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The Kingdom is about taking back land from the enemy

inside the Promised Land. There are enemies to conquer, if

you do not conquer them, they will conquer you. The worst
thing you can do is to make a deal with the enemies,
compromising and allowing them to live with you in the Land.

YHVH wants you to be active in the process of eliminating the

enemies from your life and He wants you to take control over
your life. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit and He wants you to
steer and hit the breaks and the gas, He will guide you but it is
up to you to obey. He does not want robots; He wants a
spontaneous Bride who loves Him out of free will, doing
spontaneously what He desires for your life.

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In Chapter two we see that Israel made a deal with the enemy and YHVH said to
them that their enemy will be a thorn in their side and their gods will be a trap to
the people. This is an exact quote form Num 33:55 and they still have not
learned. They realised what they have done and named the place Bochim, that
means ‘weeping’.

From Gilgal to Bochiem

The messenger of YHVH came from Gilgal and went to Bochiem. The Aleph-Bet
Why do we need to know that? Surely there must be something …
below the surface we can learn from.
Aleph Bet Gimmel Dalet

… …
Gilgal - - rolling, scull
Kaf Lamed Mem
Bochiem - - Weeping

Bet is before Gimmel and Kaf is before Lamed in the Aleph-Bet. This
means that Bochiem is alphabetically before Gilgal and they were moving
backwards, so to speak. They went from a place of rolling to a place of weeping
because of their sin. Moving into sin is moving backwards, what would have
happened if they were moving forward?

There is Strength in Worship

Lets go to the next letter after Gimmel , which is Dalet and the letter after
Lamed , which is Mem . Then we get the word "damah" that means
silence. Lets put the picture together; we either comes from a place of rolling
backwards into sin which results into weeping, or we move forward into
righteousness resulting in silence. You thought it would have been the opposite
of weeping which is rejoicing and praise, but it is not, it is silence. We find this
same truth in Psa_65:1.

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There must be silence (worship) first, before there can be praise.

We always thought to make a joyful noise and to praise first, but
we see in this Psalm, that we get silent before YHVH before we
praise Him. If we do not know how to worship YHVH in silence,
you will not be able to praise Him making a joyful noise. To
worship in silence is spiritual and cannot be seen in the open but
to rejoice is physical and can be seen by everybody. To praise
should be as a result of your worship and intimacy with YHVH.
The Church has the order wrong when they praise before they
worship in their services. We must start from the inside out
because YHVH works from the inside out and Satan twisted
everything and works from the outside in. When you truly worship
YHVH, it is silent, and out of that, you can move into true praise.
The strength of your relationship is found in the time you spent in
silence before YHVH, worshipping and adoring Him. Do you make time to worship
YHVH in you inner room and how do you manage your time you spent with YHVH?
In this lies the key to a good and strong relationship with Him.

Worship is the word “shachah” and means; ‘to depress, that is, prostrate
(fall flat on your face in homage to royalty or YHVH): - bow (self) down, crouch,
fall down (flat), humbly beseech, do (make) obeisance, do reverence, to admire,
to show respect, worship. We see in the Hebrew letters a “Shin” that means

Spirit, as in purifying fire, we see a “Chet” that means ‘Life’, and we see a

“Hey” that means ‘Light’. To worship YHVH is to Worship Him in Spirit and in
Truth and then you will experience real Life..

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There are two types of worship; a spiritual way and a physical way. The spiritual
way of worship is what we just looked at now, and is to go in isolation and in
silence, adoring Him and to telling Him how much you appreciate and love Him.
Then there is the physical way to worship Him, and that is to worship Him in
Truth. This kind of worship is the Hebrew word “avodah” that comes from he root
word “Avad” that means; servant, to work, to create, to make and worshipers.
To worship in truth is to live a life where you express His Truth, living out His
Commandments while doing your every day work.

The name Gilgal means, “rolling away”, and on a personal level means that our
sin is rolled away and that we can enter the Promised Land. The only question is,
will you move forward into worship and praising YHVH, or will you go backwards
into sin, weeping? The time you allocate to YHVH will determine how open you
will be towards sin.

