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Advisor Responsibilities

1. Insure organization compliance with University policies and procedures applicable to student organizations. 2. Insure organizational compliance with Federal, State and local laws. 3. Assist the officers in handling the organizations funds and the maintenance of financial records. Expenditures should be made with the knowledge of the advisor. 4. Play an active role in helping the students set up a meaningful program that is consistent with the organizations purpose and with the aims and objectives of the University. In the case of an organization, which will be requesting the University funds to support their program, the advisor should actively participate in the formulation of the budget request. 5. Help organization officers formulate and administer their meetings and/or activities. 6. Be aware of and involved in the planning of organizations official functions, whether on or off campus. 7. Encourage the development of initiative, accountability, responsibility, and leadership in the student members. 8. Be a resource person for the group. 9. Serve as a liaison between the University Administration and the organization, interpreting, if necessary, policy and philosophy. 10. Attend meetings of the student organization. 11. Serve as a liaison between the Student Programs office and the organization insuring that mail and other pertinent campus information is relayed to the officers. If you have further questions please contact the Office of Student Programs ( or the Undergraduate Student Government Vice President of Student Organizations (

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