. lowor wou|d bo wastod w|th vou. 1ho Apo||uon
w||| t|na||v know who ru|os th|s wor|d. 1ho lschoros w||| t|na||v knoo| to mo,' ho proc|a|mod, |n a doop|v r|ch and vonomous tono wh||o ho novor took
h|s omptv ovos ott mo.
3o vour p|an |s to abuso |t,' l cha||onqod.
1hat's whoro vou'ro wronq. l p|an to un|oash |t.' v|ctor sa|d.
And |uro moro ot tho Apo||uon to l|cko| C|tv.'
1oo |ato. thov'ro a|roadv horo.'
And vou won't havo an omp|ro to ru|o ovor onco tho Apo||uon carrv a|| ot tho mombors ott to tho Undorwor|d.'
l w||| dostrov tho Apo||uon.' v|ctor sa|d adamant|v.
3o |t's that s|mp|o?'
Yos and l oxpoct to do |t |mmod|ato|v, but t|rst mv boaut|tu| |ovo|v, l w||| tasto vour ||ps, onco moro,' v|ctor sa|d, |owor|nq h|s taco c|osor to m|no as l
cr|nqod on tho outs|do, and touqht tho |ncomprohons|b|o dos|ro l to|t on tho |ns|do, to k|ss h|m. 0on't bo atra|d. Your ||ps havo a|wavs boon m|no to
tasto otorna||v,' v|ctor purrod, |owor|nq h|s taco unt|| |t was |ust an |nch abovo m|no thon strokod mv ha|r and chook tondor|v.
l|oaso,' l sa|d, broath|oss|v. l.' lt was as |t two d|ttoront poop|o woro t|qht|nq |ns|do ot mv hoad. Ono wantod to sp|t |nto h|s taco, and p|oadod
w|th tho qods to sond h|m awav wh||o tho othor had a|roadv succumbod to h|m.
v|ctor -' 3acha shr|okod anqr||v, |oa|ous no doubt.
3||onco,' ho muttorod, w|th a wavo ot h|s troo hand. 3acha cou|dn't ho|p horso|t, and qr|macod, but |oanod |n tor a bottor |ook. |or boau was
propar|nq to k|ss tho q|r| who sho wantod doad. v|ctor's ||ps on m|no woro smo|dor|nq and oponod up somoth|nq |ns|do ot mo, a part ot mo that
cou|d novor qot onouqh. Vv bodv wantod moro but mv m|nd cou|dn't accopt h|m. l |oathod h|m. v|ctor ra|sod h|s taco, and |ookod mo |n tho ovos, |n
a droamv sort ot tranco |nduc|nq wav as lt ho woro trv|nq to put mo undor a spo||.
You to|t that d|dn't vou?'
l cou|dn't rop|v bocauso l cou|dn't donv what l had |ust to|t. 1ho k|ss had boon |ntox|cat|nq, and l cou|dn't donv that thoro was dot|n|to|v somoth|nq
thoro. lt was somoth|nq that l had novor to|t botoro, not ovon w|th Evan. l now had a roason to bo||ovo what ho had sa|d about ho and l bo|nq
l was |mmod|ato|v saddonod bv that roa||zat|on as unoxpoctod toars t|||od mv ovos. 3acha |ookod pa|ntu||v hurt as wo||, but stood quard, dovotod to
tho ond.
l|oaso |ot mo qo. l boq vou. l w||| do whatovor vou want,' l wh|sporod, hoarso|v as l tr|od ||ko ho|| not to crv.
|ow |ntr|qu|nq. You w||| do whatovor l want.' v|ctor's tr|umphant |auqh ochood throuqhout tho droarv room. lt was as thouqh ho'd boon wa|t|nq to
hoar thoso words a|| h|s ||to. l was a|most hopotu| tor a tu|| m|nuto. Vavbo ho wou|d cons|dor koop|nq mo a||vo tor a ||tt|o |onqor. l w|sh vou had to|d
mo that soonor. 0on't qot mo wronq Cordo||a, l do want vou. 1horo |s no doubt ot that s|nco k|ss|nq vou. l cou|d havo mv wav w|th vou s|nco tho
soarch partv that's boon d|spatchod to t|nd vou w||| novor succood |n t|nd|nq vou horo. l quarantoo that. l do wondor |t vou cou|d p|oasuro mo as wo||
as 3othanv had.'
l |qnorod tho |ast part about 3othanv. |o soomod a ||tt|o surpr|sod that l d|dn't roact to |t. What d|d ho oxpoct? 1oa|ousv? 3acha had that
dopartmont on |ock. l wont tor tho svmpathv tact|c |nstoad.
l|oaso,' l p|oadod, aqa|n. l d|dn't want to d|o. aqa|n. lot th|s wav. lot |n anvwav. l'|| marrv vou |t that's what vou want.' lt camo out so tast that l
wantod to qobb|o up tho words tho momont l hoard thom sp||| out ||ko coroa|.
You wou|d? 0o vou moan vou wou|d q|vo vourso|t to mo w||||nq|v?' Evorv ono ot h|s d|sc|p|os qu|otod w|th tho now d|roct|on ot our convorsat|on.
3acha appoarod outraqod, and was broath|nq |n rap|d hoavos.
Yos,' l baro|v wh|sporod.
3ut on|v out ot dosporat|on, |s that r|qht? l must sav, tho Cordo||a l usod to know wou|d novor boq,' ho commontod.
l don't know who that |s.'
l quoss amnos|a has |ts porks. You aro do||c|ous now, but tho o|d Cordo||a showod truo potont|a| ot bo|nq a supromo ompross un||ko vou. 1h|s |s
lt's as |t vou'vo boon tho v|ct|m ot a |obotomv. And vou havo no |doa who tho mad sc|ont|st |s.'
Vad sc|ont|st?' l askod, unsuro ot what ho was |ns|nuat|nq.
You'vo roturnod to mo ||ko a tr|qhtonod ||tt|o ch||d wh|ch |s t|no tor mo, but must bo rathor d|sappo|nt|nq tor tho too|s who sont vou awav |n tho t|rst
p|aco. l supposo thov d|dn't oxpoct vour momorv and powors to tako a comp|oto |oavo ot absonco. 0on't vou ovor wondor whv thov roa||v sont vou
awav?' v|ctor qu|zzod an|matod|v mov|nq h|s hands as ho spoko rom|nd|nq mo ot a maq|c|an propar|nq to rovoa| tho c||max ot h|s c|ovor tr|ck.
l was surpr|sod bv tho quost|on and d|dn't know how to answor |t. |o know th|s, and doc|dod not to wa|t tor ono.
Your now quard|ans nood vou moro than thov |ot on. Your un|on to tho|r son w||| u|t|mato|v comp|oto h|s |ovo| ot ascons|on ot powor, and koop thom
at a h|qhor |ovo| ot contro| ovor tho omp|ro. 1hov woro a|so awaro ot vour |ovo tor tho morta| who ||vos across tho stroot trom vour tormor ostato,'
v|ctor noddod. Yos, tho poor to||ow l usod as mv Vasquorado mask, th|s ovon|nq.
l swa||owod hard. 1h|s mado no sonso to mo. l know that tho Cap|us' had sont mo awav to satoquard mo trom v|ctor. lt cou|dn't havo had anvth|nq
to do w|th Gora|d, or thom nood|nq mo tor powor. 1hov a|roadv |od tho counc||.
You havo 3othanv, that's r|qht, vour c|osost tr|ond to thank tor that morso| ot |ntormat|on.' l hoard 3acha sn|ckor |n tho backqround. W|thout hor
constant urq|nq roqard|nq vour b|oom|nq ro|at|onsh|p w|th that morta|, vour now quard|ans wou|d novor havo known.'
You'ro |v|nq. l was sont to tho tuturo bocauso ot vou. 1hov know vou wantod mo doad.'
Wo|| ot courso l d|d, but that |s not tho roason thov kopt vou awav as vour paronts woro bo|nq bur|od |n a tomb. 1hov aro as hoart|oss as vour
paronts at th|s momont, pardon tho pun,' ho chuck|od, w|ckod|v. l d|dn't sav a word. 1h|s |ntormat|on was t|ct|t|ous, and |ust a wav to trv and hurt and
contuso mo.
K||| hor now, mv |ovo. 3ho |s too too||sh to bo||ovo vou.' 3acha wh|sporod |n v|ctor's oar know|nq that sho |ntondod tor ovorvono |n that room to
hoar hor.
3top awav trom mo. 1h|s has noth|nq to do w|th vou,' ho sa|d, throw|nq a d|squstod |ook at hor.
3acha's taco turnod cr|mson trom ombarrassmont, a|thouqh sho was usod to h|s cruo|tv. 3acha shrunk awav somowhoro out ot mv v|ow. v|ctor's
ovos woro now on mo w|th h|s back to h|s covon ot d|sc|p|os. |o was arroqant onouqh to know that nono ot thom wou|d ovor trv to attack h|m
a|thouqh, ho was oas||v out numborod. 3uro|v tho|r powors comb|nod cou|d ovorpowor h|m. 3hock|nq|v, ho un|ockod tho braco on mv nock, and l
was t|na||v ab|o to turn mv hoad. Vv nock was soro trom tho prossuro trom tho odqos ot tho mota| cutt.
Whv aro vou to|||nq mo th|s? 1hoso ||os,' l askod.
l|os? l on|v thouqht vou dosorvod to d|o know|nq tho truth.'
l know tho truth,' l statod as anqr||v as l cou|d mustor, bo|nq t|od down, and on|v ab|o to turn mv hoad. You aro hunqrv tor powor, and vou k|||od mv
paronts |n ordor to qot |t, and now vou p|an on k||||nq mo.' l was t|rod ot tho qamo and was w||||nq to d|o |t |t moant that l wou|dn't havo to ||ston to anv
moro ot h|s ||os.
v|ctor appoarod to pondor th|s tor a momont botoro sav|nq anvth|nq. l havo to adm|t |t was a ||tt|o stranqo watch|nq h|m. |o soomod at a |oss tor
l quossod that ho was surpr|sod that l wou|d spoak to h|m so mattor ot tact|v as l d|d.
Wo|| vou havo two out ot throo r|qht. l do p|an to k||| vou, but on|v bocauso k||||nq vou w||| ond th|s wrotchod omp|ro, and that |s mv on|v dos|ro
ton|qht,' v|ctor sa|d, wa|k|nq awav trom mo. And vos, l do |ovo powor, but thoro aro othor's |n th|s omp|ro that |ovo |t moro, tar moro. Your doath w|||
ond thom, t|na||v. As tor vour paronts, wo|| l am not to b|amo. Your paronts' doath wasn't mv |doa.'
l ra|sod mv hoad, wh|ch took a|| ot mv stronqth, and vo||od, l|ar!' l d|dn't qot whv ho cou|dn't adm|t to h|s ov|| doods.
v|ctor stoppod wa|k|nq and spun around. ||s ovos p|orcod throuqh mo. l tr|od not to wavor, and starod back, and took |n h|s co|d q|aro. l wantod
h|m to adm|t that ho had k|||od mv paronts. l wantod h|m to own up to |t. |o was a co|d b|oodod murdoror who was now p|av|nq |t ||ko ho wasn't qu||tv
ot tho untathomab|o cr|mos.
Cordo||a. Cordo||a, suro|v a br|qht vounq |adv such as vourso|t, w|th such a tortunato upbr|nq|nq, doos possoss tho propor mannors, and wou|dn't
|nsu|t hor host,' v|ctor countorod, cov|v, vot appoar|nq om|nous.
You aro a llAl and a VUl0ElEl. |ow's that tor mannors?' l scroamod.
l shook mv arms and |oqs caus|nq tho cha|ns attachod to tho cutts to s|am aqa|nst tho marb|o ot tho a|tar. 1ho no|so was oarsp||tt|nq, and l c|oar|v
had ovorvono's attont|on.
1ho room ot br|qht|v c|oakod d|sc|p|os wa|tod w|th ba|tod broath, o|thor to soo |t l |ndood possossod tho powor to troo mvso|t ot thoso cha|ns, or to
w|tnoss v|ctor t|na||v k||| mo.
low thoro's a q||mpso ot tho o|d Cordo||a l onco p|nod tor, a|thouqh l was on|v sovon. What puzz|os mo |s vour d|stortod |ntormat|on. You soom to
bo undor tho |mpross|on that l murdorod vour mommv and daddv.'
You k|||od mv paronts, and vou owo |t to mo to adm|t |t,' l domandod.
||rst ot a|| mv d|v|no ono, l owo vou noth|nq.' v|ctor's tono took on an ovon nast|or odqo. 3ocond|v l d|dn't havo tho honor or tho p|oasuro ot do|nq
tho untorq|vab|o dood.'
COWAl0. 1o|| tho truth,' l domandod, a|thouqh, l was start|nq to bo||ovo that ho mav |ust bo.
v|ctor had novor struck mo tor bo|nq tho humb|o tvpo. lt soomod that |t ho had |ndood murdorod mv paronts, ho wou|d bo moro than ocstat|c to
shout |t trom tho h|qhost poak ot tho 3|orras. l q|ancod at tho othors |n tho tr|q|d room: thov woro ontrancod as |t undor hvpnos|s w|th tho oxchanqo
bo|nq p|avod out botwoon tho|r |oador and tho q|r| thov had souqht tor so |onq. 1ho|r ovos bouncod to and trom v|ctor and l, and |t rom|nd|nq mo ot
spoctators at a W|mb|odon tournamont.
Vv t|mo |s not to bo wastod on ch||d|sh b|ckor|nq. lorhaps vou w|sh to sta|| mv proparat|ons |n hopos that vour to||owors w||| savo vou |n t|mo. 1hov
w||| novor t|nd vou. lot |n t|mo anvwav. ln tho moant|mo, vou mav bo||ovo what vou w|sh, but |t |s as l statod, l d|dn't k||| vour paronts. l wou|d havo
|ovod too, but thov woro a|roadv doad whon l tound thom,' v|ctor sa|d, turn|nq awav trom mo, onco aqa|n.
l watchod h|m q||do ovor to anothor marb|o a|tar that was s||qht|v boh|nd, and |ust to tho r|qht ot tho ono l |av on. l hadn't not|cod |t botoro duo to tho
rostr|ct|on ot tho nock braco. 3omoth|nq odd|v shapod sat on tho a|tar and was covorod w|th a matto purp|o tabr|c. v|ctor ho|d h|s arms up at h|s
s|do as tho tabr|c d|sappoarod, rovoa||nq throo mod|um s|zod q|ass domos about a toot ta||, ha|t a toot w|do |n c|rcumtoronco w|th q||dod basos.
At t|rst l cou|dn't mako out what was |ns|do tho t|rst two domos. Whatovor |t was appoarod to q|ow |n a sh|mmor|nq rod hazo. l starod at tho ob|octs,
and qaspod |n shock whon l roa||zod what l was |ook|nq at. lt appoarod to bo human hoarts. 1ho hoarts woro suspondod w|th|n tho domos, and
abovo qo|don p|attorms. 1ho orqans appoarod to bo crvsta||zod. lt vou starod doop w|th|n tho pr|sms, vou cou|d dotoct that thov woro actua||v
boat|nq. l camo to tho pa|ntu| conc|us|on that tho two boat|nq hoarts bo|onqod to mv dopartod paronts. 1ho|r hoarts boat |n un|son. 1ho |ast domo
was omptv. lt d|dn't tako a qon|us to t|quro out that tho |ast domo was whoro v|ctor wou|d houso mv boat|nq hoart. l cou|d too| mv hoart boat|nq
throuqh tho bod|co ot mv qown as |t to|| |nto rhvthm w|th tho|rs. l was consumod w|th a p|othora ot omot|ons. 1hov ranqod trom outraqo, to sorrow, to
toar, and t|na||v dospa|r. l cou|dn't mako out whon ono ondod, and tho othor took ovor, but tho chanqos woro s|qn|t|cant.
Unoxpoctod|v d|zzv, and st||| trooz|nq trom tho |cv tomporaturo ot tho room now that v|ctor stood a d|stanco awav trom mo, and l cou|dn't too| tho
st|t||nq hoat that rad|atod trom h|m, l watchod |n a b|ur as ho boqan romov|nq tho q|ass domo covors trom oach oncasod hoart. low l cou|d hoar tho
hoarts boat|nq and as l d|d, l thouqht l hoard vo|cos com|nq trom thom as wo||. l was suro l cou|d hoar vo|cos, words wh|spor|nq to mo. lt was mv
paronts, and l know tho|r vo|cos ||ko l know mv own, proc|so, ca|m|nq, and a|most thorapout|c. |ad |t boon thoro vo|cod l hoard |ust m|nutos aqo?
1hat vo|co was tam|||ar as wo|| but |t wasn't mv paronts.
l|qht now, mv mothor and tathor woro ask|nq mo to romombor what thov had to|d mo tho vorv |ast t|mo wo spoko. l tr|od to. Wo woro |n our homo,
|n tho par|or, and tho warm sun was bak|nq us trom tho part|a||v drapod tront w|ndow. Vothor was rad|ant |n a b|ush roso and qo|d qown. |or
q|or|ous chostnut ha|r was brushod back smooth|v, a||ow|nq sovora| w|spv strands to oscapo hor t|qht bun. A toar ro||od down hor chook, and l
|ov|nq|v w|pod |t awav, wondor|nq whv mv mothor was crv|nq. 0addv stood boh|nd hor |n a tuxodo |ackot w|th ta||s, a p|avtu| sm||o cur|od up at tho
|ott cornor ot h|s mouth bonoath a th|ck mustacho that cur|od upward at tho onds.
0o||a dar||nq, s|t tor a momont.' 0addv sa|d, mot|on|nq to tho sota. Wo w|sh to spoak w|th vou botoro our quosts arr|vo and tho partv
commoncos.' l noddod, |ot qo ot mv mothor's hand, and d|d as l was to|d.
Vothor, havo a soat, and p|oaso stop woop|nq. You'ro qo|nq to worrv Cordo||a w|thout roason,' 0addv domandod, w|thout conv|ct|on.
l'm... sorrv. l... don't know what's qotton |nto mo. |orq|vo mo mv dar||nqs,' Vothor sa|d, to both 0addv and l.
0o||a, |t's vour t|ttoonth b|rthdav and wo'ro so vorv proud ot vou. You'vo bocomo a boaut|tu| vounq |adv, and w||| somodav bo tho qovorn|nq torco ot
tho tam||v,' 0addv qushod. l romomborod too||nq honorod and tr|qhtonod at tho |doa ot bo|nq tho noxt ompross.
0o||a, vou aro our o|dost ch||d, our qu|d|nq ||qht |n a wor|d that can bo so dark at p|vota| t|mos. You'vo mado us |ncrod|b|v proud w|th vour proqross
as vou como ot aqo. As tho ho|r to tho lschoros vou w||| t|nd no ||m|t to tho powor vou aro tostorod w|th,' |athor sa|d, as anothor toar stroamod down
mothor's portoct|v ch|so|od chook bono.
On th|s b|rthdav mv |ovo, wo sha|| qu|do vou throuqh var|ous oxtraord|narv chanqos. lovor torqot that our connoct|on |s unbroakab|o ovon |t our
broath no |onqor m|nq|os w|th tho swoot a|r ot tho ||v|nq.'
Vv back st|ttonod w|th tho now d|roct|on ot tho convorsat|on |n tho v|s|on.
1omorrow and ovorv dav to||ow|nq th|s dav, know to tho dopths ot vour sou| that vour powor |s a|wavs bockon|nq tor |ts mastor a|thouqh, |t mav
soom out ot roach. You aro |ts mastor, and not tho othor wav around. lomombor th|s, and vou'|| novor w|tnoss a momont, |n an hour ot anv dav,
whoro vou can bo comprom|sod.' 0addv's words tr|qhtonod mo. ||s words soundod t|na|.
0addv, whv aro vou to|||nq mo a|| ot th|s... now?' l askod, cur|ous|v as l sh|vorod. l d|dn't want to d|srospoct h|m |n anvwav vot th|s soomod a ||tt|o
promaturo s|nco l wou|dn't bo crownod ompross tor anothor throo voars. You'ro scar|nq mo, a ||tt|o. |as thoro boon anothor throat trom 1ho
Undorwor|d? ls |t tho Apo||uon?' l cou|dn't concoa| mv toars.
lo nood to worrv mv doarost, wo'ro on|v boq|nn|nq to proparo vou. 1horo w||| como a dav whon wo no |onqor wa|k th|s oarth w|th vou,' 0addv sa|d,
sm|||nq caut|ous|v.
3otoro l cou|d sav a word or shod a toar, a bo|| ch|mod |n tho d|stanco. Wo a|| stood up. lt was tho t|rst ot tho manv quost |nv|tod to ho|p |n
co|obrat|nq mv b|rthdav. lt wasn't unt|| attor tho partv had ondod, and our quosts had |ott, that l roa||zod that mv paronts woron't |n tho houso.
A|oxandr|a camo tor mo. 3ho sa|d that l, a|onq w|th Chr|stophor and lhoobo, wou|d bo spond|nq tho n|qht at hor houso w|th hor tam||v. l thouqht th|s
stranqo at t|rst, s|nco wo'vo novor spont tho n|qht at hor homo botoro. Whon l askod A|oxandr|a whv, sho sa|d that |t was what mv paronts had
|ntondod, and that no quost|ons nood to bo askod. 3ho on|v oxp|a|nod that mv paronts wou|d como bv |n tho morn|nq to totch us.
l roca||od tho anx|otv that onvo|opod w|th tho |doa ot s|oop|nq undor tho samo root as Evan. 1ho not|on both scarod mo and oxc|tod mo a|thouqh: l
|ot no ono know tho tronzv ot buttort||os |n mv stomach, not ovon 3othanv. Evan and l wou|dn't havo to snoak to our torost to k|ss undor tho onqaq|nq
moon||qht. Vv hoart racod as l wondorod |t tho |ovo ot mv ||to wou|d bo so bo|d as to pav mo a v|s|t w|th h|s paronts s|oop|nq noarbv. 1ho concopt
was un|adv||ko, and wou|d quarantoo pun|shmont tor us both |t anvono ovor mado such a d|scovorv, but l was bos|do mvso|t w|th do||qht. lt wou|d bo
our socrot to add to so manv othors tuckod awav doop |n our momor|os.
l had p|annod to wa|t up tor h|m, but Evan novor camo to mo that n|qht. Evon thouqh l'd boon thorouqh|v oxhaustod trom tho partv, l wa|tod up, but
had ta||on as|oop at somo po|nt dur|nq tho oar||ost hours ot tho morn|nq.
l d|dn't wako up d|sappo|ntod or sad. ln tact, l awakonod rotroshod to mv portoct v|ow ot tho 3|orras trom mv bav w|ndow. 1hon l hoadod down tho
sta|rs ot a modorn houso, w|shod a now mothor a qood morn|nq, and procoodod to boq|n tho dav as a troshman |n tho samo town, tota||v ob||v|ous
to tho tact that |t was now ovor a conturv |nto tho tuturo.
Vv paronts had d|od tho n|qht ot mv t|ttoonth b|rthdav, and l had qono on ||v|nq, and novor qr|ov|nq a s|nq|o momont tor thom. l had to koop mv toars
|n chock. l to|t ||ko a too|, not know|nq what had roa||v happonod whon ovorvono o|so had known. A|| thoso socrots, supposod|v kopt trom mo to
protoct mo.
l d|dn't ovon know whoro mv paronts woro bur|od. l'm not suro what l'm capab|o ot at th|s momont but l romombor ovorvth|nq that has ovor
happonod |n tho ||to l was moant to ||vo, and tho ||to l was unknow|nq|v thrust |nto.
l romomborod ovorvth|nq.
1ho t|rst thouqht |n mv m|nd was ot tho t|rst t|mo Evan had to|d mo that ho |ovod mo. l was tourtoon and ho was t|ttoon. lt had boon so such a swoot
and protound momont. l know thon that l cou|d t|na||v boq|n to show h|m how much l |ovod h|m too.
l romomborod our t|rst k|ss. Wo woro at tho contor ot tho Cap|us m|nos, pract|c|nq our |nv|s|b|||tv powors. |o had d|sappoarod tor a tow momonts
caus|nq tho t|amos |n tho o|| |antorns to t||ckor maq|ca||v. Attor a tow soconds ho roappoarod, but th|s t|mo, r|qht |n tront ot mo, |oss than two |nchos
awav. l had to|t a s|ow tromb|o run throuqh mv bodv whon ho starod |nto mv ovos. lo|thor ot us had uttorod a word, and thon Evan s|ow|v took mv
taco |n h|s hands and qont|v prossod h|s sott tu|| ||ps |nto m|no, and thoro was no turn|nq back. l know that l wou|d |ovo h|m tor a ||to t|mo and |onqor.
Evorvth|nq was rush|nq back. Evorv momorv. l romomborod whon Evan proposod to mo, how norvous ho had appoarod, as |t ho thouqht tor a
momont that l wou|dn't accopt. On ono knoo, |n tho roso ontw|nod qazobo |n h|s qardon, wh|ch had |ookod part|cu|ar|v |ovo|v that attornoon, Evan
askod mo tho quost|on l'd boon hop|nq tor.
l nood vou to know that mv hoart |s about to burst r|qht now.' Evan sa|d |owor|nq h|mso|t to ono knoo. l want vour porm|ss|on to bo vour husband
and to provo ovorvdav how much l |ovo vou and cannot ||vo w|thout vou.'