YOU have to drive out and keep out the Enemies

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Verse two is a quote from Numbers 33:55 and they did not obey the
principle from the past; to wipe out the enemies because they will
give you trouble in the end. Note, YOU have to drive out the
enemies from the land, not YHVH. These are the ‘internal’ enemies
in your life you have to deal with. Spiritually it means that you have to get rid of
sin, bad habits, past hurts and issues in your life so that they wouldn’t become
splinters in your eyes and become a thorn in your side or cause you to become a
thorn in someone else’s side.

When you live with the enemies making deals with

them, (sin or past hurts), you will be like a person with
splinters in your eyes. People like this cannot “see”
properly and are stumbling and bumping into things.
They get into other people' s space, touching them
inappropriately, trying to find their way. This is a
person who acts out of his or her emotions; they
stumble into people' s lives, say things that hurt others
and cannot see the consequences of their deeds. They touch people in a way
that hurt or offend them or make them uncomfortable. They stumble through life
like a drunkard with a trail of broken relationships. You need to be a servant of
righteousness; you must never give up the fight against those things in your life
that causes you to act half blind and drunk and you need to have a clear vision to
see the results of your actions. You need to do introspection to see your sin
and/or hurts and deal with them so that you can change and live in peace with
one another.

YHVH gave you the ability to fight off the ‘old enemies’
in your life. Just don'
t give up and never stop to rage
war on those things that cause you to stumble and
cause division and strive in the assembly and in your
life. The most important thing you have to do is to
realise that everybody have enemies (past hurts and
sin in your life, and you must ‘want to’ get rid of them
because they are blocking your vision and cause you
to hurt others. Remember, you can only give out
what you have received. If you get stuck in one place with your hurts, you will
hand this out to others and transfer the pain. Face it and deal with it and fill
yourself with the love of YHVH (worship) so that you may be able to hand that out
to people around you.

Three Stages of slipping into Sin

Do not settle into an agreement of compromise with these enemies, to live with
them in the same land (your life). Do not accept any sin in your life thinking that it
is not so bad and that it is part of your character and people have to accept you
the way you are. Pursue them and wipe them out because they will cause you
pain in the end and be a thorn in your side. You will have restricted vision and will
always be in pain, feeling bad or facing bad consequences because of your
actions. You will be miserable, alone and will not live a life of freedom and victory.

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The three phases of slipping into serious sin:

• Compromise: First they forgot YHVH, which is a small sin. This happens
if you compromise only a little bit. You live a casual life and set the wrong
example to your children, not taking YHVH’s Word serious enough and
apply it in your daily activities. To compromise is to make a deal with the
enemies (sin) in your life.
• Secret Sin: Secondly they prayed to Baal, this is when you do sin in
secret, which only you and YHVH can see. This is your pet sin and it
forms a habit, which is difficult to break.
• Backsliding: Lastly they followed other gods and physically bowed down
to them, which is sin in its fullness and others can see as fruit in your life.
This is when you have backslidden and do not even care about YHVH’s
things any more.

Sin starts of by forgetting YHVH' s ways, compromising and slipping your

standard by not putting Him first (worship). Then you secretly do things that are
hidden that only you know about it. Then you will get accustom to doing that ‘pet
sin’ and it wouldn’t be long before you show the physical evidence of sin in your
life that everyone else can see. The word says that ‘you will be known by your
fruit’ and your actions will show what is in your heart. Do not even allow the first
step of compromise into your life because you as a believer in Messiah are not
free from committing any grievous sin. It only takes a slip in the standard and in
your commitment to follow YHVH, to let you slip and fall on your back into the
world. The word says that you that stand, to watch out that you do not fall. It is a
continual process of discipline, humility and commitment to maintain a healthy
relationship with YHVH free from enemies in your life. The enemy, Satan, is
especially interested in you as a believer, to draw you back into the world.
Remember the Chariots of Iron, his tactics and worldly systems that will pull down
anyone who lay slack in keeping the enemies and giants out of their lives.

