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Curtain Call Voiceover By Joshua Beecham

V.O I was a dreamer, I dreamt I could reach the brightest star. And there were those that doubted me, those that didnt believe and guess what (Pause) They were right. Im alone, useless, ill never achieve anything. Some men were born great, I wasnt. SCENE OF HIM CLEANING THE STAGE All these chairs. Stacking them one by one, day after day after day. It makes me worried. Worried about time, worried about everything. Dont stop now, keep working. Forget the time. Its all coming back to me. Clean up, start again. Forget the time. Always looking at the time! FINAL BEACH SCENE Theyre laughing at you. Youre a joke. A small boy in a seaside town, nothing to do but think,read and ponder about the world. And to all those that didnt believe me, I bid you farewell. I did it.

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