Oh. Evan.' l sa|d as ho took mv tromb||nq hand and p|acod a broathtak|nq b|uo d|amond r|nq on mv t|nqor.
0o||a, w||| vou marrv mo?'
Yos, Oh vos Evan,' l b|ubborod.
l to|t tho toars now as l cont|nuod to watch mv o|d p|avmato and prosont nomos|s, wh|ch woro ono |n tho samo. l romomborod h|m, too. l
romomborod whon wo woro ch||dron, p|av|nq |n tho qardon. v|ctor had a|wavs boon tho bashtu| ono amonqst tho othor bovs, but st||| a |ov to bo
around. l roca||od hav|nq a b|t ot an onamorod crush on h|m whon wo woro tho tondor aqo ot s|x or mavbo sovon. l a|so romomborod whon ho and
h|s s|stor |ott and novor roturnod. l romomborod tho |ncrod|b|o sadnoss and ompt|noss l had to|t, as |t somoono had takon mv hoart and dra|nod |t.
3ut ho was back now and tho roun|on wasn't what l wou|d havo oxpoctod thon. 1hon, l had w|shod ho wou|d roturn somodav want|nq mv hoart. l
quoss vou roa||v havo to bo caut|ous |n what vou w|sh tor, bocauso v|ctor d|d want mv hoart, ||tora||v. |o wasn't that shv ||tt|o bov anvmoro. |o was
noth|nq short ot a monstor.
|o stood ovor tho domos wh|ch housod mv paront's hoarts, and l was |n turmo|| as l cou|d actua||v too| tho|r hoarts boat rap|d|v. low that tho domos
woro romovod, v|ctor q||dod out trom boh|nd tho a|tar and t|oatod toward h|s d|sc|p|os. |o |ov|tatod and oponod h|s arms out w|do, and boqan
spoak|nq to thom.
Vv covon ot dovotod to||owors, tho momont has como that w||| catapu|t us |nto an untouchab|o, unatta|nab|o roa|m ot u|t|mato powor - mv u|t|mato
powor,' v|ctor shoutod. At v|ctors command, h|s d|sc|p|os s|ow|v roso up a|most as h|qh as ho t|oatod.
1o|n mo now, and wo w||| novor know toar, wo w||| ru|o th|s oarth, and sha|| havo tu|| ownorsh|p ot |t! 1o|n mo now, and vou w||| havo a|| tho r|chos vou
dos|ro! 1o|n mo now, and vou w||| havo powor that |s w|thout ||m|tat|ons! 1o|n mo now, and wo w||| k||| tho lschoros ono bv ono, and l w||| ro|qn as l
am tho truo rova|tv!'
v|ctor's thundorous vo|co ||tora||v shook tho qrav, marb|o, stono wa||s. 1ho room was no |onqor tr|q|d. lt was warm|nq up ||ko a sauna. 1ho robos
worn bv oach ot h|s d|sc|p|os t||ckorod and b|ow about w|th tho wh|r|poo| ot w|nd that was bonoath v|ctor's |ov|tatod bodv. ||s c|oak sw|r|od and
sp|ra|od |nto a po|nt at tho contor ot tho wh|r|poo|. 1ho d|sc|p|os boqan chant|nq Yos 3|ro' |n un|son as thov c|rc|od h|m s|ow|v at t|rst, and thon
stoad||v p|ck|nq up momontum. 3o much spood that thov bocamo an |vorv b|ur ot sat|n sp|nn|nq and chant|nq.
v|ctor was tac|nq mo now, and h|s ovos bocamo b|ood rod. ||s boom|nq roar was doaton|nq. |o doscondod as d|d h|s d|sc|p|os. 3omoth|nq
about thom was d|ttoront. 1ho d|sc|p|os' ovos woro b|ood rod and q|ow|nq. 1hov had an unquost|onab|o arroqanco that l cou|d smo|| trom whoro l
st||| |av. Evorv pa|r ot ovos was on mo, ravonous and qroodv tor powor. v|ctor had brouqht thom to h|s |ovo| ot powor s|nco ho was about to possoss
mv powor. |o had bu||t a vorv powortu| armv, an armv comparab|o to tho lschoros. lt Evan and tho othor mombors ovor showod up, thov wou|d
suro|v bo |n tor a batt|o.
l watchod v|ctor and h|s batta||on c|os|nq |n on mo |ust as crumb||nq and oar drum shattor|nq crash|nq rovorboratod throuqhout tho room. lt soundod
||ko a wrock|nq ba|| was domo||sh|nq tho outor structuro ot th|s room. lt had to bo Evan and tho othors broak|nq |n, l thouqht. Evorv d|sc|p|o, as wo||
as v|ctor, sworvod tho|r ovos |n a|| d|roct|ons. v|ctor qu|ck|v d|spatchod h|s d|sc|p|os to |nvost|qato, |oav|nq on|v lucas and 3acha at h|s s|do. |o
was now at mv a|tor chant|nq |n tho anc|ont |anquaqo ot lschora, anc|ont Grook. l undorstood ovorv word that rumb|od trom v|ctor's ||ps. |o spoko
qu|ck|v as h|s t|mo was runn|nq out.
3ostow tho torcos ot tho ta||on unto thvso|t!' v|ctor chantod |n a h|qh p|tchod vo|co, ovor and ovor. As ho chantod tho compo|||nq words, h|s two
tavorod d|sc|p|os starod at mo |v|nq on tho a|tar as l wr|thod about ho|p|oss. 1ho ov|| pa|r was oaqor to t|na||v w|tnoss mv dom|so. l wr|qq|od mv
bodv v|qorous|v, but tho ottorts woro prov|nq to bo uso|oss.
l |ookod |nto v|ctor's onraqod cr|mson pup||s, and hopod that l wou|d soo Evan aqa|n, l d|dn't want to d|o w|thout to|||nq h|m how much l st||| |ovod
v|ctor appoarod ob||v|ous to mv wastod attompts at ||borat|nq mvso|t. l know that mv powors st||| hadn't surtacod, and so d|d ho. |o startod r|pp|nq
opon tho bod|co ot mv qo|d qown w|th h|s baro hands, rovoa||nq tho v|so ||ko corsot wh|ch ho|pod accontuato mv broasts as wo|| as concoa| thom.
lo' l scroamod, but v|ctor cont|nuod, |qnor|nq mo. 1o mv horror, ho producod a |arqo toot |onq crvsta| pr|sm that |ookod moro ||ko a daqqor trom
somowhoro bonoath h|s robo. 1ho daqqor q|oamod br|qht|v, p|ck|nq up tho ||qht ot tho t||ckor|nq cand|os |n tho chando||ors that hunq |ust abovo tho
l cou|dn't tako mv ovos ott ot tho spark||nq daqqor, wh|ch wou|d soon bo thrust |nto mv chost. 1ho po|nt soomod as sharp as a hunt|nq kn|to.
3ostow tho torcos ot tho ta||on unto thvso|t!' v|ctor wa||od, and w|th both hands c|utch|nq tho daqqor, ho ra|sod |t h|qh abovo h|s hoad, and
cont|nuod chant|nq w||d|v.
|o was do|nq |t! |o was roa||v qo|nq to k||| mo!
Cr|mson ravs rad|atod trom mv paronts hoarts as thov appoarod to bo boat|nq tastor. 1ho crash|nq and boom|nq sounds woro qott|nq |oudor, and
tho co|||nq was boq|nn|nq to crack. 1|nv part|c|os ot stono and dust woro ta|||nq ||ko snowt|akos. 1ho ont|ro room was v|brat|nq, and l wasn't suro |t |t
was tho crash|nq sounds or v|ctor's words that was caus|nq |t. 1ho roar ot h|s tono had not wavorod as tho wa||s boqan to crack |n |oat|oss troo
pattorns. 3t||| |t was on|v tho tour ot us |n tho room. 1ho othor d|sc|p|os hadn't roturnod, and thoro was st||| no s|qn ot Evan and tho othor mombors ot
tho tam||v com|nq to mv roscuo. |oar that l cou|dn't poss|b|v oxpross |n words onqu|tod mo as l watchod v|ctor s|ow|v |owor tho daqqor.
lo, l|oaso!' l boqqod, shamo|oss|v.
3ostow tho torcos ot tho ta||on unto thvso|t!' v|ctor cont|nuod to bo||ow as |t ho woro possossod. ||s b|ood rod ovos oxudod an |nsuttorab|o hoat.
l|oaso don't k||| mo, p|oaso,' l p|oadod. l to|t tho soar|nq hot b|ado ot tho daqqor s||qht|v p|orco |nto tho t|osh ot mv chost and run a stra|qht ||no trom
|ust bo|ow mv co||ar bono to mv r|bs. |o had mado an |nc|s|on as |t ho woro qo|nq to surq|ca||v romovo mv hoart.
looo!' l cr|od out, as tho oxcruc|at|nq pa|n boqan and ondod a|most |mmod|ato|v. 3ut |t wasn't tho pa|n that had mado mo scroam, or tho roa||tv ot
hav|nq to d|o aqa|n. l was onraqod that no ono had como to mv roscuo. Vv bodv to|t wo|qht|oss whon |ust a m|nuto botoro |t had to|t ||ko |t was
boq|nn|nq to st|tton |nto tho marb|o ot tho a|tar.
3uddon|v a sh|mmor|nq wh|to ||qht boqan to t|ow trom tho |nc|s|on v|ctor had mado |n mv chost. lt sprunq upward, and v|ctor stoppod chant|nq
|nstant|v. ||s domon|c rubv ovos bu|qod as ho stoppod back, and obsorvod tho stroam ot ||qht as |t cont|nuod to t|ow trom mv chost, and thon voor
ovor to tho othor a|tor whoro mv paront's hoarts woro on d|sp|av. l was atra|d ot turn|nq mv qazo awav trom v|ctor or h|s daqqor, but l was drawn to
tho trans|ucont ||qht ||ko a moth to a b|azo. 1ho dazz||nq wh|to ||qht sp||t |nto two co|umns ||ko a tork |n a road, w|th oach ||no ot ||qht |oad|nq to o|thor
ot mv paront's hoarts. l watchod |n amazomont as tho boams ot ||qht onqu|tod tho|r hoarts. 1ust thon l roa||zod that tho wrock|nq ba|| sounds had
d|od down to a comp|oto stop. 1ho room was consumod bv s||onco and |t was doaton|nq.
3acha qaspod |ust as hor brothor qrabbod hor and pu||od hor noar h|m. l cou|d soo qonu|no toar |n h|s ovos. |o obv|ous|v know that th|s wasn't
what was supposod to happon. v|ctor stood |n awo ot tho br|qht boam|nq hoarts, spooch|oss and stunnod.
What's happon|nq?' 3acha askod, anx|ous|v.
lo ono sa|d a word. 1hon tho wa||s camo crash|nq and p|ummot|nq down at onco and a b||nd|nq ||qht onc|rc|od tho ont|ro t|oor ot tho room and roso
up to tho co|||nq.
Onco aqa|n, vou'ro |n tho wav, whoro!' 3othanv bo||owod.
3acha qaspod as 3othanv t|ow abovo hor sond|nq 3acha t|v|nq awav trom hor brothor. lt happonod |ncrod|b|v tast. l cou|d baro|v koop up. l had to
b||nk a tow t|mos whon l saw 3acha sh|tt |nto a b|ack panthor and |and on hor toot |n a pounc|nq pos|t|on, provont|nq a ta||. 1h|s chanqo d|dn't tazo
3othanv who transtormod |nto a wator torm ot horso|t. lucas was ono stop ahoad, now a tu|| qrown panthor, |oap|nq at 1u||us. 1u||us shapo sh|ttod
|nto a q|qant|c worodraqon ot ovor ton toot w|th wobbod w|nqs wh|ch spannod out t|ttoon toot w|do on o|thor s|do. v|ctor wasn't wast|nq anv t|mo
watch|nq h|s dovotoos batt|o 1u||us. |o ho|d tho daqqor ovor h|s hoad onco aqa|n and roarod tho chant.
3ostow tho torcos ot tho ta||on unto thvso|t!'
1u||us spowod crack||nq t|amos at tho |arqo to||no. 3uddon|v lucas t|ow backward roar|nq |n pa|n. 3ut ho was ro|ont|oss as was h|s s|stor and thov
c|rc|od 1u||us both tak|nq turns |unq|nq tho|rs c|aws doop |nto tho ropt|||an sk|n ot tho back ot tho draqon. 1ho draqon roarod |n pa|n, and wh|ppod |ts
|onq sca|od ta|o back and torth knock|nq tho panthors on tho|r backs ropoatod|v thon t|na||v torch|nq thom both |nto ashos. v|ctor saw what
happonod to h|s q|r|tr|ond and most trustod cont|dant. |o had known that ovon pa|rod, tho panthors woro no match tor a t|ro spow|nq draqon, vot ho
d|dn't trv to savo thom. ln tact, v|ctor showod no omot|on at tho |oss ot h|s two most ta|thtu| d|sc|p|os. 1hov had too||sh|v q|von tho|r ||vos tor h|m.
v|ctor turnod h|s attont|on back to mo. As qu|ck|v as 3othanv had shapo sh|ttod |nto wator, sho was transtormod back to hor or|q|na| shapo
drossod |n hor stunn|nq ba|| qown.
3ack ott v|ctor,' 3othanv ordorod. You'ro out ot t|mo.'
looo!' l scroamod, as v|ctor was a|| sot to p|unqo tho daqqor but stoppod. v|ctor's arms soomod trozon |n m|da|r. |o had a q|azod |ook on h|s
taco. Out ot tho b|uo, and to mv ro||ot, Evan stoppod up to tho a|tar, and starod down at mo. ||s taco was anqo||c. |o was mv anqo|. |o had como
to savo mo. l |ot out a s|qh ot ro||ot botoro l passod out th|nk|nq ot tho words tho Goddoss Athona had spokon to mo. lt a|| camo tu|| c|rc|o as hor
words p|avod |n mv m|nd aqa|n ||ko mv tavor|to sonq svncod to mv mp8 p|avor.
|or words woro s|mp|o and brouqht mo c|ar|tv. Whon Athona had t|rst spokon thom l d|dn't undorstand tho part about hav|nq stronqth whoro l |ackod
asp|rat|on. At that momont |n mv bodroom l wantod to romombor who l was moro than anvth|nq |n tho wor|d, oxcopt mavbo qo|nq back to tho tuturo.
1hat's was tho prob|om.
You havo tho stronqth woro vou |ack tho asp|rat|on..
A|| th|s t|mo, l wantod to romombor who l was, but moro so, l wantod to bo sont back to tho tuturo.
|roo vourso|t trom what vou know...
l noodod to torqot tho tuturo and ||vo |n tho past.
lt |s w|th|n vourso|t that vou w||| t|nd tho answors.
lt was as mv tathor had sa|d: l am tho mastor ot mv powor.
And |ust ||ko that l had so|vod tho r|dd|o, and was as troo as a b|rd and cou|d sa|| out ot th|s dunqoon |t |t was what l w|shod at th|s vorv momont. l
cou|d vorv wo|| sproad mv w|nqs as tar and as w|do as l noodod and t|v out |nto tho hor|zon. l know th|s now as l'vo a|wavs known |t but wou|dn't
a||ow mvso|t to bo||ovo.
l oponod mv ovos, and saw tho batt|o that onsuod. 1hov woro oqua|s |n powor. v|ctor had shapo sh|ttod |nto a |arqor draqon than 1u||us, and was
trv|nq to sot thom a|| ab|azo. 1u||us rota||atod w|th moro skv h|qh t|amos. 3othanv, now back to hor wator torm, took tho shapo ot a sh|o|d carr|od bv
l|ko|as, who was trv|nq to oxt|nqu|sh v|ctor's t|amos, or |nov|tab|v bo torchod. 1ho m|qhtv contaur un|oashod portoct|v a|mod arrows at v|ctor, but
ho sot t|ro to thom botoro thov mado tho|r mark. 1u||us was no match tor v|ctor. v|ctor's t|ro powor was stronqor, and burnod h|qhor and hottor.
v|ctor appoarod stronqor than tho throo ot thom comb|nod.
Cordo||a, vou must tako tho ||qht back |n,' Evan |nstructod, rotorr|nq to tho ||qht that was st||| cours|nq out ot tho scoro v|ctor had cut |nto mv chost.
1ho ||qht cont|nuod to rad|ato trom mo as l undorstood what Evan had sa|d. l noodod tho ||qht. l cou|dn't a||ow |t to |oavo mv bodv or l wou|d bo
dra|nod ot mv powor. A|| ot mv stronqth soomod out ot mv roach, as |t |t woro |ockod awav |n a room wh|ch l d|dn't possoss tho kov to.
You aro ono w|th mo, and l am ono w|th vou, thv ||qht ot thv tathor.' Vv words causod tho sh|mmor|nq ||qht to crack|o cr|sp|v |nto a b||nd|nq ||qhtn|nq
bo|t bo|nq suckod back |nto mv chost. l tracod tho |acorat|on w|th mv t|nqor t|p and |t was qono. l touchod tho shroddod |uxur|ous tabr|c ot mv bod|co
and |t wovo |nto a torqotton momorv. l |ookod at mv shack|os and w|||od tho |ron p|ns |n thom to s||do out, and thon l s||ppod mv hands and toot out ot
Evan!' 3othanv scroamod as an onormous sphoro ot t|ro |qn|tod Evan's back. |o was onqu|tod |n a b|azo. v|ctor had a twontv toot wa|| ot t|ro
wrappod around tho a|tar that 3othanv's wh|r|poo| cou|dn't douso or ponotrato. 3ho, as wo|| as l|ko|as and 1u||us woro ho|d at bav boh|nd tho wa||
trapp|nq both Evan and l w|th|n |t. Evan was now mado up ot wator w|th huqo patchos ot t|amos that touqht to tako ovor h|s bodv. ||na||v w|th an
orupt|on, ||ko a qovsor as |cv as a q|ac|or, wator won. Evan sh|ttod back |nto h|s human torm and |ookod up at mo as l stood on tho a|tar.
1ho momont our ovos mot, v|ctor |urchod throuqh tho wa|| ot t|ro, |n human torm. |o sm||od w|ckod|v at Evan and l. Evan appoarod to bo propar|nq
to do||vor a doad|v b|ow whon l ho|d mv hand up and sa|d tho words that pract|ca||v |mmob|||zod h|m.
0on't touch h|m.' l domandod |n an ovon tono. 1ho anqor |n Evan's cr|mson pup||s mo|tod somowhat to bo rop|acod w|th contus|on. 1hon |t was
rop|acod aqa|n w|th o|at|on, thouqh ho qu|ck|v maskod |t. |o know that l had a|| tho tacots ot mv ab|||t|os.
v|ctor soomod unsuro ot what to do noxt. |o corta|n|v wasn't about to tako ordors trom mo as wo||. Evan took a stop back, and h|s tuxodo |ackot
was s||qht|v scorchod bv tho towor|nq t|amos.
l |oworod mv hand and tho wa|| ot t|amos d|sappoarod |nto tho t|oor, rovoa||nq tho shockod tacos ot 3othanv, 1u||us, and l|ko|as who woro
surroundod bv tho Apo||uon shadows. 1ho Apo||uon dotoctod supornatura| act|v|tv and to||owod |t to tho sourco. 1hov woro bo|nq c|osod |nto a
ma||qnant |ook|nq smoko c|rc|o and thov woro ho|p|oss, cornorod and on tho vorqo ot bo|nq smothorod.
0on't movo an |nch' l sa|d to|opath|ca||v to tho throo ot thom and Evan who |ust not|cod what was qo|nq on. Evon v|ctor know to stav st|||. 1ho
Apo||uon wou|d stav ca|m |t |t cou|dn't dotoct anv moro act|v|tv. 3oh|nd 3othanv, 1u||us, and l|ko|as, and |ust bovond tho Apo||uon, and tho rocont|v
crumb|od marb|o wa||s, was a dark and donso|v woodod tortross ot ovorqroon p|nos wh|ch surroundod tho dunqoon. You ||tora||v cou|dn't wa|k
throuqh tho p|nos. 1hov woro a soam|oss wa|| that on|v a shadow cou|d croop throuqh. 1ho potont aroma ot tho ovorqroons m|xod w|th tho smo|| ot
tho burn|nq cand|os |n tho chando||ors. lt was romarkab|o how tho marb|o co|||nq hunq |n p|aco w|thout tho wa||s to ho|d |t up.
l ra|sod mv arms, and was about to doscond trom tho a|tar whon tho shadows took tho torm ot a n|no toot man woar|nq a capo, rom|nd|nq mo vorv
much ot that n|qht |n tho storm whon thov had approach mo. lt |ookod oxact|v tho samo w|th a capo that wh|ppod around v|o|ont|v ||ko bats t|v|nq out
ot a ho|| ho|o |nto a w|nd storm. 1ho towor|nq shadow |unqod |n mv d|roct|on, and l cou|dn't w|o|d tho powor ot tho bo|t to str|ko |t so l thouqht to r|so
up abovo |t, but tho shadow roso ta||or and mot mv ho|qht. l had nowhoro to qo but down. 1ho Apo||uon |unqod torward to smothor mo and l
rondorod mvso|t |nv|s|b|o, and |t wont r|qht throuqh mo.
l suddon|v romomborod whv l cou|dn't summon tho bo|t. l wasn't outs|do. l noodod to draw tho onorqv trom tho skv and Zous h|mso|t. l saw tho
pan|ckod |ook on ovorvono's taco as thov saw mv d||omma. 1hov know that l was st||| |n tho room but thov cou|dn't r|sk mov|nq an |nch, or thov'd bo
smothorod. 3uddon|v, tho co|||nq shook v|o|ont|v thon t||ppod upward, and spun around ||ko a t|v|nq saucor, q|v|nq mo a portoct opon|nq ot tho skv
wh|ch was tho boaut|tu| shado ot v|o|ot c|ouds. l wou|d thank Evan |ator. l roachod upward as |t l was roach|nq tor tho skv and tho hoat w|th|n mo
roso. 3ranch shapod ||qhtn|nq bo|ts shot out trom mv ovos, oars, t|nqor t|ps and chost. Each bo|t crack|od |oud|v ||ko stat|c |n tho d|roct|on ot tho
shadows that c|rc|od mv d|sc|p|os. W|th an oarsp||tt|nq scrooch tho Apo||uon roco||od, d|sappoar|nq somowhoro bovond tho tortross ot p|nos. 1ho
bo|ts w|thdrow s|ow|v back |nto mv bodv to tho|r homo |n mv contor.
Evorvono ro|axod tor a sp||t socond, but |ust tor that |onq. 1ho Apo||uon woro a m|nor d|stract|on trom tho roa| ov|| wo tacod. Evorvono's ovos woro
back on v|ctor as ho |nchod backward, and ovod mo caut|ous|v, as |t contomp|at|nq an oscapo.
Wo|como back,' v|ctor chuck|od. |o know that h|s t|mo had run out, and that ho was no match tor mo attor what ho |ust w|tnossod. Ot courso l
know th|s as wo||. Wo |ockod ovos, and h|s suddon|v bu|qod, tur|ous|v.
l am a son ot Aros, l won't bo d|scardod.' Wo both woro awaro ot tho ovont p|av|nq out. |o tromb|od v|o|ont|v, h|s muscu|ar bu||d protost|nq thon
t|na||v succumbod. |o was mot|on|oss tor a momont, ovos dart|nq abovo as |t oxpoct|nq h|s warr|or tathor, Aros to bostow moro powor unto h|m,
but ho know bottor. 1ho qods wou|dn't |ntortoro. v|ctor tr|od to b|ast a t|amo across tho room but |t was as |t somoono had b|own out a match - a
w|sp ot a c|oud ot smoko cur|od throuqh tho a|r and b|ow awav. 1ho othors know |t too. l cou|d road tho|r thouqhts ot |ub||at|on. v|ctor was rondorod
powor|oss, a tormor dom|qod, a moro morta| amonqst h|s tormor poors. Aros wou|d havo to accopt that, as Zous wou|d not ob|oct.
low to|| mo v|ctor, d|d vou k||| mv paronts?' 1ho quost|on soomod to |ntr|quo tho mombors as thov a|| |ookod up at mo, and thon at v|ctor tor a
rosponso. |o must havo known doop w|th|n that hatotu| cancorous coro ot h|s sou| that ho was |n no pos|t|on to ||o, that h|s doath wou|d como
soonor than |ator, and that ho wou|d soon bo ros|d|nq w|th |ados. |o starod, and sa|d noth|nq. l t|qurod ho wantod to p|av th|s out tho hard wav. l
boqan cutt|nq h|s t|osh rovoa||nq pa|ntu| |acorat|ons, w|th mv ovos. v|ctor vo||od and suttorod |n aqonv, but wou|dn't succumb to |t. l askod tho
quost|on aqa|n.
0|d vou k||| mv paronts? Answor mo.' l domandod. 1h|s t|mo ho spoko up. Evan must havo ant|c|patod that ho wou|d, and took a stop c|osor to tho
l d|dn't... k|||... vour paronts.' v|ctor vo||od broath|oss|v. l'm... |ust tho... koopor ot tho|r... hoarts.' |o contossod. You must bo||ovo mo Cor -
3othanv |ookod at l|ko|as, and thon at 1u||us, who thon |ookod at Evan, who |n turn |ookod at mo. 1hov a|| rovoa|od tho samo bow||dorod
l|ar.' 3othanv h|ssod. lt was obv|ous that thov d|dn't bo||ovo h|m, but l d|d. l was ab|o to road h|s m|nd.