The story opens with the following words:

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It may be hard for us to believe that Israel would

substitute the worship of the great and all-mighty Elohim
for worship of pagan idols of wood and stone. But before
we condemn them, we should remind ourselves that we
are guilty of the same sin when we put other activities
and priorities before our relationship with YHVH. What
are your idols? They may not be made of stone, but to
Elohim they are just as sinful. Television, sport, hobbies,
friends…..anything that keeps you from a relationship with YHVH that is done
excessively and out of balance. YHVH allowed enemies in the Land of Canaan for
two specific reasons:

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YHVH left the enemies in Canaan to teach Israel warfare and to test them
whether they would follow the Torah received by Moses. Everything in our lives
that happens is a test and a teaching, testing if you will do His Commandments
and to teach you if you have any shortcomings so that you will overcome when
you get the same test again. In the process you will also learn who the enemies
are and how to make war against them. Israel faced six main enemies, which
dwelled among them and they were their main enemies:

1. Canaanites – Flesh: Their name means ‘merchants’, and

comes from a root that means – ‘to fold together’, ‘be low’ or ‘to
depress’. . They are descendants from the son of Cham who was
cursed. A merchant had to carry everything he was to sell and
had to fold it together and squeeze it into his package, which he
carried on a donkey, camel or wagon. They had a skill of packing
and trafficking. Satan is also known as a trafficker, Eze 28:18.

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This is addressed to the wicked king of Tyre, who is a picture of Satan. Satan is the
enemy that lived in the Garden and YHVH is giving everything back to us that we lost
through Satan' s lies. We win the ground back by following YHVH and His Ways and
Torah. Verse 17 - Satan' s wisdom was corrupted because of His brightness,
splendor and pride.

Why is Satan described as a merchant? He did his first sale in

Eden when he offered Eve the opportunity to become like YHVH.
She bought it and had to pay with everything YHVH gave them in
the Garden of Eden. They fell from this higher ‘State of Life’ and
were cast out of the Garden to live in a cursed world in a cursed
body. Y'shua, by dying on the tree, came to buy back that was
legitimately sold to Satan, the field, man (the Bride) and creation (the land). Creation
groans with us to be finally redeemed at the end of time. [Rom 8:22] When Y' shua
said, "it is finished", that Greek word for finished means; paid in full. We are already
bought back and paid for and belong to Him. When He comes back with Him after
the thousand years, we will finally take back the Land and Creation that Y' shua paid
for after took back from Satan. Satan does have dominion over the world currently,
but he does not control every individual, he is only YHVH' s sheepdog that snaps at
the heels of YHVH' s people.

Every believer has to face this enemy found in Canaan or the Promised Land
(redeemed life) and we have to overcome this enemy known as merchants. We have
to overcome them and take back dominion of the Land Y’shua bought back from
Satan. You can only do this if you have the Blood of the Messiah on your life as the
proof and the title deed for the ownership of this Land. This enemy is like squatters
who are found around every corner, who bugs you to try to sell you fleshly lies in
trade for your Land. They will lead you into fleshly things, away from the Torah and
you will loose ground in your spiritual life (Garden of Eden life). Y'
shua was tempted
in the same way in the wilderness where Satan promised Him the world, in exchange
for worshipping him. Satan wants to give you riches and possessions (fleshly stuff) in
exchange of your worship. Everything that is more important than YHVH in your life is
an idol bought form these merchants, the Canaanites. Satan uses the “Chariots of
Iron” we saw in Chapter 1 to overcome YHVH’s people. These possessions will keep
you BUSY (Being Under Stan’s Yoke) and consume your time so that your
relationship with YHVH will die.

2. Hittites – Fear: Descendants of Het and it means fear

or terror. Satan controls by fear and he will make you ineffective
by overwhelming you by troubles and cares of this world. Do not
fear so that you do not submit under this enemy. Fear YHVH so
that He can control you rather than Satan and his bad reports.
You will serve the one you fear and you will become a slave of
the enemy if you fear them. Fear is the opposite of faith. You
fear because you do not believe.

What should I believe in order not to fear? The promises of YHVH and the fact the
He will provide and look after you, guide you and protect you, as we have seen in the
prophetic picture where Israel was led through the Wilderness by the means of a
pillar of could and of fire. Het is spelled Chet - Tav, Chet means life and Tav means
stake (cross) which represents death.

