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Questions for the Victorian Liberal Party 1.

Is Liberal HQ aware of activities of the 1500 Club apparently led by Frankston MP Geoff Shaw? 2. Do funds raised by the club end up in Liberal coffers? 3. Why specifically was the 1500 Club NOT declared an associated entity under the electoral act? 4. How many members does the club have? 5. What do members get for their $1500? 6. As a Liberal candidate/MP Geoff Shaw has actively solicited donations/memberships through the 1500 club. Was this and is this appropriate under Liberal fund-raising rules for him to play that role? 7. Does such fundraising by a candidate/MP comply with Liberal Area Finance Regulations for MPs and candidates? 8. Does such fundraising comply with the fundraising code for MPs? 9. Was/is it appropriate for Mr Shaw to promote Liberal fundraising using the contact details of his personal business? 10. What precisely is the status of the 1500 Club currently?

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