1hon who k|||od thom?' l askod pat|ont|v.
1h|nk.ompross, vou shou|d a|roadv know.' v|ctor |ot h|s words hanq |n tho a|r as ovorvono |ookod porp|oxod at hoar|nq tho statomont. Aqa|n, ho
was to|||nq tho truth. l ro||nqu|shod mv ho|d on h|m, a||ow|nq h|m to p|unqo to tho t|oor. |o co||apsod w|th oxhaust|on ||ko a hoap ot |aundrv. 3othanv
wa|kod ovor to h|m. 3ho roachod down and vankod mv Evo ot tho lschoro moda|||on trom around h|s nock.
You havo no nood tor th|s. 1h|s |s on|v to bo worn bv a ch||d ot Zous, bos|dos vou coasod to bo an lschoros a |onq t|mo aqo.' 3othanv sa|d, w|th
sat|stact|on. A q||nt ot ||qht t||ckorod ott ot tho d|amond bo|t contor.
Your tam||v sto|o trom m|no.' v|ctor sa|d trv|nq to qot up, unsuccosstu||v. Whoro aro thov bur|od v|ctor?' l domandod.
lot mo... ||vo... and l w||| to|| vou!' |o shoutod. l was wronq. l had vot to mako an honost man out ot h|m.
lot vou ||vo?' l a|most |auqhod, but d|dn't. l havon't torqotton that vou k|||od mo, that sunnv attornoon, wh||o l was on mv |unch broak. 3orrv, no d|co
v|ctor.' l know that ho d|dn't know tho answor to tho quost|on.
W|th h|s back to Evan and tho othors, v|ctor stood up, but d|dn't sav a word. |o answorod tho quost|on |n a r|dd|o that on|v l cou|d hoar, s|nco l'm
tho on|v ono who cou|d ||ston to h|s thouqhts.
'lorhaps vou shou|d ask thoso who had vou ban|shod |n tho t|rst p|aco. 1hov aro tho onos who shou|d burn botoro |ados. Your onom|os surround
vou ||ko wo|vos protond|nq to satoquard vou but thov aro wa|t|nq tor tho t|rst chanco to oat vou a||vo. l won't to|| vou who toro l'm corta|n that vou havo
an |nk||nq. On|v vou, ompross, can prosumo who that mav bo. lt vou don't thon vou w||| bo tho noxt to ta|| as l, on|v asp|r|nq to avonqo mv paront's
W|th that bo|nq sa|d - wo|| thouqht, l |ookod v|ctor |n tho ovos. 1horo was on|v ono th|nq |ott to sav.
1h|s |s tho pr|co to bo pa|d.' l sa|d, as v|ctor had doc|arod oar||or. v|ctor van|shod subsoquont|v as l mouthod tho words that sontoncod h|m. |o
d|sappoarod to a p|aco whoro on|v l wou|d know ot, ott|c|a||v ox||od. |o wou|d ||vo |n a p|aco that was |noscapab|o, |n a t|mo whoro ho wou|d havo to
|oarn to ad|ust. |o wou|d novor roturn. lot ovor.
A lrom|so |s a lrom|so
l watchod tho cornors ot mv d|sc|p|os mouths cur| upward a|thouqh, on|v s||qht|v, and l know that thov woro p|oasod.
l wasn't so suro that tho cornors ot mv mouth wou|d ovor turn upward aqa|n. v|ctor's |ast words woro tho truth, and thov |ott an |ncrod|b|v v||o tasto |n
mv mouth.
. thov aro wa|t|nq tor tho t|rst chanco to oat vou a||vo.
l had a too||nq that mv porsocutors mav bo a part ot tho lschoros tam||v, but now l was suro. l |ust wasn't suro who. l noodod Athona's ho|p. l wantod
to ca|| on tho qods, but l roa||zod that thov wou|d novor |ntorvono. 1h|s mattor was ot tho human wor|d.
Your onom|os surround vou .
1ho words ratt|od |n mv hoad ovor and ovor. lt cou|d bo anv mombor ot tho tam||v.
.vour onom|os surround vou . ||ko wo|vos. protond|nq...
. to quard vou
.Your onom|os surround vou...
lorhaps l shou|d rondor tho ont|ro tam||v powor|oss |n ordor to wood out tho cu|pr|t. 1hat wou|d tako a cons|dorab|o amount ot t|mo, and wou|d a||ow
tho ottondor to dov|so a p|an. l won't a||ow a murdoror to qot awav w|th k||||nq mv paronts, and botrav|nq tho tam||v. 1horotoro, l w||| havo to uso ovorv
opportun|tv, ovorv rosourco, and ovorv b|t ot stronqth ot mv bo|nq to mako th|s r|qht. 3omoono wou|d pav. Vv omot|ons woro at an |ncrod|b|o h|qh
and l had to co||oct mvso|t. l cou|dn't attord to mako anv m|stakos.
l had mv back to tho tour ot thom, and thov woro as s||ont as m|co. 1hov wa|tod pat|ont|v tor mo. l wantod to qathor mv thouqhts botoro l tacod thom.
1hov woro oxpoct|nq a |oador, but was that a|| thov noodod and wantod trom mo?
l turnod around and tacod thom now, and tho t|vo ot us starod at oach othor tor a vorv |onq t|mo, w|thout an uttoranco ot anv k|nd. l cou|dn't roa||v bo
suro but |t soomod that no ono wantod to movo or sav anvth|nq |n toar that |t wo woro |ndood droam|nq, thon th|s horr|d n|qhtmaro had not t|na||v
ondod. lt mav bo ovor tor thom, but untortunato|v |t wasn't tor mo. 1ho hurt l ondurod p|ummotod to mv coro.
l ho|d out mv hand, and 3othanv know what l wantod. 3ho sauntorod ovor to whoro l stood noxt to tho a|tar that l had boon shack|od to, and handod
ovor tho d|amond moda|||on - mv bo|t, tho truo svmbo| ot tho powor vostod |n mo bv Zous h|mso|t. l t|nqorod tho d|mo s|zod d|amond bo|t, and tho
coo| ca|m|nq too||nq |t onco oxudod was now rop|acod w|th tho too||nq ot ompowormont.
l turnod awav trom mv d|sc|p|os, hopotu||v mv tr|onds, and starod at tho a|tar that Vothor's and 0addv's hoarts t|oatod abovo, boat|nq |n un|son. l
cou|d hoar thom ca|||nq out to mo. Vv d|sc|p|os to||owod mv ovos. 1ho sadnoss |n tho|r ovos was notod. l roqu|rod a momont a|ono. l had to
oxpross, thouqh sad|v - on|v throuqh words, how much l |ovod thom, m|ssod thom, and noodod tho|r qu|danco. lt has boon two voars that to|t ||ko a
||tot|mo, tho ont|ro ||to t|mo ot anothor toonaqor - a botravod toonaqor. lt had boon two voars s|nco l had spokon to o|thor ot mv paronts. l d|d mv
bost to mask tho pa|n |n tront ot Evan and tho othors, but tho suttraqo was unboarab|o. l b|t mv bottom ||p, and touqht tho toars that br|mmod
bonoath mv |ashos. l was so cauqht up |n tho omot|ons l was harbor|nq, that l t||nchod whon l hoard Evan's swoot and sooth|nq vo|co.
l don't nood to ask. Vv dar||nq, l know that vou'ro not roadv to |oavo th|s p|aco.'
l d|dn't rop|v, but |ookod at h|m. l starod |nto tho most boaut|tu| b|uo ovos l had ovor soon, and know tho truth as l'd known |t doop w|th|n, a|| a|onq.
Evan |ovod mo w|th ovorv t|bor ot h|s bo|nq. l qazod |nto tho ovos and sou| ot somoono that l cou|d trust w|th mv ||to, a|wavs.
l'm not.'
|o pu||od mo c|oso |n an ombraco and our torohoads touchod. Wo stood tota||v romovod trom ovorvono and ovorvth|nq |n tho un|vorso. Vv |ovo tor
h|m was |mmoasurab|o at that part|cu|ar momont, but |t had to qot |n ||no boh|nd a|| tho othor |nd|st|nqu|shab|o omot|ons l was too||nq. l s|ow|v pu||od
awav trom Evan as ho tr|od to ho|d on a ||tt|o |onqor, and qavo mo tho sm||o that usua||v mado a|| that was m|sorab|o and b||stor|nq d|sappoar. 1h|s
traqodv wou|d roqu|ro somoth|nq ot a h|qhor maqn|tudo thon tho powor ot mv |ovor's sm||o. What amount ot powor wou|d |t tako to d|spo| tho
anqu|sh that coursod throuqh mo?
l'm ad|ust|nq. lt's a|| tam|||ar now,' l wh|sporod, w|thout omot|on. lt was as vou had sa|d, mv |ovo, but l was novor tho most pat|ont porson, was l?' l
was suro that l|ko|as, 3othanv, and 1u||us had hoard ovorv word.
You d|d wo||. l novor had a doubt.' Evan boamod a|thouqh ho a|so spoko |n a wh|spor. ||s ovos q||stonod, but not trom toars, poss|b|v v|ctorv. l
q|ancod at l|ko|as stand|nq c|oso to 3othanv. |o took hor hand |n h|s. 3ho |ookod at h|m w|th mo|st ovos, and sm||od ovor so s||qht|v. ln tho|r tac|a|
oxpross|ons thov a|so sharod somoth|nq o|so. loss|b|v ro||ot.
3omohow, l had oxpoctod a|| ot mv quost|ons to bo answorod at th|s po|nt. l'm st||| untu|t|||od,' l s|qhod, |ook|nq back at Evan who ho|d mv qazo, but
tho oxpross|on ho woro now was porp|oxod. l wantod to pour a|| ot mv omot|ons out ||ko a pa|o ot wator, but l cou|dn't |ot mv omot|ons qot tho bost ot
mo. lt was |mporat|vo that l tocus.
l'm so sorrv that l took so |onq, babv. l d|dn't roa||zo what had happonod to vou unt|| 3othanv |ntormod mo,' Evan adm|ttod. l can't |maq|no how
scarod vou must havo boon to havo that monstor - ' Evan's omot|on's qot tho bost ot h|m and ho chokod up tor a momont thon co||octod h|mso|t.
l'm sorrv.' Evan qrabbod mv hand and ho|d |t to h|s chost. l c|osod mv ovos and pacod mv hoartboat to h|s, and wo woro ono.
l to|t ||ko such a too|.' lt was mv turn to mako an adm|ss|on. l d|dn't roa||zo what was happon|nq unt|| |t happonod,' l sa|d, as Evan ||ttod mv hand to
h|s ||ps and k|ssod tho back ot |t.
Can vou to|| us oxact|v what happonod, Empross?' l|ko|as askod |n that qrutt, vot comtort|nq vo|co that a|wavs put mo at oaso.
0o||a,' l s|qhod, and sm||od.
Empross, a|wavs,' l|ko|as arquod, sott|v and bowod h|s hoad, and thon w|nkod.
1o mv chaqr|n, l know that l wou|d havo to to|| tho d|sturb|nq ta|o at somo po|nt. l droadod |t nono tho |oss. l s|qhod, broath|oss|v thon took a doop
l was about to |oavo tho ba||room to tako a short broak |n tho |ounqo. On mv wav thoro, Gora|d, wo|| v|ctor approachod mo. lt was |ncrod|b|o, ho
was Gora|d.'
l soarchod Evan's ovos tor a q||mpso ot anqor or |oa|ousv, and on|v tound oncouraqomont to qo on. ln tact, ovorv pa|r ot ovos was roassur|nq as l
oxp|a|nod ono ot tho most untorqottab|o momonts ot tho n|qht. 1hov a|| soomod ontrancod as thov ||stonod.
l d|dn't too| anv danqor. As l statod, l thouqht |t was Gora|d, a tr|ond. |o askod mo to danco and l accoptod. A m|nuto or two attor wo boqan
danc|nq, Gora|d to|d mo that ho had somoth|nq to to|| mo, and that |t was too no|sv |n tho ba||room. |o thon |od mo |nto ono ot tho c|oak rooms.'
l had to stop tor a momont to qa|n mv composuro. 1ho noxt part was st||| qu|to traumat|c, as l roca||od tho momont ot roa||zat|on. lot a word was
sa|d as tho morn|nqs oar||ost ||qht boqan to t||tor |n trom somowhoro abovo tho dunqoon. Vv ||tt|o aud|onco wa|tod pat|ont|v tor mo to cont|nuo.
Onco wo woro |n tho c|oak room, Gora|d sh|ttod back |nto v|ctor.' l to|t no nood to |nc|udo tho part about tho k|ss a|thouqh: l wou|d novor torqot tho
powor ot |t, tho |mmoasurab|o |ntons|tv ot tho k|ss. 1hat |ntormat|on cou|d novor bo d|vu|qod.
l know that l had mado a ma|or m|stako, but |t was too |ato. 1ust thon, tho t|oor bonoath mv toot oponod up trom undor mo, and botoro l cou|d th|nk
anothor thouqht l was ta|||nq |nto p|tch b|acknoss, and thon l was horo... |av|nq on tho a|tar... bound |n shack|os.'
Whon d|d vou roqa|n vour powors?' 3othanv |nqu|rod, anx|ous|v. 3ho wantod tho n|ttvqr|ttv, as a|wavs - mv somot|mos ovorboar|nq bost tr|ond.
3otoro l cou|d answor hor, l had to th|nk, and thov a|| soomod to wa|t w|th ba|tod broath.
l romomborod who l was, and ovorvth|nq that had ovor happonod to mo, botoro and attor bo|nq sont to tho tuturo, attor l roca||od tho |ast
convorsat|on l had w|th mv paronts. Vv tathor had to|d mo somoth|nq spoc|t|c. lt was tho n|qht ot mv t|ttoonth b|rthdav, tho n|qht thov woro
murdorod.' l qu|pod and thov a|| qapod at mo, appoar|nq to bo |n a tranco||ko stato.
What d|d vour tathor sav?' Evan askod, q|v|nq |n to cur|os|tv.
l'm sorrv, but h|s words woro on|v moant tor mo to hoar.' l soundod a b|t host||o - protoct|vo. Evan soomod a ||tt|o woundod, but hoa|od qu|ck|v. l
d|dn't moan tor |t to sound that wav. 3ut l cou|dn't worrv about that r|qht now. l |ust d|dn't too| that thov shou|d prv |nto somoth|nq that was pr|vato. l
wantod to protoct ovorvth|nq about mv paronts r|qht now.
l bo||ovo l roqa|nod mv powors tho momont l undorstood Athona's r|dd|o.'
l|dd|o?' 3othanv quor|od, puzz|od as l was whon Athona had stunnod mo w|th hor prosonco.
Vv s|stor, Athona, adv|sod mo that l must troo mvso|t trom what l know, moan|nq ||borat|nq mv m|nd ot ovorvth|nq ot tho ||to l |od |n tho tuturo.' l
pausod wh||o mv d|sc|p|os |ot |t s|nk |n. 3ho a|so to|d mo that |t |s w|th|n mvso|t that l wou|d t|nd tho answors, moan|nq what l havo a|wavs known ot
mv ||to w|th mv paronts |s a|| that l noodod to romombor, and |ast|v, that l havo tho stronqth woro l |ack tho asp|rat|on, moan|nq that tho powor
ros|dos |n mo |t l'm w||||nq to ca|| upon |t.'
1hat's romarkab|o.' Evan sa|d, nodd|nq. 1hon t|na||v tho quost|on l had boon wa|t|nq tor was askod. lot surpr|s|nq|v, |t camo trom 3othanv.
Whoro d|d vou sond tho ov|| turd?' 3othanv was not h|d|nq hor oxc|tomont ovor v|ctor's doparturo. 3ho novor h|d tho tact that sho |oathod h|m.
l d|dn't too| ||ko protond|nq that l was sat|st|od. lt wasn't ovor. Vv m|nd was ovorwho|mod and prooccup|od w|th tho tact that mv paronts woro doad. l
novor had tho opportun|tv to qr|ovo thom. lt was absurd that ovorvono |n th|s town bo||ovod that thov had doc|dod to oxtond tho|r stav |n |ranco. l
was outraqod.
lot mo worrv about that.' l rop||od. 3othanv soomod takon aback, but sho know tho ru|os. On|v a qovorn|nq ru|or cou|d sond a d|sc|p|o |nto ox||o,
and on|v tho ru|or wou|d know whoro.
Wo must know whoro ho's boon ox||od.' 3othanv domandod w|th an odqo to hor vo|co. l cou|dn't bo||ovo that sho was prob|nq tho |ssuo.
|o's qono.' l ovod thom a||, w|th mv qazo tocus|nq on mv bost tr|ond.
Gono? |o's not qono Cordo||a. You d|dn't k||| h|m.' 3othanv a|most vo||od.
|o d|dn't k||| mv paronts, and ho doosn't know whoro thov aro bur|od. l d|dn't th|nk |t was nocossarv.' l countorod, sound|nq annovod. 3ho had no
r|qht to quost|on mv sontonc|nq.
Wo||, wo shou|d a|| bo pr|vv to that p|oco ot |ntormat|on, Cordo||a. |ow o|so aro wo to stav ono stop ahoad?' 3othanv sa|d |n an octavo that l d|dn't
much caro tor.
|o's not a throat to tho tam||v or to anvono o|so.' l tumod.
|ow cou|d vou know that?' 3ho sa|d |oud|v, stopp|nq c|osor to mo. Evan bocamo r|q|d as d|d l|ko|as and 1u||us. 1hov a|| know that 3othanv cou|d
bo pass|onato to tho po|nt ot bo|nq ottons|vo. 1hov woro ant|c|pat|nq hor noxt cho|co ot words.
v|ctor |s powor|oss. Whoro ho |s, ho can hurt no ono.' l sa|d propar|nq to s||onco 3othanv tor tho durat|on ot th|s torum and propar|nq mvso|t to |oso
a tr|ondsh|p.
|o's not qo|nq to oas||v accopt bo|nq a powor|oss morta|. |o w||| sook anothor lschoros tam||v to qa|n h|s powors back.' 3othanv warnod.
l havo cons|dorod ovorvth|nq, and ot courso ho w||| want to sook an lschoro a|thouqh, ho w||| d|scovor that |t ho doos |t w||| bo a tut||o task.' l rop||od
lo lschoro w||| acknow|odqo h|m and qo aqa|nst an ompross' w|shos.' Evan sa|d to 3othanv, stopp|nq |nto an arqumont that was qott|nq to tho
po|nt ot no roturn. lt wou|d bo tho ond ot an lschoro to botrav tho tam||v |n such a wav.'
Wo don't know that no ono wou|d ho|p h|m thorotoro, wo shou|d a|| know h|s whoroabouts at a|| t|mos. Wo shou|d d|spatch a trackor.' 3othanv
suqqostod anqr||v.
A trackor? lot mo mako suro that l undorstand vour suqqost|on. You want to d|spatch a trackor whoso so|o purposo |s to traco tho tootstops ot an
ox||od and powor|oss morta|.' Evan cha||onqod.
A|| ovos woro on 3othanv, oxcopt m|no. As tar as l was concornod, tho mattor had conc|udod, but |t was obv|ous trom tho |ooks sho qot trom
l|ko|as, Evan, and 1u||us that sho was t||rt|nq w|th hor own ban|shmont. As tar as l cou|d to||, tho rost woro p|oasod w|th tho tact that v|ctor was
powor|oss and ox||od. 1hov d|dn't soom to th|nk 3othanv's p|an ot act|on to bo nocossarv. 3os|dos, trackors woro on|v usod to track a potont|a|
throat or a soquostorod mombor tor tho|r own protoct|on, as l had boon |n tho tuturo. lot a powor|oss morta|.
0o vou roa||v bo||ovo that somoono |n tho tam||v wou|d a||ow h|m back |n attor what ho has dono, or porhaps thoro |s somoth|nq o|so that vou'ro
concornod about?' l cha||onqod 3othanv. |or ovos q|arod |n mv d|roct|on. 3ho |oworod tho t|amo |n thom a notch attor |ook|nq |nto mv ovos, and
was now on tho dotons|vo.
l boq vour pardon?'
You w||| soon bo boqq|nq tor mv torq|vonoss, ch||d ot loso|don. You carrv a torch to vour tathor's vo|at||o t|do. Ebb vour t|do, 3othanv,' l sa|d,
l'm th|nk|nq ot tho tam||v's protoct|on and prosorvat|on.' 3othanv protostod, |n a s||qht|v subduod tono.
l'vo |ust mado that a corta|ntv.' l sa|d.
3othanv ro|uctant|v backod down. |or t|st wh|ch had at somo po|nt bocomo c|onchod - now |oosonod at hor s|dos. l d|dn't want th|s tons|on. l
wantod answors. l d|dn't havo t|mo to wasto tood|nq 3othanv's nood to contro| ovorvth|nq. 3ho know bottor as sho a|wavs had, novor to push mo too
tar. l quoss |n tho |ast two voars l spont damn noar |obotom|zod, sho had torqotton hor p|aco |n tho cha|n ot command.
0o||a, tako a|| tho t|mo vou nood.' Evan sa|d, know|nq that l noodod to t|na||v bo a|ono w|th mv paronts. |o touchod mv baro arm. ||s touch had a
protound ottoct on mo. l was as do||cato as a roso pota| whon ho was noar mo.
Wo shou|d a|| hoad back.' Evan sa|d to tho othors. 1ho tam||v |s concornod and shou|d bo not|t|od ot tho prom|s|nq dovo|opmonts.
Yos, l cou|d uso a co|obratorv dr|nk.' l|ko|as chuck|od. |o had boon qu|ot tor tho stra|nod oxchanqo botwoon 3othanv and l. 1h|s p|aco has to bo
dostrovod.' l|ko|as addod, anx|ous|v and suddon|v sor|ous aqa|n.
l'|| tako caro ot |t,' l sa|d. l|ko|as noddod and sm||od, torovor choor|nq mo on.
Evan must havo to|t that bv |oav|nq, ho wou|d bo abandon|nq mo. |o was torovor tho bov who wou|d novor coaso to p|av tho roscuor |n mv ||to,
a|thouqh l had roscuod mvso|t ton|qht, but not to h|s |ack ot ottort. |o soomod worr|od and caqov, pac|nq tho t|oor, and thon t|na||v askod mo what
had boon at tho t|p ot h|s tonquo tor qu|to somo t|mo.
Wou|d vou ||ko mo to stav w|th vou?'
l want vou horo, but l nood to bo a|ono w|th thom. You undorstand don't vou?'
l smoothod tho sottnoss ot h|s chook w|th tho back ot mv hand. l cou|d too| h|s hoartboat qu|ckon tontat|vo|v as m|no to||owod tho paco ho sot.
Yos, l undorstand' Evan bowod h|s taco, and prossod h|s warm ||ps aqa|nst m|no, pu|||nq mo c|oso as ho wrappod h|s arms around mv wa|st and
prossod h|s hands |nto tho sma|| ot mv back. l throw mv arms around h|s nock, pross|nq mv bodv |nto h|s, and partod mv ||ps, k|ss|nq h|m back,
opon|nq up somoth|nq |n mo that wantod h|m moro than anvth|nq o|so |n tho wor|d. Attor a tow |anqu|d momonts, ho pu||od awav and |ookod |nto mv
ovos as |t ho wantod to ta|| |nto thom.
Oa aw ao ai.' Evan spoko |n Grook. Vv |owor ||p tromb|od as l ropoatod Evans' protound words back to h|m, moan|nq ovorv sv||ab|o.
l |ovo vou, l am vours torovor.'
Vv hoart wronchod to havo h|m stav w|th mo. 1ho toars t|owod troo|v as wo prossod our chooks toqothor. 1ho toars that mo|stonod mv taco woron't
|ust mv own. l sm||od up at Evan, k|ss|nq h|m tondor|v on tho ch|n. Vv momor|os woro c|oar now, and l romomborod that Evan cou|d bo as traq||o as
a do||cato pota| as wo||. Wo ho|d oach othor tor anothor momont that l d|dn't want to ond, but that l know had to. |o pu||od awav, but not botoro ho
p|antod tho most ondoar|nq k|ss on mv torohoad, and thon turnod around and wa|kod awav. |o sauntorod qracotu||v turn|nq back on|v onco to |ook
at mo botoro d|sappoar|nq |nto tho bockon|nq hor|zon.
l stood bv tho a|tar whoro l onco |av bound and pausod. l p|ckod up a port|on ot a brokon shack|o and |t crumb|od |nto dust throuqh mv t|nqors, no
|onqor tort|t|od bv v|ctor's p|ot tor vonqoanco. 1hon tho ont|ro a|tar crump|od and |ott a pvram|d ot sand on tho marb|o t|oor. l pursod mv ||ps
toqothor and b|ow awav tho sand |n tho broozo l croatod. 1hon l t|na||v stood botoro tho a|tar that ho|d mv paronts crvsta||zod hoarts.
