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Broadway Boogie Woogie I think that the art piece is very simple looking, but it is also very complex

and colorful. While looking at the art piece i get a very mutual feeling but the name is more fun and and make you think more about the art. The artwork reminds me of lego with the small colorful squares and it also looks like a lay out of a city. Broadway Boogie Woogie created by Piet Mondrian from 1942-1943. Created with oil paint on a canvas. In this art work i see multiple colored squares and rectangles. Piet Mondrian also used negative space in the painting. There are a lot of parallel and perpendicular lines made up of small square of different colors. the painting is very open and surrounded by negative space. The painting has a lot of bright strong colors and they seem to be complementary. The colour scheme seems to be repetitive throughout the whole painting. There is also no use of shadowing or the 2 point perspective. The contrast seems to be very light in all the colours. Piet Mondrian use very thin layers of oil paint and very detailed and accurate outlines. You can not see any brush strokes but it looked like it was dotted on. It looked like it was painted and you can see the paint being thick on the outline of the square and lighter on the inside. The painting is filled with straight line and squares. All the shape are similar but there are some rectangles with the squares, and they are all full. The artwork is repeated with color squares and it look like there is no motion in the painting. The colours and shapes are emphasized by being repeated throughout the whole painting. The colours in this painting let of a sort of funky feel and its more warm than cold. This was done by having bright warm colour next to each other. The colour seems to be very light but I think is may have looked better with more bold colour. I think that the art is very dry and simple it not really an eye catching painting that you can look at for hours. But when you realise that it is the layout of Broadway it seems to be more impressive and clever. If i were to change this painting i would fill all the Negative colour with another bright colour. Made the colours more bold and maybe a black outline of it all to make the colours more visible. Piet Mondrians Broadway Boogie Woogie is successful because it uses repetitive sharp, colours and shapes. It is also great because it is the layout of Broadway which is very cleaver and open minded. There is not much of a of a mood but there is a funky feel and the colours are mostly warm.

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