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Checklist of required lines of

enquiry Example of an initial thought-shower for the Critical Research Study topic of Women and Film

Texts Working hypothesis:-
Mulvey’s theory of the male
Research (Question 1) gaze in modern society makes false
Accounts of the kinds of male representations in films assumptions about both film-makers
research undertaken, to include are active and audiences.
the following: based on psychological
• the producers, institution or

female representations in theories
industry concerned
films are passive
• academic criticism
• popular criticism
Z Define Mulvey’s ideas based on feminist theories
• audience reception, including
men do the looking

the candidate her/himself
based on classical Hollywood
Primary Research women are the objects of the Faults? [ cinema of the 1950s
• audience reception gaze Premises?
research (focus groups,
work experience,
social-cultural background
interviews, industry
visits); male audiences want to be the to audience reception
• candidates’ own active male character

textual analysis and social-cultural background to film-
own critical responses/ makers (stars, directors, studio
theses. women audiences want to be Reasons for findings? [ bosses)
with the active male character
Secondary Research
Do film-makers today abide by

• use of books/study
guides and other these theories? (consciously/
library resources, unconsciously)
such as newspapers, Texts to study? Z Test findings? [
magazines, journals, 1950s?
Do audiences today abide by
resources, existing 1990-2003? these theories? (consciously/
research studies; unconsciously)
• industry, academic and
other related web sites

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