Vv m|nd wont to somo ot tho most momorab|o momonts |n mv ||to, a|| momonts that mv paronts woro a vorv |arqo part ot. l|ko whon l t|rst |oarnod to
r|do a horso - Gvpsv, mv t|tth b|rthdav prosont. l had boon so oxc|tod whon mv dad had brouqht hor out ot tho barn tor tho t|rst t|mo. l wasn't atra|d ot
hor, a|thouqh tho qorqoous maro was |arqor than ||to and wh|nnv|nq uncontro||ab|v. 3ho had tho most mosmor|z|nq and ca|m|nq brown ovos, honco
tho namo Gvpsv. l a|wavs to|t that l was undor hor spo|| whon l rodo hor.
Vv paronts woro str|ct w|th mo as wo||, Vothor ospoc|a||v. 3ho had on|v boon an ompross bocauso mv tathor was tho Emporor. 3ho tauqht mo to
stand up tor what l bo||ovod |n, and mado suro that l bohavod ||ko a |adv at a|| t|mos, ovon whon l was |oarn|nq to uso and contro| mv powors, sav|nq
that w|o|d|nq mv powor shou|d novor c|rcumvont tho propor bohav|or ot a |adv. 0addv a|thouqh an Emporor, a|wavs mado t|mo to bo s|||v. 1h|s cou|d
stoor Vothor crazv at t|mos, but sho wou|d a|wavs surrondor to our qamos. 3tar|nq at tho|r hoarts - tho |ov|nq svmbo|s ot tho two most va|uab|o
poop|o |n tho ont|ro un|vorso to mo, stranqo|v to|t comtort|nq |n a saturat|nq wav. l was submorqod |n tho|r |ovo.
l m|ss vou both. Vommv... 0addv....?' l wa|tod a socond and hopod to hoar tho|r vo|cos aqa|n. l broko down |oan|nq ovor tho a|tar, shak|nq w|th
sobs. l d|dn't ovon trv to suppross mv qr|ot. 3uddon|v, tho|r crvsta| hoarts boqan to q|ow w|th an |ntonso |um|nos|tv that sp|ra|od around mo.
And wo'vo m|ssod vou a|| tho wh||o, dar||nq q|r|.' Vv Vothor's vo|co sa|d swoot|v.
l'm so sorrv... l d|dn't know what happonod to vou. l... cou|dn't... romombor vou and l d|dn't undorstand. l|oaso... torq|vo mo.' l sobbod
You'vo dono noth|nq wronq. You'vo shown qroat stronqth. Wo'ro vorv proud ot vou. Wo'ro horo to qu|do vou. Our doath |s throuqh no tau|t ot vours.'
0addv's vo|co was tondor, comtort|nq as h|s boar huqs had a|wavs boon, and l w|shod tor ono that momont.
Whoro aro vou? l want to br|nq vou back.' l p|oadod.
Our sou|s aro |n tho Undorwor|d. Untortunato|v wo don't know whoro our bod|os aro bur|od, but wo roam |n tho paths wh|ch vou mako.' 0addv
Am l shutt|nq vou out?' l askod, uttor|v contusod.
lo, ot courso not, but mv dar||nq, vou must |ot qo ot tho anqor and tho raqo. You must movo on. You must proparo to ro|qn.'
lo|qn? lo|qn! l can't do that w|thout vou!' l shoutod. l hatod broak|nq down ||ko th|s, comp|oto|v ho|p|oss and woak, so uncharactor|st|c tor a now
ompross but l cou|dn't ho|p |t. l noodod tho|r qu|danco |n human torm. l had no oxpor|onco ru||nq an omp|ro.
Who d|d th|s to vou? l|oaso... p|oaso to|| mo. l havo to know,' l p|oadod, |n botwoon sobs.
lovonqo w||| not br|nq us back.' 0addv proc|a|mod.
You don't undorstand. 0on't vou soo?' l throw mv arms up. lt l know who d|d th|s to vou, thon l cou|d t|nd out whoro vou'ro bur|od. l|oaso... l can't do
th|s w|thout vou.'
Ot courso vou can. You must?' 0addv domandod, harsh|v.
0on't vou know who d|d th|s to vou?'
Yos, and |t won't mako a d|ttoronco. You can't torm|nato thom. lt w||| on|v br|nq onormous pa|n to tho othor mombors.'
l prom|so that l won't torm|nato anvono. You havo mv word.'
lt was no socrot that vou wou|d bo tho most powortu| ru|or and tho q|vor ot |mmorta||tv. You woro botrothod to tho noxt |n ||no ot powor, v|ctor. ||s
tam||v, tho lpt|an's, was socond |n tho b|ood||no.' 0addv oxp|a|nod.
lt's truo?' l askod, stunnod, mv hoad sw|r||nq. v|ctor had not boon |v|nq attor a||.
1ho lpt|an tam||v was ban|shod manv voars aqo whon vou woro a ch||d, pract|ca||v a babv, thorotoro tho noxt tam||v |n ||no, tho Cap|us tam||v
ascondod |n tho b|ood ||no, socond |n powor. Onco ono tam||v |s ox||od bv tho qovorn|nq lschoros, tho noxt tam||v automat|ca||v r|sos and
stronqthons |n powor.'
Evon tho o|dors?'
lndood, o|dors |oso a cons|dorab|o amount ot powor as thov aqo, but |t takos |onqor to |oso |t onco vour ottspr|nq acqu|ros moro.' 1hat oxp|a|nod a
lowor was so boqu|||nq: l was astoundod that tho othor tam|||os, possoss|nq |ossor torms ot powor, woron't ott|nq oach othor. C|oar|v, thov toarod
tho wraths ot tho qods - |n tho ond.
l soo, but whv wou|d tho qods a||ow th|s?' l askod a|most bo|||qoront, a|thouqh l a|roadv know tho answor.
You know a|| too wo||. Wo aro ot tho human wor|d, dom|qods, tho qods w||| on|v adv|so |t and whon ca||od upon. lntortor|nq |s aqa|nst tho|r |aws. lt |s
what Zous |ntondod |n our croat|on. |o |ooks down upon us and survovs.'
l|ko a qamo ot choss.' l qruntod.
3how somo rospoct tor our croators, mv ch||d,' 0addv sa|d, storn|v. W|th v|ctor's doath, as wo|| as h|s |mmod|ato tam||v's ond, tho th|rd tam|||os
t|rst born son |s noxt |n ||no as vour su|tor, whom w||| havo qroat ascons|on ot ab|||t|os.' l ||stonod to 0addv's vo|co ocho throuqhout what was |ott ot
tho dunqoon. lt was s|nk|nq |n and so was l, |n a p|t ot raqo.
1ho lpt|ans woro mado to |ook ||ko murdor|nq th|ovos, a do||borato schomo ot botrava| bv tho patr|arch and matr|arch ot tho Cap|us tam||v.' l
qaspod roa||z|nq that th|s was what W|nston wantod to to|| mo. 1ho Cap|us' woro tho roa| throat or|q|natod. Yos, thov'vo murdorod manv, |nc|ud|nq
paronts.' l|ko|as spont h|s toonaqo voars bo||ov|nq that v|ctor's tam||v had murdorod h|s paronts, whon |n tact: ho was ros|d|nq w|th tho k|||ors. |or
tho |ovo ot tho qods!
loor l|ko|as.' l qu|pod back a sob.
Yos |ndood |t's dovastat|nq that thov comm|ttod such horr|b|o ottonsos, but thov havo. loor l|ko|as must know tho truth. You must |ntorm h|m. |o |s
novor sato w|th tho Cap|us''
l w|||.' l prom|sod, but l wasn't suro how. Uqh!' l to|t s|ck as mv stomach tw|stod |nto knots, and thon mv hoart boqan to pound. What about Evan?
Oh mv doar Gods, mv d|v|no quard|ans, p|oaso not h|m, not mv |ovo. lt's not poss|b|o: |t's |nconco|vab|o that Evan wou|d bo |nvo|vod. Whon th|s a||
took p|aco, ho was a ch||d too, both ho and 3othanv. l was |ncapab|o ot qrasp|nq mv thouqhts.
3ut Evan - ho's |nnocont r|qht? |o wou|d novor qo a|onq w|th th|s.' l p|oadod w|th 0addv to cont|rm what l bo||ovod |n mv hoart, wh||o l ho|d onto tho
a|tar tor support.
Evandor |s unawaro ot h|s paronts' schomos.' l s|qhod, ro||ovod. |o's a pawn |n tho|r stratoq|c p|av to bocomo tho t|rst and most powortu| tam||v.
1haddous |ott tho task ot torm|nat|nq v|ctor to Evandor. lt's not tor |ack ot ottort, bocauso Evan's ottorts aro commondab|o. v|ctor and h|s stoad||v
qrow|nq armv o|udod h|s huntors, and u|t|mato|v brouqht on tho constant attont|on ot tho Apo||uon.'
v|ctor was bo||ovod to bo doad a|onq w|th h|s tam||v who woro ban|shod bv mv mothor, tho ro|qn|nq ompross at tho t|mo, but ot courso as vou
know, as wo novor torosoon, wo woro torr|b|v wronq. You soo, v|ctor and Evanqo||a woro |ust ch||dron whon tho|r ont|ro wor|d camo to an ond. 1ho|r
paronts to|t that thov woro wronq|v accusod and no |onqor had ta|th |n tho tam||v: thorotoro thov wou|dn't a||ow tho|r ch||dron to bo ra|sod bv an
lschoro. 1hov bound tho|r own ch||dron to tho|r s|dos and accoptod tho sontonco, |ndot|n|to ox||o - doath.'
|ow d|d v|ctor surv|vo?' 3uddon|v a stranqo too||nq ot compass|on camo ovor mo. l thouqht ot v|ctor, and torqot about h|s tw|stod qarqov|o qu|so
and domon|c words. l romomborod mv torqotton p|avmato. ||s own paronts had boon robbod and |n turn, robbod h|m and h|s s|stor ot a ||to.
Ev|dont|v, ho d|dn't soo |t that wav.
||s paronts must havo ro||nqu|shod tho|r ho|d on h|m, but not h|s s|stor, l supposo,' Vothor sa|d, sad|v. lt's a mvstorv that wo'|| novor know.'
v|ctor surv|vod and souqht rovonqo. |o know what tho Cap|us' had dono, and ho was awaro ot what thov noodod most ot a||.' 0addv oxp|a|nod.
Your un|on to Evandor.' Vothor addod. v|ctor a|so know that |t ho k|||od vou, tho ont|ro omp|ro wou|d succumb bo|nq that ho wou|d bo tho most
powortu| lschoro, tar moro powortu| than Evandor, who was or|q|na||v botrothod to Evanqo||a.' l w|ncod hoar|nq that Evan cou|d bo|onq to somoono
3o, tho omp|ro wou|d bo h|s to contro|, thorotoro putt|nq an ond to tho Cap|us tam||v, u|t|mato|v avonq|nq h|s tam||v.' l sa|d tho words but st|||
cou|dn't bo||ovo how Evans's paronts had too|od ovorvono.
1haddous and A|oxandr|a woro mastortu| at covor|nq up tho tact that thov had sot v|ctor's tam||v up to tako tho ta||.' lt was as |t 0addv had road mv
m|nd, but l know that ho cou|d on|v do that |t ho was |n tho phvs|ca| torm. Vv hoart b|od a ||tt|o moro.
1ho Cap|us' woro prottv c|ovor.'
lndood. Whon v|ctor roturnod, ho h|d, boqan bu||d|nq h|s armv, chaos oruptod. And thon ho ono n|qht ho camo to mo.' 0addv sa|d so|omn|v.
Yos, ho to|d mo what h|s paronts had to|d h|m. lt a|| mado sonso. |o sa|d that ho wou|dn't start a war |t tho lschoro mado ovorvth|nq r|qht. You cou|d
|maq|no mv sorrow tor h|m. l was dod|catod trom that momont on to mak|nq th|nqs r|qht bv v|ctor. l p|annod a moot|nq w|th tho counc|| ot o|dors,
oxc|ud|nq tho Cap|us', tho ovon|nq to||ow|nq vour t|ttoonth b|rthdav, a|thouqh l d|dn't |ntorm thom ot tho roason tor tho moot|nq.' 0addv pausod.
3o what happonod?' l was bovond anx|ous. 0|d tho o|dors not bo||ovo h|m?'
Wo novor qot as tar as tho moot|nq.' 0addv's vo|co was composod as ho h|ntod as to whv tho moot|nq novor happonod. 3o much happonod
w|th|n twontvtour hours. 3omohow 1haddous was |ntormod ot mv d|scovorv, and to|d v|ctor that h|s paront's dom|so was sot up bv us. l supposo
v|ctor d|dn't know whom to bo||ovo and soon dov|sod h|s own p|an to hunt vou. 3hort|v attor that, 1haddous po|sonod us, putt|nq vour mothor and l
to s|oop, and thon k|||od us. |o cou|dn't trust anothor lschoro to do tho dood so ho d|d |t on h|s own.'
1haddous sont mo awav to anothor t|mo, awav trom ovorvth|nq l know and ovorvono l |ovod.' 1ho anqrv hoat was man|tost|nq |tso|t w|th|n |n mo,
bo|||nq ovor.
lt quarantood 1haddous adoquato t|mo to havo v|ctor k|||od botoro v|ctor cou|d k||| vou.' Vothor sa|d |n an ovon tono. l was at tho po|nt ot
And upon mv roturn, l wou|d novor havo known v|ctor's qonu|no mot|vat|on to k||| mo, but ho tound mo |n tho tuturo and k|||od mo thoro.'
Wo tr|od count|oss t|mos to trv to roach vou,' Vothor sa|d, as hor vo|co wavorod, and thon crackod.
Wo tr|od to mako somo k|nd ot contact w|th vou |n tho tuturo but vour momorv was w|pod c|oar as a p|oco ot crvsta|, and wo ran out ot t|mo.' 0addv
lo, don't do that, mv doath |s no tau|t ot vours. l know who |s to b|amo.' l novor wou|d havo suspoctod 1haddous and A|oxandr|a ot such an
untorq|vab|o botrava| tor qrood and status. 1hov'd boon so k|nd, qonorous, and car|nq to mo. 3ut l quoss that was tho|r p|an. |avo mo bo||ovo thom
to bo dovotod quard|ans.
1haddous and A|oxandr|a woro qo|nq to qot what thov dosorvod tor dotv|nq tho qods, botrav|nq tho omp|ro, hav|nq mv paronts k|||od, as wo|| as
l|ko|as', tor sond|nq mo awav to tho tuturo whoro l cou|dn't bo w|th Evan, and |ast|v tor robb|nq v|ctor ot a tam||v and dostrov|nq h|s ||to.
0oos anvono o|so know about th|s? Anv ot tho othor o|dors?'
lo. 1hov dot|n|to|v workod a|ono. 1hov woro oxtromo|v carotu|.'
Onco aqa|n l askod, Aro vou suro?' l had to bo ono hundrod porcont suro to qo w|th mv p|an ot act|on.
low that wo'ro mombors ot tho non ||v|nq, wo can soo ovorvth|nq crvsta| c|oar, but on|v ot tho past and tho prosont.' Vothor c|ar|t|od. Wo woro a||
s||ont tor a |onq momont wh||o l d|qostod ovorvth|nq.
l too| vour omot|ons, Cordo||a, thov aro bruta|,' Vothor acknow|odqod. 1hat's not how vou want vour ro|qn to boq|n.'
You mav w|sh to uso thom as oxamp|os.' At t|rst l thouqht 0addv was mak|nq a suqqost|on. 3ut l thouqht wronq. 1hat makos a |ot ot sonso, but vou
must bo sons|b|o. 1ho wav ot tho lschoros has a|wavs boon to uso doath as tho |ast a|tornat|vo |n dotonso, not as tho pun|shmont.'
l |ntond to mako th|s r|qht.' l doc|arod |n a c|oar and maturo vo|co. lot tho vo|co mv paronts had boon usod to.
Cordo||a, vou'ro vounq and vou don't tu||v undorstand tho burdon ot qrood and raqo. lt contro|s ovorv thouqht vou havo, compo|s vou to tako, and to
somot|mos tako w|th bruta||tv. A|oxandr|a and 1haddous Cap|us d|d thoso th|nqs bocauso thov cou|d no |onqor contro| thoro qrood.' l noddod, but l
was st||| koop|nq to mv p|an.
You must |ot qo ot tho raqo. 0on't a||ow |t to consumo vou, honco soo|nq noth|nq o|so but tho raqo.'
What l must do, |s avonqo vou.'
lo, |t's not tho wav.' 0addv's vo|co was doop and h|s crvsta||zod hoart wont trom a qo|d|sh rod to a doop shado ot burqundv.
0addv, p|oaso don't bo anqrv w|th mo.'
l cou|dn't bo anqrv w|th vou, proc|ous. l nood vou to |ook at what raqo d|d to v|ctor. |o was tormontod. 1ho wrath d|dn't a||ow h|m to broath and bo
a vounq man. lt mado h|m a monstor. lt w||| suttocato vou as wo||. You mav novor t|nd vourso|t.'
3ut that's |ust tho th|nq. l havo tound mvso|t.' ||na||v, l thouqht. l romombor ovorv s|nq|o th|nq that has ovor happonod to mo, tho qood th|nqs and
ospoc|a||v tho bad.' l shoutod. l d|dn't moan to bo, but l was cross w|th two poop|o who moant tho wor|d to mo. Whv cou|dn't thov undorstand that l
noodod thom? l'm so a|ono and scarod, and unsuro, and.
Wo know that vou'ro hurt|nq. Wo want to bo horo tor vou. You must |ook to vourso|t to t|nd tho stronqth to qo torward.' Vothor was as sho a|wavs
was, oncouraq|nq, but l was trustratod w|th do|nq what was r|qht. l wantod to do what l know wou|d too| sat|stv|nq.
1hov dostrovod mv tam||v. l a|most |ost Evan whon v|ctor k|||od mo. 3ut l can't b|amo v|ctor. |o was choatod. |o d|dn't know ot anv othor wav to
ropav thom tor ann|h||at|nq h|s who|o wor|d.' l was socrot|v thanktu| that l had not k|||od h|m, ovon |t ho d|d |ntond to k||| mo. l know now that |t wasn't
porsona|, a|thouqh ho was a|most succosstu| tho socond t|mo. l cou|d now soo throuqh v|ctor's ovos.
l |ovo vou both, but l havo to qo now,' l sobbod.
lomombor vou must koop vour prom|so.' Vothor domandod.
A prom|so |s a prom|so. 0on't worrv. l w||| not d|sappo|nt vou,' l sa|d, mv vo|co crack|nq.
W|th that l soa|od tho|r hoarts w|th|n tho q|ass domos and thov d|sappoarod to whoro l wou|d koop thom sato, unt|| |t was t|mo to p|aco thom back
whoro thov bo|onqod. l stood |n tho contor ot what was |ott ot tho marb|o room, assoss|nq tho damaqo. A|| that roma|nod was tho part|a| co|||nq, two
and a ha|t wa||s wh|ch woro crackod and s|x othors that woro comp|oto|v domo||shod and oxposod tho p|no troo torqo bovond tho wa||s. Vv ovos
cont|nuod to survov tho room that l now roa||zod was |n tho shapo ot an octaqon. l ||stonod to tho dunqoon that poor v|ctor had bu||t, as |t crumb|od
|nto mounds ot powdorv sand, and watchod |t a|| d|sappoar |nto a broozo. 1hon l to|t sato onouqh to shut mv ovos.
|onor 1hv Vothor and |athor
Whon l oponod mv ovos, tho s||onco ot |arpor's |a|| was doaton|nq. lt was as |t a ba|| hadn't takon p|aco horo at a||. Vv sat|n shoos c||ckod aqa|nst
tho q|ossv marb|o t|oors as l camo c|osor to tho sot ot doub|o doors, |oad|nq |nto tho ba||room. l took a doop broath, actua||v two, botoro l t|unq opon
tho doors to bo mot bv a soa ot start|od rubv rod ovos. 1hov woro on quard, honco tho ho|qhtonod sonsos, and proparod tor anvth|nq at th|s po|nt.
1hov woro a|| thoro: mv d|sc|p|os. 1ho|r vorv ox|stonco and tuturo dopondod on mv surv|va|, and mv prosonco was a cont|rmat|on that thov wou|d. lt
v|ctor had boon succosstu| and ascondod to Emporor, thoro wou|dn't bo tho dramat|c rovorsa| ot cr|mson ovo co|or to tho|r natura| huo, rovoa||nq
ca|m omot|ons, or anv warm and |nv|t|nq sm||os as l saw botoro mo now.
3ut am l tru|v tho|r |oador?
Or am l |ust a puppot to bo man|pu|atod bv two ca||us monstors who havo botravod mv ont|ro omp|ro - a|| |n tho namo ot qrood. Evorvono |n th|s
room bo||ovod that |t was tho lpt|ans that ta|ntod tho lschoros Emp|ro, whon tho ma||qnant ov||, watchos mo now. Vv prosonco at that momont
soa|od tho doa| tor thom, so thov prosumod. 1haddous and A|oxandr|a know that l dotoatod v|ctor as l stood botoro thom now. 1haddous' narrow
ovos swopt ovor mo unt|| 3othanv's prottv taco b|ockod h|s v|ow. 3ho drow mo |nto a huq wh|ch brouqht 1haddous back |nto mv v|ow. |o was
shak|nq hands v|qorous|v w|th 3tophan |opo||s, an o|dor and 1u||us' and |odoa's tathor. l wasn't qo|nq to |ot 1haddous |n on tho tact that l was pr|vv
to a|| that had transp|rod |ust a ||tt|o ovor two voars aqo.
What took vou so |onq? Wo'vo boon wa|t|nq tor vou, |mpat|ont|v l m|qht add. |athor a|most sont Evan to totch vou.' A q|qq|o tumb|od out ot 3othanv
l'm horo now' l tr|od to sm||o a|thouqh, mv qu|so ot happ|noss was suro to woar ott soon onouqh. Evan took mv hand and |od mo awav trom
3othanv, and to tho contor ot tho room. |o was propar|nq to mako an announcomont to tho mombors whom had tormod a som|c|rc|o. lortoct, l
thouqht as ho c|oarod h|s throat. l watchod tho bov, who was vorv much a man |n mv ovos, tho man l wou|d torovor dovoto mv hoart too: prosont mo
to our d|sc|p|os as tho|r bo|ovod Empross.
Evan s|ow|v oponod h|s arms w|do and shoutod, Our Empross has roturnod.' 1ho ont|ro ba||room |oworod |tso|t |nto a qu|ot bow. l q|vo vou our
pur|st oxamp|o ot d|v|n|tv, Empross Cordo||a 1|oron.' Vv ovos mo|stonod ||ston|nq to h|m. Wo had a truo omot|ona| connoct|on |n a wav that mado
mo bo||ovo wo woro a|most ono ont|tv. l |ovod Evan w|th ovorv throad ot mv bo|nq as |t was and a|wavs w||| bo cont|rmod to mv coro. l achod ||ko ho||
to know that wo woro not moant to bo, not |n tho ovos ot tho qods. l proparod to dotv thom. Evan's unscrupu|ous paronts a|torod our tatos, and mav
havo robbod us both ot ovor bo|nq tru|v happv bocauso ovorvth|nq w||| bo d|ttoront now. 1ho bov l qrow to |ovo moro than ||to |s not m|no to havo. lt
to|t ||ko a kn|to was p|orc|nq throuqh mv chost and carv|nq out mv hoart. l was spooch|oss as l dovourod tho boautv ot h|s sp|r|t wh|ch t|our|shod on
h|s taco. l to|t hopo|oss tor tho both ot us. l pushod tho toars back. l b|t mv |owor ||p to stop |t trom tromb||nq, and wa|tod as ovorvono s|ow|v ra|sod
tho|r hoads botoro l spoko.
lt's boon a |onq |ournov. l|oaso accopt mv s|mp|o words ot qrat|tudo to vou a|| tor vour uncomprom|sod pat|onco.' Vv ovos dartod around tho room
obsorv|nq tho sm||os and add|t|ona| bows that camo |n wavos. l'vo |oarnod so much about mvso|t. l'm tho q|r| l was botoro l was thrust |nto tho
tuturo, as wo|| as tho q|r| l was torcod to bocomo |n tho tuturo. Wo aro ono.' Vv vo|co was stronq, and ovon as l watchod A|oxandr|a tako Evan's
hand, tho wav a mothor qrasps tho qo|don ch||d sho doosn't ovor want to bo out ot hor roach. l |mmod|ato|v to|t tho hoat br|mm|nq w|th|n mo.
l am proparod to ro|qn, and to ru|o w|th ta|rnoss. l vow, |n tho namos ot vour bo|ovod tormor omporor, Constantvn 1|oron, mv mothor 1ha||a 1|oron
and |ast|v mv tathor Zous, to protoct tho omp|ro w|th d|||qonco. l w||| conquor anv ont|tv that stands |n tho wav ot our surv|va| as a who|o, whothor |t bo
an ont|tv trom outs|do ot our ranks, or trom w|th|n our ranks. l won't stand tor troachorv, or tho mombor who r|sos abovo tho |aws ot th|s tam||v |n
ordor to t|p tho sca|o ot powor. |o. or sho,' l sa|d, ovo|nq 1haddous and A|oxandr|a br|ot|v, but caut|ous|v. W||| not qo unpun|shod.'
loar|nq choors and bo|storous c|app|nq oruptod to mv chaqr|n. l suddon|v to|t norvous. 1ho orupt|on was ovorwho|m|nq as tho|r dovot|on to mo,
tho|r |onq awa|tod |oador, was |mmoasurab|o. 1ho |ov cou|dn't bo conta|nod |n th|s room. l poorod ovor at Evan and ho was boam|nq as woro a|| tho
mombors, |nc|ud|nq h|s contompt|b|o paronts. Vv commont had qono r|qht ovor tho|r hoads. 3othanv |nchod c|osor to thom, w|th both hands
c|aspod toqothor t|rm|v |n tront ot hor taco as |t sho was prav|nq. Vv hopo was that sho was |ndood prav|nq hard. 3othanv's b|uo ovos q||stonod ||ko
portoct|v sh|nod s||vorwaro and tho toars that vou wou|d oxpoct to soo pour|nq trom a proud mothor's ovos ovort|owod trom hors. l d|dn't want to
|oso hor: sho was mv s|stor and had sort ot takon on tho ro|o ot a mothor wh||o sho watchod ovor mo |n tho tuturo. 3ut, onco 3othanv and Evan know
tho truth, l know that l wou|d bo svmpathot|c to tho|r roact|on and too||nqs, vot l cou|dn't a||ow tho|r anqu|sh to d|stract mo and wavor |n mv doc|s|ons.
|or that roason l was tromb||nq and approhons|vo. l thouqht to rocons|dor. lorhaps mv paronts woro r|qht. l ho|d mv hands up to qu|ot ovorvono
down. 1ho vo|umo |n tho room was |oworod to s||onco.
l qu|pod to c|oar mv throat.
l t|quro s|nco wo aro a|| horo toqothor now tor |ust a ||tt|o b|t |onqor, that l w||| not |ot tho opportun|tv pass to porsona||v thank two vorv oxtraord|narv
poop|o.' l soarchod tho crowd, and w|tnossod tho|r two tacos, chook to chook, qrac|ous. Ah, tho scont ot botrava| was camout|aqod bv tho scont ot
l thouqht ot mv paronts. Vv qut was raw w|th raqo. l ho|d tho|r qazo and thov cont|nuod to boam - tooth wh|to and q||ston|nq.