YHVH says in His Word that He puts life and death before us and that we should
choose life [Deut 30:19] YHVH gave us the opportunity to choose between faith and
fear, life and death, blessings or curses. Choose faith and live and be blessed by
putting your trust in Him and the enemy will flee.

3. Amorites – Lies :Amor means blabbers or talkers. This enemy is

actively spreading lies, slander and bad reports spreading confusion,
destruction and fear. When you believe the lies of the enemy, you will be
bound by those lies and be enslaved by them. The Amorites is a picture of
false doctrine that is based upon man' s traditions and/or pagan intermixing
better known as the system of Babylon. They are also a picture of people
slandering, breaking up relationships and unity. These messages are
conveyed through lies and comes directly as a tactic invented by the ‘father
of lies (Satan). To defeat this enemy, you need the truth because it is only the truth
that will set you free. You also need to keep yourself out of the loop of slander so that
you will not get caught up in the sticky web of Satan. You defeat this enemy by
washing yourself with the water of the Word and guarding your tongue.

4. Perizzites – Anti-Torah Spirit: Perizzites means ‘without

walls’. Think of a city without walls. Back in the day, a city
without walls were very vulnerable and open for attack. The
Torah is our safeguard and the Wall we live in to protect us from
the enemy. The Perizzites represents the enemy that will teach
you to be passive regarding the Word and to cling only to
Grace. They also teach that the Wall is done away with and that
you will be supernaturally protected from your enemies. These people have no walls
of protection and in other words have no boundaries of protection of the Torah. They
live a life of “freedom” but bear the painful consequences of being entrapped by
Satan. They mix with the world and look like people in the world and have no light to
shine except for one candle called ‘Grace’. This is the enemy operates in the spirit of
the Anti-Messiah and teaches people against Torah and YHVH’s Wall of protection
[Ps 91].

5. Hivites – False Prophets or Teachers: Hivites comes from the root

word “chavah”; that means – ‘to live’. It also means ‘wickedness’. People
who are wicked are people without faith. Wicked is the word "ra-ah" that
also means ‘to shepherd’. The Hivites are the bad shepherds who are
supposed to bring life but bring only messages that will tickle their ears of
the people, preaching what they want to hear. (prosperity, love, self
esteem, grace). [Rom 11:8, 2 Ti 4:3-4]

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They are the false prophets that will deceive many. To overcome this enemy in your
life you have to have a love for the truth and seek the will of YHVH and not to believe
things that are not based on the fundamental truths found in Scripture.

6. Jebusites – Satan’s Plan of destruction : Jabus is the name for

Jerusalem found in Jud 19:10. Jabus means trampled down and this
is the result of Satan what Satan wants. A name also means a
destiny and Satan wants to change Jerusalem' s name from “Yeru-
shalom”, that means, ' the teaching of peace'or ' the Torah of peace’,
to 'Trampled down' . “Yeru” or “yarah” is the root word found in “Yeru-
shalom” that is also the root word for Torah or Instruction or to ‘learn
how to shoot’. “Shalom” means peace as well as ‘completion of the
building process’ and this shows us that YHVH will complete the
building up process or restoration of His people resulting in the place
called Yerushalom that fulfill His Plan. To defeat this enemy is to be aware of
YHVH’s Plan and bigger picture so that you can be in line with the plan, purpose and
vision of YHVH, so that He can use you to accomplish His Plan and defeat Satan.
Satan wants to destroy you and others, and keep people ignorant of YHVH’s Plan so
that his plan or renaming of the City to “Jabus” can be established.

Even with the knowledge of these enemies, the people of Israel still mixed with them
and learned their ways and brought a curse upon them selves.

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People in the world today do exactly the same thing, mixing with the enemies and
learning their ways and they act and look just like them. YHVH gave them over to
the king of Mesopotamia and they served Cushan-rishathaim (meaning double
wickedness) eight years. This shows that if you as a believer in YHVH refuse to
take action against these six major enemies, that He will let you bear the
consequences of ‘double wickedness’ becoming just like these enemies. The sin
that you embrace will become strong in your life and overpower you and you will
become a slave and vehicle for that enemy to work through you and be an
instrument in Satan’s hands, helping him to try to fulfil his plan to turn
Yerushalom to Jabus – trampled down ruins.


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