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Questions for Twins Selina and Kereen

1.How identical are you? Do you have different personalities? Me and my twin sister Selina both love performing arts thats our passion we are currently doing acting at different colleges we have the same opinions but approach things differently and have different goals 2. Whos the older twin? Selina by 8 minutes but I think I act older 3. What was life like growing up? It was fun always having each other playing out with our friends and drawing, making radio plays, songwriting was our passion 4. Were you dressed the same? Yeah we were always dressed the same until we were about 8 or 9 5. Were you encouraged to be individual or treated as one? Were we encouraged in a way to be an individual but told that we should to stick together 6. Did you have the same friends at school? Were you in the same classes? At school we were always together and always had the same friends thats why at college its really strange not being together and not having the same friends but we are trying to get used it and now we are going to separate colleges 7. Were you ever bullied for being twins? No 8. Did you go through puberty at the same time? Yeah this was really weird and unexpected 9. Have you had relationships? No 10. Does or has your bond ever ruined relationships? No 11. Is there ever any jealousy? Not really 12. Do you play on being twins for attention? No

13. Have you ever switched places? Played tricks on people? Yeah in school we switched places for the thrill and never got caught just for the thrill Because we were good girls 14. Do you ever spend time apart? No but we are about to separate and live in separate cities which is going to be really weird but hopefully well get used to it we will stay in contact and visit each other we are trying to get webcam Skype to work 15. Are you more confident together than you are on your own? Yeah we are so used to being with each other 16. Are you competitive? No

17. Do you ever argue? No but when we do its crazy we get so angry but hours later we see each other laugh and then its all good 18. Is it frustrating being a twin? No 19. Do you speak in unison? Do you have twin intuition? Can you tell what the other one is thinking? No but we do think the same things at times and say the things at the same time 20. If one of you is in pain can the other feel it? No but used to feel pain at the same times 21. Can you imagine not being a twin? No

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