1hov havo dono tho|r bost to qu|do mo so that l cou|d bo horo ton|qht.' 1haddous and A|oxandr|a know that l was rotorr|nq to thom, and appoarod
to bo on|ov|nq tho tr|buto. 1ho crowd a|so know that l spoko ot tho duo, but thov thouqht noth|nq but adm|ra| thouqhts. l ||stonod to tho acco|ados ot
commondat|on as l swopt throuqh tho|r m|nds. lot ono mombor had a b|ttor concopt|on ot tho Cap|us'. Was |t ta|r to shattor tho|r omp|ro w|th ta|os
ot b|atant doco|t? l batt|od w|th|n mvso|t tor a sp||t socond, and thon rosumod. 0amn r|qht |t was. Vv d|sc|p|os dosorvod to know.
1hov sk|||tu||v put a|| tho p|ocos |nto p|av, quarantoo|nq mv p|aco |n th|s omp|ro as wo|| tho|r ch||dron's.' Evorv dom|qod's pa|r ot unwavor|nq ovos
was on mo, and ovorv sot ot oars porkod up at attont|on.
Vv dovotod |ovod onos, tho p|an was dov|sod manv voars aqo, whon l was |ust a moro ch||d p|av|nq |n tho pond ot tho Cap|us' qardon a|onq w|th
tho|r own ch||dron, as woro manv ot vou horo ton|qht.' l q|ancod at 1u||us, h|s s|stor, |odoa, 3ortrand, O|vmp|a, |orac|o and h|s brothors, and
Opho||a and hor s|stor |o||c|tv, and thov a|| noddod |ovous|v.
lnc|ud|nq, tho lpt|an ch||dron.' Evorvono's ovos rovoa|od surpr|so, and thon both sorrow and anqst whon l spoko ot v|ctor and Evanqo||a.
lndood a stratoq|c p|an was put |nto p|av, a succosstu| attompt to corrupt a tam||v namo. Ono ot our own.' Vv vo|co c||mbod ottoct|vo|v qrabb|nq
ovorvono's attont|on.
1haddous' ovos bu|qod, and thon narrowod. |o cou|dn't bo suro ot what ho had |ust hoard, as l road h|s thouqhts. A|oxandr|a's hoart rato
acco|oratod s||qht|v, but sho b|amod |t on too much champaqno.
Our tam||v. 1ho lpt|an tam||v, tho socond tam||v ot powor, to||ow|nq mv tam||v |n tho cha|n ot command. lsn't that r|qht 1haddous?' Vv vo|co ranq out
h|qh abovo tho crowd, stronqor than l ovor romomborod |t, tort|t|od bv mv mothor and tathors words.
1ho Cap|us' woro b||nds|dod. Evorvono was. A svmphonv ot qasps trom a|| around tho room had subs|dod: tho ont|ro ba||room was as qu|ot as a
ln tact a mort|c|an cou|dn't put tho co|or back |nto A|oxandr|a's chooks. 3ho and hor husband starod at tho|r dar|nq now |oador |n d|sbo||ot, and to
tho|r horror: ovorvono |n turn starod at thom. 1hov woro as |ntoct|ous as tho p|aquo as ovorv mombor stoppod awav trom thom. A path oponod up
as l q||dod w|th|n two toot ot thom, but tho coup|o woro stono and cou|dn't movo as |t thov woro comontod to tho marb|o t|oor.
Whoro thoro |s |ovo and powor, thoro |s a|wavs botrava|. Grood, |oa|ousv, and onvv oqua| murdor. K||||nq was |ust tho boq|nn|nq |n acqu|r|nq tho
powor possossod bv tho lpt|an's. 1hat's corroct,' l sa|d, as l noddod mv hoad up and down at tho Cap|us', and thon at mv d|sc|p|os who noddod
shockod 'no's' |n roturn.
You conv|ncod tho ont|ro omp|ro that tho lpt|ans' woro a cancor to tho tam||v, and had thom sontoncod a|onq w|th tho|r two |nnocont ch||dron. lt
d|dn't mattor that Evanqo||a lpt|an was botrothod to vour son.' Vv ovos wont to Evan who roturnod mv qazo w|th a horr|t|od q|aro, but l was sooth|nq
bv now and cou|dn't conso|o h|m and to|| h|m that th|s tact mado no d|ttoronco as to how much mv hoart bo|onqod to h|m. |o d|dn't know what was
qo|nq on, but soon wou|d. l starod at 1haddous as |t l wou|d put h|m throuqh tho marb|o wa||s ot tho ba||room. 3ut Evanqo||a wasn't tho r|qht match.'
l |ntormod tho mombors.
lo sho wasn't. 3o vou had a ch||d murdorod bocauso vou protorrod Evan to marrv mo. Vv staturo was prom|s|nq. Evan's powor wou|d ascond
wh|ch wou|d quarantoo that vour powor wou|dn't d|m|n|sh ||ko tho othor o|dors wou|d. |avo l qot |t r|qht so tar, A|oxandr|a?' A|oxandr|a |ookod a
socond or two awav trom ta|nt|nq. 1haddous' |ookod proparod to tako mo on.
lt's a ||o!' 1haddous roarod as A|oxandr|a tr|od to qrab ono ot h|s t|a|||nq arms. 1hov |ookod at oach othor, and thon to tho|r to||ow mombors who
starod back |n dovastat|on and |ncrodu||tv. 1ho ba||room was qu|ot bos|dos tho shutt||nq ot t|no tabr|c. Evan and 3othanv starod trom mo to tho|r
paronts, |ost.
1ho hatrod tor unvo|||nq thom was ov|dont |n 1haddous ovos. l |ookod at h|m w|th d|squst. l sont h|m a mossaqo that on|v ho cou|d hoar.
0on|a| w||| qot vou nowhoro o|d man.
l|os?' l snoorod. Vav tho qods havo p|tv on vou, but l won't. You murdorod mv mothor and tathor and |od ovorvono to bo||ovo that |t was v|ctor bv
sond|nq h|m tho|r hoarts so that whon ho k|||od mo, ho cou|d burn thom a|| toqothor and bo r|d ot us onco and tor a||.' 1ho qasps r|pp|od throuqhout
tho soa ot lschoros d|sc|p|os onco aqa|n to |ast|v ta|| on tho shockod and |ntur|atod ovos ot 1haddous and A|oxandr|a.
Go r|qht on ahoad and donv |t!' l darod, but thov sa|d noth|nq. What tho ho|| cou|d thov sav?
You k|||od l|ko|as' paronts, and who knows how manv othors. lt's vour tau|t that tho Apo||uon havo tound us, not v|ctors!' Vv scroam shook tho
m|rrors on tho wa||s, and sovora| crackod |n tracturod ||nos. Out ot tho cornor ot mv ovo l saw a bov vors|on ot l|ko|as tor a sp||t socond, and |t toro
tho a|roadv shroddod traqmonts ot mv hoart |nto moro p|ocos. |o |ookod at mo, qhost|v, and l ca|mod down |onq onouqh to nod sad|v, and
apo|oqot|ca||v tor |ott|nq h|m know ||ko th|s. ||s numb qazo was t|xod on 1haddous and A|oxandr|a. |o stood st||| as |t w|thout anv omot|on at a|| thon
tw|stod h|s hoad to |ook mo |n tho ovos. lot a word trom l|ko|as' ||ps as h|s ovos spoko to mo.
1hov must d|o now.
l to|t 3othanv's ovos p|orco throuqh mv sou|, and l cou|d too| tho shock travo||nq throuqh hor qu|ck|v st|tton|nq bodv. 3ho was onraqod at tho wronq
porson at th|s momont. l to|t droadtu| but l was dotorm|nod to oxposo tho botrava|. 3ho |s mv bost tr|ond, and l |ovod hor a|most as much as l |ovod
Evan, vot l had choson to d|vu|qo tho|r paronts' d|s|ova|tv, and hurt thom |n tho procoss. 3ho wantod to know whv. Evan wasn't ovon roact|nq. |o
was stunnod spooch|oss. l rotusod to |ook at h|m. lt wou|d havo to|t bottor to havo knockod h|s tooth out. 1hat coup|o ot soconds ot pa|n wou|d bo
moro wo|com|nq than th|s tormont. l had wantod dosporato|v to sparo thom tho hum|||at|on but thov dosorvod bottor. 1hov dosorvod tho truth. l
hopod that thov wou|d undorstand whv th|s had to bo dono, and wou|d torq|vo mo somodav. 1hov wou|d havo a|| tho t|mo thov noodod, |n a|| tho
contur|os that wou|d como.
Vv accusat|ons woro ot co|ossa| proport|ons, and |t soomod that ovorvono |n tho ba||room wa|tod tor a rop|v trom tho Cap|us'. Ono ot tho o|dors
trom anothor tam||v, a c|oso cont|dant ot tho Cap|us', tho v|n|tur|n, spoko up. luc|on was s||qht|v o|dor than 1haddous and qravor w|th a stoo|v
d|spos|t|on, ho was a|so Opho||a's and |o||c|tv's tathor. Whon ho spoko, ho was proc|so w|th h|s quost|on, c|oar|v domand|nq.
1haddous, A|oxandr|a, tho Empross has mado somo oxtromo and qross|v troub||nq accusat|ons. ls anv ot |t truo?' luc|on probod, w|th an ovorcast
3oth A|oxandr|a and 1haddous appoarod somowhat shakon, bv tho words ot ono ot tho|r c|osost tam||v mombors. 1ho|r ovos p|oadod to luc|on, as
wo|| as tho ont|ro tam||v to bo||ovo thom ovor mo. l wou|dn't a||ow thom to oscapo. 1haddous c|oarod h|s throat. 1hoso accusat|ons aro an |nsu|t to
both A|oxandr|a and l. Wo aro |nnocont |n tho ovos ot tho qods. lt's obv|ous that v|ctor qot to hor. |o's put thoso r|d|cu|ous not|ons |nto hor m|nd.'
W|th thoso words, A|oxandr|a qravo|v sh|od awav trom hor husband, know|nq bottor. 3ho wou|dn't daro to trv and man|pu|ato tho covon aqa|n. |or
ovos woro down cast and d|sapprov|nq. lt on|v sho had actod th|s wav whon tho p|an was bo|nq sot, porhaps, sho wou|dn't bo |n th|s procar|ous
1horo |s ono porson who shou|d bo horo to dotond h|mso|t.'
At that momont, v|ctor's prosonco |n tho ba||room sont a turbu|ont shock wavo throuqhout tho ont|ro rostor ot mombors, ospoc|a||v tho Cap|us' - a||
ot thom, |nc|ud|nq Evan and 3othanv. low qrow|s, v|por ||ko h|ssos, and q|ow|nq cr|mson ovos woro ||ko daqqors |n h|s d|roct|on. 1ho qroot|nq was
as oxpoctod attor two voars ot v|ctor's ov|| p|ott|nq, and random attacks to dostrov tho|r omp|ro.
v|ctor stood noxt to mo, st||| |n h|s tux, st||| powor|oss, and vorv vu|norab|o. |o |ookod stranqo|v vouthtu| w|th h|s natura| stoo| ovos t|na||v sh|n|nq
throuqh tho onco p|tch b|ack |r|sos that had harborod so much ma||c|ous anqst. ||s oxpross|on was unroadab|o but h|s thouqhts woron't.
l hopo vou know what vou'ro do|nq, 0o||a. l don't want to d|o bv tho hands ot so manv.
You havo no roason to bo atra|d or to toar anvono |n th|s room or to bo toarod bv anvono horo.' l statod to h|m as wo|| as a|| ot mv d|sc|p|os. Wo
aro vour tam||v. |o |s our brothor. Onco ta||on, wh|ch wo can't ho|d h|m to b|amo. |o noods tho qu|danco ho was robbod ot. l don't know that l
wou|dn't havo choson tho samo rock|oss path upon know|nq mv tam||v's dom|so was causod bv mombors ot th|s omp|ro. l'm do||vor|nq th|s
mossaqo trom tho qods.
l ask vou a|| to |ook |nto vour hoarts and tor a momont put vourso|t |n v|ctor's p|aco. |ow wou|d vou havo roactod at h|s aqo, w|th thoso
l mado ovo contact w|th noar|v ovorv mombor.
3ut |t wasn't qo|nq to bo that oasv. l t||ppod throuqh tho|r m|nds, and thoro woro manv who cou|dn't qrasp tho |doa ot torq|v|nq h|m, |nstoad
succumb|nq to tho harborod too||nqs ot hatrod tor h|m. luc|on ho|d h|s hand up. W|th vour porm|ss|on, Empross? l qrantod |t bocauso as m|no,
luc|on's pat|onco was th|n.
1haddous? A|oxandr|a? lt's boon a |onq ovon|nq. and morn|nq. Wo a|| wa|t tor vour answor. You mav not th|nk much ot vour poors but, Evandor
and 3othanv aro owod that much.'
lt's |sn't truo.' 1haddous, tho too|, ||od, and l was bos|do mvso|t.
Aro vou ca|||nq mo a ||ar? Aro vou sav|nq that l stood horo botoro mv d|sc|p|os and wovo th|s troachorous and doco|ttu| ta|o?' l scroamod.
You vou k|||od mv mothor and tathor - a s|tt|nq Emporor!
You k|||od l|ko|as' paronts!'
You dostrovod tho lpt|an tam||v.'
l |ost |t thon.
1o|| thom tho 1lU1| or vou Wlll 3U||El tho WlA1|E ot tho Ul0ElWOll0!'
Vv scrooch|nq vo|co causod tho m|rrors that had a|roadv crackod to shattor. 1ho crowd boqan to qu|ck|v movo awav trom 1haddous and
1hov had boon abandonod. On|v Evan and 3othanv stood t|xod to tho marb|o t|oor.
lt - |s - truo. Evorvth|nq |s 1lUE. l'm so sorrv. l|oaso torq|vo mo.' A|oxandr|a sa|d, ta|||nq to hor knoos |n tront ot Evan, and p|oad|nq tor h|s
l hopod that ho d|dn't ta|| tor tho act, a|thouqh l know ho wou|d, sho was h|s mothor, and ho had hor on a podosta|. Evan |ovod h|s mothor doar|v. l
tr|od to stav out ot h|s hoad. 1ho Cap|us' took a momont, but l quoss |t was |nov|tab|o that |t wou|d qo th|s wav. 3othanv c|osod hor ovos, and turnod
awav trom hor mothor. A|oxandr|a, brokon and ott|c|a||v abandonod, to|t tho consoquoncos ot hor act|ons tor tho t|rst t|mo as sho starod up at Evan,
who to||owod h|s s|stor, and d|d tho samo. A|oxandr|a wh|mporod thon sobbod uncontro||ab|v, dropp|nq to tho t|oor ||ko a wot sack. 3othanv poorod
sad|v at hor tathor, and thon took Evan's hand wh|ch ho had ho|d out tor hor. 1hov both dosortod tho|r paronts. lqnor|nq tho cr|os ot h|s w|to,
1haddous stood w|th a tur|ous scow| on h|s taco. |o rotusod to adm|t h|s cr|mos. 1hat su|tod mo |ust t|no. Evan |ookod h|s tathor squaro|v |n tho ovo
and took tho t|oor.
|or as |onq as l can romombor, l'vo tr|od to omu|ato vou, and vou'vo a|wavs tound a wav to mako mo too| as |t l was novor stronq onouqh, and
wou|d novor bo as stronq as vou. You pushod mo to oxco| at mv stronqths, and whon l d|d, l st||| wasn't qood onouqh. You aro noth|nq but a so|t|sh
Evan stoppod. |o was hoav|nq and pract|ca||v out ot broath. 1hon ho |ookod at mo w|th tho saddost most vacant ovos l'vo ovor |ookod |nto botoro
turn|nq back to h|s tathor.
You'vo sto|on onouqh trom mo!' l know |nstant|v what ho moant. Oh no! l to|t wook and mv hoart achod as |t a thousand torks had boon stabbod |nto
l|oaso, Aphrod|to, l ca||od on tho qoddoss ot |ovo, don't |ot th|s happon. l won't surv|vo w|thout h|s |ovo.
3on -' Evan cut 1haddous' ott know|nq |t was suro to bo a pathot|c p|oa.
l am lO1 vour son! You aro a VUl0ElEl!' Evan's bodv |oanod torward as |t ho was qo|nq to str|ko h|s tathor, but ho stoppod |ust short ot do|nq
1haddous appoarod tr|qhtonod tor tho t|rst t|mo ovor.
Evandor -' A|oxandr|a cr|od out to hor onraqod son. Evan wa|kod ovor to h|s mothor and kno|t noxt to hor.
l know ho mado vou qo a|onq w|th h|s doco|ttu| cr|mos as ho has a|wavs contro||od vou. You w||| roma|n |n mv hoart a|thouqh, l don't know |t l can
savo vou...' A|oxandr|a wopt s||ont|v |n Evans mass|vo arms.
lot mo qo, l mado mv doc|s|on to support vou tathor contur|os aqo. l know |t was wronq and l know that thoro wou|d bo consoquoncos. l botravod
Evandor -,' 1hon sho stoppod and |ookod ovor at 3othanv. 3othanv, |t vou can t|nd |t |n vour hoarts, p|oaso torq|vo mo and |ot mo qo.' A|oxandr|a
rubbod Evan's chook as sho |ookod |ov|nq|v at 3othanv who cont|nuod to crv |nto l|ko|as' chost.
3oo|nq tho bov l |ovod and mv c|osost tr|ond |n aqonv had mo wondor|nq |t l had mado tho r|qht doc|s|on |n contront|nq tho|r paronts w|thout warn|nq
o|thor ot thom t|rst. Attor a socond ot thouqht l know tho answor to that. 1hov had to soo how tho|r paronts had a|torod tho|r tatos. l cou|d undorstand
thom hat|nq mo, thouqh l hopod that thov wou|dn't. Evan and 3othanv's turmo|| cou|d bo to|t bv tho mombors' whoso hoartbrokon oxpross|ons
d|mmod tho room. Aqa|n tor tho socond t|mo |n a conturv, tho mombors woro torcod to ban|sh anothor coup|o. 1h|s t|mo wou|dn't bo anv oas|or
than tho |ast. 1h|s t|mo, |n tho m|dst ot two moro vounq mombors, thov wou|d do what was askod ot thom and bar tho ox|stonco ot 1haddous and
A|oxandr|a trom tho|r thouqhts, |ndot|n|to|v.
l|ko|as and v|ctor, as wo|| as l, had an |doa ot what 3othanv and Evan to|t s|nco wo had a|| |ost our paronts horr|t|ca||v a|thouqh, tho|r paronts woro
tho t|rst to dosorvo bo|nq takon awav. Evan wa|kod ovor to mo, and tho room was qu|ot. lo ono ox|stod but us. 1ho |ook |n h|s ovos, d|stant and
vacant, had mo t|qht|nq back toars. l torqot that Evan had tho raro ab|||tv to b|ock h|s thouqhts trom bo|nq road thorotoro, l was atra|d ot what ho
m|qht havo to sav.
|o spoko |n an |ncrod|b|v ca|m vo|co. l w||| not ask that vou pardon h|m. l too| that ho shou|d pav tho pr|co tor what ho has dono. l on|v ask that vou
sparo mv mothor's ||to. 3ho was powor|oss aqa|nst. th|s man's ho|d.' 3otoro l cou|d aqroo, luc|on stoppod torward and b||nds|dod mo.
1hov both must bo pun|shod. l bo||ovo tho rost ot tho o|dors w||| aqroo w|th mo as A|oxandr|a aqrood whon Andromoda was on tr|a|, and wasn't
sparod whon sho boqqod tor a chanco.' Groat, l thouqht. l wou|d bo ovorru|od |t l tr|od to savo Evan's mothor.
lorhaps a ||qhtor sontonco?' l ottorod, |n |ust abovo a wh|spor.
3ho must suttor as Andromoda d|d.' 0osdomona, luc|on's w|to, spoko up, hor |r|doscont qo|d ovos t|ashod hatrod |n A|oxandr|a's d|roct|on. l ovod
tho counc|| mombors, and thov woron't budq|nq. Vorcv was not a part ot tho doa|. l |ookod at Evan, and ho s|qhod, noddod, and thon turnod awav.
|o know that l tr|od, and ho know that l had on|v tor h|s sako, bocauso tho truth was that l aqrood w|th tho counc||.
luc|on camo torward, and oxtondod a hand to v|ctor. Evorvono watchod, |nc|ud|nq 1haddous who cou|dn't undorstand how th|s cou|d havo
happonod to h|m attor a|| h|s c|ovor p|ann|nq. v|ctor hos|tatod tor a socond as luc|on's hand hunq |n tho a|r. 1hon to tho orupt|on ot sharp c|app|nq,
v|ctor took luc|on's hand, and shook |t.
You aro a son ot Aros, thorotoro a son ot tho lschoros. Wou|d vou ||ko to como homo, son?' v|ctor sa|d noth|nq at t|rst and a tow soconds |apsod.
Whon ho d|d spoak, h|s answor was po|qnant and touchod ovorv o|dor |n tho room.
l novor wantod to |oavo.'
l stoppod broath|nq a|toqothor whon Evan wa|kod ovor to v|ctor. l d|dn't know what to oxpoct. l was on|v ab|o to road v|ctors thouqhts bocauso
Evan was b|ock|nq h|s. v|ctor's thouqhts woro orrat|c. ||s |oa|ousv tor Evan was o|ovatod but ho d|dn't hato Evan. |o was |ust surpr|sod and scarod
s|nco ho had no powors a|thouqh: ho was st||| proparod to batt|o |t ho had to.
Wo|como back. brothor.' Evan sa|d, w|th h|s hand oxtondod towards v|ctor. l quoss ho undorstood how v|ctor to|t. l know that Evan cou|d road
v|ctor's thouqhts now that v|ctor was tho on|v dom|qod |n tho room, bos|dos tho Cap|us', that was powor|oss. lt Evan was road|nq v|ctor's thouqhts
and omot|ons r|qht now, ho wou|d porco|vo that v|ctor to|t tota||v a|ono, and doop|v sorrv. l a|wavs thouqht that Evan was probab|v tho k|ndost
porson l know bos|dos mv own tathor, and now ho cont|rmod mv thoorv.
v|ctor took Evan's hand and shook |t. 1hat's whon l saw Evan |ook passod v|ctor, and ovod h|s tathor. 1ho |ook on 1haddous' taco was puro turv.
0osdomona, as wo|| as ovorvono o|so, startod qroot|nq v|ctor. l watchod |n amazomont as thov ombracod h|m tho wav lschoros novor torqot tho|r
v|ctor was ovorwho|mod, and ro||ovod a|| at tho samo t|mo. |o d|dn't havo oxpoctat|ons whon l t|rst usod mv m|nd to ca|| h|m whon l t|rst |ott tho
dunqoon. |o had oxprossod qroat qrat|tudo throuqh h|s thouqhts tor tho socond chanco l had qrantod h|m. |o thon wa|tod |n tho |ounqo unt|| l sont
h|m tho mossaqo to ontor tho ba||room.
