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FEDERATION OF MALAYA CENTRAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Report THE BARNES REPORT ON, MALAY EDUCATION THE FENN-WU REPORT ON CHINESE EDUCATION 101 SEPTEMBER, 1951 MEMBERS OF THE CENTRAL ADVISORS COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AS ON lon SEPTEMBER, 1951 by, Waineet 0) oe of Faction OH othe etn ‘hair . nia Be 2. The Deputy ewan (Wis) Mls MH Lose 5. The Asstt Di ‘ene satan Broters Schools qe. th Bo 4 bro, Wiitor, Ch ox'nun Aus, Caso 189 Klose, 9G fafa, Gnas Ris Ls aia, 07 P Dosa, : stole se Metist Mision panna See. 8 Pee kona) I Mu bee Mes 8 1 Hove Mn, Lars Cues 1a 12, Phrase PMs I Hac Ie Maen ts (038 ao Mie BF Pr. 8 cane Me XC ba ‘Phe Principal, Tested College (MB, Boosey Wa Teas Siew SINHA, MEE. # toca tharos ms Fn BS REPORT OF THE CENTRAL ADVISORY COMMITTE! ON EDUCATION ON THE BARNES REPORT ON MALAY EDUCATION AND THE FENN-WU REPORT ON CHINESE, EDUCATION PRELIMINARY, conser sm report on the Bares Bonu Teepe on Chinese llusaton 2 At owe tt musing on the 2 and 24h Suly, Prof Masa, Unigersiy of Malaya How Bia. Liwrtan Bo, Vestn of the Cleat inthe Schon, an Me", Buckler» Scing Prngipal ofthe Tashalsal Calleges Busts Campr, were unable tbe tent jort on Malay Faction we 2. At nur son meeting on the 13th a Mth August Pat, Mazo, Universi af Malay, nun Syed Sula, nod les OCA Lan, Paina Cioge et Aaeltne, wane wile to be present A our eh oeing on ty Septem, Prot Mason, Univers MI, "HE BARNES REPORT ON MALAY EDUCATION. 4. Bil in one delibrations we aeceptad and endo he bette espreaed i pusenpt of the Pareword fo the Barme Repont We Halse that Malay dean ought {wy tm fester the rowth of individuals towards the beatin roe stun hatter ic ie have it them large eb th itd Mala con fen Malas spel ofa aah pe and david tht those bie pees une ml pein tv Malay eatin i Sout nemes of all education “Malaya it belts thse purses of SSHh wl nae re neiecement practic polit Primary dustin. wy esnsnond the ductal pile refer tt Copter Tes parngapin toe at she, Hats tea! ad iy th feral: 2 otTthe Fenn Report the ‘ri tit in ie mesthe tong sl one [icp sn eicthanl eles re ott urna the peanaty our intrwtion ino throng te medion twa tue and Strack one thy her lunge, Besa atl un st the athe onange at ti fo pap a

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