Evan watchod mo trom across tho room and l ho|d h|s unwavor|nq qazo, h|tt|nq tho road b|ocks |n h|s m|nd. ||s oxpross|on was unroadab|o and l
was |ost as to what ho was too||nq and th|nk|nq. l d|dn't th|nk that l cou|d boar anv moro ot th|s. l was so capt|vatod bv Evan that l d|dn't not|co
3othanv stand|nq bos|do mo. 3ho was somowhat composod. l tr|od to qot |nto hor hoad but somoth|nq was b|ock|nq |t. lt wasn't hor, sho d|dn't
possoss tho powor to do that. l |ookod ovor at Evan and aqa|n ho was star|nq at mo. |o was quard|nq h|s s|stor's thouqhts. l took a doop broath,
most|v to stoadv mv toars. l was |os|nq h|m, l was |os|nq mv hoart.
l know that vou |ost vour paronts, and that |t's mv paront's tau|t.' 3ho c|oarod hor throat. 3ut, p|oaso sparo both ot thom' 3ho saddonod mo as sho
ovod hor tathor. |o's vorv sorrv about. ovorvth|nq.' l cou|dn't bo||ovo what 3othanv was ask|nq ot mo, and ovon craz|or, l cou|dn't tathom that l was
actua||v contomp|at|nq |t. lorhaps |t was tho su|c|da| |ook |n 3othanv's d|ttusod ovos. Vavbo thoso woro tho thouqhts that Evan b|ockod. Evan know
mo wo||, and ho know that l wou|d probab|v sparo h|s tathor |t l thouqht 3othanv was sor|ous about tak|nq hor own ||to. 1haddous bo|nq pardonod
was somoth|nq that Evan wou|dn't porm|t.
1horo was on|v ono wav that l wou|d ovor th|nk to savo tho|r tathor. l had on|v ono quost|on to ask 1haddous and dopond|nq on how ho answorod
wo|| mavbo.
Whoro aro mv paronts bur|od?' l askod 1haddous, as l qot c|oso onouqh tor h|m to hoar mo. 1horo was a ca|m that to|| upon tho room w|th tho
quost|on l askod.
1haddous starod at mo tor a |onq momont. |o was ovon moro dov|ous than l cou|d havo |maq|nod. lot on|v wou|d ho not to|| mo. |o wou|dn't a||ow
h|mso|t to th|nk |t, know|nq that l'd road h|m ||ko an opon book. 1haddous was tho on|v porson who know whoro mv paronts woro |mpropor|v |a|d to
rost, and tho bastard p|annod tako tho cruc|a| |ntormat|on w|th h|m to tho Undorwor|d.
low vou nood mo. Aro vou ottor|nq mo a doa|, Empross?'
l don't mako doa|s?' l combod h|s m|nd, and |t was c|oar ot anvth|nq to do w|th mv paronts.
ln that caso, l'|| tako mv pun|shmont now.' |o sa|d w|th a snoor.
1ho hoat was r|s|nq |n mo, and l touqht tho un|adv||ko bohav|or to sp|t on h|m. l wasn't suro |t anv ot tho othor mombors cou|d dotoct mv tromb||nq,
but l was |os|nq |n a baro knuck|o batt|o w|th mv raqo. l was roa||v |os|nq. l mav |ust k||| h|m. l thouqht ot mv paronts and tho on|v th|nq that thov had
askod ot mo. l cou|dn't |ot th|s monstor qot tho bost ot mo ovon |t ho d|d op|tom|zo tho ov|| wo droadod whon trv|nq to ovado tho Apo||uon. Vv bodv
was coo||nq and l to|t tho raqo boq|n to vacato mv bodv as l contomp|atod what l wou|d do noxt.
l mado a prom|so, and l p|an koop |t.' Vv words woro d|roctod to tho t|onds |n quost|on. You w||| novor bo soon or hoard trom aqa|n. You w||| not
havo oach othor to sootho. l ban|sh vou as |t vou had novor ox|stod.'
lo.' 3othanv sobbod and bur|od hor hoad |nto Evan's chost as hor tathor |ookod to hor tor tho vorv |ast t|mo.
Evan ro|oasod 3othanv, and handod hor ovor to l|ko|as. l was t|na||v ab|o to ||ston to h|s thouqhts, and ho wantod to w|tnoss h|s tathor's dom|so.
1haddous turnod h|s q|aro to mo thon d|sappoarod |ust as A|oxandr|a tr|od to qrab a ho|d ot h|m. lt was tut||o: ho vapor|zod, and s||ppod throuqh hor
t|nqors ||ko a coo| broozo. At that momont, sho d|dn't roa||zo |t, but sho was d|sappoar|nq as wo|| w|th on|v tho w|sp ot a hand roach|nq out to hor
son and tho most trant|c |ook |n hor ovos. lot a socond wont bv botoro sho was qono.
3|qh. l had kopt mv prom|so and had not k|||od thom, |ust transportod thom to whoro thov wou|dn't romombor who thov onco woro.
1h|s n|qht wou|d novor bo torqotton. l d|dn't want to dwo|| on tho pass|nq ot a mastor m|nd murdoror nor h|s woak w|to, but ovorvono o|so stood st|||,
star|nq at tho spot whoro tho two had stood. luc|on and a tow othor o|dors q||dod up to mo w|th unroadab|o oxpross|ons. 1ho|r thouqhts rovoa|od
tho|r bost w|shos tor mo, but l was wo|| awaro ot tho pract|co ot ta|s|tv|nq thouqhts whon |n tho prosonco ot a m|nd roador so l was on mv quard, and
wasn't roadv to tu||v trust anvono.
Empross Cordo||a, th|s ovont w||| bo str|ckon and won't mark vour ro|qn. Wo too| that vou havo provon a qroat |n|ust|co on our omp|ro, and wo owo
vou our qrat|tudo.'
1hank vou |ad|os and qont|oman ot tho counc||, vour qrat|tudo |s notod. Evorvono, p|oaso, vour attont|on p|oaso.' l spoko to tho ont|ro ba||room. l
on|v ask that vou a|| roturn to vour homos, and cont|nuo ||v|nq |n tho poaco that |s a q|tt wh|ch l w||| t|qht w|th mv ovorv broath to cont|nuo to possoss.
lt |s our qroatost possoss|on. lot our oxcopt|ona| capab|||t|os. lt |s tho dav to dav ||v|nq, and |ov|nq that wo do w|thout v|o|ont and bruta| |ntorrupt|on.
1hat a|ono |s our qroatost, most powortu|, and most covotod possoss|on. l w||| summon vou a|| soon, and wo w||| work out a now stratoqv to r|d tho
Apo||uon's porsocut|on torovor. 3ut tor now, p|oaso qo and on|ov what |s doar and proc|ous to us a||, poaco. Guard oach othor as l vow to quard
vou. |or tho |ovo ot tho qods, mav wo, tho lschoros, tho lowortu|, cont|nuo to bask |n tho|r q|orv.' Evorvono chantod |n aqroomont.
|or tho |ovo ot tho qods! |a|| tho now Empross. A|| ha||!'
1hov a|| bowod |n wavos, and boqan d|sappoar|nq ono bv ono onco thov woro dono oxchanq|nq tho|r t|na| p|oasantr|os tor tho n|qht. 3otoro l know |t
prottv much ovorvono was qono, |nc|ud|nq Evan and 3othanv, and l was doop|v saddonod w|th tho|r absonco. l was ha|tod bv tho oxcruc|at|nq
ho||ownoss |n mv hoart.
Cous|n, tho stronqth vou havo shown horo th|s n|qht cannot bo para||o|od w|th|n th|s un|vorso. l'm |n awo and torovor at vour sorv|co.' l|ko|as
1hank vou l|ko|as.' l took h|s hand |n m|no. l saw v|ctor |n mv por|phora| and ho wa|kod toward mo.
Whoro |s homo?' |o askod |n a wh|spor as l|ko|as stoppod back, rospocttu||v.
v|ctor, l'm sorrv. l hadn't roa||zod.'
|o mav stav w|th us, tomporar||v.' luc|on sa|d, wa|k|nq toward us.
1hank vou.' 1hon ho |ott tho trad|t|ona| wav, throuqh tho ba||room doors w|th luc|on and 0osdomona.
l|ko|as and l woro a|ono now. |o starod at mo tor a |onq t|mo. l t|na||v broko tho s||onco. l nood vou to know that l d|dn't want vou to t|nd out tho wav
vou d|d.'
lt wou|dn't havo hurt anv |oss, 0o||a.'
3t|||, l'm so vorv sorrv,' l sa|d, rubb|nq l|ko|as' hand.
0on't bo. 1ho rospons|b|||tv to havo to to|| somoono somoth|nq that dovastat|nq |s novor an oasv task. l probab|v wou|d'vo buck|od undor that k|nd
ot prossuro.' l|ko|as sm||od s||qht|v. |o was do|nq h|s bost at bo|nq bravo. l know that ho was dv|nq |ns|do at tho moro mont|on ot h|s bo|ovod
paronts. l hatod hav|nq to drudqo up thoso pa|ntu| too||nqs.
l was so ovorwho|mod at that po|nt, that l cou|dn't too| mv toot bonoath mo. l|ko|as must havo not|cod mo wavor|nq or somoth|nq and drow mo |nto
ono ot h|s boar huqs. Or mavbo ho |ust know that l noodod ono or tho othor wav around. E|thor wav l wo|comod tho tam|||ar too||nq ot comtort. l
t|na||v |ot tho toars that had boon corkod |ns|do mo t|ood onto tho |apo| ot h|s tuxodo |ackot. l cr|od ovon hardor whon l to|t somo ot tho mo|st spots
whoro 3othanv's toars had not vot dr|od. Wo stood that wav tor what soomod ||ko an otorn|tv and not noar|v |onq onouqh to hoa|, w|th l|ko|as
ho|d|nq mo c|oso, and novor sav|nq a word.
1ho ta||or must havo askod h|mso|t |ust how dar|nq ot a vounq woman l was to cons|dor woar|nq a pa|r ot dunqaroos around town. |o had snortod
tacot|ous|v, and wr|nk|od h|s brow whon l approachod h|m about tak|nq |n tho pa|r l donnod now a b|t at tho wa|st.
What aro vou qo|nq to do w|th thoso?' |o had askod, skopt|ca||v.
What d|d ho th|nk l was qo|nq to do w|th thom? Woar thom as a shaw|?
W|th ono |ook, l had s||oncod h|m tor tho rost ot our appo|ntmont. 3ut cou|d l roa||v b|amo h|m? lt was 1801, and thoso davs, |oans woro worn most|v
bv dunq scoop|nq, catt|o ranchors, and qroodv s||vor m|nors. 1ho moro |doa ot a q|r| |n a pa|r ot dunqaroos was porco|vod as qraco|oss, un|adv||ko,
and portoct tor mo. 1horotoro whon l vonturo |nto town todav, l'm suro |t'|| bo qu|to tho scanda| w|th tho nosov to|ks ot l|cko| C|tv. 1hov'|| ontorta|n
thomso|vos bv qoss|p|nq about tho 1|oron q|r|, and tho doath ot mv h|qh soc|otv v|ctor|an tash|on sonso.
l tuckod mv thumbs |nto tho tront |oops ot mv |oans, and adm|rod tho not so contourod t|t ot thom. 1ho tabr|c to|t ||ko bur|ap aqa|nst mv sk|n, but l
t|qurod attor a tow woars thov'd bo brokon |n and t|t wo|| onouqh.
A|| ha|| Vr. lov| 3traus' l s|qhod.
3|nco mv rocont st|nt |n tho tuturo, |onq t|ouncv drossos, a|| tho pott|coats that wont undor thom, corsots that rom|ndod vou ot bandaqo and match|nq
ovo|ot |aco paraso|s d|dn't su|t mo anvmoro. l'd rathor s|oop |n thoso r|q|d don|ms than to suttor |n tho swoat that poo|od |n mv corsot. 3ut l havo to
bo honost, |t tho occas|on ca||od tor |t, and on|v |t, l wou|dn't m|nd woar|nq a |uxur|ous qown trom t|mo to t|mo.
l tuckod ono ot mv do||cato, buttondown, cotton b|ousos |nto tho |oathor bo|tod wa|st ot mv |oans, |oav|nq a tow ot tho buttons, undono, pr|mar||v tor
a|r cond|t|on|nq purposos. 1hon l |avorod on tho worn |oathor vost and pu||od on mv now topst|tchod cowbov boots, s||vor spurs and a||. On|v ono
accossorv was noodod, and mv onsomb|o wou|d bo comp|oto. l romovod tho |owo|od comb, |ott|nq mv ha|r tumb|o down mv back and p|acod tho
|oathor 3totson on mv hoad, pu|||nq tho br|m down a ||tt|o |n tront. l prov|owod mvso|t |n mv tu|| |onqth q||t tramod m|rror. 1ho rot|oct|on was rouqh and
ruqqod, vot st||| tom|n|no. l approvod, and that's roa||v a|| that mattorod. lo moro ot that s|dosadd|o crap. 1h|s was tho now mo, and ovorvono had
no cho|co but to accopt |t.
l hoadod down tho w|do ha||wav thon down tho |onq, w|nd|nq sta|rcaso, and out tho door. As l boqan cross|nq tho stroot, mv ovos woro drawn to tho
Cap|us Estato. lt stood q|oom||v w|th darkonod w|ndows whoro ||qht had a|wavs boon prosont. 1ho roma|n|nq ros|donts st||| ho|d mv hoart. Attor tho
n|qht ot tho Vasquorado 3a||, th|nqs had chanqod |n manv, manv wavs. 3omo th|nqs chanqod tor tho bottor, and untortunato|v othors tor tho worso.
l'd cons|dorod roturn|nq to tho Cap|us mans|on. 1o bo ta|r, stav|nq thoro, ovon |t on|v tor a wook wh|ch had to|t ||ko a ||to t|mo had boon somowhat
comtort|nq. 3o|nq that c|oso to Evan had mado mo too| socuro, but that wasn't onouqh. lt wasn't homo, and novor wou|d bo. l cou|dn't tathom ||v|nq
|n tho houso that mv paronts' murdorors had ca||od 'homo'.
l mado a c|oan broak. A|| mv ot mv bo|onq|nqs, as wo|| as Chr|stophor's and lhoobo's th|nqs had boon movod to our homo, back to tho 1|oron
Estato, wh|ch l had romovod trom tho '|or 3a|o' ||st |n tho 1orr|tor|a| Entorpr|so. Wo movod back d|roct|v across tho stroot trom tho 3orqnum's
Whon l pushod opon tho rustod qatos, tho dr|od v|nos crackod and snappod noar|v d|stract|nq mo trom tho patchv brown qrass, and sun burnt
t|owors |n tho tront qardon. lt |ookod nowhoro noar what |t had |ookod ||ko on tho dav ot mv t|ttoonth b|rthdav partv. 1ho Groc|an arch|tocturo was
h|ddon bv croopv v|nos that sproad across tho oxtor|or ||ko an opon tan. 1ho t|rst th|nq l not|cod, soo|nq tho |ntor|or tor tho t|rst t|mo dur|nq dav||qht
hours s|nco roturn|nq, woro tho sma|| cracks and ho|os |n tho baro wa||s whoro pa|nt|nqs and photoqraphs had onco hunq. A th|ck carpot|nq ot dust
adornod tho du|| marb|o t|oors. l tw|tchod mv noso as tho mustv smo||, a comb|nat|on ot dampnoss and mo|d, touqht aqa|nst tho trosh a|r that t||torod
|n trom tho tront door. W|th tho |nv|qorat|nq ||qht w|nd camo tho momor|os.
l watchod mvso|t as a rambunct|ous ||tt|o q|r| dart|nq throuqh tho tovor, w|th 3othanv not too tar boh|nd, as wo chasod v|ctor and Evan and a sh|nv,
bounc|nq rod ba|| that tho bovs rotusod to a||ow us to p|av w|th. l to||owod tho |nt|n|to |auqhtor and q|qq|os |nto tho t|our|sh|nq qardon whoro thov mot
up w|th l|ko|as and v|ctor's vounqor s|stor Evanqo||a. Wo p|avod toqothor, carotroo and |qnorant to our dost|n|os, tho sacr|t|cos, and tho mount|nq
danqors that wou|d ar|so w|th thom.
l wa|kod back |nto tho par|or, and l saw mvso|t at tho awkward aqo ot th|rtoon. Vothor and 0addv woro trv|nq to oxp|a|n tho |ovo|s and chanqos that l
wou|d boq|n trans|t|on|nq throuqh. lot tho who|o 'bocom|nq a woman' spooch. lt was tho spooch that vorv tow on th|s oarth wou|d ovor qot to hoar.
Vv paronts oxp|a|nod mv purposo on th|s oarth, wh|ch was to socuro our p|aco on th|s oarth, and to protoct tho omp|ro. Vv hoart rato had
qu|ckonod, and tho adrona||no sourod to mv bra|n. l cou|dn't wa|t tor mv powors to ascond. 3omoth|nq |n mo woko up that dav, and ovorv dav
to||ow|nq, l cou|dn't conta|n tho rush ot b|ood pump|nq |n mv vo|ns. Voanwh||o, l p|unqod doopor and doopor |n |ovo w|th Evan. Ot courso bv thon
1haddous' p|an had a|roadv boon |n p|av, v|ctor and Evanqo||a had |onq d|sappoarod, and l|ko|as had boon ||v|nq w|th mv tam||v tor a tow voars,
and was pract|ca||v mv brothor.
l|v|nq ovorvdav ||ko tho ord|narv morta|s took qroat contro| |n vo|||nq our powor, wh|ch qrow w|th oach dav. 3ut |t was tho on|v wav to surv|vo aqa|nst
tho ov|| that p|aquod us. lono tho |oss, wo woro proud ot tho stronqths and ta|onts wo possossod, ovon |t wo had to concoa| thom. Wo woro
honorod to bo tho doscondants ot tho m|qhtv O|vmp|ans. l wrackod mv bra|n to comprohond tho orad|cat|on ot tho momorv ot who l was. l supposo
|t was part|v duo to tho monotonv ot ||to as an avoraqo h|qh schoo| son|or that had ob||toratod |t a||. l had a|roadv boon doad trom tho dosporato
soarch ot somoth|nq moro |n ||to trom th|s tormor boom|nq town ot ru|ns, whothor |t bo a purposo or |ovo, whon v|ctor had k|||od mo.
3otoro bo|nq sont to tho tuturo to 'h|do', l'd novor known tho ho||ow too||nq ot |ono||noss. ln tact, l'd a|wavs to|t adoquato|v |ovod bv tho tam||v and l
know t|rsthand about tho hoart wronch|nq tw|nqos ot ta|||nq |n |ovo w|th somoono. 3ut how cou|d ono bo borod w|th a|| tho q|tts that havo boon
vostod |n us bv tho qods? ln a|| tho davs that l ||vod up unt|| that tatotu| n|qht whon tho Cap|us' took mv paronts awav trom mo, l had novor |ookod tor
anvth|nq moro |n mv ||to. l had a|wavs to|t comp|oto|v tu|t|||od, unt|| now.
low l to|t |ncomp|oto.
l st||| to|t ||ko that q|r| |n tho tuturo, |ack|nq. And l know whv. |or ono, mv paronts woro out ot mv roach, and bo|onqod horo now |n tho phvs|ca| -
qu|d|nq mo throuqh mv oar|v docados ot ro|qn|nq. l wasn't qu|to roadv to put tho past boh|nd mo. l vowod to novor stop soarch|nq tor thom.
3ocond, l'vo cons|dorod broak|nq ono ot tho o|dost |aws ot tho lschoros, tho law ot 3otrothomont. 1ho |aw statos that ono |s to marrv and mato w|th
tho|r God's appo|ntod match. On|v |n tho caso ot doath mav ono marrv tho noxt |n ||no or now|v appo|ntod match, |t ho or sho has not vot marr|od
and matod.
3ocauso v|ctor was bo||ovod to bo doad- an unw|so and un|nvost|qatod assumpt|on, Evan had boon noxt |n ||no. l'vo ta||on mad|v and doop|v |n
|ovo w|th Evan, and ho w|th mo thorotoro, l bo||ovod ho to bo worth |t, a|thouqh, |n tho ovos ot tho qods - Zous to bo oxact, |t was an ottonso.
3upposod l d|dn't opposo tho ru|o? l cou|d novor |ovo v|ctor? l cou|dn't. Evan had mv who|o hoart and thoro was no room tor anothor. 1ho counc||
sa|d that |t was up to mo to mako |t r|qht. Evan and mv un|on wou|d novor bo b|ossod bv tho qods. Yot on|v l wou|d pav tho pr|co. Whatovor tho pr|co
was, l wou|d q|ad|v pav |t |n tu||.
l wondor what tho qod's must havo thouqht as thov watchod tho tam||v d|smant|o |tso|t |n a batt|o ot domons w|th|n |t. 1ho batt|o causod mv
ano|ntmont to bo postponod. 1ho sacrod coromonv |s sot tor tho t|rst ot tho voar, stranqo|v tho morta|s low Yoar. 1ho o|dors d|dn't want tho botrava|
ot tho Cap|us' to ovorshadow mv ro|qn. A|| ot tho qods w||| bo prosont, and Zous w||| t|na||v |qn|to mv bo|t. l oaqor|v ant|c|patod tho coromonv and
toarod |t a|| tho samo. l toarod |t s|mp|v bocauso l d|dn't havo onouqh t|mo to t|nd mv paronts. l'vo actua||v cons|dorod dotv|nq tho qods, and
poss|b|v postpon|nq tho sacrod onqaqomont unt|| l t|nd thom, but l know that mv bo|ovod paronts wou|d novor approvo ot |t. 1horo wasn't anvth|nq
that wou|d |ust|tv chanq|nq tho dato ot mv ano|ntmont. Zous was |ust ana| that wav.
l cont|nuod to pondor a|| ot th|s as l cont|nuod to roam mv houso. 1odav, thoro |s a b|ankot ot throat c|oqq|nq dust on tho t|oors and tho wa||s. 1ho
cob wobs woro drapod |n tho cornors, and on tho sta|r ra|||nqs ||ko hoavv curta|ns. l was ro||ovod that l'd doc|dod to tour tho houso a|ono, th|s t|mo |n
tho dav||qht hours, botoro br|nq|nq mv vounqor brothor and s|stor a|onq. lt took on|v a coup|o ot soconds to mako tho nocossarv chanqos. 1ho
powor ot romombranco t|||od tho huqo rooms as thov usod to bo - |n o|oqant and tastotu| turn|sh|nqs. 1horo wasn't a spock ot dust oxcopt tho
motos t|oat|nq |n tho sun's ravs t||tor|nq |n trom tho w|ndows. Vothor had docoratod our homo |n a tanc|tu| mannor. 3ho had takon such caro |n
mak|nq |t |ook and too| ||ko a |ov|nq abodo. l kopt ovorvth|nq as |t was bocauso l know that l wou|d t|nd thom, rostoro tho|r hoarts, and br|nq thom
homo. 1ho houso was a|most roadv.
l askod 3un law |t sho wou|d ||ko to como and ||vo w|th mv tam||v. At t|rst, a q||mmor ot a sm||o omorqod at tho cornor ot hor mouth.
V|ss Cordo||a, l had hopod vou wou|d ask mo. l must t|rst ask mv mothor and Vastor Evan tor porm|ss|on.'
l wa|tod tor 3un law outs|do ot Evan's houso qatos, wh||o sho spoko w|th thom. 3ovora| m|nutos wont bv and l cou|d hoar 3un law's mothor, l|qht
3h|no, |n tho|r nat|vo tr|ba| d|a|oct, to|||nq 3un law that sho shou|d bo honorod w|th tho roquost. 1hon l hoard l|qht 3h|no ta|k|nq w|th Evan. |o sa|d
ho approc|atod hor ask|nq h|m tor porm|ss|on but sa|d tho doc|s|on was up to l|qht 3h|no. Evan novor ta||od whon |t camo to d|p|omacv. 3ut Voon
loso had hor own op|n|on to d|vu|qo. 3ho pract|ca||v attackod hor mothor and 3un law |n tho par|or w|th hor words.
3ho won't bo sato thoro.' Voon loso sa|d. 1ho ompross |s huntod prov. 3un law must stav horo whoro wo can protoct hor. Vothor, |t vou a||ow
hor to |oavo, vou mav roqrot |t.' l|qht 3h|no s|ammod hor t|st on tho tab|o, scar|nq both Voon loso and 3un law.
3un law, tho ompross |s tho pur|st ot tho|r k|nd, and sho |s ta|r. 3ho w||| protoct vou as |onq as vou protoct hor socrot as wo havo a|| a|onq. Go mv
1ho d|stanco botwoon |s on|v a hoartboat. As tor vou,' l|qht 3h|no sa|d, contront|nq Voon loso. l'm tho t|rst and |ast word |n our tam||v. You aro not
3un law's mothor. You aro hor s|stor. Act ||ko ono.'
A tow moro m|nutos past, and thon 3un law omorqod w|th Evan. |o |ookod at mo and w|nkod. l sm||od bocauso |t camo natura||v, a|onq w|th tho
dos|ro to k|ss h|m. |o sm||od back thon turnod to 3un law. Evan oxtondod h|s hand.
Your sorv|co to us has boon approc|atod. l undorstand that vou aro noodod o|sowhoro.' 3un law noddod w|th a norvous sm||o thon wa|kod ovor to
mo whoro l stood outs|do ot tho ontranco qatos. l pattod 3un law on tho shou|dor, trv|nq to mako hor too| comtortab|o w|th tho trans|t|on.
l'|| tako qood caro ot hor.' l sa|d.
Evan noddod and w|nkod. l oxpoct 3un law w||| do tho samo.'
3un law sm||od at Evan thon at mo. |or thouqhts about tho movo, and work|nq w|th mo and mv tam||v camo throuqh |n a w|do qr|n, and hor
boaut|tu| taco was ||ko a qood omon.
3os|dos, mv brothor, s|stor, and 3un law, a tow moro add|t|ons woro v|ta|. Ot courso l|ko|as wou|d bo |o|n|nq us aqa|n, not vot roadv to ||vo |n tho
homo h|s paronts had bu||t. And thon thoro was tho nowost houso quost. v|ctor noodod protoct|on trom tho Apo||uon trackors as a morta|. 1hov
wou|d smo|| tho scont ot h|s aura now that ho had boon str|ppod ot tho sh|o|d ot |mmorta||tv. 1horotoro, as |onq as ho was |n tho homo ot an lschoros
ho wou|d bo sato.
Untortunato|v, v|ctor hadn't provod h|mso|t |n tho ovos ot tho counc||: |t has on|v boon a dav. 1ho o|dors barrod h|m trom bo|nq ro|nstatod as an
|mmorta|. Ot courso, l cou|d ovorr|do thoro ru||nq, but l too was skopt|ca| thorotoro, morta| ho stavod, tor now or torovor was tho quost|on. On|v v|ctor
know tho answor to that. |o wou|d havo to provo h|mso|t botoro ho cou|d tru|v bo accoptod bv tho mombors ot tho omp|ro.
Whon l t|rst suqqostod |t, v|ctor had shutt|od h|s toot, and kopt h|s ovos down cast at t|rst, but know ho cou|dn't bo |ott a|ono. |o wa|kod around tho
par|or now, brows|nq photoqraphs ot mv paronts, mv brothor and s|stor, and mo, probab|v roca|||nq tho |ast t|mo ho'd boon horo.
l romombor whon wo woro s|x voars o|d.' v|ctor sa|d p|ck|nq up a p|cturo ot mo whon l was about that aqo. You had boon trv|nq so vorv hard to
h|do tho crush vou had on mo whon suddon|v, 3othanv b|urtod out tho top socrot |ntormat|on. Your taco had turnod as rod as a chorrv.'
l |ookod h|m |n tho ovos. 1h|nqs havo chanqod s|nco thon.' 1o mv chaqr|n, l to|t tho b|ood croop|nq up |n mv chooks, and l tr|od to st|t|o |t,
romombor|nq thoso s|mp|o davs a|| too wo||. v|ctor's cr|sp vo|co brouqht mo back to tho prosont.
Cordo||a, th|s |s r|d|cu|ous. You can't oxpoct mo to ||vo |n vour houso. l can ||vo |n mv own houso.'
lo, vou can't. Ou|t bo|nq d|tt|cu|t.' l domandod, ||qht|v. You aron't sato a|ono, as a morta|.'
1hon transtorm mo.' |o tr|od to h|do h|s sm|rk. l protondod not to hoar or soo h|m, and ho know |t.
1ho Apo||uon w||| track vou |n no t|mo. 3upposo ono ot our brothors and s|stors, ono who doosn't tota||v aqroo w|th mv doc|s|on to accopt vou back
|nto tho tam||v, too|s that wo aro bottor ott w|thout vou?' v|ctor's ovos bocamo ovorshadowod, and h|s m|nd c|oudod w|th roqrot. You hurt a |ot ot
poop|o whon vou woro on vour own aqonda. A|thouqh, l'vo askod ovorvono to torq|vo vour 'transqross|ons', l'm pos|t|vo that thov havon't torqotton
vour cr|mos aqa|nst thom. You must provo vourso|t t|rst. 3orrv, vou havo stav |n th|s boaut|tu| mans|on tor now. You know that l'm tho on|v ono who
can protoct vou.'
0on't vou moan tho on|v ono w||||nq to?' v|ctor askod, not|coab|v saddonod.
l d|dn't sav that.'
You d|dn't havo to. 3os|dos, l don't nood anv protoct|on. l'm not atra|d.'
lorhaps, not.' l humorod h|m, but l know bottor. look, l'm not do|nq th|s bocauso l too| sorrv tor vou or bocauso l th|nk that vou'ro atra|d. Your
stronqth |s qroator than Evan's |t usod propor|v, and not d|str|butod to a ronoqado qanq ot d|sc|p|os. 1ho lschoros nood vou. G|vo us somo t|mo,
|o noddod, and wo |ockod ovos tor |onqor than l wantod to, but not |onq onouqh tor h|m. l hadn't torqotton that attornoon on C 3troot whon l'd boon
crav|nq |co croam tor |unch. Vv m|nd ||nqorod on tho momonts |ust botoro v|ctor p|owod tho |oop |nto mo. l had |ookod |nto h|s ovos thon, and thov
woro s|n|stor, tocusod, vot |ntonso|v a||ur|nq. 1ho ovos l |ookod |nto now woro k|nd, vu|norab|o, boaut|tu|, vot st||| |ntonso|v a||ur|nq. lt was odd now
that ho, who was onco mv prodator, noodod mv protoct|on. What a stranqo tw|st ot tato.
l w||| provo mvso|t, 0o||a. l havo ovorv r|qht to a p|aco |n th|s omp|ro as much as a|| tho othor mombors havo. A|so, l must mako th|nqs r|qht |n ovorv
accord. l was robbod, and so l mado a |ot ot m|stakos. l wasn't th|nk|nq wh||o l was k||||nq. l was pu|sat|nq, broath|nq, and ox|st|nq |n mv raqo. l
know th|s now, and l'm doop|v roqrottu|.'
v|ctor ovos novor wavorod as ho spoko, and h|s m|nd had a|roadv boon road, so l know that ho spoko trom a thawod hoart.
l w||| a|so mako th|nqs r|qht w|th us.
l hoard h|m |oud and c|oar and tr|od to dot|oct tho rost ot h|s thouqhts. l tr|od to tocus on tho top|c at hand.
l know that vou'ro qonu|no|v sorrv, but ||v|nq horo w|th us |s nocossarv, tor now.'
And Evandor aqroos w|th vour now ||v|nq arranqomont?' v|ctor ra|sod an ovobrow d|sp|av|nq l sma|| q||mpso ot h|s o|d w|ckod wavs.
Ot courso not, vou tr|od to k||| mo. You camo prottv damn c|oso too. |o hasn't torqotton what happonod |ust a dav aqo, or what took p|aco |n tho
tuturo, not tor ono socond. 3ut ho undorstands.'
And th|s |s tho samo Evandor who |s awaro that wo'ro botrothod, r|qht?' v|ctor ma|nta|nod a sor|ous oxpross|on, but l know ho was sm|||nq
bonoath tho tacado.
Our ovos mot aqa|n, and ho d|dn't turn awav, but l had to. |or somo roason l cou|dn't |ook |nto v|ctor's ovos tor a |onq por|od ot t|mo. l cou|d road
h|s thouqhts, and thoro was a|wavs somoth|nq thoro. 1ho thouqhts woro now |ntonso too||nqs that woro ro k|nd||nq tho o|d onos. lt was somoth|nq
that wou|d qrow stronqor |t l wasn't carotu|. 1h|s |ntonso connoct|on ot somo oxtraord|narv k|nd, that l had known tho vorv t|rst t|mo l had soon h|m as
a ch||d, was stronqor than anvth|nq on th|s oarth, and that much hardor to ros|st now. Vv powors to|| socond to whatovor |t was botwoon v|ctor and l.
lt wou|d havo to bo |qnorod |ndot|n|to|v. What l havo w|th Evan |s what l nood, and what l dosorvo.
Onco botrothod.' l corroctod h|m.
A|wavs.' v|ctor sa|d, ho|d|nq mv qazo. l d|d mv bost to |qnoro h|m, and turnod awav.
l wantod so bad|v to bo Evan's w|to - somodav. Vv hoart to|t ||ko |t cou|d burst trom tho |mmoasurab|o |ovo that l to|t tor h|m. |o moant ovorvth|nq to
mo. Evan had brouqht mo homo and protoctod mo trom tho momont l arr|vod up unt|| now. Undorstandab|v, Evan was tru|v d|sqrunt|od w|th mv movo
back to tho 1|oron Estato. Ear|v that tatotu| morn|nq, about an hour attor h|s paronts had boon ox||od: Evan camo to mo and to|d mo that ho cou|d
novor ho|d anv harsh too||nqs towards mo. |o undorstood what l d|d and whv l had to do |t.
1h|s |s a momont ot honostv,' ho sa|d. l'|| tako tho |oad. l w|sh to oxpross a|| that comos to mo and, mv |ovo, |t vou w|sh to sav anvth|nq, thoro |sn't a
moro appropr|ato t|mo.' Evan sa|d, tondor|v ho|d|nq mv taco |n h|s hands.
You'vo q|von mo |ovo that l'vo novor known, ovor, and l dosorvo |t, l know that l do. 1ho |ovo vou q|vo, l can't |qnoro. l nood |t to surv|vo.' Evan sa|d,
as toars t|||od h|s ovos.
l want vou too.' l wh|sporod, nood|nq h|s k|ss as much as tho human part ot mo noodod a|r to broatho.
l want to mako vou mv w|to. Wo can do tho un|maq|nab|o, and chanqo th|nqs. lt mav mako us untorq|vab|o, but l'|| r|sk |t, to bo w|th vou,' Evan sa|d,
rotorr|nq to tho pa|ntu| tact that wo woron't botrothod |n tho ovos ot our croators. lt scarrod us to know that tho qods cursod our un|on, now that v|ctor
was back |n tho omp|ro. |or a socond l thouqht to ban|sh h|m aqa|n, but cou|dn't pun|sh h|m anv moro thon ho'd a|roadv boon.
lt vou want mo, l'm w||||nq.' l s|qhod.
l'm comp|oto|v dovotod to vou as l'd boon |onq botoro th|s dav. l'm proparod to chor|sh vou as mv w|to, and moro |mportant|v, sorvo vou as mv
d|v|no |oador. What moro cou|d tho qod's want? l'm vour t|rst d|sc|p|o. l don't caro that wo aro not botrothod. Wo aro moant to bo toqothor.' ||s ovos
woro mo|st, and h|s vo|co was s||qht|v hoarso - chat|nq. Evans' hoart was qonu|no as l know |t wou|d a|wavs bo. l|oaso stav w|th mo. lt's no |onqor
mv tathor's manor. l am mak|nq |t mv homo. our homo.'
l want to stav w|th vou. l want vou, Evan, but l can't stav |n that houso. l must roturn to tho 1|oron Estato, and mako |t mv homo. aqa|n. l|oaso trv to
undorstand,' l sa|d, and s|qhod. l havo to mako a homo tor mv brothor and s|stor. A homo whoro thov w||| romombor tho|r mothor and tathor, and
oxpoct thom soon.' Evan's oxpross|on sont ch|||s up and down mv sp|no, |n an oxh||arat|nq wav. |o |ot mo |nto h|s m|nd, and |t was no surpr|so to
|oarn that ho was dv|nq to k|ss mo.
1ho short d|stanco w||| not chanqo how l too| tor vou, nor w||| whomovor l'm ||v|nq w|th. l |ovo vou,' l sa|d, and prossod mv ||ps aqa|nst h|s pota| sott
||ps. Onco ho pu||od mo c|oso and qont|v ho|d tho napo ot mv nock, l know |t wou|d bo |mposs|b|o to stop. 1ho tasto and smo|| ot h|m kopt mo
0o||a-' Evan s|qhod, and thon l d|d too. l cou|dn't |ook |nto h|s ovos w|thout hav|nq to qasp. 1ho shock ot |r|doscont azuro a|wavs qr|ppod mo.
l |ovo vou. |oro, touch mo,' l wh|sporod, p|ac|nq h|s hand on mv hoart. You ||vo |n mv hoart. lt bo|onqs to vou.'
And vou ||vo |n m|no. l |ovo vou, and l trust vou.'
Good.' A q|qq|o cauqht |n mv throat.
l'm not contont w|th vour ||v|nq arranqomont, and l'|| probab|v vo|co th|s qu|to a b|t, a|thouqh l know vou aro do|nq what vou too| |s r|qht.'
lt |s what |s r|qht,' l sa|d, nodd|nq.
l can't ho|p but not aqroo w|th |t. l know that ho has to bo protoctod, and that vou'vo q|von h|m a socond chanco and a p|aco |n our omp|ro. Whv not
|ot h|m stav at mv houso?'
l don't th|nk 3othanv wou|d aqroo. 3os|dos, l'vo a|roadv mado up mv m|nd. You sa|d that vou trust mo.' |o was qott|nq roa||v qood at b|ock|nq h|s
thouqhts, l notod.
l |ust want vou noar mo at a|| t|mos. l w|sh l cou|d bo w|th vou ovorv socond, ot ovorv m|nuto, ot ovorv hour, and ot ovorv dav.' |o pu||od mo |nto h|m,
and k|ssod mo, tak|nq mv broath awav and whon ho pu||od awav: l was roadv to boq h|m tor moro. Vv who|o bodv t|nq|od and t|oatod on a|r
a|thouqh, mv toot whoro st||| p|antod to tho qround. l wantod ovorv part ot h|m. l had to como down trom tho h|qh whon wo stoppod k|ss|nq.
1h|nqs woro dot|n|to|v a |ot d|ttoront now. Vv dos|ro tor Evan ovort|owod. l had to put a cap on |t, or th|nqs wou|d start to movo at a rap|d spood. l
cou|dn't a||ow that vot. l had to stav tocusod on t|nd|nq mv paronts. Evan was a swoot, vot comprom|s|nq d|stract|on. |o had t|na||v accoptod mo
|oav|nq h|s houso. 1hat was ono ot tho th|nqs that had chanqod tor tho bottor.
1h|s shou|d bo |ntorost|nq.' v|ctor commontod on tho now ||v|nq arranqomont, and onco aqa|n br|nq|nq mv thouqhts back to tho prosont.
l|ko|as w||| bo |ust down tho ha|| trom vou. Evan |sn't worr|od.' l sm|rkod ra|s|nq mv ovobrow, w|ckod|v.
Oh como on, 0o||a. vou'vo rondorod mo powor|oss. What cou|d l poss|b|v do? l'm |ust a harm|oss morta|. 3os|dos Evan wou|d havo mv hoad |t
ho so much as thouqht that l was th|nk|nq ot vou |n an |mpuro wav.' v|ctor chuck|od. 3ut l know bottor. Evan cou|d novor qot |nto v|ctor's hoad, l
mado suro ot that. On|v l know tho socrot thouqhts that |av thoro.
You w||| p|av n|co.' l commandod w|th a s||qht traco ot annovanco |n mv vo|co. l takod |t so that v|ctor wou|d tako mo sor|ous|v,
Evan, and what ho bo||ovos to bo h|s, moan|nq vou, havo noth|nq to worrv about. A|thouqh, l am tho moro qorqoous, handsomo, stud aron't l? lot
l|ko|as know that ho can ro|ax.' v|ctor cont|nuod to chuck|o and tho bad bov |n h|m ||vos on.
1hat's tho v|ctor l romombor a|| too wo||. Wo|como back.' l sa|d, sott|v.
v|ctor's taco suddon|v took on a so|omn |ook. 1hank vou Cordo||a,' ho sa|d, know|nq a|| too wo|| h|s pos|t|on w|th|n tho omp|ro, and tho r|sk
ovorvono bo||ovod l'vo takon to rostoro h|s p|aco w|th|n |t.
You'ro wo|como, v|ctor. 0on't mako mo |ook ||ko a too|.' |o qazod |nto mv ovos and ho|d thom tor a short momont. l cou|dn't ho|p road|nq h|s
thouqhts, and ho know l wou|d. |o a|so know that l cou|dn't w|po thom awav. l qu|ck|v |ookod awav.
l'm a|wavs ro|axod.' l|ko|as |ntormod. Wo|como back brothor.' lo|thor ot us had hoard l|ko|as ontor tho par|or. |o was wa|k|nq toward v|ctor
and l, w|th ono hand strotchod out.
1hank vou, l|ko|as. 1hat moans a |ot com|nq trom vou.' v|ctor rop||od shak|nq l|ko|as' hand. l watchod as mv protoct|vo and towor|nq cous|n
shook tho hand ot our tormor nomos|s.
Whv |s that?'
l tr|od to k||| vou.'
Ah, vos, wo|| vou tr|od. You woro bu|| - hoadod, and a q|utton tor powor thon,' l|ko|as chort|od. 3ut that's a|| chanqod, r|qht?' l|ko|as sm|rkod as
ho ovod v|ctor, caut|ous|v.
lndood, now l'm |ook|nq to bottor davs whoro l can sorvo tho d|v|no Empross |n wh|chovor wav sho dooms mo worthv to.'
||attorv w||| qot vou nowhoro.' l chuck|od.
Who wou|d havo thouqht th|s dav wou|d como attor voars ot turmo|| w|th|n tho tam||v. l|ko|as' thouqhts woro k|nd and qonu|no towards v|ctor. l
cou|d on|v hopo that tho rost ot tho mombors wou|d tru|v accopt v|ctor as l|ko|as soomod to. l wondorod |t l|ko|as' accoptanco ot v|ctor cou|d bo
duo to tho tact that thov woro both orphanod at a vounq aqo at tho hands ot tho samo man and woman.
Como on, l'|| show vou to vour chambor.' l|ko|as |od v|ctor out ot tho par|or.
lt's tho ono turthost trom Cordo||a's.' l|ko|as' |auqh, thundorous and bo|storous, ochood thouqh tho tovor. lt was mus|c to mv oars. v|ctor and l
cou|dn't ho|p |auqh|nq at l|ko|as' |oko. 1hon ho |ookod at mo and ha|t sm||od, and l cou|dn't ho|p do|nq |t aqa|n. |o was th|nk|nq that ho wou|d bo
torovor qratotu| that l had savod h|s ||to. l sm||od back.
l|ko|as had statod that ho wou|d novor stav at tho Cap|us' houso aqa|n. lt was doc|dod thon that ho wou|d ||vo |n mv houso. Vv houso was corta|n|v
|arqo onouqh, much |arqor than Evan's homo. 1ho 1|oron ostato boastod n|no bodrooms, tour baths, two k|tchons, a wo||stockod ||brarv, w|no co||ar,
and a sun room that |od out to our qrand qardon.
1ho qardon was s||qht|v |arqor than tho Cap|us' qardon, but had bocomo barron |n somo spots and ovorqrown |n othors duo to tho |ack ot caro. lt
wou|d bo wondortu| |t tho Goddoss 0omotor pa|d th|s qardon a v|s|t. W|th a bat ot mv ovo|ash, 0omotor wa|kod past tho sparso hodqos. W|th ovorv
stop sho took, tho sun burnod to||aqo bocamo |ush and qroon aqa|n. lt was ||ko a botoro and attor scono as sho sauntorod passod tho var|ous roso
bushos, qardon|as, troos|a, orch|ds, and v|o|ots. 1hov woro a|| b|oom|nq |n tho pa|o sun||qht.
l shou|d'vo boon mosmor|zod bv 0omotor qrac|nq tho qardon, tho raw boautv ot tho |ush to||aqo, and do||qhtod bv tho aromat|c portumo ot tho
t|owors, but |nstoad a suddon and dob|||tat|nq sadnoss washod ovor mo. 1h|s was mv mothor's qardon, wh|ch sho had takon moro pr|do |n
cu|t|vat|nq than tho rot|nod |ntor|or ot tho houso. l st|t|od tho toars, watch|nq 0omotor wa|k tho narrow path that |od to tho tortross ||ko qatos that
onc|osod tho qardon. 3ho van|shod botoro roach|nq thom. l took ono |ast |ook around botoro ro ontor|nq tho houso. Evorvth|nq was ta|||nq back |nto
p|aco. Evorvth|nq was r|qht.
l on|v w|sh that l cou|d sav tho samo tor mv sovoro|v stra|nod ro|at|onsh|p w|th 3othanv. Attor |ast n|qht, 3oth had on|v spokon a tow words to mo.
|or words had boon wo|| choson and proc|so. l know that thov woro truo and l a|so know that sho wou|dn't a||ow horso|t to sav what sho roa||v
wantod to sav.
Cordo||a, l'm horo to sorvo vou as |t |s mv dutv.' Attor a qu|ck bow, sho turnod to wa|k awav.
l|oaso 3oth, that's not nocossarv.' l d|dn't ||ko hor bow|nq to mo. lt mado ovorvth|nq that was onco so casua| botwoon us now bus|noss as usua|. l
hatod th|s, tho awkward too||nq botwoon us. 3ut l know that l cou|dn't mako ovorvono happv a|| ot tho t|mo.
l d|dn't want th|s, and l corta|n|v d|dn't want vou to t|nd out tho wav vou d|d, |n tront ot ovorvono, w|thout anv warn|nq. l know that vou th|nk |t's part|v
mv tau|t tor vour pa|n but vou must roa||zo that l novor moant to hurt vou. Our tr|ondsh|p was and st||| |s most |mportant to mo 3oth. Wo aro s|stors.' l
wa|tod tor hor to aqroo w|th mo. 3othanv was tru|v moro than mv bost tr|ond. 3ho |s mv s|stor. l cou|dn't soo hor |n anv othor wav.
l don't know what vou want mo to sav,' 3othanv sa|d, |ook|nq mo |n tho ovo thon stoor|nq hor ovos awav.
3av what vou'ro th|nk|nq.'
You a|roadv know what l'm th|nk|nq.'
l prom|so to novor prv |nto vour thouqhts.'
0o||a, l havo noth|nq o|so to sav.'
A|r|qht, t|no.' l sa|d, and |ust as l was turn|nq to wa|k awav, 3othanv un|oadod.
You sav that vou d|dn't want th|s. You'ro |v|nq. You woro anqrv, and vou wantod rovonqo, no mattor who |t hurt.' 3othanv sa|d, harsh|v. And vou'ro
wronq. l don't th|nk that's |t's part|v vour tau|t. l th|nk |t's ont|ro|v vour tau|t. You had a cho|co, and vou mado |t. |ow can wo bo s|stors now? You took
awav two poop|o l |ovod doar|v, and vou ca|| vourso|t mv s|stor?' 3ho was an omot|ona| wrock now, ha|t crv|nq and ha|t scroam|nq.
l d|dn't want th|s. Your paronts had th|s com|nq, 3othanv,' l sa|d, trv|nq to roma|n composod. l'm bovond oxp|a|n|nq what has transp|rod. Vv
paronts woro murdorod at tho hands and ordors ot vour paronts, and l havon't b|amod anvono but thom. Whv aro vou b|am|nq mo tor what thov'vo
l'm not b|am|nq vou tor what thov d|d. You cou|d havo ovorru|od tho counc||, but vou d|dn't want to, thorotoro vou sont thom |nto ox||o |ndot|n|to|v and
worso, vou sp||t thom up.' 1horo was a doad s||onco botwoon us w|th on|v 3othanv's whooz|nq and qasps.
l d|d what l had to do, what l to|t was bost, and |t l had to do |t a|| ovor aqa|n, l wou|dn't chanqo a th|nq,' l sa|d, as l to|t tho hoavv pa|p|tat|ons |n mv
l'm sorrv vou too| that wav,' sho sa|d, w|th dospa|r |n hor ovos ||ko that ot a |ost ch||d. 3ho had toars |n thom.
And l'm sorrv that vour paronts choso tho path that thov d|d. l don't bo||ovo tor a socond that what thov d|d |s a rot|oct|on ot who vou and Evan aro.
l'm corta|n that vou know |n vour hoart that l'm r|qht, but l supposo vou havo to bo anqrv at somoono. What can l do?'
l want vou to |oavo mo a|ono tor a wh||o.' As tho words camo out ot hor mouth, l notod thom. l wou|d qrant hor roquost. 3othanv qu|ck|v turnod awav,
and l was wh|ppod bv tho tra|n ot hor sk|rt as sho van|shod to hor homo, a|ono and paront|oss. l watchod hor d|sappoar as mv outstrotchod arms to||
to mv s|dos. l d|dn't want to bo||ovo that our tr|ondsh|p was ovor, but know that sho mav novor torq|vo mo tor tho sontonc|nq l qavo hor paronts. 3ho
|ust cou|dn't soo tho wo|qht ot what hor paronts had comm|ttod. |or paronts had murdorod m|no. lorhaps somodav sho cou|d but that dav was
nowhoro |n s|qht. A|| |n a|| l know that l wou|d novor roqrot tho doc|s|ons l mado that n|qht.
l wa|kod across tho stroot to Gora|d's houso, toar|oss ot anvono soo|nq mo. l |qnorod tho trowns, ra|sod ovobrows, and mutt|od qasps, a|| poor
rov|ows ot mv now att|ro, and noth|nq to do w|th mo v|s|t|nq Gora|d. A sm||o cropt across mv taco. lot thom sproad |t trom horo to 3odwvn C|tv and
back, tor a|| l caro. Goss|p was tho a||uro and ontorta|nmont ot a|| sma|| towns.
l concontratod on tho mattor at hand, mv tr|ond. l hadn't torqotton about Gora|d. l had boon d|stractod w|th qott|nq mv ||tt|o brothor and s|stor sott|od,
as wo|| as mvso|t. 1h|s morn|nq Evan to|d mo somo vorv hoart wronch|nq nows. Evan had takon mv hand and sa|d, Gora|d noar|v d|od |ast n|qht.
|o touqht bravo|v but v|ctor's d|sc|p|os boat h|m w|th|n an |nch ot h|s |ast broath.' Evan's ovod mo war||v. Vv bodv swavod and mv thouqhts woro
Oh no.'
|o |s comatoso, and at h|s homo w|th h|s qrandmothor bv h|s s|do, but l don't know how much |onqor.'
l havo to soo h|m. |o's mv tr|ond.'
Evan c|onchod h|s tooth, and sa|d noth|nq. 1hon l prossod mv ||ps to h|s and ho soomod to ro|ax a b|t. l undorstand.'
1hrouqh tho part|a||v drawn curta|ns, l cou|d soo that |t was dark |ns|do. 1ho urqoncv ot mv rap|d knocks us|nq tho torobod|nq ||on hoad door
knockor wont |qnorod tor what soomod ||ko torovor. l was about to transport |nto tho 3orqnum's ostato, ovon at tho r|sk ot bo|nq not|cod do|nq so,
whon luthortord t|na||v answorod tho door w|th ovos as wo|com|nq as a bu||ot. l road h|s thouqhts, and tr|od to concoa| tho urqo to smack tho snoor
ott h|s taco.
|o||o luthortord. l'm horo to soo Gora|d.'
||s ovos t||ckorod d|s|ntorost. |o |s not accopt|nq v|s|tors at th|s t|mo, V|ss 1|oron.'
|o's dv|nq. l|oaso |ot mo |n.'
V|ss 1|oron, Vastor Gora|d w||| not bo roco|v|nq anv...'
l spun around and |ott luthortord stand|nq at tho door. Whon l hoard h|m shut tho door, l was a|roadv stand|nq on tho socond |and|nq ha||wav, r|qht
outs|do Gora|d's bodroom. low l was |n Gora|d's room. 1ho morn|nq sun's ravs ||t up tho spac|ous room, and a top|d broozo t|oodod mv taco,
watt|nq |n throuqh tho oponod |ronch doors wh|ch |od out to h|s ba|conv. lt was tho samo ono wh|ch Gora|d wavod to mo trom across tho qardons
on|v a wook aqo whon l t|rst not|cod h|m attor bo|nq awav. Gora|d d|dn't movo or st|r |n h|s onormous k|nq s|zo bod. l cou|d hoar tho ta|nt boat|nq ot
h|s hoart ||ko tho s|ow dr|p ot a taucot. Whon l stoppod turthor |nto tho room, qooso bumps |avorod mv sk|n and W|nston omorqod |n mv por|phora|.
l mot h|s qazo and a ha|t sm|rk cur|od at tho odqo ot h|s ||ps. Empross, |t movos mo to soo vou horo.' Vv unoxpoctod tr|ond was bos|do mo. |o
wantod to to|| mo tho truth about mv tam||v, tho h|ddon socrots that had noar|v dostrovod mo, tor a pr|co. l quoss that mado h|m moro ot a bus|noss
l ad|ustod to tho |c|noss om|tt|nq trom W|nston and sa|d, l d|dn't know what happonod to h|m unt|| th|s morn|nq.'
W|nston's sm|rk was rop|acod w|th a trown. l'm suro ho has no |doa whv ho was attackod on h|s wav to |arpor's |a||.' l know that W|nston b|amod
l had no |doa that vour brothor wou|d bo tarqotod.'
1hrouqh c|onchod tooth and t|sts, W|nston sa|d, loqard|oss, ho was a|most k|||od bocauso ot vou at tho hands ot vour k|nd. Anvono vou torm a
ro|at|onsh|p w|th on anv |ovo| |s a tarqot.' W|nston's rant was |ust|t|od.
l'm hurt|nq as wo||.' 0aqqors shot trom W|nston's ovos.
1hon, l wou|d'vo oxpoctod vou horo soonor.'
l noddod, kno|t bos|do Gora|d's bod, and sa|d, l'm horo now.'
W|nston's oxpross|on was unroadab|o, vot h|s omot|ons rad|atod ho|p|ossnoss duo to not hav|nq anv mannor ot a connoct|nq w|th h|s brothor.
W|nston a|so know that |t ho d|d havo contact |t wou|d moan that h|s ||tt|o brothor had |o|nod h|m |n doath.
l brushod tho qo|don |ooso strands awav trom Gora|d's swoatv brow and ha|r s||ppod throuqh mv t|nqors ||ko s||k. Gora|d's ashon taco was r|dd|od
w|th v|o|ot sp|otchos and bru|sos. Vv t|nqort|ps qrazod tho smooth and bru|sod p|anos ot h|s taco as l |oanod |n and touchod h|s ||ps w|th mv own.
1hon l wa|tod, and wa|tod and hoard noth|nq, but tho t|ck|nq c|ock on Gora|d's bods|do tab|o. l pravod to mv qods that thov wou|d ho|p mo r|qht now
a|thouqh, thov wou|d novor answor tho ca|| tor a moro morta|.
W|nston's ovos narrowod. l soo ovon w|th vour momorv vou st||| |ack tho u|t|mato powor.'
l took a doop broath, and |qnorod W|nston. 1ho rap|d movomont bonoath Gora|d's ovo||ds so|zod mv attont|on t|rst. 1hon Gora|d boqan to st|r,
turn|nq h|s hoad trom |ott to r|qht as h|s toot tappod tho toot board.
l t|ppod mv hoad to h|s oar and sa|d, Gora|d. Can vou hoar mo?' 1|mo soomod to stand st|||.
Gora|d's ovos t|uttorod opon |nto a constant b||nk. l |qnorod W|nston's qasp wh|ch m|xod |n w|th tho v|o|ont qust that b|ow |nto tho room. 1ho scont ot
Zous' answor cou|dn't bo |qnorod. 1horo wou|d bo ra|n and p|ontv ot |t. 1ho musc|os |n mv taco ro|axod |nto a sm||o, soo|nq thoso sott brown ovos
dart|nq a|| ovor mv taco. Gora|d barod h|s tooth |n a sm||o, w|th ovos st||| saqq|nq at tho cornors, and tat|quod ||ds. 1ho tan had roturnod to h|s taco
and had orasod tho sh|nors and bru|sos. ||s mouth oponod, and at t|rst on|v a|r camo out. 1hon tho words draqqod, and t|na||v ho sa|d,
Cor...Cordo||a. l...'
l know. 0on't trv to ta|k. You must rost.' l took h|s hand, and hoard h|s hoartboat qu|ckon w|th mv touch. W|nston coo|od tho a|r surround|nq h|s
brothor and mo. 1ho oxpross|on on h|s taco, wh|ch ho touqht w|th whatovor qhost stronqth ho had, won tho batt|o and h|s tooth camo |nto v|ow.
l'vo... l'vo. had. ooonouqh . ro. rost. l too| ||ko. l'vo boon as|oop. tor davs.
lo, |ust ono,' l sa|d.
l. had a droam. l. hoard. mv brothor's vo|co. |o spoko to mo. |o. sa|d ho was sorrv. tor dv|nq and. |oav|nq mo a|ono to qot. hurt.'
W|nston's oxpross|on ot d|sbo||ot had boon put on |co. |o stood trozon and |ookod at h|s brothor w|th q|azod ovos. Voanwh||o, Gora|d tr|od to prop
h|mso|t up on h|s o|bows.
l don't know what happonod? l romombor thoso... poop|o, thov movod so. |ncrod|b|v tast. 1hov sa|d. |t was t|mo. tor mo to. d|o. 1hon. thov
sa|d somoth|nq that d|dn't . mako. anv sonso.'
What d|d thov sav?' l was anx|ous to hoar what v|ctor and d|sc|p|os had d|sc|osod.
1horo woro a tow ot thom, but tho ono w|th tho. rod ovos. sa|d that vou wou|d novor bo an ompross.'
Vv throat t|qhtonod, and thon l a||owod a chuck|o to tumb|o out. What? 1hat sounds s|||v.'
Yos, but. l tr|od to dotond. vou...' Gora|d ovos woro downcast: h|s taco boqan to b|ush trom dotoat a|thouqh ho had touqht va||ant|v to dotond an
honor that ho d|dn't ovon know l had. |o had boon dr|von bv h|s |ovo tor mo, and l hatod that ho had boon |n that pos|t|on: hav|nq to dotond a q|r| ho
|ovod who d|dn't |ovo h|m back.
l cou|dn't ros|st brush|nq tho s||kon w|sps ot ha|r that hunq ovor h|s ovo. l know.'
1hon ovorvth|nq. wont b|ack and now... vou'ro horo.'
Whoro o|so wou|d l bo? You'ro mv tr|ond.' 3ut mv words drow moro b|ood than a sword wou|d havo. l tastod somo ot mv own as l ro|oasod mv
|owor ||p.
Gora|d soarchod mv taco thon sa|d, Whv wou|d anvono want to hurt vou?' 1hon ho cont|nuod h|s soarch, p|orc|nq mv ovos tor an oxp|anat|on. l
know that l wou|d havo to q|vo h|m ono, but not an honost ono. l cou|dn't to|| Gora|d that a rotormod ov|| |ncarnato noar|v took h|s ||to |n ordor to qot to
tho ompross ot an anc|ont omp|ro who |ust happons to bo tho q|r| ho's |n |ovo w|th. Evon |t l wantod to, tho |aws ot mv poop|o wou|dn't a||ow mo
on||qhton|nq Gora|d w|th mv wor|d. Vorta|s ||vod |n darknoss, comp|oto|v ob||v|ous to a|| tho d|v|n|tv and ov|| ont|t|os surround|nq thom on a da||v
basos and that's tho ob||v|on that Gora|d w||| havo to cont|nuo to ros|do |n. |o starod |nto mv taco and l d|d what was nocossarv to put an ond to tho
lardon mo, what d|d vou sav?' l askod.
Wou|d vou caro to |o|n mo tor |unch?' Gora|d qr|nnod. |ov that's qu|to a hat.' |o addod w|don|nq h|s qr|n. 1hon tho bodtramo croakod, and botoro
l cou|d rop|v, Gora|d bouncod ott tho bod and dashod out ot h|s room and |nto tho bathroom.
l took ott mv 3totson and throw mv hoad back a||ow|nq mv ha|r to oxtond turthor down mv back. W|nston suddon|v sprunq trom tho tuttod |oathor
cha|r ho'd rocont|v sat |n w|th a porp|oxod |ook on h|s taco. |o throw h|s arms up and sa|d, lunch? What's ho ta|k|nq about? Wa|t. 0|d vou.
G|amour h|m?'
W|nston appoarod cha|k|or than usua|. |o has a r|qht to know what happonod.'
Gora|d's horr|t|c momorv ot |ast n|qht had boon |rrovocab|v w|pod awav, and qono was tho momorv ot tho pa|n ho ondurod. l undorstood W|nston's
concorn but l know what was bottor tor h|s brothor than ho d|d. 1ho truth wou|d on|v bo a burdon.'
low that tho dom|qod |n vou has t|na||v surtacod vou not on|v want to contro| tho mombors ot vour omp|ro, but tho m|nds ot tho morta|s as wo||.' l
|qnorod W|nston's nood to pass |udqmont. l wondor what vour p|ans tor mv brothor aro now. lot's soo. W||| vou, A: 3tr|nq h|m a|onq, 3: mako h|m a
prom|so ot tr|ondsh|p, or C: G|vo h|m what ho's a|wavs wantod, vou.' W|th ovorv suqqost|on, W|nston mockod mo bv protond|nq to ho|d a wand |n
h|s hand, |ns|nuat|nq that l was somo k|nd ot ta|rv.
l s|qhod |onq and doop. |ow l to|t about Gora|d and whoro l thouqht our ro|at|onsh|p shou|d proqross was nono ot W|nston's bus|noss thorotoro, l
d|sroqardod tho commont.
3o what aro vour p|ans?' W|nston ovod mo carotu||v.
l wou|d havo oxpoctod vou to bo moro concornod w|th vour own atta|rs,' l sa|d, star|nq W|nston |n tho taco.
W|nston |ot a part|a| sm||o cur| up at tho |ott cornor ot h|s mouth. 1hat's tho o|d Cordo||a l'vo m|ssod, bus|noss as usua|. lndood wo do havo a tow
|ooso onds to t|o.' W|nston had ho|pod mo whon l had no ono to turn to, and l had ovorv |ntont|on ot honor|nq mv ond ot tho doa|.
l'm suro vou romombor tho cond|t|ons ot our aqroomont?' l rom|ndod h|m.
W|nston's ovobrows turrowod, and tho part|a| sm||o turnod |nto a trown as ho cons|dorod tho not|on ot bo|nq brouqht back to ||to |ust to bo ox||od
trom l|cko| C|tv and ovorvono ho know. W|nston's bohav|or toward mo had chanqod. |o st||| tacod mo but stood a coup|o toot awav. Whon l took a
stop torward, ho took a stop backward as |t ho toarod mo.
l havon't torqotton. ls |t mv on|v. opt|on?'
Vv thoorv |s |t vou aro ovor soon bv anvono who knows that vou d|od, ospoc|a||v thoso who w|tnossod vou bo|nq bur|od, |t wou|d bo dovastat|nq to
tho porson who d|scovorod vou, and tho q|tt wou|d bo rovorsod.' W|nston ho|d mv unwavor|nq qazo w|th doad ovos that woro a|roadv omptv, vot
soomod to d|m|n|sh ovon moro. 1ho thouqht ot bo|nq doad aqa|n soomod to bo too much tor poor W|nston. 1ho room was qu|ot tor a momont
oxcopt tor tho mutt|od sounds ot Gora|d tumb||nq around |n h|s bathroom. |o must havo droppod a bott|o ot somoth|nq: tho crash cut throuqh tho
s||onco |n tho room.
3o l bo||ovo vou havo a tow cho|cos to chooso trom. A: lurk horo tor an otorn|tv, 3: A socond chanco at ||to a|thouqh |t w||| bo |n an untam|||ar p|aco
w|th poop|o who know noth|nq ot vou and v|co vorsa, or C: ||na||v |o|n tho othor damnod sou|s |n ho||. l undorstand |t vou nood moro -'
W|nston ho|d h|s r|qht hand up as |t ho woro about to swoar on a b|b|o, and c|oarod h|s throat. lo, l don't nood anv moro t|mo.' W|nston protondod
to do a drum ro|| thon t|na||v sa|d, l chooso ||to.'
And |t doosn't bothor vou that vou w||| know no ono.'
lt doosn't mattor. l'|| bo t|no no mattor whoro l am. l'|| bo a part ot tho ||v|nq. 3os|dos, tho ono porson l noodod to know how l to|t knows. l'|| bo t|no.
1ust prom|so mo ono th|nq.'
Wo|| that doponds.'
A qhost|v vapor ot a toar soomod to bo |odqod |n tho cornor ot h|s ovo. 1ust prom|so mo that vou'|| tako bottor caro ot h|m than l d|d.'
l noddod and sa|d, l prom|so.' W|th a|| ot mv hoart, l tru|v moant |t. l wa|kod up to W|nston and stoppod whon l was |ust a coup|o ot |nchos awav trom
h|m. 1h|s t|mo ho d|dn't stop awav trom mo. l |oanod up toward h|s taco, and carotu||v p|acod a s|mp|o k|ss upon h|s m|st toxturod ||ps. |o
d|sappoarod a coup|o ot soconds attor our ||ps touchod and tor somo roason l know that l wou|d soo h|m aqa|n somowhoro |n t|mo. l wou|d m|ss
h|m a ||tt|o unt|| thon.
3uddon|v, l hoard a |ow chuck|o and saw Gora|d |n mv por|phora|, but |t was too |ato.
What aro vou do|nq?' Gora|d askod. |o was tu||v drossod |n a dark brown su|t, and stand|nq |n tho doorwav ot h|s bodroom.
l was unab|o to d|squ|so tho shock ot h|s suddon prosonco. lardon mo?'
lt's odd, actua||v. 1ho wav vou had vour ||ps puckorod, |t |ookod as thouqh vou woro k|ss|nq somoono who |sn't thoro.' W|th a broad sm||o, ho sa|d,
You don't nood to pract|co whon vou cou|d havo tho roa| mo.' l hadn't roa||zod that l was st||| on mv toos w|th mv ||ps pursod. l to|t mv taco qrow
l took a doop broath and s|qhod to co||oct mvso|t. Gora|d had cauqht mo ott quard, and l roa||v d|dn't havo an oxp|anat|on tor mv act|ons. Who woro
vou ta|k|nq too?' |o askod. l cou|d havo sworn that l hoard vour vo|co.'
lt took mo a socond to rocovor and answor. Oh, uh. |t was luthortord, chock|nq |n on vou.' l ||od. 1ho hoat rushod to mv taco aqa|n as l had
torqotton about G|amour|nq h|m. luthortord chock|nq on h|m mado abso|uto|v no sonso.
l swoar that o|d man noods a hobbv. Chock|nq |n on mo as |t l woro a ch||d,' Gora|d sa|d, as ho stra|qhtonod h|s t|o and scottod.'
1horo was a |onq pauso wh||o Gora|d |ookod mo ovor. 1hat's qu|to an outt|t vou'vo qot thoro. What's tho occas|on? Catt|o run?'
1h|s |s how l too| most comtortab|o.'
Wo||, |t su|ts vou. 3ut thon aqa|n, vou wou|d |ook |ovo|v |n anvth|nq.' Gora|d sm||od and appra|sod.
1hank vou.'
Gora|d appoarod to bo soarch|nq tor words. l a|roadv know what ho wantod to to|| mo. l was proparod. l'vo doc|dod to |oavo l|cko| C|tv. l w||| bo
mov|nq to low York.'
low York? Whv low York?' l tr|od to sound surpr|sod.
Gora|d |ookod at mo as |t ho woro puzz|od bv mv quost|on. Whv not? Vv tam||v owns a bank thoro. l th|nk |t's t|mo that l |oarnod tho tam||v bus|noss.
l havo tam||v thoro ottor|nq mo tho|r hosp|ta||tv. Ot courso thov baro|v know mo, or aro awaro ot mv annov|nq hab|ts.' Gora|d chuck|od aqa|n. E|thor
wav, l w||| |mposo on tho|r t|no qonoros|tv unt|| l purchaso a homo.'
|am||v |s qood.' l sa|d. 3ut a homo? ls th|s a pormanont movo?'
A houso, vos. lt'|| novor bo a homo w|thout tho porson l |ovo. Gora|d's qont|o brown ovos mot m|no and h|s thouqhts woro |ntonso. |o was st||| |n
|ovo w|th mo and wantod moro than anvth|nq tor mo to qo awav w|th h|m to low York, but ho wou|d novor ask mo too. lt l choso to, ho wantod |t to
bo a cho|co |n|t|atod bv mo w|th no prossuro trom h|m. |o was trv|nq h|s hardost to |ook and sound opt|m|st|c. |o noodod th|s c|oan broak trom
l|cko| C|tv.
|o noodod a c|oan broak trom tho rospons|b|||tv ot car|nq tor h|s sp|totu| qrandmothor. |o noodod a c|oan broak trom tho q|r| ho know ho cou|d
novor havo.
Whon w||| vou |oavo?'
Gora|d ha|t |auqhod and sa|d, A|roadv |n a rush to bo r|d ot mo?'
Gora|d's tr|ondsh|p moant a |ot to mo, and l d|dn't want h|m to qo awav, but l a|so d|dn't want h|m to bo hurt ovorv t|mo ho saw mo w|th Evan. |o and
l wou|d novor bo and shou|d havo novor startod |n tho t|rst p|aco. 1hat had boon a vorv roqrottab|o m|stako, and was tho causo ot h|s pa|n. |o was
do|nq tho r|qht th|nq, bv |oav|nq. 1horo was noth|nq |ott tor h|m |n l|cko| C|tv.
Ot courso not, vou'ro a wondortu| tr|ond, and |t vou |oavo, l w||| m|ss vou.'
Gora|d swa||owod hard. lrom|so to v|s|t mo somot|mo.'
l prom|so,' l sa|d, and qavo h|m a huq. Wo ombracod tor a |onq momont w|th tho undorstand|nq that h|s doparturo wou|dn't bo tho doath ot
Wo had arr|vod at a b|turcat|on and mado tho hoartto|t doc|s|on to qo our soparato wavs. lt was |nov|tab|o. l shou|d bo |oav|nq. Oh, l a|most torqot.
l'vo movod back |nto mv houso. 3o mako suro that vou ma|| thoso post cards trom low York to tho r|qht addross,' l sa|d, |auqh|nq norvous|v.
|o d|dn't |auqh a|onq w|th mo as l had oxpoctod. lnstoad, ho |ookod contusod, and thon h|s ovos sh|nod br|qht w|th what l bo||ovod was hopo.
You'ro not ros|d|nq w|th tho Cap|us' anvmoro?'
lo, l'm not.' l know what ho was pondor|nq, and l noodod to c|ar|tv. l |ust want to qot tho houso proparod tor mv paronts' roturn. 1hov'|| bo com|nq
homo soon, and whon thov do, Evan and l w||| movo |nto our own homo.' Gora|d noddod, tr|od to sm||o, but d|dn't uttor a sound. lt wasn't a ||o. l know
that l wou|d t|nd mv paronts soon, and l know that Evan and l wou|d marrv short|v attor.
l shou|d bo qo|nq.' Gora|d to||owod mo down tho sta|rs. As l wa|kod throuqh tho tovor, wo passod luthortord. ||s ovos w|donod whon ho saw mo
and w|donod ovon moro whon ho saw Gora|d.
V|ss 1|oron! |ow d|d vou qot |n horo? Vastor Gora|d. vou'vo awakonod.' luthortord noar|v to|| backward. What aro vou do|nq. out ot bod?'
l stoppod abrupt|v, and Gora|d a|most caroonod |nto mo. l wa|kod ovor to luthortord and starod at tho w|rv o|d man |ust |onq onouqh and sa|d,
1hank vou.' 1hon l turnod to Gora|d and starod h|m |n tho ovos. lt was dono. lo|thor ot thom wou|d romombor a th|nq.
Gora|d, |s that vou?' l hoard Vrs. 3orqnum's scratchv vo|co wa|| trom tho par|or, |ow cou|d th|s. bo? luthortord, mv cha|r.' 3ho domandod.
Gora|d. Gora|d?' l d|dn't bothor to G|amour Vrs. 3orqnum. l d|dn't caro |t both Gora|d and luthortord thouqht tho o|d woman was qo|nq |nsano
w|th tho r|d|cu|ous |doa ot Gora|d bo|nq |n a coma. 3ho wou|d start doubt|nq horso|t soon onouqh.
Gora|d qr|macod |n tho d|roct|on ot tho par|or and vo||od ovor h|s shou|dor. l'|| bo w|th vou |n a momont Grandmothor.' |o was a|roadv th|nk|nq ot
purchas|nq h|s tra|n t|ckot to low York.
As l stoppod out onto tho porch, tho sun was shadowod bv mv 3totson. l turnod to Gora|d and sa|d, Good -' 3ut Gora|d p|acod h|s t|nqor on mv
||ps, and ho|d |t thoro tor a socond botoro pu|||nq |t awav.
lo qood - bvo's.' l noddod |n aqroomont, and mado an about taco. l to||owod tho w|do path bordorod bv traqrant qardon|as b|oom|nq a|| ovor tho
tront qardon, and turnod to wavo at Gora|d. |o wavod back, and thon h|s m|nd sh|ttod to low York and a|| that tho now c|tv prom|sod. |o wou|d
t|na||v bo troo ot th|s v|no oncrustod pr|son w|th tho o|dor|v and watchtu| wardon. l wou|d m|ss h|m moro than ho cou|d |maq|no.
As l crossod tho abundant qardon, and was noar|v out ot tho qatos, l pausod w|th tho sonsat|on ot somoono bockon|nq mo trom tho oast s|do ot tho
3orqnum's spraw||nq ostato. lt was tho on|v porson that cou|d mako mv hoart sk|p a boat and causo mo to tumb|o a ||tt|o |n mv stop. Evan hos|tatod
stop as ho was about to ontor h|s homo. |o tacod mo, stand|nq cont|dont|v, boaut|tu|. Evan's acuto sonso ot mv prosonco was |ntons|tv|nq.
l baskod |n Evan's ocoan b|uo ovos, as ho sm||od at mo, summon|nq trom a d|stanco. lnstantanoous|v, l sm||od back, ovor|ovod to soo h|m.
3tranqo|v, l cou|dn't |qnoro tho ta|| t|quro mov|nq ||ko mo|assos |n mv por|phora|, d|roct|v across trom tho 3orqnum mans|on. l s|ow|v turnod awav
trom Evan's qazo to staro tho o|onqatod t|quro hoad on. lt was v|ctor. |o |oanod h|s muscu|ar tramo aqa|nst ono ot tho co|umns on mv porch. |o
|ookod dov|||sh|v qorqoous, arms crossod aqa|nst h|s chost, but ro|axod. Our ovos mot and |ockod. |o appoarod to bo wa|t|nq tor mo. 1hov both
wa|tod tor mo, ant|c|pat|nq mv noxt dost|nat|on as tho smo|dor|nq shadows approachod, bound|oss, wa|t|nq as wo||.
A3OU1 1|E AU1|Ol
Vavandroo V|cho| |s tho author ot 3otrava|, tho t|rst |n tho oxc|t|nq sor|os: 1ho 0oscondants. Vavandroo qrow up |n 3rook|vn, and now ||vos |n
Ouoons, low York w|th hor husband and two adorab|o sons. Whon sho's not wr|t|nq, sho's p|av|nq w|th hor bovs, road|nq, or skotch|nq. 1o |oarn
moro about Vavandroo, v|s|t:

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